Savelovsky machine-building plant smz, savma. See what "Savyolovskiy machine-building plant" is in other dictionaries

  • 28.05.2019

Savyolovskiy machine-building plant

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Checkpoint and Administrative building

JSC "Savyolovsky Machine-Building Plant"
A type
Year of foundation
Key figures

society with limited liability, LLC "SMZ" Sazonov Petr Rostislavovich


Machine tool


metalworking equipment

Number of employees

1350 people


"Savyolovskiy machine-building plant"- one of the largest machine-tool enterprises for the production of high-tech and science-intensive machine tools. It is one of the backbone enterprises of the Russian Federation.

The plant originates from the moment of construction in Savelovo in 1915 of railway workshops for the repair of narrow-gauge rolling stock. In 1930, with the creation of a machine-tool plant in Savelovo on the basis of the training and production workshops of the CIT in Moscow, the beginning of the Savelovo machine-tool industry was laid. In 1937, the plant was transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Defense. Soon, the enterprise was reorganized into an aircraft building company, which began to produce seaplanes (ship reconnaissance aircraft KOR-2). In 1939, the Savelovsky plant was transformed into the State Union Plant No. 288. In 1944 the enterprise received the status of the State Union Plant No. 491. In 1946, by order of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the profile of the enterprise was determined as a plant for the production of high-performance precision lathes. In 1948, the Minavioprom decided to organize, on the basis of the plant, the production of special technological equipment for the plants of the aviation industry. In 1966 the enterprise was transformed into the Savelovsky machine-building plant (SMZ), and in 1979 it became the Savelovsky production association "Progress" (SPO "Progress"). April 13, 1983 by Decree of the Presidium The Supreme Council USSR SPO "Progress" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In March 1993 the enterprise was registered as "Savelovskoe Machine-Building Open Joint-Stock Company" (OJSC "Savma"). ...

Enterprise today

see also

Notes (edit)


The order book of the Savelovsky machine-tool plant has reached 900 million rubles. Thus, the agreements on the capacity utilization of the enterprise, reached by the Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudeni and the management of the state corporation Rostec, which includes the plant, are being implemented.
In the near future, the Kimry industrial giant plans to fulfill large contracts with leading Russian companies. In particular, we are talking about the modernization of the technological equipment of JSC Aviastar-SP (Ulyanovsk) within the framework of the state program for the production of the An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft. In addition, the enterprise already produces machine tools for the Nizhny Novgorod aircraft plant "Sokol" (part of RAC "MiG"), PJSC "Rosvertol" (in the holding "Russian Helicopters"), as well as units for technological equipment of the Uralvagonzavod.
According to general director integrated company LLC "STAN" Vadim Sorokin, Savelovsky machine-tool plant is provided with a stable utilization of production capacities until the end of 2017. The head of the company stressed that the plant pays salaries on time, makes tax, social and utility deductions.
In the summer of last year, the plant, experiencing a shortage of orders, was in a difficult situation: wage arrears were accumulating, there was a threat of layoff of a highly professional team.
The Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya joined in solving the problem. The head of the region met with the management of the Rostec state corporation and signed a cooperation agreement, within the framework of which salary arrears were promptly repaid, a team of specialists was retained, and the enterprise was loaded with orders.
“People should be sure that they have prospects in work and in the development of their own enterprise,” the Governor of the Tver Region said.
According to the press service of the Government of the Tver region, LLC "Savelovsky machine-tool plant" is a production site of LLC "STAN", created on the basis of the Savelovsky machine-building plant in the city of Kimry (Tver region). It specializes in the production of vertical milling machining centers, gantry milling machines with a movable table and special equipment.
LLC "STAN" is the largest Russian integrated company in the design and manufacture of machine tool equipment. The company includes production sites in Bashkortostan (NPO Stankostroenie LLC, Sterlitamak), Kolomna (Stankotech JSC), Ryazan (Ryazan Stankozavod LLC), Ivanovo (Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant LLC), Moscow (LTD " Grinding Machines"), Tver region (LLC" Savelovsky machine-tool plant ", Kimry). STAN customers are the leading industry associations of Russia, including holdings of the State Corporation Rostec, enterprises of PJSC" UAC ", Roscosmos, Rosatom, Russian Railways, as well as companies of the oil and gas complex STAN accounts for over 50% of metalworking machine tools produced in Russia.

Limited Liability Company "Savyolovsky Machine-Building Plant", Kimry

LLC "SMZ" is one of the largest machine-tool enterprises in Russia for the design and production of high-tech unique equipment for various industries.

For a long time, the Savyolovsky plant was the basic enterprise of the Ministry of Aviation Industry for the provision of complex science-intensive special technological equipment factories of the aviation industry. The development of new technology was and is being carried out jointly with NIAT (National Institute of Aviation Technologies).

Machine tools manufactured by SMZ have been supplied and are being delivered to neighboring countries.

Currently, the plant is implementing a technical re-equipment plan, which includes: the purchase of new equipment and the modernization of obsolete equipment, the restructuring of auxiliary production facilities, and the automation of management processes.

Modern technical re-equipment, a professional team of highly qualified specialists and managers - all this allows us to produce modern competitive products.

Today, the Savyolovsky Machine-Building Plant is a supplier of effective integrated solutions, which include: design, production, supply, installation, engineering and service of equipment for metallurgy, Rosaviakosmos, nuclear energy, defense, automotive, oil refining and other industries.

The company's strategy is aimed at further increasing the competitiveness and increasing the market share of metalworking equipment, a wide range of machining centers, large portal milling machines, including through products for metallurgical enterprises.


  • Lathes with CNC TPK-125S1 / TPK-125S2
  • Lathe with CNC 16K20NK
  • Lathe with CNC ATPR-800M1
  • Lathe with CNC mod.AT-600NK
  • Integrated machining center TFC-125
  • High-speed vertical milling machine with CNC 6M13VS
  • High-speed vertical milling machines with CNC MA-655VS1 / MA-655VS2
  • High-speed vertical milling machine with CNC FP-17VS2M
  • Specialized vertical high-speed milling machine with CNC FP-37VSP5
  • Bed-type milling machine with CNC model FP-93VS3S
  • Installations waterjet cutting UGR-5 / UGR-3 / UGR-3D / UGR-3DS
  • Tensile press RO-3M3
  • Covering press OP-3M
  • Plants for impregnation of fabrics UPST-300 / UPST-1000M / UPST-1200-01
  • Winding machines NK 0.8-4 / NK 1.6-8 / NK 1.6-8PU / NK 2.5-12
  • Winding machines NL 0.5-6 / NL 0.5-10
  • Automatic machines for the production of packages of honeycomb fillers ASP-250M / ASP-450M / ASP-1000

Direct employer Dubna Joined November 22, 2016

Limited Liability Company "Savelovsky Machine-Tool Plant" (SSZ) is one of the largest machine-tool enterprises in Russia for the design and production of high-tech unique equipment for various industries.

For a long time, the Savelovsky plant was the basic enterprise of the Ministry of Aviation Industry for the provision of sophisticated science-intensive special technological equipment to the aviation industry plants.

The development of new technology was and is being carried out jointly with NIAT (National Institute of Aviation Technologies).

Machine tools produced by CVD have been supplied and are being delivered to neighboring countries.

Currently, the plant is implementing a technical re-equipment plan, which includes: the purchase of new equipment and the modernization of obsolete equipment, the restructuring of auxiliary production facilities, and the automation of management processes.

Modern technical re-equipment, a professional team of highly qualified specialists and managers - all this allows us to produce modern competitive products.

Today Savelovsky Machine-Tool Plant is a supplier of effective integrated solutions, which include: design, production, supply, installation, engineering and service of equipment for metallurgy, Rosaviakosmos, nuclear energy, defense, automotive, oil refining and other industries.

The company's strategy is aimed at further increasing the competitiveness and increasing the market share of metalworking equipment, a wide range of machining centers, large portal milling machines, including through products for metallurgical enterprises.

Unique production capabilities, powerful design and research base, rich professional experience are the basis for sustainable development of the Savelovsky Machine Tool Plant.

Company vacancies (31)

September 7, 2017, 08:25


Taldom district

September 7, 2017, 08:25

from 18 450 rub.

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from 36 000 rub.

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September 7, 2017, 08:25

from 12 450 rub.

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Taldom district

September 7, 2017, 08:25


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September 7, 2017, 08:25


Taldom district

LLC "Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant" is one of the largest enterprises Russian machine tool industry. Joint-stock company specializes in the production of high-tech machine tools, equipment for the nuclear and aerospace industries. Located in a city like Kimry, in the Tver region.

History reference

Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant (SMZ) is the city of Kimry. It originates in 1915, when railway workshops were opened, where narrow-gauge rolling stock was repaired.

After the revolution, the plant was nationalized. In 1930, equipment for the production of machine tools was delivered from Moscow. Seven years later, the workshops launched the production of reconnaissance seaplanes for the fleet of the KOR-2 series.

With the beginning of the war, the capacities of the machine-tool plant were evacuated to Omsk, where a number of enterprises were created on their basis. But the workshops were not empty for long. On the vacated areas, the repair of military equipment was established. In 1943, in Kimry, closer to the front, a tool plant was relocated from Chelyabinsk to produce machine tools for the production of aircraft.

Post-war development

In 1946-48, the Savelovsky machine-building plant began to manufacture precision high-precision lathes and technological special equipment for the aircraft industry. In connection with the development of new types of aircraft - strategic bombers, jet fighters, passenger airliners - the company's products were in great demand. Sometimes there was not enough power. Thanks to the plant workers and the NIAT designers who worked with them in cooperation, it became possible to produce complex parts and assemblies for such high-tech aircraft as Tu-144, Il-62 and others.

Specialists of the Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant were among the first in the Soviet Union to master the manufacture and adjustment of CNC machines, including machining centers. By the beginning of 1980, their annual production reached 2,500 units. V Soviet time the vast majority of aircraft factories were equipped with SMZ equipment.

Time for a change

With the collapse of the USSR, the situation at the enterprise worsened. The emerging stagnation in the industry led to massive non-payments and a significant drop in demand. However, the plant managed to stay afloat. In 1993 the enterprise was incorporated.

In 1997, despite the difficulties of entering the market, SMZ LLC mastered the production of high-performance milling machining centers. At the same time, the design of CNC lathes was improved. Today, the accuracy of processing complex parts performed on the equipment of the Savelovsky plant corresponds to the world level.

On the verge of bankruptcy

In 2004, SMZ came under the influence of the Borodino Group of Companies, which was engaged in a variety of projects - from real estate lease to alcohol production. The debts accumulated by other subdivisions of the Borodino group fell on the shoulders of the plant. The production volume in 2011 amounted to about 600 million rubles, which is half the level of 2010 (1.2 billion rubles). The financial situation remained rather difficult: the volume of accounts payable amounted to 2.5 billion rubles, accounts receivable - 1.2 billion rubles. Due to a combination of factors, in 2011 a bankruptcy case was initiated.

Considering the importance of the enterprise, in 2012 the SMZ goes under the jurisdiction of Oboronprom with 100% state participation. This saved production from ruin. In 2014, the state holding "Stankoprom" became the owner of the plant, thanks to which the machine-tool plant was one of the first to enter the federal program of technical and technological re-equipment. Thanks to state support, the enterprise received innovative equipment that allows it to produce unique products for different industries. In 2016, the Savelovsky plant changed its owner. At the moment, the production assets are managed by a large private machine-tool association LLC "Stan".

Today the plant workers are capable of modernizing almost any domestic and foreign machine tool at the highest technical level. Director of SMZ S.V. Makarov believes that the plant is capable of becoming a leader in the field of re-equipping domestic enterprises with new high-precision productive machines, which are not inferior in characteristics to the best world analogues.


For a long time, SMZ was the basic enterprise providing complex technological equipment for the aviation industry. Over the entire period, over 35,000 machining centers and high-precision CNC equipment have been supplied to domestic and foreign enterprises. And the total number of machine tools of all types exceeded 100,000. Today the plant employs about 1,500 people.

The products of the Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant are in demand by enterprises of the defense industry, machine-building, gas and oil refining, metallurgical, automobile, shipbuilding plants, energy companies (including nuclear power plants) and the aerospace industry. Among foreign partners there are customers from Great Britain, China, Italy, India, CIS countries.


Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant produces, modernizes and repairs the following types equipment:

  • longitudinal / vertical milling;
  • turning;
  • for cutting metal sheets;
  • drip;
  • blanking;
  • for the production of composite materials;
  • for processing turbine blades of aircraft engines;
  • for the oil refining industry, Russian Railways, Ministry of Emergencies;
  • processing centers.

Each of the machines undergoes an acceptance procedure in the presence of an authorized representative of the customer. SMZ carries out installation, commissioning, commissioning and service support of the equipment produced.