What good frying pans with a ceramic covering. Which pan coating is better and better

  • 14.06.2019

It is known that cooking most dishes without a frying pan is problematic, if not impossible. It is best if there are several products at your disposal.

In order to accurately select high-quality utensils, you need to know some of the nuances. So, the decision to buy a pan has already been made. However, in the store, the buyer will be faced with a huge assortment. It is natural that he will have a question: "How to choose a good frying pan?" It is worth noting that these devices differ in the materials from which they are made.

How to choose a cast iron skillet?

This is from the "old-good" section. Cast-iron pan has been used for several centuries. She is not expected to leave soon. numerous cuisines. Doubt? And ask your grandmothers if they would exchange a time-tested frying pan for some newfangled one with a Teflon coating? For nothing in the world!

For the older generation, there are no difficulties with how to choose a frying pan. The reviews of many housewives say that this utensil is ideal for products that need to be cooked quite long time. This is possible due to the useful properties of the material. It is known that cast iron heats up very well, stronger than aluminum. It is this property, according to experienced housewives, that is necessary for a high-quality frying process.

Many women note that in the process of cooking in a cast-iron pan, there is no need to constantly stir the food. This is due to the fact that the material has a porous structure. A greasy film forms on the walls and bottom of the dishes. She, in turn, is natural non-stick coating. Therefore, do not be afraid to add lemon juice or vinegar, if the recipe says so.

In this case, nothing terrible will happen to the pan. One of the undoubted advantages of such utensils, many housewives consider that when caring for it, you can not use detergents. The fact is that cast iron does not need it at all. It is customary to ignite the container on fire, then rinse cold water.

Cast iron cookware is prone to rust. To avoid this, experienced housewives It is advised not to store already prepared food in it. You also need to ensure that no moisture remains on the product after rinsing. The cast iron pan has a number of disadvantages. First of all, its weight should be noted. Such dishes will not be easy.

In addition, cast iron is a rather brittle metal. Accordingly, if the pan falls to the floor, the likelihood that it will break is quite high. It is not recommended to cook anything on it immediately after purchase. It should be remembered that the need for preparatory phase. The item needs to be washed and dried. Next, grease vegetable oil inner part pans. In this case, saving is inappropriate. Then you need to calcine the new product in the oven or on the stove. One hour is enough for the whole procedure. This forms a so-called natural non-stick coating.


Speaking about which coating to choose a frying pan, you should pay attention to this material. The only drawback of the hostess is the cost. Otherwise, this utensil is an excellent helper in the kitchen. Titanium coated pans have all the advantages described above. In addition, they do not rust. That is why many experienced housewives prefer them.

Stainless steel

Many shoppers want to know how to choose the right frying pan. A good option- stainless steel products. It is believed that the food cooked in them is the healthiest. This is due to the fact that stainless steel is a material that does not interact with any substances. Experienced housewives do not recommend leaving an empty pan on fire. In this case, it may become covered with blue or greenish streaks and take on a very unpresentable appearance. It is not recommended to wash such dishes with abrasives.

Teflon products

This material has been developed American specialists. This happened back in the 30s of the last century. The development was carried out by employees of the chemical concern. Then they managed to create polytetrafluoroethylene, which, in turn, is a polymer. Its properties include resistance to alkalis, acids and high temperatures. It should also be noted that it is rather slippery.

This substance became known as Teflon. Its true name is too cumbersome and long. It was not very suitable for commercial purposes. Teflon was not immediately used to cover pans. However, when it did, it became widespread. And since the question arose of how to choose a non-stick frying pan, you should study products with a Teflon bottom.

Modern realities

Today, many seek to choose a pan with a non-stick coating. Cases of products are made mainly of steel and aluminum. For everyday use, mainly Teflon-coated products are used. They are readily used as ordinary people as well as the chef. Many foods are excellently cooked on them.

For example, fish, meat, vegetables or scrambled eggs. Commercials assure customers that they do not need to use oil or vegetable fats for their preparation. It is worth noting that the manufacturers are slightly exaggerating. Vegetables can still be cooked this way. However, this number will not work with fish, even if you use flour. It won't fry the way it should. Next, let's dwell on the question "how to choose the right frying pan with a Teflon bottom."

Important feature

When looking at how to choose a good Teflon bottom pan, you should know that most products are smooth inside. However, there are those that have a relief pattern. This dish has more advantages. Due to the relief, the effectiveness of the coating increases. Therefore, the food will burn even less. This is due to its minimal contact with the heated surface.

Care rules

When discussing how to choose a pan with a Teflon bottom, at least a few words should be said about the operation of the product. It is unlikely that anyone would like to care for the pan delivered a lot of trouble. It is well known that non-stick Teflon coating is not "friendly" with metal objects. Accordingly, you can only stir food with a plastic or wooden spatula. It is also not recommended to overheat such a frying pan. Under the influence of high temperatures, the coating can simply ... evaporate. Of course, this happens gradually. In addition, the process is accompanied by the release of compounds that are dangerous to human health. It is also possible that the coating may crack.

Cooking temperature

Medium to low heat is best for cooking in a Teflon pan. There is also evidence that the operation of such products is best carried out on gas stoves. This is due to the fact that the temperature of their heating is lower. Currently, most modern frying pans are equipped with a thermospot. As a rule, it is located at the bottom of the dish. The thermospot shows the user exactly when to put the food in the pan. If it turns dark red, then the heating temperature is about 180 degrees.


It should also be noted that you should not use a frying pan with a damaged Teflon coating. This product must be discarded. You need to pay attention to the fact that such dishes need to be changed periodically. The thing is that Teflon will not retain its properties forever. Speaking about how to choose a pan, it should be noted that it is not advisable to purchase products with a thin bottom and walls.

It is believed that such a purchase will be useless. It is recommended to choose dishes with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm. You should also look at the double steel bottom. It is considered ideal option. Frying pans with honeycomb Teflon coating can last up to five years. It should be noted that this period is maintained only with proper operation. The durability of a future purchase can be judged by the rough and thick layer of Teflon.

Aluminum products

This metal is considered "winged". This is due to its wide application in the aircraft industry. Pans are also made from this material. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Experienced housewives attribute high thermal conductivity and lightness to the obvious advantages of these products. Besides, they are quite cheap. However, in their reviews, women often note that food in such pans burns strongly.

It is not recommended to use these products in the oven. In this case, we are again talking about a high "burning" of dishes. In addition, aluminum frying pans are difficult to clean because of the food residue that has stuck to them. It is also worth noting that such products are susceptible to alkalis and acids.

This pan is very easy to scratch. This is due to the softness of the metal itself. In this case, when mixing food, it is advisable to use only plastic and wooden devices. In general, according to many housewives, it is not advisable to use aluminum products for preparing serious dishes. As women note, they rarely use such pans.

Aluminum products do not like overheating. For example, if the bottom of the pan is thin, then it can easily change shape. This, as the housewives note, happens with most stamped products. The chance of warping increases with use electric stove. When buying, it is recommended to pay special attention to the bottom of the pan. It should be no thinner than 5 mm if you plan to use dishes for cooking meat.

The most common non-stick coating for aluminum pans is Teflon, which is also not friendly with high temperatures. In addition, the deformation will not benefit the product. Because of it, the coating is damaged. This, in turn, contributes to the burning of food. It is worth noting that even high-quality aluminum pans generally do not last very long.

How to choose an aluminum frying pan? In this case, it is recommended to purchase only a cast, not a stamped product. This pan will last longer. It is worth paying attention to the bottom of such containers - it should not be thinner than 4-5 mm. The use of such pans is also acceptable on electric stoves. They are very easy to distinguish from stamped ones - they are much heavier. Before purchasing, it is recommended to consult with a consultant.

Cooker Compatibility

Previously, the question of how to choose a pan was much easier to solve. It is known that some products can be used on some plates, but not on others. Previously, there were only two types of appliances in operation: electric and gas. Currently, the range of plates has expanded significantly. For example, induction and glass-ceramic hobs. Most well-known manufacturers supply their frying pans with the appropriate instructions. Thus, it is possible to determine which type of heating is suitable for the product.

For example, on gas stoves it is allowed to use any frying pan. On conventional electric, you can operate everything except extruded aluminum. It should also be noted that in this case the diameter of the product must match the burner. Glass-ceramic stoves suggest the use of only those pans that can boast a perfectly flat bottom. In this case, all are suitable, except for the aforementioned extruded aluminum products. Induction cookers require the use of stainless steel cookware. Aluminum products are also suitable, but their bottom must necessarily be steel. The magnetic effect is very important here.


Frying pans are also divided by purpose. There are common items. They are designed to cook almost any food. There is also a special dish for fish. As a rule, it has an oval or oblong shape. There is a special pan for pancakes (which one to choose will be discussed below). They are equipped with low sides. Someone may need a grill pan. How to choose the right one from the presented assortment? First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine the tasks that the product will perform.

Grill pan

How to choose a product so that it lasts longer? Firstly, it should be said that such dishes are distinguished by a square or round shape. The first one is more spacious. The gutters are designed to accumulate juice in them. Thus, it evaporates more slowly. Accordingly, the dishes are more juicy. That is why many experienced housewives prefer square-shaped products. When choosing, one should take into account the thickness of the walls and coating, the reliability of the fastening of the handle. During visual inspection, the product should not have defects (chips or cracks).

"Special Appointment"

Many are wondering why even buy a pan for pancakes? It is known that in most families they are not baked daily. In addition, for their preparation, you can use a regular frying pan. However, we note that pancakes will burn much less on special dishes. In addition, they are more convenient and faster to turn over. How to choose a frying pan? Product features include the following:

  1. Low sides (as a rule, no more than 1-2 cm).
  2. Thick and flat bottom.
  3. Long handle.
  4. Thick walls.

It is best to allocate one pan, in which only pancakes will be prepared. Accordingly, you should not use it for other products. Also note that these pans most often have a ceramic coating.

Eco friendly option

Today, many experienced housewives tend to choose a frying pan with a ceramic coating. What is the reason for this? First of all, as the customers themselves note, during the operation of such a product there is practically no need to constantly add oil. Women appreciated the height of the sides of such pans. Due to the quality of the material from which the lids are made, the steam is securely held inside the product.

Additional Information

How to choose ceramic frying pan? Buyers should take into account a number of nuances. In particular, pay attention to the size. Usually it is indicated on the packaging. Note that the upper diameter is implied. If the stove is electric, then it is necessary to correlate it with the size of the burners. Do not buy a pan with a smaller diameter.

This also applies to the larger size. In this case, the food will burn in the middle and undercook at the edges. It is also recommended to choose the size of the pan according to the number of family members. If a lot of people live in the house, then, accordingly, you should purchase a large and roomy product. For small families, a medium-sized frying pan will suffice. Small pots are great for reheating food. It is recommended to choose from the very beginning quality model than to periodically buy new products.

Shop windows offer a huge variety of pans made of various materials. Models with a ceramic coating are very popular with buyers. Let's figure out what is the feature of ceramic-coated pans, and how to choose a good one. Help in choosing the rating of manufacturers and customer reviews.

The ceramic coating of pans is a ceramic nanocomposite containing sand nanoparticles. It is absolutely safe for human health, even when heated to 450°C. In terms of wear resistance, such a frying pan can be compared with cast iron or steel.

Frying pans with ceramic coating are presented in stores and on websites by a wide range of model range, varying in size, color and shape.

The material for the manufacture of this type of dishes is:

  • stainless steel. A frying pan made of this material is light in weight, heats up easily, and does not deform;
  • cast aluminium. Such a frying pan is considered the best, because it is not inferior in quality to the previous type, but is cheaper;
  • thin extruded aluminium. A frying pan made of this material is inexpensive in cost, but inferior in terms of service life and its functional qualities;
  • forged aluminium. Cookware made from this material can be a full-fledged alternative to cheap stamped pans, since they are inexpensive, but almost as good as cast ones.

Advantages and disadvantages

This type of cookware has a significant number of positive properties:

1. Even with strong heating, it does not emit harmful compounds.

Advice. Nuts and seeds can be toasted in a ceramic-coated pan.

2. Such a frying pan heats up quickly and evenly, the food in it does not burn.

3. You can cook on it using a minimum of oil. Therefore, it is an ideal utensil for preparing dietary and healthy food.

4. Easy to clean, easy to care for.

5. Due to the inertness of the composite coating, dishes and products that are cooked in such dishes do not acquire an unpleasant taste or smell.

Attention! These pans cannot be used for cooking on an induction hob.

Its disadvantages include the fragility of the ceramic layer: sudden temperature changes contribute to the formation of microcracks. Therefore, you can not put chilled foods on a heated pan or wash it with cold water. It is not difficult to avoid the appearance of microcracks on the surface of the ceramic coating if you use products at room temperature, and wash the dishes only after they have completely cooled down. With care, a ceramic-coated frying pan can last 1-2 years.

Types of frying pans with ceramic coating

It is not necessary to have everything in your home arsenal existing varieties, just choose 1-2 universal pans and 1-2 special ones, depending on your culinary preferences.

  1. A crepe maker is a dish with low inclined sides, it is convenient to cook pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, scrambled eggs, cheesecakes on it. Using a special ceramic-coated pancake pan for this purpose will allow you to add less oil when frying, and also ensure that finished products slide off easily.
  2. The grill has a ribbed bottom and allows you to cook more juicy meat than a regular frying pan. This is facilitated by the accumulation in the grooves of the ribbed bottom of the pan, the juice released from the meat during the frying process. The ceramic-coated grill pan is available in the traditional round shape and a more spacious version - square.
  3. A special pan for frying fish has an elongated, rectangular or oval shape.
  4. The stewpan has high straight or sloping sides and a long handle and is used for stewing.
  5. A wok is a special frying pan with a conical shape that allows you to quickly fry food over high heat. Used for cooking Asian dishes.

The use of highly specialized pans simplifies the process of preparing your favorite dishes. For a family of 1-2 people, a frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm is quite suitable. For a family of 3 people - a diameter of 26 cm, for a family of 5 people, a frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm will be optimal.

Attention! The diameter of the pan indicated on the accompanying label is not measured from the bottom, but from the top of the pan.

How to choose a ceramic coated pan

When choosing a frying pan with a ceramic coating, you should pay attention to:

  1. The thickness of the walls and bottom, the weight of the dishes. Their thickness affects the strength of the ceramic coating, so you should choose products with a thickness of at least 4 mm. The best frying pan of two similar models will be the one with thicker walls and bottom.
  2. Equipped with a convenient heat-resistant cast or removable handle - this will allow you to use the pan for cooking in the oven.
  3. Price. You should not save much, because cheap models deteriorate too quickly. And the high cost of well-known brands is explained not only by the quality of the coating, but also by the promotion of the brand.
  4. Instructions that describe the characteristics of the dishes. The manufacturer's use of a proprietary ceramic composition as a coating guarantees a long service life. These compounds include: Greblon Ceram, Ecolon, ILAG Ceralon, Thermolon Rocks, Whitford Fusion.
  5. Certificates and guarantees. A product with a ceramic coating can have 2 warranties: for the body and for the coating.

Among the companies producing ceramic-coated pans, the most popular are:

  • Gipfel (Germany);
  • Beka (Belgium);
  • TVS (Italy);
  • Lacor (Spain);
  • Fissler (Denmark);
  • Bergner (Austria);
  • Ballarini (Italy).

Customer reviews about ceramic-coated pans are somewhat contradictory: from delight to disappointment.

Oksana, Moscow: “After watching ads and reading reviews, I bought a Gipfel SFERA frying pan, 20 cm in diameter. I’ve been using it for the second month, everything is wonderful: it doesn’t burn or stick, it heats up quickly, it’s a pleasure to wash. Just do not put other dishes in it when you put it away for storage in the closet. Let's see how it goes on."

Victoria, Bryansk: “8 months ago I bought a Ceramic Granit pan, TimA, Italy. Everything was fine at first, but recently the food began to burn and frying on it turned into torment. I will throw it away, although the coating has not changed externally, it has become impossible to use it.

Marina, Yekaterinburg: “I have been using the TVS Ceramic Granit pan for almost a year - no complaints. I like how it cooks. It heats up quickly and cools down slowly, so turning it off a couple of minutes earlier and so everything comes to readiness. Removable handle allows the pan to be used in the oven. I highly recommend it, but I want to buy another saucepan for myself.”

As can be seen from the reviews, it is necessary to approach the purchase of a ceramic-coated frying pan carefully. Right choice and compliance with the rules of use will allow you to enjoy cooking in such a pan for a long time.

How to choose a ceramic pan - video

Ceramic frying pan - photo

Chief ecologist, expert of Kalinin Ecological Clinic ECOconnect

In order for the food to be both tasty and healthy, attention should be paid not only to the quality of the products, but also to the quality of the dishes in which they fall. Recently, the choice has become especially wide, and concerns about toxicity are still on the buzz. In anticipation of seeing off Shrovetide, we figured out how to choose a good frying pan. First, pay attention to the coverage!


This coating is based on polytetrafluoroethylene polymer. This fluoroplast does not enter into chemical reaction with food, water and detergents. With strong heating, perfluorinated carboxylic acid, which is the basis of the polymer, can be released into the air in some quantity, get into food, but this is more true for cases associated with mechanical damage to the Teflon coating.

With proper and careful use, such a frying pan is quite safe. Therefore, it is not recommended to rub it with metal sponges, mix food with a fork, knife and other sharp objects. Also, the ecologist recommends, just in case, not to heat it too much (up to 180 degrees) and add water during frying to cool it.

- Teflon begins to decompose at temperatures above 500 degrees Celsius, and gas can be released at the same time, but in such small quantities that it is almost impossible to inhale it and get poisoned or get at least some harm to health. Before mass production, the technology went through many tests. It was developed in America, where they could not allow the use of toxic substances for the production of dishes, - added our second expert, head of the laboratory of organofluorine compounds of the INEOS RAS Sergey Igumnov.

Opponents of this compound, as an argument for its harmfulness, say that its use has long been banned in the West, but Sergey Igumnov explains that this ban has nothing to do with the production of supposedly toxic pans.

- In 2008, the production of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid was banned, and since 2015 its use has been banned, but this is already connected with other problems. In particular, the use of some fluorine compounds in surfactants (which are part of some powders) led to this, due to which fluoride compounds began to enter the water bodies, which they ate Marine life, which, in turn, were eaten by a person in whose organs this non-decomposable compound accumulated, which is harmful to health, the specialist explained.

Both experts also noted that there are many more modern non-stick coatings on the market today that do not cause such controversy.


In fact, we are not talking about dye-glazed clay, as the name suggests. The working surface of such a pan, as a rule, is colored and smooth, as if varnished. A frying pan is made of a nanocomposite polymer with sand nanoparticles in the composition. Ceramic coating is considered one of the safest. It is also good because you can cook food on it, practically without using oil, which is both economical and slightly less caloric. The base is aluminum. Of the minuses: the material is short-lived, and therefore, in order for the pan to last for a long time, you should not heat it up much.


The surface of such a frying pan is covered with a dense refractory titanium alloy. It is difficult to damage or scratch it with something. Titanium pans are also among the safest and most durable. The material does not lose its properties even after years of active use at high temperatures. Sometimes particles of metals and minerals are added to such a coating, which makes it acquire a slightly shimmering hue.

What else should you pay attention to when buying?


On the type of stove. The packaging should indicate which type of stove the pan is intended for: for gas, electric, induction or for universal use.

To the bottom of the pan. Chef Roman Shegarov recommends that you immediately pay attention to whether the bottom of the pan is even. To do this, you must immediately put it on any flat surface and evaluate whether it is evenly in contact with it.

For what you are going to cook. For different dishes it is desirable to use different pans. For example, for frying pancakes, it is better to take a wide frying pan with a thin bottom. The same is suitable for quick frying vegetables or cooking scrambled eggs. But for meat, fish, steaks, a pan with a thick bottom (including corrugated ones) is suitable:

– It heats up evenly, thanks to the thick bottom it is supported desired temperature, and the moisture that is released from the products leaves faster, and, for example, the meat is fried, and not stewed in its own juice and baked with a pleasant crust, - said the chef.

Among the kitchen paraphernalia, a very significant role is given to the frying pan. Its quality largely determines not only the taste characteristics of dishes, but also the preservation of nutrients and vitamins of cooked food. Pans are made from various materials, which determines their positive and negative sides and directly affects the cost of the product. The range of these kitchen helpers is huge, they differ in their functional purpose.

The best pancake pan, according to experts, may not be the one for a housewife baking pancakes from her grandmother's recipe or a restaurant chef preparing a dish according to her own special recipe. Therefore, to rank the best products in this category, the opinion of professional chefs, consumer reviews and expert assessments were taken into account. If you are going to buy a pan for pancakes, be sure to pay attention to the presented top.

Price: 990 rubles

Aluminum frying pan with non-stick coating. The diameter of the product is 22 cm. In the center of the surface of the pan there is a small red circle - an indication of heating, indicating that the pan is ready for use. This product is lightweight. The pan can be washed in the dishwasher. In order not to damage the non-stick coating, do not use metal utensils: spatula, knife, fork, etc.

The advantages of the pan include non-stick coating, heating indication, light weight, optimal size, affordable price, famous brand. Among the shortcomings, we note the inadmissibility of using a frying pan on induction cookers, the lack of a lid, and a non-removable handle.

No. 9 - Pancake pan Biol

Price: 847 rubles

Cast iron frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm. Cast iron has been used for the manufacture of these kitchen utensils for centuries and is considered the most optimal and durable material. The handle of the frying pan can be removed, which allows it to be used as a baking sheet. Despite not big size, the pan has a fairly tangible weight in the hand. This is due to the material from which it is made.

The advantages of this model are: quality material, durability, removable handle, the possibility of using on induction cookers and as a baking sheet, reasonable price. Negative sides we consider considerable weight, lack of a lid, non-stick coating, wooden handle - can ignite.

Pancake pan Biol

No. 8 - Tefal Extra

Price: 1099 rubles

Another popular brand. The frying pan is made of aluminium. Non-stick coating - PowerGlide with heat indication. The pan has an optimal size for making pancakes - a diameter of 22 cm. It is allowed to wash the pan in a dishwasher. Such a frying pan cannot be used for cooking in the oven, especially since the frying pan handle is not removable. Do not touch the surface of the pan with metal objects, because. this will cause the non-stick coating to warp and become ineffective.

Pros of the product: non-stick coating, lightness, optimal size, reasonable price, well-known manufacturer. Cons: non-removable handle, inability to cook on an induction hob, lack of a lid, requires careful use.

#7 - Rondell Pancake frypan RDA-274

Price: 1490 rubles

Aluminum frying pan with titanium non-stick coating. Such a coating provides good heat capacity and heat resistance, and also prevents the product from rusting. The diameter of the model is 22 cm. This frying pan cannot be washed in the dishwasher and put into the oven. Cooking on induction cookers is also impossible. The coating requires careful handling and care. Do not use metal utensils and rub with hard brushes.

Advantages of the product: titanium coating, optimal size, durability, strength. Disadvantages: no lid, inability to remove the handle, cooking only on electric and gas stoves.

Rondell Pancake frypan RDA-274

№6 – MOULINvilla Brownstone PC-24-I

Price: 1399 rubles

Aluminum frying pan with marble non-stick coating. Marble coating is not particularly prone to scratches and is more durable due to the presence of stone particles. Thanks to this, the pan does not require particularly careful operation. It is even allowed to be brushed. But it is not recommended to use metal objects - spatulas, forks. With this model cooking on induction plates is possible. Frying pan diameter - 24 cm. Marble coating ensures fast frying of pancakes

The advantages of the frying pan are marble coating, interaction with induction cookers, frying speed, low susceptibility to deformation, middle price segment. The disadvantages include a non-removable handle, lack of a lid.

MOULINvilla Brownstone PC-24-I

No. 5 - Frybest Rainbow

Price: 1399 rubles

Aluminum frying pan with ceramic non-stick surface. This is a very good pancake pan that does not emit dangerous substances when hot. The ceramic coating gives the pan an attractive light color and allows you to fry pancakes without adding oil. However, this material is highly susceptible to mechanical damage. Careful operation of the model is required: do not use metal utensils and wash only with liquid products and soft sponges. High temperatures - up to 450 C, the pan will withstand, but their difference for it is fraught with deterioration. The diameter of the pan is 22 cm.

Pluses of the model: non-stick surface, quick and safe frying, pleasant appearance, middle price segment, optimal size. The disadvantages include the complexity of operation, incompatibility with induction cookers and dishwashers, cooking in the oven is unacceptable, the absence of a lid and a non-removable handle.


Price: 1030 rubles

Aluminum frying pan with Russian-made non-stick coating. High-quality aluminum ensures environmentally friendly cooking. Pancakes fry very quickly. Withstands slight temperature fluctuations. The model has a diameter of 24 cm. The pan is light with a comfortable plastic handle. Subject to mechanical wear due to improper use. Do not use metal utensils and brushes.

Advantages of the model: quality, environmental friendliness, safety, light weight, affordable price, dishwasher safe. Disadvantages: non-removable handle, gentle care, incompatibility with induction cookers.



Price: 1829 rubles

Cast iron pan for pancakes with a diameter of 28 cm. Pancakes are very tasty, large and fried as quickly as possible. Cast iron cookware has always been considered the best for cooking. The material is natural, which ensures the preservation useful properties write. It is impossible to replace cast iron with any material. When frying, the heat is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pan. The material is safe and clean. Cast iron is not subject to mechanical wear, such products are durable and at the same time retain their appearance throughout the entire service life. You can cook pancakes on any type of stove and in the oven.

Advantages of the pan: cast iron, safety, durability, does not require careful operation, ease of maintenance, large size, environmental friendliness, compatibility with any stove, thermal conductivity. Among the minuses, it is worth noting that the pan has a considerable weight and a non-removable handle, which creates inconvenience if you want to use it as a baking sheet.


No. 2 - NEVA METAL Ferra

Price: 1790 rubles

Aluminum frying pan with titanium non-stick coating. Product of the famous Russian manufacturer, which produces high quality goods from environmentally friendly materials. It has natural coating ideal for frying. It heats up fairly quickly and keeps the temperature for a long time. The diameter of the pan is 24 cm. The non-stick coating requires careful care. It is unacceptable to use metal forks, spoons, spatulas, knives and wash with brushes.

The advantages of this model include: the presence of a non-stick coating, safety, environmental friendliness, thermal conductivity, heat resistance, compatibility with any stoves and dishwashers. TO negative points includes: the need for careful care, non-removable handle, considerable weight.


No. 1 - Nadoba Mineralica

Price: 2399 rubles

Cast aluminum pan with marble non-stick coating. The frying pan is easy to use. Marble coating is not as much subject to mechanical wear as Teflon. You can't overheat this pan. Pancakes fry very quickly and do not burn. You can cook on any stove, even induction cookers compatible with this model. Diameter - 24 cm.

The advantages of the model include: non-stick surface, safety, frying quality, compatibility with all types of stoves, does not require very careful operation. The disadvantages are: non-removable wooden handle, high price.