Curable types of cancer. Cancer from a to z in simple words, we will analyze without embellishment

  • 19.10.2020

A cancer diagnosis sounds like a death sentence, and it's very hard to change that. This disease is firmly connected in our minds with death, and when cancer overtakes a person, the news of this often demoralizes both the patient and his loved ones. Only the strongest is able to immediately begin the fight against the disease, and how many of those who doomedly fold their hands and submit to fate, believing that this is the only way to exist for the coming months or, if you're lucky, a few years.

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Meanwhile, the 200 types of cancer known to science are not the same, and the first weapon against the disease is awareness. It is important to know which types of malignant tumors can be successfully treated at an early stage, what symptoms you need to pay attention to, how often you need to visit specialized specialists in order to exclude an unfavorable development of the situation.

3. Another type of cancer that can be cured in the early stages is skin cancer. The three most common types are basalioma (a basal cell carcinoma that develops from the basal cells of the skin epithelium), squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma), and melanoma. The vast majority of skin neoplasms are basaliomas and squamous cell carcinomas, which, as a rule, do not metastasize to other tissues and organs, but if not treated in time, they can leave noticeable marks on the skin.

Melanoma is a dangerous type of cancer, but it is much less common than the first two. Through the lymph and blood, it can metastasize to almost all tissues and organs. However, if detected early, a large number of cutaneous melanomas can be treated surgically.

In order to see a doctor in time, it is important to know the signs of the disease. Look out for moles or dark spots on the skin that change size, shape, or color over weeks or months. Signs of malignancy may include:

- Asymmetry - the two halves of the mole look different;
- The shape of the mole is incorrect, the borders are fuzzy, uneven, blurry.
- The color is uneven, has two or more shades.
- The size of the mole is more than 6 millimeters in diameter.
- A growth, a sore, a pimple that does not heal.
- Bleeding or flaky mole.
- Itching in the area of ​​​​the mole, hair loss from its surface.

Summarizing, we can say: no matter what skin changes bother you, you should definitely consult a doctor.

4. One of the most common types of cancer in men is prostate cancer. With early diagnosis, when the tumor has not gone beyond the gland, the chance of recovery is 95%. The disease can be asymptomatic, so men, especially the elderly, also need to see a doctor regularly. A urologist can suspect a neoplasm in the prostate gland during the examination. For diagnosis, a blood test, X-ray and ultrasound are used.

However, prostate cancer is not always asymptomatic. Here are the disorders that may be signs of the disease:

- Frequent urination, including at night.
- Painful urination and ejaculation.
Feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied after urination.
- Blood in urine or semen.

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The above symptoms can be a manifestation of not only cancer, but also a benign tumor or an infectious disease, but in any case, an accurate diagnosis should be made by a doctor after an examination.

5. Next in line is testicular cancer. Unlike prostate cancer, which is more common in older men, testicular cancer affects men over the age of 15, and the average age of the diseased is 40. Signs of the disease are testicular enlargement, hardening, pain in the scrotum or lower abdomen. Pain, however, is not mandatory, so self-examination is the most important measure for early diagnosis. A man should monthly examine and palpate the scrotum and, if in doubt, consult a doctor. The doctor conducts a comprehensive diagnosis, including a blood test, an ultrasound examination and, if a neoplasm is detected, a biopsy.

The main treatment for testicular cancer is surgery to remove it. The surgical method is usually used in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. With timely treatment, testicular cancer can be overcome. According to British statistics, more than 96 percent of the inhabitants of the country with such a diagnosis, who underwent treatment a decade ago, are still alive, and they have not experienced a relapse of the disease during this period, which actually indicates a complete cure, since the risk of the disease returning is minimal.

6. Colorectal cancer, that is, cancer of the colon and rectum, is also curable. It usually affects people over the age of 40, in 85% of cases - after 65. Treatment is successful in 9 out of 10 cases, but only if the disease is detected in a timely manner, so it is very important to know its symptoms. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the following violations are observed within a few weeks:

It is generally accepted that colon cancer develops from benign polyps. These potentially malignant neoplasms develop on the intestinal wall, and gradually increase in size, turn into cancer. Unfortunately, polyps and early-stage cancers do not always produce severe symptoms, and therefore, after the age of 50, a colon examination should be scheduled. There are several methods for diagnosing colorectal cancer: a doctor's examination, a fecal blood test, a colonoscopy (examination using illuminated tubular instruments), and an irrigoscopy (X-ray). For those who have close relatives diagnosed with polyps or colon cancer, it is better to have an examination at the age of 40 years.

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The main treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery. In addition, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used. As mentioned above, early intervention gives a high chance of full recovery of health, but this chance drops to 50% or less if the cancer is diagnosed in the later stages.

The described six types of cancer have the most favorable prognosis, however, a cure is also possible with other malignant diseases, such as leukemia, lymphoma, lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer. In any type of malignancy, early diagnosis is important, and this is an area in which a real breakthrough was made in 2012.

15-year-old American student Jack Andraka (Maryland, USA) invented a tester that allows you to diagnose pancreatic, lung and testicular cancer in the early stages by analyzing blood or urine. The tester is based on paper for diabetic tests. The method is 168 times faster, 26,667 times cheaper (when mass-produced, it will cost no more than 3 cents), and 400 times more sensitive than previous testing methods. Let's hope that this method will soon be widely used.

Every year, malignant tumors claim the lives of more than 1 million people, and the inexorable statistics of WHO claims that oncology is the main cause of 14% of all deaths. In other words, every 8 people in the world die of cancer!

What is the danger of the disease

So far, no cure for cancer has been found. What is the snag? At the heart of a cancerous tumor are cells that develop differently than the rest. Their abnormal growth is considered malignant to the health of the body. The tumor is formed very quickly, and in relation to healthy tissues and organs behaves like an aggressor. With the help of blood, lymph or nerve pathways, its cells are carried throughout the body to initiate a metastasis - a daughter tumor.

It is the process of metastasis that sometimes leads doctors to a dead end: the faster the tumor grows and metastasizes, the more difficult it is to save the patient.

What type of disease is most difficult to treat

Each type of tumor is considered less or more dangerous depending on the degree of its malignancy. Cancer is considered less aggressive and well treatable if abnormal cell division occurs slowly and metastases do not spread rapidly throughout the body. The rapid growth of the tumor and the rapid spread of metastases are dangerous for human life, because they are difficult to treat.

What is the most serious type of cancer and why?

Melanoma, or skin cancer

The queen of tumors and, at the same time, a rather rare type of pathology. The disease is of an extremely aggressive nature and the patient has practically no chance of recovery - metastases appear very actively throughout the body. Surgical intervention can stop the development of the disease for some time, but only at its initial stage.

Melanoma is easy to diagnose, as it is located on the surface of the skin, but, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is often detected only after the formation of daughter tumors. The fact is that at first the neoplasm does not differ from an ordinary small mole, therefore it does not bother a person at all. Remember: if colored asymmetric spots with blurry edges begin to appear on the skin, undergo a medical examination.

Lung cancer

This form of the disease is very dangerous, according to many doctors. Every year it causes the death of about 1.5 million people. Science has long discovered a direct link between lung cancer and the most "popular" bad habit of our time, smoking. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself. The only signs are that the patient coughs violently and suffers from bronchitis and pneumonia more often than before. In most cases, lung cancer is diagnosed too late, and treatment does not bring the expected results.

brain cancer

The disease is very dangerous due to the place of its localization. The brain is protected by a strong cranium, therefore, it is extremely difficult to act directly on the tumor focus, and any surgical intervention is fraught with a fatal outcome for the patient. Any neoplasm in the brain, even a non-aggressive one, is obviously malignant, because it compresses the structures of the brain and destroys them after a while.

Pancreas cancer

It occurs frequently, but is difficult to treat. Surgery is associated with a high risk of death and does not always bring a positive effect. This type of disease is very insidious - for a long time it develops without any external symptoms.

Leukemia, or blood cancer

Oncology destroys the bone marrow, which loses its ability to produce full-fledged blood cells. Leukemia is caused by just one mutated hematopoietic cell. This form of cancer is the most common among childhood cancers.

Lymphoma, or cancer of the lymph nodes

The disease destroys the human immune system, the main active elements of which are the lymph nodes. Cancer inflicts the strongest blow on the body, bringing it into a state of profound immunodeficiency.

Have you noticed that almost all types of cancer have a common feature? They skillfully "disguise" themselves as a common ailment, so a person seeks help too late! The conclusion is obvious: one should treat one's health as the greatest value in the world, and promptly respond to all alarm signals of the body.

Every second, in all corners of the globe, someone dies from such a terrible disease as. It does not spare anyone - both the smallest and the elderly.

This disease has not yet been fully studied, and thousands of scientists daily direct their efforts and knowledge to the invention of more and more new methods of dealing with it.

Let's see what are the most common types of malignant neoplasms exist in the world. After all, the better we know the enemy by sight, the faster we will repulse him.

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Types, statistics and symptoms of cancer

The most common oncology in developed countries. It is a serious medical and social problem. About 1 million new cases are registered annually in the world lung cancer.

The main symptoms of lung cancer:

  1. Prolonged cough;
  2. Hemoptysis;
  3. Dyspnea;
  4. Pain in the chest.

- Cancer of the colon and rectum

It is the cause of not only high mortality, but also significantly worsens the quality of life of many patients. More than 500,000 cases of this type of cancer are diagnosed annually.

The main symptoms of colon and rectal cancer are:

  1. diarrhea or constipation;
  2. Blood in the stool is a change in its character and density.

Takes the lives of hundreds of thousands of women around the world. From 800 thousand to 1 million new cases are registered annually. Every woman should once a month independently examine her breasts for the presence of formations in it. After all, early detection of this form of cancer gives a very high guarantee for successful treatment.

The main symptoms of breast cancer:

  1. The presence of a lump in the chest;
  2. Nipple retraction;
  3. Bloody discharge from the nipple;
  4. Changes in the skin of the chest according to the type of "orange peel".

Enough aggressive form of cancer. Every year about 220 thousand of this disease are registered in the world. Of these, 213 thousand end in death.

The main symptoms of pancreatic cancer:

  1. Pain in the left hypochondrium;
  2. Yellowness of the skin.

It occurs in every seventh man over the age of 50. Therefore, all doctors insist that every man, upon reaching this age, undergo an annual preventive examination by a proctologist. This will significantly increase the chances of success in treatment.

The main symptoms of prostate cancer:

  1. Frequent urination or frequent "false" urges;
  2. Urinary retention or difficulty in urination;
  3. Soreness in the perineum.

– Leukemia

The most common form of cancer occurring in childhood. It is because of the immaturity of the hematopoietic system that it often affects children and young people. In European countries, there are 3-4 cases of leukemia for every 100,000 children.

The main symptoms of leukemia:

  1. Fast fatiguability;
  2. Insomnia;
  3. Paleness of the skin;
  4. Nosebleeds, bruising that does not go away for a long time;
  5. Frequent sore throats;
  6. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  7. Persistent fever for no apparent reason.

- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

A malignant disease that affects children, adolescents and, most of all, the elderly. With age risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma increases significantly, especially in people who are exposed to many carcinogenic factors throughout their lives. According to statistics, among the inhabitants of Europe, for every 100 thousand people there are 12-15 cases of this disease.

The main symptoms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are:

  1. Enlarged lymph nodes;
  2. Unreasonable rise in temperature;
  3. night sweats;
  4. Stomach ache;
  5. stool disorder;
  6. Paleness of the skin.

Also one of the most common forms of cancer in the world. It is dangerous because it arises not only as an independent neoplasm, but also begins to develop, hitting the liver with blood flow from existing tumors. At least 250,000 people develop this type of cancer every year worldwide.

The main symptoms of liver cancer:

  1. Malaise;
  2. Nausea;
  3. Vomit;
  4. Aching pain in the right hypochondrium and a feeling of heaviness in the same place.

– Ovarian cancer

It is the leading cause of death from gynecological diseases, the fifth leading cause of death among women from oncology. It also ranks second among oncological diseases in gynecology.

The main symptoms of ovarian cancer:

  1. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  2. In the later stages - an increase in the volume of the abdomen.

It is the cause of 900 thousand deaths from oncological pathology annually worldwide. Approximately 70 percent of patients die within 1 year of diagnosis.

The main symptoms of esophageal cancer are:

  1. Difficulty in passing food through the esophagus;
  2. Pain behind the sternum;
  3. "Spitting up" food.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

No wonder scientists call oncological diseases a disease of civilization.

Cancer does not occur at once, it is a rather long process, developing over more than one year. For example, with lung cancer, the tumor grows to a size of one and a half centimeters within 5-10 years. A large number of malignant neoplasms are laid in the human body with age. And the diagnosis is made only after many years. The growth time of the tumor depends on various factors. Good body resistance can stop growth, and physiotherapy procedures in some cases can increase it.

A person who has been diagnosed with cancer experiences quite appropriate fear. But he should not immediately panic, as medicine has learned to deal with this disease, albeit not with all its manifestations. Many early-stage cancers respond well to treatment. The most important thing is to monitor your health, undergo examinations with a doctor in order to detect this disease as early as possible.

5 types of malignant tumors

The human body is made up of many different types of cells. Healthy cells multiply when the body needs it. It does this by dividing them. Those cells that are no longer needed die. This is how healthy cells work. In cancer cells, the process is different. They rapidly divide and do not die. As a result of such a violation, oncology develops.

Scientists have described more than 200 types of cancer that affect different human organs. Different types of cancer have their own characteristics.

  1. Carcinoma. Epithelial cells contribute to the appearance of this tumor. The colon, prostate, breast, and cervix are the organs most commonly affected by carcinoma.
  2. Melanoma. Skin cells, by their uncontrolled division, cause skin cancer.
  3. Sarcoma. Caused by cancerous connective tissue cells. Quite a rare tumor, occurs less than one case out of a hundred diagnosed.
  4. Leukemia. In this oncology, the cause lies in the bone marrow, the stem cells of which cause cancer.
  5. Lymphoma. It develops due to cancer cells of the hematopoietic tissue. Lymphoid tissue can also be the cause of lymphoma.

In medicine, other types of cancerous tumors are also described, but they are rarely diagnosed: gliomas, teratomas, choriocarcinomas.

Treatment of malignant tumors is performed surgically, using methods of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The doctor chooses the type of treatment depending on the type of cancer and many other factors.

The operation is assigned to the patient only after a deep examination. For a successful outcome of surgical intervention, it is necessary to identify all metastases. Together with the tumor, tissues and lymph nodes adjacent to it, that is, the sites of existing metastases, are removed. If the stage of the disease is early, then, as a rule, one operation is dispensed with. Otherwise, other treatments, such as chemotherapy, are additionally used.

Radiation therapy methods are used in the fight against distant metastases and oncology, which is afraid of radiation. Cancer cells die as a result.

Chemotherapy is often used in addition to surgery. These are drugs that can damage cancer tissue.

The most common types of cancer

In Russia, among the male population, according to the type of cancer, the following are in the first three places:

The most common cause of lung cancer is bronchial epithelial cells. The tumor grows rather slowly. A person for several years does not realize that such a terrible disease has settled in his body. Therefore, these types of cancer have a high mortality among patients: by the time of diagnosis, the disease is very advanced. This oncology is also dangerous because it is prone to the rapid growth of metastases. Cigarette drinkers are at risk. They are advised to examine the lungs for the presence of the disease every three years.

Prostate cancer usually develops in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Improper nutrition also contributes to the appearance of the disease. Men over 50 are at risk. They are recommended to examine the prostate at least once every two years.

Too much sun exposure causes skin cancer. Cigarette smoke is also carcinogenic. If strange spots and neoplasms of various types appear on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist.

For women it looks like this:

  • breast tumors;
  • skin oncology;
  • cervical and uterine cancer.

Due to its prevalence, breast cancer has been studied quite well and is successfully treated. But only if the disease is not running. As a rule, a woman herself discovers a tumor in herself. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the neoplasm is removed surgically. Cancer cells that remain in the body after removal of the tumor are given special treatment. Almost all women over 40 are at risk. They need to be examined at least once every two years.

Skin cancer, as a rule, develops in those who like to sunbathe excessively and in frequent visitors to solariums. It is necessary to monitor the skin, and at the slightest change, visit a doctor. Like breast cancer, tumors of the cervix and body of the uterus are well studied and successfully treated. It is found during gynecological examinations, which women need to attend at least once a year.

Different types of cancer determine different methods of treatment. There are many medicines, and scientists are working on the production of more and more.

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Types of cancer

Posted By: admin 04/22/2016

A malignant tumor (cancer) is a tumor that has negative properties and poses a great danger to both health and human life (this feature became the basis of its name). The tumor itself is made up of malignant cells.

A malignant neoplasm is a pathology that occurs in the form of uncontrolled cell division that has the ability to penetrate into neighboring tissues and metastasize to almost all human organs.

Today, cancer processes pose a great threat to people's lives, since the incidence rate is very high, and treatment methods have not been thoroughly developed.

General information about cancer

Malignant tumors tend to develop as a result of mutation of normal cells of the body. In some cases, they lend themselves to uncontrolled division and lose their ability to undergo programmed cell death. In normal physiology, each cell must disintegrate into individual apoptotic bodies surrounded by a plasma envelope. In most people, the immune system is not able to detect the presence of such transformations in time, which leads to tumor growth and the onset of metastasis. Metastases from altered cells can penetrate into any organs or tissues.

Malignant tumors have their own classification. She distinguishes them by the affected organ, and by the type of cells that have succumbed to transformation. The branch of medicine that studies all types of cancer is called oncology.

Types of malignant tumors (cancer)


Carcinoma (actually cancer) is a malignant formation that originates from the cells of epithelial tissue, it can form on different organs where this tissue is present. Carcinoma is a very dangerous disease, since mortality from it is in second place (after pathologies of the cardiovascular system). In women, in most cases, carcinoma affects the mammary glands, cervix, lungs, and stomach. In men, the prostate, liver, esophagus, lungs.

Today, the effectiveness of this treatment is quite high. The best treatment is considered to be therapy in the initial stages of the disease, and the place of formation also plays a significant role. The more time it develops, the less likely it is to be cured.

Symptoms: Signs that indicate the presence of carcinoma may be different, it will depend on the location of the tumor and its size.

  • As the tumor grows, there is an increase in swelling at the site of its placement;
  • Increased bleeding;
  • Severe pain;
  • Dysfunction of the affected organ;
  • poor appetite;
  • Weight loss and weakness.

Diagnosis: Carcinoma detected in time makes the chances of a cure higher. Today, doctors use many methods for diagnosing oncological diseases.

  • Scheduled medical examinations for men and women every year, which include oncological examinations (especially after 40 years), fluorography of the lungs and others;
  • Palpation of unknown neoplasms on the skin, checking of some organs (palpation of the mammary glands in women, by a doctor mammologist);
  • Endoscopic instrumental studies;
  • Blood tests, especially for the antigen of squamous cell carcinoma;
  • Modern methods of diagnostics of the whole body MRI, CT, X-ray with contrasts;
  • Histological examination after tumor biopsy.

Treatment: Diagnosed carcinoma is treatable in different ways and is always unpredictable. What exact prognosis for the completion of the disease is not exactly known, but the stage of development of the process plays an important role. Modern treatments include:

  • Surgical excision of the tumor. In some cases, complete removal of the affected organ and regional lymph nodes is performed;
  • Chemotherapy - taking drugs that have a detrimental effect on cancer cells and can slow down the growth of the tumor;
  • Radiation therapy is used to treat unexplained formations and is performed before surgery;
  • Immunotherapy - increasing resistance to specific types of vaccines, as a result of which cancer becomes a target for the body;
  • Neutron therapy is the latest technique for fighting carcinoma, which uses neutron irradiation of the tumor;
  • Gene therapy - influence on cell division.

Combined methods of treatment have a good effect, when doctors simultaneously apply several of the above methods.

Prevention: There is no exact cause of carcinoma, which means that it is impossible to determine preventive measures. But oncologists strongly recommend undergoing scheduled medical examinations every year. Particular attention should be paid to the mammary glands of women, they should be familiar with the methods of self-examination.


Melanoma is a dangerous type of cancer that arises from mutated melanocytes (pigment cells in the skin). Melanoma is characterized by a rapid rate of metastasis and a high morbidity and mortality rate. It is not difficult to determine melanoma, because it is formed on open skin. In some cases, the eyes, nails, feet, and oral mucosa may be affected.

  • Long exposure to sunlight. The action of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, or solarium.
  • Moles. All moles on the human body are divided into normal and atypical (those that have an asymmetrical shape, rise above the surface of the skin).
  • People with delicate skin (especially albinos) are considered to be at increased risk for melanomas.
  • Anamnesis. Having a history of any skin cancer, even after remission, increases the risk of cancer coming back.
  • Weak immune system.

A large role in the occurrence of melanoma, like any other type of cancer, is played by genetic predisposition. According to statistics, 10% of patients diagnosed with skin cancer had people with the same problem in their family. This feature increases the risk of developing pathology by 50%.

Symptoms: melanoma has the ability to grow from moles present on the skin, in some cases the process occurs on clean skin. Most often it is localized on the legs and back, occasionally on other areas of the body.

The main sign of melanoma growth is considered to be visual changes in the size, shape and color of already present moles or birthmarks, accompanied by discomfort in these places. If a new mole becomes noticeable on the body, which quickly increases and has an abnormal appearance, it should be shown to specialists, since there is a high probability that melanomas develop on the skin.

In more advanced stages, the tumor on the skin begins to itch, crust, secrete various exudates, and new blackouts appear around the main focus. Then all this changes to pain, bleeding, destruction of the skin. Ultimately, melanoma starts metastases throughout the body, and the formation of a cancerous process in other organs and tissues is inevitable.

At the same time, the general condition changes dramatically, the patient rapidly loses weight, becomes emaciated, convulsive seizures are possible.

Diagnosis: Diagnosing melanoma can be very difficult, even for an experienced dermatologist. Due to the fact that the characteristic symptoms of skin cancer do not always appear, for this, doctors recommend paying attention to the presence of moles, and at the first suspicious changes, immediately inform specialists (especially if there have already been cases of this type of cancer in the family).

In addition to a visual examination, the doctor may prescribe a skin biopsy and a biopsy of the lymph nodes. The final diagnosis can only be made on the basis of a histological examination of the material taken from the pathological formation.

Early diagnosis is of great importance in the prognosis of treatment, and therefore people are recommended to undergo regular examinations. For self-examination, you need to have some fairly simple things (a lamp, 2 mirrors, two chairs, hair dryer).

  • With the help of mirrors it is convenient to examine the face and the back of the head. To check the scalp, you can use a hair dryer.
  • After the head, hands and nails are examined, elbows and armpits are checked in the mirrors.
  • Next, you should check the skin of the neck, chest and torso. For women, it is necessary to check the skin under the breasts.
  • Use a mirror to examine the back, buttocks, shoulders and legs.
  • In the end, you should check the legs and genitals.

Treatment: produced by one of two methods - surgical and combined.

Combined is the most successful, since the combination of timely irradiation allows you to extrude the tumor in more ablastic conditions. To begin with, the skin area affected by cancer is subjected to close-focus X-ray therapy, after which surgeons excise the tumor, capturing 4 centimeters of healthy skin around the lesion, as well as subcutaneous tissue and fascia. The formed crater in the skin is sutured with a rare suture or closed with the help of skin plasty.

A negative feature of melanoma is its ability to rapidly metastasize to nearby lymph nodes. In case of detection of their increase, they are subject to complete removal.


Sarcoma is another type of malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue cells. In the human body, all organs have connective tissue in their structure, so sarcoma can be localized anywhere. According to statistics, only 5% of oncological diagnoses are in favor of sarcoma, which has a high mortality rate. Another feature of this type of cancer is its occurrence in young people (more than 40% of patients are less than 30 years old).

  • Heredity;
  • Development from precancerous diseases;
  • Poisoning the body with carcinogens;
  • Foreign bodies in the body;
  • Mechanical damage to connective tissue;
  • Hormone imbalance in women during puberty.

Symptoms: very often, the sarcoma begins to appear in the form of a growing mass. With bone sarcoma, the patient complains of night pains in the area of ​​the affected bone, which cannot be anesthetized with drugs. Due to the fact that the tumor is constantly growing, the clinical picture is filled with additional symptoms. When squeezing or germination of the vessels by the tumor, the venous network increases, when exposed to the nerve trunks, pain along the affected nerve begins to disturb.

Diagnosis: for timely detection and correct diagnosis, it is necessary to use a whole range of diagnostic procedures:

  • Physical examination and history taking;
  • Laboratory research;
  • Ultrasound, radiography, MRI, Doppler angiography, etc.;
  • Biopsy of affected tissues.

Treatment: The best treatment for the disease is surgery. If it is located successfully, then the removal of the tumor does not affect the normal functions of the body and the treatment will not lead to disability. Although quite often there are situations when, after removal of the sarcoma, malignant growth begins in the lungs. In addition to surgery, chemotherapy methods and radiation exposure can be prescribed, which can be applied both before and after surgery.

The combination of several methods of treatment is considered the most successful, but more dangerous way to overcome cancer.


Leukemia (leukemia, blood cancer) is a malignant pathology of the hematopoietic system. The disease begins with the bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). When a cell mutates in any phase of its development, it acquires the properties of a cancer cell, while it does not perform its usual functions and begins uncontrolled division. It only takes one mutated cell in the blood to develop blood cancer.

Causes: The following factors can influence the development of leukemia:

  • Genetic predisposition - if the family had relatives affected by any type of cancer, then the risk of leukemia increases significantly. Such a contingent is advised to be examined 2 times more often (especially women);
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation - working conditions that are directly related to exposure. Direct evidence that radiation affects the development of leukemia can be considered atomic explosions at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and in Japan, which brought out a sharp increase in patients diagnosed with blood cancer.
  • Taking carcinogens - taking certain medications that affect the blood-forming organs.
  • Viruses - some viruses are able to invade human DNA and provoke mutations in body cells.
  • Food - modern food manufacturers use a lot of chemical preservatives and dyes, the effect of which is carcinogenic.

Symptoms: the clinical picture of leukemia is not clear, it is impossible to independently determine its presence, but if a person has several of the symptoms described below, you should consult a specialist:

  • Chronic weakness;
  • weight loss and lack of appetite;
  • Bleeding and swelling of the gums;
  • Pain in joints and bones.
  • Symptoms of colds;
  • Reduced resistance, which threatens the occurrence of infections;
  • Red spots under the skin;
  • Increased sweating, especially during sleep.

Diagnosis: to diagnose blood cancer, it is necessary to donate blood for general and biochemical tests. Also, for a clearer study, a bone marrow biopsy is taken.

Treatment: it is necessary to start treating leukemia immediately after diagnosing an oncological disease, because it has properties for rapid development. In the case of blood cancer, the treatment consists of chemotherapy, which aims to kill the cancerous blood cells. Taking into account the general condition and severity of the patient's disease, additional measures are taken in the form of blood transfusion, reduction of intoxication and prevention of infectious complications.

6 types of cancer that are successfully treated

People are afraid of oncological diagnoses, perceiving them as a sentence. In fact, this is not always the case: certain types of cancer (and there are more than 200 of them) can be cured today. Of course, the result of doctors' efforts depends on many factors, including the state of the body of a particular patient, his psychological attitude, promptness in seeking qualified help, consistency and perseverance in treatment.

Nevertheless, medicine has achieved significant success in saving the lives of patients who have some types of malignant neoplasms. We want to tell our readers about them.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world. About a million cases of this disease are diagnosed every year. In industrialized countries, breast cancer is very common. The fact is that, in addition to a burdened family history and the characteristics of the hormonal background of a woman, the main risk factors for breast cancer are the so-called diseases of civilization (diabetes, obesity), smoking, alcohol abuse, abortion and refusal to breastfeed.

The main method of treating breast cancer is surgical: the tumor is removed, and with a small size, there is a chance of removing not the entire breast, but only the neoplasm itself. Methods of treatment are being actively developed, for example, cryomammotomy (freezing the tumor with its subsequent removal).

The success of the treatment of this type of cancer directly depends on the promptness of seeking medical help. Doctors remind women of the need to familiarize themselves with self-examination techniques and regular medical examinations. Upon reaching the age of 40, a woman should monthly conduct an independent palpation of the breast and at least once a year visit a antenatal clinic. With early detection of the tumor and timely adequate care, the probability of curing breast cancer is almost 100%.

Cervical cancer

The main reason for the problems associated with the treatment of cervical cancer is difficult diagnosis. In the initial stages, the disease is asymptomatic or manifests itself as a general malaise. Only a gynecologist can detect a tumor during an examination, so such examinations should be regular.

In addition, you should keep in mind the risk factors for developing cervical cancer:

  • human papillomavirus (HPV) infection;
  • smoking;
  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • early onset of sexual activity.

The link between cervical cancer and HPV has been scientifically proven. It has been established that the probability of infection during sexual contact is about 75%, but during the normal functioning of the immune system, the vast majority of pathogenic microorganisms die. However, almost 90% of women of reproductive age are considered to be infected with HPV.

Modern medicine is successfully fighting cervical cancer. Treatment in this case requires surgery, it may also include chemotherapy or radiation therapy. When treated in the early stages of the disease, almost 100% survival is ensured. Among those who began the fight against cancer in the second stage, about 80% are cured.

Skin cancer

Skin cancer (various types) accounts for about 15% of all cancers. The most common (88.2% of cases) are basalioma and squamous cell carcinoma. These types of neoplasms are not the most dangerous, since they rarely metastasize to other organs and tissues. Much more severe is melanoma (an aggressive and rapidly metastasizing tumor), which accounts for 11% of cases.

The success of skin cancer treatment is associated primarily with early detection. The fact is that skin neoplasms are easy to diagnose visually. It is enough to notice atypical changes in the skin and especially the condition of birthmarks in order to suspect a pathology. A rapid increase in the number of moles, changes in their color, clarity of boundaries, surface structure or size is a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

In the early stages, skin cancer can be cured with surgery and radiation therapy. With timely treatment, the survival rate of patients suffering from melanoma is from 89 to 95%.

prostate cancer

Prostate cancer (prostate) is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in men. This is a disease of adulthood, the risk of which increases when a person reaches 50 years of age. In the early stages, the pathology is successfully treated: with a small tumor size at the time of detection, the probability of recovery is 95%.

Unfortunately, in most cases, prostate cancer is diagnosed late. The reason is not only that tumor growth can be asymptomatic. Often, men are embarrassed or afraid to seek medical help, even experiencing noticeable discomfort. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the following signs are observed:

  • discomfort when urinating or ejaculating;
  • the presence of traces of blood in semen or urine;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • frequent urination (including at night).

Men who have reached adulthood should monitor their health and visit a urologist at least once a year or at the first appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

testicular cancer

The disease is manifested by painful compaction in the scrotum, its enlargement and pain in the lower abdomen. Testicular cancer can affect men even in their youth. The average age of patients is 40 years.

The main method of dealing with this type of cancer is the surgical removal of the testicle, followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. With timely access to a doctor, the probability of a complete cure is estimated at 96%.

colorectal cancer

Cancer of the rectum or colon with adequate treatment in the early stages can be eliminated in 90% of cases. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of pathology:

  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • bowel problems (constipation or diarrhea);
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels after a bowel movement;
  • discomfort or persistent pain in the abdomen;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • constant fatigue;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness.

A family history is considered to be the main risk factor. The likelihood of colorectal cancer increases with age: 85% of cases occur in patients over 65 years of age.

The best way to prevent colon or rectal cancer is regular check-ups. Many doctors recommend that people over the age of 40 visit a proctologist annually and take a stool test for occult blood, and if necessary, undergo a colonoscopy. Particularly vigilant should be those in whose families cases of the named disease were observed.

All described types of cancer are successfully treated at the initial stage. Therefore, it is important to be oncologically vigilant: pay attention to the appearance of alarming symptoms and regularly undergo a medical examination.

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Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "Medicine".

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Today, a very topical issue is the treatment of cancer. Before considering it, it is important to know what types of cancer exist and which one is the most dangerous to health and life.

Crayfish. General information

Cancer is a serious malignant disease that develops from healthy epithelial cells and can affect any organ or system of the human body. To date, the causes of the growth of pathological cells have not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, the more we are aware of the facts known to modern medicine, the easier it is to avoid this or find the right way out.

There is a theory that the appearance of cancer is associated with a mutation in body tissues. But this has not been proven, like other versions.

Causes of occurrence. Types of cancer

Having information about the causes of occurrence can save everyone who, for some reason, is at risk. Here are some common reasons that explain the nature of the appearance of foreign cells in a healthy body:

  • air pollution;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • nicotine use;
  • inflammatory processes in the chronic stage;
  • viruses and infections;
  • alcoholism;
  • carcinogens, which are now used in almost everything, and which cannot be avoided.

What types of cancer are there? There are several varieties:

  • carcinoma - the most common type of cancer that affects the esophagus, prostate, mammary glands;
  • leukemia - a cancer that is localized in the bone marrow, but metastasizes throughout the body;
  • Sarcoma is a cancer that arises from the cells of the lymphatic system.

Blood cancer. dangerous kind

Blood cancer is also called hemoblastosis. This is a group of diseases of the circulatory system. Among them there are especially dangerous types of blood cancer, these are leukemia, hematosarcoma, lymphoma, angioma, chronic myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute monoblastic leukemia and others.

Leukemia is manifested by impaired differentiation and proliferation of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. With this pathology, a large number of cancer cells accumulate in the body, which are not responsible for any function, but only slowly poison the body. Leukemia most often affects older people or children under 4 years of age.

Genital cancer. Uterine cancer

Tumors of the genital organs are malignant tumors that can affect the external and internal organs.

Uterine cancer is common among women. Types of uterine cancer affect women from 55 to 70 years old, but there are often exceptions when very young women are examined and they are given a terrible diagnosis - endometrial cancer. There is a hormonal type and autonomous.

  • Hormonal - this is a "younger" cancer, it happens in women under 40 years old who at a young age suffered from problems with conception, diabetes, hyperglycemia and other problems.
  • Autonomous is observed in older women. In such patients, there is a reduced susceptibility to hormones and the absence of metabolic disorders of the endocrine system.

Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract

Tumors of the stomach and intestines are a very common disease. Known types of cancer of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract:

  • polypoid - makes up about 6% of all species, and its effect is that cancer corrodes the walls of the stomach. Pathological areas affected by cancer stand out well against the background of healthy tissues;
  • carcinoma, cancer-ulcer or ulcerative - accounts for about 36%, clear edges are visible, but practically does not differ from a stomach ulcer;
  • partial carcinoma - has no clear edges, protrudes above the level of healthy tissues and affects large areas of the stomach;
  • infiltrative cancer - develops inside the walls of the stomach, it is difficult to make a diagnosis;
  • adenocarcinoma - starts from the cells of the mucous membrane, or rather, the glandular epithelium.

As well as some types of bowel cancer:

Types of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract can metastasize, but with timely access to a specialist oncologist, effective treatment can be carried out.

Lungs' cancer. The most dangerous type of cancer

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that arises from the epithelium of the bronchi. Experts, having found out what types of cancer are, and having studied their pathogenesis, determined that a lung tumor is the most life-threatening cancer.

  • central - the main bronchi are affected;
  • peripheral - the tumor grows from the alveoli and small bronchi;
  • mediastinal - characterized by the rapid appearance of metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • disseminated form - a large number of foci of growth of pathological cells are formed in the lung tissue;
  • sarcoma;
  • tracheal cancer;
  • poorly differentiated. Lung cancer of this type is one of the most dangerous.

What are the causes of this terrible pathology? First of all, smoking affects the occurrence of lung tumors. It doesn't matter if it's active or passive smoking. The very fact of inhaling carcinogens is the main cause of cancer development. The next factor that can cause these types of cancer is contact with poisons such as nickel, cadmium, arsenic.

Heredity also plays a role in the occurrence of a tumor, along with factors such as radiation exposure, poor ecology, chronic lung diseases, and others.

Mammary cancer

What types of cancer do women have? Most often in women, the mammary glands are affected. This disease leads the list of the most dangerous and frequent pathologies. Mostly women from 40 to 60 years old suffer from breast tumors, but the disease is rapidly getting younger, and types of breast cancer are already being isolated that affect young girls.

Most of the neoplasms that a mammologist or the women themselves detect can be classified as benign. These are galactocele, fibrocystic mastopathy and fibroadenoma of the gland. Such types of disease, cancer diagnosed at the optimal time, are promptly detected by oncologists, and treatment is carried out, possibly even removal of the mammary glands in order to avoid a second process.

What are the reasons for the development of pathological cell growth in the mammary gland:

  • abnormalities in the development of the mammary gland;
  • alcoholism, smoking and other bad habits are an important risk factor, if we also take into account the genetic predisposition of a woman;
  • poor ecology, polluted air and poor-quality drinking water;
  • late delivery can also become a trigger at the beginning of the development of pathology;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs and others.

Breast cancer with timely access to an oncologist is treated with the possibility of recurrence.

Cancer Symptoms

The problem is that in the initial stages of development, cancer does not make itself felt, and only early diagnosis will help determine the presence and severity of the pathological process.

The symptoms of cancer are:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • long-term elevated body temperature;
  • a state of apathy and constant fatigue for no reason;
  • the color, shape, size of birthmarks or moles may change;
  • ulcers appear in the oral cavity;
  • pain increases over time.

In addition to the main symptoms, there are also specific ones. Prolonged wound healing may indicate a change in cells in the body, the loss of their function - cancerous processes. Abnormal discharge or bleeding, as well as problems with urination, may indicate the presence of cancer cells in the body.

Diagnosis of types of cancer

To date, there are many unresolved issues posed by oncology. Cancer species mutate and become invulnerable. For quality treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease.

For this purpose, ultrasound therapy, computed tomography, mammography (in order to identify types of breast cancer), endoscopic method for diagnosing tumors in the stomach, esophagus and intestines, magnetic resonance imaging, radioisotope diagnostics and others are used.

Read more about X-ray examination - the main method for diagnosing oncological diseases.

Radiography is used at the slightest suspicion of pathological processes in the cells. Using this method, you can examine the lungs, colon, stomach, bones. Recently, special methods have been used - bronchography, angiography, which significantly increase the likelihood of detecting cancerous processes.

Cancer treatment

For many years there has been an active discussion and research of drugs for the treatment of cancer. But, unfortunately, medicine has not yet found the only way to cure such patients. Therefore, after the detection of cancerous processes, complex treatment is carried out using radiation therapy, chemotherapeutic drugs and surgical methods.

  • Radiation therapy of cancer patients: the principle of such treatment is the increased sensitivity of pathological cells to ionizing radiation. After such a procedure, a mutation occurs in diseased cells, and they die. Therapy is not indicated for children, as their cells are still in the developmental stage and are most exposed to radiation. Some types of lung cancer are successfully treated after the procedure.
  • The chemotherapeutic effect on cancer cells is very aggressive, and the procedure is indicated only in advanced stages, if other types of cancer treatment are already not helping. The dose is selected depending on the weight of the patient, the type of tumor, its position and the condition of the patient. Different drugs are combined to maximize the effect on tumor cells.
  • Surgical treatment is often resorted to, as this is the most effective and reliable method. Treatment consists in removing the source of pathology. But the surgical method will be ineffective if metastases have already appeared in the body.

Severe and most dangerous types of cancer, such as lung cancer, cannot always be cured. In this case, supportive therapy is used, but the chances that the patient will survive are very small.

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The horror and fear that come to a person when he hears such a diagnosis can hardly be compared with anything. This is the number 2 cause of death among Americans, the primacy in this terrible category is occupied by cardiovascular disease. Even with early diagnosis and treatment with the latest methods, he still has the power to kill a man.

Despite the fact that today there are such new methods of treatment that nothing was known about a few decades ago, the "cure for cancer" is still something that is still unattainable by science. There are about 100 types of cancer, as well as many causes that contribute to its development, ranging from radiation to various viruses and exposure to carcinogens.

Cancer cells, as well as the direction of their growth, are still unpredictable, and in some cases this process is generally mysterious. Even after seemingly effective treatment, cunning cancer cells can still make themselves felt.

About $200 billion has been spent on cancer research since the early 1970s, with patient survival rates rising from 50 percent to 65 percent.

"We wouldn't know so much about cancer today if basic clinical science research hadn't been funded," says Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, one of the American cancer community's experts. "Basic science tells us about how drugs work and how effective drugs can be, we absorb that information and put it to the test."

Below are the 10 cancers that killed the most people in the United States between 2003 and 2007, according to the National Cancer Institute.

1. Bronchial and lung cancer: 792,495 lives

This type of cancer is the worst killer of people in the United States. Smoking and the use of tobacco products is the main cause of its development, which most often affects people aged 55-65 years. There are two main types of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer, which is the most common, and small cell lung cancer, which progresses much faster. More than 175,000 people are expected to die from bronchial and lung cancer in 2010.

2. Colon and rectal cancer: 268,783 lives

According to the National Cancer Institute, colon cancer develops in the tissues of the colon, while rectal cancer develops inches from the colon. In most cases, cancer begins as a collection of small, benign tumors called polyps that become cancerous over time. It is recommended to undergo regular screening to detect polyps before they turn into malignant tumors. Colorectal cancer is projected to kill 51,000 people in 2010.

3. Breast cancer: 206983 lives

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the US after skin cancer. But this type of cancer also occurs sometimes in men, in the period from 2003 to 2008, about 2,000 cases of breast cancer were recorded in the stronger sex. Typically, this type of cancer develops in the channels that carry milk to the breast, or in the glands that produce it. It is estimated that 40,000 people will die from breast cancer in 2010.

4. Pancreatic cancer: 162,878 lives

This type of cancer begins to develop in the tissues of the pancreas, which helps digestion and is involved in the regulation of metabolism. It is extremely difficult to detect it in its early stages, as it often progresses quickly and imperceptibly. According to sad forecasts, this type of cancer in 2010 will take the lives of 37,000 people.

5. Prostate cancer: 144,926 lives

According to statistics, this type of cancer is the second most common cause of death among men after lung and bronchial cancer. Typically, cancer begins slowly in the prostate gland, which produces seminal fluid to "transport" sperm. Some types of this cancer are limited to the prostate gland and do not spread further, which makes it easier to treat, while others, on the contrary, are more aggressive, as a result of which cancer cells begin to colonize the entire body. In 2010, prostate cancer will kill about 32,000 men.

6 Leukemia: 108,740 lives

There are many types of this cancer, but each affects the body's blood-forming tissues, namely the bone marrow and lymphatic system, resulting in the production of abnormal white blood cells. Leukemia is classified by how quickly it progresses and which cells it affects. A type called "acute myeloid leukemia" killed the most people during the period under review (41,714 people). Nearly 22,000 people are predicted to die from leukemia in 2010.

7 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: 104,407 lives

This type of cancer destroys lymphocytes, the white blood cells, and is characterized by severe enlargement of the lymph nodes, fever, and weight loss. There are several types of this cancer, which are classified according to the rate of progression of the disease, as well as which type of lymphocyte is affected. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a very merciless disease that is projected to claim 20,000 lives in 2010.

8. Cancer of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts: 79,773 lives

Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, but is quite rare in the US. However, the disease has been on the rise in recent years. Most often in the United States, this situation is observed: cancer begins to develop in another part of the body, and then spreads to the liver. Very close in symptoms to liver cancer and cancer of the intrahepatic bile ducts, which develops in the channels that carry bile from the liver to the colon. This type of cancer is predicted to kill nearly 19,000 Americans in 2010.

9. Ovarian cancer: 73,638 lives

Ovarian cancer is the number 4 cause of death among American women. The average age of a woman who is diagnosed with a similar diagnosis is 63 years. Cancer is easier to treat but harder to detect in its early stages. However, recent research in this area has been able to shed light on some of the early symptoms, which can be an indispensable aid in early diagnosis. These symptoms include discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequent pelvic pain, and frequent urination. The year 2010 is projected to kill 14,000 women suffering from ovarian cancer.

10. Cancer of the esophagus: 66,659 lives

This type of cancer begins in the cells lining the esophagus (the tube that carries food to the stomach) and tends to occur most often in the lower part of the stomach. This type of cancer kills more men than women and is projected to kill 14,500 people in 2010.