English for beginners or how to start learning English. How to quickly learn English at home from scratch

  • 20.10.2019

1. Learn with interest

Any teacher will confirm: abstract language learning is harder than mastering a language for a specific purpose. Therefore, at first, learn things that will be useful to you in your work. Another option is to read foreign language resources related to yours.

2. Remember only the right words

There are more than a million words in the English language, but in everyday speech, at best, several thousand are used. Therefore, even a modest vocabulary is enough for you to talk with a foreigner, read online publications, watch news and TV shows.

3. Post stickers at home

This effective way replenish your vocabulary. Look around the room and see which items you don't know the names of. Translate the name of each subject into English, French, German - whatever language you want to learn. And paste these stickers around the room. New words will gradually be deposited in memory, and this will not require any additional effort.

4. Repeat

The technique of spaced repetitions allows you to better memorize new words and concepts. To do this, run the studied material at certain intervals: first, repeat the learned words often, then return to them after a few days, and fix the material again after a month.

5. Use new technologies

6. Set realistic goals

Be careful with the load and do not overwork. Especially at the beginning, so as not to lose interest. Teachers advise starting small: first learn 50 new words, try to apply them in life, and only then take up grammar rules.

Recently, in order to improve career development or to continue studying abroad, learning English on your own has become popular. Of course, for many, the question arises - where to find a good English tutorial, audio lessons and other materials that will effectively help you learn a foreign language in a certain period of time. It is worth saying that self-study of English is a long process, but everything is in your hands and you can make this process exciting and enjoyable.
So, you have decided not to hire a tutor, not to pay money for courses or self-help books, but to choose to learn English on your own for free with the help of online lessons. It is worth saying that at first, most people fail to achieve any positive result and, naturally, they simply give up.

Stereotypes - that's what hinders the study of English

These are the components that most people face when they decide to go through well self-study English at home and at least a little advance in their knowledge:

  • the majority are confident that learning a foreign language on their own is a very difficult task;
  • many people learn the language, but do not achieve the expected results;
  • most people reach a certain level of knowledge, say advanced, but it takes them years to learn;
  • many people think that they are simply unable to learn a second language;

All of the above can be converted into one single whole and conclude that learning English from scratch is a long and thorny path. However, there are also quick courses, i.e. English language, you can master in just two months. Just give up the traditional learning methods that are based on textbooks, dictionaries, grammar basics, as well as boring and monotonous dialogues.
We are all familiar with this approach to learning a foreign language from school - if you are not going to read Shakespeare in the original, why "nibble" on the grammar stone. User reviews indicate that the methodology of paid services has remained school, only the learning process takes place in an accelerated mode, that is, you study English not two hours a week, but seven hours a day.

The right methods are the key to success

Do you want to start learning English online? Books, lessons leave for later. First you need to decide on the important aspects of your teaching methodology. That is, you yourself must become a teacher. The main thing is to move grammar to Kamchatka, you won’t need it if you just want to communicate with native speakers, listen to radio and TV shows, of course, if you are not going to take an international exam to get a certificate. But this is not the main thing - no matter what method you use when mastering a language learning course at home, your positive mood during classes is important, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.
So, 3 main principles self-learning English from scratch:

  • motivation - you yourself must strongly want to learn a foreign language;
  • the right methodology - try several teaching methods and choose the best one for yourself;
  • learning process - decide why you need knowledge of English - for everyday communication or for subsequent education at prestigious foreign universities.

And most importantly - do not "stand" in one place - constantly develop and improve your knowledge. Use the lessons posted on our website for this, because they are offered to you completely free of charge!

There is no secret method to learn a language in a month. If someone promises you a miracle, don't believe it. But the process can be accelerated in order to overcome the barrier in six months and finally speak English. Lifehacker and Skyeng online English school experts share simple tips.

1. Study online

Online classes help you learn quickly. It is too lazy to go to the other end of the city in bad weather, and the Internet is always at hand. Adapting your schedule to the course schedule, agreements with teachers, wasting time on the road - all this bothers and slows down the process. Choose online courses. What makes life easier, increases motivation.

Many, choosing between a cozy evening at home and a long trip to the courses, decide that they can live without English.

Rid yourself of reasons to skip classes - make a convenient personal schedule. At Skyeng, teachers work in all time zones, so you can study anytime, even in the middle of the night.

Online classes are also good because all the materials, texts, videos, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the application or on the website. Homework assignments are checked automatically as they are completed.

2. Learn at your leisure

Don't limit yourself to class time. Learning a language is not only about doing exercises. You can upgrade your skill by listening to songs and podcasts or by reading English-speaking bloggers.

Everyone knows how important it is to watch movies and series with English subtitles, but not everyone is aware that there are special educational applications for this. Skyeng online translators are linked to an app of the same name on your phone, so new words can be repeated at any time.

For example, if you install a special extension in the Google Chrome browser, you can read any texts in English, and when you hover over a word or phrase, you can immediately see their translation. The same goes for subtitles for online cinemas. Each word individually can be translated directly in the course of viewing. These words are added to a personal dictionary and sent to mobile app where you can repeat and memorize them in your free time.

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch? So that the phrase "Landan from the Capital of Great Britain" would not be your only crown, we have collected for you best advice! Choose what you like more.


If you want to quickly learn English on your own at home from scratch, then you should stick to some system. It is similar to the system that is used in physical training, and covers all areas in the study of a foreign language.

There are only five points that you must master:

  • grammar;
  • reading;
  • vocabulary;
  • listening;
  • speaking.

The meaning of the system is that every day you should devote 15-20 minutes of your time to a specific item.

Day 1: Grammar

Grammar is the foundation of everything. To begin with, it is worth remembering all the pronouns, tenses, irregular verbs and exceptions.

§English course from Dmitry Petrov and from the channel "Culture". In just 16 lessons, the teacher will introduce you to the basics of the English language, using his individual system.

§Channel English Galaxy will tell you how to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. The channel presents a huge number of lessons that will help you master a foreign language.

Indigenous native speakers use only 4 tenses in everyday speech: present simple, Past Simple, Future Simple and Present Continuous. Well, they also love the passive voice. This is sufficient for the elementary level.

Useful software

The Duolingo app will explain the basics of English grammar. You will need to devote only 10-15 minutes of free time per day to the language. The application will teach you simple grammar and translation of elementary things.

You should not sit over studying English for 4-5 hours. Enough 15-20 minutes a day. There can be 3 or 4 such days in a week.

Day 2: Reading

Start with the simplest texts. Let it be children's books about bunnies, cats and foxes. But you will understand everything that happens there. Books can be found at major bookstores or ordered online.

Yes, e-books- it's cool, but it's better to print the text or buy a book in English. So you can write the translation of a word right above the English word. Like they used to do in school.

In addition to books, you can find websites, entertainment portals or blogs in English that talk about things that interest you. Most importantly, you have to love it. If you are more interested in reading technical texts, then why do you need to know about how God sent a piece of cheese to a crow? Read what you want.

§Books in English for beginners (level elementary):

  • Peppa Pig (books about Peppa Pig);
  • Danny and the Dinosaur (Danny and the dinosaur);
  • Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh);
  • Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure (Moomin Troll's adventures);
  • When Lulu Went to the Zoo (When Lulu went to the Zoo).


  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
  • Alice in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Mary Poppins (The Adventures of Merry Poppins)
  • The Black Cat (Edgar Poe)/(Black Cat)
  • The Gift of the Magi (Gift of the Magi).

§Books in English for the level advanced:

Yes, you are the God of English! Read at least "Harry Potter" in the original, even "The Lord of the Rings".

  • The Time Machine (Time Machine);
  • The Invisible Man (Invisible Man);
  • Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice);
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (Four weddings and one funeral);
  • The Grass is Singing (The grass sings).

Day 3: Vocabulary

How to learn English on your own at home quickly? You need to replenish your vocabulary. You can combine this day with the second day if you wish. As you read, write down any unfamiliar words that come across your eyes.

Get a dictionary

Get your own personal dictionary so as not to lose all the words, because not everything can fit in your head. It can be a notebook or notepad.

§1 option: unfamiliar English word| Russian translation

§Option 2: unfamiliar English word | explanation of the translation of the word in English

§3 option: unfamiliar English word | explanation of the translation of the word in English | Russian translation

Useful software

A cool app that will help you memorize foreign words is called Easy Ten.

  • you can choose the words you want to learn on your own;
  • you can choose the level of difficulty of words;
  • there is a pronunciation of words;
  • there are examples of phrases with the use of a specific word;
  • Russian translation;
  • the application sends notifications every half an hour, the studied word with translation is displayed on the screen, which contributes to better memorization.
  • the application is paid, only 3 free days are given.

Translate the menu of your phone or work computer into English. Before your eyes will always be the most elementary words in the English language.

Day 4: Listening

Forget those stupid awful quality cassettes they played us in school. Because of the noise, you were just beginning to listen to a boring text about some newspapers, business, and cap-offs, but the dialogue was already ending. And you didn't catch anything. How easy is it to learn English on your own at home?

Watch and listen to what interests you:

  • foreign YouTube channels;
  • interesting and informative videos;
  • tracks and clips in English.

What serials, what videos on YouTube go immediately with subtitles. Just press the Play button and enjoy. Try to shield yourself as much as possible in English so that you can get used to it, and then you will automatically understand everything that is being said, and already without subtitles.

Day 5: Speaking

If you have a friend or acquaintance who speaks perfect English, talk to him more often. But, if you do not have such people nearby, this is not a reason to be upset.

§How to learn spoken English on your own at home? You need to communicate with the indigenous people, who ideally own it. The Hello talk application will help with this. You just register, indicate your level of English knowledge, your interests, tell about yourself and look for friends from different countries. It's like a small global social network.

Application pros:

  • you can improve your level of knowledge of any language;
  • communicate with people from different countries;
  • help them learn your native language;
  • if you wrote or said something incorrectly, your interlocutor will correct you;
  • you can correct other people too;
  • the ability to record audio messages;
  • the ability to share your moments and photos;
  • likes, comments are present.

§ A similar application with similar functionality is Tandem.

§You can also recommend the fiverr resource. There you can find a person whose native language is English and talk to him via Skype. The service is paid.

Useful channels, sites and applications

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free? We've put together some tips and tricks for you! Take what pleases you.


Here are some useful channels:

Learn English with Papa Teach Me

The channel of the guy who teaches English in English! Everything is super simple and clear!

Skyeng: Online English School

The cute girl teaches English through songs, series, videos, TV shows and more. An interesting and informative channel for everyone who does not know how to learn English on their own at home from scratch.


Have many seen the video where foreigners listen to Russian music? Venya has a lot of videos where you can see the reaction various people for CIS content. And also Venya travels a lot around the world, teaches English and shares a lot of life hacks.

Marina Mogilko

A Russian girl who founded her own business and went to live in the USA talks about her life, work, the pros and cons of America. And yes, she is just beautiful!

English Maria

Great English teacher who teaches the way she wants. And she does it, by the way, very well!

Applications and websites

In addition to the above applications, there are several more:


Interactive learning of English, where everything is collected: grammar, speaking, reading, listening. Completing tasks is easy and simple. And most importantly, it's not boring. Also at LinguLeo there is a website that helps to learn the language.

§English with Puzzle English

At Puzzle English There is a website and an app. This is a great project for those who want to learn English. The point is that it is necessary to collect a complete picture of audio, video or text using puzzles. You can also find a huge amount interesting articles and memes. Well, where without games!

If you urgently need to check the text in English, then entrust this matter to native speakers. On the site, you can ask for help editing your article or essay.

§Sites with double subtitles

Movies with double subtitles will help you learn English on your own at home from scratch. You can find them on the following sites:

As you can see, it is quite possible to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. Do, read and watch only what you like. Feel the language, catch its rhythm. And soon you will not feel embarrassed when you speak English and will be able to express your thoughts clearly.

Let me speak from my heart,

Thanks for your time!

Having firmly decided to study English on your own, you will definitely face the problem of choice effective methodology, of which there are many. Which method you choose is up to you.

What to focus on when choosing?

  • First, your level of language proficiency
  • Secondly, on personal financial and temporary opportunities
  • Thirdly, based on your own intuitive desire

Dragunkin method

Dragunkin's Methodology Alexander Dragunkin explains the basics of English intelligibly and intelligibly. Dragunkin's technique for learning English is perfect for quick learning and memorization. The grammar is simplified as much as possible, the rules are facilitated. There are courses for both beginners and advanced.

Dragunkin has a completely different approach to learning, his own terminology, his own laws, his own vocabulary. He even redid the grammatical rules, systematized the exceptions, solved the problems of the use of articles and irregular verbs. Dragunkin singled out new classes and groups of words, combining them according to common features; revealed the relationship between them. The presentation of the material follows a chain, from simple to complex, one follows from the other in a strict logical sequence.

Teaching English is based on the native language. Due to all these factors, the training time is reduced several times, and the perception educational material noticeably relieved. The technique is aimed at quickly achieving results. The purpose of the program is not to teach, but to teach.

Pimsleur technique

The Pimsleur Method American Spoken English will help you master the Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers audio course. See the article Learn English using the method of Dr. Pimsleur. Also, the Pimsler technique helps to learn how to read correctly. Our site has all the audio lessons of conversational American, as well as lessons on reading.

The Pimsler Method is the only form of foreign language learning that includes a unique, patented memory training method. The course consists of thematic dialogues with detailed explanations and translation. Phrases are voiced by a native speaker.

The students listen to the recording and repeat the phrases after the speaker. Then the next speech turnover is voiced and its meaning is explained. The student repeats it again many times, then he needs to repeat the previous phrases, at the same time, inserting words from the new expression into it. New words are introduced, and old expressions are proposed to be repeated after a certain, constantly increasing, time interval.

A very interesting, and most importantly working, system of 30 audio lessons for half an hour. The course was created specifically for Russian speakers who want to know the speech of US residents. No textbooks, just listen and repeat. And soon you will be able to easily carry on a conversation with a real American.

Schechter method

This is a completely new emotional and semantic approach, stating that the development of a foreign language should be similar to the study of native speech. This method refers to direct gaming interactive methods of active learning. Politicians, cosmonauts, famous people studied using this method. Even Western private linguistic schools have paid attention to Schechter's method.

His methodology is based on a student-centered approach, where it is important to pay attention not to what to do with English, but what to do with a person in order to facilitate the learning process. A positive atmosphere, goodwill, learning without fatigue and stress are the main and mandatory components of each lesson.

The purpose of each individual lesson and training as a whole is to encourage the student to express his opinion in his own words, and not to reproduce memorized patterns and phrases from textbooks. Therefore, lectures are organized in the form of active participation of a person in the changing events of business and city life.

Also of great importance is the correction of speech and grammar, which students study in the higher cycles of the course. This technology is also used to memorize new material without memorization and rote repetition.

The BERLITZ Method of Learning English Another popular method is the BERLITZ method, which has been used by polyglots for over 200 years. It is based on the study of a foreign language abroad. There are over 400 BERLITZ language schools around the world. You can choose between group lessons and individual lessons. Read the article How to study English abroad.

This method requires a strict adherence to the basic principles:

  • First you need to learn to speak, and then master the skills of reading and writing
  • Grammar and vocabulary should be studied in the course of natural entertaining conversation, in a conversational context
  • Only native speakers should teach the language
  • The student must take an active part in the learning process.
  • Native speech is not used at all, excluded from teaching
  • The concept of translation is also excluded

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone Method of Learning English One of the best is also recognized as the Rosetta Stone method - a convenient program for those who are going to emigrate. Learning a language from scratch. The user follows the same path as when learning their native language: words and images, pronunciation, grammar and syntax. The level of difficulty increases gradually.

The flash method allows you to learn English the way you learned native language from infancy - without rules. Mastering English occurs through repeated repetition, immersion in the language environment, the formation of associations. This program teaches you to automatically perceive and reproduce the most common conversational constructions.

The course completely lacks translation, instead of it there is an associative series. Vocabulary, syntax and grammar are acquired during the modeling of various life situations. The main focus is on visual memory. As an addition, I advise you to read a lot on your own

The non-transfer method means:

  • No rules and translation
  • Words are given immediately in context
  • Memorization is achieved through numerous repetitions

An excellent program for those who want to learn the basics of the language on their own, without going too deep into details. Pictures make the technique interesting, and the study is stress-free.


Program Lex! - a well-known way of enriching the vocabulary. Sitting at the computer, the user memorizes words, phrases, speech turns that periodically appear on the screen. It supports the ability to delete and add vocabulary, edit it, change learning intensity levels and time parameters. The features of human memory, attention and perception are taken into account.

The user can set and separately configure various translation modes: direct, reverse, written translation, their random alternation. The student independently determines the number of correct translations, which is an indicator that the word has been learned. Lex! – is accompanied by a detailed guide that will allow you to quickly find answers to all your questions.

Muller method

Stanislav Müller's technique lies in the harmonious interaction of conscious and subconscious thinking. To improve learning and memory, the latest developments of Russian and Western science are used - superlearning and holographic memory:

  • Overlearning - helps to master any skills several times faster. At the same time, getting tired is much less and supporting high level performance
  • Holographic memory - helps to organize life experience, enhances memory capabilities, allows you to restore the ability to master the language

During the passage, exercises are performed to improve the imagination, which contributes to the memorization of lexical material. The course solves the problems of understanding spoken language, free reading, writing and speaking.

Frank method

I advise the method of Ilya Frank, which is based on learning English through reading special texts. With constant reading in this way for a year, one can learn to speak fluently, thanks to the special arrangement of the original text and translation. At the same time, the memorization of words and phrases does not occur due to cramming, but due to their constant repetition in the text.

All the same non-transferable method. In the books of Ilya Frank, the text is not divided into several passages - an adapted passage with a literal translation and lexical and grammatical commentary, then the same text, but without prompts. You are just reading a book, and at the same time learning a language.

The manager wrote up the sales slip (the manager filled out the form with the price). The crook looked at the slip and said, "This is a little more than I intended to spend." Can you show me something less expensive? (Could you show me something less expensive).”

The manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip. The crook looked at the slip and said, “This is a little more than I intended to spend. Can you show me something less expensive?”

The meaning of the unadapted text is that the reader, even if a short time"floating without a board." After reading an unadapted paragraph, you can move on to the next adapted one. No need to go back and repeat. Just read the following text.

Gunnemark technique

You can try Eric Gunnemark's technique. The Swedish polyglot recommends that you start learning a language by mastering the active minimum of words and grammar rules. Why did he create a list of "speech stamps", which, in his opinion, must be memorized by yourself. Gunnemark called these collections "Minilex", "Miniphraz" and "Minigram". All material is illustrated and voiced by native speakers. The course is recommended for beginners. The Gunnemark Method These "mini-collections" should not be neglected, because they provide a guideline on what to focus on from the very beginning. Mastering the "mini-repertoire" will give the beginner self-confidence. The lists included in this collection are built in such a way that the student masters the most necessary things on his own. After all, when you have well-learned material and basic knowledge behind you, you inevitably begin to feel much more confident in any situation.

For Gunnemark, all training is subject to the following principles:

  • Particular attention - "central words", that is, those words that most often "fly off the tongue"
  • You need to learn not individual words, but whole expressions. You don't have to learn everything. For each typical situation, remember 1-2 expressions, but “by heart”
  • It is better to learn one word perfectly than several words, but badly. Synonyms are not needed. Learn the main word
  • Learned expressions try to use as often as possible
  • As soon as possible, you need to learn the basics of good correct pronunciation
  • Master the required minimum of grammar
  • The most useful thing is reading

To external factors successful study the linguist relates labor, time, teachers and material. That is, how quickly you will advance in learning depends directly on your ability to organize your work and time, on the chosen methodology and teacher.

As you can see, there are many ways and they are all different. Which one is better is up to you. But having studied their basic principles, one can come to the conclusion that the main thing is communication and reading. Which I join.

Do you know any other interesting techniques? Tell us about them in the comments. I wish you success and sustainable results!