Do you need a pit under the bath. Drainage pit for a bath: several construction options - step by step

  • 03.03.2020

Any bath, whether it is a smoke-heated bath or a state-of-the-art sauna with electric stoves, bubble pools and Jacuzzi, requires a drain. drain hole for a bath - an indispensable part, the device of which should be thought about even before the start of construction.

You should immediately make a reservation, if there is a sewerage system near your site or, at worst, a drain ditch, then the construction of a drain pit becomes impractical. In this case, all work on the removal of water from the bath is reduced to laying pipes to a ditch or a liquid waste receiver.

In order to assess the level of ground water look at the vegetation cover of the area. If there are many moisture-loving plants on it (digitalis, horsetail, sedge, nettle, cattail, hemlock, coltsfoot, horse sorrel), then groundwater lies close to the surface.
On such a site to build cesspool with drainage into the ground is highly undesirable.

Determine the type of drain pit

The drain pit in the bath is not hydraulically complex and its construction is within the power of any physically healthy person who knows how to hold a shovel and trowel in his hands. Physical health will be needed in order to dig a hole of the appropriate size, and a trowel for laying bricks. Our instructions will help you with the rest.

Drainage pits can be divided into three types: airtight, with drainage into the ground and a septic tank.

Consider the use of all three types in more detail.

  • Sealed cesspool. Used in areas with high level ground water. In this case, a sealed container is simply dug into the ground. suitable sizes, in which . At the same time, you should definitely take care of the convenience of access to it, because. such a hole should be pumped out periodically. The price of such a facility is determined by the cost of the waste container.

  • Pit with drainage into the ground. The most commonly used type. Suitable for both summer cottages and private households that are not equipped with sewerage.

If you use improvised materials for construction (old tires from trucks or unnecessary iron barrels), as well as construction waste as drainage, the price of such a structure will approach zero. If you build from used bricks or waste from the construction of the bath itself, then the price will increase by the cost of the masonry mortar.

  • Septic. The most complex structure, allowing at the output to receive practically clean water. There are septic tanks different types: from the simplest, with mechanical settling of water, to complex energy-dependent ones with several filtration stages.

Choosing a type treatment plant, of course, first of all, you should look into the wallet. And if it turns out that there is a sufficient amount of relatively free finance in it, a septic tank should be preferred industrial production. If not, then you can try to build it yourself.

We build our own drain pit for a bath

Let us analyze in more detail the device of the drain pit for the bath. Since the pit is not required. It should be borne in mind that sooner or later any septic tank will either have to be cleaned or filled up and a new one made.

Therefore, we will not consider device options from old barrels and tires. The former are unsafe in case of cleaning, and the latter, in addition to being unsafe, are also not environmentally friendly.

In our article, we will tell you how to make a drain hole for a bath with drainage into the ground from brick or cinder block. Let's consider all the stages in more detail.

Choose a place

When choosing a place, you should be guided by only one rule - the septic tank should be no further than two meters from the walls of the bath. Otherwise, the slope under the drain will be too small, and the water may stagnate. This means that apart from unpleasant odors frequent clogging of drain pipes will be added to the troubles.

Digging a pit

This is the most time-consuming part of all work. The main problem will be the use of excavated land. fertile soil can be scattered under plants, but clay and sand will have to be taken out. Large stones and gravel can be left - they are useful for cladding and drainage.

The cylindrical shape of the drain pit is preferable to the cubic one. more evenly distributes the load on the ground.

We make facing

If the soil on the site is dense and well absorbent, then special wall cladding is not required. However, in our latitudes, such types of soil are quite rare, so the walls of the pit need to be strengthened.

For these purposes, it is best to use ceramic brick or natural stone They are cheaper and absorb less water. In addition, special concrete rings can be used.

If the lining is made of brick, then it should be placed on the edge for less material consumption. Between the bricks, gaps are left sufficient for water drainage.

We fall asleep drainage

We fill up the drainage field at the end of the cladding. Fragments of bricks and cinder blocks, as well as large construction debris, will be used. In this sense, the construction of a bathhouse will be very useful for us - and the drain pit will be filled, and we will dispose of construction waste.

The thickness of the drainage layer must be at least 20 cm.

The walls of the drain pit should be raised above ground level by 30-70 cm. From above, the building is covered with a tight lid so that there are no extraneous odors. The drain hole hatch must be made spacious enough for ease of maintenance.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the septic tank cover on well-groomed area may not look very nice. Therefore, on it you can arrange a small flower bed or other element. landscape design. It is important, when constructing such, not to cover the cover with heavy soil, so that if necessary it can be moved without damaging the beauty.

And the video in this article will be able to clearly answer these and some more questions on this topic!

The right drain pit for a bath will help extend the durability of the structure, prevent the appearance of dampness and various odors. Its design is very simple to implement: having a plan, anyone can build a drain.

Design features

A drain pit for a summer shower or bath consists of a drain pipe and a reservoir where water flows. A pipe for draining water must be laid before the arrangement of the foundation. It is a wide branch, for which the diameter and shape are extremely important.

The pipe is discharged into the drain tank. This pit is located at a certain distance from the bath. Unlike a cesspool, this drain is almost always open. This approach is explained by the fact that bath water does not pose an environmental hazard.

  1. One of the most important factors when equipping a drain pit for a bath, groundwater is used. If they are located high, then there is no point in arranging the tank. With any change in the level of groundwater, the pit will involuntarily fill. In this case, it is better to simply remove the drain pipe from the bath to the site or beyond;
  2. The pit can be made of bricks, plastic barrels, foam blocks. In some cases, it is even equipped with wooden boards;
  3. A sand cushion is laid at the bottom of the tank, construction debris or fragments of bricks are placed on top of it. This is necessary to protect the pit from silting.

The junction of the pipe and the drain tank is additionally sealed and reinforced with a flexible coupling.

Material selection

For the construction of a drain pit for a bath, various materials can be used. If you have certain funds, then it is best to give preference to brick or foam blocks.

Tire pits are also very popular. Such a drain structure is distinguished by its availability and easy installation. Tires for cars or trucks are used as walls in this design (depending on the required drain volume).

Concrete rings are mounted very similarly, but they are interconnected with a concrete mortar. A mandatory requirement is the treatment of external surfaces with bitumen - this will extend the life of the drain. Seams between separate parts structures are coated with sealant.

How to make a hole with your own hands step by step

First, a place is selected for the pit. From the bathhouse and the foundation of a residential building, you need to maintain a distance of 3 to 5 meters. The depth of the pit depends on the required volume of effluents and the level of groundwater. It is recommended to take a value of no more than 8 meters.

  1. A site is being prepared for a bathhouse and a drain pit. Before concreting the foundation, one or more outlet pipes are drawn from the bath (depending on the size of the room);
  2. A trench is dug from the foundation, which is insulated. Its bottom is covered with a layer of fine gravel and river sand;
  3. This trench should have some slope in relation to the source. The average value is 3 degrees for each running meter. This will ensure the normal speed of movement of effluents, prevention of stagnation and silting of the pipe;

  4. After preparing the pit for the drain. Its bottom and walls are necessarily strengthened. They will constantly be washed away with a large amount of water, which affects the strength of the entire structure. For protection, you can use wooden beams. On moving soils, it is more expedient to build a formwork;

  5. The thickness of the drain tank for a bath can be significantly less than for a cesspool. Brickwork can consist of one layer, and a concrete casing - 15 centimeters;
  6. If the waste tank rises above the ground, then it must be additionally insulated. For this, earth, clay, polystyrene or even textile fiber are successfully used;
  7. If the drain is completely underground, then in its additional insulation it makes no sense. Some homeowners believe that a cesspool for a bath does not need a hatch, but this is not so. An inspection hole will be needed for cleaning and prevention of silting of the drain, as well as the necessary repairs. It is best to use double plastic lids;
  8. Of course, if there is no special cover at hand, and you need to close the hole with something, then a sheet of corrugated board, slate or any other durable and hard material is perfect.

The drain pit for the bath should be cleaned several times a season with the help of a cesspool machine. This will free the drain from solid waste, plaque, and get rid of sludge. Instead of vacuum trucks, you can use a submersible drainage pump.

Drainage pit for a bath: expert advice

A bath is an almost obligatory attribute on suburban area. No shower cabins and bathtubs can replace the healing effect of a steam room, so a bathhouse is often erected even before a house is built. Do not forget that even the smallest bathhouse requires the disposal of used water. The simplest and, at the same time, practical option for local sewage is a drain pit for a bath. Consider how this structure can be built.

An example of a drain hole for a bath

It is possible to organize the removal of waste water from the bath different ways. If it is possible to connect the drain to the central sewer or organize the discharge of water into a common drain ditch, then this option would be preferable.

But, if this is not possible, it is necessary to build local systems for receiving wastewater. Let's consider how to equip a drain pit, if this particular option for arranging a sewer is chosen.

What needs to be done before construction begins?

The mouth of the pit filled with soil

Everyone knows that the construction of any object or communication must begin with design. The construction of a treatment plant for a bath will not be an exception.

GWL assessment

First of all, you need to find out at what level the underground soil waters lie. If this level is high enough, then the construction of a traditional drain pit will have to be abandoned, since it will be filled with soil water.

How can you determine at what distance from the surface the groundwater occurs? As a rule, to obtain this information, it is necessary to carry out a hydrogeological study, including the drilling of ores. However, a preliminary assessment of the situation can also be made using ancient folk methods:

  • If there are wells nearby, then by the level of water in them, one can draw a conclusion about the GWL.
  • Another sign is that with a high GWL, many plants grow on the site that need moisture in large quantities. For example, horsetail, coltsfoot, reed, sedge, etc.

Brick drain hole

Determining the volume of chambers and other nuances of construction

The volume of the receiving chambers depends on how the bath is designed for the person - the drain pit should be the larger, the more people will use the washing room.

With insufficient volume of the pit, wastewater simply does not fit in it and will flow over the edge. Also, the quality of the soil on the site should be assessed, it depends on whether it will be necessary to strengthen the edges of the pit.

The location of the treatment tank should be determined in advance. As a rule, it is recommended to place the pit at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from the bath. Otherwise, it will be difficult to build a pipeline with the required slope.

Laying a drain pipe from a bath

The exit of the sewer pipe into the pit

The arrangement of drain pits begins with the laying of a drain pipe, which will lead from the bath to the treatment plant.

  • The construction of the drain pipe begins with the construction of the foundation for the bath.
  • When laying the pipe, turns, bends and joints are not allowed. If this requirement is not observed, there is a risk of blockages.
  • After installing the drain pipe, the floor is poured in the bath concrete screed, while the floor is made with a slope towards the pipe. After the screed dries, you can put on the floor tile or other moisture-resistant finishing material.
  • The drain hole of the pipe should be protected with a grate to prevent debris from entering the pipeline.

Advice! Insulation of the floor in the bath, as a rule, is not done. Since a properly constructed floor warms up quickly when the stove is fired and does not let in the outside cold. Drain pipe, laid with the necessary slope, also does not require insulation.

Drainage pit construction

Tire cesspool example

If the soil on the site is strong and, at the same time, has excellent filtering properties, then the construction of the pit consists in digging a pit and constructing a drainage layer of crushed stone or gravel.

However, such ideal conditions are extremely rare. As a rule, well-draining soils tend to crumble, so when building a pit, it is necessary to provide for the strengthening of its walls.

Options for materials that can be used to lay out the walls of the pit:

  • The brick is moisture resistant (ceramic).
  • Slate sheets.
  • Rings from reinforced concrete are well.

An example of a finished cesspool

You can also use improvised materials:

  • Old tires with a rim cut off on one side.
  • Barrels made of plastic or metal. The bottom of such barrels is removed, and holes are made in their lower part for the passage of water.

Installation steps

  • The first and most time-consuming stage of construction is the preparation of a pit for a pit and a trench for laying a pipe. The excavated soil should either be scattered over the site (if it is high-quality soil), or taken out of it.
  • During the construction of a brick tank, the walls are laid half a brick thick - this saves material. In the ranks brickwork make five-centimeter gaps for draining fluid.

Advice! Masonry can be made not only from brick, but also from natural stone.

  • When constructing a tank from concrete well rings, perforated products should be chosen. If it was not possible to buy them, then you will have to form holes yourself with a puncher.
  • After completing the process of strengthening the walls of the pit, the formation of a drainage layer at the bottom should begin. To do this, sand and gravel are poured into the pit, the layer thickness is at least 20 cm.

Advice! If there is no crushed stone, construction waste - broken brick or concrete can be used to form a drainage layer.

  • Strengthening the walls of the pit is completed at a distance of 40 cm from the surface of the earth. At this level, an overlap should be arranged - put the finished reinforced concrete slab or pour the solution along the pre-built formwork.
  • An opening should be provided in the ceiling, which will be used to control the filling of the pit with drains, and, if necessary, to pump out water. The hole is closed with a secure hatch. After that, the drain pit in the bath is ready.

When building a bath, a system for discharging used water should be provided. An inexpensive and practical option for waste disposal is a drain pit for a bath. You can build this structure on your own, without involving teams of builders, since there is nothing complicated in its design.

Despite all the benefits of civilization carried out on each garden plot and in a private house, the bathhouse remains a popular place for relaxing and taking water procedures. In order for the building to be reliable for many years of operation, it is necessary to observe building codes including water supply. Therefore, the arrangement of a drain pit for a bath plays an important role.

It is very important to properly organize the removal of contaminated water from the bath and the place of its collection. Since the presence of a centralized sewage system during the construction of a bath is not provided, and it is forbidden to dump waste into the ground or natural reservoirs, a special drain pit is necessary. This is a laborious process, but it is quite within the power of any homeowner who has enough strength to carry out earthmoving work.

According to the type of cesspools for a bath, there are three main types:

  1. A sealed recess, which is equipped in areas with shallow groundwater. This is a cesspool, which periodically needs to be emptied from the drains accumulated inside it. To collect contaminated water from the bath, a sealed container of large volume is installed inside the recess. This option differs from others in its environmental friendliness, since there is no contact of wastewater with groundwater and the soil itself. However, this design is inconvenient in that it makes it necessary to constantly monitor the level of filling with drains in order to empty it in time. In addition, regular services of a sewer are not cheap.
  2. Drainage pit with a leaky bottom, covered with drainage. Used as a filtering bulk layer construction material- crushed stone or gravel. Holes are often made in the side walls of the recess so that water from the pit penetrates into the soil. This is the most common and simple design bath drain. However, its arrangement is possible only in areas with deep groundwater.
  3. A septic tank is a more complex drain system consisting of several chambers. Most often, this design is equipped in cases where it is planned to use a drain pit to collect not only polluted water from the bath, but also the entire drain from the house. One of the chambers of the septic tank is sealed and serves to collect, filter and treat waste, during which solid particles settle to the bottom, and liquid particles are clarified and moved to another chamber through the overflow pipe. The second chamber is based on the principle of a drainage well, which filters polluted water and sends it to the soil. If there are more than two chambers, deeper water purification is performed.

Cesspool for a bath: the nuances of construction

Before starting construction, you should decide on the depth and size of the pit: the more people in the family, the larger the drain pit for a do-it-yourself bath should be. The quality of the soil and the depth of the aquifers should also be assessed. The type of drain construction will depend on this, as well as the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to strengthen the edges of the pit.

Before you make a drain hole, you should consider some of the nuances:

  • The pit must be built before the construction of the bath itself begins.
  • If the pit is located directly under the bath, the following conditions must be met: the presence of a pile or column foundation, the elements of which are carefully waterproofed; and ensuring good ventilation between the base of the bath and the pit.
  • The drain pipe is installed at the required slope even at the stage of laying the foundation of the bath, it must be well insulated.

If it is decided to make a drain pit at a distance from the bath, you should choose its location in advance.

How to make a drain hole for a bath

The simplest option for a drain pit, subject to the presence of strong soil, is a pit with a drainage cushion at the bottom. If the soil is unstable, the walls of the pit are strengthened various materials: brick, slate, concrete rings, metal or plastic tanks. A small pit can be made from tires. For laying communications, metal or plastic pipes are used.

Construction stages:

  1. Drain pipe lining.

The drain pipe should be installed at the stage of laying the foundation of the bath. It is located at the bottom of the foundation with a certain slope towards the drain pit. The correct slope is 2-3 cm per meter of pipe length. If it is observed, its warming may not be necessary.

  1. Pit device

Simultaneously with the trench under the pipe, a pit is pulled out under the drain pit for the bath. A do-it-yourself cylindrical pit for a bath distributes the load on the ground better, so this form of pit is preferable to a cubic one. At the same stage of work, an overflow pipe is laid through the trench from the bath.

  1. Wall strengthening

To strengthen the walls of the sand pit, you can use ordinary slate. If it was decided to use brick, it is better to choose ceramic as it is more resistant to water. Laying is done in half a brick, and gaps are left between the ends for the effect of drainage. Laying should be carried out until 40 cm is left to the ground.

After the pit is ready, a drainage layer must be poured to the bottom. For this, a mixture of crushed stone with sand or gravel is used. The thickness of the drainage layer must be at least 20 cm. The pit is closed concrete slab or a sheet of thick metal.

Often barrels are placed inside the pits - metal or plastic. The second option is preferable, since plastic is not subject to corrosion, and this directly affects the duration of the structure's service life. In addition, a plastic barrel is easier to find, and it can have any volume.

Drainage pit for a bath of tires

The tire pit is very strong and very easy to build. For this, tires of any size can be used, but the larger the size of the pit, the larger the diameter they should be. When building a cesspool from tires, the level of groundwater should be taken into account, which should be one meter below the bottom of the pit.

One of the tires can be used as a template for a pit in order to dig a hole along its diameter. When the hole is dug to a sufficient depth, in the center of its bottom you need to make deep hole, it is desirable to reach the aquifers. A tube is inserted into it, which will serve as additional drainage. The visible part of the pipe should be at least a meter, many small holes should be made in it, and the top should be covered with a polymer mesh. The space around the tube is covered with crushed stone and gravel.

Next, the tires are stacked inside the channel on top of each other. Part of the top tire is cut off to make it easier to pump out water, and the inlet pipe is in a more stable position. Tires are fastened together with clamps, the seams between them should be treated with silicone sealant. The top bar should be slightly elevated above the ground. From above, the drain pit of tires is closed with a metal or polymer lid.

Many tenants country houses and the owners of summer cottages build baths. First, it's a great way to have a good time. Secondly, visiting the bath has a positive effect on health. And so that all these events do not bring trouble, it is necessary to properly equip the drain pit. There is always a lot of water in the bath, and it must be disposed of somehow. How to make a drain pit for a bath with your own hands will be discussed in this article.

Types of pits used

The drain pit itself is not a complex hydraulic structure. Almost anyone can handle its creation, but before starting work, you need to get acquainted with the types and varieties of pits:

  • Sealed container. Such a pit is equipped in areas where The groundwater run shallow. The design is a simple sealed container of the required volume, dug into the ground. When choosing a place for such a drain pit, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of a sewer truck access for periodic pumping of accumulated water;
  • Drainage hole. It is this design that is most often used for baths that are not equipped with toilets. In this case, the container is installed without a bottom, and filter material is poured into it.

It is worth remembering that if the bath has a toilet, then it is better to use a septic tank. In this case, the effluents will be cleaned to the required level (up to 80–90%) and they can be discharged into the ground without harm to the environment.

What materials can be used

The choice of material used will depend on the type of drain pit and your financial capabilities. As a rule, such structures are built:

. You can use metal or plastic. The second option is the best. Plastic is not subject to corrosion, so the drain pit will last longer. Besides plastic barrels can be found in almost any size.

Best of all, ceramic. The walls of the drain pit can be made in the form of brickwork. This option can be considered the most common. The popularity of using bricks is due to their availability, because you can use used products and versatility (you can make a container of any size out of bricks).

To build a drain pit, you can use concrete rings or make the walls fill.

. Car tires tolerate impact well. aggressive environments. In addition, such material can be found for free at any tire shop.

Note! Other improvised materials can also be used, the main thing is that they easily endure a long stay in the water.

Work progress

Now let's talk about how to make a cesspool for a bath. The first step is to choose a suitable location. If you are using a sealed design, then you should install it near entrance gate, to sewer machine could easily reach her.

It is best to build a cesspool no further than 5–10 m from the bath itself. It is worth remembering that the shorter the pipe, the less likely it is to become clogged. In addition, long communications require a device manholes, which increases the cost of all work.

Note! The selected location should not be big trees, as their roots can damage the walls of the container. In addition, the drain pit is made far from the sources drinking water. It is also worth maintaining a distance from the neighboring site (1–5 m).

The next step will be earthworks. You need to dig the pit itself under the drain hole, as well as trenches for sewer pipes. Upper layer soil can be distributed over the site, and the lower, infertile, must be removed.

Further work will depend on the material you choose.

  1. If the drain pit is made of barrels (for example, plastic), then the progress of work will be as follows. First, the barrel should not have a bottom. In addition, it is desirable to do on the sides drainage holes. It is advisable to wrap the barrel itself with geotextile to prevent the ingress of suspended particles from the soil. Secondly, a pipe is connected to the top of the barrel. It is desirable to make the top cover completely sealed, for which you can use a sealant. After preparing the barrel at the bottom of the pit, a crushed stone pillow is made, 20–30 cm thick. Having installed the container in the pit and connected all the pipes, we backfill, crushed stone is also used for this.
  2. If you use old car tires in your work, then the sides are cut off from them first, for which you can use a jigsaw. Then the bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of crushed stone or gravel, 30–40 cm thick. After that, tires can be stacked on top of each other. Laying is done so that the tires are tightly pressed, the joints should be minimal. The input of the sewer pipe is carried out at the level of the junction of the last and penultimate rings. A hole is made in the upper tire in the lower part, and the upper sidewall is not cut off. Inserted into the hole sewage pipe, the insertion point is sealed. The last step will be the installation of the drain pit cover. To do this, you can use a metal or wooden shield. From above, the entire structure can be covered with soil.
  3. When using a brick, the construction of a drain pit will not differ much from the previous options. A gravel cushion is laid at the bottom of the pit, then the walls are lined with bricks using a sand-cement mortar. The last step is to install a cover made of metal or wood.

If concrete rings are used, then special equipment (crane or manipulator) should be involved in the work. Such products weigh quite a lot, so you will not be able to cope with the styling yourself. concrete rings you can take used ones, even those with small chips and holes.

Whatever material is chosen, it is important to make a hatch for periodic inspection. For a certain time, the filter element becomes silted and requires cleaning.
