Dry stream in the country (44 photos) - how to make your site original without large financial costs. Do-it-yourself dry stream Design cottage a stream of stones

  • 13.06.2019

(18 ratings, average: 4,14 out of 5)

Very nice decorative element personal plot can become a dry stream. You can make such a composition in the garden with your own hands, without resorting to help. landscape designers. It will be inexpensive and will not take much time.

If we talk not only about the beauty of such a landscape design, then it is worth noting that such a decorative element is very useful. By making a dry stream on the site, you can be sure that children will be safe from mosquitoes, which are not attracted to such dry reservoirs. The perimeter of such a structure in the garden can be decorated with a variety of lanterns and bridges, plants can be planted nearby on the sides of the stones.

Form selection for a dry stream

In order to choose the ideal shape for creating a dry stream in the country with your own hands, you need study the surface layer of the earth. highest point it is best to make the place elevated, it will look much more attractive. It will become like a bed of a mountain river, which will begin to descend the slope, meandering in places on its way and changing direction.

The design of the stream will visually increase the boundaries of the summer cottage. The beginning of the stream bed is worth highlighting in a special way. You can put a high boulder or make a kind of well, from which a stone river will flow, as it were. A chic design move can be some kind of vessel, half buried in the ground. Stone water will flow from the throat of such a vessel, and this will be a wonderful beginning of a dry stream in landscape design.

You can make a stream on a site of stones extending beyond the boundaries, for example, towards the fruit bushes or go through the fence. It will intrigue and excite the imagination of your visitors. Most often, such a stream consists of one branch of the river; designers prefer not to branch out such decorative elements. Moreover, as a rule, on the site near the dacha there is not much free space for an extensive branching of the stream.

Materials for creating a dry stream and preparing the area

Like any other decorative element in the country, a landscape dry stream requires careful preparation of the area. It is recommended to mark the territorial boundaries of the stream in advance, for this you can use these materials, as:

  • River sand.
  • Rope with stakes.
  • Twine.

Do not forget that the stream should bend and spill in different directions in a natural way. It must be remembered that nature is always multifaceted and magnificent. The more bends there are, the more beautiful the design of the structure will turn out.

Having chosen a low plot of land that has a slope, we begin preparatory work to creating a dry stream with your own hands in stages. It is also important to calculate the deepening of the dry stream. It shouldn't look like a ditch. But it must be deep enough to lay out all the required materials to create such a landscape object on the site.

Gallery: dry stream (25 photos)

Preparing a place for a stream should begin with the following actions:

Designers advise laying a drainage layer at the bottom of the stream, and filling it with cement or concrete so that weeds and plants do not violate its integrity and do not have to constantly weed the stream. If there is no possibility of such pouring with concrete, then it can be lined with dense material, for example, linoleum or film. For the integrity of the structure and a beautiful appearance, the covering material of the soil is masked with sand and expanded clay.

Materials that will be required for laying out the stream:

  • Gravel.
  • Rubble.
  • Shells.
  • cobblestones.
  • boulders.
  • Lime stones.

All possible stones that exist in nature will look great in the composition on the site. The color scheme can also be varied, but designers prefer stones in the gray-blue color range. The sizes should also be different. You can focus on the stream with such elements as thick glass balls added to the stones. They will shine beautifully, giving the effect of water. Materials for creating a reservoir in the garden can be varied for your choice, the main thing is that everything looks like a single composition.

Creation of a stream

Option for the phased creation of a stream on the site:

Stream decoration with flowers

Very important choose the right plants for a dry stream. After all, you must admit that there is no river in nature without being surrounded by greenery and flowers of various colors and types. It is flower arrangements that will allow such a landscape object as a dry stream to look as natural as possible.

The coastal part of the stream should be decorated with any plants of your choice. But do not forget that they should be combined with each other as much as possible. Do not also forget about what kind of soil is on the territory of the composition and its illumination.

Designers place plants that grow in nature near water bodies. And we, creating with our own hands, a dry stream in the garden, can plant any flower crops and plants that we like.

Here a number of plants that are customary to plant:

  • Chinese reed. This type of reed is considered a cereal. It is afraid of cold and wind, so the landing of such reeds should be done between high boulders. They will perfectly protect them from bad weather conditions and windy weather.
  • A plant such as sunflower looks great in any composition with flower crops. Tolerates bad weather well.
  • Day-lily. Grow, can both in partial shade and on the sunny side. But it is worth noting only that such a plant begins to bloom with sufficient sunlight.
  • Any kind of decorative bamboo.
  • Decorative grass. A great option for highlighting the outline of the coast. Tolerates dry days and dry soil. It blooms beautifully with inflorescences resembling panicles.

All types of such grass are planted mixed in order not to differ from a real reservoir. And also do not plant the entire coastline with tall grass, leave room for flower arrangements. Otherwise, the design will simply hide from the eyes of others behind the grass.

Here is a range of colors, which can be planted deep into flowerpots or bowls buried in the ground. They are needed in order to indicate the direction of the current and add colors into composition.

Regardless of what is planted near the composition, or on its territory, it must be remembered that the care of flowers and plants must be constant, and the root system does not grow and does not spoil the design.

Decorative elements for decorating a dry stream in the garden

How to make a dry stream and what to plant near it has already been discussed above, now you need to figure out the decorations of the decorative composition. You can make beautiful and unlike other streams in the entire area by decorating it. decorative elements and bridges.

The manufacture of the bridge must also be carefully thought out so that it, like the stream, endures all adverse weather conditions. A do-it-yourself bridge will delight and inspire you to create new masterpieces decorative ornaments for garden. Materials that are suitable for the manufacture of the bridge:

  • A rock.
  • Metal.
  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Mixed composition of different materials.

After the bridge is ready for installation, it is worth taking measures to protect it from the weather. It is necessary to cover both wood and plastic with iron with a protective layer, according to the instructions on the varnish or protective liquid. The stone bridge does not require additional processing.

Another famous decorative element is pitcher placement. Having made such a decorative move, you can plant flower cultures in the neck of a jug, or make an imitation of a stone stream of water. Feel free to improvise, and a do-it-yourself pond will not go unnoticed.

Add sculptures to the stone composition, it will decorate the garden even more. Make a windmill near the shore with your own hands or place a wagon near the shore. This will bring a rustic feel to the garden design. Another wonderful element that will complement the composition is a hand-made continuation of it into a real reservoir. Making a small hole for a pond is not difficult.

Stream care

Any composition with the addition of plants or flowers requires proper attention and care. Such care will consist in weeding. Weeds and grass need to be pulled out about every two weeks. Growing grass will violate the integrity of the composition.

The stream must be sprayed from insects and uninvited guests. It is very easy to breed an anthill in the design. It's harder to get him out. The grass in the vicinity of the composition must be mowed as it grows. Flower crops and plants involved in the composition require additional nutrition. In autumn, it is best to cover the stream with a film so that the falling leaves do not spoil it during the winter. appearance spring dry stream. Planting shrubs and trees along the banks is not recommended, because in autumn they will shed a lot of foliage, this will greatly complicate cleaning and preparation for winter.

Not so long ago, in the twentieth century, a new concept arose, the popularity of which is rapidly growing in many countries of the world. This is about . If to speak in simple words, then this is landscaping and landscaping. In a broader sense, it is an art form that combines architecture, design and construction. During its existence, landscape design specialists have developed many project schemes that allow not only to decorate the territory, but also to give it a natural look, the effect of harmony with nature. Today, to ennoble any site, you can use ready-made guides for creating a green architectural ensemble. We will introduce you to one of these projects in our article. We will talk about a dry stream in the country with your own hands with a photo and step-by-step instructions. It is simple in execution, beautiful in appearance, allows you to hide the flaws in the relief, unpretentious in care.

dry stream

In landscape design, artificial reservoirs are especially popular. However, not all areas can be equipped with them. In addition, water bodies are always associated with such additional procedures as cleaning, purchasing cleaning systems, building a water supply system. For those who want to avoid additional troubles, but at the same time have a beautiful natural corner, a stream without water was invented.

A dry stream is one of the main elements in landscape design, namely in a rocky garden that has spread throughout the world from the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese decorated various territories with dry streams as early as 700 years ago.

It was believed that the stream, which starts from a small beautifully designed source, passes through the entire site and ends in the form of a funnel, attracts positive energy to the owner of the dwelling, contributes to their well-being and harmony.

Did you know? The most famous Japanese rock garden is Kyoto. It is located at the Ryanji Monastery. Founded in the 15th century. It represents 15 stones placed on a rectangular platform, which are placed in such a way that no matter from which side a person looks at them, they will see only 14 of them.

A dry stream is an imitation of a dried-up water stream, the bottom of which is covered with stones, pebbles, gravel, sand, and planted along the banks.

The advantages of this element over a real reservoir is that it:

  • practically does not require maintenance;
  • will require minimal investment;
  • done in just two or three days;
  • looks beautiful at any time of the year;
  • does not attract harmful;
  • allows you to hide landscape defects;
  • looks good and fits into any area;
  • can perform the function of a ditch;
  • can mask communications (manholes, cables, pipes, etc.);
  • does not limit the choice of plants that can be planted along its banks;
  • is safe for small children.
A dry stream visually increases the area of ​​the site, separates different landscape zones, enhances the impression that other objects make.

Did you know? The term "landscape design" arose in the twentieth century, but the roots of the art itself go back to ancient times and lead to Mesopotamia-it was there that the first attempts at cultivating garden plots were made. AT Ancient Greece parks and gardens were created by human hands, and the earliest references to ancient Roman landscape design date back to 65-68 BC.

Popular types

Conventionally, the element "dry stream" is divided into three types:

There are many types of dry flow. We will tell you about the most popular:

source of the stream

A popular solution for creating a dry stream is equipment, for example, a stone well, a jug, a rock. In this case, it is possible to simulate that the water flow follows exactly from this object and that is where its source is located.

sand jets

It will take some effort to create sand jets. This composition includes several narrow streams. Throughout the entire length, the effect is made, as if they are either connected in one direction, then they cross, then they diverge again.

Waves on such flows look very beautiful and original - they are made with the help of a rake, with which separate grooves are distinguished.

Merging sleeves

The merging of the sleeves is also not an easy composition to perform. It needs to be well planned so that it looks believable and beautiful. So, you can pretend that one stream flows into another.

You can also arrange several sleeves, different in width, which in some place merge into one channel.

To create a beautiful and original object that resembles a dried-up pond, we suggest you use the following tips:

Important! In the event that the stream is made as a drainage ditch, the stones will need to be strengthened in a concrete solution. Because the current can wash them away.

Dry stream do it yourself

We will give instructions on how to make a dry stream with your own hands in stages.

Where to begin?

Before proceeding directly to the design of the landscape composition, you need to determine its following parameters:

  • the size;
  • form;
  • place;
  • materials used.
When choosing the shape and size of a dry stream, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site must be taken into account. So, for example, if the area where you plan to equip this landscape object is narrow and long, then it is better to give preference to a dried-up lake. In a short and wide place it is good to break a winding stream. It will visually lengthen the area. The width of the stream itself can vary from 30 cm to 1 m.

Before you make a dry stream in the country, it is important to correctly determine the place for laying it. In principle, this object can be placed in any corner, both in the remote and in the most visible: in the backyard or immediately at the entrance to the house. The source can be both on a hill and on a plain. You can think over the flow of the stream so that it will share all the zones of the summer cottage: a vegetable garden, a garden, a place to relax. Well the object will look along the track.

The most common materials for creating a dried pond are:

  • pebbles;
  • gravel.
You can buy them in building supermarkets. If desired, you can paint the stones with water-repellent paint in any color. Small blue pebbles from afar will give the impression of natural water.

Also, when decorating a composition in gray-blue tones, more expensive basalt and slate are used. Particularly beautiful are the inclusions of glass beads, which create glare in sunlight.

To create red-brown streams take:

  • granite;
  • limestone;
  • marble.

Accents in the object are made with the help of large stones, granite of various colors. Pebble stones are placed in the gap between large stones framing the shores.

After determining the location, shape and materials, it is desirable to draw a view of the stream on paper. It is also important to consider what the beginning and end of the stream will look like. The source is decorated in several ways: with the help of bushes, a mountain of stones, a decorative fountain, a pot, an amphora, a vase.

Below we will give you a few examples of dry flow design, which can be exactly transferred to your country cottage area or take any elements, connect own fantasy and make a unique stream.

Laying process

The laying process must begin with surface preparation. First, with the help of sand, draw the boundaries of the water flow. They can be easily corrected at any time. Instead of sand, a stretched rope is also suitable.

The bottom of the trench is well compacted and leveled. Geotextiles or lutrasil are laid at the bottom - materials that are designed to stop the growth of grass, the erosion of the channel and the deepening of pebbles into the soil.

After preparing the trench, you should proceed to the next stage - laying stones. Start with layout coastline, which is laid out with large cobblestones. Between them, in the crevices, you can chaotically scatter smaller pebbles, pebbles.

Dry streams are made not only from stone, but also from flowers. A do-it-yourself flower stream looks very luxurious. During its construction, ground cover plants, ampelous flowers of blue and purple hues are used. Fit well. However, it is important to remember that such a stream will be decorative only during certain periods and times of the year.

Plant selection

In principle, any plant is suitable for this object.

However, planted along the edges of the coastline will look especially impressive:

  • spiraea,
Places of bends should be decorated with paradises, decorative onions, as well as large single-planted bushy plants.

On segments where a shadow often falls, you can plant shade-tolerant perennials, in particular, hosts and look good.

You can consider the option of decorating with plants that are usually used in.

Flowers and herbs should be planted in groups and as tapeworms. Clumped landings should be avoided. This will create an untidy effect. Large spreading flowers should be alternated with low ones.

Important! When choosing plants to decorate the banks of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination of the site, the presence of drafts.

Examples with photos

In our selection of options for a dry stream in the country with your own hands with a photo, you can see different variants dry stream design.

This is what a dry stream version looks like, made of bright blue stones and decorated with a wooden bridge.

A dry stream is an interesting design find for a garden. Arrange one in your country house, decorate it with a bridge on an iron or wooden base.

How to make a dry stream?

To equip it, you will need the following materials and tools:
  • stones different size;
  • black agrotex, spunbond or geotextile;
  • rake;
  • shovel;
  • rope;
  • sand;
  • pegs.
With the help of a rope and a peg, mark out the outlines of the future dry stream. Dig a ditch here 10-20 cm deep. Level its bottom with a rake, put geotextile or other black nonwoven fabric to keep weeds from growing.

Now lay down the stones. Small ones will imitate water, and large ones will decorate the shore. It remains to plant plants so that this corner of nature looks as natural as possible.

By the way, if you plant flowers of blue, blue shades inside the stream, there will be an effect of the presence of water.

What plants to plant in the country?

Here is one example of how you can decorate a dry stream, the photo shows that the following plants are used for this:
  • iris Siberian;
  • fescue Gauthier;
  • grate sandy;
  • bearded iris.
By combining just four of these types of plants, you will achieve the wonderful effect of a natural stream. Take undersized varieties of bearded iris, placing them on the outside so that they are clearly visible.

The next option involves the use of conifers.

To design such a dry stream, you need to take the following plants:
  • various varieties of juniper;
  • undersized pine;
  • stonecrop caustic;
  • sedge hybrid;
  • creeping tenacious.
Basically, low-growing juniper varieties that creep are used here. The stalked form is placed in the background so as not to cover the rest. Stonecrop will grow well between stones, as well as tenacious, sedge.

If you like the Mediterranean style, then look at what plants to plant along such a stream to achieve the desired effect.

As you can see, it uses:
  • plantain hosta;
  • hosta fortune;
  • bearded iris;
  • bergenia hearty;
  • felt yoke;
  • low juniper;
  • Siberian iris;
  • bow Ostrovsky;
  • geyhera small-flowered;
  • gray fescue.
Plant the hosta in a stream bed to make it look like it's dried up. In the upper plan, place a jug that will help achieve the necessary Mediterranean mood. bearded iris will bloom in spring and early summer, like Siberian, adding picturesque colors to this oasis.

If you want to add sophistication to a dry stream, then opt for the plants shown in the following photo.

If you have small plot, then it is best to make a dry stream in the form of a snake. This technique of landscape design will visually increase the space, and the plants located near it will help turn this corner into a realistic one.

There are other options for decorating this creation. For the next, you will use plants such as:
  • warty birch;
  • viburnum ordinary;
  • bulrush.
The design of a dry stream according to this principle requires a minimum of costs. After all, you can dig a birch in the forest, while it is still young, plant it in your area. Perhaps you got a cottage where this tree already grows. Then place it in the background of the stream, and plant viburnum in front. It can also be found in the forest near water bodies or in the lowlands.

If you do not believe in omens, then, like birch, reeds can also be dug up in nature. Bring the rhizomes of this plant by taking them near a pond or lake. But plant in a damp area.

Using these plants, you will achieve volume. Thanks to the trees in the background, it will seem as if there is a forest that goes into the distance. The front space will become free, the reeds will only slightly cover it.

DIY flower river

This is another variant of the design of a dry stream with flowers.

If you want this hand-made work to look like running water from afar, then plant blue flowers here. Muscari was used for this. They breed well, grow quickly, then after planting them in a few years it will not be difficult to plant them in a form dug for a river or stream.

But unlike the first option, here you need to provide soil for plants. Mark the outlines of the future stream, dig the soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers. If the land is infertile, then add humus here.

You can use other flowers with a blue color to decorate a dry stream, for example, undersized irises, hyacinths. To shade them, white and pink peonies were planted along the shore of this reservoir. They bloom at about the same time as muscari, so in late spring and early summer, such a floral charm awaits you.

If you don't have desired plants in such numbers, then you can plant a smaller number of them along a dry stream, decorating it in this way.

Even unpretentious cornflowers or carnations will be a wonderful design element of the coast.

If you still like a dry stream of flowers, then at least make a small one if there are not enough such plants. Plant blue in the center, frame them with plants of a contrasting color. So, red and white flowers perfectly emphasize the beauty of such a stream.

If you have daisies, do you like original styles, then put a jug-like container in the background, plant flowers that seem to flow from it. Daisies reproduce perfectly by seeds, delenki, self-sowing, so the lack of planting material will not.

Dry stream design

You can use not only natural stones, but also purchased painted.

Such material of the desired color can be purchased at a gardening store. Do not forget to also lay a non-woven material of a dense texture on the bottom of the reservoir, and pour colored crayons of blue pebbles on top.

You can even buy blue wood chips, use it to make a dry stream. With your own hands, you can make other items of its design., Decorate it. For this you will need:

  • tire;
  • large stones of approximately the same size;
  • host;
  • fern;
  • flowering plants;
  • thin logs;
  • saw;
  • small garden figurines;
  • self-tapping screws.
After you have arranged a dry stream of the desired shape, lay out stones along its bank. To do decorative bridge, dig the tire halfway into the soil, screw sawn-off logs to it with self-tapping screws.

Plant a hosta to the right or left of the bridge, a fern behind it, and tall flowering plants in the background. Set up a couple of lanterns so that after sunset this place is illuminated, adding to its mystery. Also, small sculptures on a marine theme, such as a duck, a frog, will be appropriate here.

You can put a small boat in the center of the stream, it will also add realism to the whole picture.

If you want to make not a stream, but a river to convey its seething streams, then use stones of different sizes and colors. White, bluish, dark beige will be appropriate here.

Beautifully laid pebbles will also help to achieve the effect of flowing water. Put a couple of boulders in the center of the stream so that the streams seem to go around them.

Alternating white and blue interspersed with light brown stones will also achieve the effect of flowing water.

Lay stones along the edges of this stream in two or three rows so that the bank becomes higher.

It will look great next to a pond, which you can make from ordinary flower pots.

The following tips will teach you how to achieve the desired effects:
  1. If you want a dry stream to be a gray-blue hue, then use slate, basalt, gneiss to decorate it.
  2. If you need to create the illusion of water, then lay the pellets in the bed near the stream and glass balls. If you do not have such material, use concrete balls or stones that you have painted with mirror paint.
  3. To give a brown-red tint to a dry stream, decorate it with granite, limestone, marble.
  4. To emphasize the structure of the stream, use stones of different sizes to decorate it.
  5. The channel looks more natural and graceful if it is of different widths.
  6. To create the effect of a stream, use flat large pebbles when decorating the stream itself, while you will form the coastline from large stones.
  7. It is not necessary to make the borders of the stream too clear and regular, it is better to make them heterogeneous, blurry, to emphasize its natural look.
  8. If you need to mask the unevenness of the site, lay light stones here.
If you know how to make a bridge, then you can decorate your dry stream with it. If you have a welding machine, metal racks, then you can make just such a design.

To do this, you first need to study the scheme.

After that, with the help of a welding machine, the base of the bridge is created, four racks will be buried in the ground.

It will be necessary to attach thick boards to walk on. It is believed that larch is one of the best materials for open air. But when it dries, it releases sharp, hard spikes that can hurt you. Therefore, the masters who made this bridge turned the boards reverse side covered them with antiseptic.

The balusters to the railing were welded in place as they need to be adjusted to fit.

Further, also with the help of a grinder, it is necessary to cut the handrails to the railing right size, attach them to the ends of the railing using a welding machine.

Then the metal base must be coated with a metal primer. Then you need to apply paint. And the last stage is the fastening of wooden boards.

If you are looking for a simpler option, then you can make a bridge for giving, using the following photo hint.

You will learn more about how to make a bridge in the country from a short video.

If you want to see the intricacies of making a dry stream, then watch the following story.

Water is a traditional element of the Japanese garden, symbolizing purity and thirst for life, and its flow is the transience of time. In those cases when the use of water turned out to be impossible, the Japanese use a special technique - a dry stream in landscape design- he very accurately conveys the spirit of the elements, creating the impression that the water of the source has only dried up, and the next rain will bring the stream back to life again, filling the channel with life-giving moisture.

Dry stream in landscape design

The first thing that attracts a dry stream is the absence of the need to purchase water purification and supply systems, expensive compressors, which are a mandatory attribute when creating artificial reservoirs on the site. In addition, it is very easy to care for, unlike a pond, it does not require cleaning from algae and lime deposits. We note other advantages:

  • speed of creation - to create a dry stream, significant investments are not required, all work (choosing a place, designing a contour, selecting materials, arranging a pit and installing stones) will take 2-3 days
  • ease of care - it will only be necessary to maintain the shape of the channel and remove the emerging weeds
  • large selection of plants - if planting near a natural reservoir is limited exclusively to moisture-loving plants and flowers, then almost any plants can be planted along a dry stream
  • unlike real water bodies, mosquitoes will not start in a dry stream

However, a dry stream in the country can also be used as drainage if it is located in a place where storm water is actively draining.

Despite the fact that there is no clear and unambiguous division into types, the design of a dry stream, albeit rather conditionally, is divided into three types:

    • meandering stream - the simplest option, imitating one channel, narrowing and expanding along the entire length. Such a stream seeks to convey the movements of a real stream as accurately as possible, therefore, when planning it, it is necessary to accurately take into account the features of the relief, because water, for example, cannot flow upward
    • forked channel - this design is much more complicated in terms of practical implementation, as it is a harmonious combination of several channels, which periodically connect and diverge in different directions. A feature of the design of such a stream is the use of sand jets in addition to stone, with the help of which they imitate narrow (up to 20 cm) channels
  • waterfall (cascade) - in this case, you will need a hill on which the source of the stream is located, for which you can use a jug (the traditional option for a dry stream in mediterranean style) or specially designed well or rock. The stream seems to fall in a winding shape.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: step by step and in detail

With the help of competent planning of the location of the bed of a dry stream, you can hide some imperfections in the relief or veil some objects that are not quite aesthetically attractive, for example, manhole(but at the same time, what is important, fully retaining access to it).

To create a dry stream in the country with his own hands, he begins with the design of contours that are “drawn” with ordinary sand, taking into account the shapes and features of the landscape of the site. This contour is easily adjusted to achieve maximum harmonious combination dry stream with other decorative elements. To make the stream look as natural as possible, straightness should be avoided, especially in a small area - a winding stream will visually add depth to the area.

Having decided on the size, shape and location of the channel, they proceed to the practical part:

  • excavation - along the planned sand lines, a trench is dug with a depth of about 20-25 cm. The bottom is well tamped and lined with geotextiles - this will prevent grass germination. Don't fill the bottom cement mortar(although such recommendations can be found) - on the one hand, this immediately significantly increases the cost of the project, on the other hand, it will create problems in the future when redeveloping the site
  • selection of stones - to give the channel a sandy-brown hue, crushed stone of granite, limestone or marble is used. Gray blue The gamma of the stream can be achieved by covering the channel with geys or shale. To obtain a shimmering effect, some of the stones can be painted with waterproof paint, and varnishing, due to the overflow of sunlight, will give the composition a “wet” effect. Melted glass laid on top of stones will look spectacular

Advice! The most complete illusion of water flow can be achieved by adding a scattering of glass beads or granules to the composition.

  • stone laying - when the trench is ready, begin to lay the stones. The coastline is laid out with large, large cobblestones - they will be a support for the inner edges, smaller pebbles are randomly poured between them. To imitate rapids in the channel, flat large stones are installed, preferably of a light shade, mounted on an edge. Several especially large stones laid in the middle of the channel will create the effect of an island.

Every homeowner wants to make their site beautiful and extraordinary at the same time. Your own landscape design should not be like anyone else's. A dry stream will help to radically change the style and overall picture of your backyard or garden. Looking at this design element, a person should be appeased, immersed in quiet calm and gain unity with nature. And all this can be built with your own hands. This article will present best examples creating streams without water in stages. Anyone can put into practice step by step instructions and create something beautiful in your garden, even better than in the presented photos.

Flow simulation - dry stream

To add zest to the site and dilute the monotonous landscapes, you can create a “dry stream” with your own hands. This option is suitable for any cottages, gardens, cottages, as it does not require a large investment. Money, connections water resources and conveniently placed anywhere, regardless of the terrain and other features of the territory. The benefits of creating such decorative element in your area include:

  • ease of execution - the ability to do it yourself, without resorting to the services of professional landscape designers;

You can create a dry stream with your own hands

  • minimal costs of money and effort, compared with a water stream;
  • ease of care - it is enough to maintain a clear shape of the stream and remove growing weeds in time;
  • they can divide the site into separate zones - a playground, a barbecue area, etc .;
  • hide or mask the imperfections of the relief (potholes, ravines, hatches, slopes, etc.);
  • safety for small family members - you can’t get wet or drown in such a stream;
  • the absence of blood-sucking insects living near real water bodies;
  • a dry stream can be used as a drainage system to drain waste water after summer showers;

Simple work - excellent results

Every gardener is capable of creating a beautiful dry stream on the territory of his house. There is no need to level the ground, carry out large-scale preparatory work, deepen and raise sections of the relief. The most important thing is to turn on the fantasy, to “see” in your head how the future stream will look like, and beat the territory that is available.

Before starting work, create a plan for a dry stream - this will facilitate its creation.


In order for the future stream of stones to turn out to be as harmonious as possible and similar to the real one, it is necessary to accurately plan the place of its “flow”, as well as the width, sinuosity and other nuances. It is very convenient to use sand for this. Sift the path with sand where, in your opinion, there should be a rocky stream. It is easy to change the form in the process, drawing new outlines and choosing your own perfect option dry reservoir. Some prefer to mark the territory with a rope or draw on the ground with a stick, but these methods are less mobile, more laborious, and often simply not available (hard, rocky ground, etc.).

Advice! To make the stream look natural, create a mouth and a source. A dry stream can begin from an imitation of a grotto or rock, and, thinning, end behind a fence or in sprawling shrubs.

Channel preparation

In order for the future stream to be exposed to atmospheric influences as little as possible and not to be afraid of weed attack, the channel must be lined with film, geotextiles or other suitable material.

If you delayed the process of creating a stream and tall grass is already “earing” on the site, you will have to work a little and dig the contour of the stream to the depth of a shovel to remove the sod. Then carefully level the resulting trench with a rake and lay protective material in it.

Material selection

To create a dry stream, you can use any materials: gravel, crushed stone, shells, large stones, limestone, pebbles, shale, coarse sand, basalt, granite, etc. All components of the stream can be different forms, sizes and colors. To achieve the greatest effect of the illusory nature of the stream, individual elements or the entire material can be tinted with aerosol cans in desired color. Glass transparent or blue balls that will shine and play in the sun like real water can become a bright accent of your stream. With great care, you can place pieces of a mirror at the bottom of the stream, which will create the effect of sunbeams. Your imagination in the choice of materials and bright accents is not limited by anything.

Stone laying

The largest stones are laid along the edges, creating a coastline, smaller cobblestones go further, and very small fractions are poured into the middle of the stream channel.

Use stones of different sizes for the stream

If your site has a sloping terrain or individual parts of the stream are inclined, you can build stone steps, waterfalls and thresholds from large stones. With the help of such elements, a dry stream will gain strength and energy, it will look like a powerful mountain river. You can also place several large boulders along the coastline, scattering them deliberately casually, in random order. This will give the stream more authenticity and "naturalness".

Coastal greening

Vegetation planted on the banks of a dry stream will serve as an expensive frame for a priceless picture. Unlike a real stream, along the banks of a dry one, you can plant not only moisture-loving plants, but also any others that are suitable in style and design. However, preference should still be given to those plants that are associated with water: different kinds reeds, reeds, daylilies and others. Plants of blue and green shades are also associated with the water element: fescue, tenacious, lobelia, irises, etc. Choose vegetation based on the size of the stream: tall vegetation is suitable for large dry streams, while shorter and creeping vegetation is suitable for small ones.

Attention! Do not get carried away with vegetation on the banks of the stream. The abundance of flowers and herbs can overload the banks and turn a dry stream into an ordinary flower bed or into a kind of alpine hill.

decorative design

To make the dry stream look more organic, you can add various design elements and techniques:

  • lighting fixtures - at night, skillfully illuminated elements will create the effect of flowing water and the naturalness of the stream;

Choose plants that enhance the beauty of a dry stream

  • bridge - a wooden crossing over a dry stream will look very organic and attractive;
  • garden figures and decorations - scattered here and there along the entire length of the channel, such elements give the stream an aura of magic and originality.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dry streams created from flowers. Such an imitation of a water flow will require certain strengths and skills, since the flowers planted along the contour of the future stream should be of the same size, without visible clearings and bald spots. But if someone dares to such a feat, the result will simply amaze everyone around. Light fragrant herbs and flowers will sway easily, creating the illusion of the play of waves and the flow of water in a stream. This effect is so unusual and exciting that once you plant a flower stream, you will repeat it every year.

Dry stream in landscape design: video

Do-it-yourself dry stream: photo