Born 31. Unsuccessful relationships develop with people

  • 02.07.2020

This is the best date of birth for those fours who are going into business and management, and if you develop your skills, you will be very successful in life - both in terms of money and in terms of career. Collaboration is an important part of your job that needs time and effort. But a person with such a date of birth, most likely, will be a long-liver and will be able to maintain both strength of character and physical strength until old age, will be purposeful and active. You always repay kindness for kindness and never forget those who have done you a favor. Try not to strive too much for wealth in order to avoid possible disappointment, and most importantly - do not try to take too much from life at once.

You feel a great responsibility for those who are dear to you, including colleagues, friends and family. Determined and persistent, you are ready to make a lot of efforts to achieve the desired result. You enjoy traveling but even more enjoying returning home, as family and friends are the most important part of your life. You are well suited for marriage or other strong relationships and, like a person with a 3-day number, you really admire your children.

Possessing excellent abilities for money matters, even for more high level than the other fours, you can be very frugal and honest, and your finances are always in order. When the space around you is well organized, you work better, and you hate it when someone interferes with your work. In this you can be enviably stubborn, and you need to have a lot of patience to work with you, whether it's business or household chores. You should think about this, because you are really very independent in your work, and this causes difficulties.

Health and everything related to it is of interest to you. You can be an adherent of a certain diet or hardening, understand medicines, herbs and be able to provide first aid. Many people with this date of birth are engaged in medicine professionally. You can also achieve success in all areas related to documents, accounts, literature, publishing, illustration and work related to healthy eating. You easily master new areas of knowledge due to the desire for research and education. Your biggest flaw is probably that you react negatively to change and strive for too much clarity in everything. Friends and family are likely to have trouble coping with this trait of yours. If you're fairly traditionally brought up, you can be very serious because you don't know how to laugh at yourself when something doesn't work out for you. Do not allow yourself to deviate from the intended path, and then you yourself will be able to laugh at those who doubted your abilities.

Another point you need to pay attention to is the tendency to decide things for others in the way you think is best for them. This is an integral part of your responsible nature, but do not forget that people need to learn from their mistakes and understand what they are capable of. Be as patient as possible and remember that despite your will and self-confidence, what is right for you may not be right when it comes to other people.

A person with this date of birth probably has serious ambitions. You will want to learn how to do something better, better than other people. This is due to the fact that the unit in your date of birth is behind the three, and its energy and life force are not as intense. However, you feel good in a situation where you have to fight against unpleasant circumstances, and you experience an unprecedented boost of strength when you win.

From the book by Titania Hardy "The Number of Life. The Code of Destiny". - M.: Ripol classic, 2009

The astropsychoanalyst Solomon Solovyov tells about the perseverance and patience of Aries, born on March 31, in the author's section.

"They are not stubborn, they are stubborn" - often said about people born on March 31st. All Aries are traditionally stubborn, everyone who communicates with representatives of this zodiac sign knows about this. Persistence and firmness is exactly what makes all Aries both stubborn and stubborn at the same time. But if stubbornness is intractability and intransigence, then perseverance is a patient and conscious state and absolute expediency in actions. Patience and expediency - these words sound a little strange in relation to people born under the sign of Aries, since it is difficult to find more explosive, inconsistent and impulsive natures than Aries among the other 11 signs of the Zodiac. But the Formula of heaven for Aries, born on March 31, makes them stubborn, not stubborn.

Remember the cripple girl named Vera in Pavel Chukhrai's film "Driver for Vera" performed by ()? Do you remember her character, will and unbending disposition? This is the perseverance and ability to overcome all life's adversities. Probably, this role of Alena Babenko to this day remains the best in the filmography of the magnificent Russian actress. And it perfectly reveals the formula of perseverance born on March 31st.

And in her own life, the actress born today has repeatedly demonstrated her stubborn character. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina and performed on stage with the songs of her favorite singer Edith Piaf in an amateur art circle in her hometown of Kemerovo. But after school, not wanting to resist the will of her father, she entered the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. But the intention to perform on stage did not leave the young Aries girl, and she began to play in the student theater.

A year later, she went to Moscow, tried to enter the theater school for the course of Oleg Tabakov and did not enter. She completed her fifth year, and the country was already waiting for a young and talented cyberneticist to embrace her. But where was Alena to go from the stubbornness of those born on March 31? She leaves the institute six months before her diploma and leaves for Moscow, marries a director, gives birth to a daughter, and after a few years still enters the Institute of Cinematography and becomes a wonderful actress.

And if one day one of the modern directors decides to make a series about the first woman after Soviet Union(), born today, it seems to me that it is Alena Babenko who will be able to play the role of her cosmic sister more accurately than all other actresses.

Alexandra Kollontai was also the first female minister in history. The perseverance that Alexandra demonstrated in life led people to admiration. She spoke six languages, drew beautifully, wrote stories and novels. In her youth, her parents forced her to marry. But her marriage lasted only five years. Alexandra Kollontai recalled this time: "I wanted to be free. Small household chores filled the whole day ... As soon as my little son fell asleep, I went to the next room to take up Lenin's book." This is how the formula of the heavens of the future revolutionary woke up.

Aries on March 31 rarely manage to be planted in a cage, even if this cage is golden. Freedom is a necessary component of their Formula of heaven. Without the freedom to choose a goal, their inherent persistence becomes ineffective.

The rams of today are real fighters, and it does not matter whether they become bright revolutionaries, like Alexandra Kollontai, or, say, outstanding engineers and inventors.

Born today, the Italian engineer has spent his entire life designing engines for racing cars. Persistently and consciously. One of his first engines for the Fiat-804 racing car already in 1922 brought the team victory in the French Grand Prix races.

The persistence of the young engineer was manifested not only in the development of racing engines, he was also a revolutionary in life and was the first to openly oppose the fascist regime of Mussolini in Italy. Saving his life from Nazi persecution, Becchia takes French citizenship and continues to design engines for French teams.

The engineer's perseverance led him to his cherished goal, and Becchia did create his own legendary engine for the Citroen 2CV. More than nine million of these air-cooled two-cylinder boxer engines in various versions have been produced and installed in Citroen vehicles over 40 years. And it was the engines of the stubborn Aries Walter Becchia that brought worldwide popularity to this French automobile brand.

No less stubborn Aries entered the history of mankind, a German experimental chemist born today. With his experiments, he gave the world the rarest chemical elements rubidium and cesium. But Robert Bunsen made an absolute revolution in the study and analysis of chemical gases. By the way, he also owns the invention of the first gas burner.

Those born on March 31 do not always come across as open-hearted people, but sometimes they are still able to experience warm feelings and express them through gentle humor and banter.

The softest and most unsophisticated humor is always childish. He is absolutely naive, and by this he discourages any adult and serious person. For stubborn, purposeful and therefore extremely specific and tough Aries born on March 31, children's humor is a real outlet.

"I love garlic: it smells like sausage"; “A woman is a mermaid. And a man is a mermaid,” only children from two to five years old can say that. For adults, it has turned into humor, and for children, this is their usual conversation. This humor was first systematized () in his legendary book "From Two to Five" in 1928. You will say that not only children speak so funny, but also adults in Odessa. Indeed, Korney Chukovsky was from Odessa and overheard the conversation of children in Odessa courtyards. But born on the day of perseverance on March 31, the children's writer became the first who so patiently and carefully listened to and analyzed children's conversations.

And again the children's theme. It meets with enviable regularity in the life of almost every Aries. Korney Chukovsky, without knowing it, created his own direction in philology, which later became known as "folk etymology". Children create their own language and, hearing, for example, the line "the king of trembling creation", they say: "The king, trembling with jam." And Korney Chukovsky spoke with the children in their language. Therefore, his "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Moydodyr", "Doctor Aibolit" and all his other good children's tales have been so loved by both children and adults for so many years.

I have been collecting fairy tales all my life and telling them to people, born today. No one knows how many fairy tales the storyteller knew, but the Russian poet Boris Pasternak recalled that listening to the fairy tales of Maria Krivopolenova was a real pleasure.

Watching and listening to Aries born on March 31 is really a pleasure for many. For many years now, the magical beauty, the singer born today, has been beautiful on stage ().

Always inimitable on stage and born today (). And the actor demonstrated his perseverance in life and will more than once. After a terrible car accident in Germany in 1992, in which the actor miraculously survived, German doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis - supposedly only amputation of his leg could save him. But the actor did not allow them to do so.

In his memoirs, Vinokur writes: “The German doctors wanted to amputate my leg. It was then that I got really scared and began to cry to my guardian angel for help. Soviet military doctors performed a risky operation on me and saved my leg, then there were long months without movement. Then I learned to walk again. When I learned to take the first steps, I understood what happiness is. Later I went to those German doctors and danced in front of them. "

The actor, beloved by millions of spectators, always appears in his heroes as a cheerful and optimist. The legendary choreographer and producer and founder of the first gypsy theater "Romen" actor and playwright have always admired his contemporaries with his projects.

Those born on March 31 are always beautiful in their perseverance. They are always purposeful and consistent and overcome any obstacles that prevent them from moving forward.

The number 31 is another complex number, consisting of the twins 1 and 3. Both of these numbers have signs of leadership, ambition and energy. Both are practical, plan well, and carry out their plans vigorously. They are proud and do not like to be indebted to anyone. Both are firm, do not give up until the last. What is the difficulty? She sums up to 4, which is completely opposite: she is a born pessimist. Such people live in a state of complete despondency. So, on the one hand, all overpowering ambition, the desire for success and a high career, and on the other hand, uncertainty and pessimism, indecision when chances arise, no matter how safe they are. There is a great conflict between these components, something like a split personality, although not in the same way as in the case of the number 8.

Emotional Features. The emotional life of the number 31 is complex. The conflict between the two numbers plays a big role in this. On the surface, the number 31 is confident and prominent, but inside there is some uncertainty, almost imperceptible. Such people really need approval, they need someone who can do it. The number 4 plays a big role in their emotional life. This number is slow to respond to emotions, but is distinguished by devotion for life. The sincerity of such people is undeniable. They don't fall in love easily, and they don't love easily either. Sex is a different story. Here they are not emotional at all. They are very sexy and have a great appetite, but feelings at the same time big role don't play. Even if they love, the act is purely physical, and they are only concerned with their animal desires, which are tidal and uncontrollable. If they cannot quench their thirst, they become nervous and irritable.

Harmonious Relations. They have a complex character, and only very multifaceted personalities can make them happy. Their state of mind tends towards sadness and despondency, although they rarely show it. Their partner should be able to sense and dispel such gloomy thoughts and divert their attention to more pleasant things. Despite all this, these people are leaders by instinct and commanders by nature, and their partners must follow them. Those around them should help them develop many of the wonderful qualities of mind and heart that they possess. Their great intelligence, efficiency and dedication make them outstanding individuals. Their partners will be happy if they can understand their needs.

lucky numbers – 3, 12, 21, 30, 1, 10, 28.

Hostile Numbers – 2, 6, 8, 9.

lucky dates- 1 and 3.

Happy Days- Tuesday and Thursday.

lucky stones- topaz.

lucky color- blue.

Diseases- the heart (this comes from a tendency to pessimism), it is necessary to check the heart more often.

disadvantages. The main one is pessimism, which can cross out everything good qualities. In addition, they are jealous, as they easily lose confidence in themselves. They are always unhappy with what they have. Even if they have everything they can dream of, they want something else. This can lead to disappointment.

Recommendations. They need to overcome the tendency to be pessimistic and look at the bright side of things. They are happy owners of excellent qualities, and they should develop them instead of suppressing them, as they often do. Success is with them, and they should not miss opportunities. They have leadership qualities and are very serious. In addition, they should develop willpower.

Persons born on May 4, 13, 22 and 31 are influenced by the number 4. If your birthday falls on any of these numbers, then according to the laws of zodiacal astrology and the system, which is based on Chaldean numerology, you are under the influence of Uranus, the Sun and Venus in zodiac sign Taurus, the first house of the earth trine. However, if you were born on May 31, you are also under the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury (high). This is a very specific combination that promises an extraordinary life path.

The main features and characteristics of your character are described in the section dedicated to those born in May.

In your particular case, there is a penchant for the unusual and unexpected, and it seems that your life path will be markedly different from the routine. Such combinations are very favorable for philosophers, writers, composers, etc.

It is possible that you will not be called lucky in the purely conventional sense of the word, it is also possible that your financial circumstances will be very changeable, but everything will develop in an unusual, unexpected way.

You will not find it easy to agree with the people around you and, as a rule, your activities and your ideas will face opposition. But no one will be better than you in overcoming obstacles that arise and in responding quickly to emerging and changing situations.

Since you will have original thinking, you will be attracted to new ideas, technological processes, inventions, and in general everything that is new, non-obvious and atypical.

Your marriage will also be extraordinary, perhaps it will be due mainly to the desire for experimentation or some special circumstances.

In your views and opinions there will be a strong will, a tendency to analyze and draw critical conclusions.

You will not be given too easy to "grind" to the surrounding people and conditions. You will be somewhat withdrawn, and you will not have many friends, but you will take the most cordial care of those to whom you are attached.

You have the opportunity to become a very original artist, writer or inventor, and any business that you take up will bear the stamp of your pronounced personality.

Sooner or later you will find that the rows made up of the numbers "4", "6" and "8" are related to you, and that they play a rather important role in all your affairs. This row is 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 26 and 31.

In order to increase your magnetic influence, you should dress, at least in detail, in clothes. colors Sun, Uranus and Venus, namely:

  • Suns - all shades of gold, from orange and bronze to golden brown;
  • Urana - all shades of gray and electric blue, as well as sapphire blue;
  • Venus is all shades of blue.

If you were born on May 31, you can add the colors of Mercury to these colors, i.e. white, cream and any "shimmery" colors.

Your lucky stones - topaz, amber, diamonds, sapphire and lapis lazuli.

Most important years your life - 4, 6, 13, 15, 22, 24, 31, 40, 42, 49, 51, 58, 60, 67 and 69th.

You will experience significant attraction to people whose dates of birth fall on the 4th, 6th, 13th, 15th, 22nd, 24th, and 31st of any month, as well as the number "8" series; if you were born on May 31, then you are also influenced by people born on the dates of the "5" series, that is, on the 5th, 14th and 23rd.

Financial position

Your financial affairs will be unusual. In this area, again, one can expect something extraordinary rather than routine. In your consciousness, so different from the thinking of others, will be born original ideas and plans. You will earn money in unusual ways - you can become an inventor or an informal writer, artist, musician. Routine entrepreneurial activities will not be attractive to you, and it will be very difficult for you to work in a company with others.


Your health situation will be unusual, perhaps a sudden illness. At times, you will suffer from ailments that are difficult to diagnose, such as unexpected pain and cramps in the abdomen, injuries internal organs. You will be prone to sudden inflammations and colds, flu and pneumonia. You should eat little and often and choose the diet that suits you best, and not automatically eat what everyone eats.


Born on August 31: the meaning of the birthday

Higher power endow everyone who was born on the last day of August with incredible attractiveness and inner charm.

They will always have many friends and those who treat them with sincere sympathy.

But nothing is given in life just like that, and you will have to pay for success if you were born on August 31, your zodiac sign is Virgo, placing on you the entire burden of responsibility for your own well-being, requiring you to always follow the path of good.

Therefore, the topic of choice, self-awareness and discipline will always be relevant for you: if you stop improving yourself, then you will inevitably slide down to the very bottom of life, it will be extremely difficult to get out of it.

Everyone who came into our world on August 31 is endowed with a special talent for communication and interpersonal interaction: the sign of the zodiac helps them not only find common ground with absolutely all people, but also be sincerely interested in each of their interlocutors, imbued with respect for him regardless of his social status.

A high intellectual level, a special worldview and worldly wisdom, combined with communication skills, help them to be the rulers of other people's thoughts, to form public opinion.

Provides self-sufficiency and independence in views zodiac sign of people born on August 31st.

They will never fall under the influence of others and will have their own, often unique point of view on everything.

At the same time, they do not think of themselves in isolation from society and always crave communication.

They will always occupy important positions, become significant and truly irreplaceable people who spend a lot of effort to achieve the common good.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

August 31: Virgo influence

The organizational skills and inclinations of a leader in Virgos, who were born on August 31, are developed to the highest degree. Moreover, becoming the leaders of the group, they do not satisfy their own ambitions, but do everything possible for the general prosperity.

They have great self-control, they are difficult to catch by surprise, they quickly orient themselves in situations and immediately generate appropriate solutions, which makes them leaders of the highest class.

However, those born on August 31 spend all their strength, both physical and moral, to solve global problems and ensure the well-being of those for whom they are responsible. They often suffer from nervous and physical exhaustion, and if they do not take action, they will seriously undermine their health.

They are demanding of themselves and others, they will not tolerate vanity and idle talk, they are very categorical in their judgments. And in order to avoid misunderstandings, they should be more loyal and tactful in their statements.

On August 31, 1949, the legendary Hollywood film actor Richard Gere appeared to the world. Without finishing his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, where he also studied directing, Richard decided to devote himself to music and even lived in a community of rock musicians. His film debut could have taken place as early as 1974, but he could not get along with his then partner on the set, Sylvester Stallone. Gere's first film work was a role in the film Looking for Mr. Goodbar in 1977.