The temperature in the office according to GOST. What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin

  • 20.10.2019

Optimum indicators of the microclimate at the workplace are the key to high productivity and health of the staff. Creating favorable conditions for the performance of duties by employees is undoubtedly beneficial to employers. However, not all managers strive to follow the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards. There are various explanations for this. On the one hand, the temperature regime must be regulated by expensive equipment, on the other hand, the concept of a favorable microclimate is considered by many as subjective. For example, there are situations when one part of the team experiences cold, and the other, on the contrary, complains about excessively high temperatures. At the same time, the legislation provides for clear indicators of the microclimate in the working premises, which are optimal for ensuring working conditions. These regulations provide different indicators depending on the category of work space.

Requirements for premises of the first category

To begin with, it is worth noting that the first two categories provide for the division into subgroups "a" and "b". The differences in them are due to the nature of the actions performed. For example, group "a" - these are objects where work is carried out in a sitting position and is associated with minor loads. Subcategory "a" includes premises where the intensity of energy consumption is expected to be no more than 139 W. In particular, these can be enterprises of instrumentation and automotive industry, clothing and watch production. In this case, the optimum temperature regime is 21-28 °C. The indicators that should be followed in the regulation of the microclimate in the premises of the subcategory "b" are slightly different. The intensity of energy consumption in this case can reach 174 W, and the lower limit of the norm temperature regime is 20 °C.

Requirements for premises of the second category

This group is distinguished not only by a higher intensity of energy consumption (232 W), but also by the very nature of the performance of work actions. Already subgroup "a" assumes that employees move or move small loads (up to 1 kg) in a sitting or standing position. The range of permissible temperature indicator for this category is 18-27 °C. If the work of an employee is associated with the movement of heavy loads (up to 10 kg), and the intensity of energy consumption reaches 290 W, then we are talking about group "b" and the lower limit will be lowered to 16 ° C. As a rule, the temperature regime of air in such ranges is established at forging, mechanized, thermal and rolling enterprises. The work may involve the maintenance of assembly shops, conveyors and production lines.

Requirements for premises of the third category

If the intensity of energy consumption exceeds the level of 290 W, then the third category should be considered. These are the most demanding in terms of establishing the parameters of the microclimate of the premises. Employees at such enterprises make great physical efforts, walk and move loads of more than 10 kg. Favorable temperature regime relative to the premises of this group varies from 15 to 26 °C. Usually these are workshops and production shops in which workers perform manual operations. This can be metal processing, preparation of building structures, installation operations, etc.

Seasonality factor

General indicators of optimal temperature for different categories industrial premises may be adjusted for the season. Typically, the deviation is 3-4 °C. When calculating this difference, the average daily temperature is taken into account. For example, in summer it is 10 ° C and above, and in winter, on the contrary, 10 ° C and below. Of course, in matters of what temperature regime will be optimal for a particular workplace, it is determined by many factors, and following the standards does not always contribute to comfort. Therefore, one should also be guided by the individual characteristics of the employee's body, taking into account its functionality.

Temperature accounting

Meeting the requirements for establishing an optimal microclimate in the workplace is impossible without measuring devices. Moreover, traditional thermometers are not suitable for this. At a minimum, we need similar devices designed for use in offices and industries. In addition, it is necessary to be guided by special approaches to the definition of values. For example, in the warm season, taking into account the temperature regime involves measuring on days when there is a deviation from the thermometer readings from similar data for the hottest month by less than 5 °C.

The frequency of such measurements depends on several factors, including the stability of work processes and the characteristics of sanitary facilities. When choosing the time and areas for measurements, one should also focus on the stages of technological processes, the operation of ventilation and heating systems etc. Usually such activities are carried out at least three times per shift.

How is the temperature regulated?

First of all, the enterprises must take the necessary measures for thermal insulation, heating and ventilation. Control and compliance with the temperature regime also provide means of cooling the air. For this, air conditioners and systems for air showering are installed. The presence of such equipment allows you to adjust the volume of air injection, its speed and, in general, the format of work.

If the installation of such systems is impossible for technical reasons, then the manager must organize comfortable conditions for rest in separate room. In some industries, it is mandatory to provide drinking water. Especially during hot weather, employees should consume at least 3 liters of fluid per day.

Alternative Ways to Comply

The impossibility of fulfilling the conditions for ensuring a comfortable microclimate is quite common. One of the ways out of this situation may be the already mentioned rest room, but even such premises can not be organized at all enterprises. It is possible to bring the temperature regime at the workplace to optimal levels by reducing the duration of work shifts. The more hours a person works, the more stringent the requirements for the microclimate.

Thus, it is possible to vary the time intervals for shifts, thereby satisfying regulatory requirements. In addition, the introduction of regulated breaks is practiced, which allow employees to leave their workplaces for a certain time. If possible, it is worth organizing a differentiated scheme for organizing work processes, in which workers can change places.

What threatens non-compliance with the temperature regime?

Complaints from employees of enterprises on this issue are no longer uncommon. But before that, it is necessary to notify the authorities in writing that the requirements of sanitary standards are not observed and that appropriate measures must be taken. If in response to this request no reaction follows and the temperature regime remains the same, then the employee has the right to demand compensation for the harm caused. In addition, administrative punishment may follow for the head. To date, fines for non-compliance with the rules of microclimate regulation are quite high and reach tens of thousands of rubles. Also, as a punishment, a ban on the operation of the enterprise for up to three months can be imposed.


Security comfortable conditions labor is especially important, since the activities of employees of various enterprises in itself are associated with certain loads. At the same time, one should not think that the situation is facilitated when it comes to office workers. Physical exercise give some tone to the body, so the temperature regime is not so noticeable. However, sedentary and monotonous work, associated with high responsibility, involves serious psychological stress. In conditions of heat against this background, cardiovascular diseases often develop. Therefore, the issue of ensuring an optimal microclimate involves not only creating comfort, but also directly aims to eliminate the harmful effects on the health of workers. Also, do not forget about the benefits for the companies and organizations themselves, the effectiveness of which is directly related to the functionality of their employees.

For effective work employees in the office need to properly take care of the arrangement of the premises in terms of ergonomic indicators. One of the most important criteria in this matter is the observance of a certain temperature regime. These criteria are established by law and the slightest deviation from the recommended norms is fraught with a drop in the level of productivity of workers. In this article, we will consider what the optimal indoor temperature should be, as well as what deviations can be considered acceptable depending on the time of year.

Why is it necessary to maintain the temperature in the office premises?

Since temperature indicators change in different seasons of the year, it is necessary to clearly control the situation in the office and adjust it if necessary. Proceeding from this, air conditioning must work in the working rooms in the summer, and in the cold season they must be warmed up at the proper level.

It doesn't matter what industry you work in. The requirements are the same for everyone: workers of both mental and physical labor must coexist in a team in equally optimal conditions. It is also important to take into account the fact that employees who spend most of their working time at the table, leading a sedentary lifestyle, cannot take care of their own heating on their own, so it is extremely important for them to purchase additional equipment for heating the room, the temperature of which should also be optimal. The same applies to work in production shops and premises, whose workers have a high activity coefficient, since, on the contrary, it is important for them to have devices for air cooling.

Requirements for arranging workspaces that you might not know about

Office employees, like any other workers, must spend their working hours in rooms with a temperature that corresponds to the data specified in the SanPiN 2.2 regulatory and sanitary document. 4.548-96. This act was adopted on the basis of a law issued in 1999, which clearly controls and establishes the working conditions of workers, regardless of their field of work. That is why any leader, before hiring employees, first of all should create the necessary air temperature in the room and think over the arrangement of their workplaces. But it's no secret to anyone that many bosses are in a hurry to take care of only their own convenience, buying heaters and air conditioners only for their offices, leaving the comfort of their subordinates without attention. This is a gross violation of the rights of people working for hire, and they, in turn, have every reason to complain to the relevant sanitary services.

Below we will consider what temperature level, and what deviations from it, are permissible at the legislative level.

  • 23-25 ​​degrees - optimal indicators for the summer season;
  • 22-24 degrees - the most suitable temperature in the working room for winter;
  • 1-2 degrees - the permissible range of temperature fluctuations in the working room from the established norm;
  • 3-4 degrees - possible fluctuations both up and down during the working day.
  • In addition, you also need to consider the level of humidity in the rooms. It must be at least 40, but not more than 60 percent.

Permissible wind speed - from 0.1 m / s. up to 0.3 m / sec. This criterion is especially important when the air conditioner is running in the office. If you are working and the air conditioner is blowing on you, then this should not be considered a normal phenomenon, and you have the right to demand that the management improve the arrangement of your workplace.

Compliance with the requirements of sanitary services

It is safe to say that if the current requirements of SanPiN only put forward recommendations for the improvement of working premises, then few managers would put them into practice, alas, such are today's realities. That's why this act not only puts forward recommendations for the air temperature in the workplace, but clearly establishes the limits of permissible values.

The employee must stay at the desk for no more than 8 hours, provided that the room is not higher than 28 degrees and not lower than 20 degrees Celsius. If these indicators are not observed, the working time should be reduced by an hour with each degree, taking into account the following data according to the example:

  • 19 or 29 degrees - a working day of 7 hours;
  • 18 or 30 degrees - 6 hours of work, etc. descending.

If suddenly you notice that your working conditions at the workplace are grossly violated, then you have full right refuse to fulfill their official duties and go home without thinking about possible consequences. But do not think that the norms of sanitary services are created only for the convenience of workers. More than once there were known cases when unscrupulous employees, using this, tried to find excuses to explain their own absenteeism. But since school days, we all know that convection currents in the form of warm air can rise up, but cold ones, on the contrary, go down, and if desired, anyone who wants to can fake measurements using an ultra-sensitive thermometer. But the data of such measurements cannot be officially accepted for consideration, because, according to the document of the sanitary service, the temperature sensor must be at the level of one meter from the floor.

What is the risk of non-compliance with the rules and regulations?

Many employers are sure that it is absolutely not necessary to take care of the arrangement of the workplaces of their employees, and even more so to create an optimal microclimate. The erroneous opinion of the management that if any of the employees decides to express dissatisfaction with the working conditions, referring to the non-observance of their own rights, then their objections can simply be ignored. Never forget that employees are a full-fledged workforce that is endowed not only job responsibilities but also the corresponding rights.

Believe that the right to work with the optimal temperature in the room is just as important as, for example, the right to regular pay. Today, some directors give ultimatums like: “If something does not suit you, then no one is holding you, quit. If you don't want to lose your job, work. It is worth noting that it is important for managers to constantly support their employees in a state of fear and fear of losing their jobs, but on the issue of working conditions, the current legislation fully supports both the side of the owner of a private company / the head of a state organization, and the side of employees.

Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the following: Any employer is obliged to take care of creating working conditions at the workplace that comply with the norms and requirements of sanitary documentation in order to ensure the productivity of employees. Thus, if the temperature regime is neglected at your workplace and the management refuses to change something, then you have the right to refuse to perform your own duties until the optimal microclimate is created. In addition, it is worth noting that today the law establishes that the temperature in a residential apartment buildings must also correspond to the data indicated by the sanitary-epidemiological and housing service of Russia.

If your request is constantly ignored or not taken into account, you can write a complaint to the state sanitary and epidemiological service, which will send an unscheduled inspection to your place of work. If during its course the fact of violation is revealed and recorded, your employer will be obliged to pay a fine in the amount specified by law. In the event that this does not bring the desired result and the refusal to comply with the rules and regulations is detected again, the activity of the enterprise will be suspended for up to 3 calendar months to clarify the circumstances and correct the situation.

That is why advice to all employers - do not try to ignore the established norms regarding the temperature in the room, because this can be fraught not only with a drop in the productivity level of your employees, but also with protracted proceedings, financial losses and other unpleasant phenomena provided for by applicable laws regarding this issue. We have just analyzed what temperature should be maintained in the office premises and what responsibility is provided for those managers who are in no hurry to think about the convenience of work employees. If you suspect that your rights are being violated, do not try to come to terms with this fact, but fight for your rights.

What you need to know about the norms of air temperature in residential and working premises.

IN summer time year, when it is very hot outside, it is difficult to be at the workplace, due to the fact that the room also becomes hot. It is useless to open the windows, only drafts save you, but you won’t catch a cold for a long time. Therefore, the legislation fixes the norms of air temperature in the working room during the hot season. These standards apply to the working premises of all enterprises and organizations. For violation of these norms, the employer may be punished under Art. 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days. In the working room, the air temperature should not exceed plus 26.4 degrees. If the air in the room is heated to plus 30 degrees, then the working day should be reduced to 5 hours. If the air temperature reaches plus 32.5 degrees, then the working day should not exceed one hour.

The law also stipulates the temperature limits that must be observed in the room where people work in the cold season. In hospitals, clinics, administrative buildings and other office work premises, the air temperature should be plus 20 - 22 degrees. If the air warms up only to plus 19 degrees, then according to the law, the working day must be reduced by one hour. But if the air temperature drops to plus 13 degrees, then the working day should not exceed one hour. If the air in the working room does not warm up above plus 12 degrees, then the workers have the right not to work at all. Other temperature conditions are established for workers whose profession is associated with high physical energy costs. We are talking about builders, loaders, etc. The air temperature in the room where they work should be plus 13-15 degrees. This is already enough to work all day. People of these professions have the right to refuse to work for more than one hour when the air temperature in the room is plus 6 degrees.

If your work space temperature norms are violated, and the employer does not meet the needs of his employees, it is best to file a complaint against the employer with the State Labor Inspectorate, which will take appropriate measures.

Norms for residential premises

The legislation of the Russian Federation fixes the norms of air temperature in the cold season in residential premises: apartments or residential buildings. The air temperature should not fall below plus 18 degrees, it can reach plus 20 degrees. If we are talking about a corner apartment, the air temperature can reach plus 22 degrees. On landings - not lower than plus 16 degrees. The heating season should begin, that is, central heating should be turned on if the average daily air temperature outside drops below plus 8 degrees. Such limits are established by law, in practice everything happens differently. Not in many apartments in winter the air temperature reaches plus 20 - 22 degrees, especially on severe frosty days. Living in these rooms is not comfortable.

If the batteries do not heat up, there is only one way out - do not pay, or rather contact the housing management company with a written application, which should contain requirements to recalculate the amount charged from you for heating in the rent for the period when the air temperature in the room did not correspond to the temperature regimes established by law.

Permissible norms of temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in the serviced area of ​​residential, public and administrative premises.




Hygienic requirements for the microclimate
industrial premises

Hygienic requirements for occupational microclimate

Date of introduction: from the moment of approval

1. DEVELOPED: Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Afanasyeva R.F., Repin G.N., Mikhailova N.S., Bessonova N.A., Burmistrova O.V., Losik T.K.); Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F.F. Erisman (Ustyushin B.V.); with the participation of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases (Sinitsina E.V., Chashchin V.P.); Goskomsanepidnadzor of Russia (Lytkin B.G., Kucherenko A.I.).

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia of October 1, 1996, N 21.

3. INTRODUCED TO REPLACE "Sanitary norms for the microclimate of industrial premises", approved by the USSR Ministry of Health of 31.03.86., N 4088-86.

1. General provisions and scope

1. General provisions and scope

1.1. These Sanitary Rules and Norms (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) are intended to prevent the adverse effects of the microclimate of workplaces, industrial premises on well-being, functional state, performance and human health.

1.2. These Sanitary Rules apply to microclimate indicators at workplaces of all types of industrial premises and are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations. References to the obligation to comply with the requirements of these sanitary rules should be included in regulatory and technical documents: standards, building codes and regulations, specifications and other regulatory and technical documents regulating the operational characteristics of production facilities, technological, engineering and sanitary equipment, which determine the provision of hygienic microclimate standards.

1.3. In accordance with Articles 9 and 34 of the Law of the RSFSR "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", organizations must carry out production control over compliance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and the implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases working in industrial premises, as well as monitoring compliance with working conditions and recreation and the implementation of measures of collective and personal protection working from the adverse effects of the microclimate.

1.4. Heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, in order to ensure production control, are obliged to bring workplaces in line with the requirements for the microclimate provided for by these Sanitary Rules.

1.5. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, and departmental sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control - by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological profile of the relevant ministries and departments.

1.6. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the construction of new and reconstruction of existing production facilities is carried out at the stages of project development and commissioning of facilities, taking into account the nature technological process and compliance of engineering and sanitary equipment with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules and Building Codes and Rules for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.

1.7. Project documentation for the construction and reconstruction of industrial premises must be agreed with the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia.

1.8. Commissioning of industrial premises in order to assess the compliance of the hygienic parameters of the microclimate with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules must be carried out with the mandatory participation of representatives of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Russian Federation.

2. Regulatory references

2.1. Law of the RSFSR "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" .

2.2. Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994, N 625.

2.3. Guideline "General requirements for the construction, presentation and execution of sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological regulatory and methodological documents" dated February 9, 1994 R1.1.004-94.

3. Terms and definitions

3.1. Industrial premises - closed spaces in specially designed buildings and structures in which people work constantly (in shifts) or periodically (during the working day).

3.2. Workplace- the section of the premises on which during work shift or part of it is carried out labor activity. A workplace can be several sections of a production facility. If these areas are located throughout the premises, then the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is considered the workplace.

3.3. The cold period of the year is a period of the year characterized by an average daily temperature of the outside air equal to +10 °C and below.

3.4. The warm period of the year is the period of the year characterized by the average daily temperature of the outside air above +10 °C.

3.5. The average daily outdoor temperature is the average value of the outdoor air temperature measured at certain hours of the day at regular intervals. It is taken according to the meteorological service.

3.7. The thermal load of the environment (THS) is the combined effect of microclimate parameters (temperature, humidity, air velocity, thermal exposure) on the human body, expressed as a single-digit indicator in °C.

4. General requirements and microclimate indicators

4.1. Sanitary rules establish hygienic requirements for the indicators of the microclimate of workplaces in industrial premises, taking into account the intensity of energy consumption of workers, the time of work, periods of the year, and contain requirements for methods for measuring and controlling microclimatic conditions.

4.2. Microclimate indicators should ensure the preservation of the thermal balance of a person with environment and maintaining the optimal or acceptable thermal state of the body.

4.3. The indicators characterizing the microclimate in industrial premises are:

Air temperature;

Surface temperature*;

Relative humidity;

air speed;

Intensity of thermal irradiation.
* The temperature of the surfaces of enclosing structures (walls, ceiling, floor), devices (screens, etc.), as well as technological equipment or its enclosing devices, is taken into account.

5. Optimal microclimate conditions

5.1. Optimal microclimatic conditions are established according to the criteria for the optimal thermal and functional state of a person. They provide a general and local feeling of thermal comfort during an 8-hour work shift with minimal stress on thermoregulation mechanisms, do not cause deviations in health status, and create prerequisites for high level performance and are preferred in workplaces.

5.2. The optimal values ​​of the microclimate indicators must be observed at the workplaces of industrial premises where operator-type work associated with neuro-emotional stress is performed (in cabins, on consoles and control posts for technological processes, in computer rooms, etc.). The list of other jobs and types of work in which optimal microclimate values ​​must be ensured are determined by the Sanitary Rules for individual industries and other documents agreed with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the prescribed manner.

5.3. The optimal parameters of the microclimate at the workplace should correspond to the values ​​given in Table 1, in relation to the performance of work of various categories in the cold and warm periods of the year.

Table 1

Optimal values ​​of microclimate indicators
at workplaces in industrial premises

Period of the year

Air temperature, °С

Surface temperature, °С

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s


Ia (up to 139)

Ib (140-174)

III (more than 290)

III (more than 290)

5.4. Changes in air temperature along the height and horizontally, as well as changes in air temperature during the shift, while ensuring optimal microclimate values ​​at workplaces, should not exceed 2 ° C and go beyond the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table 1 for certain categories of work.

6. Permissible microclimate conditions

6.1. Permissible microclimatic conditions are established according to the criteria for the permissible thermal and functional state of a person for the period of an 8-hour work shift. They do not cause damage or health problems, but can lead to general and local sensations of thermal discomfort, tension in the mechanisms of thermoregulation, deterioration in well-being and decreased performance.

6.2. Permissible values ​​of microclimate indicators are established in cases where, due to technological requirements, technical and economically justified reasons, optimal values ​​cannot be provided.

6.3. Permissible values ​​of microclimate indicators at workplaces must correspond to the values ​​given in Table 2 in relation to the performance of work of various categories in the cold and warm periods of the year.

table 2

Permissible values ​​of microclimate indicators at workplaces
industrial premises

Air temperature, °С

One of the main tasks of the employer can be considered the provision of a favorable microclimate in the workplace.

However, many tenants do not comply with the temperature requirements, thereby violating the law.

What should be the temperature in the room according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

Article navigation

Is the employer obligated to monitor the temperature in the room?

Article 212 can answer this question, according to which the employer will be held administratively liable for sanitary work not carried out on time.

The list of these measures also includes compliance with the temperature regime established by the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN), since too low or vice versa high temperature can lead to a decrease in the energy level and, as a result, its performance.

Accordingly, if the employer evades this obligation, he violates the law and must be punished.

We can say that the employer is obliged to monitor the temperature during the entire working period.

Temperature regimes at different times of the year

The temperature in the room in the summer, according to the Labor Code, should not be higher than:

  • 28 degrees Celsius for 8 hours of operation.
  • 30 degrees Celsius for 5 hours of operation.
  • 31 degrees Celsius for 3 hours of operation.
  • 32 degrees Celsius for 2 hours of operation.
  • 32.5 degrees Celsius for 1 hour of operation.

Working at temperatures above 32.5 degrees is considered dangerous. The employer has some way to avoid the heat, namely: install special equipment (air conditioners, fans) in the work premises or reduce the number of working hours by special order.

The room temperature in winter time according to the Labor Code, it should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius. If it does not meet the standards, the employer must install a heater in the workroom or reduce the number of working hours. Labor Code establishes the following temporary standards at low temperatures:

  • no more than 7 hours of operation at 19 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 6 hours of operation at 18 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 5 hours of operation at 17 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 4 hours of operation at 16 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 3 hours of operation at 15 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 2 hours of operation at 14 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 1 hour of operation at 13 degrees Celsius.

Labor regulations have established that working at temperatures below 13 degrees Celsius is dangerous.

Summarizing the above data, we can say that the temperature in the room in the summer should not exceed 28 degrees Celsius, and in winter period should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius.

What should an employee do if the employer does not comply with the temperature regime?

Salaried workers often face negligent attitude of the employer. What to do in this case? There are several options:

  • ask the employer to normalize the temperature with the help of equipment (air conditioning, heater)
  • demand a reduction in hours of work in accordance with the regulations
  • file a complaint with the CPS
  • ask for help from the labor inspectorate

At two latest versions, a special check will be conducted at the place of work, during which it will be established whether an offense has been committed.

As a result, we can say that the employee has several legitimate methods of influencing.

What punishment threatens the employer for non-compliance with the temperature regime?

In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, an employer who violated sanitary norms, will be fined up to 20 thousand rubles, or its activities will be suspended for a certain period.