Dreaming of a rusty knife. Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • 30.09.2019

> > Knife

What is the dream of the Knife

Through this page you will learn why dream of a Knife in a dream according to the dream book.

What the knife is dreaming of is often projected onto your aggressive part of your nature. Very often, everything depends on the plot of the dream than on the subject itself. For example, it can be a symbol of betrayal, illness, or some kind of important events. Sometimes this is a harbinger of future troubles or quarrels with a man, also a nuisance.

It’s bad if you give someone a knife or give it as a gift, as this is a dangerous enemy. If there are too many of them, then to a quarrel, resentment against someone. It is very bad if they are stacked on top of each other and represent a cross. After this, a murder can often be committed or a war can begin. If you saddled this item, then a signal that you have abandoned your life.

Why dream of a knife according to Miller

Miller regarded what the knife was dreaming of as a rather dangerous omen. He suggested that such a dream entails scandals, strife, financial problems and farewell to people important to your life. Beyond that it all depends on the subject. If you notice traces of rust on the knife, then there is something that prevents you from enjoying family life. It is possible that you are even dissatisfied with your other half or her attitude. Also, these are problems in love, loneliness, lack of understanding and depth. But even a sharp knife will not bring joy, as it is followed by a state of anxiety. But broken, with a bent tip - this is the collapse of your hopes, unfulfilled plans and losses. Of course, it is foolish to wait for something bright if in a dream you were attacked and injured. Get ready to be set up. Surely there is an envious person at work or a fellow competitor. A blow can be received in the family. And if you attacked someone and threatened with a knife, then in reality you will act very badly. You are not too lazy to commit meanness just to achieve your goal. The psychologist advises in this case to better understand what justice is and change your worldview.

Why dream of a knife according to Vanga

Vanga also refers to what the knife is dreaming of, to the appearance of dangers and ill-wishers. A cut speaks of your indigestible disposition. If you inflicted a wound on yourself while cooking, then this is a quarrel with a family that is not satisfied with your character, and they will try to break you. If you dropped it on the floor, then soon a guest will come to the house, moreover, a male. Too bad if you get stabbed in the back. Since this is a well-known sign of betrayal. Your enemies have activated and are preparing to deal a serious blow. And your fall will not be enough for them. They dream of ruining life to the ground. Girls should not worry if she is attacked in a scene unknown man. This is not for trouble, but for simple changes on the love front. Vanga focuses your attention if you attacked someone. It is important if someone else's blood remains on the handle or blade. In such a case, some misfortune will befall you. But the fault will not be your actions, but the sins of your ancestors. Therefore, in order to change your destiny, you need to bring good to people. It is bad to receive a whole armful of knives as a present. Get ready to be scammed.

Why dream of a knife according to Freud

Freud attributes to what the knife is dreaming of some kind of sexual understanding. For example, if a cutting object simply lies on a stand or any other plane, and you do not touch it, then this is fear. Chances are you have had experience with failed relationships which ended very badly. Because of this, you are very worried and afraid to get involved in new novels. In this case, the psychoanalyst says that you do not need to hold on to the past, otherwise you will wallow in your complexes. It is best to plunge into a new relationship. For girls, a dream is important in which the knife is in trusted hands. This is a hint that you are behaving too loosely, and this looseness is already developing into vulgarity. If you continue like this, you will soon be punished. Beware of beautiful daggers. They will give you something, but a catch will be hidden in the souvenir. Buying a knife yourself, but with finishes or patterns, shows you as someone who wants to be in charge of the relationship. If you continue to insist, then everything will end in a break. The scenes where you are trying to cut something with a dull blade always speak of complexes and fear in sexual terms. But if a man has lost a knife, then for him all the girls are just objects for satisfaction.

Why dream of a knife according to Nostradamus

The knife is often perceived as a negative sign in most dreams, as well as most cold weapons. So Nostradamus equates what the knife is dreaming of with a manifestation of deceit or lies. It is possible that right now you are being misled or used for their own insidious purposes. He thinks it's very bad sign will get injured. It turns out that in everyday life, violence can also be shown to your person. Also, you can be severely insulted, humiliated, offended by your self-esteem and used in dirty games. It is bad if you found a dagger (no matter what it looks like) and held it in your palm or handed it to someone. This speaks of the danger approaching you. Your enemy is not asleep, and while you were trying to improve your life, he was preparing a trap for you. Be careful or you'll get caught. Well, if you decide to clean the blade. Such dreams promise a wedding. But things like sharpening will lead to fights and misunderstandings. Be afraid if you see two knives folded in the shape of a cross, as this may be a harbinger of a terrible murder or even hostilities.

A knife in a dream is a symbol of a tool for condemning a person and his actions. With the help of such a tool, you can inflict a moral wound on a person, or you can completely destroy it morally.

To sharpen a knife in a dream - soon get ready to condemn someone for his deeds.
A standing man with a knife in front of you in a dream - someone is preparing to condemn, weave intrigues and hinder you in the near future.

If in a dream they cut you with a knife, inflicting wounds, someone will very strongly condemn your views, actions and deeds. The stronger the wounds in a dream, the more negative thoughts and words will be directed in your direction in reality. The more people cut you in a dream, the more people will condemn you in reality.

Accordingly, if you cut a person in a dream, then you will condemn his life, if you cut a group of people, then you will condemn some kind of team or community of people.
The stronger the wounds from cuts with cold weapons, the stronger the moral damage will be for the one who was cut in a dream.


Seeing a knife in a dream is a bad omen, as it portends separation, quarrels, and losses in business.

Seeing rusty knives means dissatisfaction in family affairs or a break with a lover.

Sharp and polished knives mean future worries.

Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. To see that you are wounded with a knife portends domestic troubles or intrigues of your opponents. For the unmarried, this dream portends dishonor.

To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character;

You have to make a lot of efforts to develop a high sense of justice in yourself.

A dagger seen in a dream indicates enemies threatening you. If you tear the dagger out of someone's hands, it means that you will be able to counteract the influence of your opponents and overcome misfortune.

Seeing a bayonet in a dream means that your ill-wishers will try to subjugate you to their power. But if the bayonet belongs to you, the situation will be favorable for you.

Wangi's dream book.

In a dream, this symbol means eventfulness, enemies, betrayal.

In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

A dream in which a knife fell out of your hands means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.

Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to strike you with a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!

If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and it became stained with the blood of the victim - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.


Knife - quarrel, separation.
Rusty knife - parting with dishonor.
Very sharp, shiny - strong feelings.


Knife, dagger to see - a warning from the enemy; get involved in an argument.
Seeing a lot of knives is a lie.
Shoe knife, cut them - sadness, funeral service.
Dagger - you will find out the secret; enmity, struggle, overcoming obstacles.
Folding knife - the danger of illness, loss.
To play with a knife, a dagger - to inflate anger in oneself, to cherish plans for revenge, to overestimate one's capabilities.
For a woman to see a dagger, to admire it - secret anger at her friends; conceal masculine qualities in oneself.
To collect them for a woman is to indulge in voluptuousness, more in dreams than in reality.
A man to collect them - to make secret enemies.
To find a knife is to acquire a bad friend.
Sharpen - peace with the enemy.
Cutting something meaningless, strange - separation.
Cutting in general is inconstancy.
Throw it - start an argument.
Giving is a warning.
Sticking a knife in the throat is a failure.

Discussion: 4 comments

    The dream does not come out of my head - I remembered one more detail. In today's dream, after I cut the throat of a stranger, I began to rinse the scissors from the blood in a bowl of clean water- to remove the "traces" of the crime, but, strangely, the water in the bowl remained clean, despite the fact that the scissors were washed in it. And then in a dream I felt relief, a feeling that everything was over.
    It was I who added the continuation of the dream, which I described above.
    Thank you for your help in understanding and interpreting!


    1. It is necessary to get rid of the problem or error, but it does not work. Trying to justify your actions taken. Attempts are futile. The last actions are more correct, but still far from ideal. The strategy is wrong. I recommend to stop, catch your breath and “not twitch” for a while, gather your thoughts, think everything over, switch to a calm mode if possible, get distracted. And "kill the problem permanently" is effective.


    Good day! Everything is very well written, and the recommendations are all absolutely correct. I myself understand that it is necessary to resolve the issue once and for all, but the situation is such that I do not understand at all how exactly to do this. In fact, I’ve already “stopped and don’t twitch”, that’s just time is running It's been six months now and nothing has changed... Your parting words that “The last actions are more correct” encouraged me very much, but it’s just that it’s not easy for me to understand exactly what these actions are, most likely, these are my intentions - now we need to carefully understand them.
    Thank you sincerely! And prosperity to your project!


    1. Thank you. I can only timidly express my opinion that it is necessary to tear as soon as possible and without rassusolization what brings such problems long time and finally and irrevocably. But only you can figure it out correctly, which I sincerely wish you.))


Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

What is the dream of the Knife

  • A powerful symbol of both creative and destructive forces.
  • It may mean that you cut off everything superfluous and unnecessary, like thorns on a rose. Cut off old stereotypes of thinking and behavior.
  • If in a dream you are being chased with a knife, this may mean fear that you will be stabbed in a physical, emotional or sexual sense.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • The knife can be a symbol of both creative and destructive forces. But it may indicate that everything superfluous in life is cut off - old ideas, ideas and stereotypes of behavior. Or it symbolizes the removal of the thorns of the rose and the casting away of excess clay when sculpting vessels. What do you need to remove from your life? Make an even cut and throw away everything you don't need.
  • Knives can symbolize fear of emotional or physical injury. And also before the entry of the penis. Have you been stabbed in the back?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • good value
    If you dreamed kitchen knife you will be invited to dinner soon. Just wait for an invitation.
  • bad value
    If you dreamed hunting knife someone wants to kill you. To prevent the enemy from succeeding, rub your entire body with corn oil for a week before going to bed.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • Knife, dagger to see - a warning from the enemy / you will be involved in a dispute.
  • Seeing a lot of knives is a lie.
  • Shoe knife, cut them - sadness, funeral service.
  • Dagger - you learn the secret / enmity, struggle, overcoming obstacles.
  • Folding knife - the danger of illness, loss.
  • To play with a knife, a dagger - to inflate anger in oneself, to cherish plans for revenge, to overestimate one's capabilities.
  • For a woman to see a dagger, to admire it - secret anger at her friends / hide masculine qualities in herself.
  • To collect them for a woman is to indulge in voluptuousness, more in dreams than in reality.
  • A man to collect them - to make secret enemies.
  • To find a knife is to acquire a bad friend.
  • Sharpen - peace with the enemy.
  • Cutting something meaningless, strange - separation.
  • Cutting in general is inconstancy.
  • Throw it - start an argument.
  • Giving is a warning.
  • Sticking a knife in the throat is a failure.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • The knife dreams of separation, quarrels and losses in business.
  • A rusty knife means dissatisfaction in family affairs or a break with a loved one.
  • A sharp and polished knife portends future worries, a broken one - the collapse of all hopes.
  • If you saw in a dream that you were wounded with a knife, get ready for domestic troubles and intrigues of enemies.
  • I dreamed that they themselves rushed at someone with a knife - show not the best sides of his character.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • Symbol of quarrels. Wearing a knife on your belt is an unsuccessful love affair. Folding or penknife - the quarrel will be frivolous and will soon be settled. See also Dagger.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • The image of aggression, cruelty or sexual violence. If a person sees a knife in a dream, the greatest attention should be paid to the plot of the dream as a whole. you can understand exactly what kind of injuries received from someone's cruelty are now preventing you from living a full life.

Dream Interpretation: Vintage french dream book

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • A knife in a dream often portends family quarrels. to see an open penknife - promises a threat from your enemies. A closed knife is a warning about possible infidelity in love.

Dream Interpretation: Vintage English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • This is a very bad dream. if you see knives cleaned and ready to use for festive table, then this dream is a harbinger of poverty. if the knives are especially shiny and extremely sharp - this is a warning about enemies, about possible evil intrigues against you.
  • If in real life you participate in a lawsuit, then after such a dream it will certainly end not in your favor. For married people, this is a sign that your life partner (or partner) may be unfaithful to you; and a dream threatens a lover with the fact that his beloved will reject him and marry another.
  • After a dream about knives, troubles and losses in trading, a lot of insidious competitors await you.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • You inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an axe. - portends great luck, benefit.
  • You receive a knife or an ax from a person. - There will be an appointment soon.
  • Knives or sword fall into the water. - portends the death of his wife.
  • You lose a knife, a sword, a saber. - portends ruin, monetary loss.
  • You travel, you walk with a sword or a knife in your hands. - portends material gain.
  • You sharpen the edge of a knife or sword. - portends joy, good luck.
  • You give the person a knife or a dagger. - portends misfortune.
  • The sword or knife lies at the head of the bed. - portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • A bad omen, symbolizes quarrels, partings, failures in business. A rusty knife is a sign of dissatisfaction. A knife with a sharp blade is a symbol of anxiety and grief. Beware of enemies. A broken knife prophesies defeat.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Aesop

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • A symbol that is associated, on the one hand, with the economy, and on the other, with murder.
  • To dream that you are riding a knife like a horse - you pay little attention to the household, and for this reason problems may arise.
  • To dream that you are looking for a knife or an ax, but you cannot find anything - this is a symbol of a vicious circle, the confusion of affairs, the inability to find a beginning and an end, to solve a problem, a symbol of hopelessness.
  • To dream in a dream in which you are talking with a person who utters insults to you, and you cannot object, you only feel a dagger pain in the region of the heart - to deep feelings that will weaken your health; to conflict with strangers; be careful of your enemies and those whom you have previously hurt or offended.
  • To dream that you will learn news from which you do not want to live, and you understand that you were stabbed without a knife - if you tend to exaggerate what is happening around, do not pay attention to it; stop communicating with people who annoy you, with those who do not find a common language with you.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • Seeing a knife in a dream is a bad omen, as it portends separation, quarrels, and losses in business.
  • Seeing rusty knives means dissatisfaction in family affairs or a break with a lover.
  • Sharp and polished, knives mean coming worries.
  • Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. To see that you are wounded with a knife portends domestic troubles or intrigues of your opponents. For the unmarried, this dream portends dishonor.
  • To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character;
  • You have to make a lot of efforts to develop a high sense of justice in yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • quarrel, separation;
  • rusty - parting with dishonor;
  • very sharp, shiny - strong feelings.

Dream Interpretation: Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • In a dream, this symbol means eventfulness, enemies, betrayal.
  • In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.
  • A dream in which a knife fell out of your hands means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.
  • Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to stab you from behind a corner. Be careful!
  • If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.
  • In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and it became stained with the blood of the victim - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.
  • If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Knife in a dream

  • Seeing a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to meet new people. This is because you once "burned" very badly. Try to be more objective and not be led by your own fear.
  • If in a dream you saw that one of your friends picks up a knife to cut something, then such a dream suggests that you are currently walking on the verge of what is permitted, but for some reason you think that no one around notices this. Expect the consequences of your frivolous behavior soon.
  • See in a dream beautiful knife- You will receive a gift from someone you do not expect. But this gift will not be entirely harmless - expect a catch.
  • Cutting something in a dream with a blunt knife - your complexes, which come from adolescence, it's time to outlive themselves a long time ago. But you constantly nourish subconscious fears, thereby not only not getting rid of, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.
  • If in a dream you lost a knife and cannot find it, then such a dream suggests that you are currently too tired and this does not give you the opportunity to take sex easily. You perceive it as a duty that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, such a situation in a dream suggests that he cannot completely relax in the company of his partner, perceiving her solely as a sexual object. In both cases good decision there would be a change of scenery, which gives a lot of room for imagination.
  • Buying a decorative knife in a store - you always strive to control the situation, you want your partner to always do only what you want. If you achieve your goal, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the result - you will have no one to love, except perhaps your shadow.

What is the dream of the Knife

  • Symbolizes physical or other, but always destructive aggression. Represents a hopeless situation or a negative impact on the mental level in its deadly or destructive phase. In other cases, it means the real background of any phallic activity associated with the Oedipus complex, which, more than all human activity, is the result of the introduction of an alien program based on the figure of the mother.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream Interpretation Knife

  • Find - weigh your words; to buy - you can easily acquire property; to cut them - to observe their own benefit; lose a knife - you will be ambushed; receive as a gift - will be invited to the table.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

What is the dream of the Knife

  • A knife seen in a dream portends separation, quarrels with your loved one, as well as material costs for hobbies and recreation. It is likely that soon you will be offered to spend the night in a club or visit a strip show.

In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: latest dream book G. Ivanova, Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberty, Hasse's dream book, gypsy dream book, an old French dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Miller's dream book, Assyrian dream book, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, medieval dream book of Daniel, dream interpreter (1829), Freud's dream book, Slavic dream book, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, Veles dream book, old English dream book (Zedkiel’s dream book), Loff’s dream book, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, Taflisi ancient Persian dream book, dream book for women, lunar dream book, dream book of love, Aesop's dream book, dream book of lovers, and others.

Through this page you will learn why dream of a Knife in a dream according to the dream book.

What the knife is dreaming of is often projected onto your aggressive part of your nature. Very often, everything depends on the plot of the dream than on the subject itself. For example, it can be a symbol of betrayal, illness, or some number of important events. Sometimes this is a harbinger of future troubles or quarrels with a man, also a nuisance.

It’s bad if you give someone a knife or give it as a gift, as this is a dangerous enemy. If there are too many of them, then to a quarrel, resentment against someone. It is very bad if they are stacked on top of each other and represent a cross. After this, a murder can often be committed or a war can begin. If you saddled this item, then a signal that you have abandoned your life.

Why dream of a knife according to Miller

Miller regarded what the knife was dreaming of as a rather dangerous omen. He suggested that such a dream entails scandals, strife, financial problems and farewell to people important to your life. Beyond that it all depends on the subject. If you notice traces of rust on the knife, then there is something that prevents you from enjoying family life. It is possible that you are even dissatisfied with your other half or her attitude. Also, these are problems in love, loneliness, lack of understanding and depth. But even a sharp knife will not bring joy, as it is followed by a state of anxiety. But broken, with a bent tip - this is the collapse of your hopes, unfulfilled plans and losses. Of course, it is foolish to wait for something bright if in a dream you were attacked and injured. Get ready to be set up. Surely there is an envious person at work or a fellow competitor. A blow can be received in the family. And if you attacked someone and threatened with a knife, then in reality you will act very badly. You are not too lazy to commit meanness just to achieve your goal. The psychologist advises in this case to better understand what justice is and change your worldview.

Why dream of a knife according to Vanga

Vanga also refers to what the knife is dreaming of, to the appearance of dangers and ill-wishers. A cut speaks of your indigestible disposition. If you inflicted a wound on yourself while cooking, then this is a quarrel with a family that is not satisfied with your character, and they will try to break you. If you dropped it on the floor, then soon a guest will come to the house, moreover, a male. Too bad if you get stabbed in the back. Since this is a well-known sign of betrayal. Your enemies have activated and are preparing to deal a serious blow. And your fall will not be enough for them. They dream of ruining life to the ground. Girls should not worry if an unfamiliar man attacks her in a scene. This is not for trouble, but for simple changes on the love front. Vanga focuses your attention if you attacked someone. It is important if someone else's blood remains on the handle or blade. In such a case, some misfortune will befall you. But the fault will not be your actions, but the sins of your ancestors. Therefore, in order to change your destiny, you need to bring good to people. It is bad to receive a whole armful of knives as a present. Get ready to be scammed.

Why dream of a knife according to Freud

Freud attributes to what the knife is dreaming of some kind of sexual understanding. For example, if a cutting object simply lies on a stand or any other plane, and you do not touch it, then this is fear. Most likely, you have previously had an experience with unsuccessful relationships that ended very badly. Because of this, you are very worried and afraid to get involved in new novels. In this case, the psychoanalyst says that you do not need to hold on to the past, otherwise you will wallow in your complexes. It is best to plunge into a new relationship. For girls, a dream is important in which the knife is in trusted hands. This is a hint that you are behaving too loosely, and this looseness is already developing into vulgarity. If you continue like this, you will soon be punished. Beware of beautiful daggers. They will give you something, but a catch will be hidden in the souvenir. Buying a knife yourself, but with finishes or patterns, shows you as someone who wants to be in charge of the relationship. If you continue to insist, then everything will end in a break. The scenes where you are trying to cut something with a dull blade always speak of complexes and fear in sexual terms. But if a man has lost a knife, then for him all the girls are just objects for satisfaction.

Why dream of a knife according to Nostradamus

The knife is often perceived as a negative sign in most dreams, as well as most cold weapons. So Nostradamus equates what the knife is dreaming of with a manifestation of deceit or lies. It is possible that right now you are being misled or used for their own insidious purposes. He thinks it's a very bad sign to get hurt. It turns out that in everyday life, violence can also be shown to your person. You can also be severely insulted, humiliated, hurt your self-esteem and used in dirty games. It is bad if you found a dagger (no matter what it looks like) and held it in your palm or handed it to someone. This speaks of the danger approaching you. Your enemy is not asleep, and while you were trying to improve your life, he was preparing a trap for you. Be careful or you'll get caught. Well, if you decide to clean the blade. Such dreams promise a wedding. But things like sharpening will lead to fights and misunderstandings. Be afraid if you see two knives folded in the shape of a cross, as this may be a harbinger of a terrible murder or even hostilities.

Why did the Knife dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Ambiguous dreams, like those when dreaming of a knife, traditionally portend strong feelings and sharp changes, both in the social aspect of life and in the personal. Barely noticeable nuances easily shift the emphasis of the symbolism of this image. For example, a strong blade is needed both for the household and for killing unwanted people, which only makes it more difficult to try to find the right path.

  • Why dream of a knife - the image of a knife in dreams often becomes an omen of a quarrel from scratch, separation from a dear person.
  • I dreamed of a rusty knife - resentment gradually dissolves.
  • We saw an ordinary kitchen knife in a dream - in reality, it will be necessary to make decisions with the utmost care.
  • When in a dream you successfully defend yourself with a knife from an attack, then in reality you will receive a solid compensation and improve your financial situation.

Why did the Knives dream (Psychiatric dream book)

For the psycho-emotional subtext of the plots of dreams with knives, a certain ambiguity is characteristic, which is based on the interpretation of related details.

  • Why dream of a beautiful knife as a weapon - a dream can symbolize the appearance of a threat from someone from your environment. Some dream books interpret such an image as a symbol of cruelty, destructive aggression and even death.
  • Sometimes the weapon represents a real projection of the activity associated with the presence of the Oedipus complex.
  • In a dream, how do you cut something with a dull knife? It means that you took too long to get rid of teenage complexes, feeding subconscious fears that are already quite strong in you.

Why is the Knife dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • Why does a man dream of a knife - love dream books offer two interpretations of signs. If you dream of a knife that is well sharpened, with a shiny blade and a beautiful handle, then in reality you will experience strong feelings and an explosive passion that must be controlled in order to avoid tragedy.
  • Have you seen in a dream a neglected knife with a rusty blade? This is a symbol of your activity with a phallic background, which is most often based on dissatisfaction with family relationships.
  • Tolerable with the image of a closed folding knife is interpreted as an omen of deceit and treason.
  • Why dream of a knife lying on the table - a reflection of your fears of new acquaintances.
  • I dreamed of a knife in someone's hands - this can serve as a warning that your frivolity in behavior is really fraught with consequences.

We analyze the vision in which the Blade was dreamed (psychologist A. Meneghetti)

A dreaming knife is a symbol of aggression, cruelty, death, sexual aggression or the male genital organ. Usually, when a person sees such an image, the plot as a whole is of greater importance than this image itself.

Destructive, destructive, killing aggression is connected with this image. In another case, this image represents the real background of activity, the mechanism of which is the Oedipus complex, activity in phallic sound, where the Oedipus complex is considered as some kind of programming. In other words, a kind of alien programming by a number of controlling structures.

Why does a woman dream of a Knife (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • In a dream, this symbol means eventfulness, enemies, betrayal.
  • Rusty knives dream of dissatisfaction in family affairs or a break with a lover.
  • Why dream of a sharp and polished knife often means anxiety and anxiety.
  • A broken knife is the collapse of all hopes.
  • If in a dream an attacker with a knife tries to attack you, expect changes in your personal life.
  • Seeing someone stabbing you in the back with a knife is a warning that in reality, ill-wishers will try to stab you from behind a corner.
  • To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character. You have to put in a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about Knives (allegories of the writer Aesop)

Why dream of a knife? The knife is a symbol that is associated, on the one hand, with the economy, and on the other, with murder.

  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are riding a knife like a horse - you pay little attention to the household, and for this reason problems may arise.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are looking for a knife or an ax, but you cannot find anything - this is a symbol of a vicious circle, the confusion of affairs, the inability to find a beginning and an end, to solve a problem, a symbol of hopelessness.
  • To see a dream in which you are talking with a person who utters insults to you, and you cannot object, you only feel a dagger pain in the region of the heart - to deep feelings that will weaken your health; to conflict with strangers; be careful of your enemies and those whom you have previously hurt or offended.
  • To see that you learn news from which you do not want to live, and you understand that you were stabbed to death without a knife - if you tend to exaggerate what is happening around, do not pay attention to it; stop communicating with people who annoy you, with those who do not find a common language with you.

Analysis of the dream in which the Knife dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • Why dream of a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to meet new people. This is because you once got very badly burned. Try to be more objective and not be led by your own fear.
  • You saw that one of your friends takes a knife in his hands to cut something, then the dream says that you are currently walking on the verge of what is permitted, but for some reason you think that none of those around you does not notice. Expect the consequences of your frivolous behavior soon.
  • Seeing a beautiful knife - you will receive a gift from someone you do not expect from. But this gift will not be entirely harmless - expect a catch.
  • Cutting something in a dream with a blunt knife - your complexes, which come from adolescence, it's time to outlive yourself a long time ago. But you constantly nourish subconscious fears, thereby not only not getting rid of, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.
  • If you have lost a knife and cannot find it, then the dream indicates that you are currently too tired and this does not give you the opportunity to easily relate to sex. You perceive it as a duty that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, such a situation in a dream suggests that he cannot completely relax in the company of his partner, perceiving her solely as a sexual object. In both cases, a change of scenery would be a good solution, which gives a lot of room for imagination.
  • Why dream of buying a decorative knife in a store - you always strive to control the situation, you want your partner to always do only what you want. If you achieve your goal, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the result - you will have no one to love, except perhaps your shadow, as the dream book predictor reports.

Knife - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Getting stabbed in a dream means that you may be insulted and abused.
  • Dreaming of knives in a pile - to insults and quarrels in the family.
  • Seeing someone else's knife in a dream - be careful in dealing with enemies.
  • I dreamed of sharpening a knife - beware of rash steps.
  • To receive a knife as a gift in a dream means that you will make peace with your enemies.
  • In a dream, throwing knives or discs - you have embarked on a slippery slope of unseemly deeds.
  • I dreamed of a knife handle, without steel - too riotous and cheerful life will cause significant damage to your health.

Why dream of a Knife in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing knives in a dream portends separation, quarrels and losses in business.
  • A rusty knife is dreaming - portends dissatisfaction in family affairs or a break with a lover.
  • Seeing sharp and polished knives - future worries.
  • I dreamed of a broken knife - the collapse of all hopes.
  • To dream that you are wounded with a knife - domestic troubles or intrigues of your opponents.

The meaning of the dream about the Knife (Wangi's Dream Book)

  • Why dream of a knife in a dream book - in a dream this symbol means eventfulness, enemies, betrayal.
  • In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.
  • If a knife fell out of your hands in a dream, it means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.
  • Seeing someone stab you in the back is a warning that in reality, ill-wishers will try to stab you from around the corner. Be careful!
  • Seeing that some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream predicts changes in your personal life.
  • In a dream, you hit someone, and the knife became stained with the blood of the victim - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.
  • Seeing that you have been presented with a set of knives means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • "Sharpen a knife against someone" - prepare for an attack.
  • "On the edge of a knife" - a critical situation.
  • "Double-edged sword" - a hopeless, contradictory situation.
  • “Cross swords with someone” - an argument, a duel, a confrontation.
  • “To be on knives” - conflict, quarrel;
  • “Sheathing the sword” is reconciliation.
  • “To kill without a knife” - to greatly surprise or upset.
  • “Put on a knife” - kill; "weapon of revenge"
  • "Plunge a knife into yourself" - change your mind, change your plans.
  • "Plunge a knife into another" - to love, to experience the desire to be loved.

What does a dream with a Knife mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of a knife in a dream, being wounded with a knife - To fierce love. Knife - By the arrival of guests. To sharpen a knife - To the intention to find out the relationship. Knife at the throat - On demand.
  • If in the summer in a dream you had a knife wound, you will fall in love and suffer greatly. Stick a knife - Seeing in a dream how someone sticks a knife - to a massacre with you or your family. Knife - Seeing a knife in a dream - to get to know strong man. To sharpen a knife is to start a bad business. Seeing someone threatening you with a knife is an unpleasant showdown.
  • In the fall, why dream of getting wounded with a knife in a dream means that your friend will put a pig on you. Stick a knife - Seeing a stuck knife in a dream is a curiosity.
  • In winter, why dream of finding a rusty penknife in a dream - your whole life will be accompanied by a series of misfortunes. Knife - To sharpen a knife in a dream - to cook some kind of dirty trick. Seeing someone threatening you with a knife is an unreasonable threat.