What is needed to open a gas station. How much does it cost to open a gas station? Own small gas station or franchise

  • 23.09.2019

Fleets with a large number of rolling stock, every day we have to solve the problem of what kind of fuel, where to refuel equipment and how to save money at the same time. Centralized refueling at ordinary gas stations, even if using fuel cards, is unprofitable: collusion, theft and underfilling are in the order of things in this case. Everyone understands this, however, most large fleets consider an agreement with fuel networks to be the best solution. “There are a lot of inconsistencies. For example, a road train left Central Russia for a remote region, and even at branded gas stations on maps we observe a stable underfilling, - says Kirill Vodin, Deputy General Director of Vesta Transport Company LLC. “As a result, we even had to change the fuel company because of this, plus organize our own gas station on the territory of the fleet.”

Is it possible to organize fuel distribution directly on the territory of the enterprise? Until recently, this path was very difficult. In order to build your own gas station on the territory of the fleet and own this facility for legal grounds, it was required to go through many instances, to receive more than a dozen pages of permits. Only large car factories could afford this.

Everything changed in 2012, when gas stations were taken out of the control of Rostekhnadzor, which fundamentally changed the possibility of operating all types of gas stations. “Currently, the principle of arrangement and operation of container gas stations is regulated only by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but with one caveat: if the gas station is not located on the territory of a hazardous production facility (Rostekhnadzor is additionally involved here). Only the Ministry of Emergency Situations classifies various types of stations in its main documents NPB 111-98 and the set of rules “Car filling stations. Fire safety requirements” dated July 1, 2014,” says Yuri Kolesnikov, CEO Association "Penzaspetsavtomash" (trademark Benza).

CONTAINER AND MODULAR filling stations

Today on Russian market many products that have different names, but in fact the functions performed are the same. These include container and mobile gas stations, fuel and refueling modules. Modular gas station is a station, the technological system of which is designed for refueling Vehicle only liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground location of the tank and the spacing of the fuel dispenser (TRK) and the fuel storage container. The container filling station (KAZS) differs from the modular one only in that the fuel dispenser is placed in a fuel storage container.

In fact, from the point of view of compliance with NPB 111-98, it is absolutely unimportant how the products are called, the main thing is that they be made as a single product. “Any design that meets these parameters and has all the necessary certificates for a single factory product should and will be classified by fire inspectors as a container gas station and nothing else,” says Yuri Kolesnikov. - It is only for the customer to choose, according to the factors of further operation, how the gas station should look - sewn into a container or left with an open tank, the norms do not regulate this.

With the withdrawal of gas stations from the register of hazardous production facilities by Rostekhnadzor in 2012, the situation with the installation and gas station operation seriously changed in better side. Now, if a car company installs a gas filling station for its own needs on its territory and the installation does not require capital construction, the owner does not have to obtain any licenses and permits to operate the station. It is only required to comply with fire safety standards for gas stations. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the distance to various categories of objects and prepare a site with an entry and exit zone and install a fence that prevents vehicles from colliding with the gas filling station. Secondly, it is required to make a base for the gas station in the form of a road slab of certain dimensions and install it. Finally, thirdly, appoint those responsible for the implementation of fire prevention measures.

Basic requirements for placing container refueling: 25 meters away from buildings and structures and that no water supply passes under the equipment

In addition, it is necessary to carry out special technical requirements. For example, a gas filling station must have its own pump for receiving fuel from a fuel truck with automatic shutdown when filling the tank (it is forbidden to pump fuel into the gas filling station with the fuel truck pump). A system for monitoring the interwall space of the tank with a warning about depressurization is required. Technological compartments must be fenced off from the tank with a non-combustible (metal) partition of the first type. If the tank, together with pipelines, is sewn into a container, automatic ventilation with gas sensors is required. All of the above design features are primarily controlled by inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Only State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto" can afford its own traditional filling station

Of the other specific requirements for technological equipment modular and container filling stations, we note the need to make fuel storage tanks double-walled. At the same time, the total capacity of the containers of a container filling station should not exceed 40 m 3 when it is located on the territory of settlements and 60 m 3 - outside settlements.

Highly important point- this is the documentation for the gas station. There should be not only a certificate of conformity or a declaration of the Customs Union at the gas station, but also a passport with operating instructions. In addition, environmental and sanitary certificates are required. If the gas filling station is installed at a hazardous production facility, other permits.

According to the documents and certificates, this should be exactly a station for distribution, refueling - a single product, and not a tank and other components separately, experts say. Otherwise, this kind of project will be classified as a fuel depot or as a traditional gas station. Then the enterprise is obliged to register these facilities with Rostekhnadzor and obtain a license for hazardous production. The so-called mini-gas stations with a single-wall tank and one fuel dispenser do not solve the issue of the legal operation of the gas station. They can only be used as a mobile mobile tank, where it is necessary to refuel equipment, often changing the location of the gas station. For example, during agricultural or road works.

Automatic distribution of fuel to drivers using smart cards is possible as an option


At the moment, it is possible to set up a fully automated non-operator remote control over the amount of fuel, its unauthorized discharge and automatic distribution to drivers using smart cards or chip keys at the filling station. “This is very convenient, since there is no need to receive an operator, and information will be sent online to the office via a wireless channel,” comments Svetlana Bykova, head of the motorcade of Vesta Transport Company LLC. - It is possible to set fuel limits for drivers or for a car for a day, a week or a month. It is also possible to control the exact data: who refueled and when, analyze the remaining fuel in the tanks, see the temperature, density of the fuel, the amount of commercial water, the amount of fuel delivered from the fuel tanker to the gas station.”

Filling stations with such systems will make it possible to reduce to zero the theft of fuel by the organization's personnel and the shortage of fuel by unscrupulous suppliers of petroleum products. Automation systems are all approximately the same in functionality, differing only in various small nuances, equipment manufacturer and cost.

An electric pump with a meter in a closed case is convenient for refueling equipment in the field

If we talk about the complete automation of the supply of transport enterprises with fuel, then we should mention the project developed by the Volgaresurs company. The scheme includes the installation of an automatic mobile filling station (AMTZS) at the enterprise, delivery of fuel by the supplier's transport, fuel quality checks at all stages in an accredited laboratory, maintenance by a single control center, transparent pricing. Drivers who refuel their own trucks are issued fuel cards. They can be both general - impersonal, and nominal. It is noteworthy that fuel cards can be limited in terms of the amount of fuel supplied. The limit is set either by the company providing services for refueling cars, or directly by the customer of the service - the trucking company. There is no access to fuel, except through a limited fuel card. At the same time, the AMTSS can be additionally equipped with a terminal that issues a check attached to the waybill. Since the entire system is fully automated, the head of the transport organization or a responsible person from the financial group receives a detailed report on the movement of fuel every day in a strictly defined form. The summary contains information about which car was refueled, how much fuel was dispensed, at what time the refueling was made, and so on up to the photo of the driver who used the fuel card. The accounting department of the auto enterprise compares the data from the report with internal documentation.

The main requirements for the location of the AMTZS are: 25 meters away from buildings and structures, and that there is no water supply running under the equipment. The base must be laid out with slabs, and fenders must be present to ensure safety. To connect electrical power it is necessary to organize the supply of a cable designed for a power of at least 10 kW. The time spent by the refueling module on the customer's territory is regulated solely by the contract for the lease of automatic fuel filling stations and the purchase of fuel. Standard production and installation time of the station is about 2.5 months. Having previously drawn up the terms of reference, the customer has the opportunity to specify all the options he needs. For example, in the presence of a mixed fleet of vehicles, the supplier may offer containers with a different number of sections. By agreement with the customer, the container can be divided into compartments of the required volume. For example, one will store diesel fuel, the other - gasoline.

Can a carrier make money at a gas station installed on its territory? Yes, there is such a possibility. For example, two convoys are based not far from each other. If on the territory of one of them there is an automatic fuel filling station, then the neighbor can refuel his cars there at an attractive price, but at the same time the owner of the automatic filling station will have his own profit from the sale of petroleum products. At the same time, according to low price not only company cars, but also personal cars of employees can be refueled, which will make the employer even more attractive.

Under such a scheme, the cost of the carrier for the installation of equipment is close to zero, since he acquires the service of refueling vehicles. At the same time, all operations for maintenance, repair of equipment, cleaning of the tank, and so on, are performed by the service provider. All responsibility for fuel quality also lies with the supplier. Everything that pays transport company, is the cost of supplied fuel. At the same time, equipment costs are included in the cost of a liter, and it is cheaper than at network gas stations. The only drawback of this solution is the long-term binding to one fuel company, and this does not suit all carriers.

It is constantly growing, so the gas station business has become quite widespread. Gas stations are built by both large network companies and private owners, who are attracted by the high profitability of the fuel trade. If you are interested in joining this industry, you should consider a gas station business plan that will help you get information about the costs and all the features of this type of activity.

To open your gas station, you will need to foresee all possible difficulties.

Choosing a form of work

In the last 10 years, such a form of opening a new business as franchising has become very widespread. The idea is to rent or sell trademark. When it comes to gas stations, you buy the right to use the logo, branding, and sometimes a ready-made business model. In return, you give a sufficiently large amount or undertake to constantly transfer to the trademark holder a part of your income, which does not depend on the presence of profit. In addition, the corporation that provides you with the gas station brand requires certain standards and regulations to be followed.

The main advantage of franchising is the ease of opening a gas station. You do not need to order designer services, think about an attractive logo and a sonorous name - when they see a name known throughout the country, customers will call on you without much thought. If you are going to open a gas station under a foreign brand, you can get the following advantages:

  • A ready-made business model for refueling and supplying fuel from a trusted source;
  • Positive reputation since opening;
  • Consultations on any issues that arise during the opening and work.

Franchising will allow the use of an existing company

It has already been mentioned above about the additional costs of opening a gas station under a foreign trade mark - this is the main disadvantage of such a scheme. However, there is another disadvantage - your gas station will be constantly under close supervision, and in some cases - under the control of a manager appointed by the brand holder. Any deviation from the rules threatens with a fine, and in the most severe cases - deprivation of the franchise.

Therefore, such a model of operation of the gas station as a business under its own brand, completely independent of large corporations, is also popular. This option is cheaper and more convenient in terms of management, however, it is more difficult at the stage of the beginning and formation of the enterprise. But history knows many cases of successful opening of a whole network of gas stations - and in each of them it all started from one station. small size. Therefore, it is up to you to decide exactly how to create the first gas station.


For all enterprises operating in the field, location is of great importance. The gas station should be located near a major transport interchange or a main highway. It is allowed to be located in the city, but it is worth choosing not a quiet lane, but a major road located on the way between the business center and the sleeping quarters. To find out how to open a gas station, you must also contact the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, having coordinated with its specialists the planned location of the enterprise. There are strict restrictions - the distance from liquid fuel tanks to nearby buildings must be at least 30 meters, and from the gas compressor station - 100 meters.

Very important right choice site

It is advisable to buy a land for refueling, since there are many fraudulent schemes, thanks to which a highly profitable business built over many years is taken away from the owners. The average cost outside the city will be 80-200 thousand dollars, which depends on the specific area and the size of the area to be purchased. In the center of large cities, it is worth counting on an amount equal to several million dollars. If your choice when creating a gas station is to lease land, it is worth for 15-99 years, so as not to soon face the unpleasant news of a ban on continuing operations. The cost of renting land for refueling will be approximately equal to 500-1500 dollars per month.


If you buy a business plan for a gas station under a franchise agreement, you will most likely be offered one that will build a turnkey complex. This option attracts with a quick start of business and the absence of problems, however, it requires an overpayment equal to approximately 25% of the actual costs. However, even when opening a gas station on your own, you should not rely only on your own strength. You will have to study a lot of technical regulations and standards, as well as get an education in the field of design, which will take several years.

The best option is to use the services of a professional contractor who specializes in this type of construction. During the construction of the gas station, you will be provided with guarantees of quality and compliance of the result obtained with current standards and regulations. In addition, some contractors undertake to coordinate the launch of refueling in all instances, which will be discussed below.

The cost of implementing a refueling project depends on its parameters. The minimum price is set for a small gas station with an area of ​​30–50 square meters with two columns, the operator's seat located outside the window - it will cost 20-25 thousand dollars. If you want to place a small store (up to 100 square meters) on the territory of the gas station and install four columns, you should count on 30-50 thousand dollars. Approximately 100 thousand are estimated large complexes with cafes, shops, additional premises for rent and car washes. When opening a gas station with the help of a franchise agreement, you don’t have to choose - the price and layout of the building are usually set by the owner of the trademark.

You can reduce costs by about $5,000 to $10,000 each by purchasing used equipment, but the durability of such a gas station will leave much to be desired. If you want to open a gas filling station equipped with a small operator's station, the cost of construction and installation of equipment will be approximately 12-15 thousand dollars. A methane gas filling station with large tanks and a professional security system costs approximately $100,000-120,000, which is why you can see such enterprises on Russian roads much less frequently than ordinary gas stations.


The sale of petroleum products is considered an excisable licensed type of business, so it’s definitely not possible to work on a simplified taxation system. Experts also recommend avoiding forms of private entrepreneurship without creating an organization. Perfect option- registration of a legal entity having the form of LLC. This option is convenient due to the simplicity of keeping records and the safety of the founder's property - in case of bankruptcy, he is responsible only for his share, but not for personal property separated from the enterprise. The gas station can also be incorporated as a joint-stock company if you plan to attract outside investment, but in this case you will have to undergo an annual audit and hire a professional highly paid accountant.

It is best to register a legal entity

The enterprise is registered with the state registrar, as well as with the tax service and pension fund. You will also need to go through many other instances related to the type of business being registered. These include:

  • Rospotrebnadzor - it is required to provide plans of internal premises, the place of the cashier, indicate the method of calculation;
  • Fire supervision - indicate the availability of fire protection systems, as well as fire extinguishers and other equipment designed to extinguish the flame;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station - show the working conditions of the employees of the gas station, the place of storage of products when selling them;
  • GIBDD - plans for access roads and parking lots on the territory of the gas station.

Getting everyone will cost inexpensively - the entire registration will cost approximately 5,000 rubles, provided that the gas station itself becomes the authorized capital of the created legal entity. With all permissions, contact the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, which issues licenses for the sale of petroleum products. Such documents will be quite expensive - 300-400 dollars for the sale of gasoline with diesel and another 200 dollars for a propane-butane mixture. It will cost more to register a methane gas station - approximately $ 300.


Having figured out how much it costs to open a gas station, you need to arrange fuel purchases. Naturally, you need to take care of the quality of the fuel, because with dishonest work, your enterprise will quickly become notorious, which will force motorists to bypass the gas station for several kilometers. This is quite difficult to do, but there are three common ways to ensure the supply of high-quality fuel.

The first is the purchase of your own fuel truck or gas truck, which will be sent for the goods when the tanks are empty at the gas station. Such an option requires considerable investment, since even a used car of this type will cost approximately $10,000. A new fuel tanker with a large tank capable of serving a large filling complex will cost 80-120 thousand dollars. In addition, it is necessary that the oil depot or oil refinery be within 100 kilometers - otherwise this method of delivery will simply be unprofitable.

The second is an agreement with the manufacturer or wholesale distributor of fuel to accompany each delivered batch by your forwarder. It will control the path from the oil storage tank, making sure there is no dilution, addition of additional components and deterioration of the fuel quality in another way. This method involves adding to the cost of refueling the salary of the freight forwarder. In addition, not all wholesalers agree to such control of their activities.

If you buy a business plan for a gas station or a regular gas station from a franchise company, you can use a ready-made fuel supply scheme. The advantages of this method are the possibility of buying branded fuel, which is advertised throughout the country and is familiar to every motorist. In addition, the likelihood of deterioration in fuel quality will be practically minimal, since such fraud will harm not only the owner of the gas station, but also the brand holder.

Security issue

It is no secret that gas stations are very often robbed and become the object of other crimes. Therefore, during their construction, it is worth contacting security specialists who will talk about the basic principles of interior planning:

  • The cashier's place is separated from the trading floor, equipped with an alarm button;
  • The safe is equipped with a mechanism for self-destruction of internal contents;
  • Surveillance cameras and burglar alarms are located inside.

Don't skimp on security

In addition, at least one room should be equipped with an armored door that can only be closed from the inside - this will help keep your workers alive during an armed robbery.

It is best to put the gas station on guard by a professional agency - this service has been very popular lately. You do not have to think about security issues - the agency's specialists will install security cameras, contact sensors and a "panic button" inside. At your enterprise, a security service car with the appropriate marking will periodically appear, which will already scare off unprofessional robbers. In addition, the gas station will be connected to a centralized control panel, which will provide an instant response to any manifestation of danger. Particularly large gas stations with their own cafes require the constant presence of security - it is best not to hire your own employees, but to use the appropriate service of a professional agency.

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Mas Motors

Any type of fuel is, first of all, the type of product that is in great demand, even though it is becoming more and more expensive every year. It is in connection with the popularity of any type of fuel, opening your gas station will be just a great source of income for you.

But, as in every type of business, the fuel business has its own “pitfalls” and its own subtleties that must be studied. In order to study these features of opening your gas station, you must definitely draw up a business plan that will help you avoid trouble. Also, a business plan will also help you organize your business step by step.

Typically the solution open a gas station may occur as common man, and for a businessman - but the first thing to do before opening such a business is to analyze the market and select an area of ​​\u200b\u200byour settlement that is not yet occupied by this business.

1. Overview section

In this section, you need to describe what kind of gas station you want to open (the standard option is a gas station for 8 cars).

Also, you need to indicate the legal form of doing business (as a rule, you will need to register as individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to work with corporate customers, you should register as "LLC"). If you register as an individual entrepreneur, then this will give you several advantages, including low taxation, but the disadvantage of this type of activity is that the provision of services is possible only for private individuals. If you also want to serve legal entities, then, as mentioned above, you need to register as a legal entity (the same “LLC”).

The degree of success of such a business is assessed as high, since the demand for filling stations among consumers is very high today, despite their huge number in a relatively small area and high fuel prices.

2. Description of the enterprise

This section of the business plan should describe the business you want to start. For example, a description like this could be given: filling station opening, which is designed for 8 parking spaces and which offers the consumer several of the most basic types of fuel.

3. Description of services

At this stage of designing your enterprise, you need to describe those services that your gas station will provide consumers. As a rule, any gas station provides car refueling services. various types fuels, the most common of which are:

1. AI-98 gasoline;

2. AI-95 gasoline;

3. AI-92 gasoline;

4. Gasoline brand AI-76;

5. Diesel fuel;

6. Gas (a new but already common type of fuel).

Also, it is worth considering that your gas station will also provide free refueling services. In addition, on the territory of a gas station, you can install a store where you can sell consumer goods or open an auto goods store (you can sell both small goods for a car and full-fledged spare parts for an engine). It would also be advisable to open a car wash at the gas station, we have one.

4. Market analysis

At this stage of the business plan, you need to monitor the gas station market in your locality, and install your enterprise in the area where the concentration of gas stations is small.

In order to open your gas station you will need a set of documentation:

1. License of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for the storage of oil and gas, as well as products of their processing;

2. Permission of local authorities to use land plot under the gas station;

3. Agreement for the lease of a land plot issued by local governments.

It should be noted that the site where your gas station will be located should be 30 meters away from the residential area.

5. Production plan

After you receive all permits that are required for opening of a gas station, comes the stage of drawing up a production plan. First of all, you need to find a contractor company that will take responsibility for the construction of your gas station. To date, such a company is not a problem to find, as there are a lot of companies involved in construction. During the construction of a gas station, it is worth paying attention to its components such as:

1. Capacity for draining and storing various types of fuel;

2. Industrial premises;

3. Store sale;

4. Canopy over fuel dispensers.

As a rule, it takes only a month and a half to build a gas station.

After the construction of the gas station building itself, you can start buying equipment:

1. Filling station management system;

2. Fuel dispensers;

3. Equipment for the store: showcases, retail shelves, cash registers, if a bar is also expected, then you need to buy both a bar counter and kitchen equipment;

4. Fire stand (without this equipment, you simply will not be allowed to open your gas station).

After the construction of a gas station and the installation of appropriate equipment on it, you can proceed directly to the launch of such a station into operation. First of all, it is necessary to sign all necessary agreements with fuel suppliers. This is necessary in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of fuel to your gas station. As a rule, in major cities you will also have a choice of fuel supplier, since in such settlements there are several fairly large fuel supply companies.

By the way, if you want to make your gas station more famous, then such a way of doing business as franchising will suit you. This type of business will allow you to use the brand of a well-known fuel company for only 25-30 thousand rubles a year. As practice has already shown, opening a franchise is a rather profitable solution, since a well-known brand attracts consumers much more, which means that fuel sales increase significantly. But if you decide to open a franchise, then you should be prepared for the fact that the representative company will require you to comply with the corporate identity and paraphernalia.

After all the steps have been completed, you can start recruiting. As a rule, for a gas station, the following list of workers will be enough for you:

1. Seller-cashier (3 people will be enough to work in shifts);

2. Security guard (3 people, work in shifts, in one shift with cashiers);

It is worth considering the fact that all employees of your gas station must have the appropriate certificates obtained from the Inspectorate for Supervision in the Sphere of Petroleum Products Circulation.

6. Financial plan

In this section of the business plan, you need to consider all the costs and future income from such a business.


In the expense item, you need to indicate the costs of renting a site (approximately 100,000-1,500,000 rubles per year), the construction of a gas station (2,000,000 rubles), equipment for gas stations (1,000,000 rubles), staff salaries (1,920,000 rubles), as well as all kinds of taxes, fees, approvals (300,000 rubles). In total, you will need about 6 million rubles to open your gas station.


In the income item, you can indicate such income as the sale of fuel (20,000-30,000 rubles per day), the sale of various goods (6,000 rubles per day). In total, your own gas station will bring you about 800 thousand rubles a month.

After opening a gas station, you will receive back your invested money in about 8 months.


Decide on a location gas station. The most cost-effective option is the location within the city. This is due to the fact that most people prefer to refuel close to home. This object must be placed only along roads and streets, warehouse and industrial zones. It is also profitable to place on the tracks, especially if the complex includes a cafe, a motel, a service station, a car wash and other services.

Prior to the start of construction, you need to draw up a town-planning justification for placement gas station. Coordinate its location with the sanitary and epidemiological service, because. the project must have planning for equipping with domestic, drinking and hot water supply and sewerage systems. The use of artesian wells is allowed, work on imported water is prohibited. Checkout Required documents at the Ministry of emergencies.

When all bureaucratic procedures are resolved, proceed directly to the construction of the facility on the previously selected territory. gas station it is possible to build from any materials except. Most are built using the technology of prefabricated buildings. If the size of the building gas station large, then this technology uses a frame, sandwich panels, a ventilated facade system or a stacked sandwich (corrugated board - insulation - corrugated board).

Take care of a few more coordination procedures when the "box" of the future service station is ready. First of all, you should get a fire and sanitation facility. The premises for car service will be put into operation only if local environmental services issue a conclusion, from which it follows that your establishment will not apply environment too much harm.

Think now about the details of the finish of the car service station, such as the floor surfaces (it must be hard and strong - for the lifts to be securely fastened), the walls in inspection pits(Required to be tiled). Equip a bathroom and mount storage cabinets. All of these points are specifically mentioned in the list of requirements for the device of a private car service, neglecting any of them can lead to serious problems during future checks. The final stage of equipping the service station will be the purchase and installation of equipment - after that your car service is almost ready.

Helpful advice

When creating a project for a service station premises, it must be taken into account that without a natural lighting system, the facility will not be put into operation - the ratio of natural and artificial lighting in the building for a car service is strictly regulated.

An important element of equipping the premises of a service station is ventilation system- the presence of powerful exhaust ventilation in the car service building is mandatory.


  • Documents required to open a car service
  • how to build a car service

The financial success of a gas station can be highly dependent on circumstances that are not directly related to the quality of service and even the location of the “gas station”. These important details can be found either on own experience, which often comes too late, or by learning from others and taking care of those moments that make a gas station business really profitable.

gas station. It is extremely important to understand the pricing of the supplier and then not get confused in your own accounting, losing profits due to incorrect calculations.

Take care of the protection and security of your gas station - any incident can not only cross out all current income, but also drive you into debt. This applies not only to incidents of a criminal nature (which is not uncommon on country roads), but also to safety when working with fuel. Sign a contract with a security company, equip the operator's building with bulletproof glass, follow all fire safety rules and instruct personnel.

Save on staff salaries by organizing training for new employees - training employees without experience is more profitable than adjusting to the salary expectations of experienced gas station operators, who also know how to organize work “in their favor”. Such a policy in working with personnel will significantly increase their own profits and create jobs for residents of nearby communities, often suffering from unemployment. It is these simple measures in the management of a gas station that allow you to gain good momentum, reach the payback threshold and start receiving tangible income.


  • What do you want? Gasoline or compressor oils? or How to make money in the gas station business
  • Dream job or one day of life at a gas station

Good afternoon. The question - “how much does a gas station earn?” I asked myself in the spring of 2013. It so happened that I found, not far from where I live, an urban-type settlement with a population of 5,000 inhabitants and the nearest gas station at a distance of 20 km from the village!

The introductory conditions are interesting and I began to find out how much it costs to open a gas station and what is needed for this. There is very little information on the Internet and it is extremely scarce, there is one article from the beginning of the 2000s that the gasoline business is akin to investing in thoroughbred horses, etc. no specifics... I had no idea that the fuel trade would be so interesting!

Having passed through the village, I found a plot of 18 acres at a price of only 120,000 rubles with a 0.4 sq. and at a distance of 50 meters from the nearest residential buildings. Therefore, the site complies with the requirements of NPB 111-98 (requirements for gas stations). I did not tell the owners the purpose of the purchase, and I was still able to bargain for 40,000 rubles, since the land was not suitable for agricultural needs without serious investments, I agreed that in a month I would make a deal (why did I do this - it had not yet been decided that the business should be and therefore it is simply silly to spend money).

In the spring of 2013, a ton of AI92 gasoline cost 32,500 rubles with an 18% value-added tax and all excises. There are 1300 liters in a ton of gasoline, gasoline at a gas station cost 27.5 rubles. per liter we consider 32500-18% = 26650 rubles. the cost of a ton without VAT (an organization on the OSN can partially refund VAT, since it is not). Thus, the cost of a liter is 26650/1300 = 20.5 rubles. From the calculation above, it turns out that on 1 (one!) Liter of gasoline, refueling earns 7 rubles of profit (although only until the moment when the VAT offset ends). For other types of fuel, the numbers are different, but the order is similar. Thus, the gas station makes an extra charge of 1-2 rubles from each liter sold, with this money paid wage employees, utility bills and other expenses, and the VAT refund pays for refueling.

After the VAT refundable ends, the numbers will become much sadder ... ..

How much does a gas station earn per liter of gasoline?

In the realities of 2013, 5-7 rubles.

In the realities of 2017 - 1-2 rubles per liter, the main income is a store with a companion.

In principle, these are very good numbers, but after talking with the real owners of operating gas stations, I realized that the gas station works normally, having a strait of 3 cubic meters per day, according to my estimates, even 2 was not bad.

With how much does a gas station cost?

In fact, it is not so expensive, but new rules have recently been adopted and, as a result, old container gas stations cannot be issued for them (they do not meet the requirements), but corruption will solve this problem. a container costs about 150,000 of them by the number of fuel types, or a new one costs from a million for 3 types of fuel, I counted 80th 92nd and DT (a village is not a metropolis).

Thus, in order to open a container gas station on a leased site, you can meet 2 million (buying a used container gas station, renting a site for a year, initial purchase of fuel). In my case, even with the land in the property it would work. (in the realities of 2017 *3)

A stationary gas station costs a little more, where the amounts start from 4 million on a rented site, on your own, respectively, more expensive, since the price of the site will also be included in the opening cost, but I was not interested in details about stationary gas stations, so I’m not competent.

Just at the time when I began to be interested in the topic of gas stations and called the suppliers of container gas stations, our glorious government decided that gas should also be sold at each gas station. Since the rules of the game are changing, at this time I did not dare to enter the market and try to open a gas station (this is an excuse for 13 years .. like I’m not a sucker ... but in fact they couldn’t agree on the site with fire supervision).

In principle, it is also possible to install a gas tank and a column, but a gas filling station in that village will definitely not pay off in today’s conditions (I don’t think that there are gas-powered cars there), but it costs, used another 500,000, I abandoned the idea of ​​​​opening gas station in the village.

For gas filling, the figures are as follows.

There are two types of gas - natural methane - compressed gas, comparated natural gas for this type of gas station is a monopoly from Gazprom, there are still few cars on methane, but the future belongs to this fuel) I doubt that you will be able to open a methane gas station (and the numbers there for earnings are modest since they don’t fill up so many cars, and the facility is quite dangerous

The next type of gas is liquefied propane gas, it is quite common and costs about half of 92 gasoline, but its consumption is slightly higher. Liquefied gas is sold in bulk in tons, there are almost 1900 liters in a ton of gas (depending on the season), but from gas stations it is already sold in liters) the price of a ton at the time of this writing is about 16,000 rubles, and a liter at a gas station costs 15.50 + cheating with VAT, but the flow at gas stations is less than gasoline ones and this object is more dangerous.

How much gas stations earn, gas stations - as much as they spill, the spill depends on the quality of the fuel and the location of the gas station, but in 2017, most gas stations that are not networked earn from a gas station selling related products ... ..

P.S. here is a filthy quote - investing in the fuel business is like investing in thoroughbred horses)))))))))

If you can find a place where there are few gas stations (not 20 km away) and a lot of cars - go for it and let you do better than me.

Anecdote on the subject:

The director of a gas station was the envy of all his competitors, because in a short period of time his income increased fivefold. One of the competitors found out what was the matter.
- Well, this guy is cunning! he says. - Found four dazzling girls who serve customers, and hung slogans everywhere:
"Every time gas prices go up, our skirts get shorter."