Machine tool building. Russian machine tool industry: a thorny path to success

  • 25.05.2019

Article by Vyacheslav Yakovlev - head of the Kubanzheldormash plant

According to the results of the exhibition "Metalworking 2017". Objectively, without embellishment and braces.

All the media, social networks and mailing lists once a year recall that Russia supposedly has a machine tool industry.
Russian machine tool industry reborn! Machine tools "Made in Russia" will soon force competitors out of the market. LLC "STAN" is a world leader in machine tool building. Delovaya Rossiya, VEB, officials in suits at the price of Rohm lathe cartridges, Smart Production magazine, journalists. Young guys work at the STAN stand, who do not know what a tool holder is, but who receive more money than 6th grade toolmakers in Kolomna, Azov, Kimry or Sterlitamak. In general, all the essential attributes of the rise of industry and the prosperity of modern Russia for people who perceive "Russian industry" through the prism of federal media and sites like "Made by us."
There is no machine tool industry in Russia. It died. Here is a description of STAN on Wikipedia: “STAN is a Russian integrated company for the design and manufacture of machine tool equipment. The Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation D.V. Manturov called STAN a "serious private player" in the Russian machine tool industry.
I think that better description and not imagine. An excellent and very "actual-sounding" characterization for a made-up corpse with pomaded lips in burial slippers. On which they spend and will spend billions from the state budget under the guise of "rescue, support, assistance, restoration" and so on. And absolutely all this will go into your pockets, not a single plant will be brought back to life. If you don’t believe me, let’s return to this topic in five years. There will be many criminal cases about the waste of allocated funds for research and development and construction, official bankruptcies of enterprises, the change of LLC to PJSC and PSHIK at the exit. There is no need to wait for specialists, they already know everything.

I do not want to delve into the evidence, and even more so the disputes with those "managers" who today are mastering money from the budget on a grand scale. Everyone knows the SAVMA enterprise, once the pride of our machine tool industry. By clicking on the link you can see the real state of affairs in full glory.

There is a lot of bravura and noise around the fact that the STAN stand amazed even foreigners with its scope. And there is nothing more to hit. I stood at the booth for 5 minutes and listened to the nonsense that a young guy and a girl in costumes from an intimate store were reading into the microphone. They smartly reported on the successes of STAN, they say, they made a unique machine tool, created the first machine tool in Russia, surprised the whole world with a machine tool. Of course, they were surprised, because such machines in the world passed 50 years ago. And the same factories of the USSR made them in the 90s of the last century. In general, the stand did not cause anything but irritation. Black design is great for machines that are not destined to find application in the national economy. By the way, at other stands they said that almost 160 million rubles were given to the Italians for the design. In general, I would like to see how much money has already been pumped into this bubble. I'm sure the guys there are doing a great job. Considering that last year I gave almost 200 thousand (only for rigging!) to the organizers of the Metalloobrabotka exhibition for unloading and loading guillotine shears, and the same amount for sockets and the inscription on the frieze, it’s scary to imagine how much STAN gave . But they do not consider money there, which is normal for those who use the names of the largest Soviet machine-tool enterprises only for economic justifications for allocating funds from the federal budget. I would love to be wrong. At the exhibition, people whispered that seven or eight representatives out of fourteen in the “import substitution group” of the Ministry of Industry and Trade were lobbyists of the STAN group. Thanks to this, they have a good portfolio of orders in the amount of approximately 1.7-2 billion rubles. Well, the forced placement of orders is at least something of real help, but still orders from USC, UAC and KTRV are more like a ventilator for a patient who has been in a coma for 30 years. By the way, prices have soared on the used equipment market, someone is massively buying old machines, upgrading them and selling them under the guise of new ones. I wonder who is it?

I am the most ordinary Russian manufacturer, fanatical. It so happened that by the age of 40 I had visited almost the entire color of the world machine tool industry. Grinding factories Studer, Ewag and Reishauer, Gleason-Pfauter factories, all Mazak factories in Japan, machine tool factories in Italy, Germany and Austria. Perhaps more than anyone else, I saw how their machine tool industry works. I myself buy a lot of equipment around the world. And not once, not once, not a single Russian machine tool builder turned to me to visit the plant to study “western” samples. I perfectly understand where our machine tool industry is located and without studying the machines of competitors it is impossible to even move forward, let alone compete. Unfortunately, there is no such task. When summarizing the whole situation, I really do not want to offend people who sincerely fight in our machine tool industry. Thanks to Nelidovpressmash, SASTA, Srednevolzhsky Machine Tool Plant, TBS, NAKAL and many others who survived, hold on and try to develop in a country where no one needs industry.
It would seem that I am a Russian manufacturer, I am the same consumer of the resurgent Russian machine tool industry, but not once has anyone sent even a catalog of STAN machine tools. Okay, I will not talk about empty.
I want to note that many world leaders removed tiny stands, exclusively for the presence. Despite the fact that their one machine will cost 6 times more than all the dilapidated property of the entire Russian machine tool industry, they modestly huddled on stands of 6-10 sq.m. You can understand them, the market in Russia is scanty. Only state-owned corporations buy new equipment from us. Many people buy “crookedly” taking into account sanctions, but they are forced to buy, because otherwise it will be impossible to produce anything at all, especially since our military-industrial complex has vast experience in working on European, Japanese and American equipment since the days of the USSR. Yes, for some it is still a revelation that even in Soviet time with its powerful machine tool industry, almost all complex technological operations in the military-industrial complex, and even in civilian life, were carried out using imported equipment. Let's leave all these fairy tales about import substitution for the electorate, professionals understand that the requirements of customers for products, especially military ones, can only be met with modern high-tech equipment, which is not produced in Russia. From the word COMPLETELY.
I would like to note that machine tool building is a fundamental industry. This is a matter of national importance. The production of means of production is the foundation of an independent state. But it is one thing to puff out cheeks in front of Western and Eastern partners, and it is quite another thing to do.

It's a shame. Very. And ashamed of the show. Unfortunately, industrial Russia today is just like that.

For our part, we are gradually mastering the “machine tool industry”, we have already begun to smoke out the Turks and Chinese in the market of mechanical guillotine shears, we are selling the simplest roughing and grinding machines, a stand for testing grinding wheels is on the way. The exhibition once again showed that all our main "machine tool builders" simply rivet nameplates on imported "car kits". Surprisingly, at the same time, almost all of them have already received the status of "Russian manufacturer". But these are already questions for a person who, by virtue of his position, raises the industry, but in fact "manages projects."

The continuously increasing importance of machines in all branches of production caused the rapid development of machine tool building - the technical base of the entire machine-building industry. Metalworking machine tools were the basis for the production of machines by machines. Their purpose is the processing of various metal blanks in order to obtain parts of a certain configuration, with specified dimensions, shape and quality. The larger the scale of machine production, the more mass production of parts should be, the more perfect and productive should be the machines that ensure the processing of the necessary parts. The mechanical support, originally used for lathes and screw-cutting lathes, was later turned into a very perfect mechanism and transferred in a modernized form to many machines intended for the manufacture of machines.

As the mechanical support, gear system, feed mechanism, clamping devices and some other structural elements kinematic scheme, metal-cutting machines are turning into more and more developed machines. In the 70s of the XIX century. mechanical engineering already had the main working machines, which made it possible to produce mechanically the most important metalworking operations.

played an important role in the development of the machine tool industry machine building plant created by Henry Models. In essence, it was a real school of mechanical engineers who developed the progressive technical traditions of the founder of the English machine tool industry. Here such prominent designers, researchers and inventors in the field of mechanical engineering as D. Whitworth, R. Roberts, D. Nesmith, D. Clement, E. Whitney and others began their work and creative activity. a machine system of production was already used: transmissions connected a large number of working machines set in motion by a universal heat engine. This plant initially manufactured parts for steam engines, and later produced turning, planing and other machine tools. Following the model of the G. Model plant (later the Maudslay and Field plant), many machine-building enterprises began to be created.

The leading position in the world machine tool industry was occupied by the factories of Nasmyth, Whitworth, Sharp and Robert in England, S. Sellers", "Pratt and Whitney", "Brawn and Sharp" in the USA. In the 70-90s, American enterprises, having mastered the production of new types of machine tools (turning-turret, universal-milling, rotary, boring, grinding), began to technically outstrip the English machine tool industry. In Germany, the production of machine tools began to develop mainly from the 60s - 70s of the XIX century. The companies "Reinecker", "Schiss", "Heimer und Pielz", "Waldrich", "Weisser" and others arose here.

In Russia, machine tools for weapons production (turning, drilling, milling, thread-cutting, broaching, grinding, polishing) were manufactured at the Tula Arms Plant. In the future, such machines began to build Izhevsk, Sestroretsk, Lugansk plants. Founded in Moscow plant br. Bromley (now "Red Proletarian") became the first Russian specialized machine-tool plant; at the All-Russian Exhibition in St. Petersburg in 1870, he exhibited several original machines: radial drilling, longitudinal planing, cross planing. At the Polytechnic Exhibition in Moscow in 1872, the plant received a gold medal for the exhibited planer and wheel lathes. In 1900, the factory br. Bromley successfully demonstrated his products at the World Industrial Exhibition in Paris. Other machine-tool enterprises also appeared in Russia: Felzer in Riga, Phoenix in St. Petersburg, Shtoll and Weichelt in Moscow, plant br. Maminykh in Balakovo, "Stol" in Voronezh, Grachev's and Dobrov's factories in Moscow. However, in general, the production of machine tools in Russia was insignificant even in the 900s; it did not satisfy the needs of the developing industry either in terms of quantity or technical level. This was the reason for the significant import of foreign machine tools for Russian plants and factories.

World machine tool industry in the last third of the 19th century. had five main types of metal-cutting machines. The predominant part of the machine park was made up of lathes, which were used for processing external and internal surfaces bodies of revolution. On lathes, they turned smooth and stepped shafts, cones, balls, various shaped surfaces, bored cylinders, holes, cut threads. The second large group consisted of drilling machines designed for drilling and processing holes, as well as for boring and threading. Planers, subdivided into horizontal and vertical (grooving), served to process flat surfaces of products. The use of milling machines for processing the outer and inner surfaces of especially precise parts, as well as for obtaining shaped products, expanded. Finally, the fifth group of metalworking equipment consisted of grinding machines, on which parts of various shapes were finished with abrasive materials and tools.

In turn, specialized types of machine tools were differentiated by the nature of the work performed in manufacturing process technological operations. There are machines designed to perform one specific or several similar operations. So, in the group of universal lathes, a specialized machine appeared for boring long cylindrical and hollow products (such as gun barrels and propeller shafts). A horizontal boring machine was created, designed for precise boring of internal surfaces. The specifics of processing large parts of small length and large diameter led to the emergence of lathes. For heavy, large-sized products that are difficult to install on conventional lathes, vertical lathes are created. A prominent role in metalworking begins to play turret lathes, equipped with a special turret, in which various cutting tools are fixed. Some turret-type machines allowed up to 12-16 tools to be installed in one head.

Other types of machines are also differentiated. Of the drilling machines, radial drilling machines stand out, designed for drilling and subsequent processing of holes in large-sized parts that cannot be installed on conventional drilling machines. For planing the planes of large body parts (such as frames, beds, machine bodies), powerful longitudinal planing machines with a moving table 3-4 m long or more are created. Longitudinal and rotary milling machines appear, which allow processing several massive parts at the same time. Along with the usual grinding machines circular grinding machines are designed for external grinding, for internal grinding, etc. Equipment specially designed for cutting teeth in gear wheels is created: gear hobbing, gear shaping, gear cutting machines. The complication of machine parts and the specialization of metalworking lead to the emergence of spline milling, keyway milling, broaching, honing and other special machines.

In parallel with the development metal cutting equipment there was a process of technical improvement of other types of machine tools designed for metal processing. Thus, the need to obtain large metal blanks caused the design and construction of giant machines for forging and pressing metal products. In the 70-80s, steam hammers with a mass of falling parts of 50-75 tons worked at the Krupp factories in Germany. In 1891, a huge hammer with a mass of the working part of 125 tons was built in the USA. The height of this giant was 27.5 m, and the anvil weighed 475 tons; from the blows of the machine during its operation, the nearby factory buildings and buildings shuddered. The difficulties of operating giant hammers led to the spread of powerful hydraulic presses at machine-building plants for the production of large forgings. At work force hydraulic press 10 thousand tons, it replaces a hammer with a mass of falling parts up to 500 tons (the construction and use of such a hammer would be extremely difficult). Without powerful hydraulic presses, it would have been impossible to build many giant machines, in which individual parts weighed tens or more tons.

Increasing the productivity of metalworking equipment required the greatest possible mechanization of the main and auxiliary operations, and the reduction of unproductive time. At the same time, the narrowing of the functions of machine tools led directly to the simplification of the operations they performed and thus created favorable conditions for the introduction of automatic processes. Semi-automatic and automatic machines were created, in which the supply of the cutting tool to the working position, the supply of the tool and its retraction after work to its original position were performed automatically, without human intervention.

The first automated machines were woodworking machines, designed in the USA by K. Wipple and T. Sloan. One of the first metal-cutting machines was created by the American X. Spencer in 1873 on the basis of a revolving machine. Cams and a camshaft are used as a control device in this machine. The automatic machines of the Cleveland system that appeared in the 70-80s had devices for thread rolling, for fast drilling of holes, cutting slots, and milling four planes. Automata of the Brawn and Sharp system, etc., also became widespread.

The technical progress of the machine tool industry led to the creation in the 90s of the XIX century. multi-spindle automatic machines; their appearance was caused by the desire to maximize the number of simultaneously working tools and thereby increase the productivity of the machine by combining operations. In multi-spindle machines, dozens of shaped-cutting, through-line and axial tools could be included in the work. However, during this period, machines of this type were not yet widely used.

The growth in the volume of metalworking made it necessary to revise all previously existing means of cutting metals and caused their significant improvement. The invention of high-speed steel in the early 900s, which marked a major progress in tool production, had a particularly strong effect on the development of machining technology. This steel, first proposed in 1898 by the Americans Taylor and White, was called high-speed steel for its ability to maintain cutting properties at high cutting speeds.

Cutters made of high speed steel were first demonstrated at the World Industrial Exhibition in Paris in 1900. With the use of these cutters, the cutting speed was almost 5 times higher than the speeds allowed for cutters made of ordinary steel. carbon steel. The addition of special alloying elements (manganese, chromium, tungsten) to steel significantly increased the hardness of the tool and its red hardness, i.e., the ability to maintain its working properties when heated during processing. The hardness of the new steel did not fall even when heated to red heat (at a temperature of 600 ° C). Numerous experiments conducted in 1901-1906 led Taylor and White to the conclusion that the best high-speed alloy is steel with a content of 0.67% carbon, 18% tungsten, 5.47% chromium. 0.11% manganese, 0.29% vanadium and 0.043% silicon. High-speed steel of this composition was hardened by heating to a very high temperature (over 900 ° C), followed by rapid cooling in water. Tools made from high speed steel soon became widespread.

Even greater hardness and wear resistance were given to the cutting tool by hard alloys, in which carbides of alloying elements - tungsten, molybdenum and chromium formed the basis of the working part of the tool. In 1907, the Englishman Haynes was granted a patent for a hard alloy made of cast carbides, which he called "stellite". In subsequent years, other hard alloys of a similar type were also created, which, however, did not receive wide distribution at that time, since, with high hardness and red hardness, they were very brittle.

The use of tools made of high-speed steel and hard alloys led to a gradual change in the design of equipment, to the emergence of the so-called "quick cutting machines". To fully utilize the cutting properties of the new tools, machine tool designers had to provide greater cutting forces and faster speeds than with carbon steel cutters. More machine drive power, more speed steps, faster control and maintenance were required. Renowned technologist Prof. A. D. Gatsuk in the preface to the book by F. Taylor wrote that the appearance of high-speed steel opened new era in mechanical business.

Technological progress in the field of metalworking and machine tool building was inextricably linked with a new field of theoretical and experimental research, which later constituted the theory of metal cutting.

The beginning of the scientific study of processes machining metals was laid by the works of the famous Russian scientist, Professor I. A. Time. His studies of the chip formation process in the 60-80s at different feeds and cutting speeds made it possible to identify a number of patterns of chipping and fracture of metal chips, to formulate the theoretical foundations of metal cutting and to establish some cutting laws.

The results of numerous studies by I. A. Time were presented in his original work “Resistance of metals and wood to cutting. The theory of cutting and its application to machine-tools" (1870). The main provisions of the theory of cutting were further developed by Thieme in his Memoir on the planing of metals, published in 1877 in Russian, French and German, and then in the fundamental two-volume work Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering. Questions of the mechanics of the cutting process and the dynamics of metalworking were studied in detail by prof. K. A. Zworykin. His book "The Work and Force Required to Separate Metal Chips" (1893) was a valuable addition to the works of I. A. Time and was an important contribution to technical literature. The problem of rational cutting of metals attracted the attention of a number of other Russian mechanical engineers: A. V. Gadolin, P. A. Afanasyev, and A. P. Gavrilenko. In Europe, the phenomena that occur during the cutting of metals were fruitfully studied by Clarinval, Coquilla, Jossel, Tresca (in France), Hart, Harting, Wiebe (in Germany), and others.

An important role in the development of the theory and practical methods of cutting metals was played by the work of the American engineer F. Taylor. In the 1980s, he carried out mass experiments to determine the optimal cutting angles, cutter shapes, and metal cutting speeds. Based on almost 50 thousand experiments conducted over 26 years, it was found that each specific task includes up to twelve independent variables (metal quality, chip thickness, cutter cooling, etc.). Studying the dependence of cutting speed and tool life, analyzing the time spent on each operation, Taylor empirically and then theoretically established the most favorable cutting conditions in metalworking, which was of great practical importance for mechanical engineering. Since detailed calculations of cutting conditions proved to be quite laborious, Taylor and his co-workers created special "engine-building factories" with which machine operators could determine the necessary cutting conditions. Taylor's research, outlined in The Art of Cutting Metals, was then supplemented and summarized in his work on the basics of the organization of industrial enterprises, which later served as one of the justifications for the "sweatshop" system of organizing capitalist production.

An important feature of mechanical engineering in the late XIX - early XX century. there was an increase in the accuracy of the production of machines. This was largely due to the work of the famous English machine tool builder D. Whitworth, who introduced the principles and methods of precision work into mechanical engineering. Whitworth owns the invention of the first measuring machine; he introduced measuring gauges into the practice of mechanical engineering and achieved the ability to measure machined surfaces with an accuracy of hundredths, and later to thousandths of a millimeter. Whitworth gauges, which allowed for an accuracy of fitting machine parts of the order of one ten-thousandth of an inch, were already in the 80s and 90s an integral part of every large engineering plant in Europe and America. In the last years of Whitworth's life, his enterprise could manufacture measuring machines that ensured accuracy to one millionth of an inch. At the Whitworth plant, the principles of standardization and interchangeability of threads on screws were first implemented, which subsequently found the widest application in mechanical engineering and became the basis for the creation of unified and standard machine parts and assemblies.

The manufacture of numerous parts and parts of machine equipment on specialized and high-performance metal-cutting machines in compliance with the methods of accurate measurements, on a solid basis of normals, standards and principles of interchangeability of parts, prepared the technical basis for the transition of mechanical engineering to serial and mass production of products.

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Machine tool building is one of the key industries that largely determines the level of industrial development and technological independence of the state. This is a kind of technical nerve of mechanical engineering, the basis for the modernization of the entire industry. It is this industry that is critically important from the point of view of the development of such strategic segments of the industry as aircraft building, helicopter building, gas turbine engine building, shipbuilding, etc.

As you know, after the collapse of the USSR, the production of machine tools in our country fell tenfold. And if earlier Russia was one of the world leaders in this area and competed with the United States and Germany, then by the beginning of the 2000s they had slipped into the third ten, yielding even to the Czech Republic and Turkey. This situation was at first due to the general industrial decline, and then the orientation of domestic consumers towards the purchase of imported equipment. In the absence of sustainable demand, there were no people willing to invest in the domestic machine tool industry, existing enterprises gradually lost their potential or closed. Aging facilities did not allow the production of machine tools that meet modern requirements, and the attitude of Russian consumers to domestic equipment became even more negative. As a result, by 2014, the share of imports in the industry amounted to more than 90%.

The depreciation of the ruble and the deterioration of the geopolitical situation, on the one hand, exacerbated the problem of import dependence many times over, on the other hand, became the impetus for overcoming it. The need to revive the domestic production of machine tools was discussed at highest level, previously planned measures of state support were corrected and new ones were introduced. Today we will look at how the situation in the industry has changed over the past two years, what results have been achieved and what remains to be done so that the domestic machine tool industry can meet domestic demand and become competitive in the world market.

The market is growing, the share of imports is decreasing

According to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov, today the key consumers of machine tools are enterprises of the defense industry, heavy and power engineering, as well as the automotive and metallurgical industries.

At the end of 2015, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the size of the machine tool market increased to 100 billion rubles (against 62 billion a year earlier), and the volume of imports decreased from 88% to 80%. In 2016, experts predicted another 10% drop in the share of imports, but by the beginning of this year there were no loud statements in this regard. Nevertheless, almost all industry experts note certain positive developments. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, market factors related to the depreciation of the ruble and the solvency of Russian buyers help. Secondly, artificially imposed restrictions on the supply of machine tools from abroad and financial support measures Russian manufacturers.

“Thanks to the purposeful state industrial policy, mechanical engineering in general and machine tool building in particular began to gradually return to normal stable operation and received an impetus for further development,” notes general manager OOO "STAN" Vadim Sorokin.— The state, represented by the Government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, provides the industry with sufficient support. So, to replace government decree No. 1224, in January of this year, decree No. 9 was signed, which clarifies the procedure for the acquisition of Russian equipment for the needs of the country's defense and state security instead of imported equipment in the presence of domestic analogues. In addition, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2015 No. 719 “On the criteria for classifying industrial products to industrial products that have no analogues produced in Russian Federation».

In 2016, the Industry Development Fund launched a separate machine tool program, which finances investment projects in the industry. The budget also subsidizes R&D and interest rates on bank loans.

According to President of the Russian Association "Stankoinstrument" Georgy Samodurov, Decree No. 1224, which prohibits defense enterprises from buying foreign machine tools, taking into account the changes made to it in 2015, at one time also became a good incentive for the development of the industry.

“Thanks to the industrial policy adopted in the country, foreign firms have begun to think about organizing the production of metalworking equipment in Russia, and the process of organizing joint ventures is gradually underway,” notes G. Samodurov. — In 2016, a machine tool plant was opened in Ulyanovsk, built by the German concern DMG MORI. In addition, domestic investors also entered the Russian machine tool market, such as the STAN company, which owns the assets of six leading machine tool enterprises located in Ryazan, Kolomna (Moscow Region), Sterlitamak (Bashkortostan), Kimry ( Tver region), Ivanovo and Moscow. The STAN company has made substantial investments in the technical re-equipment of the above enterprises, updating model range manufactured equipment designed for complex precision machining of the most complex parts.

Help with money

Today, the main source of financial support for the machine tool industry is the Industrial Development Fund (IDF). In 2016, the FRP launched two programs that will be able to stimulate domestic machine tool manufacturers and upgrade the fixed assets of Russian factories.

The first program - "Creation of serial production of machine tool products" - provides for a loan available to domestic manufacturers of machine tools, their parts and components, industrial tools, technological equipment for mechanical engineering, devices for program control of machine tools. The amount of the loan under the program can be from 50 to 500 million rubles, the loan term is up to 7 years. At the same time, the company must co-finance only 30% of the project cost, while under the terms of the main FRP program, it is necessary to raise half of the project cost.

The second FRP program is Leasing Projects. Under its terms, the lessee can finance up to 27% of the total cost of equipment at a unique for Russia rate of 1% per annum in rubles, thus, the FRP loan can be up to 90% of the advance payment for the purchase of equipment.

In addition, machine tool companies can take advantage of the FRP's main program, which is called Development Projects. Under its terms, the borrower co-finances at least 50% of the project cost. In the main PDF program, the loan term is limited to five years. The maximum loan amount is 300 million rubles.

“As of February 2017, the IDF co-financed eight projects in the field of production of machine tool products and components for it,” he told our publication. Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Osmakov.— The total amount of loans on them exceeds 2.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the projects will make it possible to attract 1.9 billion rubles. private investment in the real sector of the economy. The total cost of the projects is more than 4.4 billion rubles.

At the same time, three out of eight projects were financed under the Machine Tool Building Program. All of them are aimed at solving various problems in the machine tool industry and are associated both with the production of individual components and entire machines. For example, the Innotechmet enterprise from the Kaluga region is preparing the production of stationary and drive units for CNC machines, as well as machine vices. NPO "Stankostroyeniye" has already established in Sterlitamak the production of ergonomic cases for machine tools with numerical program management. Another enterprise, Stankotekh, from Kolomna, near Moscow, is going to produce CNC turning and milling machines for processing parts made of cast iron, steels, non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

Problems that do not lose their relevance

Despite the obvious positive developments, it is still too early to say that the domestic machine tool industry is firmly on its feet. There is still a certain distrust of consumers in Russian products on the market. Many enterprises do not have the opportunity to update production assets, which affects the quality of products and labor productivity. The high dependence of production on imported components remains.

“Our business is negatively affected by the inertia of thinking of Russian customers, who are still convinced that domestic manufacturers do not produce the equipment they need and that the quality and service offered by our factories do not reach Western standards,” explains Vadim Sorokin. — Hence the lack of demand for Russian machine-tool products, and as a result, the shortage of funds for investment in production and development. We are constantly struggling with this prejudice. Gradually, the experience of using our machines convinces customers that they are in no way inferior, and somewhere even superior in quality to foreign equipment.

Another sore point for the majority of Russian machine tool plants is the depreciation of fixed assets, and it can be solved only by attracting large investments. However, now in Russia it is almost impossible to find long-term loans: most banks offer money for up to eleven months at 15% per annum or more. Obviously, this approach from the financial sector does not give the industry incentives to grow.”

Georgy Samodurov also speaks about the difficulties associated with high interest rates on loans. In his opinion, today Russian machine tool builders lose to foreign ones not only in technical specifications or product quality, how much according to the terms of delivery. Having access to cheap money, Japanese and European enterprises can offer Russian buyers a favorable installment plan for three to seven years. Domestic producers cannot afford such conditions.

Another problem of the industry is an acute shortage of engineering and highly qualified workers. The average age of workers in many machine-tool enterprises is approaching 50 years. Despite all the statements, in higher and secondary specialized education, there is still a large bias towards professions in the non-productive sector.

“Even specialized machine-tool universities produce, in our opinion, not enough engineers, a few of which go to factories,” says the general director of STAN. “Therefore, we ourselves systematically try to solve this problem at the corporate level. The company has become an active participant in the World Skills championships for young workers, we have begun developing a project to create our own Training Center, whose graduates receive job guarantees at the company's production sites.”

Win the competition

The current state support measures are aimed not only at the development of primordially domestic enterprises, but also at the transfer of technologies and the creation of production sites that produce equipment of foreign brands in Russia. In particular, all FRP programs are available not only to Russian, but also to foreign enterprises that are ready to localize production and register a business in Russia.

The country has different attitudes towards localization projects. Some are of the opinion that the support of Western business hinders the development of their own enterprises. Nevertheless, at the government level, they believe that events such as, for example, the opening of a DMG MORI plant in the Ulyanovsk region are an undoubted success. One way or another, the project brought 90 million euros of investment into the Russian economy, provided additional jobs and tax deductions.

According to the Stankoinstrument association, today about a dozen Italian, German, Czech and Swiss large companies ready to set up joint ventures in Russia. If this happens, competition within the country will increase. However, this does not frighten the leading Russian manufacturers. Provided that we are talking about fair competition and fair localization.

“Competition is a great incentive to work! Vadim Sorokin says. “Only in such an environment is it possible to form an effective structure capable of creating new products, upgrading, and developing a service system. Competition forces to concentrate the necessary intellectual potential and technological competencies that allow the company to develop along with global trends.

Another thing is that many foreign manufacturers, faced with the problem of Western sanctions and Russian counter-sanctions in mechanical engineering, began to actively explore the topic of assembly production in Russia. So some of our colleagues in the market import machine tools actually assembled in China and then simply attach the “Made in Russia” sign. This is also a form of competition. But it should be borne in mind that such projects aim to quickly recoup the investment. If a crisis occurs on the market, then such “collectors” will quickly curtail their production. They did not invest in the development of machine tools directly in Russia, did not form long-term relationships with local assemblers, and therefore quickly “freeze” assembly shops. We have seen this, for example, in the automotive industry.

It should be emphasized that domestic machine tool manufacturers have their own competitive advantages. We are focused on the durability and maintainability of our machines and machining centers. We invest in our own developments, and Russian market is a priority for us. Local manufacturers are more mobile, flexible and more customer-focused than multi-billion dollar multinationals.”

Georgy Samodurov believes that it is important for domestic enterprises to find suitable segments in a competitive market. For example, it is pointless to try to surpass the Chinese in the production of mass-produced universal machines. It is more useful to develop the competencies available in the country for the production of unique, non-standard, large-sized equipment.

About the machine tool industry of the future

Now the Ministry of Industry and Trade is developing a strategy for the development of the machine-tool industry, which should define a market development model, clear priorities and areas of work, and identify segments in which domestic pickers should be formed.

Obviously, no progress is possible without changing the financial and credit policy in the country and, possibly, creating special conditions for machine tool builders. In addition, our experts emphasize the importance of developing the engineering, technical and research potential in Russia, which makes it possible to create advanced equipment.

“We see the need for state support not only for production, but also for the development of machine tool technology,” says Vadim Sorokin. — We are convinced that having our own design competence is the cornerstone of national independence in the industry. Development support will contribute to the development of human capital, related industries, science, and, in the end, increase the prestige of the country.”

“The machine-tool industry in Russia will be developed taking into account the need for equipment for strategic industries,” says Georgy Samodurov. — First of all, these are processing technologies for non-traditionally superhard composite materials, the development of additive technologies, the transition to the Industry 4.0 concept, where the key role will be played by Information Technology. A special role is given to the creation of a scientific center for the development of the machine tool industry on the basis of MSTU "STANKIN". All of the above measures together will make it possible to increase the production of Russian machine tools and bring the industry to a new level.”

Ekaterina Zubkova

In 2016, the subprogram "Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry" of the Federal Target Program, which began its work in 2011, completed its operation. The sub-programme (SP) was designed for a significant increase in the machine tool industry.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation acted as the curator of the implementation of these plans.

By the beginning of the implementation of the PP in Russia, there were about a hundred machine tool companies whose output barely covered a tenth (these are official figures, and therefore could well have been embellished) of the needs of the Russian economy in machine tools and other tools for creating industrial products with high added value . For obvious reasons, such indicators clearly did not meet the demands that were in relation to Russian industrial production. It was necessary to do something in order to give at least some impetus to the development of the machine tool industry in the country after two decades of constant decline.

The implementation of the subprogram meant not only an increase in the number of domestically produced machine tools, but also the development of the entire complex of mechanical engineering, including R&D to develop the latest models in the field of machine tool building and the creation of new jobs at the industrial facilities of the machine tool industry. The total amount of financing for the implementation of this segment of the subprogram was assumed at the level of 50 billion rubles (by the time the implementation of the PP was launched, it was about 1.7 billion US dollars). Of these, about 52% - funds from the federal budget.

The start of the implementation of the subprogram at the “civilian” level actually coincided with the start of the implementation of plans for the rearmament of the Russian army. Initially, about 3 trillion rubles were provided for the development of machine tool building within the framework of the modernization program through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation until 2020. The amount is more than serious, and it inspired significant optimism about the fact that the machine tool industry in Russia will still go up, and very confidently.

Let's try to figure out what results the PP "Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry", which actually acted as part of the military-technical modernization project, came to.

And this is not at all easy to do, if only for the reason that 2016 ended more than 3.5 months ago, and data on the implementation of this part of the Federal Target Program for the mentioned 2016 has not yet been summarized and officially presented. In this regard, it would seem, why get ahead of ourselves - well, wait quite a bit, a week or two - you see, responsible "comrades" will present a report on the implementation of the PP for 2016 in particular, and for the period 2011-2016 as a whole. That's when it would have been possible to analyze what is there with the machine tool program. But here's the catch - it would be possible to wait, if not for one remarkable nuance. On the site that publishes reports on the implementation of various kinds of federal target programs, there are no final data not only for the past, but even for the year before last (2015)! The question arises: but how so? - How much longer to wait for the reporting on the implementation of the "machine tool" subprogram of the FTP?

The answer to this question in a somewhat veiled form is presented by the people who published the reporting on the FTP. It turns out that the sub-program under consideration, declared under the loud title “Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry”, actually ordered a long life back in 2014 (at least, there has been no reporting since then). It was in this year that the ardor of federal funding for the PP came to naught, and the subprogram itself, as a separate phenomenon of strategic importance, died. Here is a schedule and a table of budget financing and the so-called cash execution, "hanging" at the moment on the site. As you can see, the last 32 million rubles (which, according to the program, should not have been the last) were allocated three years ago.

And this is data on what specific plans for machine tool building in the Russian Federation were nurtured by the persons who created the paper version of the software, and what results the industry came to.

The expectation of the compilers of the PP in terms of the volume of products manufactured at the established production sites is 4.5 thousand by 2016. But the reporting on the results for 2011-2016 is zero point zero. That is, either the Ministry of Industry and Trade does not have data on this matter, or there is data, but it is either good or nothing about them ... So far, nothing ...

The expectation of the compilers of the PP about the introduced capacity at the created production sites for the production of the developed technological means of machine-building production is 672 per year. This is a plan, but in this case there is no data on the fact for any of the years of the subprogram implementation.

For the period from 2011 to 2016, it was planned to create 17 new systems of science-intensive components that ensure the production of dual-use equipment. Of these, 9 were executed (2012 and 2013).

Plans for the creation of computer systems for automated design, calculation, modeling, technological preparation of production, life cycle support - 45. Completed 26.

Plans for the creation of dual-use equipment systems for the manufacture of parts without machining - 22. Completed 19.

Plans to create tool systems– 14. Created – 11.

There are, in fairness, both fulfilled and even partially overfulfilled plans. For example, the plans for the implementation of the project for the creation of CNC forging and pressing machines related to technological equipment dual purpose (plan - 8, actual - 12).

For the time being, the reports were published by the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

Studying the implementation of the subroutine leads to another interesting fact. The Federal Register of Public Contracts says that there were contract plans for all years of the program, but no real contracting took place for more than two years.

In 2014, the last “trace” of the FTP reporting, the Minister of Industry and Trade stated that state investment in the industry would continue and reach the level of 5 billion rubles for the period 2014-2016, while the level of private investment would grow to 10 billion rubles. .

Denis Manturov:

Due to this, by 2020, the share of CNC machine tools produced in Russia in the domestic market will increase by more than three times, which will contribute to the modernization of industry and the development of a competitive Russian machine tool industry.

This is all great, but why wait until 2020 to announce the results that for some reason are not in the reporting table for the implementation of the subprogram that has already completed its operation? Perhaps because in the rating table of the main machine-tool states of the world, our country (in the presence of state programs and the relevant ministries in charge of their implementation) is still in the third ten. And when she claimed first place in the world ...

Against this background, there are individual enterprises that report steadily growing profits from the production of machine tool equipment.

In particular, the largest Russian machine tool manufacturer STAN reports on the growth in revenue, which has seven industrial sites from Moscow and Kolomna to Azov and Sterlitamak. Among the customers of machine tools are such companies as Russian Railways, Roskosmos, Rosatom, Rostec holding companies, etc. Stable profit growth suggests that the demand for high-quality machine tools in the country is really high, and this demand today is clearly not satisfied with domestic proposals. And in order for the proposals to be satisfactory in terms of quality and quantity, is it worth waiting for exactly 2020, in order to then again be perplexed about the “lost” reporting? Or is it still worth looking into the real effectiveness of FTP now?

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Russian machine tool building, the most important industry, without which it makes no sense to talk about import substitution and reindustrialization in general, is finally showing its first successes. Thanks to Western sanctions, which put the government in front of the need to restore the foundations of the industry, the machine tool industry received significant support from the authorities. State investments amount to tens of billions of rubles, new production facilities are being opened (about 100 large enterprises will be launched in 3-4 years), unique machine tools are being created, and the share of imports is being reduced (from 88% to 80%). For the first time in 20 years, the volume of processed goods in Russian exports exceeded 50%. Thus, the long-awaited structural changes in the economy have been launched in Russia.

From the leader of the machine tool industry to the "gas station country"

The importance of the machine tool industry for a sovereign economy can hardly be overestimated. Without it, there will be no airplanes, no combines, no tractors, no gas pipelines to Europe and China, no high-tech gadgets - all this is simply impossible to do if there are no machines on which all this should be made.

In the postwar years, the USSR competed with the United States for first place in the field of machine tool building. Already in the 50s, a program was launched to develop the production of new metal-cutting machine tools - the most demanded products in those years. At that time, the production of more than 250 new types of general-purpose metal-cutting machines, more than a thousand standard sizes of special and modular ones, was launched. Soviet Union lagged far behind Europe and the USA in this regard and was forced, like Russia now, to import such machines. But by the 1970s, large centers of machine tool building were created with factories, numerous design bureaus, research organizations, and the share of imports in this segment was reduced to 3% (now - 88%).

After perestroika, during the “heyday of democracy”, everything was allowed to Western companies and NGOs, and they gladly used the freedom to destroy the economic basis of our country. Under the slogans of a free market, the machine tool industry was literally killed - precisely and comprehensively. Respected consultants and invited experts did a good job in ensuring that the production of machine tools and devices was destroyed to the ground. The stock of machining equipment that provides Russian machine-building production has decreased by 1 million units since 1990.

Ivan Andrievsky, First Vice President of the Russian Union of Engineers, recalls:

“It got to the point that foreign machine tool builders under the guise of investors entered our enterprises and then sold them, as was the case with the Ordzhonikidze plant, for example. Thus, we have cleared the market for ourselves.”

Ivan Andrievsky

In subsequent years, despite the positive changes in the Russian economy, the industry was in the “pincers” of the market situation. On the one hand, with a total focus on imports, caused by high oil prices, there was no demand for the production of domestic products, and, consequently, no demand for machine tools. On the other hand, there were no people willing to invest in machine tool building until its products were in demand. Under such conditions, a double investment of funds is required: someone must first invest in the domestic industry in order for it to work, there is a demand for machine tools; after which it is necessary for someone to invest in the machine tool industry. It is possible not to explain why, under such conditions, the industry was in complete decline and there was not even close to a tendency to revival.

It is noteworthy that they - those who destroyed from the outside, and those who supported inside - now joyfully and proudly call Russia a "gas station country", forgetting for some reason at the same time to take on the "honorable" responsibility for turning it into one from the advanced countries of the world. They also forget that it began to transform under Yeltsin and Khodorkovsky, and began to revive under Putin - but the latter is credited not with positive developments, but only with the sad legacy of the “dashing nineties”.

Respawn Mechanism

To create demand for machine tool products, the state first of all, through reorganization, merger and re-profiling, formed the flagship companies of the domestic engineering industry: Rostec, Rosatom, United Aircraft Corporation, military-industrial complex enterprises, and also partly Gazprom and Rosneft, which, although they do not produce industrial goods, are direct consumers of the machine tool industry and pipe rolling, again returning us to machine tool building.

Thus, the initial groundwork for the reindustrialization of the country was created, when in many industries there were powerful and stable large producers. But at the same time, they still used imported machine tools, instruments, technologies, and even finished product units. For too long, ultra-high oil prices have allowed them not to develop these areas, but to rest on the laurels of raw material rent. The crisis and sanctions have changed this situation.

The inability to continue to rely on energy imports, the shocks in the currency sphere, which made imports completely unprofitable, as well as the regime of direct sanctions bans, finally returned our government to the need to continue the course it once started. As the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin notes:

“For the first time in 20 years in 2014, the share of non-primary exports amounted to 51.5%, and for 8 months of 2015, the volume of exports of processed goods has already reached 54.2%. There were investors in the industry. We also have projects in the machine tool industry, we have machine tools, including unique machines, which in recent years seem to have disappeared from our market, from production, at least.”

Sergei Katyrin

Western sanctions - both direct and financial - have created a de facto protectionist regime for the restoration of domestic industry and, above all, the machine tool industry, where we are extremely dependent on imports. However, new market conditions and government activity are creating new opportunities. Domestic machine tool industry is rapidly gaining momentum, restoring past achievements.

Vadim Sorokin, CEO of a machine tool company, says with satisfaction:

Returns to the issue of industry support from the oil and gas industry Sergey Volkov, Deputy executive director NPO "Machine Tool":

« New machine with numerical control, can process the world's most powerful oil and gas pipes and bends with a diameter of about one and a half meters with a wall thickness of up to 40 millimeters, capable of withstanding pressures up to 25 atmospheres. They are rolled up from huge steel sheets 5 meters wide. Such welded pipes used only in Russia, so they are called "Russian standard". This means that Russian machine tools are easier, faster and much cheaper to design, manufacture and deliver.”

According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, about 100 large enterprises will be launched in 3-4 years. The share of Russian machine tools with numerical control (CNC) in the domestic market will increase from 10 to 33%.

The first to support the new course will be the flagships of our industry: for example, at the facilities of the United Aircraft Corporation, it is planned to replace up to 33% of the fleet of machine tools with new domestic production.

Governmental support

In pursuance of the adopted law on industrial policy, a unique Industrial Development Fund (IDF) was created, which provides enterprises that have passed the selection with loans on unique terms: at 5% per annum for a period of 5-7 years in the amount of 50 to 700 million rubles. The total volume of the fund's program for the past year was 20 billion rubles, of which a significant share - almost 7.33 billion - was received by enterprises in the engineering industry.

In total, thanks to positive economic processes, the size of the machine tool market in Russia increased from 62 billion rubles in 2014 to 100 billion rubles in 2015. At the same time, the volume of imports has already decreased from 88 to 80%. And according to the adopted import substitution program, this figure should be reduced even more to 58% by 2020. So far, the dynamics indicate that there are opportunities to fulfill the plan.

The state is gradually increasing the capacity of the system integrator of the industry "Stankoprom", which is an analogue of "Rostec". He controls the import of equipment, combines foreign developments with Russian assembly, tries to develop domestic R&D and implement them.

The subprogram “Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry”, adopted earlier in 2011, with a volume of more than 50 billion rubles, made it possible to save factories in Sterlitamak, Ryazan, Ivanov, Krasnodar from bankruptcy, the Sasta plant in the city of Sasovo, Ryazan Region, Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant in Kimry, Tver Region , "Kirov-Stankomash" in St. Petersburg.

UAC intends to replace obsolete imported samples with the machines of the Sterlitamak plant. Mikhail Pogosyan, ex-president United Aircraft Corporation, explained:

“In total, we allocate 40 billion for the program of modernization and technical re-equipment. We opted for domestic machine tool builders for several reasons. Now the level of equipment is already sufficient to ensure the quality and durability of parts and components. That is, the ratio of price and quality suits us, and then the matter lies in such advantages as logistics - our equipment is faster to deliver, easier to install, and adjust. For example, earlier we held a competition in which the Sterlitamak Machine-Tool Plant won. As a result, its products turned out to be 30% cheaper than those of the global machine tool builder DMG with comparable characteristics.”

Mikhail Pogosyan

That is, yesterday's bankrupt, who was pulled out by the targeted state financing program, in just a few years managed to restore production, which, in terms of price / quality ratio, surpassed the analogues of world leaders! Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov is talking:

“Under the machine tool subprogramme, we have already created more than 100 new machine tools that need to be introduced into the industry. The volume of state investments for the development of the domestic machine tool industry in 2014-2016 will amount to more than 5 billion rubles, and attracted extra-budgetary funds - more than 10 billion rubles. Due to this, by 2020 the share of CNC machine tools produced in Russia in the domestic market will increase by more than three times, which will contribute to the modernization of industry and the development of a competitive Russian machine tool industry.”

Manturov Denis Valentinovich

In addition, adds Ivan Andrievsky, First Vice President of the Russian Union of Engineers, “The technical equipment of enterprises is still far from being at the proper level, because of the imported equipment they sell us only that which will become irrelevant in five years. High-precision equipment falls under long-established international sanctions by many countries.”

Unique machines

And there are areas where they will not help us even for money. In addition to the military-industrial sphere, which is obvious, one should not rely on foreign technologies for the development of the territories of the Far North - they are now under sanctions, and further, obviously, the list of closed technologies will only grow as the relevance of the development of the Arctic grows. The situation is the same in traditional and nuclear energy - here we are fiercely competing with the West, and it will definitely not help us with technologies and equipment. And, of course, space technologies and IT.

In all these areas of machine tool building, we have to rely only on ourselves. As we wrote earlier, the project of a mobile nuclear reactor is now being revived - it is very important for the tasks of developing the Arctic. The creation and operation of all types of nuclear power plants always entails the creation of a whole industrial chain of the most complex equipment, which is used both during the entire life of the nuclear power plant and after it has been shut down.

Or, for example, the newest all-terrain vehicle "OTZ-140 Amphibia" - a unique vehicle capable of moving on land and water. With a mass of 12 tons, the device can carry 4 tons of cargo in any off-road conditions and in the most severe environmental conditions.

The chief designer of the plant, Viktor Zaitsev, says:

“The machine was created for the conditions of the Far North, for places sparsely populated by people, where there are no roads, where a large number of various reservoirs. The car turned out to be extremely successful: it overcomes pits, ditches up to 3 meters wide, slopes, slopes up to 30 degrees.

The machine will be assembled from domestic components created at domestic factories. To date, this all-terrain vehicle has no equal in the world.

Thus, before our eyes, the cliché about the “petrol station country” is gradually becoming irrelevant. All that was needed was for the critics to convince everyone, including the patriotic audience, that nothing would come of the idea of ​​import substitution, as it gradually began to work. The first results obtained in such a short period of time (since 2013-2014) are already impressive and noticeable statistically. And until 2020, when the completion of the first stage of state programs is scheduled, there are still a few years.

Russia continues to demonstrate persistent and consistent movement towards the development of industry and overcoming the crisis. At the same time, one must understand that disappointments due to the lack of great results are due to the fact that many would like to see everything at once and by magic. But this does not happen - a serious result in such a fundamental industry as machine tool building usually becomes noticeable not earlier than in 5-6 years.