Dreams stabbed with a knife. Why dreamed of murder with a knife: interpretation of sleep

  • 20.09.2019

stabbed with a knife in the dream book

If you were stabbed with a knife - bad sign, foreshadowing problems in family life, the intrigues of competitors. If you were stabbed in the back, expect trouble from ill-wishers. Stabbed in the heart - family disagreements that can affect your health. Save your heart. If you were hit in the throat - do not make rash decisions, close people may be under the threat of your wrong step. They stabbed them in the stomach with a knife - a warning: take care of your family, there is a high probability of losing everything that is most valuable.

stabbed in a dream

If you are stabbed in the back - be careful! Your competitors are awake and will soon try to strike. Stabbed by a stranger - expect changes on the personal front.

stabbed in a dream

To dream that you were stabbed with a knife means a quarrel, serious losses, troubles, failures.

why stabbed with a knife

According to Freud's dream book, if you are stabbed with a knife, it means fear of something new. Don't be led by your fears, you should be more open to life. If you received a blow in the throat, you should moderate your temper, be more restrained. Also, a knife in your throat indicates that with some effort, you can cope with your troubles.


If in a dream you were stabbed with a knife - pay special attention to your health - the probability of illness is high. Also, you should not take on any serious business - the circumstances will develop in an unfavorable way for you.

stabbed with a knife in a dream what is it

If you dreamed that you were stabbed with a knife - be on your guard with people who were once caused suffering - there is a high probability of revenge on their part.

To the question And if you dreamed that they stabbed with a knife in the side, what is it for? given by the author Caucasoid the best answer is Any piercing-cutting effect on the body in a dream to the fact that it will hurt internal organ located where they were stabbed, pricked, etc.

Answer from Isolate[guru]
I recently dreamed the same thing! who stabbed you?

Answer from Parasyusha[guru]
Once upon a time I also dreamed of such a dream, only they stabbed me in the stomach with a knife, and so, nothing special happened after this dream, so don't worry!))

Answer from Resin[guru]
to change the place of residence

Answer from Kicha[guru]
I woke up, and in real life my stomach hurt, then I went to the hospital with an ulcer ...

Answer from Oljga Bashkirceva[guru]
In this case, I recommend going to the doctor and checking the organs in the place where the stroke was in the dream. This organism can give alarm signals, which during the day are drowned out by external events.
The world speaks to us through dreams too. And everyone has their own language for communication. The same symbols for different people have different meanings.
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Answer from Stranger[guru]
Seeing a knife in a dream is a bad omen, as it portends separation, quarrels, and losses in business.
See rusty knives- means dissatisfaction with family matters or a break with a lover.
Sharp and polished, knives signify impending worries.
Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. Seeing that you are wounded with a knife portends domestic troubles or the intrigues of your opponents. For the unmarried, this dream portends dishonor.
To see in a dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show a baseness of character;
You have to put in a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice.

A blow in a dream is always remembered, since it happens as quickly and unexpectedly as in life. A light slap, a punch, even a melee weapon - anything can be dreamed of. And such a dream is unlikely to be forgotten. Are you curious to know why you had such a dream? Let's flip through the dream book.

New family dream book

  • Why dream of a blow? You will be in the center of the showdown, you will become the object of mutual reproaches.
  • Get hit in a dream: you need to monitor your health.
  • The dream "the gift passed by or you protected yourself from it" suggests that you will be successful in relationships with people in different fields.

Gypsy dream book

A blow to the head in a dream from a stranger - you will learn a valuable lesson.

Old French dream book

Why dream of a blow to the face / back? An unpleasant event will require all your courage and resilience from you. (cm. )

Zhou-Gong's Chinese dream book

  • Kicking: You will receive wealth.
  • To hit your wife in a dream: you will waste energy.
  • The wife beats in a dream: there can be discord in the relationship.
  • Beats you stranger: you will gain strength.
  • Women beat each other in a dream: you risk getting sick. (cm. )
  • Brothers beat each other in a dream: you will unexpectedly benefit.
  • Why dream of stabbing: if you hit a person with it, it means joy and benefit. (cm. )
  • Dream interpretation: stabbing during a fight - fortunately.
  • Get hit with a mallet / club: you will be struck down by a disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting a blow in the face from a representative of the authorities - mourning for relatives.
  • Hit yourself with an ax / stab yourself with a knife: You will be very lucky. (cm. )

Eastern female dream book

  • Receive / give a weak blow in a dream: unexpected news.
  • Why dream of getting hit: old acquaintances really want to meet with you.
  • Dodge the blow: you will find a way out of any situation.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

  • The dream interpretation "strike in a dream" calls a sudden development of events. You need more time to understand what happened and how it might affect your life.
  • Strike yourself in a dream - get unexpected news.
  • To avoid a blow in a dream - no matter how difficult the situation is, you will always find a way out of it.
  • Protect loved ones in a dream and take a hit on yourself: due to the negligence of people from your inner circle, you will suffer damage.

Modern dream book

The dream book calls "a punch in the stomach" an unfavorable sign. After such a dream, you should not rush headlong into work, as there is a threat of a nervous breakdown. But if they stoically took the blow and didn’t turn their eyes, then there will be positive dynamics in business. (cm. )

Psychoanalytic dream book

This dream book interprets dreams based on images that are firmly entrenched in your subconscious mind, which have an impact on your psyche to one degree or another.

  • I dreamed of a "blow to the face" - this is an unpleasant truth that left an indelible impression and in an instant turned your life upside down. Now you just have to live with it.
  • I dreamed of a blow to the heart: you should trust people around you less. They can hide behind a smile, a friendly attitude, but as soon as their interests get under the slightest blow, they will deceive or set you up. (cm. )
  • Getting a punch in the stomach in a dream: this is a stopping blow of fate, which gives you another chance to change your mind and weigh the pros and cons in order to make the only correct decision.
  • Stabbed in the back: This is a betrayal, but you may not know who betrayed you.
  • Hitting someone in their sleep: You can get ahead of the game and let people know that games are bad with you.

Dream interpretation Hasse

To get hit - you will incur losses, to wait for the blow - you will bring another person to a loss.

Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person was struck in a dream with a willow branch, then soon a funeral procession awaits him.

Spring dream book

To get hit means that you will soon meet with old friends.

Summer dream book

Strike in a dream: you can be betrayed.

Autumn dream book

Get hit in a dream - you will suffer from the indifference of others.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Get hit when falling: guests with unfriendly intentions will show up.
  • Strike to the blood: wait for a relative on the doorstep of the house. (cm. )
  • Get hit with a stick - get a profit in reality.

French dream book

The dream book calls a stab in the back an unpleasant event that will take you by surprise.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Dream interpretation: lightning strike - you stumble upon a worthwhile idea. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a blow to the face - your honor will be in jeopardy.
  • Sleep: stabbing - painful betrayal.
  • Punch in the stomach in a dream: unexpected news that will stall your business.
  • Why dream of stabbing in the chest: at the first opportunity, familiar people will strike, just not to expose their interests. (cm. )


As you can see above, the blow is exclusively bad sign... Of course, there are exceptions, like meeting with old friends and relatives, but the vast majority of interpretations give a negative result. If you dreamed of a blow, then you should be on the alert in reality and gain strength to survive any "surprises" that fate may present.

When interpreting a dream, any little thing can be important. For example, determining what the knife in the stomach is dreaming of, you need to remember how he looked, who was the culprit of the injury, how the sleeping person felt. Sometimes in a dream, the knife in the stomach is not with the dreamer himself, but with one of his close people or just acquaintances.

What if dreaming about a knife in the stomach?

In general, such a cold weapon as a knife, dreamed in a dream, is a rather negative sign. The most dangerous situation is when the sleeping person is stabbed in the stomach. This dream suggests that all the most valuable and dear that is in his life can easily disappear at any moment. By the way, if the dreamer himself sticks the weapon in himself, then the blame for what happened will lie entirely with him.

Perhaps the person has long decided on treason and is finally planning to bring it to life. The dream suggests that the second half of the sleeping person will quickly become aware of the betrayal. As a result, for the sake of a fleeting affair and dubious sexual pleasure, he will have to say goodbye to family well-being, a faithful lover and the trust of children. This also applies to other similar situations.

If a man or woman manages to extract a knife from the abdomen in a dream on her own, this means that all negative predictions will not come true. For example, the person himself will come to his senses during the time and will abandon the erroneous actions planned in advance that can destroy his whole life.

If in a dream a person dies from a wound in the stomach, then this indicates that he is very weak morally and does not try to correct the current situation. As soon as problems arise in the dreamer's life, he immediately strives to shift them onto the shoulders of family and close friends who sincerely want to help him. Also, the sleeper tries in all possible ways to avoid responsibility. He himself does not understand that, because of his wrong behavior, he cannot build his own life exactly the way he wants. And besides, in the dreamer every day his loved ones are becoming more and more disappointed.

You should begin to correct the situation as soon as possible and fight your shortcomings. For example, try to independently solve at least the smallest problems for a start, and only then proceed to more complex and neglected ones. Over time, it will become easier for a person to cope with troubles on their own.

What portends?

If the dreamer himself attacks someone in a dream with a knife and hits him in the stomach with a weapon, this means that soon his deception will be revealed. This will be a real surprise for the sleeper. As a result, he can get a strong moral shock and even serious stress. Before it’s too late, it’s better to admit to the deception yourself in order to mitigate the consequences. This is true even if the unpleasant situation, in which you had to lie, happened a long time ago and at first glance everyone forgot about it. In fact, there is no statute of limitations for deception.

Pain in the abdomen, as if from a knife stuck into it, which in fact is not, portends a person strong mental anguish and torment in real life... For what reason they will arise, it is unequivocally difficult to say. But you can also find a clue on this topic by analyzing the details of the dream.

Of course, a knife that appeared in a dream, and especially one that ended up in the stomach of a sleeping person, is far from the most positive harbinger. But all the same, one should not worry too much about this. Just in a dream it will be easy to find a hint on how to cope with the troubles that have arisen.

The dream of cutting, sharp objects, as a rule, is only negative. Dream Interpretations a knife in the hands of a man or a woman is interpreted differently depending on specific actions in a dream. You do not need to take all your dreams literally, most likely, this is a reflection of some internal conflict, which the dreamer cannot figure out on his own.

It is especially necessary to treat such dreams with girls especially carefully, since daggers carry a masculine and aggressive principle. Such a dream is a reflection of their fears, inner insecurity and imbalance. However, it is necessary to separate the influence of such dreams according to specific situations.

First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly what role the woman played in a dream:

  • I was afraid of someone in a dream with a knife.
  • I cut myself.
  • Attacked someone with a knife in her hand.
  • They presented a knife as a gift.

If a girl in a dream dreamed of a man with a knife or if in a dream she had a feeling of fear for her life, this portends any unpleasant situations in reality, in which a woman will feel a sense of depression and self-doubt. Threat in a dream from another person with a knife in his hand would not mean a physical threat in real life. Most likely, it refers to the mental and emotional state of the dreamer.

For instance, if in a dream a woman is threatened with a knife by a man, then this indicates the likelihood of sexual aggression against her, since the knife is the personification of the male ego. But if in a dream another woman attacked a woman then this is an alarming signal. This is how self-directed aggression is often expressed.

Dreams like this portend depression, emotional discord, as well as severe systemic diseases. Quite often they are seen by those women who have recently had some kind of family disorder, while they blame themselves for the fact that the young man left or moved away from them.

If you saw like a dream, it is necessary to analyze all recent events in your real life, at what exact moment you were very dissatisfied with yourself, that this could provoke in you a loss of self-confidence, as well as in your powers and capabilities.

In order to avoid the negative consequences of such a dream, it is recommended to reduce your social activity for a while. To do this, you need to take a few days of vacation at work, spend this time alone with yourself, read books, take a walk. It is also recommended that you practice meditation or go to a quiet corner where you can come to emotional balance, finding peace and restoring faith in yourself.

Cut yourself with a sharp object

If in a dream a woman dreamed that she cut herself or inflicted a wound on herself with a sharp knife, then this foreshadows a possible serious illness in reality. Most often, problems arise with women's health, most likely, the vulnerable organ in this case will be the female mammary gland. In such a situation, you need to be more careful about your health, it is recommended to undergo an extraordinary examination.

If in a dream a woman was wounded by some close person, then this, oddly enough, is considered a positive dream. Most likely, this is a sign that they are worried about the dreamer and think, are ready for a lot for her. Such a dream does not threaten life and health.

If a woman received a wound in a dream in the chest area from a stranger, you need to be prepared for big losses. They can affect both material and spiritual life. The dreamer can lose everything that was the basis of calmness and balance for her. This includes your favorite work or relationships with loved ones.

Attack someone

If in a dream woman attacks someone with a knife, it reflects her inner feelings of fear and insecurity.

Perhaps a similar dream means imminent troubles for the dreamer that she will not be able to resist. This can include health problems or some kind of career difficulties.

It is also necessary in such a situation to be careful in communicating with colleagues. It is possible that one of them is aiming at your place or simply wants to put you in front of the authorities in an unsightly light.

There is also the likelihood of any problems with relatives, the dreamer can be accused of something, demanding from her some action that will affect the personal interests of the woman.

Receive a gift

Receive a gift in the form of a knife in a dream is fraught with a negative charge. Such gifts promise the dreamer a lot of trouble, it is possible that ill-wishers will try to prevent the woman from achieving her goals.

If in a dream a gift in the form of a knife was made by a certain person, then this means that he does not love a woman too much, and also harbors anger at her and wants to harm her with something.

If the knife was presented in a beautiful gift box, and the woman did not immediately discover what kind of gift she received, then this is a signal that pain and disappointment awaits her in the future.

If a woman was presented with a double-edged dagger or hunting knife, then it is necessary in real life to prepare for a painful and long separation from a loved one. You may have to part with this person forever.

Much also depends on what period of the lunar cycle the woman saw a knife in a dream:

  • In the middle of the lunar cycle, this dream is neutral, although it promises anxiety and trouble.
  • A full moon dream speaks of probable health problems.
  • See the knife on new moon- to problems in the family and to quarrels.

Apart from this, there are also many different options, the interpretation of which will depend on some factors - both temporary and plot.

Depending on the plot of the dream, there can be the following interpretations:

Melee weapons in a dream

The interpretation of a cold weapon dream will even depend on at what time of year the dreamer was born. If the birthday falls on autumn period, a knife is a signal of acquaintance with a very strong man who will become the best defender in the future.

According to Miller's dream book a knife is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream portends to the dreamer separation from a loved one or loss. If you dream of a dagger, then this suggests that the person who saw the dream is dissatisfied with the atmosphere in his family.

Azarov dream book the knife interprets as the desire of some person to see the dreamer in real life. Moreover, his desire is so strong that, most likely, the meeting will be in the near future.

By French dream book edged weapons dream of family quarrels. If the knife was a penknife, then enemies in reality will threaten welfare and life. Folding closed arms are a harbinger of treason.

Erotic dream book treats a knife as a waste, a significant loss of money, an exciting journey. Often this is also a prelude to an offer of relaxation in an entertainment establishment.

According to Vanga's dream book cutting your hand with a knife while cooking dinner for relatives, it is a symbol of the home's attempt to upset the dreamer's obscene character. This useless activity can develop into a family conflict in the near future.

If cutting objects fall out of hand, then this is considered a foreshadowing of guests who want to visit the dreamer's house.

Receive a set of kitchen knives as a gift suggests that in reality you should beware of deception from loved ones and friends.

Knife in the blood of the deceased is a sign that something is hanging over the family ancestral curse, in which the distant ancestors of the dreamer are to blame. Most likely, they caused God's wrath by their immoral actions and bad thoughts.

If a person holds a knife in his hand, then this is a sign of self-defense, which is justified by real events, where, most likely, the dreamer suffers from unreasonable aggression and attacks from others.

Murder or injury

As strange as it may sound, but almost all dream books give quite favorable forecasts if a person dreams of how he kills with a knife in a dream. This is a prediction of new opportunities that can lead to material independence and wealth.

If the dreamer in a dream kills his real enemy, throws a knife at him, then this is considered a victory over ill-wishers. The more serious the fight in the dream was, after which the murder took place, the harder it will be to cope with your opponent in reality.

If the dreamer was stabbed to death with a knife, this portends good health and long life. On the other hand, it is considered proof of weakness while dealing with various difficulties in life.

Guy with a knife in a dream, who was a participant in the attack, is a symbol of deception, which will soon be revealed and will be a big surprise for the dreamer, because of which health, both mental and physical, can suffer on stressful grounds.

If a person is stabbed in the back, then in reality his competitors are preparing some kind of unpleasant surprise. They will cunningly and imperceptibly strike a blow in the near future, so you need to be prepared for a change in life's circumstances.

Stabbed in the heart is a reflection of a person's real heartache, which is most often associated with disagreements in the family, as well as directly with the state of health. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist.

If a blow to the throat was received, then such a dream foreshadows a hopeless situation: a person will be faced with a difficult choice, and not only well-being or reputation, but also the integrity of the family will be at stake.

Stabbed in the stomach suggests that in reality you need to be very careful. All the most precious, valuable thing in life can soon disappear without a trace. We must take care of our family, not to conflict, and then it will be possible not to pay attention to such predictions of Sonic.

If you see in a dream how another person is being cut, unfamiliar, then in reality one should expect the appearance of a friend who will do anything for you. This person will be in the complete power of the dreamer.

But if the dreamer was cut in a dream with a knife, then this speaks of hypocrisy on the part of his friends, who in fact are worst enemies... In reality, they set a trap for the dreamer, so you need to be extremely careful and attentive, expecting a blow from the most unexpected side.

A cut Freud's dream book interprets as a complex nature of a person who saw such a plot. It is necessary to drive away all fears and embarrassment aside, and then life will slowly improve.

If you hit your enemy with a sharp object, then this is a sign of victory in a difficult matter. All ill-wishers will retreat, and the more accurate the blow was in a dream, the sooner this prediction will come true.

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