Santa muerte tattoo meaning. santa muerte tattoo

  • 29.06.2020

Surprisingly, in our time, death tattoos are on the list of the most popular plots ordered in tattoo parlors around the world. At the same time, the image itself is far from always perceived negatively, or causes fear.

There are male and female tattoos, subcultural and religious. Some have a hidden meaning, others are made just for beauty, and do not carry any message or special energy.

In certain circles, angel of death tattoos are a success. They depict Azrael (Malyaku l-maut among the Arabs). In the classical tradition of the Abrahamic religions, there is no such separate character with a scythe. Because the conductor in afterworld is an angel. Some currents are of the opinion that he is the messenger of God, others identify him with dark forces.

Tattoo angel of death, with a cross and a skull in a black cape

For each branch of religion, people, culture, the meaning of the angel of death tattoo can be separate. Modern traditions often depict him as an old man, and death with a scythe tattoo is often identified with him. It is interesting that the angel responsible for the "deeds beyond the grave" is even in the traditional beliefs of the Chuvash people. They call him Esrel. The references to Judaism are obvious, so don't let them surprise you. The ancestors of modern Chuvash lived next to the Khazars, who converted to Judaism.

Tattoo death with a scythe

In Christian countries, people often tattoo the seven deadly sins. All vices can be depicted, or one specific one that a person identifies with himself. Usually this is a person whose image demonstrates some quality recognized as a sin in Christianity:

  1. pride;
  2. greed;
  3. envy;
  4. anger;
  5. lust;
  6. gluttony;
  7. laziness or despondency.

“Remember death” tattoos in Latin are also very popular. The Memento mori inscription has a long history. It was first mentioned in ancient Rome. When the commander returned to his homeland with a victory, a slave walked behind him, periodically reminding him that, despite his successes, he was just a mere mortal. In the 17th century it popular expression became a greeting of the monks of the Order of St. Paul. They were called the Brothers of Death.

The inscription tattoo memento mori, translates as - remember death

Gradually, the original meaning of the phrase was forgotten, and in the form of a tattoo, it meant that our existence on earth was a temporary phenomenon. You should remember this under any circumstances.

death god tattoos

If you are a fan of ancient Egyptian mysticism and admire their pantheon, you will definitely like the Anubis god of death tattoo. Deity depicted with the head of a jackal/dog and human body. He holds an ankh in one hand and a staff in the other. He is both a guide to the afterlife and one of the judges for human souls.

Anubis god of death tattoo

Greek mythology gave us the god Thanatos. He is the patron of everything connected with the “other world”, and the brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep. Some people get a tattoo of both brothers to show how thin the line is between sleeping and the process of dying of the physical body.

The name of Hades (Hades) is also associated with the world of the dead. He is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Although this god does not kill anyone, he guards the realm of the dead, named after him. His image is also popular in the art of tattooing, although it is inferior to the Egyptian and Greek "colleagues".

The Japanese in modern culture have a separate concept of Shinigami deities. Some authors say that the god of death is one, others write that there are many. With the popularization of Japanese culture, such tattoos began to be made far beyond the borders of this country and Asia in general. The most popular Shinigami is Ryuk, a character from the manga, anime, and Death Note films.

Interesting tattoos, chosen by fans of the Nordic culture. Here, the name of the goddess Hel is associated with the world of souls. Her parents are the cunning god Loki and a certain giantess Angrboda. It is believed that when Ragnarok comes, Hel will oppose the aces, leading the hordes of the dead. This plot is often used in the plots of not only books, but also sketches of tattoos with death.

There are many goddesses who are responsible for the dead, or command the afterlife. One of the key ones is Mara - Morana, she is also the Celtic Morrigan. Old beliefs are still strong in Ireland to this day, and people often get a tattoo with the image of this goddess.

Grim Reaper. The history of the image and tattoo

Nowadays, a tattoo of death with a scythe can have a different meaning. In many ways, it depends on the region of residence, the religion of a person, his belonging to certain subcultures. We all understand that a heavy music lover is unlikely to really want to go to hell while listening to Highway to Hell. Accordingly, the tattooed death with a scythe is not associated with his suicidal tendencies. Generally, men's tattoos often made deliberately harsh and brutal, demonstrating the inner strength and courage of a person, his fearlessness in the face of an inevitable death for everyone.

Tattoo death with a scythe is made on the arm

Tattoo death with a scythe meaning in the zone is quite logical. More precisely, there can be three of them:

  • Remember death/memento more;
  • The prisoner's contempt for death. These beliefs are extremely popular in the prison/camp environment;
  • The murder they committed. Man considers himself an instrument of heaven, a reaper, or his scythe.

In the culture of European peoples, there is an image of a bony creature in a cape with a hood. He is called the grim reaper. The Slavs have similar images, although they had deities responsible for sending the soul to the world of the dead / heaven / hell / purgatory and their analogues. At the same time, one should distinguish between those who take souls, guides to the afterlife and guardians of the underworld, who do not go up.

Death tattoo in cape with hood

There are images in modern culture that are not negative. For example, the writer Terry Pratchett devoted a whole cycle to the reaper, showing that he does not kill anyone, but only does his job, delivering people who died for various reasons to the afterlife.

If you see a Mexican with a tattoo of death with a scythe on his arm, it is likely that he is somehow connected with the Santa Muerte cult. The unique interweaving of ancient beliefs and Christianity has led to the emergence of such a hybrid religion and the days of the dead. Interestingly, studies have shown that the cult has nothing to do with black magic, and does not oppose the Catholic Church.

Drawing death with a scythe on the back has become the norm for many poor Mexicans. They are convinced that the reaper hears their prayers, and can even grant wishes. This drawing looks simple - a skeleton in women's dress, with a covered head. Sometimes in the hands of scales, symbolizing the judgment of the human soul.

Today, the cult and the tattoos associated with it have long ceased to be part of an exclusively Mexican culture. In our time, such beliefs are held by residents of Europe and the United States, incl. not having Latin American roots.

In modern tattoo art, many interesting sketches are associated with the cult of Santa Muerte. Some tattoos directly on the face - black circles around the eyes, black tip of the nose, the contours of the teeth under the skin and other details that hint that the person is actually dead. Also, similar images are often stuffed on the body.

Santa Muerte interesting sketches

Universe of Harry Potter

For fans of the Harry Potter series, completely different characters and events are associated with death. The first option is a deathly hallows tattoo - a special symbol denoting an elder wand, a resurrection stone and an invisibility cloak. All three items that were considered a legend ended up in the hands of the characters according to the plot. Fans of Rowling's work often get tattoos with this simple but original sign.

Deathly Hallows Tattoo Stylization

The same Potter lovers who have always been on the side of the dark lord, whose name cannot be spoken aloud, prefer to order the symbol of Potter's opponents and his friends. Today in the world there are many people on whose skin you can find tattoos of death eaters - henchmen of the main villain. It is a skull, from the mouth of which a huge snake crawls out.

Original sketches and plots. Styles and techniques of execution of tattoos with death

People have different attitudes towards death and the characters associated with this process, from worship to rejection. For example, the Swedish monarch Charles XV had a death to kings tattoo on his arm. Very original for a ruler. Are you wondering how it happened that the king had such a tattoo? It's very simple - this monarch was a Frenchman who served in the army during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte.

During the wars, he rose to the rank of marshal, and was remembered for his excellent attitude towards the captured Swedes. They were so impressed by the generosity of the Frenchman that they suggested that he change his confession and become their crown prince. And so it happened. As a result, the secret opponent of the monarchy himself ascended the throne. In memory of him, many people make a similar inscription on the wrist, forearm. Sometimes it is written on a ribbon wrapped around a hand, or next to a crown. The sketch also looks great - a skull with a crown and the mentioned words.

Skull tattoo in crown

Another famous inscription is a tattoo of victory, or death. In various variations, it was used by revolutionaries in Spain, Cuba and other countries. General Franco's supporters used the slogan "Freedom or Death". "Victory or Die" is the title of one of the episodes of "Game of Thrones".

Also found tattoo faithful to death. Usually it means loyalty to the master, king, homeland, and not to a partner. But the inscription can be interpreted in different ways.

Now the death tattoo has acquired too subcultural meaning. It is exploited without understanding the real meaning, or inventing a new one. This is due to books, films, TV shows, many new cults. For example, the riders of the Apocalypse, led by Death on a pale horse, were turned into some kind of fantasy characters, and in the Supernatural series, the chief reaper was killed with his own weapon. However, it is worth paying tribute to the authors - in their version, this character is not scary, but rather neutral.

Often people order a death tattoo with a clock - pocket or sand. In fact, this is the same "memento mori", only without the inscription. Everyone is given exactly as much as they decide higher power. However, materialists hold a different point of view.

However, there are those who prefer old school and traditional. These areas of tattoo art do not lose popularity even in the 21st century.

The image of death on the back is often drawn to the waist, showing bony hands, with fingers that adorn massive rings. A scythe is not always a mandatory detail of a death tattoo. But if it is the Grim Reaper (the grim reaper) that is depicted, then she, or the sickle, is present.

Interestingly, the tattoo of immortality looks like a skull with a snake crawling out of its eye socket. A reptile in this context means wisdom and knowledge that persist even after the death of their individual carriers. Also symbols eternal life consider the phoenix bird. The Chinese believed that immortality is symbolized by a butterfly. A very unexpected choice, given the transience of her life in our world.

Skull tattoo with a snake in the eyes

The network has a lot of very interesting and atmospheric photos of death tattoos. Take a look and explore the options. Perhaps one of them will inspire you. However, we recommend ordering death tattoo sketches individually. For example, if you need to make death on the shoulder, forearm, voluminous black and white images with good detail will look best.


Choose a sketch for yourself and get a tattoo if you are not afraid of course.

Each of us at least once thought about death. What happens after the fateful day? Should we expect the continuation of life in a completely new form, or just accept that you will cease to exist? Since ancient times, people have been interested in the answer to this question. It's great in mythologies. different peoples world: in almost every culture there is a God who takes the souls of the dead to the underworld.

However, Santa Muerte is considered to be really special. It originated in Mexico about three centuries ago, the name in translation sounds like “Holy Death”. The idea of ​​this cult is the worship of a deity, personifying death. He is represented as a female skeleton dressed in a bright dress. Mexicans believe that prayers to Santissima protect them from premature death, and are also able to fulfill wishes.

In general, the cult is widespread and has a large army of adherents of its ideology. Along with other mythologies and beliefs, he found his place in body painting. Even outside of Mexico, Santa Muerte-style tattoos are found these days.

This direction of tattoo is popular among "asocial" people: thieves, criminals, moths, drug dealers. Ordinary faith does not share or even forbid their kind of activity. In this regard, they turn to other forces, and the drawings on the body only emphasize their worldview.

Consider the meaning of the Santa Muerte tattoo:

  • Luck. And so, in most cases, adherents of the cult are socially disadvantaged people. In order to turn another case, they turn to the deity in the hope that luck will be on their side.
  • Health. It is believed that the Saint cures diseases, and also helps to survive even in the most hopeless situations.
  • Love. Mexican girls often mention their men and the guys they like in their prayers. In their opinion, they are able to bring home walking husbands, as well as to make a love spell.
  • Justice. Often, a skeleton woman is depicted with scales in her hands. Santissima doesn't care if the man is poor or rich. Is he smart or extremely stupid. She treats everyone the same. And in the matter of restoring justice, sometimes he even punishes the guilty with a bullet.
  • Wealth. Supporters of the Holy believe that worshiping her will certainly bring them money and wealth.

Having familiarized ourselves with the meaning, let's move on to the style in which the image can be made. Pay attention to the photo of Santa Muerte's tattoo from the article. The drawings are equally good both in black and white and in color. It is noteworthy that, despite the use of bright colors, a certain gloom of the picture remains.

The main plot is a realistic face of a girl, on which elements are clearly traced. This is typical for the nose and eyes: they are painted over in black. Thus, it seems that the woman is half dead.

The picture is also decorated with additional attributes: scales and a ball. The first personifies power. The ball is a small model of our Earth. The idea of ​​combining these two elements is the following: death is omnipotent and will come for everyone.

After developing a sketch, you have to choose a place for its application. Here everything will depend on its size and shape. Such drawings look good on the forearm, hands. You can improvise a sleeve, or do a work where the image will flow from the upper arm to the chest.

Drawing a skull on the face - this was invented in Mexico. And they even called it beautifully "Santa Muerte".

Now it is a kind of brand, every self-respecting photographer should make his photo shoot "Santa Muerte".

Oh mexico...

Severe muchachos and passionate senoritas.

Mexico. Mexico is tequila and bands of itinerant musicians in sombreros.

Mexico is a country where drug cartels are able to lead fighting with government troops.

It was here that Santa Muerte appeared. Tattoos with Her image can be seen in the photo above, almost all random respondents.

Santa Muerte is a modern religious cult that is common in Mexico, Latin America and the USA (Texas mostly, but it is already spreading further). Some of the representatives of the cult are united by the self-proclaimed founder of the "Traditional Catholic Church of Mexico and the USA" - David Romo. The first parish of this church appeared in 1999, although the cult itself appeared in the 1940s. according to others, in the 1960s, but before 99, the cult spread from person to person without a fixed church.

John Thompson of the University of Arizona discovered footprints leading to 18th-century Mexico - according to one legend, the indigenous people tied up a skeletal figure and threatened to flog her if she did not perform a miracle and grant their desire. One source connects the origin of the legend with the city of Veracruz, where a certain sorcerer allegedly saw the image of death in dreams. Death allegedly told him to make her exact image, promising fans a painless death. Other sources dating back to the 20th century associate Santa Muerte with love potions and love spells.

And now, as of the present 2011, in Mexico alone, Madonna with a scythe is already worshiped by over 5,000,000 people.

“Santa Muerte is a saint who symbolizes death.

Death is depicted with a scythe over his shoulder, but sometimes she has scales in one hand and a ball in the other: this means that all people on the planet are subject to her. Once the cult of Death existed only in the countryside, now it is widespread in the cities, especially among those who risk their lives almost daily. Let's say thieves or prostitutes. But so do the cops. Both pray that Santa Muerte will protect them ... from each other.

Catholic Church considered this cult pagan and did not recognize it for a long time. Now figurines of the bony can coexist in the cathedral with the Virgin Mary or Jesus. The Church had to come to terms - this cult is very common among parishioners. Many city blocks and even private houses have their own separate sanctuaries, but even simple merchants somewhere on the street will not fail to place among their goods a protector - a small statuette of Santa Muerte.

Today, in the 21st century, the descendants of the Spaniards and the Aztecs decide their affairs together, as, indeed, the descendants of those tribes who were once sacrificed. And they pray together. For example, in the church of St. Augustine in Tecatepec (Hidalgo state) there is a statuette, to which mass pilgrimages are made every year. And the skeleton in a white cloak is revered by everyone, especially by the miners: descending underground, they ask La Santa to prevent trouble.

Now it is an integral part of Mexican culture. The features of the sanctuary depend on the problems that the believer hopes to solve. Traditionally, the White Sister's dress is white. But if you're asking for love, her cape must be red. If you have problems with the law - green, and if financial difficulties - gold or yellow.

On the first day of each month, up to a thousand people gather near the Cruz de Descanso - the Cross of Rest. This is an approximately three-meter cross, completely covered with the names of young guys and girls who died for a variety of reasons, often far from romantic (shootout, drug overdose, suicide). With the onset of night, the worshipers go with candles to the bony sanctuary. Flowers, money, candles are placed at her feet. They feed her, they feed themselves. Closer to the morning, there are less and less traces of grief, the atmosphere of the holiday takes over. Mariachis appear - street musicians, without whom not a single event can do in Mexico, and indeed not a single evening.

Since ancient times, Mexicans have believed that at the moment of the death of one person, another is certainly born somewhere, so it is not appropriate to tear your hair out and sob. Sorrow and joy always walk side by side

For several centuries, the Church has suppressed the prosperity of the cult of death since the time of the conquistadors, but the goddess survived. With a sharp rise in crime in the last century, in poor areas - Tepito, a faith based on an ancient cult and the Catholic spirit began to spread.

Santa Muerte, the merciful mother, patronizes all.
How can a believer live if he is a criminal, drug dealer and hired killer? Who needs to pray before blowing up competitors, throwing a sucker, smuggling cocaine across the American border? Saint Nicholas or the patroness of Mexico, the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe?

By the way, in the image of the Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, revered in Latin America in a blue cloak with gold stars, Santa Muerte is very often depicted.

Adherents of the cult claim that the Holy Death works wonders, helping to feed the family, getting rid of terrible diseases, helping to survive in the underworld. They refuse the help of the Church, arguing that the Holy Death does not make an exception for anyone, everyone is equal before her: a prostitute, a seller of pirated discs, and a murderer, and the Catholic Church only punishes, but does not help. Prayers addressed to Death are able to reach the addressee and she is able to fulfill wishes.
Cultists see death as something undeniable in life, a natural law that must be accepted. And she is revered more than Jesus, since it was death that took him, therefore, she is stronger than God. It is believed that she helps where other saints are powerless.
There is a legend that Holy Death was a beauty before the Lord called her and made her a saint. Many, when they want to pray to this saint, first turn to Jesus, asking permission for this prayer. In addition, “If she is a saint, she is ready to help free of charge,” they say.
Sometimes the Holy Death is depicted as a pale, black-haired woman or a woman with a characteristic "skull" make-up on her face.

Many chapels were built for her, inside of them they put sinister figures of skeletons in long clothes with scythes of death. On every first night of the month, a mass is held with a blessing. On the altar of the chapel there are often 3 statues of her in different colors:

1. White Death - symbolizes purity, innocence. She appears in a white dress and with the attributes of the Virgin Mary: the symbolism of purity and innocence contradicts the traditional perception of death as "the fruit of sin." Hence another name for her - the White Girl.
2. Golden Death - prosperity.
3. Black Death - the power to overcome life's obstacles.

Although statues in red, green and purple dresses are also common.
In one hand she holds Earth, in the other - a braid, sometimes even with scales - a symbol of justice and equality for all. Sometimes there are statues with long blond or black hair.
Many small figurines are sold in the markets for the construction of home altars. Some craftsmen make her images in prisons.

When praying to Santa Muerte, they use the Catholic prayer ritual - “novenas”, or nine-day prayers and build an altar. They approach the altar only on their knees. Some rituals are performed only by children (usually little girls) (of course, with the suggestion of adults) it is believed that Holy Death is especially favorable to their purity and innocence.

They bring to the altar:

1. Many fresh flowers - red and white roses, carnations, tuberose, gardenia, tulips, only fresh, withered ones change immediately. They believe that this guarantees health.
2. Sweets - chocolate, honey, nectar, sweets, lollipops, and even chewing gum. Dream of a sweet life without bitterness.
3. Alcoholic drinks - wine, cognac, tequila, rum, sherry, anise vodka, sometimes even beer (poured only into glass containers).
4. Cigarettes and cigars - in the amount of 2 pieces, as a rule. This is done to remove envy around the asker. The altar and the face of "Santita" are also additionally fumigated with tobacco for a kind of purification.
5. Fruits should always be fresh, especially red apples and yellow fruits (bring prosperity), coconuts, pineapples, mangoes, watermelons, bananas are also used - 3-4 pieces.
6. Pure water(also in glass) - the main conductor of communication with Holy Death.
7. Bread - changes 2 times a week. But the stale one is not thrown away, but belongs to the park under a tree.
8. Incense in the form of straws or cones. Often used frankincense, copal, sandalwood, myrrh, rosemary, muksus. Helps to clear negative energy and brings good luck in everything.
Basically two straws or cones are burned to fulfill a wish.

The only saint who is allowed to be placed next to her is Saint Judas (not Iscariot) - the protector of the disadvantaged, the parishioners are afraid to put other saints close to her gaze, for she is "jealous."

Instead of a cross, parishioners wear a gold or silver pendant-image of Death with a scythe at the level of the heart:

Religious adherents insist that their cult has nothing to do with black magic and continue to consider themselves devout Catholics.
Bandits, drug couriers, people from various backgrounds of the underworld often get tattoos of the Holy Death.
It is believed that this protects a person from a bullet or arrest, but applying such a tattoo is not entertainment, but a sacred action that imposes strict obligations on the adept, how to know how much they will have to pay for such an “indelible” sign.
In the same gang circles, statues of the goddess are sometimes built from the most natural skeletons of deceased enemies.

Signature under the tattoo "White girl"

Judging by the clearly non-surgical scar in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus, Santa Muerte was especially supportive of this “senior”:

There is evidence that the most fanatical members of the cult commit ritual murders in honor of Santa Muerte, and not only in Mexico.
In Argentina, a young 22-year-old Saint Death cultist, suspected of six murders, said he had pledged to kill a person once a week in exchange for providing the saint with prosperity and fulfillment of desires. Until recently, ritual murders did not attract the attention of the authorities, since the victims were mostly representatives of the social lower classes and lived in dangerous areas where the police cannot always control the situation, but respectable people began to become victims.

People in Latin America have different attitudes towards this cult, someone directly connects it with the devil, someone with a soul from purgatory doing good deeds in order to get to heaven, in any case, there is a growing superstition that entry to it is free, and exit followed by tragedy. If you do not show your respect to her in time, then she can take away the one who devoted himself to her.

The church condemns the cult, insisting that there is no connection between Santa Muerte and Christianity, but since the country has freedom of religion, its adherents are not persecuted.

But, the cult is persecuted by the Mexican authorities as satanic, repressions are periodically carried out against the representatives of the cult, in particular, the demolition of chapels dedicated to Death is practiced. Authorities in the state of Nuevo Laredo, for example, have destroyed more than 30 roadside chapels. In parallel with this, political parties sympathetic to this religion have already begun to appear, and the parishioners themselves periodically stage protests and refuse to vote in the elections of deputies opposing the recognition of this religion.

"It's turning into a real plague," said priest Sergio Roman, rector of the Tepito parish. The priest admits his impotence against the spread of the cult.
“The Church came to certain conclusions during the Inquisition - we know that we must respect other beliefs. Our inhabitants worship the Holy Death solely because of their ignorance, without malicious intent, and this is our fault, because we do not preach enough,” complained Sergio Roman.

The image of a young girl with a face painted like a skull, which symbolizes Death - Muerte - came from Mexico.

Most often, Muerte is performed in Realism or Chicano, but there is also a technique of Graphics or Trash Polka. Therefore, it is difficult to call Muerte a separate style in tattooing, but, nevertheless, this is a whole trend and its history is worthy of a separate story.

The image of death is present in almost all cultures and mythologies, but in Mexico the cult of Santa Muerte (Holy Death) has existed for more than three hundred years.

The image of death is present in almost all cultures and mythologies, but in Mexico the cult of Santa Muerte (Holy Death) has existed for more than three hundred years. It appeared as a result of mixing catholic faith and leftovers ancient religion Mayan and Aztec tribes, where they worshiped the goddess of death Mictlancihuatl.

In Mexico, by the way, there is a very interesting attitude towards everything related to death. It is believed, for example, that on the "Day of the Dead" - Dia de los Muertos - the house is visited by the souls of deceased relatives, sweets are prepared for them in the form of skulls and skeleton figurines in a woman's dress. In honor of the holiday, a carnival is arranged, girls dress up and make up in Santa Muerte.

Mexicans believe that Santa Muerte in a white dress protects and protects from premature death, and in black - helps in love affairs and love spells.

*** There is a legend according to which people, tired of endless life, turned to God with a request for help.

*** There is a legend according to which people, tired of endless life, turned to God with a request for help. God appeared to the chosen young girl and said that from now on she would become Death. Immediately, her face turned into a skull and she became an incorporeal spirit.