Painting a heating radiator so that it looks like new. Tips & Tricks

  • 27.06.2020

The process of painting a heating battery is often accompanied by the question of whether it is possible to paint a battery acrylic paint. Can hot batteries be painted? What is the best paint and varnish for a heating radiator?

Painting a heat exchanger is often an indispensable part of a renovation, although it can be just a design move to bring bright colors into a home. They are also tinted and, as the current top painted layer wears out, or they are simply painted with patterns on top of the existing one. Regardless of the type and scope of work, it is better to approach the choice of means responsibly.

Selection criteria

There are quite a few requirements for all types of coatings for heating radiators. The paint product must be resistant to high temperatures, at a level of 90-100 ° C, serve as a metal protection against corrosion, fit well on the surface, not change color over time and be non-toxic. Modern hardware stores offer a wide selection of paints and emulsions of all possible colors and shades. Most people are accustomed to the fact that the heating radiator should be white, but some seek to turn such an ordinary item into an original interior detail. After all, this beautifully painted item can become a highlight, a harmonious detail of any, even the most elaborate interior.

Some experts believe that color affects performance. dark colors increase the heat transfer of the device, while light ones slightly lower it. Now the choice of coatings is very large: there are separate products specifically for radiators, you can also use various enamels, heat-resistant varnishes, water-based paints.

However, each type of coverage has its pros and cons. So before buying, you need to carefully analyze everything.

It is desirable that the heating be turned off at the time of painting work in order to avoid uneven drying of the surface, unevenly applied layer or loss of color. If for some reason this is not possible, you can use a coating that allows you to paint a warm surface.

acrylic enamel

The main advantage of acrylic enamel is a very high temperature resistance to yellowing, it is 100 ° C, in some - up to 120 ° C; at home, it will not turn yellow, since heating radiators simply do not heat up to such temperatures. Their main operating mode is 40-60°C. Also, this enamel is considered quite resistant, which allows you to keep it for a long time. decorative look colored device. A plus in the piggy bank of positive characteristics acrylic coating is a fairly quick drying of the applied layer, 2-3 hours. More accurate information is usually indicated on the paint can.

Some are interested in the question of whether it is possible to paint hot batteries. Answer: acrylic agent allows you to paint even warm radiators.

A feature of these enamels is that they are produced on organic solvents. So, during the staining process, a slight characteristic smell of the solvent is released, which, however, evaporates rather quickly. However, thanks to this component, the paint acquires a beautiful glossy sheen when it dries. But, having dried, the color can slightly change the shade. Acrylic usually darkens as it dries. This enamel has excellent mechanical resistance, UV resistance and impermeability to steam. In addition, they are endowed with water-repellent abilities and are resistant to cold after complete solidification.

In addition to glossy, there are matte and semi-gloss acrylic products.

They are diluted with water, but when dried, as can be seen from the names, they do not acquire a characteristic sheen. Often these products cost more than glossy enamel, but they better hide dents and other small surface defects that appear when coated with glossy paint. It takes about 10 hours to completely dry the battery, painted with acrylic emulsion.

So if you decide to paint the batteries with acrylic paint, choose which option suits you best and paint.

Paint for painting radiators must withstand high temperatures, i.e. be heat resistant. It is also good if it meets the requirements of environmental friendliness, i.e. does not emit harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances when heated.

Paint role:

  • Making it aesthetically pleasing
  • Corrosion protection
  • Protection against aggressive environmental influences

How to remove old paint from a radiator

Before applying new paint, the surface must be prepared. To begin with, coarse dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner, fine dust can be wiped with a damp cloth. Grease stains are easily amenable to solvents and dishwashing detergents.

If the old coating is well preserved, does not flake off, does not swell, rust spots do not appear through it, then for simplicity and to save time, you can simply go over it with sandpaper so that the new layer of paint adheres well to the old one.

If old paint has a completely unpresentable appearance, then you will have to get rid of it.

You can remove the coating from the battery as follows:

  • Drill with a nozzle in the form of a hard brush - ruff
  • Solvents - flushes
  • Sandpaper.

Mechanical means of removing the old coating guarantee a large amount of dust, and if used carelessly, they can damage the battery itself.

Nozzles for removing paint

Chemicals are safer in this regard, but you should work with them in a ventilated area and using protective equipment- gloves, respirator, goggles, etc. Also, do not smoke or make fire, because solvents are flammable.

As a rule, solvents are available in the form of a thick liquid or gel. They are applied in an even and not too thin layer evenly over the entire surface of the battery. For application, metal or wooden spatulas or brushes with natural bristles are used. Spatulas made of rubber or plastic will simply dissolve from aggressive chemical exposure.

The gel is kept on the surface for the time specified in the instructions, after which it is cleaned off with the same spatula along with pieces of softened paint. Solvent residues are washed off with water.

Rust can also be removed by mechanical sanding or corrosion inhibitors. Large dents or chips should be sealed with putty.

After that, dust and dirt from the old paint should be removed, allow the battery to dry. Next, a primer suitable for the given type of radiator metal and the selected paint is applied. It contains small sandy particles, the role of which is to increase the adhesion (adhesion) of the surface with the paint.

There are also paints that already contain substances similar to the primer, which perfectly protect the battery metal from corrosion and adhere well to the surface.

Coloring process

It is better to paint batteries outside the heating season, then the paint will dry evenly, there will be no smudges, cracks, swelling, etc. If this is not possible, then the thinnest possible layer should be applied. Ideally, if the battery is not yet installed, or it is possible to remove it to paint over everywhere.

Important ! All water-based paints must be applied over a primer. When applied directly to the metal of the battery, you will have to deal with the rapid appearance of rust through the paint.

To keep the floor clean, use unnecessary cloth or newspapers under the radiator. If the dye is applied from a spray can, you will also have to cover the adjacent surface of the walls with something.

Battery painting with a brush

For work, it is better to choose brushes with soft bristles, less splashes will scatter from them. An ordinary old toothbrush will help you get to the most inaccessible places. In order not to get dirty on an already painted surface, it is better to first paint over the internal parts of the radiator. Paint should be applied from the top of the radiator down.

Do not try to immediately evenly paint the battery in one layer, it is still unlikely to succeed. Two neat thin layers will be better, because one thick one will dry much longer, it may leak. The time for which the dye layer is completely dry is usually indicated on the packaging. It is not worth applying the second layer ahead of time, the coating will turn out to be uneven, sloppy.

Coloring can be done not only manually, but also with a spray gun or from a spray can.

Paint for batteries in a can

Paint selection

Although conventional paints intended for walls, floors and ceilings are used for heating batteries, this is not the best solution. They are not designed for temperature effects, and therefore they will crack much faster and acquire a yellowish tint.

Heat resistant paint for radiators

When choosing between matte and glossy paints, it should be borne in mind that a shiny coating will strongly attract the eye and emphasize all the imperfections and surface irregularities. A light matte finish will turn gray over time, because dirt will accumulate in the porous structure of the paint.

Although the usual color of the batteries is still white, this is more of a tribute to the Soviet past, when the choice of colors was not rich. In fact, white radiators will only look good in light-colored interiors. For bright or dark rooms, you should choose a different color for painting.

Interesting ! The battery can be turned into a noticeable and eye-catching detail of the interior if you paint it in bright colors, draw patterns or whole pictures.

Painting aluminum radiators

Aluminum batteries themselves have a neat looking and even finish and do not need additional painting. If the convection plates of the radiator are located very often, then their coloring will significantly reduce the heat transfer of the device.

If they appearance hurts the eye, it is better to cover them with a screen or force them with furniture. If these options are not suitable for some reason, then the radiators can, of course, be painted. But suitable for cast iron batteries Paints will not adhere well to aluminum. Such radiators should only be spray-painted. And this should be done in heating season, because on cold batteries at room temperature the paint will dry for a very long time.

Important ! Please note that most manufacturers aluminum radiators consider their unauthorized coloring sufficient reason to terminate the warranty service.

Types of paints


Alkyd paint for a heating battery is organic, silicon-organic or water-based. In the first few hours after application, it has a strong smell, which then disappears completely. With the beginning of the heating season and the heating of appliances, the smell may return for a short time.

If white paint is chosen, then it is best to purchase one that contains titanium pigment. Options with a chalk content, although they will cost significantly less, will quickly turn yellow during operation.


Acrylic paints for radiators look and feel strongly reminiscent of plastic. This cover stays on well and is easy to clean. If the acrylic dye is water based, it will be completely devoid of color. bad smell.


Hammer enamels allow you to get shades of the same color and various options invoices. A non-uniform coating will perfectly hide irregularities and other surface imperfections.

Preparation for application and the coloring itself will not differ from the usual. The only thing that is required is to sand the radiator to create a rough surface.

Water emulsion

Many people wonder if it is possible to paint batteries water-based paint. Of course, you can, because. it combines resistance to high temperatures, fast drying and the absence of an unpleasant odor. However, it is significantly inferior in durability to other species.


Gaining popularity so-called. powder coating. The dry mixture is applied from a special gun due to a small difference in electrical potentials between the radiator and the powder itself. After application, such paint must be polymerized. Indoors, this can be done with a heat gun, and if the radiator is removed from the wall, it can be placed in the oven. There are also options for powder dye that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. However, ordinary sunlight is not enough for this, it is necessary to use an ultraviolet lamp.


Paint for batteries based on silicate resins and aluminum is designed to work even with very high temperatures, which in practice do not happen in a heating system. After solidification, the material forms a dense, durable, but plastic layer, due to which no cracks will occur during thermal expansion and contraction of the metal. This paint does not require prior application of a primer and has a very high performance adhesion to the surface. Among the disadvantages of this option are only a high price and a strong odor that takes a long time to fade.


It has long been used for painting radiators and silver - a mixture of varnish with aluminum powder. Such paint perfectly withstands high temperatures. It should be applied either over the layer of the old coating or on the base in the form of a primer. Since silverware contains oil products among the components of the varnish, it has a fairly persistent strong odor, i.e. the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

Advice ! Car enamels in spray cans are very well suited for painting heaters, because. they are also designed for strong heating during operation and application to metal surfaces.


What paint to paint the radiators is ultimately up to the buyer. It is only necessary to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each options. For the room currently occupied by people, better fit quick dry paint for odorless heating batteries.

In a not yet residential area, paints that dry for a long time, but have a longer life of further paint service, are also suitable. You should not save on the material, it is better to give preference to proven and famous brands. To check how much in reality the performance of a particular paint corresponds to the declared ones, and decide which battery paint is better, user reviews, which can be easily found on the Internet, will help.

It is very difficult to find a person who has never held a brush in his hands. Therefore, many do not think about how to paint the battery, believing that there is nothing special in this process. In fact, without some attention, the radiator will become the same as before the repair: rusty, with peeling and swollen paint. That is why many are forced to update the appearance of heating elements almost every year, instead of learning how to paint the battery correctly. But then you can return to this task no more than once every five years or even a decade.

What batteries can and should be painted

Traditionally, any painted radiators, especially cast iron ones, need to be updated, as the paint on them begins to chip off over time, and in open places rust appears. It not only stains curtains, but also destroys equipment.

Aluminum or factory enameled steel batteries of a new design are usually not painted, especially on the basis that you do not like the color or want to change it. Otherwise, their appearance will be spoiled, and the heat transfer from them will significantly decrease. Therefore, it is better to mask them with a suitable decorative screen.

Overview of paints for radiators

The most common options are enamel paints . They can be acrylic or alkyd. The first are created on organic solvents. They allow you to create a beautiful, glossy finish. The second ones are very durable, easy to clean, practically do not erase. Alkyd enamels also have a huge advantage - wide colors. Their disadvantage is that they include white spirit, which has a pungent odor.

Traditional paints and varnishes containing harmful substances, are gradually moving away. Although they are quite effective - they give a lasting color, are applied evenly and are stable. In addition, the cost of such materials is affordable.

However, they can be replaced with more eco-friendly materials- the same water-soluble paints . They are absolutely safe, dry quickly, apply evenly and do not emit carcinogens. However, when buying, you should be careful - not all such products are suitable for use, since water causes metal corrosion. It is better to choose acrylic-based paints from it, while taking into account that radiators will still require careful surface preparation. The disadvantage of these materials is also that they are not resistant to abrasion and can stain the curtains.

Alternatively, you can use enamel in spray cans for radiators. Although it is not entirely safe, but with its help you can get the job done in a matter of minutes. True, it will only allow you to refresh the surface without penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Choosing which paint to paint the batteries is not difficult. Just when buying, you need to make sure that it is designed specifically for radiators. This must be indicated on the packages.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • brushes small size with soft bristles or foam roller;
  • for hard-to-reach places, you need to take brushes with a curved handle;
  • drill with a nozzle in the form of an iron brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • film;
  • putty knife;
  • paint, primer, thinner.

Quick surface preparation

When choosing which paint to paint the batteries with, it should be borne in mind that their preparation will differ in each case. Also, a lot depends on what result you want to get in the end: refresh the surface or give the radiator the look of a new factory product.

First you need to clean all surfaces from dust, dirt, cobwebs. If time is short and you want to complete the procedure faster, then it is enough to clean off the lagging paint with a spatula, sand the bumps and remove rust with sandpaper. Further, all the formed recesses should be treated with a primer that protects the metal from corrosion, and puttied. All these steps are made for painting with enamel.

To prepare the surface for acrylic paint, you need to completely cover the radiator with an adhesive primer, and let it dry. Otherwise, the metal will quickly begin to rust.

Careful surface preparation

In this case, the remaining paint is removed completely. It is done like this:

  • the radiator is heated with a gas burner;
  • then large pieces of paint are chipped off with a spatula;
  • the surface is carefully cleaned with sandpaper, or better: a drill with an iron brush nozzle.

After these procedures, the radiator is wiped with a damp cloth in order to degrease and get rid of dust. If you properly paint it after such a procedure, it will definitely look like new.

By the way, in order for it to work as if it had just been brought from the factory, an additional procedure should be performed. Namely: it is necessary to remove it, drain the water, heat it up strongly, let it cool, then disassemble and clean it from accumulated debris and rust inside. Then, carefully assemble it back, using rubber cut from ordinary tires as spacers.


Now consider, in fact, how to paint the battery. First of all, it is necessary to dilute the paint to a state of 1% kefir. That is, very liquid, but not watery, but so that it stretches with a brush no less than 30-40 cm at a time. Next, you need to carefully apply the first layer, starting with inside batteries.

After that, you need to wait a day or in some cases 7-8 hours, depending on the quality of the product. Then you need to paint the radiator again in the same way. By the way, the second layer of acrylic paint (if you use it) can be applied immediately, without waiting for drying.

Is it possible to paint hot batteries

Many professionals do not recommend painting radiators at the height of the heating season. However, using high temperature resistant alkyd enamel or spray guns, it is quite possible to paint hot batteries. Only you need to do this carefully, carefully and quickly, so as not to get burned and so that the paint lies evenly. The latter is quite difficult to do, since on a hot surface from 50 ° C it dries almost instantly.

If you doubt that you can quickly and accurately perform the procedure, it is better to wait until the end of the heating season. Or, if time is running out, do not immediately paint hot batteries, but first screw in the supply of heated water to them. Moreover, if this cannot be done on your own, you can contact the Housing Office.

In order not to get dirty during work flooring, skirting boards and wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to carefully isolate the areas with a film, which is desirable to attach pointwise with stationery tape so that it does not move. Newspapers are worse in this regard - they tear in the process when paint gets on them.

If there is a need to paint over the battery more carefully, then it is better to remove it, since otherwise it will not work. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to start painting from the inside, where access is difficult, so the likelihood of getting dirty is reduced.

If you have never used paint, keep in mind that at first you will do it very slowly, it will be uncomfortable for you, everything will interfere. That is the nature of this case. Therefore, beginners should not paint hot batteries, since with a 90% probability the result will not be very good: stains, streaks may remain, the enamel will lie unevenly.

For many people, when renovating an apartment in winter time the question arises whether it is possible to paint hot batteries. With modern paints, you can paint the radiator absolutely at any time of the year. Heating devices not only perform their main function - heating the room, but also act as part of the interior, so they must have a proper appearance. Having correctly painted the battery, you can make it suitable for any room design.

Choose the paint color for the battery based on the color of the room

Paint selection

People often think that you only need to paint front side batteries, but this is absolutely not true. Rust appears on the surface of the metal, which spreads over time if it is not removed. You can solve the problem of corrosion with the help of high-quality paint. To do right choice need to know the main characteristics of this product.

The paint must be resistant to high temperatures, because in winter the battery gets very hot. Quality coating will allow the color to last for several years.

For the correct selection of paint, you need to understand its types available for sale:

  1. Acrylic paint does not smell at all and can even be used in a children's room. In addition, its color remains natural on long time. This option is most suitable for winter repairs, since ventilation of the room is not required after painting.
  2. Alkyd paint is quite resistant to elevated temperatures and is an excellent material for coating a radiator. Its main disadvantage is a strong smell, which means that its use during the heating season is not recommended.
  3. Battery paint is a type of acrylic paint that needs to be mixed with a thinner. This material has its advantages: it can be used without pre-priming the surface, the coating is glossy and uniform.
  4. Oil paint eventually ceased to be used, although it is known to everyone.

In this video you will learn how to properly paint radiators:

This listing is for cast iron batteries. For panel radiators, it is preferable to use car enamel in an aerosol.

White radiators are no longer in vogue. You can experiment with color, but keep in mind that the battery must fit into the overall concept of the apartment. The radiator in a child's room can be decorated with patterns or even a landscape.

Everyone chooses for himself a more acceptable option for coating material, but in order for the paint to lay down evenly, the following tools are needed:

  • sandpaper;
  • sharp spatula for removing the old layer of paint;
  • 2-3 types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • rags for cleaning.

This kit is needed for high-quality painting, which will transform old and rusty batteries into a beautiful piece of furniture.

Preparation for work and painting

In order to figure out how to paint a radiator, you need to know the principle of this work.

Like any kind of work in the construction industry, painting is done only after surface preparation. First of all, you need to remove dirt and examine the product for corrosion.

After removing the old layer of paint and dirt, the battery must be washed with a cloth dampened with water. Places of swelling must be cleaned with sandpaper; if rotten areas are found, be sure to eliminate them.

At the final stage of preparation, the entire surface of the radiator must be coated with a primer. If a material that does not require a primer will be used for painting, then this step is skipped.

In order to clean the device from the old layer of paint and various contaminants, you can use one of the following methods:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

For the chemical method, special solutions based on solvents and acids are used. The mixture can be bought at a specialized store or prepared independently at home.

For a homemade solution, you need to prepare:

  • 1 kg of soda ash;
  • 1 kg of slaked lime;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 10 liter container.

The solution is easy to prepare. Soda dissolves in water at a temperature of 60 degrees. After its complete dissolution, lime is added in small portions. It must be introduced strictly gradually so as not to lead to the formation a large number foam.

To DIY paint batteries, you will need some material.

At mechanical way sandpaper or a special scraper is used. Manually cleaning the surface is quite difficult and time consuming. You can use a special nozzle on a drill or a grinder. In this case, you must strictly follow the safety rules and act very carefully so as not to damage the battery.

Thinking about how to paint hot battery heating and whether it is possible to do this without special skills, you should not be afraid. Even a beginner can handle it, you just need to know the basic rules of work.

Prepare before painting workplace, lay polyethylene or newspapers on the floor, protect the wall by attaching thick paper or cardboard, and prepare tools.

The paint is applied with a brush in smooth movements from top to bottom - this is how you can paint warm batteries without leaving streaks. The layer must be thin and even. After the first layer has dried, the second one is applied.

It is recommended to paint the inner surfaces of the battery first of all, so as not to get your hands dirty in the process. If it is difficult to do this with a brush, then you can use a small roller or even an old toothbrush with a flexible head.

Even without special skills, anyone can beautifully paint a heating radiator if they take into account the recommendations and some rules. There are several simple tips from experts:

  • there should be no streaks on the painted surface - for this you need to apply the paint as thinly as possible, making smooth movements;
  • it is more convenient to paint over the back surface of the battery with a curved brush or a toothbrush;
  • when cleaning the device by chemical means it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal protection;
  • upon completion painting works using any paint, the room must be ventilated, but it is better to use odorless paints;
  • hidden heating elements and pipes can not be painted, so the best heat transfer will be preserved;
  • before the purchase paintwork materials you need to carefully study their characteristics.

Do not worry about whether it is possible to paint heating radiators hot. Modern materials able to withstand fairly high temperatures without losing their properties. Subject to all the rules for preparing and painting the radiator, you can achieve the feeling of acquiring a new battery.

How can you paint hot radiators and what paint to do it - everyone decides for himself. To the question of whether it is possible to paint batteries with acrylic paint, you can confidently answer in the affirmative.

During the operation of the heating system, it may be necessary to paint the batteries. The quality of the work performed determines the appearance and durability of the heater. Therefore, it is important for users to know how to paint a heating radiator with their own hands.

Paint selection

Taking into account the specific operating conditions of radiators, the following special requirements are imposed on the paintwork:

  • high temperature resistance. The coating must be designed for continuous operation at a temperature of 80-90 degrees;
  • color stability. The coating must retain its original color for a long period;
  • high protective qualities. It is necessary to choose paints that provide effective protection from corrosion;
  • good adhesion. The paint should fit well on the metal surface and not peel off during the operation of the radiator;
  • high strength and wear resistance of the created coating;
  • safety. When heated, the coating should not release toxic substances and foreign odors into the air.

Best of all, modern acrylic paints meet all these requirements.

Coloring technology

Before you paint the heating battery, it must be cleaned of the old coating. This can be done manually with a metal brush. You can also use a grinder with special attachments. Another option is to use special chemicals. For example, it is convenient to use aerosols, under the influence of which the old paint peels off easily. After removing the paint, it is also necessary to get rid of rust, dirt, and thoroughly degrease the surface.

The cleaned surface must be carefully primed. For this, a primer recommended for use in conjunction with the selected paint is selected.

After that, you can proceed directly to staining. At least two brushes are used. One, ordinary, brush is used for painting external surfaces. The second brush should have a long, curved handle. It easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places, so it is convenient for her to paint inside the radiator fins. Before use, you need to fluff the bristles of the brushes, which will get rid of poorly fixed hairs. Coloring is done first internal surfaces and then external. In this case, staining is done from top to bottom, which helps prevent the formation of streaks and drops. The radiator needs to be painted in two layers. In this case, the second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried.

Painting of bimetallic and aluminum radiators

Available already with paint finish. It is applied by powder coating in the factory. Such a coating is characterized by high protective properties, mechanical strength, wear resistance, and temperature resistance. Due to this, these radiators do not require painting during operation.

The exception is the cases mechanical damage radiator coatings during transportation, installation, operation. To remove chips and scratches, you can use automotive putty. Painting damaged areas is also best done with car enamel, the quality of which is comparable to the quality of the “native” coating. For application, it is convenient to use aerosol cans. It should be borne in mind that car enamel dries better and faster on hot radiators.

If you need to completely repaint aluminum or bimetallic battery, then this does not require the removal of the old coating. The surface must be degreased and coated with a primer. After that, with a spray gun, you need to apply paint of the corresponding color in two layers. Water-based or alkyd paint is best suited.