Wooden bridges for the garden. Decorative bridges for a garden and a summer residence

  • 22.05.2019

Having received a land allotment, many find a ditch or even a small ravine on it, which is long and difficult to fill up, it is easier to build bridges for landscaping the dacha with your own hands.

What is the best way to make a bridge?

When it comes to materials for a bridge over a ditch, almost all the owners begin to remember where the boards and timber are, but at the same time, someone begins to think about trusses from a corner or a channel. Without a doubt, metal welded bridges for summer cottages are much stronger and more durable than wooden ones, but it is better to use stainless steel near water, which is not cheap. Ordinary iron will rust even with regular painting.

In addition, a corner or a channel is more appropriate in technical structures, but not in decorative ones, and it is quite difficult to assemble structures from them with your own hands.

If metal seems to be the best addition to landscape design, choose forged products, which will allow you not only to install a beautiful bridge with openwork railings, but also create a composition with a similar gazebo. As supports, many try to install concrete "bulls" - supports in the middle of the span of the bridge, or metal piles. However, such a decision is justified only if the site is cut across by a deep and, most importantly, wide ravine.

Through a stream or a small ditch it will be enough to throw a span without intermediate supports, with a maximum of two abutments at the ends. That is why to make a bridge with your own hands, several long bars with a section of 15x15 are enough, and with a short span, even 10x10. In fact, even an ordinary log with a longitudinal cut can serve as an excellent and durable base for the bridge.

If you are a supporter of solidity, you can use natural stone. Moreover, straight and humpback spans thrown over rivers and gorges look very picturesque. But when choosing this option, tune in in advance for a multi-day and rather complex construction. By the way, just in working with stone, or rather, with concrete, which will be needed to fill the base, metal will be very useful to you, but not a channel, of course, but only a corner and steel reinforcement. If you prefer light structures, you can get by with some boards, which, when placed on edge, are in no way inferior in strength to timber.

Which bridge design to choose?

V countryside to overcome narrow obstacles, which, nevertheless, cannot be simply stepped over, often 2-3 logs are used, tied or stapled. As a railing in such cases, either a perch is stuffed onto posts dug on both sides of the ditch or stream, or a tight rope is tied. Such a decorative bridge looks organically against a pastoral background, and therefore it may well be adopted to decorate the landscape of your site.

Through a stream, ditch or small pond a log with a longitudinal cut can be laid, across which wooden planks are stuffed in the form of a flooring. The above options are the simplest, except for large flat stones placed at a short distance from each other across the stream bed. However, boulders as a replacement for a bridge are far from always appropriate, in particular, they are unsuitable for walking, respectable and elderly people, and also unsafe for children.

Therefore, large stones are best used as supports, on which, for example, granite or basalt slabs with a rough surface will be laid. If the stream or is shallow enough, and falling from the resulting decorative bridge does not threaten anything, you can do without the railing.

A more complex, but no less beautiful design can be knocked together from timber and ordinary boards, or assembled and welded from metal. The easiest option to complete is a straight platform with a railing on one side. A humpbacked bridge for a summer residence looks much more spectacular, but not everyone can make it with their own hands. On the other hand, an intermediate scheme for constructing a span is quite accessible, when several wide steps lead to the main flooring from both ends (an almost humpbacked bridge will be obtained over a narrow stream). This type will rise above the terrain and will be an excellent vantage point.

Choosing a place for the bridge

It would seem that this question does not require clarification: there is a stream and a flooring that can be thrown across the channel - everything is simple. However, if there is neither a water barrier nor a ravine on the site, it turns out that the decorative bridge at your dacha will no longer become a decoration of the garden? Of course, such a construction in the middle of the lawn will look ridiculous, the span should be thrown, if not through the ditch, then at least over the flower garden.

Let's look at a few options for what to do when landscape design I want to add a bridge, but there is nothing through which it could be thrown. Actually, there is already one solution - a transition above the flower garden. In this case, a humped bridge or a stepped structure is suitable, or, alternatively, a straight span with ramps at both ends.

If you don’t have a stream on your site, you can create it yourself by laying out an artificial channel from different-sized stones, very similar to the real one (if you do not take into account such a trifle as the lack of water). To create the illusion of a stream, paint blue and azure sand and small gravel and sprinkle between the cobblestones. Another option for installing a bridge is a small island in the center of a pond or even a pool. With a large area of ​​​​a man-made reservoir, the dimensions of the island can be made such that it fits on it with a table and a couple of benches.

Bridge construction work in the garden

To make the flooring, you need a frame, and you can make it yourself from wood in two ways: by setting the boards on edge or by laying them flat. The first option will take less lumber, but the span will most likely be straight, since bending the board along the plane is a long and difficult task. The maximum that can be done is to give a slight bend by cutting off part of the edge in an arc. It is much easier to build wooden humpbacked bridges for a summer residence from flat boards, so let's go this way, considering various assembly possibilities.

To fly through a narrow ditch for the frame, two boards with overall dimensions 3x18x200 centimeters. Between themselves, they are connected by thinner crossbars, nailed from below at the ends, as substrates. However, it is possible to connect the base lags with two beams, at the same time they will serve as props - "supports" for the bridge. If the flooring needs to be thrown over a long distance, under the bearing boards, along the outer edge of the frame, it is advisable to fill the bars of the appropriate length, with a section of at least 10x10, and only then fasten the crossbars.

Next, we begin to form ledges. To do this, we fill directly along the supporting lags of the frame with an equal distance from the ends of shorter boards of the same 3-centimeter thickness. Thus, if you have a frame length of 3 meters, and you want the steps to be 40 centimeters wide, the next board should be 0.8 meters shorter than the base. If you want higher steps, use a 10x10 beam instead of the boards that form them (including the bearing ones), this will only make the bridge stronger and more durable. True, it will be more difficult to hammer together such a frame, and, most likely, you will have to use metal plates from the inside of the frame to securely connect the bars.

Now you can start laying the flooring. To do this, planks are needed narrower, 10 centimeters (in proportion to the cross section of the beam), at least 2 centimeters thick and longer than the width of the base frame or equal to it. You will need quite a lot of them, so it is logical that you need to stock up on all the materials before you are going to build a bridge over a ditch or ravine in the country. First, we fill the boards on the ends of the ledges, starting from the lowest, that is, from the frame, if it was assembled from a bar. If the steps are made of boards, then we immediately proceed to the installation of the flooring. You can nail the transverse strips closely or at small intervals.

We collect balusters and handrails for the bridge

So, the span is ready, and completely made by hand, and if it is installed in the garden as a decorative element, then you can leave it that way. But when used for its intended purpose, that is, to overcome a stream or ditch, it is advisable to make a railing. This is what we're going to do now. The handrail posts themselves, or, in other words, wooden balusters, can be bought ready-made, carved, or thin bars can be adapted. If the section of the columns in the lower part is square, it remains to fasten them with long screws to the base so that the upper ends are at the same level.

If the section is round, it is better to carefully cut off the plane on one side and fix it with screws. If necessary, we cut off part of the baluster from below. It remains only to install the handrails, for which we take 2 bars and, having measured the gaps between the balusters on them, we drill shallow holes in the appropriate places. Then we put it on the posts and fix it on the side or on top with screws. It is better to install the finished bridge not on the ground, but on precast concrete pads.

According to landscape designers, decorative wooden bridges are recognized as one of the most original additions to the architecture and design of the backyard. Being a small architectural form, they will successfully fit into any stylistic direction, giving the overall design of the garden a touch of exquisite completeness. If you plan to decorate the transition through an artificial reservoir in an original way, making it as profitable as possible from an economic point of view, a wooden bridge will be the best solution for you. Adherents of original stylistic solutions will like the idea of ​​​​locating a garden bridge on a lawn, among lush vegetation and flower beds, thanks to which you can place the necessary accents.

Garden bridges. The main role in the landscape design of the site

It’s not bad if there is a small lake or stream on your backyard, the crossing of which can be arranged using a garden bridge.

However, this is not a prerequisite, since modern design ideas make it possible to organize a dry stream of pebbles and small gravel that imitates the flow of water. Currently, in order to reflect the aesthetics of the garden area, they try not to tie garden bridges to an artificial reservoir, which indicates that an artificial reservoir or a dry stream is not necessary for the installation of a bridge.

Garden bridges made of wood, being the sales leader among the elements of the original design, are characterized by an impressive cost, which makes us think about finding a more economical solution.

The most successful of them will be the manufacture of a wooden bridge with your own hands, and this is what will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for garden bridges

When equipping a wooden bridge for a summer residence, you must strictly observe a number of indicative requirements for the quality of this design element.

Let's consider the main ones:

1. Strength and operational reliability. One of the most basic quality characteristics of products for summer cottages, which are of interest to the owners of home gardens. To extend the service life, site owners who want to build a garden bridge should not neglect the treatment of products with protective compounds, as well as constant care;

2.Safety structural element. In the case of the bridge, it is also considered the most important aspect of construction, since the health of a person who decides to cross the reservoir depends on it.

In accordance with this requirement, the base of the bridge must be installed on the ground or foundation, the frame of the structure must allow several people to pass simultaneously on the bridge, and the material must be securely fixed. In this situation, one should also not forget about the timely care of the product, as it will eliminate the excessive fragility of the structure;

3.Decorative and aesthetic characteristics are no less important characteristics of the bridge as a small architectural form.

Since any body of water located in a summer cottage can be bypassed without problems, it can be definitely concluded that the passage through it is equipped in order to place the necessary decorative accents.

Feng Shui lovers will be pleased to know that from the point of view of the oriental sages, the bridge is a kind of mediator between the human soul and outer space, and all important issues you need to think about it without fail, standing on the bridge.

Location of the wooden garden bridge

Having decided to do the arrangement of a wooden bridge with your own hands, you must clearly imagine the place of its future location.

If the bridge is a functional element of the site and its installation is characterized by a purely practical value, it would be appropriate to place it where there is a reservoir, however, if the bridge is installed only for the purpose of decorating the territory, its location may be the most unusual, for example, the backyard, where you see bridge, your guests will be genuinely amazed.

If you plan to decorate the area with a dry stream, complemented by a mixborder or a rock garden, and install a wooden bridge across the stream, it will be most beneficial to do this on foreground site.

It is often practiced to install a bridge near the recreation area. It is important to note that designers do not recommend connecting a round pond with a bridge.

How to ensure the safety of the bridge for the garden?

When creating a garden bridge made of wood with your own hands, you need to take precautions in a timely manner. Given that the height of the bridge significantly exceeds the soil level, provide for the presence of railings, the height of which will be the most optimal for a person of average height. To meet security measures, they must be securely fastened.

Since walks can be carried out not only in the daytime, but also at night, take care of proper lighting of the area where the bridge is located. In this case, several options are possible: installation near the structure of the lanterns along the contour of the garden paths, or direct embedding of the luminaires into the wooden flooring. A good option there will also be the installation of a lantern next to the bridge or solar lamps.

The final requirement for the safety of the bridge is the manufacture of non-slip materials. Which certainly excludes traumatic injuries. To reduce the slipperiness of the flooring, it is necessary to mount rubber inserts into the coating, or provide for the presence of protrusions, for which notches can be applied manually.

Do-it-yourself wooden garden bridge: work sequence

When constructing a garden wooden bridge, first of all, they prepare a place for it. For this purpose, the banks of the reservoir are strengthened with cobblestones or rubble.

Prepared slopes allow you to most firmly install two wooden bars, which are located in parallel, while the distance between them plays a decisive role in determining the width of the decorative bridge.

In those places where wooden blocks are in contact with the ground, waterproofing measures are carried out, which consist in the processing of wood antiseptics and coating with molten bitumen or wrapping with roofing material.

After processing and laying the bars, they begin to fix them.

For this purpose, metal pegs are forgotten to the bars, and span bars are installed on the supports, the length of which is equal to the length of the bridge. Then, in the same way, they are fixed with metal staples.

The next step is to arrange the flooring. For this purpose, boards with a thickness of at least 3 cm are nailed to longitudinally located span bars in the transverse direction. Pressure bars are fixed on top of the boards, and at the same time, measures are taken to reduce the slipperiness of the bridge.

After carrying out all of the above activities, install the railing for the bridge. The most simplified method is to vertically fix bars with a length of at least 1 meter, located at a distance of 40 cm from each other along the long sides of the structure, that is, span bars. On these bars, horizontally oriented beams are fixed, which will be the railing.

It is important to remember that they must be securely fixed, and spare no screws to strengthen them.

After installing the structure, the lighting system is installed and decorated in accordance with their wishes and aesthetic ideas. By the way, it will be noted that decoration involves a lot of activities from painting to revitalizing the bridge with the help of flower arrangements.

A pond bridge is a great decoration for your pond, garden or cottage. It not only transforms the site beyond recognition, but also carries out a special functional load. Among options use - the basis for planting plants that bloom violently or curl. With proper design, a do-it-yourself bridge on a pond has every chance of becoming a support for installing lighting, containers with flowers.

In a word, the element is useful, functional and very necessary. But how to build a bridge without outside help, is it real? Of course - and our article will teach you how to build a beautiful bridge or even a pier yourself.

Bridges in landscape design

Walkways are a variety of structures, thanks to which you can overcome some kind of obstacle. For example, a small river or ravine. Some experts tend to think that a do-it-yourself decorative bridge can only be built in a large garden. However, this is not the case, and a solution can be found for a plot of almost any area. This is a logical continuation of the path, allowing you to both cross something uncomfortable or watery, and add a little intrigue to your walk.

Miniature bridge in the garden

It is customary to build a bridge over a pond with your own hands through narrow and wide streams. With their help, they connect the island in the center of the pond with the shore. Any homemade pier allows you to "force" the water space and constantly wet places. In landscape design, such a design always looks stylish. It organically fits into the garden space, but only when proper organization. It is believed that the smaller the area, the simpler the bridge in the garden should be.

Bridges of various sizes can be located in the garden

Good accommodation options, basic rules

The most suitable place to install the bridge on personal plot counts:

  • A small lake or stream, artificially created pond.
  • Natural ravines and ditches.
  • Separately decorated flower beds, flower beds
  • Trails, paths.

When placing the made buildings above the reservoir, it is necessary to observe a number of simple rules. We will introduce you to the most important of them.

The crossing over the pond should be installed in the narrowest place. The smaller the structure, the stronger it will be. And yes, it looks prettier. Bridges with a dry stream are characterized by such qualities as miniaturization and compactness. The material used is always combined with the coating and is a continuation of the track.

Bridge over dry stream

When choosing a place to install a small architectural form, it is worth considering the style of the garden plot. For example, slightly simplified, rough wooden structures are more suitable for country style. Also, without any frills and decorations, they can be supplemented with a park area stylized as a forest.

When garden plot has various differences in ground height, the installation of a forged bridge is recommended. Regardless of which material is chosen, the structure must be capable of supporting a weight of at least 200 kg.

Garden bridges: popular design options

Absolutely any material is suitable for construction. Of course, we are used to seeing decorative bridges on a pond made of wood and concrete. However, it can be stone, and even metal. Their combination will look especially elegant. For example, the combination natural stone medium size together with treated wood.

Combination of materials in the construction of the bridge

If we talk about the classification of such products, it is very, very conditional. It all depends on the design features:

  • Classic straight option for a pond in the country. A versatile structure that will harmoniously fit into absolutely any landscape. It can be forged, wooden, made of concrete, with beautiful balusters, painted in contrasting colors, and so on. Not every specialist can make a forged bridge in the country with his own hands. But on the other hand, you can always buy a ready-made model in the store or order it from the master.
  • curved structures. They are also called "humped". Most often they are an addition to beautiful landscapes in the form of a hedge or flower garden. A pier made of stone will remind you of the Middle Ages, a forged bridge with flower patterns will remind you of the greatness of St. Petersburg. Yes, yes, it was the St. Petersburg architects who invented it at the beginning of the 19th century. According to construction requirements, the bend of the bridge should not be more than 20 degrees.
  • Zigzag designs. They came to us from Japan, they are built in the same way as the Yatsuhashi. Feature - the absence of fences, a fairly low location of the flooring above the ground. Perfect option to create decorations for the "dry stream" and decorate the Japanese garden.
  • Suspension bridge. An extreme option, but this is precisely its appeal. They practically do not build such bridges with their own hands, because they are quite technically complex and need especially durable material. The flooring is on metal cables and chains.
  • Step by step design. Consists of several flat stones that are neatly placed on the bottom of a shallow stream. Stones with jagged edges look amazing among the thickets, and concrete plates with smooth edges - in an elegant garden.
  • stepped structure. Another popular option, consisting of two sites. Make it high enough and you will be able to inspect your territories.

Video review of decorative bridges

Wooden bridge: construction and materials

Why wood and not stone or concrete? When the question arises, how to make a bridge on the pond suburban area,the most convenient material for work is wood. Firstly, the design is easy to assemble and install, and secondly, its parts can be fastened with self-tapping screws or even nails. That is, you do not need to mix the solution, buy cement, and so on.

Wooden bridge in the Japanese garden

The classic set of tools, materials for building a bridge looks like this:

  • Pegs or piles. They will be installed in the ground under the frame.
  • Watertight barrier.
  • To install the railing, stock up on poles with a section of 75 x 75 mm.
  • Also, to create a bend in the railing, take the planks of wood assembled in layers.
  • Wooden planks 40 mm thick will go to the transverse fastening of the span. For fastening the span - body bolts.
  • Self-tapping screws, ropes and nails.
  • Boards for flooring. Should have a thickness of 20-30 mm.
  • We also take corrugated boards for flooring, we use the usual materials (pebbles, gravel or stones) as the basis.

DIY wooden bridge (video)

Wooden bridge - assembly of the structure and its installation

  • Long boards are used as guides. After antiseptic treatment and painting, you will need to bend them. To do this, the edges of the parts are cut off, they are soaked and bent according to the pattern. This is done until the wood is completely dry. If you plan to build a straight pier, antiseptic and painting will be enough.
  • By the way, when a small bridge is being built, they can be used as guides pvc pipes. They bend perfectly, and for extra strength they can be reinforced with thick metal rods. The latter are simply inserted inside.
  • How to make flooring? To do this, you need to nail transverse boards or bars to the already prepared logs.
  • During and after rain, the flooring will become slippery. However, corrugated boards that are nailed on top can help you out.
  • We figured out how to make a bridge over the pond with our own hands from wood. It remains to figure out how to install it correctly. For these purposes, two mounds of gravel or stone are being built. The assembled product will be mounted on them. When self-built piers are used only for decoration, the work can be considered finished.
  • Another thing is if the bridge leading to the lake is regularly used for crossing. Without a strong, reliable fixation is indispensable. We use piles as a fixing element, which are driven on both sides of each guide (that is, 4 pieces). The length of each pile is about 80 cm.

Railings can be used as decorations. This element is optional if the structure is practically adjacent to the ground or decorates a “dry” stream. When there are small children in the family, and the bridge itself is quite high, one cannot do without installing railings. They are strong and high (up to 80 cm), have a lattice or often spaced planks.

Wooden bridge with railings

It should be understood that the presence of such an additional element as a railing makes the bridge much more attractive. Details made of wood can be decorated with carvings or painted to match the surrounding buildings.

Choose coniferous species so that the product lasts as long as possible. For example, larch or pine. The final touch will be the application of varnish and antiseptic.

Is it easy to make a concrete bridge in the country

A reinforced concrete structure takes more time and effort than a wooden one. All elements are prepared in the forms:

  • Boards and wooden blocks are used to create the form. The outlines must exactly follow the contours of the part. By the way, the lines don't have to be straight.
  • To perform reinforcement, metal rods are used. They are placed inside the form, bent in the right direction.
  • Pouring concrete. As for the width of the layer, it should be at least 10 centimeters. You will need to wait 2-3 days for complete drying. Then the blanks are removed from the molds, mounted in the right place.
  • Structural cladding. For decoration, materials such as paving stones, clinker bricks, natural stone or its equivalent, as well as mosaics can be used. A track made using the same cladding material will look especially good.
  • Keep in mind that concrete can expand over time, primarily due to sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to drive in supports for the bridge only on one side.

Bridge concrete

Thus, using available materials, acquired from various sources of knowledge and skills, you can build a decorative bridge for the garden with your own hands in just a few days. We recommend starting with a simple and unpretentious design. If in the future you think about a more sophisticated model, you can also make it yourself.

A beautiful garden is a real art that you can create with your own hands. You can decorate the territory not only with flowers, lush shrubs, trees, but also supplement it with decorations. Regardless of the area, the garden bridge can harmoniously fit into any environment. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the secrets of landscape design and photos of finished compositions.

Bridges in landscape design

Garden bridges can fit into any landscape design. The main thing in decor is to be guided by the principle: what less space, the simpler the design should be. Bridges are placed in those places where there is a specially designated place for it. Guests of the garden, and you yourself, getting into the zone of the created composition, will focus on this particular structure. Therefore, the design should stand out among plants and other landscape elements. When choosing the style of a garden bridge, be guided by an already designed site or combine it with the design of the project plan. So it will be easier for you to navigate the selection of scenery. If this is a crossing over a pond, then the bridge should be beautifully reflected in the water, if it is located among green spaces, then combine them with each other in color scheme. The bridge that fully fulfills its function looks beautiful. Its construction must be solid. When erecting a building, keep in mind that people will walk on such a structure. It should have not only an aesthetic appearance, but also a safe anti-slip base. The bridge can be used by both children and the elderly. During the transition, everyone also needs a comfortable, stable flooring.

Place for a bridge in the garden

First of all, the bridge structure is a separate structure and it needs to be assigned a separate location. Usually a water association occurs with bridges. The bridge does not have to run over a body of water. Although this is the key role of the structure, it can be placed in the following places:

  • over a dry stream;
  • near flower beds and green spaces;
  • over paths and paths;
  • over a ravine, ditch, artificial trench;
  • near the waterfall
  • over a living stream or reservoir;
  • over an artificial pond.

When choosing a place to install a garden bridge, choose the place where you can securely fix the base of the structure. Locate the structure in the narrowest place for the crossing. The edges of the bridge, as a rule, are joined to garden path. It is important to combine the materials of the bridge deck and the surrounding area.

Decorative bridge and its role

The main role of the bridge is a crossing. The same applies to garden bridges. Spreading from one bank to another, the structure will “transfer” you to the other side of the site, help you shorten the path over the flowing reservoir and give you the opportunity to admire your skillfully created lake.

In addition, a decorative bridge can be used as an observation deck. Climbing to the dais, you can look around the garden area, admire the landscaping and enjoy it.

Garden bridges are also located near the waterfalls. It happens that the design of some garden corner seems to be unfinished, but in this case, you will get a beautiful composition that combines several decorations in a compartment.

Often, garden bridges serve as an addition to a sprawling flower bed. Flowers in pots are placed on the railings of the structure, climbing liana plants are let along the railings. Along the perimeter of the bridge they look harmoniously flowering plants with bright colors. Such a composition creates not only a combination of design, but also the general mood of the garden plot.

The bridge-pier serves as a kind of recreation area. This section of the garden area can be arranged for a pleasant pastime. Put in addition a couple of chairs, a table. Here you can receive guests, sunbathe and enjoy the stunning view. Towering furniture above the water will create the illusion of a large body of water.

garden bridge shape

In Eastern culture, there is a belief that bridges towering over the smooth surface of garden ponds affect the fate and disposition of the owner of the home. So, for example, a zigzag-shaped bridge inspires the owner to do good deeds, cleanses his worldly aura and helps to get closer to the divine principle. Whether this is true or not, one can only guess. And modern owners choose the most various forms decorative bridges:

  • a bridge with steps - the first couple of steps are convenient for climbing the structure;
  • direct bridge - convenient for self-manufacturing. Fits perfectly in almost any landscape;
  • zigzag - an eastern guest who requires additional work in the landscape of the garden ensemble;
  • arch bridge - a semicircular shape is most familiar to the design of the structure under construction;
  • a hanging bridge is the perfect addition to a stylishly designed pond;
  • step-by-step - the protruding parts of the bridge require careful movement. Typical style of oriental culture.

A bridge that is familiar to the eye is usually equipped with a railing, but it is not necessary to use them for garden bridges. The decoration can have one handrail on one side only, or not have them at all. The height of the support at the garden bridges is also different. For some, this is a small “border”, rising 30-40 cm above the canvas, for others it is a full-weight railing about a meter high.

Selection of material for the garden bridge

The presentability and durability of the garden bridge depends on the right material. They are made of the following material:

  • Tree;
  • Metal;
  • A rock;
  • Concrete;
  • Combined material.

wooden garden bridge

Wood is a common material for bridge construction. As a base, it is customary to take oak, larch, cedar, pine, bamboo, acacia. You can find wood material in any hardware store or cut logs in natural conditions.

It is easy to work with wooden structures, to shape them, to mount them, to select the location. The natural structure will easily fit into any landscape, and even kids will confidently move along its non-slip surface. At a cost, lightweight structures are one of the most budgetary.

Wooden decorations can be given almost any shape. If desired, a pattern or an uncomplicated pattern is cut out at the railings and partitions. Color solution remains with you. Natural structures always fit organically into landscape design, but the idea is easy to change with the help of colors, wood pigments and paints.

metal bridges

By right, one of the most reliable structures are metal bridges. They are able to withstand the weight of several people at once, so these structures are installed as a practical decoration. When choosing metal structure you should pay attention to the fact that the surface of such a garden bridge is very slippery. Make sure that the base has an anti-slip coating.

From the metal decoration, you can pave a stone path, make a path with flowers. Cold, at first glance, the design can be fun to beat for any garden design. Near it, ceramic figurines of animals, fairy-tale characters, figurines of birds will look beautiful. Even a lantern placed at the foot of the bridge will favorably emphasize the created composition. For garden decoration, forged bridges are usually purchased, made entirely of metal or in combination with wood, stone, concrete.

A metal bridge, as a rule, is an expensive structure. To make it yourself is a laborious process, since the creation of a metal decoration requires special equipment for metal carving, its alloying and forging. But, if you purchase it in finished form, then it is quite possible to install it yourself.

stone bridges

garden bridges from natural stone very heavy structures. Sandstone, marble, granite are used for their production. If you're looking for a lighter build, this is the one for you. fake diamond. Laying from it can be done not only by professionals, but also by amateurs.

Usually, a metal frame is taken as a basis, its bottom is strengthened and artificial or natural material is laid on top. A stone garden bridge will look relevant among green spaces, ponds, stone compositions created in the style of count ruins, a manor's garden.

concrete bridges

The even and smooth design of the concrete bridge will be an ideal solution for a green area with low plants, in a garden in which plantings are removed from each other, the location near fountains, waterfalls, and elevation above a pond will also be original.

Such a structure weighs a lot, so special lifting equipment will be required to install a heavy frame. This design can go as a separate canvas, without handrails or complete with sophisticated metal railings.

combined bridges

Combination bridges are made from a combination of certain materials. For example, stone and metal, wood and metal, concrete and metal. There are also masterpieces that combine three materials at the same time: wood, stone and concrete or wood, ceramics, concrete.

DIY bridge

Agree, only the author himself can realize his idea. Therefore, to create the perfect garden bridge, you need to get down to business on your own. One of the simple materials for making a garden bridge is wood. The garden bridge is usually not less than 1.2 m wide and 2-3 m long. The length is extremely important, but the width can be increased by 10-15 cm.

As the main blank, you will need two curved beams, the section size of which is 0.2 m * 0.35 m and a length of 2 m. They are attached to a support of wooden poles. Before fixing on both sides, measure equal width.

You can prepare boards from straight blanks. Use a jigsaw to remove excess wood. After the beams are installed, secure them with frame rails.

Guides are attached over the boards.

The support for the railing (height - 1 m, section - 8 * 8 cm) is attached to the beams with bolts.

Handrails are placed on top of the support under the railing.

Now it's the turn to make the foot for the garden bridge. Screw the timber to the very first horizontal bar on the lower part. In width, it should be half the size of the main bar, as in the photo.

Now take the logs and cut a hole in them for attaching to the newly installed timber.

Fix the logs with a plank on the nails.

Lay the flooring on top, keeping the interval between the planks at 1 cm, as on the bridge. Fasten the wood to the lags with self-tapping screws.

Now it remains to decide on the color of the bridge, open it with a protective coating and modify it at your discretion. Given the fact that the garden bridge is located near the reservoir, it must be carefully protected from moisture. To do this, use penetrating and film-forming protective equipment. In addition, to protect against decay, eating wood by various insects, it is necessary to treat the coating at least once a season with antiseptics - a universal paste or liquid solution. Yes, following basic safety precautions wooden structure, your bridge will last more than one year.

Below is a video demonstrating another version of making a wooden bridge with your own hands. Success in the household!

Diversity garden bridges allows you to choose the right design for any style. The first requirement for their construction is the arrangement of the foundation. If DIY garden bridge is being built on the shore, its shores must be strengthened and waterproofed additionally. Large cobblestones, thick logs, concrete, crushed stone are used to strengthen the slopes. After creating the support platform, the construction of the bridge begins.

The main elements are:

  • Supports are load-bearing components on which the entire structure rests. If the bridge is small (up to 3 m) and not subjected to heavy loads, 4 supports are sufficient, which are installed along the edges on the support platforms. For long bridges, intermediate supports will be needed.
  • The span is the part of the bridge between the supports.
  • Kosour, lag or bowstring - the supporting beam of the canvas, on which the flooring is laid.
  • Flooring ( roadbed) - bridge covering, which is laid across the support beams.
  • Fences are decorative and functional elements that allow you to have additional support.

Do-it-yourself hanging garden bridge

Suspension bridges are widespread in the world. Such structures are installed in places where it is difficult to make additional supports. They are flexible structures on which the roadway is attached. The main posts, called pylons, are mounted on support platforms. For the construction of a small suspended DIY garden bridge in the country, thick beams, metal pipes, concrete piles are used as pylons. Chains, cables or ropes are stretched between the pylons. If the bridge is up to 2 m long, it is enough just to fix the cables on the pylons. For a longer bridge, the main cables continue behind the pylon and are anchored to the ground to provide stretch for the supports.

Vertical parts, which are also made of ropes, cables or chains, are attached to the bearing part of the rope or cable. An example of knitting a vertical warp:

A footpath is laid on the base. For flooring, boards 2-3 cm thick are usually used. They can be tied together and attached to the base.

For the manufacture of DIY garden bridge from wood you will need 2-4 wide boards with a thickness of at least 5-6 cm - these will be stringers or logs. The length of the boards should be 40 cm longer than the length of the bridge. If the bridge is flat, it is enough to treat the boards with protective materials and install them on the support platform.

For an arched (humped) bridge, the appropriate bend is cut out of the boards according to the template. It is most convenient to do this - with its help you can cut a clear contour, the tool does not slip from the canvas and gives an even saw cut.

Read also:

The height difference in the arched bridge should not exceed 20 o. The cut logs are fastened together with stiffeners - the wider the bridge, the smaller the gap between the logs.

Connect the parts with screws. Racks for fencing and balusters are attached to the lags. Then proceed to the manufacture of flooring. The flooring is made of boards 2.5-3 cm thick or a picket fence. The narrower the board, the less the canvas will sag. The step between the shtaketins is taken equal to 1-1.5 cm. The distance between the boards contributes to the runoff of rainwater, which increases the service life of the coating. Fasten the boards with stainless steel screws.

Fences are attached to the spans, decorative balusters can be installed between them. Decorate fences with ropes, chains, other decorative elements. You can use forged crate. Convenient height of the fence - 80-100 mm. Small wide do-it-yourself bridges look good without a fence.

concrete bridges

A permanent structure made of decorative natural stone will suit any style of garden. The monolithic stone bridge will take you back to the Middle Ages. It is more difficult to make it, but the investment of time and money justifies itself.

To begin with, a frame is made of wood. The contours of the form can be cut out of the boards in the same way as logs for a wooden bridge - according to the template.

The frame is reinforced from the inside with stiffeners. For reinforcement, rods with a thickness of 2-5 mm are used. The formwork is poured with a layer of concrete of at least 10 cm. After two days, the concrete will harden, and the details of the bridge will be ready for decoration with natural stone.

It is possible to separately cast the bridge trusses, canvas and railings, and then assemble the structure on site. And you can pre-drain the reservoir and install the frame-formwork on the support platform and perform further work.