How to install a septic tank drain pump. How to choose a septic tank pump for installation in a country house? Prices for fecal pumps

  • 03.03.2020

Even within the city, it is often not possible to connect to centralized communication systems, not to mention remote areas located outside the boundaries of settlements. The owners independently organize the supply of water and the removal of wastewater, install heating boilers and boilers.

In former times, the toilet on the site was a cesspool, which, as it filled up, was either filled up or called for sewage services to pump out sewage. Today, for cleaning stationary septic tanks, drainage pumps are used that are capable of pumping sewage with solid inclusions of a specific nature.

Drainage and fecal pump for a septic tank - what's the difference?

Pumps installed for servicing a septic tank pump out sewage that has different formulations. The fecal pump is able to work in a liquid medium of various viscosities without the presence of solids, or with particles small size. The equipment is completed with chopper knives or other cutting mechanisms responsible for processing impurities to a fine consistency.

Drainage pumps are designed for pumping sewage with relatively large specific inclusions.

Pumping equipment is required to organize the intake of wastewater from a deeper septic tank into a sump located above, treatment plant, external sewer or waste disposal tank. Also, devices are used for pumping completely purified liquid from an intermediate well to an irrigation surface, a drainage ditch or filtration fields.

Types of pumps for a septic tank

Drainage pumps are divided according to several criteria:

  • installation method, or placement - on submersible, including semi-submersible, as well as surface;
  • manufacturing material - plastic, metal and combined;
  • permissible sizes of solid inclusions;
  • power;
  • dimensions;
  • cost.

When buying a drainage pump, it is necessary to clearly determine the expected volume of effluents and their composition, in particular, with the possible sizes of solid impurities. From right choice equipment largely depends effective work the sewer system as a whole.

Low-power plastic pumps are used to pump effluent from septic tanks only when necessary. They are simply not designed for a long cycle of work. Metal and weighted models made of durable plastic are more productive, although pumps that are too powerful should not be chosen for a septic tank installed in a private household. Their high cost, combined with the lack of demand for all the declared features, is unlikely to be a profitable purchase for a small sewer tank.

Main structural elements drainage pump are: an impeller with blades mounted on the rotor shaft and an engine. Many models of devices are equipped with float switches that regulate the correct operation of the mechanism. The engine is cooled by means of pumped out drains or with the help of oil located in the case, which is preferable.

Submersible pump

This version of pumping equipment is intended for installation on the bottom of septic tanks. The pump has a sealed housing made of cast iron or stainless steel, which reliably protects the working parts from the aggressive effects of the waste liquid.

In order for the submersible pump to function normally, it is completely lowered into the pumped liquid.

Equipment is installed in two ways - stationary or mobile. But, regardless of the chosen installation option, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of lifting the unit for its repair, maintenance or replacement.

A submersible-type drainage pump designed to pump out effluent from a septic tank sucks liquid directly through holes located in the bottom of the housing, on which there is a strainer that protects against too large particles getting inside. The power of pumping equipment allows you to create the necessary pressure in the system, which helps to raise the effluent to great height.

  • compact;
  • effective;
  • during operation - silent;
  • operation is safe and reliable.

Its disadvantages include laborious installation, the need to remove the unit for inspection and maintenance, as well as unpleasant contamination of the housing.

Surface type pump

In this case, the pump unit is located on the surface of the earth, but more often in special pits. A hose is lowered to the bottom of the septic tank, designed to pump out liquid. The design of the surface pump provides for the presence of two nozzles:

  • inlet, which serves for suction of wastewater from the septic tank;
  • outlet, used to drain liquid outside the tank.

Pumps for surface-type septic tanks are mobile, so they can be easily moved from place to place. In the event of a breakdown of the units, they are easily changed to others or repaired. Installation and dismantling of equipment is carried out quickly enough.

Surface pumps have lower performance and, as a result, efficiency, compared to submersible counterparts.

Ground units have low power and low throughput, which allows pumping wastewater with a solid particle size of not more than 5 mm. In addition, the body does not have sufficient waterproofing, so it is afraid of precipitation and negative temperatures which can lead to equipment failure. Therefore, it is recommended to install devices under sheds or in closed buildings, which is not always convenient.

Semi-submersible pumps

To clean septic tanks, equipment is also used, the pumping part of which is placed in a liquid, and the motor remains above its surface due to a special float that holds the pump housing in correct position. Semi-submersible devices can work in drains with a maximum solids size of no more than 15mm.

For country conditions or private houses with low water consumption, semi-submersible pumps are the most acceptable option. Their power and throughput will be enough for the domestic needs of an average family.

Many city dwellers dream of moving to a quiet suburban village. However, life away from the bustle of the city brings not only pleasure, but also a lot of additional trouble. So, in the city, it never occurs to anyone to find out where the sewage drains go. But in country house often have to build autonomous systems, and it is not always possible to make them gravity-fed, so you need to purchase a pump for a septic tank.

When improving the house, one cannot do without the construction of engineering systems, including sewage systems. Ideally, the drainage system works autonomously, and the liquid moves by gravity. However, such a variant is not possible in all cases. Then it is required to include additional equipment in the scheme - a pump for septic tanks.

What are the differences?

It may seem to some that there can be no problems with the purchase of pumps for septic tanks, since the stores have a fairly wide selection of equipment. However, faced with the problem of choice in practice, many experience serious difficulties. Therefore, it is worthwhile to get acquainted in advance with the principle of operation of the equipment, as well as with its varieties.

For sewerage, both a drainage and a fecal unit can be used. What are the differences between these varieties? The difference between fecal pumping equipment is that it is able to work with a liquid medium containing solids. While a conventional drainage unit, when pumping liquid with hard inclusions, will fail due to the ingress of impurities into the impeller.

Advice! In order for the drainage unit to work without interruption, it is equipped with a filter that traps solid particles. When using fecal pumps, the dimensions of the inclusions are limited only by the diameter of the inlet pipe.

Thus, the choice of pumping equipment is carried out depending on the purpose of its use. So, if a unit is selected for pumping water already purified in a septic tank, then a drainage version of pumping equipment is installed. If, when building a sewage disposal system in a private house, it is not possible to create a gravity-flow option, then a fecal pump is required to pump wastewater.

Another type of equipment for septic tanks is an air pump. This unit is used in stations biological treatment. The operation of such a station is controlled by a compressor, it provides:

  • air supply to the aerator;
  • the operation of airlifts - an air pump is used to pump fluid between compartments.

How can be installed?

Three types of equipment can be distinguished according to the installation method:

  • superficial;
  • semi-submersible;
  • submersible.


This type of equipment has a low price. A feature of the equipment is that it must be mounted at a distance from the liquid tank. Such equipment has a low level of waterproofing, so if moisture gets into the engine compartment, the unit may fail.

External pumps are rarely installed permanently, as a rule, they are used periodically, for example, when basements are flooded. Surface pumps for septic tanks are rarely used, they have insufficiently high performance and a high risk of breakdowns.


This version of the equipment is installed directly in the pumped medium. Therefore, it has a waterproof housing, which is made of corrosion-resistant materials. The installation of the unit is carried out inside the tank, and in order to be able to remove the equipment at any time, it is mounted on a steel chain or cable.

In the tank itself, special guides are installed that hold the body of the unit, and the suction pipe should be located at the bottom of the tank. Submersible pump equipment is powerful enough, so it is not advisable to use it in summer cottages and other facilities with a small amount of drains.


This equipment is equipped with a special float, so the motor compartment is above the liquid level, and the suction pipe is brine at the bottom of the tank.

Pumping heavily polluted media

When performing sewerage wiring in a house, it is not always possible to lay pipes with the required slope. It may be necessary to install plumbing lower in level than the entrance to the riser is located (for example, in the basement) or at a considerable distance from the riser.

In such cases, a submersible fecal pump with a septic tank grinder is used. This equipment is equipped with a cutting mechanism that crushes large debris before further transportation.

We make a choice

We will figure out how to select pumps for septic tanks. When choosing a unit, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • depth of tanks;
  • sizes of inclusions that may be in drains;
  • performance, which depends on the amount of liquid that needs to be pumped.

Understanding labeling

To make the right choice, you need to be able to read the label. So:

  • if only numbers are present in the marking, then this unit is suitable only for pumping relatively clean water, the size of foreign particles should not exceed 5 mm;
  • if the letter “F” is present on the label, then such a unit is suitable for working with a medium with pollution, including long-fiber ones;
  • the presence of the letter "H" on the label indicates that the unit can be used in an aggressive environment, since the body and working parts are made of stainless steel.

How to install a submersible unit?

We will figure out how to independently install a submersible unit. The work is not too difficult, but it does not tolerate negligence.

Advice! The package of delivery of any pumping equipment necessarily includes instructions, which must be studied before installation.

Algorithm of actions during installation submersible pump for septic tanks:

  • guides are attached to the wall of the tank, which will hold the body of the unit, and a suction pipe is installed at the bottom;
  • lay outlet pipes, which must be equipped with a valve that protects against the reverse movement of liquid, and a valve;
  • an automation system is attached to the unit, setting the level at which the float should operate, starting the work;
  • lower the pump to the bottom of the tank;
  • carry out commissioning work.

Advice! To extend the life of the unit and prevent equipment failure due to power surges, it is necessary to connect the pump through a voltage stabilizer.

When installing pumps for septic tanks equipped with grinders, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • place the equipment so that the grinder is located in front of the blades;
  • the control system should be located in a place with open access;
  • The pump cable must be securely sealed and routed without kinks.


Preventive inspection is recommended to be carried out once a year, and in case of seasonal operation - at the beginning and at the end of the season. During operation, you need to periodically monitor the oil level. If the oil has acquired a grayish tint, it means that water has got into it. And frequent blockages may indicate that the chopper has worn out.

So, the pump for the septic tank must be selected taking into account the operating conditions. The stability of the system will depend on how correctly the equipment is selected, as well as on its reliability. autonomous sewerage, and, hence, the level of comfort in the house.

A country house cannot always be connected to a central sewerage system, which provides for a gravity-flow principle of wastewater disposal. In this case, an individual septic tank is designed, which is a waterproof structure of two or three chambers. If it is not possible to arrange chambers for pumping wastewater by gravity, then for the normal operation of the entire autonomous sewage system, a pump for a septic tank will be needed.

For septic tanks, drainage or fecal pumps with grinder Source

What is a septic tank pump and features of choice

The pump is designed to clean the septic tank from sewage and fecal inclusions. Its principle of operation is similar to the operation of a conventional pump, but has a number of features. They are associated with the need to function in an aggressive environment and the ability to cope with fairly large debris.

There are several parameters according to which the optimal type of equipment is selected.

    Duration of work, frequency of inclusion. If the pump is needed for a summer residence, and will be used occasionally, you can choose a simpler and cheaper pump model. When choosing equipment for a private house with permanent residence, you should pay attention to more powerful and reliable models.

    Tank volume. There is no need to give preference to a compressor with a very large capacity if the septic tank is modest in size. A weak compressor will be ineffective if it is necessary to drain water from a large septic tank.

    sewer depth. Compressors do not have universal power, That's why different models can lift water from different depths. For the right choice, you should know the vertical length of the well and take into account the length of the hose connecting the septic tank to the place of transportation.

Pump power is selected depending on the depth of the well Source

    The consistency of the pumped liquid (only water with minimal inclusion of sand or with the presence of large solid fractions).

    The aggressiveness of the environment in which the equipment will operate. Not all models are equipped with a reliable housing that is resistant to aggressive environments. Wrong choice can lead to early failure of the unit.

To orient in the range of pumping equipment, manufacturers use various markings. For instance:

    "F" indicates that the compressor is designed for septic tanks with dirty water and is capable of removing solid fractions up to 3.5 cm in size.

    "H" means that the pump body is made of stainless steel. Therefore, it can be operated in the aggressive environment of sewage sewage.

    Numerical designations indicate that the pump can only pump water with a minimum admixture of fine sand.

Types of pumps

For retraction dirty waters there are drainage and fecal pumps.


A septic tank drain pump is used to drain water with a minimum amount of solid fractions. It will cope with particles of sand or silt. To prevent the equipment from failing due to mechanical failure, it is protected by a mesh that prevents large debris from entering the mechanism.

The drain pumps have a protective mesh at the bottom of the housing Source

The drain pump will not be able to pump sediment from the bottom of the septic tank. It will also not cope with the removal of fecal masses from. It is designed to pump water from a storage well, where purified water from a septic tank, storm and drainage sewer enters.


Equipment of this type is designed for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools. They do an excellent job of removing water and solid fractions. The size of the solid parts that the pump can handle depends on the models, but does not exceed 5 cm. To clean the septic tank from larger debris, the pump is often equipped with a grinder. It is a shaft with cutting blades.

Fecal pump for a septic tank with a grinding mechanism

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Septic tank pumps by type of application

Fecal pumps are divided into submersible, surface and semi-submersible.


Submersible pumps for septic tanks are equipped with a sealed housing. The material is stainless steel or cast iron. The working mechanism is completely protected from negative impact waste liquids.

For correct operation and long service life, the equipment must be completely immersed in the liquid. Therefore, it is installed at the bottom of the sewer well.

There are 2 ways to install pumping equipment:



Regardless of the chosen installation principle, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of lifting the compressor for carrying out Maintenance and repair.

The bottom of the submersible pump housing is equipped with special holes. Through them, liquid and fecal matter are absorbed. Their rise to a great height is carried out due to the power of the pump, which creates the necessary pressure in the system. To protect the motor, a special filter is installed that does not allow too large debris to get inside.

Submersible fecal pump for septic tank Source







    Difficulty of installation.

    The need to lift the pump to service it.

surface type

Some types of septic tanks do not require constant pumping of wastewater - cleaning should be carried out once every six months or even once every one or two years. In such cases, it makes no sense to install a stationary pump and surface devices are used. Such a pump for pumping out a septic tank is not removed inside the septic tank, but is installed on top. Usually a special pit is made for it. The liquid is pumped out through a hose lowered to the bottom of the well. The pump itself is equipped with nozzles, one of which is designed to suck liquid from the septic tank, and the second to drain it from the tank.

Surface pump for pumping wastewater from a septic tank Source


    Quick and easy installation.

    The device is always available for technical and repair work.



    Less efficient than submersible counterparts.

    Low level protecting the hull from rain and frost.

    Allows the passage of debris no larger than 0.5 cm.


The engine of this type of equipment is located above the water, and the pumping part is lowered under the water. This type of equipment is equipped with a float, which securely fixes the motor mechanism on the surface, and the pump part under water. To prevent the engine from failing, the body is made of steel, and an end seal provides additional protection. Such equipment can work with high temperature liquids without the threat of engine overheating.


    Ease of maintenance.


    Possibility of pumping solid fractions of small size (up to 1.5 cm).

A feature of the semi-submersible pump is the ability to work only with small septic tanks. They are used exclusively for individual sewers of cottages. On an industrial scale, they are ineffective.

Semi-submersible pump for septic tank Source

Popular pump brands and their cost


The Danish manufacturer of pumping equipment is one of the market leaders. The company does not stop there and is constantly working to improve its pumps. Their products are of high quality materials and workmanship. These pumps are chosen by those who value quality, efficiency and advanced technology. A large assortment of pumps allows you to choose the right equipment based on individual needs.

The equipment belongs to the expensive segment. Depending on the model, the cost of a septic tank pump varies from 15 to 60 thousand rubles.

Video description

An example of the operation of a Grundfos pump with a grinder, see the video:


Pumping equipment of the Italian manufacturer is in high demand. It is characterized by high reliability and the ability to choose a compressor for any need. The line of sewer equipment includes several hundred items. The disadvantage of the equipment of this manufacturer is that there are fakes on the market. Therefore, you should carefully consider the place of purchase of the pump.

The cost depends on the model and is 16-100 thousand rubles.


The Russian manufacturer produces septic tank compressors that work reliably in almost any difficult conditions. Models do not differ in a large number of functions, do not contain many innovative solutions. They are simple and unpretentious. Due to this, they work for a long time. In the event of a breakdown, they are easily and quickly repaired.

The price depends on the model and is 3-6 thousand rubles.


Russian company manufacturing equipment in China. Despite this, their pumps are in demand and receive good reviews from the owners. They don't have any superpowers. But buyers are attracted to them low price(compared to world leaders), quality of materials and reliability.

The cost ranges from 6 to 11 thousand rubles.

Video description

For an overview of the Whirlwind fecal pump, see the following video:


A septic tank pump in a private house is an integral element of an individual sewer system. It is necessary to choose it taking into account the characteristics of the septic tank, frequency of use and budget.

Owners country houses, cottages and dachas know in earnest that for complete comfort and living, not only high-quality water supply is required, but also proper sewerage. Sometimes there is no possibility to connect to the central sewer.

In this case, you will have to build a septic tank. Drains from all over the house will flow into this structure - from a washstand, toilet, bath or shower, washing machine and sewers. If it is impossible to ensure the gravity flow of the liquid, a septic pump will be required. Drainage or fecal devices are used as such a pump.

1 Types of pumps for a septic tank

Pump units that are installed in a septic tank can be divided into several types according to design features and installation methods:

  • submersible;
  • semi-submersible;
  • superficial.

1.1 Differences between fecal and drainage

The units used for pumping sewage water work with a liquid that has different properties and compositions. The main differences between the presented pumps include the ability of the fecal device to pump liquid of varying degrees of viscosity and in a liquid state, which may contain solid fractions.

The fraction size for this type of pump is 40-80 mm. For the processing of large particles, crushers are installed in the unit. When processing large inclusions, the wear safety of the equipment is extended.

The septic tank drain pump performs the same functions, but has some differences. It stands out that, unlike fecal pumps, the presented type of pumps is capable of pumping waste liquids with small particles in the substance. For a finer fraction in the pumps are located special knives or mechanisms that, if necessary, grind various inclusions to a fine state. Fractions can have a size of 5 to 10 mm.

Sewerage according to the norms will be arranged so that the septic tank is located underground. Above the septic tank is a septic tank. A septic tank pump pumps effluent into a septic tank, sewer, or treatment plant. Septic tank pumps are used for irrigation land plot from a well or tank where the liquid was completely cleaned, as well as to drain water into the filtration fields.

When liquid is pumped out from the first compartment, in which there are solid particles in impurities, fecal pumps are used to pump out the septic tank.

1.2 Submersible units

Submersible pumps for septic tanks are made of cast iron or stainless steel. This is due to the fact that the environment in which these devices operate is most often chemically active. Such manufacturing implies not only the body of these materials, but also all its components and materials. The body of the unit is manufactured and assembled hermetically.

This type of pump got its name because its functionality is manifested after it is completely lowered below the sewage level. In addition to pits and septic tanks, using these devices, you can pump out pits or basements, as well as supply water from natural reservoirs. This can be done in a short period of time, which is explained by the high power of this class of equipment.

As already mentioned, the submersible pump must be completely immersed in water before turning it on. To complete this task, you will need to attach a steel cable, rope or chain to the apparatus. You can install such equipment in 2 ways - mobile or stationary, but always leave the opportunity to dismantle the equipment for its repair. Special guides are installed on the walls of the container, to which the device is attached. A pipe is attached to the bottom of the tank for pumping wastewater. The pipe is connected to the pump with a flexible hose.

There are many models of this type of pumps with different capacities. The parameters of the most powerful devices reach 40 kW. Such equipment is capable of pumping up to 400 cubic meters per hour of operation, while the lifting height can be up to 20 meters.

The advantages of submersible pumps include:

  • compactness;
  • productivity and efficiency;
  • noiselessness in work;
  • safety and reliability during operation.

A significant disadvantage is the difficulty of installing the unit, the need to rise to the surface for periodic inspection or repair. The disadvantages include smearing the apparatus with sewage during its stay in the septic tank.

To provide reliable operation submersible pump, the following accessories must be additionally installed:

  • level float for automatic shutdown;
  • Remote Control;
  • check valve;
  • grinding mechanism;
  • thermal relays to protect the engine from overheating.

1.3 Surface models

One of the sewage options is a septic tank with a surface-type pump. Such units are located not far from the septic tank on the surface of the earth, as well as in pits built for the septic tank. A hose immersed in the pit is used to pump out sewage. On the body of the unit there are two fittings that perform the following functions:

  • for suction of sewage from cesspool designed inlet pipe;
  • an outlet pipe is designed to remove sewage outside the tank.

The obvious disadvantages of these devices include their low power and performance. The particle size they can pump is only 5mm. The body of the device has poor waterproofing. This is due to the fact that it does not fall into the water.

At high humidity, the motor windings accumulate moisture and a short circuit is possible, as well as internal corrosion of parts. In this regard, it is not recommended to install it for permanent activity. Even when located under a canopy, in the winter, the moisture inside will freeze, which will lead to the failure of the pump.

The advantages of surface devices include their mobility, which affects the ease of use. Ease of dismantling allows for a quick and affordable inspection of the pump, as well as their repair and reassembly. The price barrier for them is lower than for other types.

Such devices are best suited for short-term switching on and pumping out liquids of small volumes up to 1500 l / h.

1.4 Semi-submersible units

Installation of a drainage pump in a semi-submersible type septic tank is carried out as follows. Working part, represented by the pump, is immersed in the pumped liquid, and the electrical part (motor) is on the surface. The presence of a float switch contributes to automatic start or turning off the unit when the water level in the tank changes.

These devices are equipped with electric motors of sufficient power. Many models additionally have special grinders for large inclusions. Without grinders, they can pump fractions up to 15 mm in size, as well as with debris and fibers.

Submersible and semi-submersible units have similar characteristics and parameters, but their cost differs significantly. Semi-submersible pumps cost thirty percent less than submersible pumps. This is due to the fact that their case is made with less sealing.

2 Choice for a septic tank

When choosing a drainage or fecal pump for a septic tank, special attention is paid to the material from which the device is assembled. This is due to the environment in which the device will operate. The medium can be chemically aggressive, which causes corrosion of the pump materials.

Another criterion for choosing a device for pumping liquid is the power of its electric motor. But it is important to know that this rule may not always be true and the performance of the pump does not always depend on its power.

To understand the ideal performance of the unit, you should know that it must pump 5 cubic meters of water in one hour of operation. Naturally, this indicator is not a standard, there are models that have five times more performance. When choosing the power and performance of the pump, you should pay attention to the volume of the tank in which it will be installed.

For continuous operation of the apparatus, the size of the transmitted particles is taken into account. If the unit is designed for low throughput, and will work with large fractions, then it will quickly become unusable.

An important factor is the height of the maximum rise of the liquid. To the height of the lift, you need to add the distance over which the liquid will be pumped.

For more information, you can look at the reviews on the relevant forums or consult with friends.

2.2 Common brands

The following manufacturers are very popular in the market:

Topas pumps are represented by a large selection of models. During operation, they emit little noise, are resistant to chemical attack and corrosion. They are equipped with a compressor and can operate continuously for about two years.

The septic tank Tver is equipped with pumping equipment capable of pumping liquid in the right amount. Such devices are recommended to be installed in areas , where the groundwater level is above normal.

The Gileks company represents drainage and fecal pumps for a septic tank. Drainage units are mainly designed for particles with a size of 5 mm and work with a liquid of low contamination. Fecal pumps are designed in such a way that they are able to pass particles up to 35 mm in size and with contaminated liquid.

Irtysh PFS 50/125.120 pumps. This unit has a power of 1.1 kW and is capable of delivering liquid to a height of up to 6 meters. The performance of the device is not small and is 16 m³ / h.

A common system for the construction of sewers in private is the Septic Tank. To install a Septic Tank you will need professional help. Installation difficulties are offset by the advantages of this device.

The heart of the installation is located underground. The cleaning process begins with the first chamber of the septic tank, where household drains merge. There is a breakdown into organic and non-organic. Inorganic components in solid form settle to the bottom of the chamber.

More pure water it is pumped through pipes to the second chamber, where solid fractions decompose and water is purified. After the second chamber, additional purification takes place in the biofilter. Water in the final stage reaches 75% purification.

In most cases, when building a local sewage system in a private household, they try to design a gravity system. To do this, all pipes must be laid with a certain slope so that the liquid moves along them under the influence of natural gravity forces. But this option is not always possible, in some cases it will be necessary to build a pressure system using a septic tank pump.

Designing and building a local sewage system is not an easy task. Not in all cases it is possible to make a self-flowing non-volatile system. Sometimes it is necessary to use septic tank pumps to keep the sewer running. Let's figure out what types of pumping equipment you may need.


Compressors are used in deep biotreatment stations. This equipment provides:

  • forced aeration necessary to ensure the biological treatment process;
  • movement of fluid between chambers.

An air pump is used to move the fluid. The air pump operates using compressed air supplied by the compressor.


For pumping liquids that do not have large inclusions, a drainage pump is used. This equipment is used for pumping rainwater or ground water. It is possible to use such pumps for septic tanks, this equipment is installed at the outlet of the treatment plant and is used to transport water that has already been treated.

The need to install a drainage pump arises if it is not possible to divert water by gravity. Such difficulties have to be faced if the site has heavy, poorly absorbent soils, or a very high groundwater level. Sometimes a drain pump must be used if the infiltrator or other post-treatment unit is higher than the outlet of the septic tank.

Advice! When using a deep biological treatment plant, the water discharged from the septic tank does not have to be directed to discharge. It can be collected in a storage well, and then, using a drainage pump, the collected water can be used for irrigation or other technical needs.

Since this type of equipment is not capable of pumping liquids containing solid particles. To protect the unit from damage, which can be caused by the ingress of large particles, a filter is installed on the inlet pipe - a mesh that does not allow debris to enter.

For pumping untreated wastewater

For septic tanks, it is necessary if the drains formed in the house cannot enter the treatment plant by gravity. The difference of this equipment is the ability to provide transportation of medium containing large solids. The size of inclusions that the unit can pump is determined by the diameter of the inlet pipe.


By studying models of fecal pumps for septic tanks, you can understand that this equipment can be:

  • isolated;
  • semi-submersible;
  • submersible.

The isolated option is the cheapest unit, this equipment is installed at a distance from the tank and is used only if you need to pump water from a flooded septic tank. Stationary installation of such units is not recommended, since they have an insufficient level of protection.

You can use a submersible fecal pump with a grinder for a septic tank in domestic or industrial sewer systems. The operation of this pumping equipment is based on centrifugal force, when the engine moves, a vacuum occurs in the suction line, which ensures the movement of fluid.

Advice! The use of fecal pumps is necessary if gravity cannot be ensured in the house or in the external part of the local sewerage system. For example, if plumbing equipment needs to be installed at a distance from the riser.

The body of the submersible pump for septic tanks is made of materials that are highly resistant to aggressive environments. The equipment has an additional function - a chopper, thanks to which the pump can pump wastewater containing fairly large inclusions.

A submersible unit is installed below the liquid level in the septic tank, the optimal location is at the bottom of the tank. Modern pumps operate completely autonomously, as they are equipped with a float switch. When installed on the walls of the tank, guides are mounted that allow you to carefully lower the equipment to the bottom. A pipe is mounted at the bottom.

A chain or cable is used directly for descent, the unit is lowered so that it docks with the pipe. This installation method is good in that it allows you to lift the pump if necessary. For example, for maintenance.

Semi-submersible pump models for a septic tank differ from submersible ones in that it is used mainly for shallow tanks. When operating this equipment, the engine compartment is above the surface of the liquid, and the mechanical part is under water.

Semi-submersible pumps cannot be supplemented with a grinder, so this equipment option is suitable for pumping liquids that do not contain too large impurities.

How to choose?

At the first stage, you need to decide on what functions the unit is needed to perform. It is also necessary to take into account the operating conditions, since some types of pumping equipment cannot be used to pump water with a temperature of more than 40 degrees.

Advice! Pumps capable of transporting high temperature effluents must be installed close to household appliances(washing and dishwasher), bathroom, kitchen sink. Drains from these devices can have a temperature of 90 degrees.


The necessary information can be obtained by paying attention to the product labeling:

  • if only numerical designations are used, then this equipment is suitable for working with a relatively clean liquid, the size of the inclusions should not exceed 5 mm;
  • the presence of the letter “H” in the marking indicates that the equipment is resistant to aggressive environments, since its body is made of stainless steel;
  • the presence of the letter “F” in the marking indicates the ability of the equipment to pump liquids containing inclusions up to 3.5 cm in size, including long-haired impurities.

If you need to transport media with larger particles, you must choose a model equipped with a grinder. When studying equipment models, you will need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • maximum immersion depth (for submersible pumps);
  • the presence of impurities in the pumped liquid and their maximum possible size;
  • the performance required to ensure the stable operation of the sewerage system.

Advice! Many consumers pay attention to the maximum pump power. However, this equipment should not constantly work at its limit. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the option with a "reserve" in terms of power.

So, you need to choose a pump for a septic tank, taking into account the purpose of the unit. It must be remembered that the wrong choice of equipment will lead to the fact that it will quickly fail. If the choice is made correctly, then pumping equipment will save the owners of the house with local sewage from many problems. But choosing the right unit is not enough, you will need to monitor its condition, timely maintenance.