We are building a house in the loft style. Unusual and versatile loft-style home interior

  • 29.08.2019

Today it is the variability of various style decisions. Freedom in the organization of residential and non-residential premises, the lack of fashion for certain areas makes it possible to realize any flight of fancy, as well as arranging apartments and houses in accordance with one's own taste preferences. It is not for nothing that the loft style has won recognition among fans of unusual design ideas.


Decorating an apartment or house in a loft style means emphasizing your originality and knowledge of current design trends. Design professionals often offer this interior trend to people who are prone to individuality and self-expression, as well as who do not like congestion in the design of the premises. The feeling of space is one of the features of this popular destination.

The loft style got its development at the beginning of the 20th century, when the cost of land increased sharply in the center of New York. Due to this industrial buildings plants and factories began to be moved to the outskirts of the city, and the old ones were converted into housing. The premises were divided into zones, equipped with a kitchen, toilet and bathroom.

Thus, the first apartments in were industrial buildings converted into housing stock (loft in English - "attic"). Hence - asceticism and urbanization in the modern design of loft interiors.

Initially, the loft style was used to decorate rooms like studio apartments and did not imply division into rooms and zones. In this regard, it was not possible to design a house in the loft style. Over time, this direction has gone beyond its once stable boundaries. And more and more often you can meet country houses and cottages decorated in loft style.

Distinctive features of loft-style rooms

The premises, decorated in the traditions of loft design, cannot be confused with any other stylistic trend. These design solutions are distinguished by special characteristics that are not inherent in any other interiors:

  • a combination of refined, refined forms with rough ones;
  • maximum space;
  • the presence of unhidden pipes;
  • brickwork or decor that imitates it;
  • wooden beams and massive poles;
  • rough finishing of walls and ceilings (often imitating plaster, without subsequent painting).

Eclecticism is another of the features of the loft. A mixture of different styles distinguishes this direction from others. For example, the interior of a loft-style house can be organized by combining furniture elements of different design trends.

Finishing facilities

Loft renovation is necessarily carried out with the maintenance of an industrial, urban orientation.

Walls inside the room, decorated with brickwork or rough plaster, are a normal occurrence when creating an interior in this style solution.

The loft-style ceiling is often decorated wooden beams creating an attic atmosphere. Such elements can be complemented by massive pillars that give the room a special, incomparable comfort. A sure sign of this original architectural solution is the characteristic plank floor. The loft-style ceiling can be decorated not only in the living room, but also in other living areas of the house.

And if you see that the facade of the building is decorated using a large number glass and plastic, there is rough brickwork and no bright colors, then you can be sure that you have a loft-style house in front of you.

Loft furniture in the interior

A characteristic feature of the interior design in the loft style is the combination of furniture of various design trends. Bold decisions give the interior even more originality.

In the loft bedroom, it would be appropriate to combine an absolutely classic wardrobe with an ultra-modern bed. Vintage pieces of furniture are in perfect harmony with fashion accessories.

Both country houses and city apartments in the center of the metropolis can be equipped with rough authentic furniture - for example, wooden benches, chairs and stools. Next to such items, an expensive leather one can easily be located. Such decisions are not forbidden by the rules for organizing a loft interior.

The abundance of open shelves and niches is a characteristic feature of the interior in the loft style.

Accessories and room decoration in loft style

A loft-style house must be equipped with ultra-modern household appliances. Plasma TV in the living room, fashionable built-in appliances in the kitchen - an indispensable condition for organizing the premises in this design direction.

Luxurious chandeliers, familiar vases and figurines will look out of place in a loft interior, so it is better to exclude them from the list of accessories.

Walls can be decorated with urban posters, black and white photographs, and cutting-edge paintings. Abstract and avant-garde painting will look good.

The combination of contrasting finishing elements - metal and wood, leather and glass - will harmoniously fit into the loft interior.

Such interiors are interesting in that their design allows the use of original design solutions. Here you can realize any creative flight of thought.

So, loft-style house projects sometimes offer future owners to place bathtubs right next to the beds in the bedrooms, use all-glass walls, combine kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms into a single room, and others. unusual options. Originality is what is emphasized in this design direction.

Decorating a house or apartment using these trends may seem like a very bold step. But if you are a creative, creative person and want to equip your living space boldly, extravagantly, but at the same time cozy and stylish, then, without a doubt, this democratic style should be preferred.

Appeared in America at the beginning of the 20th century, and today it is popular all over the world. The point is that the this style has its undeniable advantages. Let's find out which ones.

Loft style house interior

This style was formed due to the use of industrial premises (factories, manufactories and warehouses) for creative studios, where their owners lived. Previously, such housing was cheap, and it was often purchased by artists, actors and other representatives of bohemia. But also the usual private house can be decorated in loft style. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to its basic principles - maximum freedom and light and a minimum of partitions. This suggests large panoramic windows, free planning, simple, functional furniture and somewhat ascetic furnishings. In such a studio apartment you can see the natural brickwork or its imitation, nothing closed pipes heating. Ordinary plaster is used as a finish for the walls, and the floor can be plank. Besides, feature loft is a mixture of styles - the so-called eclecticism. Here vintage english wardrobe on bent legs can be adjacent to a high-tech glass or metal table.

Decoration of facades of houses

Also decorated in a loft style. This is due to the fact that in most cities of our country there is simply no such category of real estate as a loft, which does not detract from the desire of many people to have such housing. Therefore, the owners of suburban brick and even wooden houses often they decorate in the loft style not only the interior decoration, but also the facade.

It's quite simple: brutal wall decoration, a gray or brown roof, a lot of glass and plastic will create the necessary atmosphere. inner freedom, which is so typical for loft-style houses.

The loft style has been known since the beginning of the twentieth century and has been gaining the interest of interior designers from then to the present day. His birth was due to the fact that in America at that time there was a tendency to use various industrial premises for residential.

Artists, musicians and other representatives of the creative world often lived in such rooms, which is primarily due to the cheapness of such housing. Since then, many have associated such an interior in houses and apartments with bohemian life, so these days you can often find modern loft-style houses.

Style Features

The design of a loft-style house implies the rejection of walls and partitions - they can be left only where they are needed. After you get rid of them, you will notice how spacious and sunny the room has become. The effect will be complemented by huge windows, preferably panoramic.

The furniture in such a house will be simple, by no means pretentious, and only necessary - you can not overload the space. Remember to whom the style owes its development: young people engaged in creativity and living on the income from it - where do they get the money for luxurious furnishings?

So pieces of furniture should only have those that you cannot do without, and appearance they should not be conspicuous.

Such an environment can be called ascetic, and this does not mean that guests will consider you poor or greedy. If you take into account the peculiarities of style, then your housing will be more like the dwelling of an artist than common man, constrained in means.

Find and look at photos of loft-style houses and appreciate the atmosphere that reigns in them: perhaps it is she who creates the desire to create. At a minimum, such spaces exude freedom, which has a beneficial effect on mood and well-being.

For many, it will be an undoubted advantage that the loft does not require maintaining everything that is on the same territory in the same style.

Different pieces of furniture can belong to the styles of different eras and traditions, and this will be a highlight, not bad taste. This will appeal to those who, when choosing various interior elements, are forced to rush between observing the general mood in the room and those things that they like. This is called eclecticism - a mixture of heterogeneous.

In such a house, you do not have to think about the selection of wallpaper or paint color for the walls - the loft style implies that brick or stonework will be visible. Of course, in modern world this is not suitable for everyone, and from the point of view of keeping warm, this is an unsuccessful solution.

So you can make an imitation - the modern market provides a wide range of materials, the appearance of which will create any illusion, and it is easy to believe in it if you do not look very closely. By the way, heating pipes do not need to be closed either, but you can be creative about painting them.

Private houses

The modern real estate market does not imply the category of loft houses, but many owners of private houses and cottages want to have housing in this style. Therefore, not being able to buy what they want, they are forced to design ordinary buildings on their own.

The interior of a private house is created in the same way as the interior of an apartment. The exterior depends on two points: either you already have a finished building that needs to be given the desired appearance, or you are building a house from scratch. Both allow the expected result, but in the second case the field for creativity is much wider.

To change the style of a house into a loft, it is enough to use a lot of plastic, steel and glass, black, gray, brown, white colors, decorate the walls ascetically and brutally. The result is the desired atmosphere, and the house will look quite interesting.

When designing a building from scratch, of course, the possibilities are much greater. Here you can also reduce the number of partitions by replacing some of the load-bearing walls with columns, expand the window openings up to full-wall panoramic views. Ceilings should be made high - this will also add its own zest to the overall look.

Demanding style will save you time and money on finishing - it should be as small as possible. If you are not so comfortable, then you can always find solutions that will help to maintain the harmony of the situation, and make it functional and of high quality.

The floors will look best wooden, unpainted. To increase the service life, simply cover them with a transparent varnish.

Walls, if you are not attracted by the appearance of brick or stonework, can be plastered or painted, but do not forget about minimalism in the interior - do not try to give them a neat look.

According to the style, they should look like you don't care what they look like, it's enough that they are. This feature has become symbolic: it is believed that for creative youth, who initially chose lofts, the external does not matter, because the main thing is inside.

How to organize life?

Initially, the absence of partitions was explained by the fact that various warehouses, workshops, attics were allocated for housing - that is, premises intended for industrial and public use, and not for living.

Of course, in this case, no division into rooms was implied. And the increased popularity of such housing was facilitated by poor people, so they could not afford to independently divide the already not too large room with walls or even simple thin partitions.

Now it has become a highlight of the style, and people deliberately refuse to divide the space into rooms. It was replaced by division into zones.

It is purely visual and consists of color separation. This means that, for example, the sleeping area will be decorated in the same colors and style, work zone in others, and guest in the third. This creates the illusion of a multi-room apartment, but at the same time, each “room” looks larger due to the absence of walls.

In general, such a house will have a lot of light, air and space, which can be a particularly good solution for initially small areas. The absence of walls not only visually expands the house, but also allows you to correctly arrange furniture, saving more free space.

In this way, Beautiful design at home does not necessarily mean thinking through complex details and elements. The loft style is suitable for those who are attracted by a free creative atmosphere, and most importantly, it is quite simple in execution and allows for any non-standard solutions.

Photo of loft-style houses

The loft is a unique architectural and designer style. Its appearance was accompanied by a combination of circumstances that forced specialists to convert factory and factory premises into living space. The loft is located on the thin line between the dimensions of the former workshops or warehouses and a cozy functional area. Today, the direction is popular not only in restructuring, but also in building a home from scratch. The loft-style house is a spacious and very bright room with a modern interior. The project of such a structure has a number of features that make it unlike others.

Loft direction features

At the dawn of its appearance, in the middle of the last century, the loft secured the status of an original and somewhat avant-garde trend. Over time, he began to rank among the elite. Previously, loft-style dwellings (“attic” in English) occupied the upper levels of huge industrial premises. Later they went downstairs. The original idea was to use the useful area for creative workshops, studios, restaurants. Then, in such an interior, they began to equip residential areas.

Advice. Loft is a "relative" of minimalism. The more simplicity and conciseness in the design, the better.

Style Features:

Attention! The Soft Loft flow does not imply the restructuring of existing areas, but the design and construction of new structures, as in the photo. Accordingly, some of the conceptual signs of a classic loft (from the factory past) in this case are only imitated.

Projects of loft-style houses: what to build and how to finish

Before drawing up drawings and designing a house, it is important to familiarize yourself with the functional load of all its architectural elements. Loft means getting the most out of the occupied space. In private houses, even the roof is used for business - as a recreation area. Therefore, the classic roof of the loft design direction is horizontal or with a slight angle of inclination to the south side.

The walls are built of concrete and metal, making the window frames wide and rising almost to the ceiling. Brick and stone are also used for construction. Exterior finish walls and roofs, as a rule, are done in soft brown or gray tones. For example, you can paint a wall over plaster or equip yourself with any other modern material: plastic, composite, mirror and any other panels, glass. Sometimes unpainted wood is used, treated from decay with a special solution.

From the factory past, the loft got a rough finish. Experts do not advise spending much on it. Simplicity and democracy in decorating is the strong point of style. It is only important that the walls in the complex look solid.

Attention! Another feature of loft-style houses is the illumination of the facade at night.

Interior Design

It is important to understand the approximate size of a loft-style house. The number of rooms and their functional load depend on this. In a minimalist style, you can equip an elite dimensional private house (150-200 sq. M), and a small cottage (up to 100 sq. M), and even part of an ordinary country dwelling.

Living room, bedrooms, kitchen - those rooms that, in the spirit of the loft, should be well lit and spacious. Any lack of size is partially compensated by the design in bright colors. Walls should be inconspicuous and help to focus on the bright details of interior design. One of them is often made different from the rest:

  • in the form of exposed masonry;
  • decorated with metal plaster:
  • finished with natural stone;
  • highlighted with photo wallpaper, a large picture in a frame, or any other type of image.

At the same time, the other 3 walls should keep the same texture and finish. In overall rooms without physical partitions, functional zones are distinguished in this way. Furniture will also help to visually zone a large room: a sofa, armchairs, a table, a bar counter, etc.

For the floor, prepare the simplest materials: edged board, linoleum, discreet tiles without colorful patterns or brushed parquet. The ceiling must be made at least 3 m in height. in the manner storage facilities it is often designed as beveled with beam division. Color - shades of gray, regardless of the overall range of the interior.

The loft considers the architectural and design direction to be democratic. When drafting a project, there is plenty of room for your ideas.

Loft-style house: video

If you are looking for what a loft is, then you have probably already stumbled upon information about the history of this term or name. We read about the middle of the 20th century in New York and found out something about "the upper part of an industrial building converted for housing." Of course, everything is so, “loft” is generally translated from English as “attic”.

But we will talk about a slightly different meaning of this word - about a loft in a country house.

One of the loft implementation options in a private house, loft area ~ 12 m2

A loft can be called a small semi-floor located above a part one-story house. Such a balcony inside the house, roughly speaking. It is also called "sleeping mezzanine" or simply "mezzanine floor".

It is difficult to explain in words, it is easier to show a few examples. So, in the picture above you see a frame kitchen-living room. This cottage with a gable roof and a high ceiling in the living area. In the rest of the house, the ceiling has the usual height, and the same loft is located at the top.

Let's stand with our backs to the loft and look towards the windows:

The high ceiling in the kitchen-living room is a second light, and a loft is located above the camera

A high ceiling and similar high windows are commonly called. As if two floors without overlap, which gives a kind of wow effect, increases the volume of the room, makes it bright. And that brings us to a simple conclusion:

Loft is inextricably linked with the second light

Yes, in relation to the concept of a loft in a country house, you cannot do without a second light. At the same time, the opposite cannot be argued, because the second light without a loft is quite possible - no one is forcing you to do it.

What's the idea here? And everything is very simple: we have a house with a large living room, where such a high ceiling is very appropriate and beautiful. And a couple of bedrooms high altitude need not. So why not put the space above the bedrooms to good use? So instead of a cold attic, you get a cozy loft. This is actual, as a rule, either in houses of a small area, or in houses with more complex architecture, where one part is high, and the other part is simple, one-story.

In general, sometimes the line between the loft and the second floor is quite thin, because if the house is large and there are many rooms, then there can be a living room with a high ceiling, and a full-fledged two-story part. For example, as in the house:

There is no longer a loft, but an ordinary (well, not even ordinary at all, in fact) two-story house with an attic second floor and a kitchen-living room with a second light. This is an example to understand the difference, now let's get back to the lofts.

The loft is usually not enclosed by a wall

A distinctive feature of the loft is that most often it is fenced with simple railings, and not with a blank wall. To illustrate this statement, let's return to Smolyachkovo again, although the photo is of an intermediate stage, but I think this is not so important:

I will show you one more example of a loft, although it is quite atypical, balancing on the verge of obtaining the right to be called the second floor :)

Again, a living room with a high ceiling = a second light, but oriented differently, in the middle of the house, the ceiling goes along the rafters and made skylights, and above the rest of the house stretches a giant loft. Probably not the best good example, still extreme. Because usually a loft is needed only for ...

And why do you need a loft in the house?

In their "classic" form, lofts, like small "balconies" above the living room, are popular in guest houses and serve to accommodate extra beds.

Loft above the kitchen of the house in Vaskelovo, there will be a spiral staircase. Area ~20 m2

Simply put, guests are accommodated there :) Of course, you can use this additional space to your taste - equip workplace, a library, a chill-out zone with hookahs and pillows (which, by the way, is planned in Vyborg), for which there is enough imagination.

It turns out that the loft kills two birds with one stone: it gives you a cool high ceiling in the living room and extra space.

How to get there?

For a loft, of course, you need a ladder.

It can be a compact solution in the form of an elegant spiral staircase, or a full-fledged staircase leading up directly from the living room or, for example, from the hallway.

Unfortunately, I have only three photos of the spiral staircase, and even then only in the process of installation:

The staircase is beautiful, but not the most comfortable, this is not suitable for a full-fledged second floor. But the loft is not the second floor, it is used in a completely different mode, and such a solution can be considered.

As you can see, everything is good at the top. Moreover, additional heating is not provided for in a regular loft, warm air rises from the living room.

A similar question was asked to the owner of a house with a loft, I will quote his response letter:

About the loft. With a normal heating and ventilation system (like mine, with a recuperator), there is no difference. By definition, it cannot be cold there - after all, it is very open to the total volume, and heat goes up according to the laws of physics. It goes very slowly, because. underfloor heating, not radiators - therefore, there is a very small difference in air temperature and the heat source (floor). It can be rather hot in summer. But again, if good ventilation then there shouldn't be any problems. And the thermal insulation is 250 mm, i.e. the heat cannot penetrate the house. Neither through the walls-roof, nor through the air flow. The house is always the temperature you want. And everywhere the same.

Summary: with the right heating-ventilation system, you get an extra 20 square meters and sophistication in architecture for nothing. Excellent + for a children's, guest bedroom. The only thing is: if they yell downstairs, it’s impossible to sleep there. Yes, and run up the stairs - I am a principled opponent. But 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening, even I agree.

Instead of a conclusion

Is it worth making a loft in your house? You decide.

But if you want a one-story house with a truly beautiful living room, it's time to think about the second light. And where the second light, there is a loft;)