Is it possible to open your gas station. Partners have their own requirements

  • 23.09.2019

Fleets with a large number of rolling stock have to solve the problem of what fuel, where to refuel equipment and how to save money at the same time. Centralized refueling at ordinary gas stations, even if using fuel cards, is unprofitable: collusion, theft and underfilling are in the order of things in this case. Everyone understands this, however, most large fleets consider an agreement with fuel networks to be the best solution. “There are a lot of inconsistencies. For example, a road train left Central Russia for a remote region, and even at branded gas stations on maps we observe a stable underfilling, - says Kirill Vodin, Deputy General Director of Vesta Transport Company LLC. “As a result, we even had to change the fuel company because of this, plus organize our own gas station on the territory of the vehicle fleet.”

Is it possible to organize fuel distribution directly on the territory of the enterprise? Until recently, this path was very difficult. In order to build your own filling station on the territory of the fleet and legally own this facility, you had to go through many instances, get more than a dozen pages of permits. Only large car factories could afford this.

Everything changed in 2012, when gas stations were taken out of the control of Rostekhnadzor, which fundamentally changed the possibility of operating all types of gas stations. “Currently, the principle of arrangement and operation of container gas stations is regulated only by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but with one caveat: if the gas station is not located on the territory of a hazardous production facility (Rostekhnadzor is additionally involved here). Only the Ministry of Emergency Situations classifies various types of stations in its main documents NPB 111-98 and the set of rules “Car filling stations. Fire safety requirements” dated July 1, 2014,” says Yuri Kolesnikov, general manager Association "Penzaspetsavtomash" ( trademark Benza).

CONTAINER AND MODULAR filling stations

Today on Russian market many products that have different names, but in fact the functions performed are the same. These include container and mobile gas stations, fuel and refueling modules. Modular filling station is a station, the technological system of which is designed for filling vehicles with liquid motor fuel only and is characterized by an above-ground location of the tank and separation of the fuel dispenser (FRC) and the fuel storage container. A container filling station (KAZS) differs from a modular one only in that the fuel dispenser is placed in a fuel storage container.

In fact, from the point of view of compliance with NPB 111-98, it is absolutely unimportant how the products are called, the main thing is that they be made as a single product. “Any design that meets these parameters and has all the necessary certificates for a single factory product should and will be classified by fire inspectors as a container gas station and nothing else,” says Yuri Kolesnikov. - It is only for the customer to choose, according to the factors of further operation, how the gas station should look - sewn into a container or left with an open tank, the norms do not regulate this.

In 2012, when gas stations were removed from the register of hazardous production facilities by Rostekhnadzor, the situation with the installation and operation of gas stations has seriously changed for the better. Now, if a car company installs a gas filling station for its own needs on its territory and the installation does not require capital construction, the owner does not have to obtain any licenses and permits to operate the station. It is only required to comply with fire safety standards for gas stations. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the distance to various categories of objects and prepare a site with an entry and exit zone and install a fence that prevents vehicles from colliding with the gas filling station. Secondly, it is required to make a base for the gas station in the form of a road slab of certain dimensions and install it. Finally, thirdly, appoint those responsible for the implementation of fire prevention measures.

Basic requirements for placing container refueling: 25 meters away from buildings and structures and that no water supply passes under the equipment

In addition, special technical requirements must also be met. For example, a gas filling station must have its own pump for receiving fuel from a fuel tanker with automatic shutdown when the tank is full (it is forbidden to pump fuel into the gas station using a fuel truck pump). A system for monitoring the interwall space of the tank with a warning about depressurization is required. Technological compartments must be fenced off from the tank with a non-combustible (metal) partition of the first type. If the tank, together with pipelines, is sewn into a container, automatic ventilation with gas sensors is required. All of the above design features are primarily controlled by inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Only State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto" can afford its own traditional gas station

Of the other specific requirements for the technological equipment of modular and container filling stations, we note the need to make fuel storage tanks double-walled. At the same time, the total capacity of the containers of a container filling station should not exceed 40 m 3 when it is located on the territory of settlements and 60 m 3 - outside settlements.

Very important point- this is the documentation for the gas station. There should be not only a certificate of conformity or a declaration of the Customs Union at the gas station, but also a passport with operating instructions. In addition, environmental and sanitary certificates are required. If the gas filling station is installed at a hazardous production facility, other permits may be required.

According to documents and certificates, this should be a station for distribution, refueling - a single product, and not a tank and other components separately, experts say. Otherwise, this kind of project will be classified as a fuel depot or as a traditional gas station. Then the enterprise is obliged to register these facilities with Rostekhnadzor and obtain a license for hazardous production. The so-called mini-gas stations with a single-wall tank and one fuel dispenser do not solve the issue of the legal operation of the gas station. They can only be used as a mobile mobile tank, where it is necessary to refuel equipment, often changing the location of the gas station. For example, during agricultural or road works.

Automatic distribution of fuel to drivers using smart cards is possible as an option


At the moment, it is possible to set up a fully automated non-operator remote control over the amount of fuel, its unauthorized discharge and automatic distribution to drivers using smart cards or chip keys at the filling station. “This is very convenient, since there is no need to receive an operator, and information will be sent online to the office via a wireless channel,” comments Svetlana Bykova, head of the motorcade of Vesta Transport Company LLC. - It is possible to set fuel limits for drivers or for a car for a day, a week or a month. It is also possible to control the exact data: who refueled and when, analyze the remaining fuel in the tanks, see the temperature, density of the fuel, the amount of commercial water, the amount of fuel delivered from the fuel tanker to the gas station.”

Filling stations with such systems will make it possible to reduce to zero the theft of fuel by the organization's personnel and the shortage of fuel by unscrupulous suppliers of petroleum products. Automation systems are all approximately the same in functionality, differing only in various small nuances, equipment manufacturer and cost.

An electric pump with a meter in a closed case is convenient for refueling equipment in the field

If we talk about the complete automation of the supply of transport enterprises with fuel, then we should mention the project developed by the Volgaresurs company. The scheme includes the installation of an automatic mobile filling station (AMTZS) at the enterprise, delivery of fuel by the supplier's transport, fuel quality checks at all stages in an accredited laboratory, maintenance by a single control center, transparent pricing. Drivers who refuel their own trucks are issued fuel cards. They can be both general - impersonal, and nominal. It is noteworthy that fuel cards can be limited in terms of the amount of fuel supplied. The limit is set either by the company providing services for refueling cars, or directly by the customer of the service - the trucking company. There is no access to fuel, except through a limited fuel card. At the same time, the AMTSS can be additionally equipped with a terminal that issues a check attached to the waybill. Since the entire system is fully automated, the head of the transport organization or a responsible person from the financial group receives a detailed report on the movement of fuel every day in a strictly defined form. The summary contains information about which car was refueled, how much fuel was dispensed, at what time the refueling was made, and so on up to the photo of the driver who used the fuel card. The accounting department of the auto enterprise compares the data from the report with internal documentation.

The main requirements for the location of the AMTZS are: 25 meters away from buildings and structures, and that there is no water supply running under the equipment. The base must be laid out with slabs, and fenders must be present to ensure safety. To connect electrical power it is necessary to organize the supply of a cable designed for a power of at least 10 kW. The time spent by the refueling module on the customer's territory is regulated solely by the contract for the lease of automatic fuel filling stations and the purchase of fuel. Standard production and installation time of the station is about 2.5 months. Having previously drawn up the terms of reference, the customer has the opportunity to specify all the options he needs. For example, in the presence of a mixed fleet of vehicles, the supplier may offer containers with a different number of sections. By agreement with the customer, the container can be divided into compartments of the required volume. For example, one will store diesel fuel, the other - gasoline.

Can a carrier make money at a gas station installed on its territory? Yes, there is such a possibility. For example, two convoys are based not far from each other. If on the territory of one of them there is an automatic fuel filling station, then the neighbor can refuel his cars there at an attractive price, but at the same time the owner of the automatic filling station will have his own profit from the sale of petroleum products. At the same time, not only company cars, but also personal cars of employees can be refueled at a low price, which will make the employer even more attractive.

With this scheme, the cost of the carrier for the installation of equipment is close to zero, since he purchases the service of refueling vehicles. At the same time, all operations for maintenance, repair of equipment, cleaning of the tank, and so on, are performed by the service provider. All responsibility for fuel quality also lies with the supplier. All that the transport company pays is the cost of the supplied fuel. At the same time, equipment costs are included in the cost of a liter, and it is cheaper than at network filling stations. The only drawback of this solution is the long-term binding to one fuel company, and this does not suit all carriers.

By accepting all the calculations given in this business plan, the founder assumes full responsibility for their observance.

Project Summary

The gas station business plan with calculations is aimed at practical implementation ideas to open a gas station with a two-year turnover. At the same time, the project provides for the solution of the following social and economic tasks:

  • Creation of new jobs at the opening enterprise.
  • Meeting the demand of motorists in providing fuel and other consumer goods.
  • Extraction of profit.

Financing of the construction of a gas station complex is carried out at the expense of a bank commercial loan in the amount of 45 million rubles. Interest payments and repayment of the loan begin from the 1st month from the start of the project. This condition greatly simplifies the understanding of the methodology for regulating financial flows and the methodology for calculating discounting.

Borrowed investments come from the bank at an interest rate of 17.5%. It is envisaged to revise the rate downward in accordance with the existing trends in the banking market of financial services.

During the investment period, the total amount of accrued interest to the creditor is 3 million 066 thousand rubles.

Payback periods:

  • From the start of work on the project - no more than 4 months.
  • Discounted – 2 years.

The life cycle of the project under the existing business conditions and the economic situation in the country is 2 years. During this time, the overall economic effect of its implementation will amount to 208 million 339 thousand 791.2 rubles.

Main stages

The terms of the project implementation given in the business plan, as well as other information on its implementation, are also relevant for force majeure circumstances.

Brief Market Analysis

The domestic automotive fuel market is at the stage of gradual saturation. In such conditions, the main thing is not so much its quantitative characteristics as qualitative ones.

According to experts, the discovery successful business in this industry is possible only if a vertically integrated structure is built: refinery - tank farm - gas station. Delivery of fuel directly from oil refineries is not always profitable due to the remoteness of the refinery. The most acceptable option is to sign an agreement with a nearby tank farm on periodic fuel supplies in volumes that ensure the continuous operation of the filling station in accordance with the stated schedule.

At present, after the crisis of 2008-2010, the country is actively working on the modernization of oil refineries, which will saturate the market with high-octane gasoline. All the largest oil companies in Russia are involved in this process, which has allowed over the past 5 years to increase revenue from fuel sales by 30% or more, depending on the region.

Thus, the supply of filling stations with gasoline and diesel fuel is no longer a factor hindering the development of the filling station network.

Object Summary

The number of filling stations being built by the most important players in the fuel market is constantly increasing. Thus, Gazpromneft alone has increased the number of its filling stations built in Russia and the CIS countries to almost 1,500.

A filling station is a complex of facilities integrated within a single economic structure created to provide services for refueling vehicles. The list of categories of consumers is very wide, they are all motorists, employees of official and public transport, in a word - all car owners.

The most important activities for the creation of gas stations are the search for the location of the gas station complex, the construction of its infrastructure facilities, and the recruitment of personnel.

In addition to the gas station itself, the project provides for the construction of:

  • Auto parts store and automotive technical fluids.
  • Vehicle washing station.
  • Tire shop.
  • A trading facility for the sale of related goods and food products (on its premises there is a room for the work of cashiers-operators of gas stations).

The buildings under construction should be provided with modern engineering systems, supply and exhaust ventilation, automated complexes for controlling the operation of equipment, power supply, fire protection and alarm systems, air conditioning and heating.

For the uninterrupted operation of gas stations, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of receiving and storing directly at the facility at least 8 tons of oil products for daily sale.

Administration Features

Opening a filling station in Russia is a rather troublesome undertaking in terms of business administration. The state has established strict standards for the construction of facilities and complex procedures for approval and obtaining permits. For this reason, there are practically no opportunities in the country to create a container filling station, which can also bring tangible profits, especially in cramped urban areas. The current SNiPs allow building gas station facilities no closer than 30 meters from houses.

The administration of the creation of gas stations also includes the need to obtain various kinds of permits and carry out many approvals for the allocation of a land plot, the construction of infrastructure facilities, and the laying of communications.


Personnel is one of the main problems that will have to be solved in the process of creating an enterprise. This is especially important for gas stations located at a distance from populated areas. In accordance with established rules, gas station employees must have special certificates indicating professional training. Therefore, the selection of personnel for the station is carried out on the condition that employees are trained at special courses organized by the oil inspectorate.

The training course should be held by cashiers, tankers and drivers. On average, the cost of such courses is about 2,000 rubles per employee. After graduation, certification of specialists is carried out.

The selection of candidates for employment is carried out on a competitive basis. It will also apply to employees representing other areas of activity. The duration of the competition is 1 month.

The remuneration fund for specialists is reflected in the table of project costs.

In some cases, it will be necessary to hire security guards or conclude an agreement for the protection of the facility with a private security company. This service costs on average:

  • 1500 rub. per month (when the object is located outside the settlement).
  • 7500 rub. per month (if gas stations are located in the city).

The number of operators is calculated on the basis of the planned volumes of sales of services and the mode of operation of the enterprise.

Marketing and Advertising

With an increase in the number of filling stations, the number of potential fuel consumers is growing slowly. This generates more and more competition in the market and, in turn, requires more and more significant investments in effective marketing and advertising activities.

To do this, the business plan under consideration provides for the need to form the conviction among consumers that it is possible to purchase fuel directly from the manufacturer at this station. Advertising costs are directed to the following activities:

  • Publication of articles in specialized and local publications.
  • Development of your own website.
  • Advertising in local media.
  • Advertising on television and radio.
  • Carrying out promotions and developing special offers for certain categories of consumers.

According to experts, a service acquires significant status when the number of its users exceeds 1% of the economically active population. Thus, within the framework of even a medium-sized city, a gas station may well become a profitable facility and perform the functions assigned to it.

It should also be taken into account that among some segments of the population there continues to be an opinion about the criminal nature of this business. Therefore, all efforts in marketing should be directed to creating a positive image of the enterprise and improving the quality of customer service.

List of required equipment

For effective implementation their tasks and to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the filling station, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • Fuel and gas dispensers.
  • A complex of equipment for the management of gas station systems.
  • Pressure measuring system.
  • Modular fuel station.
  • Autogas filling stations (AGZS).
  • Fuel tanker based on a KamAZ vehicle with a tank volume of 10.7 cubic meters. m.

The exact number of pieces of equipment is indicated in the table of planned costs for the project.

The general equipment of the gas station should increase the productivity of the provision of services, fully comply with the requirements in the field of safety, contribute to enhancing the reputation of the enterprise and offset the investments provided for in this business plan.

Financial plan

The company's financial plan is based on the fact that during 2017, retail prices for various types of motor fuel in the country will increase by 8-12% compared to last year and reach the level of 41.5-43 rubles per liter.

The financial year for the provision of accounting and tax reporting begins in January. Main types of taxation:

Name of the tax Base used for taxation Payment period Bid
For the amount of profit Profit amount m-ts 20%
VAT Value added m-ts 18%
For property The value of the acquired property according to schedule 22%
Approachable FOT m-ts 13%
Social payments FOT m-ts 34%

Given the current trends in the domestic automotive fuel market, the forecast revenue structure is as follows:

Period Services (sales of motor fuel by type) Quantity Revenue
AI-95 55 1 million 385 thousand 918 rubles
1-12 months (investment period) AI-92 291 6 million 800 thousand 320 rubles
1-12 months (investment period) AI-80 290 5 million 914 thousand 318 rubles.
1-12 month
(investment period)
DT 750 13 million
634 thousand 475 rubles.
13 mts
(functioning period)
AI-95 60 1 million 582 thousand 560 rubles
AI-92 380 9 million 295 thousand 104 rubles
13-24 mts (functioning period) AI-80 380 RUB 8 million 111 thousand 936
14-24 mts (functioning period) DT 1100 20 million 931 thousand 680 rubles

The price of fuel per 1 liter is based on the average forecast for 2017, which is based on:

  • Demand analysis for specific types of fuel.
  • Averaged data on the number of services provided at gas stations.
  • Provision of services by gas station enterprises.
  • Generalized data on the state of the domestic market for gas station services.

The calculations take into account the minimum profitability of the company's services.

Potential risks

The most significant risks in this business are:

  • The complexity of project administration, especially at the stage of opening an enterprise.
  • High level of competition.
  • The need to obtain large amounts of borrowed funds.
  • Initially low qualification of personnel, the need for training.


The given example of a gas station business plan shows that opening a gas station is an extremely profitable activity. The profitability of an enterprise is largely determined by a high degree of potential risks of an objective and subjective nature. Prospects for business development are determined by the location of the filling complex, the level of car traffic, efficient enterprise management and a competent marketing policy.

At the initial stage of the project implementation, the founder will need a significant concentration of his intellectual and psychological potential on solving complex problems of organizing an enterprise.

Hello, my name is Tyumentsev Anton. I live and run my business in the Saratov region.
At the age of 30, I realized my dream - I opened my own gas station. I did not know anything about this area - where to start, and most importantly: I did not understand at all - how much it costs to open a gas station, whether it will be profitable, what the cost of equipment, and so on.

But, as they say, "the eyes are afraid, but the hands do." Gradually, I delved into all the intricacies of the business and realized what it takes to open a gas station and where to go. In general, the flywheel started.

In 2010, my gas station was built in accordance with all existing standards. Total land area - about 2700 square meters, and the operator area - about 130 "square".

In addition, there is a trading floor, an office for a senior operator and a separate room for staff on the territory of the gas station. By the way, my gas station has two operators, three refuellers and one cleaner. There are two bathrooms.

Of the technical features, I would like to boast of the presence of underground tanks 3 * 61 m3, 2 * 72 m3 and another 2 * 30 m2. Max Power- 60 kW, TRK "Nara" 7321 3/6.

As for water supply and sewerage, everything here is connected to the urban cycle (it turned out to be much more convenient and cheaper).

The place for refueling is excellent, which gives a constant flow of cars (about 300-500 cars can be serviced per day). The annual income from refueling is from 2 million dollars.

As an introduction

In the field of business, filling stations are gaining more and more popularity, which grow on the roads of the country like mushrooms. There are some cities where the number of gas stations is several hundred.

What can we say about this type of activity on a national scale. But, despite the workload of this business area, finding your loophole is not at all difficult.

There are two options - to build your own gas station and run the business autonomously, or to work under an existing brand name by entering into a franchise relationship.

So, let's see what is special about opening a gas station, what you need to consider when creating a business, how much it costs to open a gas station and other points.

What are the main costs?

To get started, calculate how much it will cost to create this type of business:

  • The most important item of expenditure is the rent (purchase) of land. On average, a quality plot will cost from 80 to 200 thousand US dollars (again, how can you agree);
  • The next stage is obtaining licenses for the storage of various types of fuel (gas, gasoline and diesel fuel). For permits, you must go to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy (here the commissions are small). On average, the cost of everything will "eat up" about 300-500 US dollars;
  • Costs will be higher when obtaining a license for the construction of gas stations. There are areas where tens of thousands of dollars have to be spent even before construction begins. As practice shows, it is better to use the services of intermediaries who will handle all the necessary documents. Such specialists know perfectly well where to go and how to save money. Costs - 20-30 thousand US dollars;
  • An important issue is the construction, equipment and operation of filling stations. This is where the costs can be much higher. Most a budget option- purchase of two columns in the amount of about 60 thousand rubles. If you plan to promote your business and increase income, you need to organize at least four columns (costs, respectively, will also double).

Be sure to purchase equipment for gas station tanks. Your expenses in this case are from 15 thousand US dollars (it all depends on appetites).

Remember about the organization of access roads, preparation of fuel tanks, construction of a building for the operator. The solution of these issues also requires money - at least 50 thousand dollars.

The total cost of building a gas station costs about 1-1.5 million dollars (but if you wish, you can invest up to a million). At the same time, be prepared to buy only high-quality technological equipment for gas stations. I would not recommend saving in this matter.

Table of potential consumers of gas station services

How to open a gas station franchise?

Today, franchising is gaining more and more popularity in the field of "gasoline" business. Its advantages are obvious - gas station from the start gets an advantageous location, high-quality retail equipment and a promoted brand.

It remains only to manage and receive money for it.

Of course, you need to pay for a franchise agreement, but with proper business management, the costs quickly pay off.

When choosing a company - "cartridge" it is necessary to resolve all issues with the future supply of fuel.

If there is a refinery or oil depot nearby, then this is only a plus.

Remember that transporting gasoline from afar is a costly and difficult undertaking.

When concluding an agreement with a franchisor, you must adhere to the corporate identity of the company (up to the color and size of the sign, type of uniform, height of the flag, location of the ballot boxes, and so on). That is why such nuances must be clarified in advance.

By the way, Lukoil can become a reliable partner. Here, investments should be about 6 million rubles, and annual deductions - about 200-350 thousand rubles. If you do not know how to open your gas station, but really want to, then this option is one of the best.

And what about fuel?

So that this question does not take you by surprise, you should have a quality gas station business plan at hand. It reflects all potential fuel costs. But not only!!

Please note that the density of relationships with the supplier directly depends on the success of the future refueling. It is important to immediately discuss the prices for the purchase of fuel and the regime for receiving goods. At the same time, it is better to make agreements with a large oil depot (this is the only way to be sure of good quality gasoline).

Information on wholesale gasoline prices can be obtained from the Internet. Moreover, for some money you can get useful analytical information regarding further changes in value.

When forming the selling price, the tax on the sale of fuels and lubricants, value added tax, and excise duty should be taken into account.

So, let's go over the rates. Today, for a ton of 80th gasoline, you will have to pay an amount of about 30-35 thousand rubles, and on the 95th - about 39 thousand rubles. As for diesel fuel, summer fuel will cost about 29 thousand rubles (per ton, of course), and winter fuel will cost 36 thousand rubles.

Growth table of filling station market participants by six months

What should be the security measures?

Believe that the gasoline business is one of the most dangerous, so any reinsurance here is not superfluous. For example, it is very important to make all windows and doors at gas stations armored.

If the operator serves customers through the window, then it should not be visible. One more important rule for the employee - not to go out during working hours.

Organize a panic button - this is a must. If something happens, then security will arrive at the gas station within a few minutes. At the same time, the cost of an agreement concluded with a security company largely depends on the location of the gas station. The price of services is from 30,000 rubles.

Besides, Maintenance gas station equipment is another important point that should be organized at highest level. At the same time, please note that all possible malfunctions of the gas station equipment must be eliminated in a timely manner. Otherwise, disaster cannot be avoided.

On average, monthly maintenance costs amount to between 300-500 US dollars.

What will be the personnel costs?

The main task for you when opening a gas station is to recruit good employees. If the station is located far from the settlement, then the process of finding an employee is very complicated, but we can solve it (you can organize official transport).

Monthly expenses - from 15 thousand rubles for gasoline and car maintenance.
The main requirements for the future operator are the ability to work with a PC, responsibility, honesty.

In addition, a gas station employee must have a special certificate of appropriate training. At the same time, please note that such courses must be completed by absolutely all employees, up to cleaners.

At a small gas station, two operators will be enough for you. Medium wage– from 300 USD each. We will need refuellers (2-3 people) with a salary of about 300-350 US dollars and a cleaner - 150 US dollars. Total costs - from 1400 US dollars per month.

Control and norms

It is important to note that the work of gas stations is constantly inspected by inspectors and representatives of various structures (you need to be prepared for this). For example, some of the most frequent "guests" are representatives of the oil inspectorate, firefighters, tax officials, and so on. Be prepared for some costs here too. On average, this is from 3 thousand dollars a month.

Prospects and earnings

As for sales standards, the optimal volume is 4-5 cubic meters of gasoline per day. With normal development, indicators can be increased to 15 cubic meters.

Speaking in general terms about the turnover and profitability of gas stations, these factors largely depend on the location of the station and the brand name. In addition, to promote a business, you can organize a full-fledged gas station complex with a car wash, service station or even a restaurant.


  • – your construction costs – from half a million US dollars, monthly expenses – from 50 thousand US dollars;
  • – your profit from the sale of fuel per month will be from 200 thousand US dollars;
  • If you equip a store, it can bring from 30-40 thousand US dollars.

The business pays off in an average of 4-5 years.

As a conclusion

Now you know how to open a gas station, and what is needed for this. Of course, this niche is already quite densely occupied, but only in big cities.

Carefully study the routes of Russia and see where there is an acute shortage of gas stations. If you choose the right place, develop a high-quality business plan and attract staff, you can make good money, and eventually organize a network of gas stations.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Black gold is the name of oil, and the reason lies in the immediate cost of this mineral. The production and sale of petroleum products is one of the most advantageous species business in modern society. It's no secret that many wealthy people have made their fortune on oil, and therefore this niche attracts a lot of people.

But is there a chance for a newcomer to break into this market, grabbing at least a small part of consumers? As practice shows, even without having your own oil refinery or oil rig, you can earn money by selling oil products to people. To do this, it is enough to organize your gas station.

However, this type of business also involves serious investments and many difficulties to be overcome before opening. Your own gas station can be a good business development already successful person, but a beginner can start such a business only by contacting investors or a bank. Only those who see the prospects in the proposed business plan will decide to lend to such an undertaking. But despite the abundance of gas stations, you can open your own gas station, because the number of motorists is growing every day, and the demand for gasoline is always stable.

Registration of a business entity is carried out at the local tax authority. The recommended form legal entity, and to reduce costs, it is preferable to use a simplified taxation system. Using the simplified taxation system is also beneficial because it does not have to pay an additional tax on the sale of fuels and lubricants. Therefore, it is best to register your limited liability company. The activity code is defined as (OKPD 2) 47.30 Services for retail motor fuel in specialized stores. It is necessary to take into account the fact that this encoding is only suitable for a gas station, if you plan to open a full-fledged gas station, then you need to enter additional codes for a car wash, a repair shop, and, especially, for a store. Not to mention the motel, which can also be located on the territory of the gas station. After the activity is registered, it must also be licensed. Currently requires permission from the Department of Energy Russian Federation for the operation of fire hazardous facilities. To do this, the following documents are submitted from a legal entity to the local branch of the named ministry:

  1. Constituent documents: charter and memorandum of association;
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  3. Certificate of state registration;
  4. Certificate from the State Statistics Committee;
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  6. GRN certificates.

You also need to have certificates of commissioning of a fire hazardous facility, an extract from the permit from the Fire Service, as well as a concluded insurance contract. Certificates of ownership and disposal of movable and immovable property and information about the manager and engineers who must meet the requirements for these positions are also transferred to the Ministry of Energy. Since the construction will most likely be carried out by a third-party company, you need to immediately make sure that the construction company has the right to build gas stations. Because it is in this case that it will be possible to prove that the construction of its filling station took place in accordance with established regulations.

You also need to initially know what equipment will be used in order to provide information about it to the licensing authority. To help understand all these issues and carry out licensing of activities can be special law firms that deal with registration of licenses. Their services, of course, cost money, but they help to get rid of bureaucratic red tape and save your time.

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Obtaining all permits is just the beginning. The next step is to find a suitable place and conduct construction works. Any large city is full of gas stations, but if you look at the map, you can find “white spots” when an entire area may not be served by a single gas station (while in the central quarter, for example, there may be too many of them). You can not immediately think that some place is not occupied due to the inattention of competitors; most likely it is simply not passable. Also, the presence of a famous gas station on one side will not become an obstacle in building your own gas station opposite, because on a busy street the flow is usually the same in all directions, and it is very inconvenient for the driver to turn around because of the gas station. The general wish when choosing a place is that it should be on the path of the largest possible number of drivers. They do not like to drive into yards, turn around, and also often pass by if the gas station is located on a high-speed street, and the motorist does not have a natural need to slow down or stop. A good solution would be to organize a gas station immediately after the traffic light, because while waiting for the permission signal, the driver will have time to see the gas station, make a decision and make sure that it is better to refuel now. It would also be a good idea to be located on the outskirts of the city, but only on the roads along which entry and exit from the settlement is carried out. Moreover, on the outskirts of the city, you can sell a lot of gasoline, because before a long trip people fill up a full tank.

The cost of land is difficult to determine, for obvious reasons, it can vary greatly in different cities. The cheapest thing, of course, is to buy land from the highway, but in this case, you will probably have to build infrastructure and supply energy, water, gas, build sewers and do other things. similar construction. As for the lease, it is completely undesirable, because some capital structures will have to be erected, and in the event of a lease agreement being broken, there is a risk of throwing a lot of money on the move (which in the end may not pay for itself). When the land is selected, you can contact a construction company that will develop a construction plan, create a sketch and provide a package of documents with which you will have to bypass more than once more than one instance, from the urban planning department to the architectural and planning department.

An average gas station costs an entrepreneur at the stage of its construction in the amount of 4 to 7 million rubles, but this is the price for a simple set of works and basic equipment. The entire construction is divided into construction and installation works and the installation of fuel dispensers; this also includes the construction of an administrative building. It will be small for such money - only the cashier will fit there. Any additional construction will require more investments, so a gas station complex can cost several tens of millions of rubles, but on its territory there will be not only gas stations, but also a car wash, a motel and a cafe, for example.

The main indicator of a gas station is the number of fuel dispensers (TRK). Their minimum number is 2 (one can be supplied, but this is not economically feasible, and construction companies rarely deal with projects of such filling stations). Any motorist understands that one column serves 2 cars on both sides. Rarely at a regular gas station there are more than four of them, five or more fuel dispensers are already installed at large filling stations. It is also necessary at this stage to clearly know what kind of fuel the refueling will be supplied with.

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Usually one dispenser can support three types of fuel, but if diesel and gasoline can be dispensed from one device, then gas and other rarer fuel materials need their own dispenser. Usually, at gas stations that are designed for a large number of cars and cover a significant part of motorists, 4 columns are built and plus one that distributes gas. At the same time, diesel fuel is distributed only on one, less often - on two columns, but at the same time all 4 support gasoline. It's a feature Russian realities, because in this country the majority of car owners have a car that runs on gasoline (unlike Europe, where the percentage of cars with diesel engines is high). Therefore, it is necessary to organize the distribution of gasoline in the first place in order to avoid queues.

When choosing a location, it is also worth clarifying the distance from the nearest tank farm or oil refinery, because each extra kilometer of delivery can result in a critical increase in the price of purchased fuel. If such enterprises are still located at a significant distance, then you need to take care of large fuel storage tanks in order to reduce the number of deliveries and increase the volume of one-time purchased fuel. This is especially true for gas stations located along the highway, because any large city has its own oil depot that delivers products to gas stations. The cost of the fuel itself in bulk is slightly less when recalculated per liter when compared with the retail price. In all regions, the cost of gasoline varies, but the maximum difference is about two rubles; however, this is a very large gap when buying large volumes.

Gasoline is sold in bulk in tons, and since it has a lower density than water, one ton contains about 1300 liters. Maybe more depending on the octane number. The higher it is, the heavier the gasoline. Diesel fuel is denser, and one ton contains about 1200 liters. Therefore, the price of a ton of gasoline is much higher than the price of a thousand liters. To date, AI-92 gasoline sold at a price of 32 rubles 40 kopecks costs the owner of a gas station 31 rubles 70 kopecks. From this it becomes clear that for successful management business needs to sell a very large amount of gasoline, because the profitability of selling gasoline is very small.

However, this should not stop an entrepreneur who decides to sell fuel. With a good location and good equipment of gas stations, you can count on a large flow of customers, which will fully cover the costs. In addition to utility bills, organization of security and outsourcing, monthly funds will have to be allocated for the wage fund. And here the amount will differ not only depending on the size of the complex, but also on the level of service that the entrepreneur offers.

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So, you will need to hire several cashiers (for shift work), but at the same time only one can be at work who will serve customers (which will certainly lead to the formation of queues during peak hours). Operators are also needed to monitor the state of the station and make fuel acceptance, perform technological procedures when filling tanks. And an optional, but recommended when organizing refueling even of the middle class, the position of a tanker. This is a person who pours fuel into the gas tank, sometimes even accepting funds from the client, which eliminates the need for the latter to even get out of the car. At the same time, this is not only a service, but also speeds up the work of a gas station, because it helps to save a few minutes when servicing each client, which means reducing the likelihood of a queue forming. The queue, in fact, can scare away many customers, because motorists are often stuck in traffic jams, and additional waiting can force them to leave for a competitor.

But even if you find a good place, to establish the supply of really high-quality products and offer customers good service, you cannot be sure that there will be many consumers. Nowadays, in Russia, refueling with gasoline (and the production of petroleum products in general) is firmly associated with several large companies, which are most trusted. The author of these lines himself, for example, refuels his car only at gas stations of three companies, without even considering the rest as complexes where you can buy high-quality gasoline. And that's how most people think. Of course, someone is attracted by a low price, but most motorists prefer to overpay for fuel so as not to have problems with a car breakdown in the future.

Therefore, it is worth seriously thinking about starting a franchise. At the same time, the flow of customers can grow significantly, and the franchisor at the same time makes it possible to purchase fuel own production(and large companies care about their quality), support at many stages of running their business and help in solving some issues. At the same time, oligopolists and even state structures will not try to squeeze out a player who has come under the protectorate of a large company from the market - it is no secret how serious business is conducted in this country.

However, the franchisor also imposes many requirements on the observance of corporate style to its franchisees. So, for example, do not be surprised if you have to face the requirement to place corporate flags at a certain height. Moreover, strict compliance should be in the form of employees, the design of the entire complex and its premises. Major players have different views on the idea of ​​franchising, but almost all of them offer such an opportunity. Indeed, with all the desire to maintain a too large network, it will only not be possible to manage on its own, on-site directors will not be interested in sales as much as the franchisees are interested in them. Yes, and the franchisor avoids risks by shifting questions and expenses for construction and obtaining licenses to the company acquiring the franchise. In fact, this type of cooperation turns out to be beneficial for absolutely all parties, except, perhaps, for the consumers themselves. But this is already the concern of the antimonopoly service.

The cost of the franchise consists of a lump sum, the cost of bringing your complex to corporate requirements and royalties. For example, one very well-known company (we will not name it in order to avoid advertising, limiting ourselves to the definition of red and white) does not offer the classic "lump-sum-royalty" scheme, but the annual payment of the cost of the franchise. It differs depending on the location, or rather the type of location. So, almost 400 thousand rubles will have to be paid a year if the gas station is located on a federal highway. But maybe a little more than 200 thousand, if not located in large cities or on highways. By the way, these are very small amounts compared to how much you can earn working under a well-known brand. However, in calculations five years ago, this company itself determined that the franchisee must invest almost 6 million rubles to re-equip its complex to meet corporate requirements. Today, this amount will be even higher. Therefore, if you plan to work on a franchise, it is better to build your gas station from the very beginning in accordance with the conditions of the future partner.

Thus, owning a gas station is a very difficult and costly business, but in the case of well-established work, it brings significant profit. To do this, you don’t even need to study statistics, because only a completely stupid person does not understand that they earn not just good money on gasoline, but very good money. Initially, it is better to count on at least 15-20 million rubles, for this money you can buy land on the outskirts of the city, build a gas station, purchase a franchise and equip the station the way the franchisor wants. In this case, it will be one of the best investments of this amount.

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