Circle tattoo. Encyclopedia of gang tattoos

  • 29.06.2020

Surprisingly, very often people who are absolutely far from the concepts of thieves and the world of thieves are drawn to find out the meaning of this or that tattoo. Of course, they can’t swear off prison; everyone knows about it. “Show me a man with a tattoo, and I will show you a man with an interesting past,” wrote Jack London.

Well, sometimes, when returning home on public transport, you can really notice a person “with an interesting past” when you see his fingers or hand painted with cheap paint. In this article we will talk about the meanings of common prison tattoos, and we will start with tattoos in the form of rings on the fingers.

Prison tattoos of rings on fingers and their meaning

Criminals in the family. Traditionally associated with the abbreviation EVIL, which stands for “testaments of the beloved father.”
The youngster is behind us. Childhood spent in educational colonies and correctional camps.
As a rule, such rings are “worn” by Muslims. The crescent and diagonal line indicate time served in a maximum security correctional facility.
Solid black ring. Means the time served “from bell to bell.” He was released according to the court verdict, without parole.
Can be found in both men and women. Identification sign of those who served their sentences in the famous Kresty prison in the city of St. Petersburg.
Ring of a prisoner for robbery.
One of the tattoos of the “lowered” and “parashnikov”. Mostly done by force. In the 90s, you could meet card debtors with such a ring. After release, prisoners with such a mark often painted over the white part of the square, turning the tattoo into a black solid black square (its meaning is written above).
A black square with a transverse white stripe diagonally. The owner of such a ring passed through the zone and was released.
Tattoo in the form of a diagonal white stripe with three black dots inside on a black background. This is the so-called homosexual “rooster” ring. This tattoo belongs to the caste of the downtrodden and offended in prison.
Black and white peak part divided by an oblique line. Usually deciphered as “meet the age of majority in the zone.”
Ring with a suit of hearts at the bottom right. The color of a pedophile - convicted of indecent assault on a minor.
A sign of authority. The ring depicts the hearts and clubs suits in a checkerboard pattern.
Two-tone ring separated by a slash. In the white part there is a sign of the club suit. The tattoo means “passed through the Crosses” - the famous prison in the city of St. Petersburg.
Most often, such a ring is applied forcibly. Its presence on the finger indicates the term for rape of a minor - “Tselkarik”.
Ace of diamonds tattoo. Characterizes the owner as a professional card sharper.
This symbol can be found not only on fingers. Denotes a “cormorant” imprisoned for hooliganism. The ring looks like an inverted lance on a white background.
Both male and women's tattoo. Indicates a prison sentence for theft. A common thieves' tattoo.
Tattoo with the image of a tulip on a white background. Its owner served his sentence in a correctional labor colony. Rays can also be depicted around the flower, indicating the period or number of walks.
One of the tattoos is “denied.” For owners of such tattoos, the phrase “To live means to fight” is typical. The owner will not retreat, will not give up, and is ready to resort to violence.
This ring signifies a “godfather”, a thief in law. The tattoo looks like a crown on a white background. Can be depicted with diverging rays, the number of which indicates the number of convictions.
Swastika tattoo in a white circle. The sign of negation has nothing to do with Nazism. A symbol of anarchism, cruelty, aggression in the zone.
Ring with the image of a hammer and sickle. Its owner does not agree with the verdict. The tattoo is found together with the abbreviation GOD: “was condemned by the state.”
Ring in the form of a figured cross. Denotes memory of deceased parents.
The famous "cathedral". Applied both in the form of rings and on large areas bodies. Applied by prisoners with at least three walks. The number of domes symbolizes the number of terms.
A black cross with diverging rays also indicates a criminal record and the number of prison terms.
Tattoo in the form of a black cross on a white background. Also denotes a prison sentence. Can be depicted with numbers indicating the duration of the term or the number of walks.
The ring of someone who began criminal activity as a minor. The tattoo looks like a black cross with a dot and diverging rays. "Alone in a circle of friends."
The grave cross is a controversial tattoo. Sometimes found in people who denied it. May represent the memory of deceased relatives.
A black cross on a white background is usually applied to the index finger. Indicates time served. Can be found in both men and women.
The distinctive sign of the six is ​​a prisoner who carries out orders from authorities in the zone.
A fairly rare tattoo that denotes a crime committed for religious reasons. An inverted star is considered a sign of Satanists.
A ring denoting membership in the Jewish community. Classic Zionist Star of David. “I passed through the zone, but did not betray my faith.”
According to prison concepts, the pacifist sign has a completely different meaning from the classical one. This tattoo is applied to malicious violators of the prison regime and serves as a sign of aggression.
A dagger stuck into a shoulder strap. Indicates a conviction for a crime against an employee law enforcement. Stands for “death to the cops.”
Ring "CAT": a native inhabitant of the prison. A tattoo means a long stay in prison. Thief symbol.
Originally a nautical tattoo. The ring contains a heart, an anchor and a heart. Stands for "love and freedom."
A tattoo on the finger in the form of a hare characterizes its owner as prone to lewd acts or connections with prostitutes.
This tattoo can be on the finger of both a man and a woman. Two stripes indicate two moves.
Badge of a person serving time for murder. A dagger with a snake denotes aggression and cruelty.
A very common ring. There is a white cross on the spider's back. Symbol of a convicted robbery.
A characteristic symbol of a “man”—one who maintains neutrality in the zone.
Often a woman's tattoo, denoting lost youth. The ring depicts the sun and seagulls.
“Passed the bitch zone.”
A former thief who follows the thieves' code. The tattoo features two white triangles on a black background. The number at the top indicates the term, the number at the bottom indicates the number of convictions.
One of the thieves' tattoos. Indicates a conviction for theft.
Classic women's prison tattoo. Indicates a prison sentence for disorderly conduct.

What do other tattoos on the zone mean?

Rings are not the only type of prison tattoo. Before I show you other tattoos of prisoners, which are applied to completely different parts of the body, I must say that prison tattoo culture is changing as rapidly as the art of body painting.

The values ​​we are talking about in this article were relevant in the 90s and 2000s. Of course, the tradition of thieves tattoos is still alive in Russian prisons and will live for a long time. Tattoos are still painted with homemade paint from burnt soles with the addition of iodine. But it’s hard to say how long everything will be like this.

By the way, among famous personalities there are owners of similar works. One of them is scandalous, which you can read about in a separate article.

Women's ring "thief" Women's tattoo "first conviction"
Waffler Six
Thieves' authority Denied Murderer Cathedral

Real photos of prison tattoos

Surely you have heard about the famous thief star tattoo on the knees. We wrote about its meaning in a separate article. This is the most famous thief tattoo, for which the prison administration beats the prisoner without any questions (based on the stories of former prisoners), in order to check whether they really do not kneel. Below you will find several photos of common prison tattoos.

It is a special category of body designs. Such images can have various mystical meanings. It is believed that a person who has such a tattoo will experience good fortune and luck in life, and honesty and sincerity in relationships. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the "geometry" tattoo.

six pointed star

The six-pointed star is also called a hexagram. This figure looks like two connected polar triangles. They overlap each other, resulting in a star. An upward-facing triangle is a symbol of the sky, and a downward-facing triangle is a symbol of the earth. Together they symbolize the person who unites these two worlds. This tattoo signifies a perfect marriage between a man and a woman.


The "geometry" tattoo is a symbol of marriage, security, flame, trinity (body - soul - mind), physical stability. Three interconnected triangles symbolize perfect health. And if two intersecting triangles are depicted, such a tattoo expresses divinity, the victory of spirit over matter.


The “geometry” tattoo (photo below) in the shape of a square symbolizes simplicity, wisdom, truth, honor, and justice.


A circle tattoo symbolizes unity, infinity, and perfection. It can also be a symbol of a deity, for which the sun is usually taken. If a circle is depicted, divided in half, it can act as a symbol of day and night, or summer and winter.

Flat line

Geometry tattoo in the form of a straight line is the most common symbol. It can be deciphered as an arrow, and if it is depicted in the form of a zigzag or spiral, it can symbolize thunder, earth, snake and the like. Of particular importance is a continuous line broken at a right angle. It is a symbol of eternity, the absence of beginning and end, and the Chinese consider the meander to be a symbol of reincarnation.


The Pentagon is a geometric figure in the form of a star. It symbolizes eternity, perfection, the universe. This figure is considered an amulet of health and may also symbolize the five wounds of Jesus. Jews consider the Pentagon and the Japanese - a sign of high status in society.


A hexagon is called a "geometry" tattoo in shape symbolizes abundance, beauty, freedom, harmony, love, peace, pleasure.


The pentagram, written in one continuous line, is the oldest symbol known to mankind. In different historical periods, people interpreted it differently. The Egyptians considered it a symbol of the stars. A more modern explanation for this figure: the meaning of the five human senses, the presence of harmony, health, mystical powers. In addition, the pentagram symbolizes security and prosperity.


In nature, the spiral shape occurs in many places. For example, patterns on human fingers, a DNA molecule, various natural phenomena(tornadoes). This figure symbolizes time, cyclical rhythms, and the changing of seasons.

So, we looked at the various ones that are most often chosen as images for tattoos. Each figure has its own meaning. Before you decide to get a tattoo with one sign or another, you need to carefully study what they mean.

A circle tattoo is a symbol of infinity, unity, perfection, the sun, sky, the Universe, the mystery of the creation of the world, enlightenment, turning to your inner world, dynamic movement, femininity, rebirth after death, motherhood, wealth, gold.

Circle tattoo meaning

The most common circle-shaped tattoos are:

Yin and Yang

Since ancient times, it symbolizes the unity of two principles - male and female. Two energies of different nature interact, providing the wearer of such a talisman with protection from evil influences, bringing balance and success in life. different areas life.

Om sign

Originates in Hinduism. A tattoo with it is of great importance: it helps a person to always find correct decision in difficult situations, it is easier to endure hardships and losses. He directs thoughts in the right direction. The main thing is to apply the design to the upper body.

TatTattoo of the OM sign in a circle

Circle complemented by a cross

It is a reference to a symbol popular in the religion of the ancient Egyptians - the Ankh. It denotes immortality, protection from mortal threats, and promotes the development of relationships with the opposite sex.

Circle with a dot in the center

This tattoo has several meanings.

Firstly, it can symbolize the wheel, as a sign of continuous forward movement.

Secondly, this is how a clock is depicted, hinting that life is constantly being reborn, the hands return to their starting point and begin to move again.

Thirdly, a circle with a designated middle is associated with the Sun, which representatives of the stronger sex love to decorate their bodies with. This celestial body has a beneficial effect on male energy, gives strength, and increases potency.


The drawing in the form of the Earth's satellite is popular among women. The moon is a strong talisman, symbolizing maternal love, warmth, care, wisdom.

Combination of the Sun and Moon in one tattoo

Like the “Yin and Yang” sign, it shows the unity of the destinies of two people of the opposite sex. The talisman figure protects happy marriage from negative influence from the outside.


Such an image, applied to any part of the body, symbolizes infinity and continuity. A ring tattoo is made as a sign of the happy union of two hearts, devotion, a promise to keep an oath or keep a secret.

Three concentric circles

They show the inextricable connection between the stages of a person’s life – past, present, future. It is also a symbol of good luck, a miraculous healing or saving them from a life-threatening situation.

Intertwined circles

A sign of the unity of life, continuous dynamic movement.

Circle with wings

It is a symbol of the Sun, its energy that brings life and fertility.

Circle intertwined with triangle

A complex design denoting the unity of man and the universe. It also helps to expel evil thoughts from the owner of the tattoo.

Circle connected to a square

The image shows the inextricable connection between soul and body.

In the material we will try to reveal the essence and circle tattoo meaning, the meaning and history of this tattoo design. For those who want to get acquainted with examples of drawings before going to a tattoo parlor, after reading the article, we offer the following sections of the catalog:

  • Photo circle tattoo
  • Sketches for circle tattoos

The meaning of a circle tattoo - the meaning of the drawing and photos of finished tattoos

The meaning, history and significance of the circle tattoo

Recently, tattoos in the form of geometric figures and shapes have become increasingly popular. They carry deep sacred symbolism and the choice of a tattoo in the form of a particular geometric figure must be approached with great attention, having specific ideas about the interpretation of the symbols.

The circle has long been one of the most symbolic geometric shapes. This is the beginning of understanding nature and the universe. The circle symbol contains knowledge about the earth, the cyclical nature of all living things, and the Universe as a whole.

Circle in the ancient world

Even the most ancient peoples observed the movements of the Sun and Moon. In rock paintings, images of these two planets are found, cyclically following each other. And invariably the Moon and the Sun were depicted in the form of a circle.

The ancient period is characterized by the frequent use of the circle shape in its symbolism. These are the monoliths of Stonehenge, and ancient observatories built in the shape of a circle, and Ancient Egyptian symbolism, the symbolism of the Druids, Sumerians and Greeks was based on the shape of a circle.
In ancient Chinese philosophy, the teachings about the masculine and feminine principles, about the harmony of light and darkness, were inscribed in a circle in the form of a Yin and Yang symbol.

Circle in mystical teachings

Such sacredness and reverence for the round form comes from the idea that the circle has neither beginning nor end, it is a symbol of eternity and infinity, where one matter and state stem from another and cyclically pass into a third and so on endlessly.

Examples of photos:

Divine energy in mysticism is also depicted in the form of a circle with stars.
The circle represents the sun, a mystical symbol in the shape of a disk or wheel - one of the main images of Slavic and Scandinavian mythology.

Circle shape in tattoo.

For lovers and followers of completely different world philosophies and creeds, a tattoo in the shape of a circle will be an ideal find.

The main motives of tattoos made with key element– all around:

  1. Tattoo artists can offer many design options. This is a laconic geometry with a combination of dark circles completely filled with color with light shapes consisting only of contours. Such a sketch can be supplemented with parallel lines, which will symbolically indicate solar system or the image of planets, large and small.
  2. One of the most common symbols in tattoos is the symbol of Yin and Yang - the masculine and feminine principles, the harmony of the two elements and essences of all living things. This symbol is also a circle divided equally into black and light halves.
  3. One of the favorite mythological and astrological symbols inscribed in a circle is the sun, or a combination of the sun and the moon. The sun in the circle speaks of eternal life, the sun in combination with the moon - about the cycle of life, about dark and light periods.
  4. The circle can be drawn with both broken and solid lines; various symbols can be inscribed in the circle, the combination of which can become a strong amulet or information that one wants to convey to the world.
  5. A symbol with deep meaning is the eye inside a circle. It acts not only as a powerful amulet, but also performs the function of a third eye and an all-seeing eye that never sleeps and is able to see people’s thoughts.


There are many options for tattoos in the shape of a circle; they can satisfy the tastes of any person, superstitious or not, a believer, a mystic or simply a lover of clear and ideal geometric shapes.

Prepared by: Kheigetyan Oksana

Geometry tattoo: meanings of various figures

Geometry tattoo is a special category of body designs. Such images can have various mystical meanings. It is believed that a person who has such a tattoo will experience good luck and luck in life, and honesty and sincerity in relationships. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the "geometry" tattoo.

six pointed star

The six-pointed star is also called a hexagram. This figure looks like two connected polar triangles. They overlap each other, resulting in a star. An upward-facing triangle is a symbol of the sky, and a downward-facing triangle is a symbol of the earth. Together they symbolize the person who unites these two worlds. This tattoo signifies a perfect marriage between a man and a woman.


The "geometry" tattoo in the form of a triangle is a symbol of marriage, security, flame, trinity (body - soul - mind), physical stability. Three interconnected triangles symbolize perfect health. And if two intersecting triangles are depicted, such a tattoo expresses divinity, the victory of spirit over matter.


The “geometry” tattoo (photo below) in the shape of a square symbolizes simplicity, wisdom, truth, honor, and justice.


A circle tattoo symbolizes unity, infinity, and perfection. It can also be a symbol of a deity, for which the sun is usually taken. If a circle is depicted, divided in half, it can act as a symbol of day and night, or summer and winter.

Flat line

Geometry tattoo in the form of a straight line is the most common symbol. It can be deciphered as an arrow, and if it is depicted in the form of a zigzag or spiral, it can symbolize thunder, earth, snake and the like. The meander is of particular importance. This is a continuous line broken at a right angle. It is a symbol of eternity, the absence of beginning and end, and the Chinese consider the meander to be a symbol of reincarnation.


The Pentagon is a geometric figure in the form of a regular pentagon (star). It symbolizes eternity, perfection, the universe. This figure is considered an amulet of health and may also symbolize the five wounds of Jesus. Jews consider the Pentagon a symbol of good luck, while the Japanese consider it a sign of high status in society.


A hexagon is called regular hexagon. The geometry tattoo in the shape of this figure symbolizes abundance, beauty, freedom, harmony, love, peace, pleasure.


The pentagram, written in one continuous line, is the oldest symbol known to mankind. In different historical periods, people interpreted it differently. The Egyptians considered it a symbol of the stars. A more modern explanation for this figure: the meaning of the five human senses, the presence of harmony, health, mystical powers. In addition, the pentagram symbolizes security and prosperity.


In nature, the spiral shape occurs in many places. For example, patterns on human fingers, a DNA molecule, various natural phenomena (tornadoes). This figure symbolizes time, cyclical rhythms, and the changing of seasons.

So, we looked at various geometric shapes that are most often chosen as images for tattoos. Each figure has its own meaning. Before you decide to get a tattoo with one sign or another, you need to carefully study what they mean.

Triangle tattoo - meaning

Many people, when getting a tattoo, think not only about aesthetics, but also about the hidden meaning this design will carry. Geometric shapes most often look great on the body, both men and women, but in order not to get into trouble, let's figure out what a triangle tattoo means and how various experts interpret this image.

Meaning of triangle tattoo

This drawing symbolizes the so-called trinity, that is, each of the vertices of the figure has its own meaning - “life”, “death” and “ new life"or "rebirth". Also, the name of the vertices of the figure can be “light”, “darkness” and “twilight”. The last classification appeared in the Masonic Order more than 150 years ago.

The inverted triangle is also a symbol of the feminine principle; this image was used back in Ancient Greece. The owner of such a tattoo is usually very feminine and sexually attractive.

The meaning of the all-seeing eye tattoo in a triangle

This symbol was also used by the Freemasons, it was used to designate students of the order. Symbolic meaning This image is that its bearer shows other people his involvement in “higher knowledge.”

It is believed that a person with such a tattoo has a sharp mind, can foresee the future, and is also capable of difficult situation turn to higher powers for help.

The meaning of a tree tattoo in a triangle

This image has also been known for centuries. Tattoos of this type will combine two symbols at once - one (triangle) is the trinity, and the second (tree) is a portal to another world and an appeal to the forces of nature.

A person who chooses this drawing can count on the fact that his life will be very harmonious, because he will be protected all the elements of nature (fire, water, stone and wood). Only in this case he must understand that by applying such a tattoo, he himself takes upon himself the obligation not to “spoil” Natural resources and respect all life on the planet and beyond.

Meaning of a circle in a triangle tattoo

Symbolically, this drawing means that the principles of the trinity are not only fully accepted by man, that is, he believes in further revival, but also understands that everything in nature develops cyclically. By painting such an image, a person tells others that he believes in the divinity of all living things, and also completely trusts his own destiny.

Celebrity Tattoos

Yuri Boyko's tattoos haunt his fans. The most popular of them is located on the left chest. This is the Japanese character "Enso" - depicted as a circle. Those who know what “enlightenment” is, the Universe, are familiar with it. For those who have dedicated their lives to martial arts, the sign is also familiar as a symbol of the “path of the sparkling dragon.” It means philosophical wisdom: “as you travel in this life, learn new things, treasure what is dear to you and remember that life is not as endless as you think.”

The star with a dot in the middle symbolizes the soul, the beginning and the end. The circle is infinity, the law of the Universe. The emptiness inside the circle is comprehension for the movement of the soul. And the “tails” are the real world, the beginning and end of everything that exists, the result of our actions. To merge with “enso” is the goal of a warrior, the comprehension of his true self.

“Connective Stars” are tattoos with camp overtones. These are worn by authorities or “deniers”, opponents of the current government. In any case, a person with such a tattoo is related to criminal structures. A snake on its back is the crown of the hierarchy in the criminal world. “Thorn” on the forearms means secret revenge (to the authorities, boss). “GOD” was condemned by the state. Crosses in the neck area - faith and religion. On the right forearm is a clear conscience and loyalty to friends in the image of the Virgin and Child.