Why does time go faster. Why time flies quickly, then slowly stretches

  • 24.09.2019

Why does time fly by so fast?

    Sun is very subjective - fast or slow. When a person is late somewhere, then the time for him flows very quickly. But if he has to wait for something or someone, then time drags on for so long.

    I would not say that time flies quickly! It all depends on how one perceives life. As a kid, time goes by very slowly. You can't wait until you're an adult. Sitting quietly for an hour is a big problem for a child. Then adult young years come and then time flew by like a meteor. You can't do anything! There is not enough time for anything. Everywhere you are late! Then there are their children. Here time goes by so much that even love is not enough! But after 40 years, when children themselves become adults, time begins to slow down. It goes more and more slowly and barely creeps after retirement. Impressions also change. It seems that childhood and youth are one life lived. Young adult years, while children are growing, the second, and already the appearance of grandchildren is perceived as a third life. Especially if you lived not in one place, but in different time zones and places in the country.

    If you are satisfied with your life and believe that you have not lived in vain, time does not seem to fly by in an instant. Vice versa! You managed everything, you achieved everything, you did everything that you planned. In this case, it is not necessary to be the president of the country or an astronaut. These are conditional achievements. But if it seems that life has been lived in vain and you have not achieved anything and did not have time, such dissatisfaction can turn into a feeling that time has flown by too quickly! But, God gives everyone his own segment, and whoever passed it, he feels it this way.

    Time is a relative concept, it starts to go faster every year! After all, remember yourself in childhood... After all, it always seemed to us that time goes by so slowly that it’s already creepy (except for those moments when we played 🙂) And now, having matured, we are acquiring more and more new problems due to which we can raise our heads, hence the time starts to go faster ...

    In general, time goes by the same way as before, we just set ourselves up this way)))

    There is a good (more precisely acting) rule. When we were only 5 years old, for example, it seemed to us that a year is a lot. Still, at that time, a period lasting a year made up as much as a fifth of our entire life. And now, for example, you are 50. And a year is only 1/50 of your life, that is, the interval is 10 times less. Therefore, time flies 10 times faster than when you were 5 years old.

    People have long noticed that our sense of time is different from other people's sense of time. It differs under different circumstances and different inner feelings. Then the question arose about objective time and subjective perception of time. For example, when a person is in a hurry, then time directly runsquot ;, but when waiting, it literally stopsquot ;. Why do people experience time differently? Scientists are still studying this issue. But one thing is clear. When observing the passage of time, it slows down. One has only to stop watching it and it accelerates. If we accept that a person is a biological system, and all sensations are only chemical reactions, then it becomes possible to regulate your own sensations. Firstly, when waiting to keep busy, which will speed up the metabolism in the body or remember sensations and cause them purposefully, which is also quite effective.

When a person gets older, he notices that time goes faster than before. Sometimes we remember the past and note with surprise that 15, 20, 30 years have already passed from some event, although it seems that it was just that.

If in childhood time drags on for a long time, then gradually it speeds up and speeds up. It seems that summer has just begun, and already the end of winter and a new summer are ahead.

While people are busy with business, they do not feel this movement. However, one day they stop and realize that youth has already passed, and then they also suddenly realize that old age is already at the threshold. But how is it? They had just been young and all of a sudden.

When our life is just beginning, we have to go through many stages: kindergarten, school, army, institute. And all this drags on for so long, you are still waiting for something, when at last a real life will begin. And bang bang! Started! And there is space ahead, in which there is nothing to slow you down, only forward, only with acceleration.

Our life is like a rocket, it’s hard to lift it into the air, but how will it go beyond the atmosphere ... Hey, tell someone how to stop this thing ?! And there was no one smart around, mom and dad were left somewhere behind. Yes, and they do not know the answer to this question, they fly somewhere. So we move forward with acceleration until the fuel runs out.

Why does time go faster than before?

It's about our memory. After all, our memory is not a film in which everything is laid out in chronological order. If in order to remember something, we would have to rewind the memory for a long, long time, then we would feel the scale of time.

Our memory is a data bank, all memories are equally accessible. Here is your fifth birthday and wedding next to you. Your first day at work and getting fired after 10 years. There is no measure by which memory can be measured.

By the way, our memory is also a very volatile thing. According to psychological research, if we remember something, then it is not at all a fact that it was.

It seems to me that when people indulge in memories, they are surprised not at how much time has passed, but at the fact that something happened at all. It happens that you remember such hoary antiquity that you are surprised that such a thing is even possible. But at the same time, it may seem that an even earlier memory was like it is now.

This happens because time does not exist for our consciousness. After all, what is time? It's just a statement that we can't go back. But in memories we can. And this discrepancy creates a feeling of nostalgia and fear that time flies too fast. It's like being a kid when you're too far away from home. You want to go home, but you can't. The wind of time takes you further and further.

What can be done about it?

Maybe it's not so bad, right? Well, is it taking us somewhere? So what? When you ask yourself these questions, you understand that it’s scary not because time has taken you away from somewhere, but because you don’t know where it will bring you. More precisely, you know, but somehow you don't like this destination. Here we run into . It looks like someone is stealing from us. Not only is the film about our life not endless, it’s as if someone is squandering it with acceleration.

Time cannot be slowed down, but something else can be done. Understand that time does not matter at all, just as kilometers traveled do not matter. Only we matter, here and now. The path does not matter, only the traveler matters.

Time and memories are just illusions. When a person does not pay attention to them, then he is happy, because he can enjoy the present. So, if you do not notice how time is running, this is very good, it means that you are happy that you live in the present.

When a person lives in the past or future, time slows down, but at the same time, the person feels bad. So don't worry too much that time goes faster than before. Time is not the point.

Many have noticed that they do not have time to do as many things as they could before, they simply do not have enough time for everything. The day had just begun and suddenly it was already evening. What happened with time? The days just got shorter.

On Athos, the monks do not stop praying all day and night; since ancient times, they have to read a series of prayers for a certain time. Previously, in 24 hours they had time to read everything the right prayers, they even had time to rest, and now the monks do not have enough days to read all the prayers.

The monks in Jerusalem noticed that the lamps at the tomb of the Lord began to burn longer than before. The oil is added there only once before Easter, and during the year it was completely consumed, but now it began to remain!

One priest, who has the gift of seeing the invisible, said that our time has begun to decrease! A hundred years ago, the day was longer, and if we take the old time as a standard, then our day is now only 18 hours, not 24. Every day we lack 6 hours!

Philosopher Alexei Losev wrote about time: “Considering time, we state some of its instability, it is compressible, heterogeneous, expandable and conditional. He adds: "Since 1914 it has condensed and run faster."

Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lira confirms: “Time in the universe began to flow faster, Solar system entered the strongest flow that comes from the center of the Galaxy, this led to the acceleration of time on the planet. It has very a large number of information and energy, it changes the perception and attitude of people to the world around. Lyra says: “People treat the Earth very badly, their consciousness is narrowed, they are buried in their everyday, petty problems, they do not feel what is happening in the world and with the planet, they do not have responsibility for everything, tsunamis, typhoons are the result of an attitude them to each other, to the planet.

According to the theory of Professor Nikolai Alexandrovich, who proved this in experiments, time is an energy that can change the intensity of its flow. If the Solar System changes the speed of rotation, then the time in it also changes.

The highest speed of the body in newborn children, all processes in it proceed at a high speed, and children quickly gain weight, grow, study, life seems to them to be slowly flowing. With age, the speed of processes slows down greatly, time begins to fly rapidly, weeks pass just like earlier days. Not only people are aging, but the whole society, there is a decrease in vital activity, time for all living things is accelerating. It is interesting that time in different places of the planet flows differently.

In his books, Sergey Lazarev writes: “If a person violates divine laws, then his watch (this is especially noticeable on mechanical watches) begins to rush, his time flies at lightning speed, he gets old faster.”

The fact that before the end of the world time will be reduced, said many saints. Saint Nil the Myrrh-streaming said: “A day will pass like an hour, a week will become a day, a month will be a year, and a year will be a month,” but more precisely, not before the end of the world, but during changes, as the Chinese called it, when the degrading old is replaced by a new one, new views, the correct attitude of people to the world, nature, to all living things. It is possible that time will now slowly increase.

Time is not a constant value, in order to do the most in a day, live according to the laws of the Creator, be joyful, love the world, think and take care of it, you will also become happier, healthier and you will be lucky in business.

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Perhaps each of us noticed that time, which was slow in childhood, is constantly accelerating as we grow older. And if at the age of 5 a year seemed like an eternity, then at 30 it flies almost unnoticed. What is the reason for this and is there a way to slow down time? We tried to figure it out and, it seems, found possible reasons this phenomenon.

site offers to find out why each New Year is going faster and what if you want to “slow down” your life a little.

Lack of new experiences

As a child, every day brings us a lot of new experiences, we learn and constantly see something for the first time. With age, there are fewer and fewer such moments, so we begin to measure the course of events biased. This point of view was confirmed by the neuroscientist David Eagleman, who conducted experiments showing people various images.

Some of these pictures the subjects had already seen before, and the rest were completely new to them. It turned out that, according to their subjective feelings, people spent more time looking at new images than viewing previously seen ones, although absolutely all the pictures were shown to them with equal duration.

It follows from this that for a person whose brain is busy processing new information, time subjectively flows more slowly. And this explains why childhood seems to us stretched out, and adult life seems fleeting. For example, some people think that the year 1970 was 30 years ago, but in fact it has already been 48 years.

chunk theory

This theory is also related to impressions, namely how our brain interprets them depending on age. American cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter believes that the human brain tends to collect individual impressions into a kind of "pieces" (chunks). For example, everyday activities like cleaning, cooking, and shopping are combined into a chunk called chores.

Imagine that a mother has gone for a walk with her baby. For a child, this event is full of new experiences: he met other children, saw interesting butterfly or a beetle, learned to sculpt Easter cakes from sand, etc. But for his mother this is the most common event, not the first and far from the last in her life.

It turns out that throughout life, our brain “packages” impressions into fairly broad categories: family, work, entertainment, hobbies, sports, etc. Perhaps “chunking” helps the brain optimize memory, but as a result, past events seem to us transient.

Neurophysiological processes

V human brain no structure was found that would be responsible for the time. But as a person grows older, the level of dopamine decreases, a neurotransmitter that (in addition to causing a feeling of satisfaction) plays an important role in providing cognitive activity. As a result, the ability to perceive time changes in adults and the elderly.

This is supported by the results of an experiment by University of Virginia-Wise college psychologist Peter Mangan. The scientist compared the ability to estimate a time interval of 3 minutes in two groups of people: young (19–24 years old) and older (60–80 years old). The subjects were asked to mentally mark the time at 3 minutes and say when, in their opinion, these 3 minutes had expired.

In the group of young people, time was estimated more accurately: for them, 3 minutes passed in 3 minutes and 3 seconds, and according to the elderly, 3 minutes passed in 3 minutes and 40 seconds of actual time. Thus, we can conclude that older people actually perceive time intervals as shorter than they really are.

M. Keener scale

Austrian BMW design consultant Maximilian Kiener has developed a scale according to which the longer you live, the shorter the year seems to you. For example, at the age of 5, a year is 1/5 of your life, which is quite significant, but at the age of 50, it is only 1/50, and therefore it does not seem like such a large amount.

According to this theory, at 76 years old, 1 year of life is perceived in duration as a vacation after the 1st year at the university, and if you live to be 100 years old, then it will seem to you that half of your life ended at about 18 years of age, despite that it contradicts objective reality.

Can time be slowed down?

As you can see from the previous paragraphs, one of the main factors that “speeds up” time is the lack of new experiences. Of course, not everyone can afford frequent travel or expensive entertainment, but you can always find time for self-education, walking in places where you usually don’t go, meeting new people and much more.

Important advice: do not put off important things "for later." Procrastination can cause you to look back and feel like you wasted your precious time, and life went by so quickly, like you didn't live at all.

Therefore, do not be afraid of positive changes, for example, changing jobs if you have been dreaming about it for a long time, but did not dare to leave your comfort zone. By mastering a new activity that you enjoy, you will not only become happier, but also slow down your personal clock.

Scientists have figured out why time is accelerating

In recent years, the leading scientists of our planet began to notice that time is accelerating. Yes, and we are increasingly hearing: “It seems that I will never have enough time to manage everything” or: “Where does the time go?” And indeed, the years are flying faster than ever, and there was a scientific explanation for this.

We are rapidly changing, becoming more aware and more than ever turning to spiritual and personal development. Why is this happening?

The pulse of the Earth or why time is accelerating

Scientists discovered many years ago that the Earth has a pulse. This pulse or heartbeat-like beat has been steady at about 7.8 beats per second for thousands of years. However, around 1980, the Earth's heartbeat began to accelerate. It currently stands at 12 cycles per second, but the most incredible thing is that some scientists believe that the Earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second. It is believed that the rotation will stop for about three days, and then the Earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction. This will cause a reversal of the magnetic poles, but what happens after is unclear...

It is because of this increase in the pulse rate that we feel that time is speeding up, as it were. Why do we “feel” that time seems to be going faster than before? The fact is that a period that was previously perceived as 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our chronometers still measure seconds, minutes and hours. And still they mark a new day every 24 hours, but due to the accelerated heartbeat of the Earth, we perceive their duration as 2/3 of normal, or as 16 ordinary hours.

It is thanks to the compression of time that so many people (perhaps without even realizing the true reason) turn on the path to spiritual development away from materialism. Feel the need to change their lives, begin to do the right thing for the soul. There is a great desire to share goodness, help others and thank the Creator for this.

From the program "Unity" on the Internet channel "AllatRa TV".

Conversation of the guest of the studio - Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, academician, professor, author of the method of vertebrorevitology - with the host of the program Olga Gorbaneva:

THEM.: - … Over the past 12 years, time has actually decreased by at least 20 percent. I'm not talking about the fact that the stars began to fly faster or the second hand accelerated ... No, the second hand went on and on. Right? And the day follows the night at the same interval. But almost every person, even children who have recently been born, feel how time is shortening. If earlier a day passed like a day, now a week is like one day. And what will happen next? So isn't that something to think about?

O. G.: -Maybe yes.

THEM.: - This is also the answer to another question for those who ask themselves. My opinion is this: people need to change - do not swear, do not rely on the One Who will come, especially since people do not see this, they do not feel it. Therefore, do not wait for someone to come and do everything for them. We need to act ourselves. We should stretch out our hands to each other, we must unite.

But if people are believers, they have nothing to share, because God is one for all. And it doesn't matter what languages ​​people speak here in this world. There they will speak the same language. And it is true. In this we can always find reconciliation.

O. G.: Undoubtedly!

Helpful information

You can learn more about the changes taking place on our planet, as well as gain unique knowledge (spiritual, historical, scientific, biographical, and others) in a series of programs on Internet channel "AllatRa TV" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov and Father Sergius, miter archpriest, rector of the church of St. Michael the Archangel.

Also, epoch-making knowledge that changes the fate of each individual and society as a whole, carrying the keys to the unity and reconciliation of all people on a spiritual basis, contains books