How is septic tanks and cesspools cleaned from sediment? Cleaning of a cesspool without pumping Means for cleaning of drain holes.

  • 03.03.2020

Summer residents and owners country houses in the absence of a central sewage system, with a certain frequency, one very important task has to be solved - to clean the septic tank. Unfortunately, such a wonderful facility, which ensures the purity of wastewater, itself needs regular cleaning.

To answer this question, you need to have at least a general idea about the design of septic tanks. Septic tanks may vary design features, the materials from which they are made, but operate on the same principle - they are, to one degree or another, primarily settlers.

A container placed in the ground is designed for filtering and treating wastewater by the flow method. This happens in the following sequence:

  • Drains are brought to the tank, where they merge.
  • Waste water settles in the chamber for about a day, divided into fractions.
  • Heavy fractions settle. If biological treatment is provided in the septic tank, then it is populated by anaerobic microorganisms, which, at a depth in an oxygen-free environment, process the settling particles, forming sludge.
  • Clarified water without suspended particles flows to the filter well, where they are completely cleaned and seep through the drainage into the ground.

Gradually, sludge accumulates, occupying a certain volume. This reduces the performance of the device. To clean the septic tank, you need to pump out most of the resulting sludge. It is undesirable to remove all the silt, since anaerobes live in it, and they will have to be repopulated in a completely cleaned septic tank. It is recommended to pump out somewhere 80% of deposits. Usually, septic tank cleaning performed as needed, but at least once a year.

Methods for cleaning a septic tank

Cleaning methods depend on the design of the septic tank:

  • Some devices are equipped with special sludge pipes, through which sludge flows by gravity or under pressure.
  • There are septic tanks that do not require pumping. In them, sludge enters with the help of special pumps through filters into replaceable tanks. The degree of filling of the tanks is determined visually, the filled tank is independently replaced by an empty one. Such a system is simple and convenient, but it also costs a lot.

In all other cases, you will have to choose between two options:

Professional Services

The arrival of the vacuum cleaners will help solve your problem quickly and easily. When applying for cesspool services, as a rule, you need to indicate the depth and volume of the septic tank, as well as provide transport access. Using a hose and a vacuum pump, specialists will pump out the contents of the septic tank or cesspool into the tank installed on the machine, if necessary, wash the chambers and pipes. If the volume of the tank at the sewers allows, then the septic tank is pumped out at a time.

The task is simplified if the company providing sewage services has suction machine. It's more powerful and modern equipment. Such a machine does not need to drive close to the septic tank, the length of the hoses is about 40 m. Powerful pumps are able to cope even with solid deposits and, if necessary, flush from such an impressive distance.

If you need a professional septic tank cleaning, price for such a service in the Moscow region starts from 3,000 rubles (for a septic tank up to 3 cubic meters). Although, the farther from the capital, the lower the prices. For example, in Ryazan, located 200 km from Moscow, a similar service is offered for 2,500 rubles. Flushing of chambers and pipes is not included in this price.

If the chambers were washed, then it is necessary to repopulate the microorganisms in the septic tank.

Self cleaning septic tank

Pumping out septic tanks- a procedure that you can do yourself. For this you will need fecal pump, a water pump, a long hose and a tightly closed container of sufficient volume. If the sludge has acquired a solid consistency, then it will be useful fecal submersible pump with grinder.

It will be necessary to pump out deposits from the chambers into a container, if necessary, flush the pipes and chambers with a water pump, followed by the addition of a biological product containing anaerobes.

Recently, another method has been added to the listed methods for cleaning a septic tank, which is gaining more and more popularity among owners of suburban real estate.

Bacterial cleaning

The application serves as an excellent auxiliary tool for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools, which allows you to significantly save on calling a sewage truck - the need for it occurs much less frequently. And in cases of a short stay outside the city (for example, in the summer in the country), bacterial cleaning can be an alternative to professional pumping out of a septic tank or cesspool.

Biological products containing certain bacteria are added with water to the septic tank. Microorganisms get to work, cleaning the water to a safe state, and the sludge becomes looser and loses bad smell. Especially such microorganisms are useful if the silt deposits thicken and harden.

The use of specialized biological products allows you to make the cleaning procedure more rare and save money, because professional pumping out septic tanks- The service is not cheap.

This method is especially in demand among summer residents who manage with a cesspool under the toilet. Independent cesspool cleaning- an unpleasant job. Services of the sewer machine for summer residents who do not live outside the city permanently, they are unnecessarily expensive. And the use of a biological product for cesspools allows the water pumped out of the pit to be used for irrigation, and the sediment for fertilizer.

If you are interested in professional pumping out cesspools, price services will be, as in the case of pumping out a septic tank, about 3,000 rubles in the Moscow region and other major cities. Prices are lower in regions. For example, in Saratov, they ask for 2 times less money for such a procedure.

A high-quality certified biological product will cost a little more than 1,000 rubles. When using biological products, you need to remember some important points:

  • Getting into the septic tank, where the biological product is added, chlorine-containing and other aggressive chemicals kills microorganisms.
  • Bacteria work, as a rule, in the temperature range from +4° to +30°C. This means that the use of biopreparations is useless in winter period.
  • Microorganisms begin to work no earlier than after a couple of hours, so you should not expect an instant effect.
  • It is necessary to use such biological preparations only according to the attached instructions.

Having considered all the main and auxiliary methods for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools, we can conclude that this is not a very complicated, but mandatory procedure. And the choice of method is always yours. If desired, each suburban resident can find the best option that suits him from a material and technical point of view.

How to clean an outdoor toilet if a cesspool truck cannot drive up? Modern septic tanks for cesspools will solve this problem without difficulty. Biologists have been able to grow microorganisms that purify wastewater and turn it into process water.

Types of cleansing preparations

To date, septic tanks for cleaning cesspools are produced in two versions:

  1. Chemical;
  2. Biological.


  • Chlorine and its compounds;
  • Formaldehydes;
  • nitrogen compounds;
  • ammonium compounds.

Chemicals are used to disinfect and disinfect the contents of the cesspool. Preparations can be used at any air temperature. The action of the reagents is aimed at the total elimination of harmful microorganisms and infectious agents.

But it should be borne in mind that the reagents can partially penetrate the soil, and also cause corrosion of metal pipes. It is important to follow the exact dosage when using in order to avoid unwanted manifestations. Remember that waste after applying chemicals must be removed from the site: they are not suitable for fertilizing the soil.

Among chemicals the safest are nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen fertilizers). The activators that are part of nitrate oxidizers liquefy and disinfect feces and sewage, depriving them of their harmful properties. The resulting slurry can be used to water compost heaps.

We watch the video, a little about the septic tank and septic processes:

Ammonium compounds contribute to the decomposition of sewage and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, if there are soapy substances in the drains (after showering and washing), the ability of ammonium to deactivate fecal matter worsens. Waste processed with ammonium is recommended to be removed from the summer cottage.

Remember that all chemical compounds are extremely harmful and have a high degree of danger to health. In this regard, some reagents are prohibited for domestic use (formaldehyde). Among the listed reagents, nitrogen is the safest.

How bioactivators work

Biological preparations in their composition contain living microflora and enzymes. Sewage and waste are a breeding ground for them. To date, manufacturers offer two types of biological products:

  • Septic tanks;
  • Antiseptics.

Active microorganisms, getting into wastewater, begin to multiply, feeding on sewage. As a result of their operational activities, the following occurs:

  • Processing of faeces and waste into liquid;
  • Reducing the volume of stocks.

Septic tanks cause the decomposition and processing of feces into an odorless technical liquid. Antiseptics sanitize sewage waste. With the regular use of biological products, the need to pump waste out of the toilet completely disappears: a clean drainage system conducts liquid well into the soil. Also, after the work of microorganisms, the liquid becomes completely safe, and it can be used to water the garden or fertilize the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

  1. They are used only at positive temperatures (3 - 30 degrees).
  2. The growth and activity of microorganisms is suspended in the presence of chemical constituents in the effluent.

What to choose

Nitrate oxidizing agents (nitrogen) are the most popular chemical cleaners. They are expensive, but are not carcinogenic like formaldehyde. Chlorine substances are not desirable for use, since exposure to chlorine vapor negatively affects the human body.

Popular bioactivators include:

  • The drug "Saneks";
  • The drug "Micropan";
  • Means "Doctor Robik".

If there are soapy substances in the wastewater that microorganisms do not like, you need to choose a Fatcracker septic tank. It is specifically designed for this type of cleansing. It also neutralizes alkalis "Doctor Robik" well.

If you need compost, use the Oxygenator preparation. This bio-powder perfectly forms "early" compost for fertilizers.

Types of drugs

  • Description: "Septic-Biogranules"

Biogranules are used for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools. The drug "Septic-biogranules" processes sewage, turning them into a harmless liquid. To activate the growth of microorganisms contained in biogranules, it is necessary to add the contents of the package to a jar of water and insist for at least 20 minutes. Then the liquid from the can is poured into a cesspool or drain hole.

Strictly follow the instructions and do not use the home toilet for 15 hours so that the microorganisms can adapt to the new environment. During this time, all pipes will be completely cleared of impurities. It is necessary to clean the sewerage with biogranules every 7-8 days.

  • Description: "Doctor Robik"

The bacteria of this drug are able to survive in an aggressive chemical environment. They recycle everything except iron, wood and plastic:

  1. Phenol;
  2. Material;
  3. Solution of washing powders;
  4. Cleaning powders.
  • Description: Waste Treat

This septic tank contains anaerobic microcultures for the processing of fecal matter and household waste. This type of bacteria is well adapted to aggressive chemistry. The drug completely eliminates unpleasant odors, reduces the amount of waste by several times, cleans drainage system.

  • Description: "Septi Treat"

The preparation contains enzymes, saprophytic microflora and several types of soil microorganisms. "Septi Treat" converts fecal matter into valuable fertilizer.

When applying, monitor the moisture level of the waste. If the sewage has dried up, several buckets of water should be added to the pit.

  • Description: "Oxygenator"

This bioactivator perfectly forms compost for fertilizer. Reviews: The drug "Oxygenerator" processes not only fecal matter, but also straw, kitchen waste, leaves and sawdust. You get high-quality compost fertilizer for the production of mushrooms, berries, and any horticultural crops. The formation of compost is not accompanied by clouds of flies and a putrid smell. Boiled water is used to activate the Oxygenator.

This is a cesspool chemical powder that destroys dangerous microbes. The action of the device is aimed at disinfecting the contents of the cesspool and eliminating the unpleasant "aroma". "Septifos" turns an unpleasant smell into the fragrance of eucalyptus.

How to apply

  1. When using ammonium preparations, processed waste should be removed from the site using a sewage machine. It is forbidden to store on the site and use recycled liquid and waste for fertilizer.
  2. The use of nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen) for sewage treatment is the safest among chemicals. Recycled material can be watered compost heaps. Prices for septic tanks containing nitrogen are quite expensive.
  3. When using bioactivators, make sure there is sufficient moisture in the cesspool. In an insufficiently humid environment, microorganisms cannot function effectively. If the liquid level is low, simply add water to the cesspool.
  4. Remember that with irregular use of the country toilet, the mobility of bacteria decreases: they need a nutrient medium. If the toilet is not used for two weeks, then the microorganisms will simply die from “malnutrition”.
  5. If you are using toilet bioactivators for the first time, buy a Start pit septic tank: this mixture accelerates the growth of microorganisms in the cesspool. Subsequently, "Start" is not necessary to apply.
  6. Remember that bioactivators do not like soapy substances and chemical ingredients. If soapy liquid enters your cesspool, choose special means. Well adapted for such conditions "Doctor Robik".
  7. If you use bioactivators for waste disposal and recycling, do not use chemical detergents. It is better to buy not ordinary washing powders, but enzymatic ones: bacteria will not die from the aggression of chemicals.


Cesspool and septic tank cleaning important point in the life of gardeners. When choosing a septic tank, first of all, consider the frequency of using the toilet. If you do not often visit the cottage, it is advisable to buy a chemical agent. When choosing bioactivators, pay attention to the concentration of bacteria. If the percentage of microorganisms in the preparation is high, you will rarely need to add the agent to the cesspool.

Cesspools are fairly common engineering structures used in suburban areas. Such pits are built not only as a sewer element, but also as a traditional addition to street toilets.

The pit requires regular cleaning from the waste accumulated in it. Pumping can be done on your own using pumping equipment or other available means. Cleaning work is not an easy or enjoyable activity. Therefore, many owners resort to the help of sewers, which pump out sewage and fecal matter with a special machine. The procedure is repeated annually. And if the pit is actively used and at the same time has a small capacity, it has to be cleaned several times a year, which is an additional expense item for the family budget.

Proper operation

For a summer toilet, of course, the dimensions of the pit can be much smaller. Outdoor toilets are used exclusively in the warm season. They do not drain other sewer waste. The pit fills up rather slowly. In order not to deal with its cleaning, you can move the toilet a few meters and dig a new storage well. A bacterial preparation is thrown into the old pit for processing fecal matter, and a thick layer of soil is poured on top. After about a year, compost will form - the place will be ideal for planting any fruit tree. On such fertile soil it will produce high yields.

In the case of using a pit to drain sewage and fecal matter from a residential building, pumping must be carried out frequently. Particular attention is paid to the silting of the bottom and the appearance of fat deposits on the walls. Solid fractions need to be washed out clean water and pump out with a fecal pump, achieving maximum cleanliness of the cesspool. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor will appear. And a pit that has not been cleared in time threatens with the emergence of household waste and even flooding of the bath or toilet.

Major pollution

The first sign of a pit overflow is an unpleasant odor and slow draining of water from sinks, sinks and toilet bowls. If you go to the location of this structure, you can see midges circling above the pit, and the smell of sewage has intensified.

Having opened the hatch, using a probe, it is necessary to assess the level of silt deposits on the bottom. A large accumulation of bottom silt can block the sewer if it was located too low. In this case, a blockage is formed - a fatty plug, and with inaccurate operation, anything accumulates in the pipe - feminine hygiene items, toilet paper, hair, pieces of cloth, food waste.

Of course, such barbaric use of sewerage is a rarity. Any owner strives to ensure the smooth operation of the sewer system.

If the pit has a sufficient volume, and any household garbage is not thrown into the sewer, the main pollution are:

  • fecal matter;
  • fat deposits;
  • hair that has fallen into the drain from the shower or bath;
  • small particles of thread from washing machines;
  • a slight admixture of food waste washed out of sinks in the kitchen.

Cleaning methods

Before carrying out sewage works, it is necessary to clarify some important points:

  • what drains merge into the pit;
  • is there free access to it (access platform);
  • what is the total volume of this structure;
  • whether tightness is ensured (the pit is sometimes arranged according to the drainage type - with a filtering bottom).

If the volume is small, the waste can and should be pumped out with a household fecal pump. A shredder unit will avoid possible problems– pump knives can easily cut even pieces of cellophane or large pieces of paper. In addition, a fecal pump will help get rid of bottom sludge.

Particular care is taken when working with drainage wells equipped with a bottom filter. When pumping out, the drainage can be damaged, and this leads to the replacement of the filter, and, therefore, additional work.

It is preferable to clean large pits with the help of biological products!

However, this method also has its pitfalls - bacteria die from aggressive chemicals (chlorine, phenyl, alkalis and acids).

If self-cleaning did not satisfy the owners, it is better to resort to the help of vacuum cleaners. These experts will help you quickly and efficiently restore the sewerage system.

There are three popular cleaning methods.


The easiest method to perform, but its application requires an silo pump or a fecal pump. Ilosos is installed on the machine, and work with it is carried out by vacuum trucks. Fecal pumps are suitable for self-cleaning, but they do not always cope with silt deposits on the bottom. The disadvantages of the method include:

  • appearance bad smell during the work;
  • and the obligatory arrangement of an access platform.

The length of the hose at the ilosos is only three meters. For additional nozzles, the owners will require a separate fee.

Fecal pumps cope with the task more effectively when installed permanently in a pit on special guides. The pump turns on automatically and pumps the liquid into a pre-prepared container, which is regularly removed.

The call of vacuum trucks is made from two to four or more times a year, depending on the size of the pit. The cost of the service is from 300 rubles per cubic meter. There are companies that offer to pay for the call of specialists, and not for the volume of fluid pumped out.

Chemical method

It involves the use of aggressive chemicals that adversely affect environment. Such substances are designed to get rid of unpleasant odors and accelerate the decomposition of waste. They do not get rid of silt deposits. Chemical treatment almost always has to be combined with mechanical pumping of the effluent. As active substances are used:

Complete pumping of the pit is carried out depending on its filling, but at least twice a year (in spring and autumn). Nitric acid costs from 60 rubles per kilogram. Regarding the amount of chemicals required to clean the pit, it is necessary to consult with specialists. Overdose is dangerous for the environment!

Biological method

By far the safest and effective method cleaning cesspools. It consists in the use of special aerobic or anaerobic bacteria (usually a mixture of both species). The bacteria act quickly and efficiently to eliminate odors and turn waste into human-friendly sludge and water.

Part of the water is absorbed into the ground if a bottom filter is provided. The disadvantage of the method is the dependence of bacteria on oxygen and ambient temperature. At temperatures below +3 degrees, bacteria fall into suspended animation, and without oxygen they die within a week. There were cases of death of the colony in 6-12 hours.

The use of bacteria reduces the number of mechanical pumping of latrines to one rarely twice a year.

  • powder - from 1,200 rubles per kilogram (French Septifos);
  • tablets - from 900 rubles per tablet of 85 grams ("Waist", USA);
  • liquid concentrate - from 600 rubles per 1 ml ("Weist");
  • toilet gel - from 450 rubles for 750 ml (Septifos).

How to reduce the number of cleanings

This question worries many owners, because holding additional cleaning works increases the burden on the family budget.

Savings will result in:

  • the use of biological preparations for cleaning sewage facilities;
  • correct calculation of the volume of the pit - the larger it is, the less often the contents are pumped out.

Resourceful owners save in the summer by using outdoor showers (summer showers) and toilets. But not every summer resident will like such methods.

Cesspool cleaning - how to do it right

Cesspool cleaning secrets Cesspools are fairly common engineering structures used in suburban areas. Such pits are being built not only as a sewer

How to clean a cesspool - options with and without pumping

During the construction of small country or country houses, most homeowners solve the problem of sewerage drainage simply - they dig a cesspool, where all the waste of the residents is drained through pipes. But the time “H” comes and the accumulated sewage reminds of itself with a pungent smell. So, it's time to get down to not very pleasant work - pumping out the contents and exporting them. And how to clean a cesspool without pumping? The current achievements of technologists make it possible to do this without spending money on attracting professionals.

Why cesspool cleaning is necessary

Unlike a septic tank, a cesspool is a primitive reservoir without any signs of sewage treatment. And all its contents are stored there in full until the moment of pumping out. And not just stored: an "explosive" mixture of feces, food waste and detergents is a potential threat to human health if it enters the soil. Therefore, timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools is so important: their overflow leads to environmental contamination.

In addition, a drain pit filled to the brim emits a very unpleasant odor that can negate the delights of living in nature.

Tip: To avoid force majeure, you should take care of cleaning the cesspool in the country when it is two-thirds full.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the drain pit can be done in three ways:

  • pumping out the contents with its subsequent export;
  • treatment with special chemicals;
  • with the help of bacteria.

Pumping method

This method belongs to the category of traditional ones and is the first to be remembered when answering the question of how to clean a cesspool in a private house. The operation can be entrusted to an organization that has sewage equipment. The machine, equipped with a pump and a container for collecting sewage, quickly copes with the task. And for an additional fee, you can also order washing the internal surfaces of the drain pit.

However, pumping out cesspools justifies itself only if the shoveling pit has a solid volume, and the owner has taken care of organizing the access road to it. It is economically unjustified to clean small collections of sewage (for example, in a country house) using expensive equipment. Here the owner can quite cope with the work himself, armed necessary equipment for pumping cesspools:

Important: Do-it-yourself work on cleaning the cesspool should be carried out in special clothing and with respiratory protection (respirator or gas mask). Clothing should be rubberized, shoes - rubber, hands should be protected by durable waterproof gloves.

The pump for pumping out cesspools is selected according to performance depending on the volume of the cesspool. It is better to buy a plastic container with thick walls, equipped with a neck for pumping liquid and a lower drain hole for emptying it.

Dzhileks pump for pumping wastewater

Biological method

Anyone who has experienced the mechanical cleaning of a toilet or cesspool knows that this is an unpleasant business. It is not surprising that the owners of private houses are interested in the question of how to clean cesspools without pumping.

You can declare "biological warfare" to sewage. It is carried out with the help of special bacteria that can decompose organic compounds. As a result of their work, the contents of the pit turn into a substance that is harmless to human health and life. The volume of fecal matter is reduced by at least half. They turn into a cloudy liquid, devoid of an unpleasant odor. After this treatment, it can be used for watering beds.

Another way to remove the smell from the cesspool and clean it is to use the Dr. Robik biopreparation

Before you clean drain hole without deflating, you need to know that biological products used to clean cesspools and septic tanks do not tolerate household chemicals. If chemical detergents are used in the house, washing powders, biological wastewater treatment will have to be abandoned.

Chemical cleaning

Chemicals for cleaning cesspools and toilets have been used for a long time. The most accessible of these has always been formaldehyde. However, recently it has practically disappeared from free sale due to its carcinogenicity and high toxicity. In addition to formaldehyde, wastewater treatment uses:

  • nitrate oxidizing agents: they contain surfactants in their composition, which are able to break down organic matter. They are not afraid of detergents falling into drain pits;
  • ammonium compounds (quaternary): do an excellent job, but from the point of view of environmental impact, they are completely unexplored. In addition, these drugs do not work well in effluents containing household chemicals;
  • bleaching powder: as well as formaldehyde, it is rarely used at the present time due to its harmful effect on a living organism.

If you use ammonium to clean the cesspool, do not pour the resulting liquid onto the soil. It is better to call specialists with a sewage machine: they will pump it out and take it to the proper place.

Russian drug for septic tanks and cesspools

Fighting odors

One of the most unpleasant aspects of local sewage is its ability to spread a specific smell around. Pumping out feces does not save him either: after visiting the site of the sewage machine, the “aroma” can last for several days.

How to remove the smell from the cesspool? With the help of the same biopreparations. They are supplied to retail chains in the form of powder, liquid or tablets.

Liquid formulations have a high concentration, which has a very significant impact on the homeowner's wallet: a small amount of concentrate can handle a fairly large amount of waste.

Powders, unlike liquid products, require prior "revitalization". They require water to activate. Diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions, the powder is ready to fight sewer odors.

Summer residents liked the most medicines in the form of tablets. It is convenient to use them - the tablet does not need to be dissolved in water. It is enough to throw it into the cesspool.

When choosing a method for how to clean and how to remove the smell from a cesspool, the following points should be considered:

  • the use of chemicals harms the metal components of the local sewer system;
  • the presence of a dishwasher in the house and washing machines involves the use of detergents that make useless the use of bacteria that cleans drains. They will quickly die from contact with household chemicals. As a result, you will spend money and not clean the drain hole.

From this point of view, the most universal is still the mechanical method of removing sewage, but the use of special preparations will significantly reduce the number of calls for sewers.

Speaking about how much it costs to pump out septic tanks and cesspools, the price here can be in the range of 700-900 rubles per 1 cubic meter and also depends on the volume of the required machine.

How to clean a cesspool: without pumping out and with pumping out, cleaning in a private house and in the country

How to clean a cesspool without pumping, methods based on the achievements of microbiologists and chemists. Advantages of biological treatment and pumping features.

How to clean a cesspool: a comparative review of the 3 most effective ways

Usually cleaning cesspools is an unpleasant task. Some summer residents cope with this task on their own, others hire sewage specialists. Modern means empower owners of this type treatment facilities making them less frustrating and safer to use and clean. To decide how to clean a cesspool, you need to find out its type, since this simple device can be very different. After that, you can already choose the appropriate cleaning method.

First of all, it is necessary to find out a number of such important factors, how:

  • Does the cesspool have a bottom or is it a leaky structure?
  • What is the total volume of the hole?
  • Are there access roads for the sewer truck?
  • What type of drains are in the pit?

These and other questions will help you choose a strategy for further action. You can try to clean a small container yourself. But you have to be extremely careful. So, after cleaning a cesspool without a bottom, it may be necessary to restore the drainage system. And if you decide to use by biological means cleaning, the chemical composition of wastewater should be taken into account, etc.

After mechanical cleaning of a cesspool without a bottom, it may sometimes be necessary to restore its drainage properties. To remove hard deposits, you can use biological products for the final decomposition of wastewater

Note. Sometimes cleaning cesspools is not necessary, for example, if we are talking about a small container located under the country toilet. Such a hole can simply be buried, after adding a means to accelerate the formation of compost. After some time, near the compost pit, you can plant fruit tree, which will bear fruit very well. And the toilet is transferred to a new place with a new cesspool.

The most commonly used for cleaning wastewater tanks are:

  • mechanical methods;
  • chemical methods;
  • biological methods.

Choosing the appropriate method, you should take into account its availability, cost and environmental safety.

Method #1 - mechanical cleaning

Modern technology allows you to get rid of sewage, almost without feeling discomfort from the smell characteristic of feces. Previously, this moment could spoil the mood not only for the owners of a private house, but also for their closest neighbors.

Modern sludge pumps can be used for mechanical cleaning of the cesspool with high efficiency. Waste water will be removed quickly and accurately

If you decide to choose this cleaning method, then you should take care of two main points:

  • provide access roads for equipment;
  • take into account the length of the suction hose, which is usually about three meters.

If the depth of the cesspool exceeds this figure, additional opportunities will have to be found to clean it.

Note! If the volume of the cesspool is made a multiple of the volume of the sewage truck, you can save a little, since payment is made for the service, and not for a specific volume of wastewater removed.

Some owners small dachas figured out how to clean a cesspool without using hired equipment. To do this, you can use a special fecal pump. Automatic models of such pumps are used constantly, they turn on and off when the amount of drains reaches a certain level.

Sometimes cleaning is carried out using a conventional water pump in combination with a special filter. However, it should be remembered that equipment not intended for such procedures will break down quite quickly.

It's important to know! With a long service life, a dense sediment accumulates on the walls of the treatment plant, which must be removed using special chemicals or biological products.

Method #2 - chemicals

Chemicals have been used as cesspool cleaners for a long time. Among the popular drugs of this type are:

  • formaldehyde;
  • bleach;
  • ammonium compounds;
  • nitrogen fertilizers.

Immediately it should be recalled that all these substances are quite aggressive. On the one hand, they cope with any waste and household chemicals. On the other hand, they should not be used in systems with metal pipes, since they also successfully corrode the metal.

The most inexpensive chemicals are formaldehyde and bleach. These substances, especially formaldehyde, are extremely hazardous to human health, so they are practically not used to remove wastewater at present.

Ammonium compounds are much safer, but they are sensitive to agents household chemicals, the presence of which in wastewater can cause a decrease in the efficiency declared by the manufacturer. With the help of ammonium compounds, you can quickly get rid of an unpleasant odor and accelerate the decomposition of wastewater.

Nitrogen fertilizers, also called nitrate oxidizers, are quite expensive but are considered the safest of the chemicals used in wastewater treatment. It should be remembered that their impact on the environment has not been studied very well.

Environmentalists are not enthusiastic about the use of such dangerous and harsh chemicals in the household. They are being replaced by substances of a new generation - biological preparations.

Method #3 - bacteria get to work

Biological products that are used to clean septic tanks and cesspools are becoming more widespread. They are a set of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria that provide wastewater treatment. The processes occurring in this case are completely safe, both for human health and for the environment, since similar reactions occur in the soil where these microorganisms live.

More suitable for cesspits are considered sets of anaerobic bacteria that do not need oxygen to do their job. Aerobic bacteria are more often used in septic tanks or two-chamber cesspools. With their help, additional treatment of wastewater already treated with anaerobic microorganisms is carried out.

In that part of the treatment plant where aerobic preparations are used, it is necessary to specially pump air. Such a two-stage purification allows the use of water for technical needs, for example, for watering plants. If the effluents were treated only with anaerobic preparations, their slow flow into the soil through the drainage system should be ensured. The bacteria in the soil will do the final cleaning. Purified water is pumped out of a sealed cesspool with a conventional water pump.

As a result of the work of bacteria, wastewater decomposes into water, disinfected sludge and carbon dioxide. The resulting sludge can be used as fertilizer

The procedure for using biopreparations is very simple. Usually the powder or liquid is diluted in some water and poured through the hatch of the cesspool. Sometimes you can just pour the drug into the toilet and flush several times.

Most bacteria are very sensitive to aggressive household chemicals, such as chlorine-containing products. Recently, however, more resistant sets of bacteria have appeared on the market, which are more expensive than conventional drugs. It is necessary either to refuse the use of aggressive chemicals, or to plan additional costs for the most effective biological products.

Cesspool cleaning: an overview of the tools to clean the cesspool

Pit cleaning: an overview of possible ways to remove wastewater. Photo and video material. Tips for using biological and chemical cleaners.

How can I clean the cesspool on the site with my own hands?

Lack of usual amenities country house or in the country causes some difficulties. You will encounter many questions in the process of arranging and using a cesspool. Of course, there are several ways to clean a cesspool, but most likely, you need exactly effective and effective ways. It is them that we will consider in the article.

Many dachas use local sewage, equipped with a cesspool that needs to be cleaned periodically. Let's figure out how to clean a cesspool in a private house. There are several common cleaning methods:

  1. Use of a pump or other improvised tool;
  2. Use of chemical or biological products;
  3. The order of the sewer machine.

DIY cleaning

One of the most popular local sewage systems today is a cesspool, which is actively used in summer cottages, in private houses and cottages. Unlike other similar systems, it does not require high costs by use.

The main problem after putting the cesspool into operation is the choice of the most correct option for cleaning it. Cleaning with a conventional pump or other improvised means has several features:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  2. The need to purchase a special fecal pump or filters for a conventional pump so that it does not become clogged;
  3. The process takes a lot of time and effort;
  4. The need to remove waste from the site.

Using a regular bucket and shovel will make the cleansing process even more difficult and unpleasant. In addition, you will need a large sealed container in order to carry out the subsequent removal of wastewater.

Therefore, if you actively use the cesspool, it is best to purchase a special automatic pump that will pump out sewage as the pit fills up.

Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

One way or another, you have to periodically pump out toilets and cesspools, but, as we already understood, if you do it yourself, it will be quite unpleasant and difficult:

  • Contacting a specialized company is the best way out of the situation. You can always order cesspool maintenance, high-quality cleaning and sewage pumping services.
  • Modern methods, fixtures and equipment have become much more convenient and simpler, so it will not be difficult to choose a cesspool cleaner. "Dirty" work today began to be done with the help of special devices, working complexes and devices, therefore manual labor almost excluded here.
  • There are a large number of drugs that can speed up the process of decomposition of waste, eliminating the likely smell, because the microbes are recycled.

Features of cleaning the pit using a cesspool machine:

  • Use a directory or the Internet to find an organization that deals with the disposal of household liquid waste. Order an ilosos - a special machine that pumps out liquid waste.
  • Sludge suction machines are needed for vacuum cleaning of wells, cesspools, sewer and storm networks from sludge and its transportation to the place of unloading.

  • Suction suction machines include a vacuum pump with a drive, a tank, hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic systems, a suction boom and additional equipment.
  • Management is carried out with remote control suction boom control. The sludge is unloaded when the tanks are overturned.

Note! In order for the cesspool to be cleaned with the help of a cesspool machine, it is necessary to ensure that the sludge pump can drive up to a distance of no more than 4 meters. In addition, the depth of the pit should not exceed 3 meters.

If you use the cesspool only in the summer and the water consumption is small, then you will have to call the sewers about once a month. However, with permanent residence in the house and the active use of the shower, washing, dishwashers and other water-consuming appliances, you will have to order an ilosos three to four times a month.

Of course, this service is not very cheap, but such cleaning of cesspools is very effective and allows you to solve many problems, including the problem of waste disposal.

The use of biologics

An excellent solution for cleaning the pit is the use of chemicals and biologics. To disinfect the contents, there is also an antiseptic for cesspools.

Note! The result of the use of modern chemical and biological products is that instead of fecal matter and waste, a liquid is formed in the cesspool, which is odorless and safe. The sediment can be pumped out with a conventional pump, so the call for vacuum trucks will be required much less frequently.

Features of the use of biological products:

  • Biological products process accumulated fats, feces, paper, vegetable peels and other contents. At the same time, the volume of waste is significantly reduced and cesspools are disinfected.

  • For materials that were used in the construction process, biological products, unlike chemicals, are completely safe. They do not adversely affect metal, cinder block, brick, concrete and plastic.
  • However, bacteria do not process inorganic materials, household or construction waste, or plastic containers such as plastic bags and bottles.
  • Many chemicals are harmful to bacteria, so it is impossible to drain wastewater containing washing powders and detergents into a cesspool. IN aggressive environment bacteria will die, so cleaning will be ineffective.
  • Biological products begin to work two hours after entering the liquid medium. In four hours, they effectively cope with an unpleasant odor.
  • Bacteria can work effectively only at temperatures from +4 to +30 degrees.
  • Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions. Some drugs are sold immediately in finished liquid form, while others are in the form of granules that must first be diluted in water.
  • With the help of biological products, it is possible to clean and restore the drainage properties of the pit, that is, its ability to absorb water. This is especially true after pumping with cesspools, when the drainage of the cesspool is disturbed.

Also, the drainage properties may deteriorate during the use of the pit, as a result of flooding the bottom with organic waste, build-up of waste on the walls, or the base of a fatty impermeable plug. When using a bioactivator, drainage will be restored, the bottom and walls of the sewer pit or septic tank will return to their original state, and the incoming water will again be absorbed into the soil.

Note! Sometimes an unpleasant and specific smell appears after cleansing with an ilosos. And this smell disappears not at once, and sometimes remains about two weeks. Biological products that effectively fight unpleasant odors will also help you solve this problem.

Using biological preparations for cesspools, local treatment facilities, the consumer must be sure of their effectiveness not only in terms of cleaning and combating unpleasant odors, but also in the environmental safety of the preparations used.

The biological products that are used for cleaning are the result of long-term scientific research in the field of biotechnology. They consist of microorganisms and bacteria, which by their vital activity do not cause any harm to the environment.

Use of chemicals

However, biopreparations have one important drawback: they cannot work in winter. Of course, this will not be a problem for a summer cottage, but if you decide to equip a cesspool in a country house where you like to relax in the winter, then in the cold season you will have a wastewater treatment problem. In this case, it is best to clean the pit using chemicals:

  • Chemical preparations are not afraid of low temperatures, sudden changes in temperature, and are also resistant to household products and aggressive environments.
  • Chemicals effectively decompose different kinds waste and fight against the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • But not all chemicals for wastewater treatment are considered safe for the environment.

Note! Formaldehydes, which have remained the most popular cleaning agent for the past decades, are very toxic and harmful, and the action of ammonium compounds is still not fully understood and should be used very carefully.

Therefore, if you want to clean the cesspool, it is recommended to use nitrate oxidizers, which are the safest. We hope the article answered your question on how to clean a cesspool, and now the operation of the sewer system will not cause you any inconvenience or problems.

Cleaning a cesspool: how to do it yourself?

All owners of houses that have sewerage, at some point, begin to think about how to clean the cesspool. There are several cleaning methods.

The company "Otkachka Service" offers pumping, removal and disposal of sewage and waste for residents of the North-East of Moscow and the region. Our specialists work with any type of autonomous sewer systems, and we are able to cope with cesspools of any size and design.

Cleaning toilets and cesspools - fast, professional and cheap!

Pit for a country toilet

This is a sealed tank of any volume, shape and depth, designed to collect sewage and human waste. The use of such structures in the private sector is the simplest and easiest option for organizing an autonomous sewer system.

A cesspool can be made from:

  • polymeric materials;
  • bricks;
  • concrete rings;
  • solid concrete structure, etc.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, pumping out the toilet must be carried out on time, since this is the place where harmful toxins are formed and unpleasant odors arise. If this process is not taken seriously, it will directly affect the safety of your entire family!

It just needs to be done regularly. cleaning toilets and cesspools. The frequency of cleaning depends not only on the size of the tank, but also on the number of people in the family. The company "Otkachka Service" offers these and many other services related to the maintenance of sewers.

We guarantee the quality of the work performed!

Cleaning country toilets and cesspools

In our fleet there are modern sewage trucks on the GAZ, MAZ and ZIL truck chassis. Everything vehicles equipped with powerful pumps and large capacity waste collection tanks. To destroy bacteria, we use a variety of biological products and chemicals.


The presence of a team of specialists and our own equipment allows us to offer affordable prices for most potential customers. Rest assured that cleaning sewer networks will cost quite inexpensively. Call the indicated numbers and order the service. And if necessary, you can always count on advice and support.

In order to choose the right tool for a cesspool, and during operation they require regular maintenance, it is necessary to study how to clean it.

This work is unpleasant, but it must be done regularly. In this matter, the type of sump and other factors are important, such as:

  1. The presence of a bottom or lack of tightness of the structure.
  2. Existence of access roads for sewage trucks.
  3. Stock type.
  4. Overall volume.

Studying these points will help you choose the right ones. A small volume can be cleaned on its own, without the involvement of specialized equipment. And for cleaning the sump with biological means, it is important to take into account the chemical composition of the effluent in the pit.

Advice: the outdoor toilet does not have to be cleaned. It is simply buried, adding a composting agent, and a temporary structure is placed in another place.

The most common cleaning methods:

  • chemical method;
  • mechanical cleaning;
  • the use of biological products.

When choosing one or another method, they are guided by the cost of the work and their availability.


Such substances are quite common for drain pits. The most popular drugs:

  • bleaching powder;
  • formaldehydes;
  • ammonium compounds.

It is important to consider that they are very aggressive. However, they do a good job of cleaning waste, but can damage metal pipes and other communications.


Attract a specially equipped sewage machine. The use of technology allows you to quickly and efficiently clean up drains. During operation, a characteristic smell may be felt in the air, which makes this method not the most pleasant.

For this method, two points are important: the availability of access roads for the car and the length of the suction hose, which is three meters. At greater depths, additional cleaning methods should be used.


Biological preparations are increasingly being used to work with sedimentation tanks. This is a set different bacteria providing processing of wastewater. The processes that take place in this case are safe for the environment and human life.

Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria are used. Their operating principle is slightly different. So, the first of them need oxygen to work, while for others this condition is not so important.

How to clean with chemicals

Signs of a clogged sump are bad smell from the sink and slow water flow. It is urgent to start cleaning work. To begin with, you should study the principle of action of the substances used to clean cesspools and their composition. For do-it-yourself cleaning, biological products are used in the form of:

  1. powder.
  2. Liquids.
  3. Tablets.

This substance is used in the accumulation of fat, feces and other household waste. Their essence is that after the action of biological products, all this mass turns into a safe slurry that is easy to pump out.


The action of the tool can be described using the example of cleaning a 2-cube pit. In ten liters of warm water, dilute half a cup of the drug powder.

For the appearance of bacterial activity, stir the composition and put it in a warm place for two hours. Then pour it into the sump and wait for the desired result.

After cleaning the container mechanically, it is also recommended to use biological products. With their help, the drainage properties of the sump and its disinfection are restored.

Powder mixtures of preparations are used in outdoor toilets with a volume of 5-15 cubic meters. m. They contribute to the decomposition of feces and other household waste that enters the sump. Dilute the powder in warm water. Consumption rates - 50 g of the drug monthly. The finished liquid has an earthy color and is odorless. Apply at temperatures from +20 °C to +45 °C.


Used in small and not very dirty toilets with a volume of up to 2 cubic meters. m. The product removes an unpleasant odor, it is mainly used for prevention and for wastewater treatment.

The liquid is diluted one to two, insisted and poured into the sump the next day. Apply at the rate of 2.5-5 liters per 100 cubic meters.


An effective means for cleaning the sump up to 5 cubic meters. They tend to break down feces, and there is no need to use a sewage machine.

Tablets are used in finished form, by throwing into a container. Validity - 4 months. Unscented product.

It is worth noting an important point - biological products are effective only in water. Therefore, running water must flow into the sump.

How to choose the right drugs

Biological cleaning agents have a number of advantages:

  • a chemical agent for sewer pits is effective at different temperatures, including negative ones, while the use of biological products is possible only at positive temperatures. In the cold season, chemicals are used;
  • Chemicals react normally to hard water, chlorine, and household cleaners. Bacteria in such an aggressive environment for them die, and their action is reduced to zero;
  • a significant disadvantage of the use of chemicals is the gradual destruction of the sewerage system in the house and a bad impact on the environment. Particularly aggressive effect on the metal parts of communications. Biopreparations in this regard seem to be preferable. They are absolutely safe for human, animal and plant health. In addition, they do not affect metal and concrete in any way;
  • the chemistry is toxic, corrodes the metal, and accumulates in nature over time. It leads to the destruction of beneficial microflora and creates conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the pit.

Important: chemically processed sump waste must be removed from the site, and not used as fertilizer for the soil.

The mechanical method has a number of advantages over other types. The main thing is the absence handmade. Cleaning is carried out automatically using special equipment - a sewage machine. This is a truck with a vacuum pump and a pressurized tank.

They clean the country toilet or drain pit on their own using a household pump. It is necessary to use the unit for pumping out feces, since it has an enlarged inlet and allows you to work with a highly contaminated and viscous liquid.

There are two types of such devices: vibrating and centrifugal. The latter have greater productivity and a huge resource of work. The disadvantages of their use include high cost, consumption of a large amount of electricity and overall dimensions.

For work, you will need a large container, commensurate in size with a pit into which sewage will be pumped out. This method is acceptable for small country houses, where a small number of people live during the summer season. It fills up after a few years.

More details on the pros and cons of the application different ways shown in the table:

Cleaning method Application area Advantages disadvantages
Mechanical Pits, septic tanks, yard toilets The simplest and effective method, the possibility of pumping out heavily contaminated and viscous mass, manual work is not used The high cost of special pumping equipment, the spread of the smell of feces in the air, the need for arranging access roads
Chemical +, +, + The preparations are used at any temperature, they react normally to an aggressive environment, and cope with any blockages. Substances adversely affect the metal and concrete parts of the waste pit, the environment, and some are dangerous to human health
Bacterial +, +, + Safety for human health and nature, high-quality wastewater treatment, ease of use Lose their effectiveness in aggressive environments, some drugs require oxygen to work properly

Which means are more effective

The most accessible and simplest substance is the chemical preparation formaldehyde. However, its toxicity has been proven Negative influence on human health. For these reasons, this substance is practically not used. They were replaced by safer ones: oxidizing nitrates, bleach, ammonium and its compounds. They easily break down any waste, are insensitive to detergents.

Nitrate oxidizers are made on the basis of nitrogen fertilizer, they have a high cost. But the costs are fully justified, since the product is effective in an aggressive environment caused by cleaning and detergents.

Ammonium compounds are an excellent preparation. This tool breaks down fecal matter and removes unpleasant odors from the yard toilet.

The effect of this substance has not yet been studied, so it must be used with caution. It is better to drain the cleaned mass from the pit into sewers or remove it with a sewer machine so as not to harm the environment.

The most commonly used drugs:

  • "Biobak";
  • Devon-n.

You should also pay attention to biological preparations. Over time, they will be able to completely replace.

The principle of action of biological products is as follows: getting into the sewage pit, they are activated and, in interaction with enzymes, break down organic waste and feces.

To clean the pits, tools such as ROEBIC, Micropan, Saneks are used. Sewer pipes are well cleaned with the Fatcracker biological product. It copes with the high concentration of detergents coming from the dishwasher and washing machine.

If on suburban area pets are kept, Sannisity biopowder is used to neutralize the unpleasant odor from the sewer. In addition to eliminating the fetid odor, the substance destroys annoying insects.

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