Sewerage treatment facilities for summer cottages. How to choose an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence: we understand the issue

  • 03.03.2020

Today we will consider the main issues regarding the choice of such installations.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of aeration plants?
  • Is it worth separating "black" and "gray" drains?

The operation of these stations is based on the aerobic process of biological wastewater treatment. In other words, organic matter are decomposed by microorganisms that use air oxygen for their life, with which the drains are saturated with the help of a compressor or a drainage pump.

What are the benefits of aeration plants?

  • High degree of wastewater treatment, reaching 95-98%. In this connection, VOC manufacturers admit the possibility of diverting treated process water from their facilities to the relief - into a village drainage ditch, ditch, nearby forest, reservoir, etc. This is a significant advantage of VOC over septic tanks that require post-treatment of wastewater in soil filtration facilities (about septic tanks from , and for them we have described in detail in our articles).
  • Aeration plants - the best option for autonomous sewage, when on the site clay soils- with poor filtering ability. That is, when it is very difficult to arrange filtering facilities. Or when there is simply no place for them on the site. So, the option with a septic tank disappears.
  • Aeration units are suitable for areas with heaving soils and high levels of ground water(UGV). Such units are manufactured from plastic - most often from polypropylene or fiberglass - in the factory. Therefore, they have a durable and sealed body, equipped with stiffeners and protruding elements. This allows VOCs to avoid deformation and extrusion to the surface.
  • Compared to septic tanks, aeration plants are less likely to have to be cleaned of excess sludge. But you still need to pump it out.

What are the disadvantages of aeration plants?

  • Quite high cost, especially quality products.
  • The relative complexity of the design: there are moving elements.
  • Energy dependence. Although the cost of electricity for the operation of VOCs is relatively small, when the electricity is turned off, the installation quickly ceases to function normally.
  • Unstable work, subject to intermittent residence in the house, which means uneven flow of effluents.
  • The need to store the installation for the winter if it is not expected to live in the house at this time of the year.
  • VOCs require regular service (often 3-4 times a year), which can be a hassle for homeowners.
  • Compared to septic tanks, aeration plants are not as “omnivorous”: there are serious restrictions on what can be dumped into the sewer. Most often, it is impossible to dispose of the remains of vegetables and fruits, spoiled products, construction waste, filter washings, a large number of drains with chlorine-containing preparations, etc. But you can dump there toilet paper, kitchen drains and drains from dishwashers or washing machines.

Sergey Shemaev CEO of Septico

During the conservation of the aeration installation for the winter, it is strictly forbidden to pump water out of it, otherwise the station may be deformed or squeezed onto the surface of the earth. To avoid this, always leave the unit filled with clean water.

What is the difference between the installations of different manufacturers?

Two main types of VOCs can be distinguished, depending on whether aeration is carried out using a compressor or a drain pump. There are much more stations of the first type on the market. This is due to the time-tested efficiency of fine bubble aeration provided by the compressor.

Installations of this type are presented trademarks Tver, Topas, Astra, Evrolos (PRO series), Eco-Grand, BioDeka, etc. in general terms the principle of their work is similar. Drains sequentially pass through several chambers.

First, they settle in the receiving chamber, then they enter the aerotank - a chamber where they are saturated with atmospheric oxygen. Air is supplied through a fine-bubble aerator connected by a tube to a compressor. Thanks to oxygen, there is an intensive reproduction of microorganisms already contained in wastewater. Some models of VOCs are supplemented with bioreactors (loads) that promote the reproduction of these microorganisms. As a result, activated sludge is formed, which destroys the organic compounds present in the wastewater.

Further, the clarified water with sludge particles is sent to another settling tank, where the sludge settles and again enters the aerotank. And the purified water enters the next chamber, from where it is discharged outside the station - by gravity or forcibly, using a pump. Depending on the installation model, the liquid is moved either by airlifts (jet pumps), or combined - by gravity and airlifts. In some VOC models, additional settling chambers are provided, as well as a bioreactor (loading) in a non-aerated chamber. A biofilm of anaerobic microorganisms is formed on the bioreactor. All this is designed to improve the quality of cleaning.

In most stations of this type, the compressor and control unit are located inside the unit itself. This moment causes criticism from opponents of compressor stations. They remind that the possibility of VOC flooding cannot be ruled out. For example, when there is a power outage and the pump stops working, forcibly pumping water out of the installation. Flooding will lead to a breakdown of the compressor and control unit, the replacement of which will cost a lot.

However, in some LOS this problem is solved due to the fact that the compressor is taken out into the house. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that a constantly running compressor will make noise, although not strong. A compromise option is to place the compressor and control unit in an electrical box mounted on a rack located next to the station.

Peter Kukhanovich Head of Sales Department, Trading House "Engineering Equipment"

Placing the compressor of an aeration unit in a dry heated room has whole line pluses. First, the compressor is not affected by moisture. Secondly, it is unaffected by toxic gases generated in the treatment plant that can corrode the copper parts of the compressor. All this ensures a long service life. Thirdly, a compressor located in a heated room guarantees high-quality wastewater treatment in the winter.The fact is that the biological processes necessary for cleaning proceed at a water temperature not lower than +8°C. If the compressor is outdoors, it will supply the unit in winter cold air. And therefore, there is a possibility of a decrease in the temperature of the water in it and, as a result, a deterioration in the quality of cleaning. If the compressor is located in the house, then it will only supply warm air, and this problem is excluded. Moreover, when the compressor is located on the street, and in winter there are arrivals in the house and the drains flow unevenly, there is a risk of water freezing in the installation when severe frosts. When the compressor is placed in a heated room, this will not happen.

Aeration plants of the second type are represented on the market by the trademarks Kolo Vesi, Eurolos (BIO series), etc. In such stations, also multi-chamber, wastewater is first clarified and then saturated with oxygen. Saturation occurs due to the fact that the effluent is sprayed by a submersible recirculation drainage pump on the sprayer, after which they flow through the biofilter with the load. The biofilter is located in the mouth of the installation. It has a large surface area thanks to the voluminous loading elements made of synthetic material. In fact, the biofilter performs the function of a mechanical wastewater aerator. Passing through the biofilter, the effluents are cleaned by microorganisms in the form of activated sludge and biofilm on the feed. Then the effluents are additionally settled and discharged outside the station. All overflows between the chambers of the station are gravity. The control unit is moved outside the LOS.

Among the advantages of such installations are more simple design in comparison with the VOC of the first type, reliability due to the absence of a compressor, the ability to operate in septic tank mode during a power outage due to the gravity flow of wastewater between the chambers (although in this case, wastewater is cleaned much worse). Critics of such stations argue that the efficiency of aeration due to the pump is lower than due to the compressor, which is why the quality of cleaning in "pumping" installations is worse. The manufacturers deny this. At the same time, it can be noted that the market is looking for solutions aimed at improving the aeration of the treated liquid in plants of this type. So, stations have recently appeared where additional aeration is provided due to the ejector.

Konstantin Feldmanhead of the wholesale department of the company "Eurolos"

The new technical solution lies in the fact that the clarified wastewater supplied by the recirculation pump is divided into two streams: the first is sent to the biofilter sprinkler, and the second to the ejector provided in one of the settling chambers. Thanks to the ejector, the amount of oxygen that saturates the water increases. The use of an ejector made it possible to achieve a more stable quality of cleaning, as well as speed up the process of reaching the station's operating mode at startup.

We add that some manufacturers of "pumping" aeration plants recommend adding bioactivators to the water at the initial start-up or after a long downtime of the station to speed up the release of VOCs to the declared mode of operation.

How to determine the required volume of aeration installation?

To determine the required volume of VOC, the following points should be considered:

  • Productivity of installation (l/days). It is always listed in technical specifications VOC.
  • The number of people permanently living in the house. The daily norm for water consumption is approximately 200 liters per person (according to SP 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"). Knowing how many people are in the family, you can calculate the daily volume of wastewater that will need to be diverted to the sewer. Thus, for a family of five permanently residing in the house, an installation with a capacity of about 1000 l / day will be optimal. As a rule, manufacturers allow short-term excess of the volume of effluents by 20-30% per day, for example, when guests come to you for the weekend. But a long-term increase or decrease in the volume of wastewater will lead to a deterioration in the quality of treatment.
  • Many installations are critical to volley water discharge. Therefore, often in their characteristics the maximum allowable volume of one-time drains from various plumbing fixtures is indicated.
  • Often, homeowners want to direct the “black” drains from the toilet to the aeration unit, and dispose of the “gray” drains from the bathroom and kitchen in some other way, for example, to drain directly into the filter well. At the same time, the savings consist in the acquisition of a smaller aeration unit. We do not recommend doing this, since "gray" drains are also dirty, and dumping them into the ground without cleaning means harming the environment. And the filter well will quickly become clogged. In addition, when separating wastewater, the aeration plant will not receive the nutrient medium it needs in the required volume, sludge will not form normally, which means that it will not be able to treat wastewater with high quality.

    In we will talk about how to properly position the aeration unit on the site and how to properly mount it. And also we will touch upon the acute question - is it possible to divert water from the aeration installation to the relief?

The convenience of living in a country house or in country house highly dependent on the availability of a sewer system. If it is impossible to connect to the sewer network, it is recommended to install a local treatment plant for a summer residence, where domestic wastewater will be collected and processed. The EcoTechAvangard company designs and manufactures modern, economical to install and efficient sewerage systems for cottages. Our range includes aeration stations that provide deep biological treatment drains, and autonomous sewers for private households.

Purification system functions

Objects of this type perform 2 basic functions: collection of domestic wastewater and their further treatment in order to prepare for disposal in a natural way. In our systems, cleaning is carried out by a biochemical method in several stages.

Mechanical. Large fractions and undissolved impurities are retained in the treatment plant for giving.

biological. Aerobic / anaerobic mechanisms process complex substances into simpler ones suitable for further utilization. Complete processing of organic inclusions, including nitrogenous ones, is carried out.

Physico-chemical. Such cleaning consists in getting rid of suspensions and dissolved impurities.

Equipment for wastewater treatment plants

The package of treatment facilities for the home may include diverse equipment: pumps, filters and biological treatment complexes, compressors, controls, etc. The final list depends on the type sewer plant and customer requirements. In general, the equipment can be divided into treatment (various traps, filters, etc.); functional (ensures the operation of the structure - for example, pumps organize the supply of wastewater); drainage. Also, modern stations are equipped with controls.

Operating principle

Our systems use biochemical wastewater treatment with activated sludge. Organic pollution is processed by accumulations of aerobic (requiring oxygen) bacteria. Conventionally, the process taking place in a treatment plant for the home can be divided into two stages.

biological maturation. At this stage, in the aerotank, subject to the supply of oxygen, the optimal amount of active sludge (sludge) is built up, which depends on the volume and chemical composition of the effluents, and the operating mode of the installation.

Stationary biochemical oxidation. First, the biosorption of organic inclusions by activated sludge flakes occurs, as a result of which the amount of pollution decreases sharply. Then decarbonization and further decomposition of organics are started with the involvement of more complex biochemical reactions.

Further wastewater treatment consists in their nitrification. This is the decomposition of nitrogen-containing substances. Thus, treatment facilities for the home provide multi-level wastewater treatment.

Types of treatment facilities

Septic tanks. They are tanks made of metal, plastic, concrete. The number of cameras may vary. Conventional storage septic tanks have one compartment where wastewater accumulates. The latter are not cleared. More advanced treatment facilities for giving include several departments, in each of which a certain type of cleaning is carried out.

Aerotanks. They provide a constant flow of wastewater. Throughout the volume of the aerotank, aerobic bacteria are actively working, which decompose the contaminants present in the wastewater. Usually, effluents are fed into the aerotank after undergoing mechanical treatment. It should be borne in mind that this type of treatment plant for giving provides for mandatory equipment with aerators that force air into the system.

Bionic system. Unlike septic tanks, it does not require compulsory arrangement filter fields. The Bionic system compares favorably with aerotanks in that, in the absence of electricity, it turns into a conventional septic tank, maintaining its performance until the electrics are turned on.

Architectural and construction execution

Semi-embedded or buried. The cleaning system for giving is fully or partially dug into the ground. Such stations are compact in size and operate completely autonomously. They do not spoil the view of the site. However, their basic drawback is the need to perform earthworks. It should also provide access to the equipment. Usually this option is equipped at the stage of building a house.

In a building made of lungs metal structures . If the site area allows, the cottage sewerage system is located in a separate building. Usually it is assembled from light metal structures. This method the organization of local sewerage is good because it does not require earthworks and is done quickly enough. Free access to the equipment for the purpose of repair/maintenance is provided. The downside is the need to allocate special areas for the system.

Container version. With this installation option, the system is a single container, where all the necessary elements and assemblies are collected. This option is convenient due to its compact size. Installation is faster and easier than with other options for organizing local sewerage. The disadvantage is the complexity of repair and maintenance, because in the event of a failure of a certain element, the entire structure will have to be opened.

What to consider when choosing

When choosing a sewer for a cottage, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the average daily volume of effluents. According to the current SNiP, it is 200 liters per person. They matter and individual characteristics, for example, the volume of the bath, the number of points of water use, the number of effluents discharged into the installation at a time. The next important parameter is the types of pollution. It is necessary to take into account the varieties of disinfectants and cleaning products used in everyday life, the need to ensure grease removal and disinfection of effluents. The third point is the features of the architecture of the building and the relief of the site. It is necessary to determine how the purified water will be disposed of - by gravity or through forced release. Depth of padding matters sewer pipe, the height of the rise of soil water, the level of freezing, the relief of the site.

City residents are so accustomed to comfort that a full set of “amenities” is required in the country, but a centralized sewage system outside the city is from another life. Therefore, sewerage for a summer residence is the concern of the owners. This is not an easy task, but having understood the intricacies, you can design and build with your own hands.

Types of autonomous sewage

In order to consciously and correctly choose the type of sewerage for a summer residence, one must at least in general terms imagine the advantages and disadvantages of each of options. There are not so many of them:

The first two options are just places for collecting sewage, no purification takes place in them. But there is a difference between them, and quite significant. The cesspool is usually done only under, but in storage capacity already divert all drains. That is, this is the most primitive sewage system, albeit without cleaning.

The second two options are already treatment facilities, just with varying degrees of automation. As you can see, there is no perfect way. We have to choose between environmental friendliness and cheapness. And no one can decide but you.

How to organize sewerage in a country house with a septic tank

If the dacha will be visited mainly on weekends, it makes no sense to build any complex system. The most reasonable option in this case is to install a storage tank, or make cesspool but definitely sealed. Since visits will be rare, cleaning will be required infrequently, and to make it needed even less often, biological products are used that accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, at the same time reducing the volume of effluents.

With more active use suburban area, sewerage for a summer residence needs a more serious one. A smart choice is to install a septic tank, make filtration fields according to the instructions, or install an absorbing well. It is better to take a septic tank from the factory, if possible -. It certainly costs a lot of money, but homemade septic tanks, although they cost less during construction, they require constant repairs during operation, and besides everything, most of them suffer from leaks. After all, we are talking about a dacha, and everything that gets into the ground ends up on your table as a result - in the form of water, if the water supply is from a well or well, and then in the form of a crop that you water with this water.

If you definitely decide to make a septic tank with your own hands, there are several options:

The easiest way to make a septic tank in the country from concrete rings. Its volume should be large enough - it is believed that in such a device there should be a place for the accumulation of a three-day supply of wastewater. Consumption per day is taken at 200-250 liters per person, the total consumption is calculated according to the number of people in the country at a time with some margin in case guests arrive. For a family of 3-4 people, the usual volume of a septic tank is 2.5-3 cubic meters.

Norms for the location of treatment facilities on the site

There is a lot of confusion in this area. Many conflicting norms with different distances, and in different regions these standards may vary, so you need to find out for sure in your local plumbing supervision. The most common standards can be grouped:

One more moment. If there is a slope on the site, then the well or well should be located above all treatment facilities. To keep all these distances, you will have to conjure over the site plan for a long time. If everything cannot be observed at once, special attention is paid to the distance to the neighbor's house and the well (well), since a violation is fraught with a complaint, followed by checks and fines.

Types of sewerage with a septic tank

A septic tank is a container consisting of one, two or three chambers connected by overflow pipes. From the last chamber, purified water enters the filtration field, into the absorbing well, filtering trench. The choice of a specific type of final filtration depends on the type of soil and the level groundwater.

With filter well

With a low location of groundwater and well-draining soils, a filtration well is made. Usually these are several reinforced concrete rings without a bottom.

With filter box

With a groundwater level of up to 1.5 meters and / or with poor drainage capacity of the soil, runoff is diverted to filtration fields. These are quite extensive areas in which part of the natural soil has been replaced by sand and gravel. Water from the septic tank through perforated pipes enters this field, where, passing through the layers, it is further purified, after which it goes into the lower soil layers.

The structure of this field is layered - sand below, then crushed stone, in which drainage pipes. Ornamental plantings can be planted on top. The location of this purification plant is as far as possible from the garden and fruit trees. The disadvantage of this system is that after a while the rubble silts up, the water stops leaving. It is necessary to open and replace the filtrate (sand with crushed stone).

Into the sewer

If there is a gutter near the septic tank, you can drain the water for further purification into it. To do this, a small pit is dug in front of the ditch, which is covered with rubble. The water is taken out into the rubble, from where it enters the ditch.

This option is possible if the degree of wastewater treatment is high. Typically, such a scheme is offered when installing VOC or AC. But to be sure, it is desirable to have on hand the result of a chemical examination confirming the degree of purification. This document may be needed if neighbors complain and an inspection comes.

About autonomous sewage, but about individual treatment facilities Tver - here.

How many chambers are in a septic tank

In SNiP 2.04.03-85, the number of chambers in a septic tank is tied to the daily water consumption:

  • up to 1 cubic meter / day - one chamber;
  • from 1 to 10 cubic meters / day - two chambers;
  • over 10 cubic meters / day - three.

In this case, the volume of the septic tank must be at least 3 times the daily flow rate. One camera is rarely made, just like three. One does not give the desired degree of purification, and three are too expensive.

How to bring the sewer to the septic tank

Judging by the standards, the sewer pipe to the septic tank will have to be at least 7-8 meters. So the trench will be long. It should go with a bias:

  • pipe diameter 100-110 mm, slope 20 mm per linear meter;
  • 50 mm in diameter - slope 30 mm/m.

Please note that it is undesirable to change the level of inclination in either direction. In the direction of increase, a maximum of 5-6 mm is possible. Why not more? With a large slope, the water will run off very quickly, and heavy inclusions will move much less. As a result, the water will leave, and the solid particles will remain in the pipe. You can imagine the consequences.

The second important condition is that the pipe should not freeze through. There are two solutions. The first is to dig below the freezing depth, which, taking into account the slope, gives a solid depth. The second is to bury about 60-80 cm, and insulate from above.

How deep to dig the tuba

In reality, the depth to which you will bury the sewer pipe coming from the house depends on the location of the septic tank, or rather, its inlet. The septic tank itself must be arranged so that there is only a lid on the soil surface, and the entire “body”, including the neck, is in the ground. Having buried a septic tank (or having decided on its type and model), you will know where to bring the pipe, the required slope is also known. Based on these data, you can calculate at what depth you need to make an exit from the house.

This area of ​​work also has its own nuances. So it is better to dig a trench immediately to the desired depth. If you have to add soil, it must be very well tamped - not just throw in the earth, walk with a rammer to a high density. This is necessary, because just the laid soil will sit down, and the pipe will sag with it. In the place of subsidence, a traffic jam forms over time. Even if it manages to break through, periodically it will appear there again.


One more thing: the laid and hermetically connected pipe is covered with a layer of sand with a thickness of about 15 cm (so much should be above the pipe), the sand is shed, lightly rammed. An EPPS with a thickness of at least 5 cm is laid on the sand, on both sides of the pipe it must go to a distance of at least 30 cm. The second option for insulating the sewer pipe is the same EPPS, but in the form of a shell of a suitable size.

Special insulation for pipes - shell

Other heaters are not recommended. Mineral wool when wet, it loses its properties - it just stops working. Styrofoam collapses under pressure. If you build a full-fledged sewer trench with walls and a lid, then you can do it. But if the sewer pipe is laid in the ground, the foam may crumple. The second point is that mice like to gnaw on it (EPPS - they don’t like it).

Local wastewater treatment plants: what is it? This is equipment for the treatment of domestic wastewater that comes from country houses, groups of houses, public buildings (hotels, catering establishments, enterprises, etc.). The equipment purifies water by 95-98%, the drain becomes absolutely safe for the environment.

Advantages of our local treatment facilities

  • Wide range of.
    The EcoSan group of companies is the official dealer of the leading VOC production plants;
  • The VOC model range fully complies with sanitary and environmental standards;
  • High reliability;
  • Energy independence;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Noiselessness;
  • Lack of smell;
  • The possibility of a break in the supply of wastewater to VOCs up to 3 months.

Types of local treatment facilities

Installation "Tver" price from 58 800 rubles

"Tver" - local treatment facilities of an individual type. The Tver plant is designed for deep biological treatment of domestic wastewater from individual houses(cottages), groups residential buildings, settlements, as well as from public catering establishments.

Installation "Eurobion" price from 57 600 rubles

The EUROBION plant is a new generation equipment for domestic wastewater treatment. The installation uses a vertical arrangement of activation zones, low-waste biotechnology, and a bubble dispenser with self-regeneration.

Installation "Unilos" price from 66 300 rubles

Astra "UNILOS" local treatment facilities were developed in Russia based on the experience of designing and operating large industrial treatment facilities and are suitable for operation in the Russian climate, regardless of the season.

Maintenance of local sewage treatment facilities

The EcoSan group of companies provides a full range of services related to the installation and maintenance of local treatment facilities and sewerage:

  • performs installation of VOC;
  • carries out pumping;
  • controls the operation of the equipment.

Installation and maintenance of LOS are carried out by a specialized team. All units are certified, equipped with a set of accompanying technical documentation, and, if desired by the buyer, can be put on regular service.

For giving

Treatment facilities are purchased not only by owners of country houses who live year-round on suburban area but also gardeners. Seasonal residence in a country house does not exclude the problem of organizing sewage. Local treatment facilities for summer cottages are an excellent option for solving the toilet issue. The seasonality of residence does not negatively affect the quality of the equipment - the structure of the installations implies a break in the supply of effluents.

For businesses

Factories and factories are a source of a large volume of wastewater. The degree of water pollution exceeds all allowable norms, water discharge into environment without filtering is strictly prohibited. The EcoSan group of companies offers a wide range of treatment facilities for enterprises. Equipment can be installed to treat wastewater not only from manufacturing enterprises, but also from public establishments (cafes, hotels, children's camps, etc.).

In our company you can buy high-quality local sewerage treatment facilities for summer cottages at a price acceptable to you.

More information on wastewater treatment plants

  • « TOP most frequently asked questions on VOC»
  • « Advantages model range GC "EcoSan"»
  • « Operating rules»

| Well

septic tank- local treatment facilities intended for private use and organization of autonomous suburban sewerage, in simple words- Sewerage for cottages and sewerage for the house. To date, a septic tank is the most affordable treatment plant for a private house.

Septic tank for a summer residence usually has small size and requires for its installation from 1 to 3 square meters. meters of land and about 10 square meters for soil filter. Installing a septic tank is quite simple, but you must first take into account several requirements.

Septic tank for home may have a slightly larger size than a septic tank for a summer residence. Sizes depend on the number of people living in the house. It is also possible to install one large septic tank for several houses. Installation of a septic tank is possible on most land plots, however, there are exceptions that need to be considered.

Biological wastewater treatment plant BioPURIT- an advanced biological treatment system for a private house that includes all positive traits which has SEPTIC and taking into account modern developments and recommendations for improving the process of domestic wastewater treatment and maintenance autonomous system sewerage. For those who consider the septic tank insufficient for their needs, the BioPURIT station fit better Total.

SBR system- this is a fairly new product on the market for cleaning the sewers of private houses. Most common SBR in the west. The system is more complex with a high level of purification. septic tank in this system, it can only be used as a container for creating an SBR bioreactor. The cost of the system is noticeably higher than other purification systems. Justifies the system - autonomy, compactness, economy and high level cleaning.

All treatment systems are applicable in the following versions:

  • private house (detached or inside residential complexes)
  • cottage (detached or inside residential complexes)
  • cottage (installation on several houses is possible)

Domestic waste water

Domestic drains They are divided according to the types of contaminants contained into two main types:

  • First - " gray stock» - includes drains for sinks, bathtubs, showers, etc.
  • Second - " black stock» - fecal drain from toilet bowls

Domestic waste water take place both in residential premises and in production ( household premises). The degree of pollution of wastewater directly depends on the rate of water consumption by each resident. Therefore, in the calculations purely residents are used.

Domestic wastewater treatment plant- a relatively simple process associated with the main types of prevailing pollution in wastewater:

  • biological are biological objects such as microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, etc.
  • organic- various organic compounds, physiological excretions (faeces), animal waste, food waste, vegetable oils, vegetable waste.
  • mineral- usually it is earth dust, sand, clay, small stones, acids, alkalis, salts, etc.
    The chemical composition varies depending on the region and season.

The discharge of untreated domestic wastewater into soils or open water bodies extremely quickly worsens the ecological situation in a given place, the risk of infection with various diseases of people, animals and plants, as well as the occurrence of local epidemics, increases significantly.

In this regard, a mandatory quality, multi-stage treatment of domestic wastewater prior to their discharge into the soil or water.

domestic wastewater treatment plant created to solve these problems.

The process of cleaning domestic wastewater is phased:

  • removal of suspended solids
  • decomposition of organic particles
  • breakdown of chemical compounds
  • water clarification
  • soil post-treatment

Soil post-treatment has importance, if the cleaning system is selected - installation of a septic tank. It takes place on a specially allocated plot of land called "filtration fields" or "scattering fields". This section is made up of several drainage layers. When it is not possible to organize filtration fields on the site, a special post-treatment filter is installed. Which brings the wastewater treatment that the septic tank provides to a level that allows the discharge of treated water to open ground or in open water.

An ultraviolet disinfection module can also be added to the domestic wastewater treatment plant. This module significantly improves the biochemical quality of the outlet water by disinfecting it without creating by-products such as chloroform produced when water is chlorinated.

Domestic wastewater treatment- one of the most important tasks in the widespread development of mass suburban construction in Russia. The requirements for individual housing construction necessarily include the construction of a sewerage system and treatment facilities. Our experts will offer turnkey solutions for domestic wastewater treatment for both individual construction ( septic tank for a summer residence, septic tank for home, biological treatment plant), as well as for large settlements.

Treatment for a country house
Country sewerage
Sewerage for home and garden

Hybrid Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant BioPURIT

Septic tank for home
Septic tank for a summer residence

SBR - biological treatment system

SBR biological treatment system this is one of the modern promising solutions in the field of biological treatment of domestic wastewater. SBR - Sequence Batch Reactor. The advantage of SBR over traditional cleaning methods, where water passes by gravity through several tanks or chambers, is that in SBR these cleaning steps are carried out cyclically inside one tank - bioreactor. SBR system is a local treatment plant using the principle of activated sludge formation by accumulation method. Domestic sewage pollution is quickly absorbed by activated sludge microorganisms in the tank and converted by these microorganisms into biomass.

Tornado - biological treatment system (new)

The Tornado system involves sewage treatment up to 98%
Chamber 1 (preparatory stage): waste chamber. The action is based on the primary deposition of particles in sludge (mixtures of dust, ash, soot, smoke, sulfates, nitrates, etc.). Sludge is formed less than in popular SBR installations by half. This means that sludge removal is carried out 2 times less often!
Chamber 2 (bioreactor): The bioreactor chamber is filled with floating colored bodies (EvU-Pearls) on which active microorganisms settle. They also carry out biological treatment. Microorganisms form a biofilm and feed on atmospheric oxygen.
Chamber 3 (post-treatment): After two stages of purification, water enters the third chamber and is returned by air ejectors to chamber 1 and chamber 2. Purified clarified water from the third compartment, after the necessary processing cycles, is discharged into the ground.

Fiberglass storage tank


Well for wastewater treatment

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