How to change heating batteries in an apartment. When is the best time to change the heating batteries in the apartment

  • 27.06.2020

The need to replace heating batteries can arise for various reasons - from the desire to re-equip the apartment to suit your needs, make it more comfortable and update the interior, to overhaul heating systems due to its low efficiency or physical and moral deterioration. How to replace the heating battery with your own hands will be discussed later in the material.

Certainly, any repair work, including the replacement of elements of the heating system, will require certain technical knowledge and practical skills from the contractor. Before proceeding to such drastic measures, it may be worth trying to restore the batteries by cleaning them. For these works, you can invite specialists from a service organization, or clean the heaters yourself.

However, in cases where the replacement of heating batteries in the apartment remains the only way out, or the owners just want to radically update the radiators, you will have to choose the best option for a particular heating system, taking into account the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Choosing the right batteries

Before purchasing a radiator for your apartment, it is worth clarifying with a service organization what are specifications heating systems. This refers to the temperature of the coolant and the pressure in the heating circuit, as well as the calculated specific power of the equipment per unit area in a particular house.

This is important, because the microclimate not only in this room, but also in neighboring rooms will depend on the correct change of heating batteries in the apartment. Without the necessary background information, it will be difficult to correctly select a radiator for an apartment. Given the data obtained, it is necessary to understand in more detail the characteristics options batteries and find out how expedient it is to use them in central heating conditions.

Please note that not every radiator is resistant to an aggressive environment in the heating circuit - the coolant is saturated with oxygen, and water hammer is not excluded during pressure surges. The main requirement for radiators is their effective work under conditions of a given pressure and composition of the coolant, that is, they must provide high-quality space heating.

An important argument in favor of one or another type of radiators can be their appearance - the device must be in harmony with the interior of the room.

Varieties of heating batteries

Currently, on sale you can find both the already familiar cast-iron batteries, and more modern ones - aluminum, bimetallic or steel radiators. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Cast iron

It is worth noting that modern cast-iron batteries are completely different from those that were produced several decades earlier. First of all, they are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and variety - you can choose options for both modern interior and in retro style. The main advantage for which products from this group are valued is their resistance to aggressive external and internal environments. Moreover, the products of foreign manufacturers are produced with smooth inner walls. This greatly facilitates the circulation of the coolant and prevents the formation of limescale.

Among other advantages of cast iron batteries, one can name their high heat transfer and resistance to temperature and pressure changes, which are inherent in central heating systems in apartment buildings.


Batteries of this type are made from two different metal alloys. Inner part the structure is made of steel, so it can experience loads up to 40 bar and is not afraid of water hammer. The outer contour of the radiator is made of aluminum coated with enamel, which ensures high-quality heat dissipation of the device.

In addition, due to the uniform heating of the surface, the heat transfer area reaches a significant size. Another advantage of this type of batteries is their concise and modern appearance, so it will not be difficult to fit them into the interior.


There are several types of steel radiators:

  • tubular;
  • sectional;
  • panel.

This type of heating devices is distinguished by a wide variety of design models, as well as high efficiency in conditions closed systems with high quality coolants. If you decide to choose it to replace the central heating batteries in the apartment, it is worth considering that such devices are quite sensitive to aggressive environments and sudden temperature changes. Their weakest points are the welds. However, they can still be used, provided that a reducer is installed on each radiator. This device will equalize the pressure level and avoid excessive load on the metal case, thereby extending the life of the radiator.

Pay attention also to the fact that a number of radiator models do not have an internal coating against corrosion, which significantly reduces their durability, especially in conditions aggressive environment.

Aluminum radiators

Before you change batteries at home, you should also pay attention to aluminum radiators. For use in centralized heating systems such devices do not fit well, as well as steel ones. The fact is that under the influence of an aggressive environment, aluminum begins to oxidize.

Aluminum radiators look beautiful - just like bimetallic products. but technical specifications they are drastically different.

In favor of aluminum products, we can say that they perform well in individual heating systems of private houses, where a stable temperature and pressure are always maintained in the circuit, and a clean coolant circulates. In central heating conditions, sudden pressure and temperature fluctuations are possible, which adversely affect the seams of the radiator section. As a result of damage, the oxidation process begins, and the radiators are gradually destroyed. In this regard, if you decide to replace heating radiators in an apartment in a multi-storey building, it is not recommended to dwell on this type of product.

A set of tools and accessories for work

Before you replace the battery in the apartment, you should stock up consumables and a set of tools that you will need for the job.

The minimum set of tools includes:

  • adjustable and several wrenches;
  • grinder for cutting metal pipes;
  • die cutter for threading metal pipes ah or dies with a holder desired diameter;
  • apparatus for welding polypropylene pipes;
  • tools for cutting polypropylene pipes (hacksaw or scissors);
  • ruler, pencil, level;
  • sealant;
  • tow;
  • cement mortar.

You will need the following accessories and consumables:

  • batteries of the selected type;
  • brackets for fixing radiators;
  • Ball Valves;
  • Mayevsky taps to bleed air from the system;
  • plugs;
  • heating steel, metal-plastic or propylene pipes with a set of fasteners - tees, bends, fittings, transitions and other parts.

Obtaining permission to replace equipment

Since in apartment buildings all heating devices are elements of one common system, the replacement of the central heating battery can only be carried out after disconnecting the entire riser from the circuit. In this regard, it is advisable to carry out such work before or after the end of the heating period.

If the need to replace the heating batteries in the apartment arose during heating season, neighboring apartments may be left without heat as a result of disconnection of the riser. To reduce this time, you can turn off the riser only for the time it takes to cut pipes at the beginning and end of the circuit and install ball valves on inlets.

Please note that such work can only be performed in agreement with the service organization. So to replace the heating radiator, you need to submit an appropriate application to this authority. In addition, disconnecting the riser from the common system should be performed by a specialist with the right to access the tie-in point of the heating circuit into the central collector of the house.

It is possible to dismantle old radiators or batteries with pipes suitable for them only after the water has been drained from the riser.

How to replace radiators in an apartment with your own hands - technology

It is worth noting that in order to replace the heating battery, you need not only stock up on the necessary consumables, but also have certain plumbing skills - welding polypropylene pipes, threading, sealing plumbing threaded assemblies and other manipulations. You also need to know how to shut off the heating battery in the apartment for the period of repair work.

The process of installing new radiators will be completed in several steps.

Removing old equipment

If, in parallel with the replacement of heating batteries with your own hands, the installation of new polypropylene pipes is not planned, then, first of all, it is necessary to unscrew the threaded connections at the joints of the pipe with the radiator. If this is not possible due to rust, the battery is simply cut off from the pipe using a grinder.

Provided that it is decided to replace the old metal pipes with new ones - polypropylene, they must be cut with an indent of 15-20 cm from the wall, regardless of the location of the battery.

Please note that to avoid damage floor covering, at the site of work with a grinder or welding, it is worth laying a piece of non-combustible material.

Preparatory stage

After the old heating equipment is dismantled, markings are applied to the wall for new batteries, indicating the bracket attachment points. It is produced based on the size of the radiator and the distance between the sections. The building level will help to correctly draw verticals and horizontals. For the convenience of work, you can apply the outline of the battery to the wall.

In places where the brackets will be attached, holes must be drilled under them. Based on the type of fastening of the brackets, they are screwed or driven into the wall. If cracks and deep chips have formed in the wall, before mounting the radiators on the brackets, it is necessary to eliminate all surface defects by cleaning and covering it with a cement composition.

You can increase the heat transfer of the batteries and avoid senseless heating of the walls if you fix a foil insulation behind the radiator. It is laid according to the size of the battery with the capture of space up to the windowsill. As a result, heat waves will be directed into the room.

Installation of radiators

When purchasing equipment and preparatory work carried out, it is worth considering how to properly change the batteries in the apartment.

This process takes place in several steps:

  • Provided that the replacement of cast-iron radiators in the apartment will be carried out using metal pipes, it is necessary to cut the sections remaining after cutting the old radiators new thread. If it is necessary to increase the length of the pipe, an additional piece is welded or fixed with a threaded sleeve.
  • The cut threads on the supply and return pipes are first wrapped with tow, after which a special sealant is applied to it and ball valves are screwed on.
  • The new radiator is hung on the brackets and the length of the straight run to the ball valves is measured in order to connect it to the system.
  • Next, prepare the slopes right size and screw them into the threads on the radiator, thereby packing it with a supply pipe and a return pipe. Threaded connections are also sealed with tow, smeared with sealing paste.
  • You can simplify the work of replacing the battery radiator in the apartment by using modern flange couplings with union nuts. Such devices are sometimes called "American". The advantage of these fittings is that they simplify the disassembly of the system, if required. If desired, on sale you can find both a coupling and a ball valve that come with the kit.
  • In cases where the replacement of the battery in the apartment with one's own hands is carried out at the highest point of the riser, the installation of the Mayevsky crane is mandatory. It is mounted on the opposite side of the insertion point in the upper part of the radiator. When at the beginning of the heating season the circuit is filled with coolant, excess air is bled through the Mayevsky tap, which can interfere with the free circulation of water in the heating system.
  • A plug is installed on the radiator with a Mayevsky crane in the lower part.
  • If the mounted radiator is not the last in the chain, then it is not the Mayevsky crane that is attached to its upper part, but the supply pipe. A return line is mounted at the bottom of the battery. These elements are subsequently connected to other radiators.
  • If desired, metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes can be used instead of metal pipes. However, you will still need to cut the threads to install the compression weld fitting. Alternatively, a threaded fitting or socket can be used to connect the battery.

In difficult places, such as corners, tee installation areas or transitions to another section, it is necessary to apply an approach specific to a particular type of pipe. Polypropylene pipes welded with a special apparatus, which provides a strong continuous seam, resistant to temperature and pressure changes. Metal-plastic pipes are joined with special compression fittings. Be that as it may, any fasteners and shaped elements can always be found on sale.

Bypass jumper mount

There are several schemes for changing heating batteries in an apartment - without or with a bypass jumper.

As a rule, a bypass jumper is mounted in front of the battery, subject to single-pipe wiring. It is needed so that, if necessary, it is possible to block the flow of coolant into the radiator and avoid leakage. If there is a jumper to replace a specific radiator, it will not be necessary to disconnect the entire riser from the system. In this case, it is possible to close the taps located behind the bypass, thereby cutting off the battery from the general system, and removing it for repair or replacement. The advantages of this device is that it allows you to freely heat all the other rooms of the apartment through which the riser passes.

After the repair and installation of the radiator in its original place, the valves are opened again, and the coolant begins to circulate through the battery.

It is worth noting that the bypass scheme allows you to adjust the level of space heating. If the valves located behind the jumper are slightly covered, a smaller amount of coolant will enter the radiator, which will reduce the temperature in the room to comfortable values.

The installation of the jumper-bypass is carried out using tees - they are fixed on the pipes before installing the ball valves. In cases where it is decided not to install a jumper, it is replaced with a simple shut-off valve. Of course, the installation process of the radiator is greatly simplified. However, in case of emergency repair, at the moment the valve is closed, the circulation of the coolant in the entire riser will be stopped. Consequently, heating will stop not only in the room with the emergency battery, but also in all the others associated with it.

Thanks to the presence of the bypass jumper, it is possible to manually adjust temperature regime in the room to comfortable values. However, it is much more convenient to use a mechanical or electronic thermostat, which is installed on the pipe entering the radiator. This device automatically regulates the heating level.

Control check before starting the system

When all repairs are completed and the quality of the connection is visually checked, it is necessary to check the system's performance. To do this, you need to run a pressurized coolant into the heating system. This is carried out by specialists from the service organization. If installation flaws and leaky connections are found on the radiator or underwater pipes, they are urgently eliminated so as not to drain the water from the riser again and repair the system.

Thus, when replacing radiators in an apartment with central heating, you should take this process very carefully and responsibly. The efficiency of heating in all apartments connected to one riser depends on how correctly the repair work is carried out. In addition, it is important to prevent the risk of coolant leakage through the ceiling between floors. So it’s worth taking on a job only if you have sufficient qualifications in plumbing work. Otherwise, generally entrust everything to professionals.

All work on the replacement of radiators must be carried out only by specialists

Replacement of heating batteries in an apartment in Moscow and Moscow Region

Replacing heating batteries is very simple and common. household task. However, it is simple only at first glance. Incorrectly performed replacement of radiators can lead to serious consequences and problems. Let's talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing a contractor for replacing radiators.

  1. When choosing a heating replacement company, don't go for the lowest prices. Often such "cheap" services are offered by contractors working without licenses and insurance contracts, using non-certified methods of work. In some cases, the damage from such "masters" will be much greater than the savings. Choose average or slightly above average prices for the market, this will immediately cut off a lot of "woe companies" and will allow you to change radiators without unnecessary difficulties.
  2. Before choosing any one company, ask them to show their insurance, guarantee and other documents confirming that they are responsible for their actions. After all, it is thanks to these documents that in the event of an unforeseen force majeure, you will be able to cover all the costs and losses that the work of the “masters” of replacing convectors will entail.
  3. Call the measurer and find out all the details you are interested in in advance, before replacing the heating batteries. Also, after talking with the measurer, you will be able to independently assess the level of his competence and, as a result, the competence of the company from which he came.

Only after you are convinced that all 3 points above are met, accept the offer from the company! And the most correct option is to contact us and then the process of replacing heating batteries will pass for you quickly, easily and efficiently! In addition, you can find out how much it costs to replace radiators in an apartment from our operators, as well as listen to information about additional services!

Installation of heating batteries, how does it work?

Installation of heating in the apartment takes place in 9 stages. All stages require the experience and professionalism of their masters. The final result and the quality of heating installation as a whole depend on how correctly each stage of work is performed. In our company, the installation of radiators is carried out only by experienced specialists. Our masters carry out installation of heat radiators even in difficult and non-standard cases.

We only use bimetallic batteries, they have advantages such as pleasant and stylish design, small mass, high level heat transfer, adaptation to changing external conditions, and they can also withstand a pressure of 40-60 atmospheres. The assortment of our company includes batteries from the world's leading manufacturers: Global (Italy), Rifar (Russia), Sira (Italy). You can find out the cost of installation and the convectors themselves from our operators. If necessary, you can clarify the cost of installing radiators directly from the master, taking into account the cost of additional work.

Check out the list of stages of work!

Stages of installation and dismantling of heating in the apartment:

  1. Installation and dismantling of devices.
  2. Mounting and dismantling of fasteners
  3. Correction of the distance between the axes of the riser tubes.
  4. Installation of pipes from the convector to the riser.
  5. Installation of the "American" design, consisting of two ball valves.
  6. Installation of thermostatic structures instead of stop valves.
  7. Installation of a special jumper - drive.
  8. Assembling the mounting kit.
  9. Checking the tightness of the structure.

How long does it take?

If the apartment is cold in winter, most likely, the heating radiators need to be replaced. Traditional batteries made of cast iron or steel get dirty over time.

The coolant moves through old appliances in a thin stream, does not provide thermal energy sufficient for normal heating of housing. To improve the thermal regime, it is worth dismantling the obsolete equipment and installing new one, but for the optimal result, you need to know how to do the job correctly.

In this article, we will talk about how to properly dismantle old radiators and install new appliances in their place.

If the decision to carry out repairs of this type is made, a number of questions should be answered:

  1. When and by whom will the work be carried out?
  2. Which one should be used?
  3. Is it necessary to replace the pipes leading from the battery to the riser?
  4. How many sections will be needed for each room?

It is best to carry out such an alteration in the summer, because to start work, you must obtain permission from the local housing office. In winter, officials are extremely reluctant to give such permissions, because they will have to block the common riser and leave other apartments without heating for some time.

But even outside the heating season, getting permission can be difficult. Those who have already solved similar problems talk about the need to wait for several days, trying to get an appointment with the right employees, etc. Some faced pressure: they were recommended to hire plumbers from the Housing Office to do all the work.

There are no restrictions on this issue. The main thing is that the replacement of heating batteries is performed by an experienced plumber with the appropriate qualifications. It is possible to identify all the flaws made during inept installation only during operation.

Old radiators get dirty inside and out over time, cleaning does not always solve the problem of insufficient heating, replacement is a more effective option

It is best to go to the housing office in the summer, and not in the fall, which is the peak of the queues. By this point everything necessary materials you need to buy, pre-assemble radiators, prepare tools, negotiate with the team, if necessary.

If the house is connected to a central heating system, you should contact the maintenance service to agree on the alteration. Here they can perform necessary calculations to accurately name the number of sections of radiators, as well as to clarify other technical issues.

Calculate the required amount heating radiators you can do it yourself. We have described in detail how to do this in

Shut-off valves that are installed on the “supply” and “return” are necessary so that at any time you can turn off the water and remove the battery for repair or replacement

The lack of correct calculations can lead to an imbalance in the home heating system.

Previously, for the calculations, you will need information that is in the DEZ:

  • type of boiler room (it can be central or individual for a particular house);
  • type of system: two- or one-pipe;
  • parameters of existing supply pipes;
  • coolant characteristics: temperature, pressure, pH, etc.

Most often, old batteries are replaced with new ones. modern models, usually or . Although cast iron, copper and steel products are also on sale. The type of radiator is needed when performing calculations.

When choosing a suitable radiator for a house or apartment, you need to focus on its main characteristics, which are detailed in technical passport products

You will need indicators such as the pressure that the device can withstand, Maximum temperature coolant, heat transfer and other data. They can usually be found in the technical data sheet.

If not only radiators, but also pipes leading to them are to be replaced, you should choose suitable material. Usually it is steel, metal-plastic or polypropylene. Some masters strongly recommend using only steel communications for centralized systems.

Depending on the type of pipes chosen, you will need the appropriate equipment for welding them. MP and PP pipes are easier to install than steel. To work with metal, you need not only a welding machine, but also a device for threading. Therefore, if the old pipes are clean enough, it is recommended to leave them and replace only the battery.

Old cast-iron radiators retain heat well, but slowly release it, in addition, they are heavy, which complicates installation, so bimetallic and aluminum models are more popular

The weak point of metal-plastic structures is connections. They must be performed very carefully, installation errors often lead to leaks. The popularity of MP-tubes is explained by their relatively low price. Plastic is more expensive, but more reliable, if the welding is done correctly, the tightness of the joints will be very high.

Under the selected radiator, you need to select suitable fasteners. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both the type of radiator and the material of the wall on which the installation will be performed: brick, concrete, etc. Batteries are usually supplied with brackets of the appropriate type.

To install one radiator, two brackets are usually used at the top and one at the bottom. Their position is carefully checked by a level in order to eliminate the possibility of distortion during battery installation. However, some models are set with a slight slope to ensure the removal of air that has entered the system. If there are more than twelve sections, another top bracket may be needed.

Radiator Placement Rules

Batteries are most often placed under the window to compensate for heat loss when cold air enters through the opening.

In this case, the following distances must be maintained:

  • from the wall - 20 mm;
  • from the floor - 120 mm;
  • from the window sill - 100 mm or more.

It is desirable that the window sill does not overlap the radiator too much for effective air circulation in the room. These figures are only guidelines and may be higher or lower, although noticeable changes may affect the heat dissipation of the structure.

To improve the situation, it is recommended to cover the wall behind the radiator with a reflective material, such as styrofoam. Although some masters consider this measure useless. But the beautiful one will become an obstacle to warm air, it is better to refuse it. Modern batteries look quite attractive, it makes no sense to hide them.

Work procedure

To properly replace heating radiators in an apartment, you must:

  1. Coordinate the alteration with the maintenance service.
  2. Purchase the necessary materials.
  3. Perform pre-assembly of nodes.
  4. Prepare tools.
  5. Arrange with the team (if you do not plan to do the work yourself).
  6. To issue an alteration in the housing office, to decide on the date of the work.
  7. Dismantle old radiators.
  8. Install brackets.
  9. Hang new batteries.
  10. Connect to heating pipes.
  11. Check system operation.

During the pre-assembly of the nodes, all the necessary elements are installed: plugs, gaskets, etc. In addition, you can mark up in advance in those places where the pipes will be cut off. In this case, you should use a plumb line and a level so that the new radiator becomes even.

If the supply pipes also require replacement, these elements must also be prepared: cut off pieces of suitable length, attach tees, etc. All this is done in order to quickly complete the installation after draining the water from the heating system. Such a measure will be more than relevant if the need to change old batteries arose during the heating season.

The procedure for dismantling old batteries depends on whether the pipes also need to be replaced. If you want to save the supply lines, you will have to carefully unscrew old battery. At the same time, it is important to keep the squeegee - a sufficiently long thread on the edge of the pipe. The radiator is fixed with a nut and a coupling, which will have to be unscrewed.

The procedure can be quite complicated. If the parts do not move, you can try to loosen the connection with anti-corrosion compounds. In the most extreme case, the radiator is simply cut off with a grinder. There should be at least 10mm of thread left. Burrs should be removed from it.

If it was not possible to save the drive, you will have to increase the pipes, as well as cut a new thread. Removed locknuts can later be reused when. Dismantling the radiator is much easier if the pipes are also replaced. In this case, they are simply cut off in a suitable place. This is usually where the system turns towards neighbors above and below.

Now you need to install the brackets, and then hang a new radiator on them. At this stage, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the length of the supply pipe. It remains to restore the threaded connection. It is very important to seal properly. For this, linen or plumbing thread is usually used.

Some masters do not recommend using FUM tape on such connections. The sealant is wound clockwise so that it forms a cone growing from the edge of the thread. Then the connecting nut is screwed on. If part of the seal remains outside, this is normal. But its layer should not be too thick.

To achieve maximum tightness, sometimes the seal is impregnated with paint, after which the lock nut is screwed on. Then the protruding insulation is also impregnated with paint. A water-based composition is not suitable for these purposes. After the paint has dried, it is very difficult to unscrew the connection.

After the connection is completed, remove from the radiator protective film. You should also check the position of the air vent. Its hole should be directed upwards. To check the quality of work, you need to ask plumbers to pump water into the heating circuit under pressure.

This will allow you to identify and immediately eliminate leaks. During operation, it does not hurt to observe the radiator for the first time, as well as check the condition of the connections to make sure that they do not leak.

If the decision is made to change the used batteries, it does not hurt to think about installing a faucet, conventional or with a thermal head. In the first case, you can manually adjust the coolant flow, in the second, this will be done automatically. But if they put it on the radiator, it does not need to be covered with a decorative screen.

This will lead to data distortion when measuring temperature. It should be noted that thermostats can only be installed with single-pipe systems. In any case, at least stopcocks must be installed at the inlet and outlet of the radiator, if they are not available.

This will allow the radiator to be disconnected from the system in order to be cleaned or replaced, regardless of the season. Thermal power, reflected in the data sheet of the battery, does not always correspond to the declared one. If you increase the number of sections by 10%, you can improve the situation.

If you have experience in self replacement heating radiators, please share it with our readers. Perhaps you know the subtleties that we did not mention in this article? Tell us about them in the comment block.

Summer is on the way! A great time for relaxation, sports, and also for ... replacing the central heating battery. Really! After all, if you have old batteries, then in winter you will again freeze and wrap yourself in blankets, instead of enjoying comfortable temperature. To do this is not so difficult. Komsomolskaya Pravda understood the intricacies of the process.


By by and large, you have three ways. Adventurous - do it yourself. Practical - contact your housing service or another management company. Finally, the third - costly - call commercial plumbers. Each option is attractive in its own way.

Replacement through Zhilkomservis

Replacement of failed heating devices is carried out only after exceeding the period of their operation. And it usually makes 15-30 years. If you have old house, which has not been repaired for decades, you have a chance to get a free radiator replacement. In all other cases, the housing office makes only minor repairs.

Replacement of heating batteries in an apartment through the Housing Office begins with the submission of an application. Everyone knows that dealing with these organizations requires a certain amount of patience. Therefore, prepare such a statement in advance, preferably in two copies. On one of them, the responsible person of the housing office will have to put a mark of acceptance. Also make sure that there is a date, an incoming number and a legible signature of the person who received it. You will need this later on. For example, if the battery suddenly bursts, then compensation for material damage will be entrusted to the service organization.

Commercial battery replacement

In fact, it is possible to replace the heating battery through your HOA or housing service on a commercial basis. It's no problem, if there was money! In one of the associations of homeowners in the Nevsky district, this is taken up willingly. Turning off the riser costs 500 rubles. You need to agree on the time of work in advance and submit an application. Further, everything is in agreement with the plumber. You can hire a person who is a contract in the HOA to fulfill this responsible mission. You can also invite a third-party wrench worker. The first option is probably more economical. In commercial offices, they offer to do this for an amount of 6 to 11 thousand rubles. You need to understand that this does not include the cost of a new radiator.

DIY battery replacement

I hope you have already guessed that you will have to leave an application with the HOA anyway. After all, work on replacing the radiator is associated with turning off the water throughout the entrance. Therefore, for example, it is unlikely that risers will be blocked on weekends. If you decide to do it on weekdays, then you need to remember a few important tips.


Radiators are not just customary to install under the window. The fact is that warm air will rise up and prevent cold air from the street from entering the room. It is also very important to pay attention to the distance of the battery to the wall, ceiling and window sill. From the wall, the battery must be placed at a distance of 3 centimeters, and from the floor and window sill it is worth maintaining a distance of 10-15 centimeters.

Replacing heating appliances in an apartment is a process that should be approached as responsibly as raising children. The quality of heat transfer to the room directly depends on how well and competently all work is performed, starting from the choice of material for radiators and ending with the connection of heating devices.

Nowadays, even independently replacing heating radiators in an apartment is not so difficult. But you need to use only proven schemes and quality materials, comply with the requirements of technologies and standards.


1. Coordination. Go to the duty officer in the HOA and leave an application to block the heating riser. After they discuss the time with you, answering yes, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Dismantling the old battery. If the coolant in the riser is drained, then, perhaps, there is nothing difficult for an experienced person. It is enough to unscrew the threaded connection. But if the battery is very old, then wrench you can't get rid of. We'll have to cut the weld with a grinder. In this case, you must comply with all safety requirements and technology. However, if you have a grinder, then you probably understand the safety rules. Otherwise, why do you need such a tool?

3. Adjustment and canopy of a new radiator. Very important point, because you need to correctly align the horizontal and vertical, eliminate distortions and other defects. Replacement and installation of heating radiators should be carried out using building level and other tools. Otherwise, the coolant will be distributed unevenly. And the apartment will still be cold.

4. Connecting the battery to the riser. Now you must either screw the battery into modern riser outlets or use welding.


Svetlana Morozova, member of the HOA association of the Central District of St. Petersburg:

If changing batteries does not imply an increase in power, then a person has the right to change the radiator himself, without agreement on the regional interdepartmental commission, simply by leaving an application in his HOA. But if you want to increase the number of sections, say, from four to six (thus increasing the amount of coolant), then you need to contact the district authorities. In practice, no one does this. Partly because the legislation does not provide for fines, and partly because of simple negligence. Now they don't pay attention to it. But when the situation reaches a certain critical point, it is possible that some kind of sanctions may follow. For example, commissions from representatives of the HOA and supply organizations will identify violations and send cases to court. But when this will happen and whether it will happen at all is difficult to say.

This article focuses on the materials and methods used to replace heating appliances in a city apartment. We will touch upon the problem of choosing the batteries themselves and all the additional elements of their strapping necessary for the most comfortable operation. In addition, we will cover some organizational issues - in particular, the areas of responsibility of the owner and housing organization.

Legal regulations

First, it is worth mentioning a couple of points that are not related to the technical side of the problem.

Often in print media and on legal forums, the question is: “Who changes the heating radiators in the apartment?”.

We hasten to answer it:

  • If the apartment is in municipal property, all responsibility for the condition of the heating system (including in-house appliances) lies with the managing organization. At the same time, she has the right to independently decide on the degree of wear and the need to replace it.

Useful: as a rule, battery replacement is carried out during the overhaul of the house in all apartments at once.
Minor malfunctions are eliminated without replacement: intersectional leaks are treated by replacing gaskets; cold sections become hot after flushing the heater.

  • In a privatized apartment, the owner is responsible for the condition of all its property.. IN emergency a team (local housing organization or city emergency service) will fix the leak by plugging the lines, but will not replace the device or repair it.

Can the owner change heating radiators on his own without coordinating the replacement with the managing organization? Yes, there are no restrictions here.

This work can be done by a hired team or by the owner himself - with two caveats:

  1. Responsibility for the damage caused to neighbors when their apartments are flooded also lies entirely with the owner of the housing. That is why after any operations associated with a violation of the tightness of the heating system, pressure testing is required.
  2. The power of the new heater cannot exceed the power provided by the project by more than 15%. Otherwise, your apartment will be heated at the expense of the neighbors: the heat flow transmitted by the riser is limited.

Why is it needed

But really, why change heating appliances?

This is practiced in the following cases:

  • If the heat output of the old appliance is insufficient to maintain a normal temperature in the room at the peak of cold weather. Temperature in different rooms apartments are regulated by the current SNiP and must be at least:
  • If corrosion or erosion by suspensions contained in the coolant makes further operation of the device impossible. Soviet-style plate radiators are most typical in this regard: after 7-10 years of work in the heating circuit, they begin to leak massively.
  • If the appearance of old batteries does not fit into the design of the room.

Let's clarify: the problem appearance solved by mounting various boxes and screens. However, they significantly reduce the heat transfer of batteries, limiting the movement of convection currents.

Go shopping

So, what will we change the old battery for, and what additional materials will we need?


The best choice for a central heating system will be bimetallic radiators with a maximum operating pressure of 25 kgf / cm2.

Please note: for the sake of cost reduction, bimetallic sections are often supplied only with steel cores in vertical channels; manifolds remain completely aluminum.
Our choice is the cores, which completely exclude the contact of the coolant with the aluminum shell.

Why bimetal?

There are two reasons for that.

  1. High probability of water hammer. A torn off valve of a screw valve, a fallen valve cheek or simply an excessively fast filling of the circuit can, under certain circumstances, lead to a short-term pressure surge to values ​​​​of 20-25 kgf / cm3 at a nominal pressure of no more than 5. What happens under such conditions with devices designed for more sparing mode of operation - it's easy to guess.
  2. In addition, the steel core eliminates electrochemical corrosion of aluminum. The fact is that this metal forms a galvanic pair with copper: when aluminum and copper electrodes are placed in an electrolyte, a constant weak current arises between them.

The transfer of ions leads to accelerated destruction of aluminum. If one of the housemates installed a copper eyeliner in their house, this will greatly reduce the life of the aluminum battery in your home.

Copper and aluminum in the same heating circuit is a dangerous combination.

Against the background of traditional cast iron and bimetallic ones, they are distinguished primarily by high heat transfer per section, up to 205 watts. The price of domestic-made devices starts at about 500 rubles per section.


The same applies here main criterion choice - strength.

Paired with bimetallic batteries can be used:

  • Threaded galvanized pipes. In this case, welding is not used because it destroys the protective zinc coating in the weld area, destroying the main advantage of galvanizing - corrosion resistance.
  • Stainless corrugated pipes. Their advantages against the background of competitors are extremely simple installation using cheap hand tool and the flexibility to get by with a very rough fit. Corrugated stainless steel bends with a turning radius equal to its diameter.

Important point: if you install bimetal radiator instead of cast iron, which has the same center distance between the collectors (500 mm), the liners can not be changed. Of course, if they are not damaged by corrosion.

Shut-off and control valves, fittings

Battery harness may include:

  • A pair of ball valves for complete isolation from the circuit.
  • Valve and throttle. This kit allows you to manually adjust the heat output of the device.
  • valve and thermostatic head. The latter makes the adjustment of heat transfer automatic: a constant temperature will be maintained in the room.

To connect bimetallic batteries for a new eyeliner, it is most convenient to use American women - fittings with union nuts. They greatly simplify the installation and dismantling of devices, reducing the time required for these operations to one or two minutes.

Dismantling the old battery

Cast iron radiator

Dismantling instructions cast iron battery as follows:

  1. We drop the riser or close the valves on the connections.
  2. We unscrew both locknuts with a gas wrench No. 1 or an adjustable wrench. The thread on the eyeliners is right-handed. We drive the nuts to the end of the thread and clean it from winding.
  3. We give and drive both radiator caps. To do this, you need keys No. 2 - No. 4, depending on how stuck the plugs are.

Tip: If the force is overwhelming, preheat the end section manifolds with a blowtorch or blowtorch.
Its thermal expansion will serve you well: the cork will break with minimal effort.

  1. Remove the radiator from the old brackets.
  2. Inspect piping for corrosion. If they are in good condition, a new battery can be connected directly to them. If necessary, you can shorten the thread with a hacksaw or a grinder and increase the supply with a pair of taps and spurs.


  1. Dry your liners.
  2. Cut them into an easy-to-mount threaded connection place with a grinder or with your own hands, using a hacksaw.

  1. Using a chisel, pry the convector mount, pull the nails out of the wall and remove the appliance.

Installing a new radiator

No replacement or extension of eyeliners

It is not difficult to guess how to change the radiator without replacing the connections: all the operations we have done earlier are performed in the reverse order. New plugs and locknuts are used; regular gaskets are used to seal the plugs, flax with paint or a polymer sealant thread is used for locknuts.

With replacement or extension of eyeliners

Let's analyze this operation using the example of mounting a battery on a corrugated stainless steel.

  1. We remove the outer chamfer on the sections of the eyeliners and cut short (5 threads) threads on them.
  2. We mark the attachment points of the brackets at the rate of one point for three sections. We mount the brackets and hang out a new battery.
  3. Having wound new threads on the eyeliner, we screw fittings - adapters on them.
  4. We screw the second pair of adapters into taps or Americans.

Attention: if there are shut-off valves or throttles on the connections, it is necessary to install a jumper to ensure constant circulation in the riser.

  1. We cut the pipe to size and crimp it into the fittings. When the liner spans more than half a meter, they are attached to the wall with clamps.
  2. We check the device under pressure.


We hope that our material will help the reader in the repair of home heating equipment. Of course, something has fallen out of our attention: in a small article it is impossible to touch on everything possible problems and details of work. Additional information can be found in the video in this article. Good luck!