Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls are small. All about tattoos and phrases for female tattoos

  • 29.06.2020

Phrase tattoo on English language shows the individuality of its bearer, who at the same time wants to be understood. Everything is simple. English is the most widely spoken language on earth. This means that every fifth inhabitant of the planet will be able to understand a quote from the back, collarbone, shoulder, wrist or back of the head. Whether it will be short or long, romantic, funny or philosophical, it's up to you.

Examples of phrases for tattoos in English and their translation

To begin with, let's imagine English phrases for short tattoos. They often consist of 1-3 words when you want to express your state, worldview or character traits:

  • love.
  • Hope.
  • true.
  • Serendipity.
  • Insight, clairvoyance

  • Confidence.
  • Confidence, trust

  • Free.
  • smile.
  • smile, smile

  • Never give up.
  • Never lose hope

  • Honest.
  • Sincere.
  • sincerity

  • Brave.
  • Cute.
  • Cute

  • Pretty.
  • Sweetheart, beauty

  • Tough.
  • Calm.
  • Calm

  • Faithful.
  • Loyal, devoted

  • optimistic.
  • Optimistic

  • Quick witting.
  • Resourceful

  • Witty.
  • Witty

  • Independent.
  • Independent

  • Outgoing.
  • party-goer

  • things happen
  • Anything can happen

  • Never look back.
  • Never look back

  • Let us hope for the best.
  • Hope for the best

  • Live with no regrets.
  • Live without regret

Quotes for tattoos from books and films:

  • My Precious!
  • My precious!

  • To be or not to be.
  • To be or not to be

  • I'm king of the world!
  • I am the king of the world!

  • May the Force be with you!
  • Remember the Jedi's favorite wish for a friend? Yes Yes! Let the force be with you!

  • I see dead people.
  • I see the dead

  • Houston, we have a problem.
  • Everyone knows the phrase about Houston, right?

  • The moon of my life.
  • The Moon of my life

  • My sun and stars.
  • My sun and stars

  • I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  • I like the smell of napalm in the morning (now used by coffee drinkers)

  • They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!
  • They have the power to kill us, but they can't take away our freedom!

  • Are you talking to me?
  • Are you talking to me?

23 short and long expressions about relationships:

  • Endless love.
  • Boundless feeling

  • One love forever.
  • Love once and for all

  • Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding.
  • Only in love does a unique inexplicable harmony of mutual understanding and misunderstanding arise.

  • follow your heart.
  • I walk the path of the heart

  • There are only two times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever.
  • The only moment I want to be with you is now and forever.

  • broken heart.
  • Broken heart

  • A good Jack makes a good Jill.
  • Literally: Have a good Jack and Jill is good. Meaning: U good husband and the wife is good

  • All you need is love.
  • All you need is Love

  • Walk with me through life…and I'll have everything I'll need for the journey.
  • Just be with me for the rest of my life. I don't need more to move forward

  • Love is such a crazy thing.
  • Love is an unthinkable reckless thing

  • Who, being loved, is poor?
  • Can a beloved be called poor?

  • You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.
  • No matter how brief your touch is, I will remain yours until my last breath.

  • My soul calls out for you.
  • My soul is restless without you

  • I have totally fallen for you.
  • I lost my head in love

  • I want to be with you all my life, because you are my only love.
  • I dream of spending every moment next to you, because you are the first one with whom I knew love

  • My love, I am so happy we are together.
  • Beloved (s), I am immensely happy (s) that I found you

  • I am crazy about you.
  • I'm crazy in love with you

  • I am all about you.
  • All my thoughts are only about you

  • You are the love of my life and my soulmate.
  • You are loved by me forever and filled my whole soul.

  • I know that my life is incomplete without you.
  • I know my life won't be complete without you (I can't live without you)

Philosophical phrases in English for tattoos:

  • Better safe than sorry.
  • God saves the safe

  • Wait and see.
  • Let's live and see

  • A life is a moment.
  • Life is short

  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Actions speak louder than words

  • Destroy what destroys you.
  • Get rid of what destroys you

  • Fortune favors the bold.
  • Fortune loves the brave.

  • Good things come to those who wait.
  • Good things come to those who wait

  • Help yourself.
  • help yourself

  • It's now or never.
  • Now or never

  • Friendly is poor.
  • Who has no friends is poor

  • Life is not a bed of roses.
  • Life is not strewn with rose petals

  • My house is my castle.
  • My home is my castle.

There is a small set of rules on how to design and pick up a tattoo with the phrase:

  • Are there already drawings on the body? Perhaps they should be supplemented with words in the same style as the earlier tattoo.
  • If short expression fits even on a finger, then a long phrase will be appropriate on the back, collarbone, ribs.
  • When you want to fill an expression filled with philosophical meaning, you should choose a concise font without additional decor, unnecessary elements.

A rose tattooed in a conspicuous place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, a ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

Sacred flower means you are protected higher powers and have direct contact with the universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

rare variant a tattoo symbolizing perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

five pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make a tattoo of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, addition, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying "umbrellas" is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and Arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - this is the secret meaning of a tattoo in the form of a key. All doors will open before such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Persistence, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is an ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it’s not far to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a good soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high measure of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in oriental symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, a passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost unnatural four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

Already for several recent years in the field of tattoos, there is a great demand for text images, i.e. on tattoos in the form of quotes or phrases, made mainly in handwritten font.

They can be applied separately or combined with a pattern, for example, with a tiger or a dragon - it is always fashionable and beautiful.

In this case, it is not necessary to use someone else's statement or catch phrase, because you can compose your own motto that most fully reflects your life position.

On what part of the body to make a tattoo inscription for a girl

Girls through tattoos try to emphasize their beauty and attractiveness. But there are also cases when a drawing is applied in order to hide a scar on the body. Sometimes a woman chooses a scar from caesarean section. However, in this case, you must first obtain the approval of a doctor.

  1. The most popular places for tattoos among women are the shoulders and arms. Choosing a sketch for a tattoo is necessary based on where exactly it will be located. An inscription of any complexity can be applied to the shoulder. If the tattoo is voluminous, then it can go from the shoulder to the forearm. On the wrist, as a rule, draw small inscriptions. If desired, such a tattoo can be hidden under a wide watch, bracelet and other jewelry. Very often, short and miniature inscriptions can be found on the fingers. Although it is considered extremely fashionable, it’s still not worth getting a tattoo on your arm, because the skin in this area grows very quickly, which means that tattoos can “blur” over time
  2. The most advantageous place for drawing a picture is. An entire poem can be transferred here. Experienced tattoo artists will be able to successfully emphasize the line of the bend of the thigh or, conversely, disguise excess fullness. The advantage of such a tattoo is that you can see it only in summer, when its mistress puts on a short skirt or bikini. You can also place an inscription on the calves, but keep in mind that the hair grows very quickly on the leg, especially in this area, and the pattern will not be entirely appropriate.
  3. Small drawings and do not look bad. On this area, you can apply an inscription-tattoo in the form of a bracelet encircling a sexy and very delicate part of the body. Also, the inscriptions look great on the foot and ankles.
  4. In the upper chest area, you can fill a rather sweeping text. But at the same time, the breast itself should be avoided, because over time this part of the body loses its shape. And a tattoo on a sagging chest is a ridiculous sight.
  5. An interesting phrase or statement can also be pricked on a shoulder blade, while quite a decent volume can fit here. Not bad tattoos look on the back, waist and buttocks. These places are always held in high esteem by young girls, but over time, when the female forms begin to change, such inscriptions will not look very good.

Beautiful inscriptions in English, Latin and French

  • The leader among foreign texts for tattoos are latin inscriptions. Expressions in this ancient language are most often the sayings of ancient people and carry the philosophical meaning of the concept of being. However, today practically any word or sentence can be translated into Latin; such a tattoo will surprise you with its mystery. Such a text may consist of only one word, or may include several sentences. Latin inscriptions are often applied to the back. They reflect the life position of their owner.

  • Wearable drawings made in the form of English inscriptions. The vast majority of these tattoos are poetic in nature, the main themes are “about love”, “about family”, “faith”, “hope”, etc. Emotions expressed in the form of body inscriptions convey all the sincerity and depth. So any charmer can decorate herself with a tattoo with the words "Family" or "Love". Very often, beautiful representatives of the sex choose the names of their loved ones for inscriptions. Often such tattoos are accompanied by some kind of romantic sign, such as a heart, stars, branches, etc.

  • One of the most the most beautiful languages peace - French, it is for this reason that everything beautiful is associated with it. This language for tattoos is chosen most often by romantic people. For tattoo inscriptions on French can be used as single words or idioms, proverbs. However, before choosing a phrase for a tattoo in an unknown language, you need to find out its meaning and translation, for example, "Forte et tendre" means "Strong and tender."

List of the most beautiful fonts for tattoos

Photo of female tattoos with an inscription on the body

High-quality tattoo inscriptions can amaze not only with aesthetic beauty, but also with mystery and deep meaning. Women are so beautiful regardless of age and proportions, a tattoo only makes its owner even more beautiful. We have prepared a photo especially for you. female tattoo inscriptions so that you can see for yourself how great their diversity is.

"I want it. So it will be.”

Bernard Arnault

“The soul will not have a rainbow if there were no tears in the eyes.”
author unknown

“You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions and there is no other you.”
Little Prince

“Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.”
Guy de Maupassant

“Meaning must be found, but cannot be created.”
Frankl W.

“Who does not burn, he smokes. This is the law. Long live the flame of life!”
Nikolai Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

“A person lives a real life if he is happy with someone else’s happiness.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.”
Michel de Montaigne
“Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.”
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

“Life is beautiful if you learn to live.”

“The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward.”
Emile Zola

“It is not death that should be feared, but an empty life.”
Bertolt Brecht

“Spend your life on something that outlasts you.”

"What is the sense of life? Serve others and do good.”

“Our life is a struggle.”

“The meaning of life lies in only one thing – struggle.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“What will be the conviction, such are the actions and thoughts, and what will they be, such is life.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves.”
James Matthew Barry

“Don't waste your life on doubts and fears.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Life is a moment. You can’t live it first on a draft, and then rewrite it on a white copy.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“We find in life only what we ourselves put into it.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Every life creates its own destiny.”
Henri Amiel

“Life is like a play in the theatre: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“You can’t lose the meaning of life for the sake of life.”
Decimus Junius Juvenal

“Strive not to succeed, but to make your life meaningful.”
Albert Einstein

“It only takes a moment to become a hero, but it takes a lifetime to become a worthy person.”
Paul Brula

“If you don’t study life, then it has no meaning.”

“Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.”
Petr Andreevich Pavlenko

“Life is like an onion: you peel off layer after layer, and in the end you find that there is nothing inside.”
James Huenecker

“All is vanity of vanities. All is vanity and catching the wind.”

“Blessed is life while you live without thoughts.”

“Blessed is he who has chosen the goal and the path And sees the essence of life in this.”
F. Schelling

“All life is but the price of deceptive hopes.”
D. Diderot

It is worth taking care of the safe storage of your tattoo inscription ideas and in case of data damage on your computer, contact data recovery professionals, such as

Tattoo is one of the most bright ways self-expression, and choosing a phrase for a tattoo or drawing is a complex and responsible process. Professional masters of underwear art will help you decide which image will be applied to the body and determine its location.

Phrases for a tattoo with translation

In situations where a spiritual impulse cannot be expressed with a specific image, sayings and aphorisms applied to the body come to the rescue. Phrases for a tattoo with a meaning that is understandable only to the bearer of the image is original way declare yourself or supplement an existing idea.

Many domestic and foreign celebrities prefer beautiful phrases for tattoos. On the body, more and more often you can find:

  • names of the closest and beloved people;
  • important phrases and dates;
  • quotes from philosophers;
  • aphorisms and proverbs from the folk epic;
  • autographs;
  • motivational statements.

Phrases for tattoos are applied in various languages ​​(even dead ones). In this case, reliable knowledge of the translation is necessary in order to accurately transfer the meaning of the desired statement. To do this, you can contact a professional translator or native speaker.

Sayings for a tattoo

A qualified tattoo artist will help to avoid embarrassing situations when applying intimate tattoos and will offer the client a catalog of inscriptions that are already presented with translation.

The process of creating a phrase tattoo sketch allows you to try on several options for different fonts. The choice of calligraphy can be influenced not only by the desire of the client, but also by the language of expression. For example, tattoo phrases hieroglyphs are difficult to imagine in the design of monograms. They require strict application.

The best phrases for a tattoo, made in different styles and located in different places, will look completely different, even if the statements are completely identical. One of the main tasks of the master and the client when creating a sketch is to maintain readability. It is important not to overdo it in decorating the phrase and keep it for a long time. Artists know for sure that the abundance of thin lines located very close over time can be distorted. In this case, you need to either correct the image, or