Difference between Moldavian and Russian pumps. How does a filling station (gas station) work?

  • 04.03.2020

The fuel dispensers are designed for:
refueling vehicles with filtered fuel. The accuracy class of the fuel dispenser should be no more than 0.25.
Main functions:

  • delivery of fuel to the consumer's tank according to the dose in liters specified by the operator;
  • supply of fuel to the consumer's tank for a given amount of money;
  • display information about retail price one liter of fuel and the possibility of its adjustment from the controller;
  • displaying information about the specified and dispensed dose of fuel in physical and monetary units for a one-time vacation;
  • displaying information on the total amount of fuel supplied by the operator's call;
  • saving in the reading device information about the total amount of fuel dispensed;
  • emergency termination of dose delivery directly from the column or controller;
  • continuation of the delivery of a given dose when the accident is eliminated with the permission of the operator;
  • software protection against unauthorized access of the post code and the value of the adjustment coefficient;
  • the possibility of mounting the column at a distance of up to 30 m from the tank.

TRCs are classified according to the following criteria:

  • by mobility: portable, stationary;
  • type of drive: with manual, electric, combined;
  • control method: manual, from a local setting device; from a remote setting device; from an automatic setting device;
  • placement method: single - for serving one consumer; double - for simultaneous service of two consumers;
  • the composition of the dispensed fuel: for dispensing a single-component fuel, for the formation and dispensing of a fuel mixture;
  • nominal fuel consumption, l/min.: 25; 40; fifty; 100; 160;
  • basic error, % ± 0.25... 0.4;
  • the method of placement of assembly units: in one building, in several buildings;
  • according to the type of reading device: with a mechanical and electrical device.

6. Arrangement of fuel storage tanks. The fuel storage tank is necessary for the maintenance of diesel fuel intended for autonomous boiler houses in the oil refining industry and other areas. Fuel tanks are made of chemically resistant resins. The containers are able to withstand high temperatures. Tanks for storage of fuel can be made in underground and ground versions. Above-ground containers are installed in a support frame with a platform for maintenance. To increase the volume of the tank, they are installed separately. The operation of the fuel tank is carried out in the following sequence:

1. The filling of the reservoir occurs through the filling pipe.

2. Fuel intake is carried out through the service well.

3. A special sensor is installed in case of overfilling the tank.

Fuel tanks are necessary for storage of oil, fuels and lubricants, diesel fuel.

The advantages of using fuel storage tanks are:

  • Resistant tank to chemicals, because it is made of fiberglass.
  • Resin resistant.
  • Possibility of installation of above-ground tanks with a special platform for maintenance.
  • The presence of a sealed housing.
  • Long service life.
  • Possibility of manufacturing tanks in the color of the company logo.

The device package includes:

  • Container made of fiberglass, resistant to resistant resins.
  • Branch pipes for filling and taking containers.
  • Well with a lid.
  • Ventilation.
  • Level control sensor.

The fuel storage tank is mounted based on established rules and building codes. In this case, the installation recommendations specified in the equipment passport should be taken into account. The fuel tank is fixed to the base with tie-down straps, then the intake and filling pipelines are connected. After that, backfilling with sand and subsequent tamping or spilling is carried out.

Fuel dispensers for gas stations are designed for dispensing gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants and propane-butane mixtures in different containers. Also, fuel dispensers are needed to account for and measure products sold.

Types of fuel dispensers and the principle of their operation

Fuel dispensers - equipment that is presented on the market in two versions - single and double. The choice depends on which gas station the device will be used at. For mobile or container filling stations, it is recommended to buy a single dispenser. She only serves one car. Its main advantage is its low price.

At full-fledged gas stations, double fuel dispensers are installed. They serve two vehicles simultaneously. This allows you to quickly refuel cars and not create a queue. The downside is that double dispensers are more difficult to maintain and repair compared to single dispensers.

All fuel dispensers consist of the following elements:

  • pump;
  • deep and fine cleaning;
  • gun and hose for distribution;
  • gas separator;
  • volume meter;
  • fuel counter;
  • counting device.

The principle of operation is quite simple. First, the dose of fuel is indicated. Next, the pistol is removed for distribution and the electric motor is activated. This helps move the fuel from the storage tank to the pump, and from there to the volumetric meter, which is connected to gears that operate a special shaft to create an indicator signal.

The fuel passes through the gas separation sensor and enters the gun. The next stage is the conversion of information about the volume passed. The data appears on the fuel dispenser screen.

Characteristics of fuel dispensers

Vinso-SV offers different types filling equipment. The choice of model is based on the capacity of the gas station, mobility, process automation and many other factors.

Fuel dispensers, based on the requirements for them, are classified according to the following parameters:

  • type of drive. There are three options - manual, electric and combined. The first type is almost never used, as it is inconvenient to use;
  • control method. Can be manual mode, from a local or remote setting device. In the first option, the fuel supply does not automatically stop. Local control implies that the client himself chooses the desired volume, and remote control means that the operator sets the required value;
  • fuel consumption. The maximum value is 160 liters per minute;
  • placement method. Elements of the fuel dispenser can be in one or more housings.

The cost of the fuel dispenser depends on all the above parameters. But the price is also affected by who the manufacturer is.

Top Producers

In the online store you can buy fuel dispensers of different famous brands. The best fuel dispensers:

  • "Topaz". Productivity - 50 or 140 liters. The manufacturer is domestic, so the cost is low;
  • "Shelf". The main advantage is the increased turn of the distributing hoses;
  • Gilbarco. Comply with the most stringent safety requirements;
  • Tatsuno Rus. The company is a manufacturer of petrol and gas dispensers, which are used at small and stationary gas stations;
  • "Nara". The trademark has been on the market for over 50 years and all its products comply with international standards quality;
  • "Livenka". The main advantage is the service life of the fuel dispenser for at least 10 years.

That's not all trade marks that are presented on the site. If you do not know which fuel dispenser for diesel fuel, gasoline or propane-butane mixture is needed, please contact our managers.

We have been selling equipment for gas stations and tank farms for over 20 years, so the quality of the goods is beyond doubt. You can find out about the conditions for placing an order and delivery in a special section.

Fuel and oil dispensers are used to dispense fuel and oils to consumers. various designs. The main task of the dispensers is to provide consumers with specified doses of fuel or oil with the required accuracy (the error in dispensing a dose should not exceed ± 0.5%).

Gas stations and gas stations mainly use fuel dispensers controlled remotely using special consoles. remote control or with the help of special automated systems, including systems for non-cash sale of petroleum products.

Despite the diversity designs, all types and models of fuel dispensers have common components and parts. The operation of the columns can be considered (Fig. 12.7) using the example of a fuel dispenser model 1TK-40 (feed 40 l / min) with an electromechanical master device manufactured by the Serpukhov plant "Nefteapparatpribor".

Consider the scheme (Fig. 12.7) of the fuel dispenser and its principle of operation. The required amount of fuel is set, while the electric motor is turned on 15 columns. Under the action of vacuum created by a rotary vane pump 3, fuel from the tank enters through the pipeline through the filter 1 and lower check valve 2 , filter 4 rotary vane pump. The pump delivers liquid to the gas separator 5, the upper check valve 6, piston liquid meter 11 , rotary transparent indicator 12 , dispensing sleeve, crane 13 and the tank of the car.

Rice. 12.7. circuit diagram fuel dispenser
column model 1TK-40

When liquid enters the gas separator, its flow rate decreases sharply, at the same time the flow direction changes, as a result of which air and fuel vapors are released from the liquid. The air accumulates in the upper cavity of the gas separator housing and through the jet, along with some of the liquid, and the drain tube enters the float chamber, where air and vapors escape into the atmosphere through the air tube, and part of the liquid enters through the drain tube back into the filter. The liquid, entering the counter, alternately moves the pistons of the liquid counter connected to the crankshaft and transmitting rotation to it. The crankshaft, in turn, transmits rotation to the counting device 7, which has two dials (front and rear), each of which has one arrow, which make one revolution when released 100 l fuel.

A six-drum total counter window opens onto the front dial 8, which shows the cumulative total of the amount of dispensed liquid in liters.

At the end of the issuance of a dose of liquid, which can be seen from the arrow pointer, the dispenser through the pulse of the setter 10 automatically turns off the speaker motor, and by pressing the reset button 9 pointer is returned to zero.

A typical column consists of a hydraulic part and a counting device (Fig. 12.8). The principle of operation of the column is explained by the hydraulic diagram
(Fig. 12.9).

On the remote device (remote control, computer or cash register), the dose of fuel is set. When the dispensing tap is removed, the electric motor automatically turns on. Under the action of the vacuum created by the pump, the fuel from the tank through the intake valve enters the pump. The pump supplies fuel to the gas separator. Through the valve and the volume meter, the measured amount of fuel enters the consumer's tank through the dispensing valve.

Rice. 12.8. General view of the dispenser and its scheme

Rice. 12.9. Hydraulic scheme of a direct-flow gas station:

1 - check valve; 2 - filter; 3 - vane pump; 4 - electric motor;
5 – gas separator; 6 - float chamber; 7 – electromagnetic valve; 8 - counter;
9 - counting device; 10 - indicator; 11 - distributing valve

On fig. 12.10 shows the device of a piston fuel volume meter. The translational movement of the piston, together with the link on which it is rigidly fixed, is converted into a rotational movement of the shaft. The backstage (French - groove) has a cutout in which the crankshaft crank moves.

The rotation of the crankshaft with a spool makes it possible to fill each of the four cylinders in turn, simultaneously displacing fuel from the opposite cylinder (two pistons are fixed on the same link). The rotational movement of the crankshaft of the volume meter is transmitted through coupling on the shaft of the fuel flow sensor.

To calibrate the meter (Fig. 12.11), you need to remove the covers one by one, loosen the nuts with a special wrench and turn the screw clockwise to set the minimum piston stroke, while observing the rotation of the crankshaft of the liquid meter according to the movement of the arrows of the counting device; in this position, the amount of liquid will be reduced.

Turning the adjusting screw counterclockwise increases the amount of fuel ejected. Such adjustment is possible because the crankshaft crank enters the slots in the wings with a gap of 2 mm. Calibration must be done alternately with all four adjusting screws; turning one screw counterclockwise by 1/4 turn adds, and clockwise decreases the volume by 25 ml. After calibration, you need to close the covers of the stop and check the readings of the liquid meter using a dipstick of II category with a capacity of 10 l.

Rice. 12.10. Piston liquid counter: 1 – bottom cover; 2 – meter body;
3 - side cover; 4 - clamping ring; 5 - backstage; 6 - adjusting screw;
7 - piston; 8 - cuff; 9 - crankshaft; 10 and 20 - bushings; 11 - key; 12 - bellows; 13 - spool body; 14 - roller; 15 - sealing cuff; 16 - nut; 17 - spring; 18 - sealing ring; 19 - spool; 21 - backstage stop cover; 22 - M8 bolt

Rice. 12.11. Calibration of a piston liquid meter: 1 - adjusting screw;
2 - screwdriver; 3- special key; 4 - nut M10; 5 - backstage; 6 - side cover

Consider brief description individual components of the hydraulic circuit of the dispensing column. The suction valve (Fig. 12.12) is installed at the beginning of the delivery line inside the tank and serves to prevent fuel from draining from the delivery line back into the tank when the fuel dispenser pump (TRK) is turned off.

Rice. 12.12. Suction (return) valve:

1 - body; 2 – poppet type valves; 3 - filter; 4 - saddle

The suction valve is mounted at a distance of 120 - 200 mm from the bottom of the tank, which ensures the flow of clean oil into the dispenser. The valve opens under the action of the vacuum created by the pump in the suction pipe. When the pump stops, the fuel pressure in the pipeline and tank is equalized and the valves 2, under the action of their own weight, sit on the seats 4.

The filter is designed to protect the hydraulic system of the columns from the ingress of foreign solid particles, which can lead to wear and tear of the pump and inaccurate measurement of the volume of the oil product. There are coarse filters (solids size over 80...100 microns) and fine filters (solids size up to 20 microns). The filters use either nets or a variety of filter materials.

The pump of the fuel dispenser is intended for pumping fuel from the gas station tanks to the tanks of vehicles. The most widely used pumps are rotary-vane (vane) type (Fig. 12.13).

The rotor is located eccentrically relative to the stator, forming a suction and discharge chamber. The rotor has grooves in which the plates (blades) are located. Under the action of centrifugal forces, the plates move out of the grooves of the rotor. When the volume expands, the suction process occurs, and when the volume decreases, the injection occurs. The bypass valve maintains a constant pressure in the discharge cavity (for example, 0.2 MPa).

Rice. 12.13. Gasoline pump of lamellar type: 1 - housing; 2 - oiler;
3 and 12 - segment keys; 4 and 6 - coupling halves; 5 - asterisk; 7 - locking screw; 8 - shaft; 9 - gasket; 10 - cover; 11 - ball bearing; 13 - sealing collar;
14 - rotor; 15 - hairpin; 16 - nut; 17 - cover; 18 - cork; 19 - stock;
20 - valve spring; 21 - special washer; 22 - valve plate; 23 - saddle;

24 - rack; 25 - blades; 26 - adjusting spring washers

Fuel dispenser gas separators are designed to separate air from the fuel, which can dissolve in it when the fuel is drained into tanks.

In the float chamber, fuel vapors condense, fuel particles entrained with the vapor-air mixture are deposited, and the released air and vapors are released into the atmosphere.

The solenoid valve is a device for reducing the flow rate at the end of the dose delivery in order to complete the operation of the column at a low flow rate, which significantly increases the accuracy of the dose release. Distinguish between solenoid valves single or double action.

Single acting valves only reduce fuel consumption at the end of a dose. Double-acting valves additionally completely close the pipeline after the end of the dose.

The volume meter is designed to measure the amount of fuel dispensed. A reading device is associated with it, which gives digital information about the amount of fuel dispensed.

Reading devices can be of various designs: mechanical pointer, mechanical roller, electronic-mechanical, electronic.

In the hydraulic system of dispensers, an indicator with a glass cap or window is usually installed before the outlet of the dispensing hose, through which you can observe the flow of fuel leaving the dispenser and control its gas content.

Dispensing sleeves of columns are usually made of rubber-fabric.
Recently, sleeves from polymer materials. The work of distributing sleeves is carried out in difficult conditions, their kinks, twists often occur, collisions with the wheels of refueling vehicles are possible. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the sleeves installed on the speakers.

For the convenience of consumers, dispensers are designed with two dispensing sleeves operating from one measuring system. In this case, when fuel is dispensed through one hose, the second is blocked by a special valve.

The designs of dispensers are widely used, having two pumping and measuring systems in one housing, operating independently, each on its own distributing sleeve. Such dispensers can supply two types of fuel. The reading device of such a column is either double or single with blocking.

In order to ensure the issuance of fuel of several grades by one column, multi-tube dispensers (4 - 6 sleeves) are used with independent hydraulic systems working on their sleeves. Such columns are solid units, allowing to reduce the area required for installation of columns.

At the output ends of the dispensing sleeves, dispensing taps or "guns" are installed. They can be automatic and mechanical. Cranes have outlet pipes with which they are inserted into the fuel tanks of refueling vehicles. The taps are opened manually by pressing special levers. Depending on the force of pressure on the lever, the degree of opening of the valve is regulated. In automatic taps, when the fuel tank is filled to the upper level, when the fuel reaches the tap nozzle, it automatically closes. Non-automatic faucets close manually. In this case, there is a risk of overfilling the tank and spilling fuel on the ground, which is undesirable from an environmental and fire point of view.

The first representative of domestic fuel dispensers was the hand-operated flask dispenser model 318.

Currently, domestic speakers are produced in the cities of Voronezh, Livny, Serpukhovo. Structurally, they differ in flow rate (50 and 100 l / min) and the ability to fill with one or various types fuel.

For example, let's give a description of the widely used Nara fuel dispensers of the 2000 series with a flow rate of 50 l/min. The minimum dose of delivery is 2 liters. These are single fuel dispensers with a mechanical or electromechanical one-time fuel meter. Facing elements of the 2000 series fuel dispensers (front, rear, side panels) are made of thin sheet steel coated with synthetic primer and enamel. All panels are removable.

The fuel dispenser units are mounted on a steel angle frame. The fuel volume meter consists of four pistons made of aluminum alloy and has a spool valve. The pistons are sealed with leather cuffs. Reading device: roller type - for fuel dispensers
"Nara-27M1", pointer type - for the fuel dispenser "Nara-27M1S", electromechanical type - for the fuel dispenser "Nara-27M1E".

The Nara-27M1EN fuel dispensers are distinguished by their modern appearance and are equipped with an electromechanical display. Engine power - 0.55 kW. Hydraulic part - fuel pump, gas separator, float chamber, coarse filter. Dispensing sleeve 5 m long, filling valve can be manual or automatic.

The 4000 series fuel dispensers are characterized by a block-modular layout, in which the information display device and the measuring part are made as separate blocks interconnected by communications.

The 6000 series fuel dispensers are high performance dispensers. An example of such a shopping mall is Nara 61-16. Distinctive feature Fuel dispensers of this series - the presence of a pumping unit with a capacity of 100 l / min, otherwise - components and appearance are unified with the 4000 series fuel dispensers. The 6000 series fuel dispensers are recommended for refueling trucks.

The number of fuel dispensers installed at gas stations is determined by the formula

, (12.4)

where is the correction factor for the capacity of the gas station, equal, respectively, for the gas station-250 - 1.5; AZS-500 - 1.25; AZS-750 - 1.17; AZS-1000 - 1.12;

F- the number of fillings per day;

N- filling station capacity, expressed by the number of possible fillings per day (250, 500, 750, 1000).

The number of dispensers for gas stations-500 is determined by the expression

. (12.5)

Filling stations can be equipped with stations for refueling with Normal 80, Regular 91, Premium 95, Super 98 gasoline, as well as diesel fuel.

When determining the required number of gas stations to provide the entire car park of a city, district, region, territory or republic, the following data are used:

- the availability, placement and use of cars in cities and towns in the period under review and in the future;

- accounting for the number of cars arriving in the settlement and passing in transit, in need of refueling;

- the existing network of roads, their structure by type of coverage, the length and intensity of traffic on them;

– availability and location of tank farms and their development in the future;

– availability, location and throughput of filling stations;

- the average amount of fuel for a single refueling of a car, as well as daily fuel consumption by grade.

The required number of filling stations is determined by the sequential calculation of the average daily contingent of cars that need refueling, daily fuel consumption for refueling, the period of circulation of cars for refueling and the number of refuelings per day.

12.5.1. The choice of the main parameters of the lamellar
and gear pumps

On fig. 12.13 shown general form a rotary vane pump for supplying gasoline or diesel fuel to a measuring device and a dispensing valve (pistol). The pump must ensure a reliable supply of fuel, for example
50 liters per minute, at an overpressure of 0.15 - 0.25 MPa.

The flow of the pump depends on its design parameters, speed and degree of wear, which is determined by the volumetric efficiency.

The working volume of a vane pump is the amount of liquid, cm 3 supplied by the pump in one revolution under atmospheric conditions.

For a single acting vane pump, the displacement is

Vp = b× e∙ (π× D – Z× t), (12.6)

where b is the axial width of the rotor; e- eccentricity; D– stator diameter;
Z- number of blades; t- blade thickness.

For the Nara-27M1 gas station, the vane-type gasoline pump has a working volume equal to Vp = 3 × 1 × (3.14 × 11.5 - 8 × 0.35) = 100 cm 3.

The actual flow of the pump depends on its speed and volumetric efficiency

Q D \u003d Vp × n ×, (12.7)

where n- frequency of rotation of the pump shaft in min -1; - volumetric efficiency of the pump
(0.7 - 0.9), which takes into account the flow of fluid from the discharge cavity into the suction cavity through the side (end) and radial gaps.

At = 0.9 and a rotation frequency of 600 and 700 min -1, the value of Q D corresponded to 54 and 63 l/min. At = 0.7, the value of Q D decreased to 42 and 47 l/min. The pump speed depends on the speed of the electric motor and the gear ratio of the V-belt drive (2 - 5).

The required pressure at the outlet of the pump is provided by adjusting the bypass valve using gaskets 26 by changing the force of the spring 20 (see Fig. 12.13). The bypass valve spring is made of steel grade 65G with a wire diameter of 2.5 mm, inside diameter 22 mm, 64 mm long, 8 mm pitch and 20 N/mm hardness.

The bypass valve has a plate 22 pressed against the seat 23 by a spring 20. The diameter of the plate is 30 mm, and the bypass hole is 20 mm. The calculation of the valve consists in determining the spring stiffness at a known bypass pressure and the area of ​​​​the opening closed by the valve. To calculate the valve, we use the expression

F F = F P; P∙ ∙ D to 2 /4 = C∙ ∆,(12.8)

where F W - force, N from the side of fluid pressure; F P - force from the side of the spring; P is the pressure, N/m 2 , acting on the valve from the liquid side;
D to - the diameter of the valve that closes the bypass hole, m; C – spring stiffness, N/m; ∆ – value of spring compression, m.

At P equal to 2∙10 5 N/m 2 and diameter D to = 0.02 m; with ∆ equal to 0.002 m, the value of C is 20000 N/m or 20 N/mm.

On fig. 12.14 shows the characteristic of a positive displacement pump (vane, gear) and the characteristic of the bypass valve. The sloping line 1-2 is the pump characteristic and the 2-3 line is the valve characteristic. The slope of the line 1-2 depends on the volumetric efficiency (degree of wear of the pump parts). At point 2, the valve opens to maintain the set pressure. At point 3, the working volume Vp is equal to zero, the pump works "for itself" and the fluid supply stops.

Rice. 12.14. Displacement pump characteristics

In oil filling columns, as well as in the process of pumping viscous petroleum products, gear pumps are used. They are simple in design, reliable and durable. They are two gears of the same size, rotating in different directions.

On fig. 12.15 shows a gear pump. When the gears rotate in the suction cavity 3, a vacuum is formed, where the liquid moves under the action of atmospheric pressure. The liquid enters the cavities of the gears and moves to the injection zone 2. The gears engage 1 and squeeze out the liquid in the cavities of the wheels. The pressure at the outlet of the pump is maintained by a bypass valve, the design of which is shown in fig. 12.13, and can reach 16 MPa. Gear pumps can pump liquids with kinematic viscosities from 5 to 1000 mm2/s.

Rice. 12.15. Section of the gear pump

Gear pumps (NSh) are produced with different working volumes: 4; 6.3; ten; 25; 32; fifty; 67; 100; 160; 250 cm3.

Table 12.5 shows the characteristics of pumps with working volumes of 32, 50, 67, 100, 160 cm 3 and an efficiency equal to 0.85.

Fuel dispenser(TRK) - the main part of any gas station. There are approximately 25,000 gas stations in the Russian Federation, each of which has at least two, and most often more fuel dispensers.

Each fuel dispenser daily sells fuel to dozens or even hundreds of customers.

Despite the almost identical appearance, the columns have a different principle of operation, which determines the efficiency and ease of use.

Types of fuel dispensers

At the moment at gas station opening 2 types of fuel dispensers can be installed:

    • suction,
    • pressure

All modern fuel dispensers are equipped with electronic system control, which allows not only to activate the fuel supply remotely, from the operator's workplace, but also to monitor the progress of refueling on the computer and the display of the fuel dispensing unit itself. Mechanical devices are practically not used at the moment.

Features of suction fuel dispensers

Systems of this type are much more popular - about 60% of all speakers in the world work on this principle. The reason for this is not outstanding specifications, but the fact that such models were invented and, as a result, began to be installed much earlier.

Them general principle work next. After the driver's request, the gas station cashier sends a signal from the remote control to the selected fuel dispenser, allowing fuel supply. The feed itself is carried out immediately after lowering the fuel gun into the tank and pressing the lever, if manual guns are used.

At this moment, the electric pump starts to work, installed in the body of the dispenser itself and sucking gasoline or diesel fuel from the storage tank. Due to the relatively low power of the pump, the tank can be placed no further than 45 m from the dispenser. The supplied fuel passes through a series of filters, a gas separator and a volume meter, and then enters the vehicle's tank.

As soon as the meter registers the achievement of the volume set by the operator, it will stop the operation of the pump and, accordingly, the supply of fuel.

Features of pressure fuel dispensers

Pressure systems appeared only about 50 years ago in the United States and gradually began to spread around the world. Now they still cannot be considered the most popular, but are gradually being installed at an increasing number of gas stations.

The key difference in design is the location of the pump. In this case, this is a submersible device that is installed almost at the very bottom of the fuel tank. Submersible pump more powerful, so it allows you to supply gasoline or diesel fuel to several dispensers at once, and the tank can be located at a much greater distance - up to 150 m.

When the pump motor is activated, the fuel passes through it and is sent to an intermediate node, where, using a valve system, it is distributed among several columns to which it must be supplied. When the required volume of fuel is delivered to the fuel dispenser, the valves are closed, and the oil products remaining in the pipeline fall back into the tank.

What kind is better?

Despite being less common, it is pressure fuel dispensers that turn out to be more efficient, economical and even convenient for customers in operation.

Their only drawback is that if the pump fails at the gas station, the sale of a certain brand of fuel is completely stopped, since it simply cannot be supplied to the fuel dispensers. However, the advantages of such a solution are much greater.

With approximately the same installation costs, pressure fuel dispensers:

  • consume less electricity, since instead of a series of pumps, only one works for each type of product;
  • have a longer period of uninterrupted operation - it is about 300-500 million liters, suction pumps fail after 10-12 million;
  • do not lose power throughout the entire period of operation, thereby providing faster customer service;
  • don't have a problem air locks that occur on most suction columns in hot weather;
  • due to the greater removal of the tanks provide greater safety;
  • do not make noise during operation, thereby providing greater comfort for customers

Based on materials from the site https://gpn-trade.ru