Beautiful female lettering tattoo. Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos

  • 29.06.2020

Recently, an increasing number of people with great interest refers to the market of tattoo services. This includes tattooing, and beautiful drawings on the forearm. However, today I would like to talk about a new fashion trend in the picturesque world of tattoos. A full-fledged tattoo on the foot has become a tempting reality for many.

The foot, as a new plane for creating a tattoo, is of interest primarily to fashionistas and girls who follow new trends. Unfortunately, we live in a climate where it’s not very easy to demonstrate a novelty on your feet. Tattoo on the foot will be clearly visible in summer time when sandals or open heels are worn on the feet.

It is worth paying special attention to an image or pattern that is interesting to the majority, which means that you may also like it. Drawings and various kinds of images look good in quality. girl foot tattoo, but still the majority chooses interesting inscriptions and memorable lines as the main tattoo.

Choosing the most attractive inscription for a tattoo on a stupa, many prefer philosophy and sensuality. Tattoo inscription on the foot will look most harmonious if it is “stuffed” on the side surface. Note that it is here that any image looks different and acquires a different deeper meaning with undeniable aesthetic beauty.

By the way, many girls prefer tattooed inscriptions in a foreign language, which looks special. You can also select a custom font and letter size to suit your needs. good combination. However, there are many other ways to make your tattoo unique and noticeable to others.

Note that the tattoo can be placed both on the entire surface of the foot, and on a small area. A small inscription can be applied in the area above the heel, as well as under the ankle. Of course, a large inscription, which is located along the entire length of the foot, looks much prettier. It is best to start the tattoo from the thumb and move towards the heel. Although you can always come up with your personal tattoo solution by creating your own highlight.

Before “stuffing” a certain tattoo on the foot, it is worth considering photos of ready-made tattoos. To do this, just go to search engine and enter the desired phrase " foot tattoo photo» - the browser will display all existing photos for this request.

A tattoo on the foot will be your highlight or the missing piece of the puzzle. you create your unique image and emphasize exceptional uniqueness. Dare!

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Tattoos have firmly entered the everyday life of most men, and in most cases they suggest a deep meaning. When one drawing is not enough to correctly perceive the meaning of a tattoo, men resort to such an addition as inscriptions. Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men can be on different languages, starting with Latin, uploading in Russian.

In order to make more sense in the body drawing, it is important to pay attention not so much to the language, but to the words and phrases, their locations, style processing, and also to the composition, which will turn out as a whole. The article will offer top phrases of 2018-2019 with translation.

Popular phrases and phrases can be designed using different fonts, scales, patterns, additional symbols. But the first thing a man should start with is to choose a phrase that will give the tattoo a certain meaning, as well as decide on the language of execution. It can be Latin, Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic or Hebrew.

Inscriptions in English with translation

Inscription tattoos for guys today are most often performed in English, as this is the most common international version, which means it is the most accessible and understandable to most. In 2018-2019, the most top tattoo inscriptions in English are as follows:

A life is a moment Life is one moment.

Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.

You don't become what you want, you become what you believ e - you do not become what you want to become, you become what you believe you will become.

Everyone is the creator of one's own fate- everyone is the creator of his own destiny.

Just do it- just do it.

French inscriptions with translation

The French language is distinguished by its sophistication and sophistication, it looks beautiful and sounds melodious. So, in this language, masters often beat tattoos in the form of inscriptions about love, friendship, family and philosophical quotes. For example:

Mieux vaut tard que jamais- better late than never.

L'amour fait passer le temps, et le temps fait passer Love kills time, and time kills love.

Sauve et garde- bless and save.

Croire a son etoile- I believe in my star.

Ayant risqué une fois-on peut rester heureux toute la vie- once risking, you can stay happy for life.

Inscriptions in Spanish with translation

The Spanish language is famous for its sensual and dynamic intonation, temperament and sensuality. The owner of a tattoo with an inscription in Spanish is also a passionate passionate nature. Popular phrases in Spanish in 2018-2019 are as follows:

Mi vida - Mi elección, Mi error - Mis lecciones My life is my choice, my mistakes are my lessons.

Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre When one door closes, another opens.

Agradezco a mi destino I thank my destiny.

Camino se hace al andar- the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja- flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee.

Inscriptions in Italian with translation

In Italian, motivating inscriptions look beautiful and original, which temper the will and fortitude. But in choosing an inscription in Italian, accuracy with translation is important, since it has many tenses and variations of word endings. Examples of popular tattoo inscriptions in Italian:

A buon intenditore poche parole- the wise understands perfectly.

C'è sempre una via d'uscita- there is always a way out.

Ciò che accade oggi è il risultato dei tuoi pensieri di ieri- what is happening today is the result of your thoughts yesterday.

Dio vede tutti i nostri peccati, però vede anche il nostro pentimento The Lord sees all our sins, but he also sees our repentance.

Vivere, lottare, amore- live, fight, love.

Inscriptions in German with translation

tattoo inscriptions on German most often they prefer brutal, courageous and daring men, this is how the words in this language sound like. Examples of popular lettering tattoos in 2018-2019:

Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem- everything that happens, everything is for the best.

Gluck ist immer mit mir Luck is always with me.

Wer den Wind sat, erntet den Wirbelwind Whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Hoffe dich auf das Beste- hope for the best.

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum Without music, life would be stupid.

Hebrew inscriptions with translation

Despite the fact that Hebrew existed for a relatively short time, phrases and quotations in it sound especially wise and valuable. Therefore, today most tattoos are performed in this language, and the most popular inscriptions are as follows:

כאשר הנשמה מואר, ערפל ממושך אפילו השמיים מקרינה אור נעים — when the soul glows, even the foggy sky radiates a pleasant light.

להישען על הלב שלך - rely on your heart.

תהילה טוב הוא טוב יותר עושר - good fame is better than wealth.

דמיון חזק מוליד את האירוע — a strong imagination generates an event.

את דרכו פזורים ורדים – his path is strewn with roses.

Inscriptions in Latin with translation

Latin is the most ancient and mysterious language, which is available only to a few. Therefore, the most sacredly deep and mysterious inscriptions for tattoos can be drawn by men in this format, for example:

Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi Our gold is not the gold of the crowd.

Aliis inserviendo consumer- shining on others, I burn myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori Either win or die.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae Every person is the creator of his own destiny.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est- power over yourself is the highest power.

Arabic inscriptions with translation

The Arabic language is beautiful primarily from the aesthetic side, in addition, it is the language of the eastern sages. The highlight of this language is that it is written from right to left, and the words are similar to ligature. For example:

في بعض الأحيان، آسف جداً عن ذلك، قال الناس كلمات غالية رخيصة - sometimes you so regret that you said expensive words to cheap people.

القارئ اليوم، وغدا زعيما — reader, leader tomorrow.

الرب فوق كل شيء - The Lord is above all.

سفيركاج، مثل الماس - sparkle like a diamond.

حيث هناك جيدة ومسقط رأس - where it is good, there is the Motherland.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Choosing a language for tattoo inscription is not just a matter of aesthetics or knowledge. Each language implies its own character and characteristics, which should correspond to the character, image and lifestyle of a man, as well as the semantic message of the tattoo itself.

Popular Quotes

Quotes are not a couple of words, but a phrase with a deep meaning, which means that such inscriptions can be an independent tattoo without additional elements and pictures. Quotes can relate to different topics - love, family, friendship, life, freedom, religion.

About love

The most popular topic for a tattoo is love, most often today men fill the following tattoos with inscriptions:

in love and war all methods are good- in love and war, all methods are good;

everyone is attracted by his passion- each carries his passion;

Never forget you- you never won't forget;

while I breathe, I love and believe- as long as I breath, love and trust;

one love, one destiny- one love, one destiny.

About friendship

Friendship - no less actual topic, especially among young guys, as in a friend you can find support and support in difficult times. So, tattoos with inscriptions about friendship have been and will be relevant, for example:

a friend is a person who gives you the strength to be yourself- a friend is a person who gives you the power to be yourself;

man friend to man— man man friend;

friendship is the salt of life— friendship the salt of life;

it is allowed to learn from the enemy— study and allowed the enemy;

the longer you live, the less friends, but their value is higher- the longer you live, the less friends, but above their value.

About life

You can also philosophize about life with beautiful and mysterious quotes in the format of a tattoo on your body. Today, men most often prefer the following inscriptions about life and being:

who once taught people to fly, he moved all the boundary stones- who once taught people to fly, he shifted all border stones;

everyone has their own way- everyone has one's own path;

remember who you are- remember who you are;

my life my rules- my life - my rules.

About freedom

A special charm is given to a man by his love of freedom, independence and self-sufficiency. So, tattoos about freedom in the form of quotes will always be relevant. Today in the top are some interesting ideas:

man is destined to be free- the man is fated to be free;

freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you do not feel them- freedom is not where there are no walls, and where they do not feel;

the most important freedom is to be yourself- most home freedom - be yourself;

believe in the dream, believe in freedom- believe in your dream, believe in freedom;

life without freedom is nothing life without liberty is nothing.

About family

Family is the most important thing that every adult aspires to. You can show your devotion to the family and love for its members with the help of a beautiful inscription on the body, for example:

family starts with children— family begins with children;

family is always in my heart- family are always in my heart;

my family is my state- my family-my State;

the best marriage is a marriage between a blind wife and a deaf husband- the best marriage-marriage between blind wife and a deaf husband;

to marry means to reduce freedom and increase responsibility- to marry means to reduce freedom and increase liability.

About religion and faith

Religious views and faith in God - this is what helps to survive difficulties and believe in a brighter future. Most often, men stuff the following quotes about God:

with God in my heart— with God in heart;

only God can Judge Me— only God is my judge;

Man proposes, God disposes— Man proposes, but God disposes;

in front of God— in the mind of God.

original phrases

The text of the tattoo inscription for a man can be either a quote or an original phrase, a motivator or a manifestation of his character. Short inscriptions and phrases that are easy to perceive and understand will look interesting and mysterious. For example:

randomness is not accidental- Accidents are not accidental;

legio nomen mihi est (lat.)- my name is Legion;

free your mind- free your mind;

veni, vidi, vici (lat.)- came, saw, conquered;

after the clouds-the Sun- after the clouds - the sun.

Important! When choosing a language for the inscription and the text itself, decide on the purpose. Either you are trying to tell something about yourself to the environment, or the inscription suggests a purely personal and non-trivial message.

What places on the arm are men more likely to apply tattoos with inscriptions

The location of the tattoo is important choice which may affect her sacred sense and influence. It's no secret that any wearable pattern involves an impact on fate and karma. So, carefully select the place on the body and the inscription, taking into account their meaning and significance.


The most spacious area on the body where a man can fill an inscription or a whole quote is the forearm. If a man is by nature a confident and purposeful person, the so-called "salt of the earth", a workaholic and a researcher by nature, then a tattoo with an inscription on his forearm will be in harmony with his inner world.

Wrist tattoo

The wrist on the hand, as you know, is a vulnerable part of the body, since it is possible to listen to the heartbeat here. This means that the wrist is an area where a tattoo with an inscription and other elements can “echo” with the soul, suggesting a strong sacred and sensual meaning.

Tattoos on the palm, on the hand and fingers

Much more often, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are applied to secluded places on male hands- fingers, palms and hands. It is known that it is with his hands that a man can influence the world and the environment. This means that motivating, giving strength and self-confidence, creative inclinations of quotes and phrases are applied here.

Are there any recommendations for applying a tattoo with inscriptions on the arm?

Before you head to a tattoo parlor to get a lettering tattoo, it's important to think through all the details. Namely:

  • decide on the theme of the inscription, taking into account life priorities and what is most important to you;
  • choose a language that will be in harmony with the meaning and message of the inscription;
  • select the font and the way the text is displayed;
  • take a photo with a finished sketch, it should be unique, and not someone else's idea;
  • learn about the rules for preparing for a tattoo and care after the procedure;
  • select the area on the body where the master will transfer the sketch;
  • find a reliable salon and an experienced specialist;
  • find out about the cost of work in advance.

Think about the purpose for which you need a tattoo. Assess your pain threshold and your degree of tolerance, based on this criterion when choosing the length and scale of the inscription.

Are there any tattoos on your body that you would like to remove?


How to choose a tattoo sketch in relation to the place on the arm?

To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing and distinct, rely on the principle of proportionality when choosing a place for the inscription. For example:

  • long quotes - so that the text fits and is not compressed, they choose mainly the forearm area;
  • short inscriptions in a few words - for such sketches, brushes, palms and wrists are selected;
  • one word - it can be a name, date, etc., fingers are suitable for a small inscription.

The fact that it will be important for you to hide the tattoo in a working and official setting can help in choosing a place on the body for a tattoo.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To get quality work, you will need to contact a tattoo parlor that is licensed and authorized to provide such services. The inscriptions are the simplest sketch for a tattoo, which means that even a young specialist will cope with the work. But this does not mean that you can turn to self-taught and home-based masters, since they do not give any guarantees, except for the risk of injury and infection.


The inscription is the fastest and easiest tattoo, which rarely acts as an independent sketch, but more often complements an existing underwear pattern. The text can be made in different styles and in different languages ​​of the world. The most mysterious and mysterious are Arabic, Latin. Spanish, Italian, French sounds beautiful and melodious. German is the choice of real men, and English is considered the traditional and most understandable language.

Tattoo art! How interesting and versatile it is. Masterpieces created by masters are gaining great attention among young people and not only. Over time, tattoos do not become less relevant, but on the contrary, they are only realized more and more in new ideas. Among the creation of tattoos are especially attractive. Increasingly, inscriptions in Latin are being created. As a rule, they contain a deep meaning. Girls prefer a variety of zones for tattoo inscriptions. We present you the most creative of them.

When creating a tattoo, it is very important to correctly translate. This word or phrase will be with you for the rest of your life. Very often, online translators cannot convey the whole essence or convey it incorrectly. A person who is fluent in Latin will help you with this. Keep this in mind when looking for tattoo ideas.

The following inscription translates as "Find a way or do". Sometimes we all lack a sense of purpose in life. Such an inscription will not allow you to let go of your hands even at the most difficult moment.

"Seize the moment." Our life is fast, but beautiful, and there is definitely a place for pleasures and joys in it. To enjoy the moments and not miss anything - rather, this is the deepest meaning hidden in this phrase.

Love - how much meaning in this word! Girl with a tattoo on her back Love overcomes everything" seems romantic and gentle in nature.

"Here and now". This phrase is reminiscent of "Seize the moment" and reveals all the delights of life. Living here and now is perhaps the best thing we can do.

The next tattoo "infragilis et tenera" can literally be translated as "brittle and tender." Vulnerable people sometimes can not cope with what comes into their lives. Sometimes the only desire is to announce it to the whole world about your tiredness. And this is not bad. Sometimes it's important to take a break and rest.

"I'm not afraid of any evil." This inscription serves as an announcement or a kind of amulet - the owner decides for himself.

"Be, not seem to be" This is what this tattoo means. Majority modern people used to wearing masks. The meaning of this phrase is to just not be someone who you are not. Each person is unique in their own way. Why not emphasize it, instead of once again trying on a new mask?

What do you write on your body? Only you can answer this question. Code phrases, dates, tattoo prayers, quotes - all this can be used and applied as a tattoo.

Inscriptions, in addition to beautiful calligraphy, may have an additional design. For example, accompanying them with drawings will emphasize even greater creativity and originality.

"nihil dolere", which means "Nothing to be sorry about." Live to the fullest and have no regrets. Maybe this is the main secret of happiness?

Most often, inscriptions in Latin are certain motivational phrases that help and revive at certain moments. Which one to choose is up to you. An experienced tattoo artist will finally tell you how to properly care for a tattoo and maintain its original appearance.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!

Tattoos on the female body are always beautiful, they are able to give the girl a mystery and show their individuality. The most accurate way to convey the character and spiritual predisposition of a girl is capable of a tattoo in the form of an inscription in a foreign language, however, when choosing, one should take into account not only the beauty of sound and font, but also the translation of words.

Choosing a place for a tattoo is an important factor: firstly, the place can complement the meaning of the words; secondly, different parts of the body are in varying degrees accessible to views; and, thirdly, the quality of the tattoo and the strength of painful sensations during its application may depend on this choice.

On the back

The most popular place for tattoo inscription is the upper back.. Firstly, this is a very sexy part of the female body, and beautiful inscription can make it even more attractive. In addition, the back for many girls is a zone of increased susceptibility to various imperfections of both the spine and the skin. And the tattoo, diverting attention to itself, will smooth out these shortcomings.

However, there are also disadvantages. The upper back has a number of projections: the spine and shoulder blades. Reproducing a pattern in this area will be quite painful especially at the edges of the bone. In addition, for an inexperienced or inexperienced tattoo artist, this can be a problem, because on bends and bulges, many factors must be taken into account so that the pattern is not distorted.

Therefore, the master should be chosen not by price, but by professionalism. Also, due to the inaccessibility for the primary care of the tattoo inscription, you will have to get a person who can help with this: smear with cream, put on a bandage and see if the paint falls out.

On the stomach

Tattoos in the abdomen also look very attractive, besides, it is up to the owner of the inscription to decide whether to show the body art to the world or not. However, there are also a number of downsides. The abdomen is a very sensitive area, which can cause discomfort., both during the drawing process and after. Also, after applying the tattoo, a number of questions may arise.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls can be done in different languages.

First of all, this is due to the fact that this is exactly the part of the body with which the most rigid part of the trousers comes into contact. Frequent rubbing will not only cause pain, but will also cause paint particles to fall out ahead of time, ruining the whole work. You can solve this problem by giving up clothes made of hard materials, such as jeans.

body art on the arm will have to be touched up quite often.

Also for the healing period, it is worth giving preference to trousers or skirts with a low waist. Among other things, the abdomen is a zone located to various deformations (the fat layer increases or decreases most rapidly, pregnancy, diseases internal organs located in this area), in connection with which the inscription may also change to its original proportions.

However, if a change in the abdomen does not occur due to illness, then the process takes place gradually and the tattoos do not deteriorate.

On the hand

The inner part of the arm above the elbow is ideal for tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls who do not want to unnecessarily demonstrate the drawing, making it for personal pleasure. However, this area is also associated with frequent friction, and therefore body art will have to be touched up quite often.

On the wrist

The wrist is a small surface with many veins and small but movable bones. This the place is perfect for girls who want to put a short but capacious phrase.

The mobility of the bones can be the initiator of curved lines and some errors, so the master should be chosen with a solid, well-established hand. A large accumulation of veins and their proximity to the surface of the skin is a factor in the increased risk of infection, so when choosing this place, you should be prepared for more thorough and frequent care.

On the brush

When writing on a brush, the same problem of bone mobility appears as with the wrist. However, this part of the hand has a large area, which means that the inscription may be longer.

When choosing this place, you should take into account your future professional activities: some serious organizations, especially those that are associated with frequent communication with people, often refuse job seekers who have tattoos. And it will be almost impossible to hide it in this place.

On the foot

The tattoo inscriptions on the foot look very interesting. However, this part of the body is subject to frequent contact, which affects the quality and life expectancy of the pattern. An equally attractive place is the side of the foot, which is not only less at risk, but also more likely to be seen. And to hide it will not be difficult.


The ankle is the perfect place for a tattoo inscription. It can be applied as a phrase on one side of the ankle, or in a circle, creating the effect of a bracelet. However, the inscription should not be overly overloaded with patterns, otherwise people may think that there are skin problems.

On the neck

Making an inscription on the neck, despite the sophistication of the translation of the tattoo, is not recommended for overweight girls: from every movement of the head, folds will form, which will spoil the work of the master in a short time. Due to the presence of vertebral cartilage on the neck, tattooing in this place can be very painful.

An equally attractive place for a tattoo is the side of the foot, which is not only less at risk, but also more likely to be seen.

However, due to the small area, the duration of the pain will not be so high as to refuse to apply the inscription in this particular place. The presence of a tattoo on the neck will brighten up even the most everyday image of a girl, which will consist in a bun hairstyle and old jeans. The most attractive tattoo inscriptions on the neck look if they are accompanied by a small image.

On the collarbone

This area is one of the most sensitive for tattooing and will have a very painful effect. This is especially true for overly thin girls whose collarbones are not covered with at least a small fat layer.

However, if the pain is not an excuse for retreat, then it is impossible not to notice that this part of the body seems to be intended for inscriptions on it. And the point is not only in the form, but also in the fact that this is the area least subject to friction.

The collarbone area is one of the most sensitive areas for tattooing and can be very painful.

Also clavicle tattoos are practically not deformed(often when they reach the age of 18, girls are no longer subject to bone growth, and it is almost impossible to gain fat mass in this place), and they also do not fade from the sun's rays (a shadow from the head almost always falls on the collarbones, preventing direct ultraviolet radiation).

Tattoo lettering for girls

It just so happened that girls are thoughtful, vulnerable and very sentimental creatures. Therefore, the inscriptions that they put on their body, close to their emotions and attitude, are often associated with the personal sphere of life.

Women's inscriptions

About love

Each girl has her own idea of ​​love, depending on her personal experience and look, as well as from the current marital status. Although, many do not recommend getting a tattoo, focusing on the last criterion: everything is changeable, and removing a tattoo is not so easy and painless.

You can put an inscription once seen in a movie or read in a book, but it should not just be beautiful - it should sink into the soul, playing on its strings. After all, any inscription that will last on the body longer than a slight enthusiasm should reflect the worldview, thoughts that are not allowed to be expressed aloud, but they often spin in the head.

Inscriptions about love can consist of one word, for example, “always”, “love”, “together”, etc., or full-fledged phrases and expressions.

Examples of such phrases:

  1. For lovers there is a world invisible to others.
  2. My heart has chosen a path.
  3. It takes two people to love.
  4. The one who loves wears scars. Wounds are only medicines for karma.

About life

Such inscriptions, expressed in a tattoo, will become a translation of the life credo of any girl. You can formulate the message that you want to capture on the body on your own, listening to your own thoughts, feelings and worldviews. The main thing is to be able to fit the whole point briefly, concisely and unambiguously.

Those to whom this task seems overwhelming should also not be discouraged: over the long history of the creation of fiction books and films, the archives store an immense number of phrases and quotes about life that can suit girls with a wide variety of tastes and views on this very life.

They can inspire, motivate, or express skepticism: it all depends on personal preferences. The main thing when choosing an inscription is to try not to focus on popular statements (even if they coincide with the views), but on those that you found or invented on your own. Otherwise, instead of self-expression, what is called repetition and the herd effect may turn out.

Phrase examples:

  1. Difficulties will always be, learn to be happy in spite of.
  2. Life is too short to waste it on hate.
  3. I want it. So this will be done.
  4. Dying - smile.

About family

Almost every girl dreams of a family, home comfort and warmth of a family hearth. This is what can be expressed with a tattoo. Of course, in modern world there are many who strive for financial independence, career creation and all kinds of self-expression. This point of view can also be expressed with the help of a tattoo.

with the help of a tattoo inscription, you can express love for the most beloved family members: mom, dad, grandmother, child, etc.

In addition to my own opinion about starting a family, can be noted on the body significant, important points already established family. For example, it can be a phrase with which an acquaintance began or a line from a song that marks a significant day. Also, with the help of tattoo inscriptions, you can express love for the most beloved family members: mom, dad, grandmother, child, etc.

Phrase examples:

  1. I wanted to be where my mother sang to us.
  2. Parents are immortalized in our love.
  3. Family is our everything.


Such tattoos are also very popular among girls, because they carry a huge semantic background. With the help of philosophical inscriptions on the body, you can designate not only your life path, but also designate what is most important in life, what you want to strive for. Such a tattoo will become, as it were, a guiding beam to the intended goal.

The inscriptions that tell about good and evil, faith (and not necessarily in God), the meaning of life and even death look very impressive.

Phrase examples:

  1. For those whose soul has not cooled down in the cold, the universe gives a miracle.
  2. If you don't try, you won't pass.
  3. As long as I'm alive, I'll rush to the edge.
  4. It didn't all happen in vain.

Examples of interesting phrases in different languages

The most exotic and beautifully different tattoo inscriptions look in foreign languages. However, before applying the phrase to the body, the girl needs to know a clear translation so as not to get into a mess.

in latin

Phrase options:

  1. Quod me netrit me destruit (What feeds me destroys me).
  2. Quello che voi siete, noi eravamo. Quello che noi, siamo voi sarete (You are who we once were. We are who you will become). This phrase rises above the entrance to the Imperial Crypt in Rome.
  3. Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credular Postero (Living in today, I won't worry about tomorrow).
  4. Tempus neminem manet (Time waits for no one).
  5. A posse ad esse (From the possible to the real).

in Hebrew

Phrase examples:

  • החיים קצרים (Life is short);
  • אהבה זוכה בכל דבר (Love conquers anything);
  • או אנחנו, או אותנו (Either we, or us).

In the Arabic language

Phrase examples:

In English

Phrase examples:

  1. Childhood forever (Childhood forever).
  2. Death comes after all (Death will come for everyone).
  3. I want you to stay (I want you to stay).
  4. Stressed Out (Suppressed).
  5. Desires generate actions (Desires generate actions).

in italian


  1. Senza fallimenti non c'è successo (No success without failure).
  2. Prima ancor di vivere (Without seeing life).
  3. Spero di morire in primavera (I hope that I will die in the spring).
  4. L'eterna canzone d'amore (Eternal song of love).



  1. Mi amor es eterno (My love is eternal).
  2. En una hora de amor, una vida (One hour of love is a lifetime).
  3. En tiempos oscuros, es mejor ver personas brillantes (In dark times bright people are seen better).
  4. La amistad es una cruz (Friendship is a cross).

In French


  1. Je l'aime à mourir (I love you to death).
  2. Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant (Forgive me, come back to me as before).
  3. L'amour est plein de risques. Et ça vaut le coup (Love is full of risk. And it's worth it).
  4. Laissez le froid être juste le temps. Il ne sera pas au Coeur (Let the cold be only the weather. It should not be in the soul).

In Chinese

For example:

  • 不要說如果它不改變沉默 (Don't talk unless it improves the silence).
  • 他們笑的小屋比宮殿更富有,他們覺得無聊 (A hut where one laughs is richer than a palace where one is sad).
  • 生命力 ( life force).
  • 愛 (Love).

In Japanese


  • 望む (Wishful).
  • 幸福 (Happiness).
  • 愛 (Love).
  • 精神の強さ (Force of the spirit).

Beautiful fonts for a female tattoo

To date, more than a million fonts have been invented and invented, each of which can become the very one.

It is far from a secret that the font is able to influence the subconscious of a person, conveying feelings, emotions and impressions to him. Therefore, girls who are going to get a tattoo inscription, in addition to translation, need to carefully think about the image of the letters.

If the meaning of the phrase is more romantic, then the font should be soft, gentle, with rounded lines.

So, for example, not a single girl will get a tattoo with the Times New Roman font: firstly, the font is overly famous, which means it is banal, and secondly, this writing style is imprinted in the minds of many as something official (it is often used to create resumes for employment, as well as when writing papers for higher education institutions).

Letters with angular, clear and straight styles are suitable for inscriptions, the seriousness of which needs to be emphasized. If the meaning of the phrase is more romantic, then the font should be soft, gentle, with rounded lines. You should also take into account the size of words, the development of words into a pattern or drawing, remember that in some cases capital letters look ugly.

However, having decided on the mood of the inscription and the meaning that you want to convey, choosing a font will not be so difficult. The main desire to seek. Since today the application of tattoo inscriptions on the body has become popular among guys and girls, then designers have created special platforms where you can choose the most suitable font online.

Before directly applying a tattoo, many experts recommend that you first make a “translation” with ink in order to understand how the phrase will look on the body. After all, there is a considerable difference between the drawing on paper and on the skin.

Lettering that should not be done

Do not put ambiguous, rude or vulgar inscriptions on the body, which at first glance may seem funny and witty, but over time will turn into a stigma. Also, do not do body art with words of love near intimate areas, since they can become ambiguous.

Many girls made the mistake of inflicting names, initials or any other distinctive symbols associated with lovers in a fit of passion and love. Being in love is a strong feeling, but, unlike a tattoo, it has the ability to disappear. And not every guy will be able to adequately perceive the reminder of the “former” forever flickering in his girlfriend.

This can also apply to many other things: for example, the names of the musical groups you like (today they are in the TOP, but who knows what will happen tomorrow). The inscriptions should refer to eternal things that will remain unchanged.

do not do body art with words of love near intimate areas, as they can become ambiguous.

Deciding on a tattoo inscription is not always easy, but for a simpler decision a girl needs to carefully consider every detail: drawing, style, font, translation and meaning of the phrase.

Having resolved all the controversial issues about the desired body art, having carefully studied every detail, there will be no doubt that the tattoo will cause only joy at every glance. And not only the owners, but also ordinary people who see the drawing.

Video about tattoo inscriptions for girls

Photo of tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls:

Photo of tattoo inscriptions on the neck with translation:

There are many different tattoos, they are small and large, geometric and detailed, just like a photo, they can depict various animals, people, objects. But sometimes there is no better idea for a tattoo than not hiding the meaning behind the drawing, but simply directly conveying it in the mind of the inscription. Especially often girls choose this approach, leaving the image on their arm, back or other part of the body. And sometimes the inscriptions can be not only meaningful, but also very beautiful, so this approach usually justifies itself.

How can you write?

You can apply these tattoos in various ways. You need to start by placing a tattoo on the body. It can be small inscriptions on the hand, beautiful, sweeping on the back, or maybe even neat, closed, around the ankle? It is possible to bend a long sentence into a pattern, for example, in the form of a heart. You can apply the main inscription with the translation, or you can leave the meaning hidden. Also such female tattoos you can simply make it in the form of an inscription in your usual language, you can choose an ancient beautiful language, or you can transfer the hieroglyph. Finally, it might be a good idea to put one word in a nice, patterned font.

What can be written?

Usually, girls do not have a question about what the tattoo will “proclaim”. When you want to put a certain word or phrase on your back, arm or leg, you usually know what to write. But if not, then for girls you can always offer a few interesting options at their discretion. Most often, you need to start with the mood that the tattoo conveys. It has to be meaningful. Any words can be written in different fonts, for example, gothic will set a gloomy style that is unlikely to be combined with a playful inscription, and cursive with patterns can add romance, which you can no longer write deep serious things. And, of course, different styles are beautiful for different people. For example, for a tattoo on a finger, the following words are used:
  • "Best";
  • "Forever";
  • "family";
  • "Love";
  • "Shhh..."
The easiest way is to look at examples of tattoos in the photo to understand how they will look. If you are planning to apply hieroglyphs on your arm or back, then think about their translation, clarify it once again. With all the compactness of hieroglyphs, with the capacity and richness of their meaning, even small inaccuracies can lead to something completely different being translated. Very often, female inscriptions are in the form of common phrases in Latin and other ancient languages, with the translation of which everyone is familiar. In this case, it is important to choose a phrase that is a kind of life motto for you. Whatever female versions of tattoos in the form of inscriptions you prefer, large or small, catchy or elegant, we can safely say that they will look great on the body of a girl. And our masters will help to transfer any inscription with the highest quality, both by creating its design from scratch, and taking as a basis any photo that you want to use as an example - and the result will be excellent in any case.

Phrases for tattoo inscriptions in Latin

Viam supervadet vadens - the walking one will master the road
Magna res est amor - love is a great feeling
Custos meus mihi semper - my angel is always with me
Ne cede malis - in misfortune, do not lose heart
Omnia vanitas - all around is vanity
Fortuna mecum - luck accompanies me
Vivere militare est - life is a struggle

Cave! - Be careful!
Contra spem spero - I hope without hope
Cum deo - With God
Debellare superbos - Suppress pride, recalcitrant
Dictum factum - No sooner said than done
Errare humanum est - It is human nature to err

Ex voto - By promise; by vow
Faciam ut mei memineris - I will make you remember me
Fatum - Fate, rock
Fecit - Did, performed

Fortes fortuna adjuvat - Fate helps the brave
Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus - Let us rejoice while we are young
Gutta cavat lapidem - A drop hollows out a stone
Naes fac ut felix vivas - Do this to live happily.

Homo homini lupus est - Man to man wolf
Homo liber - Free person
Homo res sacra - Man is a sacred thing
Ignoti nulla cupido - What they don't know, they don't want
In hac spe vivo - I live this hope

Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero - I swore by the tongue, but not by the thought
Jus vitae ac necis - The right to control life and death

Malum necessarium - necessarium - Necessary evil - inevitable
Memento mori - Remember death!
Memento quod es homo - Remember that you are human
Me quoque fata regunt - I also obey fate
Mortem effugere nemo potest - No one can escape death
Ne cede malis - Do not lose heart in misfortune
Nil inultum remanebit - Nothing will remain unavenged
Noli me tangere - Don't touch me
Oderint, dum metuant - Let them hate, if only they were afraid
Omnia mea mecum porto - All mine I carry with me
Omnia vanitas - Everything is vanity!

Pisces natare oportet - The fish must swim
Potius sero quam nunquam - Better late than never
Procul negotiis - Get out of trouble
Qui sine peccato est - Who is without sin
Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull
Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem - Whatever the ruler pleases, then has the force of law
Requiescit in pace - Rest in peace
Sic itur ad astra - So go to the stars
Sic volo - So I want
Silentium - Silence
Supremum vale - The Last Forgiveness
Suum cuique - To each his own
Trahit sua quemque voluptas - Everyone is attracted by his passion
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it
Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where it is good, there is the homeland
Unam in armis salutem - The only salvation is in the fight

Via sacra - Holy way
Virginity is a luxury - Virginity is a luxury
Vita sene libertate nlhil - Life without freedom is nothing
Vivere militare est - To live is to fight
Fatum - Fate, rock
Fecit - Did, performed
Errare humanum est - To err is human
Est quaedam flere voluptas - There is something of pleasure in tears
Ex veto - By promise, by vow
Faciam ut mei mernineris - I will make you remember me
Finis coronat opus - The end crowns the deed
Audaces fortuna juvat - Happiness favors the brave
Contra spent spero - I hope without hope
Debellare superbos - Crush the pride of the recalcitrant
Gaudeafilus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumus - Let us rejoice while we are young
Hoc est in votis - That's what I want
Homo homini Lupus est - Man wolf to man
Homo Liber - Free man
In hac spe vivo - I live by this hope
In vino veritas - Truth in wine
Magna res est amor - The great thing is love
Malo mori quam foedari - Better death than dishonor
Ne cede malls - Don't lose heart in misfortune
Noll me tangere - Don't touch me
Gutta cavat Lapidem - A drop hammers a stone
Omnia mea mecum Porte - All mine I carry with me
Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars
Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull
Vlvere militare est - To live is to fight
Tu ne cede malls, sed contra audehtior - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go forward
Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where it is good, there is the homeland
Vale et me ama - Farewell and love me
Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered
Suum cuique - To each his own
Cave! - Be careful!

Tattoo inscriptions in various languages ​​with translation

Arrive ce guilpourra (fr.) - Come what may
A tout prix (fr.) - At any cost
Battle of life (English) - Fight for life
Cache ta vie (fr.) - Hide your life
Cercando it vero (it.) - Seeking the truth
Croire a son etoile (fr.) - Believe in your star
Da hifi ich zu Hause (German) - Here I am at home
Due cose belle ha a mondo: Amore e Morte (it.) - Two phenomena are beautiful in the world: love and death
Du sollst nicht erst Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait until you get hit
Eigenthum ist Frefndenthum (German) - Property is someone else's
Ein Wink des Schicksals (German) - Indication of fate
Fu...e non e! (it.) - Was ... and he is not!
Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know thyself
Grace pour moi (fr.) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!
Guai chi la tocca (it.) - Woe to the one who touches it
Help yourself (English) - Help yourself
Killing is not Murder (English) - Killing is not murder
La donna e mobile (it.) - A woman is fickle
Le devoir avanttout (fr.) - Duty first
Now or never (English) - Now or never
Quefemme v eut - dieu le veut (fr.) - What a woman wants is what pleases God
Sans phrases (fr.) - No extra words
Senw dubbio (it.) - Without a doubt
To be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be
VrgiWty is a luxury (English)
Wait and see (eng.) - Let's wait and see
Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs
Weltkind (German) - Child of the world