How much does it cost to build a gas station. Selection of a place for a gas station

  • 23.09.2019

The business of selling gasoline requires high capital investments, but with the right organization of work, they pay off quite quickly. The decision to open a gas station is perfect option for those who want to earn a lot, and at the same time, a businessman will always have excellent prospects, because despite the abundance of gas stations in any city, every entrepreneur can easily find his own niche.

The pitfalls of the filling business.

When thinking about how to open a gas station, a businessman must take into account many different aspects, because this area of ​​entrepreneurial activity has many unique features. This business:

1. It belongs to the category of dangerous, therefore, to create it, you need to obtain a lot of permits: you will need to contact the sanitary station, the municipality, Rospotrebnadzor, the environmental service, the traffic police, and each department will have to check the compliance of the project with all available requirements
2. Requires investments not only in the lease of land, but also in the construction of the complex itself, which almost always needs to be built from scratch: construction necessarily involves the creation of a project that will definitely be checked
3. Assumes investments even after the object is erected - no matter how much it costs to open a gas station at initial stage, in the future, the entrepreneur will also need to regularly invest in ensuring the safety of the plant and its protection
4. Requires a fairly long organizational period - paperwork to open a gas station takes up to six months, and then the same amount of time will be needed for the construction of the facility itself

As for the documentation, the businessman will need a lease with the owner. land plot, where it is planned to open a gas station (it should be located on an area with high traffic - best on a busy street or highway - and have a convenient access for cars), as well as a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. At this stage, you will need to register with the tax authority, receive OKVED codes, as well as develop a project for the future complex and go through all the approvals. Then you need:

Conclude a contract with a vermin control company
to draw up a contract for the export of solid waste
obtain a license from the Ministry of Energy for the sale of fuel and its storage
pass certification of the workplace
select a fuel supplier and conclude a contract for its supply

Only after that it will be possible to think about opening the complex for clients.

Own gas station or franchise?

An entrepreneur has a choice: to open an autonomous gas station with his own brand, or to create a company under the auspices of an existing brand. In the latter case, he buys a franchise, which has a number of advantages:

Further work will be carried out under the guidance of an experienced partner
all the documentation required for opening will be issued immediately, and there will be no need to waste time obtaining permits
both the project, and even the design style of the gas station will have already been developed - the idea will only have to be implemented on the selected site

However, in this case, it will be necessary to take into account that opening a gas station under a franchise means fully complying with the work standards of the selected brand, and this may not always be convenient for an entrepreneur, because he simply will not be able to introduce any of his own innovations. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to pay for the use of the brand (annually the amount can be 30-40 thousand rubles).

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

If a businessman decides to create a filling complex not on a franchise basis, his investments will be quite high. As a rule, they fluctuate between 13-14 million rubles, but the exact amount will depend on a number of factors. In general, the costs are as follows:

5-6 million rubles - for the construction of the complex itself
3 million - for the purchase of equipment (tanks for storing fuel, its emergency pumping, dispensing; columns for customers, tanks for the storm water system), tools, software, furniture and office equipment for the office of the filling station
2.5 million rubles - for the lease of a land plot
2 million - for paperwork, obtaining licenses

When comparing statistical data on the Russian and European markets, it becomes obvious advantage the retail fuel market in our country. Each domestic filling station has several times more customers than in the EU. At the same time, the margin income reaches 20%. In addition to vertically integrated companies, there are many independent participants in the market.

The business plan will indicate the sequence of actions for opening a gas station. It is also required when applying for a loan at a financial institution. Bankers need to be sure to provide funds to a responsible customer.

Business plan

The above project considers the construction of a gas station and an additional range of services:

  • shop of spare parts and consumables;
  • Cafe;
  • parking;
  • service maintenance;
  • quick oil change.

Construction will be on the highway near the district center. The size of the filling complex is 1200 sq.m.


Business goals:

  • meet the needs for fuel, fuels and lubricants and service maintenance;
  • eliminate the lack of gas stations on the selected section of the route;
  • get profit from investing funds.

Project parameters:

  • It is planned to build a filling station with four types of fuel: diesel, AI-92, AI-80, AI-95.
  • Construction of a cafe to serve customers of gas stations and passing cars.
  • Organization of a parking lot.
  • Creation of a service post for a quick oil change.


It is planned to invest 250 thousand cu in the construction. for the following needs:

  • clearing, equipment of the territory - 10 thousand USD;
  • Gas station - 90 thousand USD;
  • cafe - 80 thousand USD;
  • parking lot - 7 thousand USD;
  • service post - 10 thousand USD;
  • paperwork, obtaining a license - 3 thousand USD;
  • working capital, raw materials - 50 thousand USD

The timing

6 months for construction. For the construction of the facilities, the assistance of three third-party organizations will be used. Construction includes:

  • planning, design of the complex;
  • coordination with local authorities;
  • site planning, land works;
  • construction of a gas station, parking, cafe and service post;
  • equipment installation;
  • laying of communications;
  • landscaping of the territory;
  • installation of advertising signs, billboards and stands.

The construction of a gas station must be entrusted only to a contractor with relevant work experience, while a service post and a cafe can be entrusted to any construction company. Arrangement and landscaping should be dealt with by firms specializing in this.

The filling station will be equipped with underground containers (1 unit - 100 l, 3 units - 25 l). 4 dispensers will be installed: two-sided for LT and 3 one-sided for gasoline. The station should operate uninterruptedly at a temperature of -40 ... + 40 degrees. Electricity is planned to be taken from a power transmission line 150 meters from the gas station.

Organizational and legal form

The enterprise will be formalized as a CJSC operating on the basis of the charter, which was developed by the founders and legalized in government bodies. It is a pool of capital formed through the issue of shares. The shares will be bearer.

Shareholders' liability is limited to the value of the shares held. The joint-stock company will be liable for its obligations with its property. The management and representation of the public interest is entrusted to the manager, who is a member of the board. He will be responsible for the damage caused. When shareholders sell shares, other shareholders have the advantage of buying.

The economic activity of the CJSC will be a trading company that carries out transactions for the sale and purchase of petroleum products.

Sources of financing

The founders of the CJSC during the acquisition of shares formed the authorized capital of 9 million, i.e. 90 ordinary shares were sold at a cost of 100 thousand. Registered shares contain data of their owner, which are entered in the register. The transfer of shares is possible only within the circle of founders and predetermined persons.

The number of shareholders is limited to 50 people. The right to a registered share is transferred by means of a transfer signature and the entry of the new owner into the register.

At the time of registration of the CJSC, the full value of the shares must be paid. Authorized capital required for:

  • drawing up a material base;
  • guaranteeing the company's obligations;
  • is the basis for the distribution of profits.

Benefits and risks

The project can have various risks:

  • Political. The government can change the course of development of the industry and toughen its position in relation to foreign investment, private entrepreneurs. Such a confluence of circumstances is unlikely, since the government is interested in maintaining a judged position, which has a beneficial effect on the country's economy.
  • Market. The market may experience an active rise in the cost of oil, which will reduce the solvency and demand.
  • Criminal. It consists in unforeseen losses due to illegal actions. Serious security measures will minimize these risks.

Economic indicators

One-time investments are equal to 350 thousand c.u. For financing will be created joint-stock company, which will allow attracting the required amount of funds. The return on investment will be from the net profit.

The competitive advantage of the gas station being opened is the use of modern equipment, high-quality fuel, fast service, good location, additional service.

Exit to full power should happen within 2 quarters. After this period, the following indicators are projected:

  • annual volume of fuel sales - 14 million liters;
  • annual revenue - 293.5 thousand;
  • net profit - 17.1 thous.

The project has a high investment efficiency. Internal profitability is 121.1%. Payback will come within a year of work or 1.5 years from the date of construction.

It was decided to register the filling station as a closed joint-stock company at the location. The company falls under the category of small businesses and can take advantage of tax incentives.


The complex will be focused on freight carriers. The goal of the marketing company is to attract the largest number of truck drivers. For this, a cafe is provided with ready-made hot dishes, as well as food products that can be purchased on the road. The quick oil change point will increase the traffic of the café and shop. Also, customers will additionally purchase flushes for the engine, filters, oil. An experienced sales assistant will tell you that after changing the oil, it is better to change the fuel and air filters, as well as the cabin filter, if available. All listed products, including auto chemicals, fuels and lubricants and auto cosmetics, can be picked up from the operator.

Description of services

Various services will be provided on the territory of the complex:

  • Gas station - sales of petroleum products;
  • a store at a gas station - the sale of consumables, accessories, auto parts for cars;
  • cafe - production and sale of limited-range dishes, drinks, confectionery:
  • cafe shop - sale of packaged food.

Main product types

The filling station will offer 4 types of fuel:

  • gasoline A-80;
  • diesel fuel;
  • gasoline A-92;
  • gasoline A-95.

Quality control

The entire process of refining and selling petroleum products is under the control of the oil inspection. But since 2002, voluntary certification has been introduced, and the state only monitors the safety of products. Since 2003, GOSTs have been applied exclusively in the interests of protecting the health and life of citizens, the environment, property, animals and plants. This year, government agencies have undergone a reorganization, and for next year oil inspections have been eliminated. This negatively affects the quality of the oil products sold.

The management of the CJSC made a decision on voluntary certification in order to increase its competitiveness in the market. The examination takes 1.5 months. At the end of the refueling, a certificate of conformity is issued for 3 years. The quality of the poured fuel is confirmed by a special quality mark. During this period, regulatory authorities may organize inspections to verify compliance with regulations.

The checks include licensing mandatory checks, which saves you money. Passing certification is a competitive advantage and allows you to use the fact in the advertisement of the gas station. The procedure will not only enhance the brand, but also allow consumers to enjoy a quality product.

Market analysis

Before starting any business, a market analysis is required. The gas station is no exception.

Industry position

Over the past 5 years, the retail and wholesale market for petroleum products has been divided among large companies. Oil refining is controlled by oilmen, who have their own idea of ​​capacity development.

The complete formation of the market took place only in recent years. If refining and wholesale trade was occupied by oil companies, then 50% retail owned by independent traders. There are more than 22 thousand gas stations on the territory of the Russian Federation. Major competitors are Lukoil, TNK-BP, YUKOS, Sibneft, Surgutneftegaz. They control 20% of the market, and when franchise networks are taken into account, 25%. The share of domestic companies is 40%. If large companies want to expand their influence, there are no significant obstacles: the owners of 17 out of 25 refineries are the companies listed above.

They process 68% of oil. The transition of the remaining gas stations can be called temporary, since the remaining owners are completely dependent on the wholesale supplies of vertically integrated companies in the oil industry. In most regions, only 1-2 companies are suppliers. For 30 years, the margin of independent filling stations has decreased from 60% to 15%. At this time, there was a concentration of retail business. Many gas stations fell under the control of oil companies, while others swallowed up trading networks.


The oil market can be compared to a system of market institutions that includes buyers and sellers. The sellers are refineries, intermediaries, petroleum product retailers. The main feature is tight technological connections. The Russian system is based on the scheme: production - processing - marketing. This is due to the continuous extraction of raw materials, their processing and consumption.

The second feature is the high concentration and uneven location of the oil refining industry. Almost half is located in the European part (49.9%) of the Russian Federation and the Urals (25.9%), in the Far East and Siberia, the remaining 24.2%.

Today there is no single pricing methodology. It all depends on the seller. Integration into the global energy market has introduced dependence on the "present price of refineries". In the EU, price targets are based on over-the-counter mechanisms. The best known agency is Platts, which publishes quotes for most products and bases. The value can be used to determine the present state of the goods in stock. The present value is equal to the difference between the quotation and the costs of transportation, transshipment and discounts.

There is no such reference point in the Russian Federation. CORTES quotes are used only for trading, their use in the "price formula" is quite rare. Since oil companies always choose between the domestic market and export, Platts quotes oblige to tie the domestic market to the foreign one. Further, the price is formed taking into account the market itself: wholesale prices decrease or increase.

Consumer services

Potential consumers will be car owners. Statistics show an active growth of the vehicle fleet by 25% per year. By the end of the decade, the number of cars on Russian roads will exceed 1.5 million, which will have a positive effect on the oil product market.

Passenger cars make up 4.5% of the country's vehicle fleet, but they rarely leave the village. This does not allow them to become customers of the gas station in question. Let's analyze the car park. Most of it is made up of obsolete AVTO-VAZ. 713 thousand "kopecks" (31%) are registered. The second place belongs to foreign cars - 507 thousand (22%). Further in descending order: "Samara", "Volga", various "Muscovites", "Lada".

The second segment is trucks, since their main task is to transport cargo over long distances. Trucks should be classified according to their carrying capacity. The main part belongs to light vehicles up to 3.5 tons. Then there are heavy and super-heavy over 7.5 tons.

Motorcycles only own 0.5%, but they rarely travel on freeways. Due to the small volume of the tank, such customers may not be considered.

Buses represent 0.3% of the vehicle fleet. However, they often travel on freeways. This segment should include passenger, cargo vans.

Target segment

The huge growth in the share of passenger cars is driving up the demand for fuel. Also, fuel consumption of trucks is increasing annually.

Market analysis allows us to single out passenger cars as the main consumer. They will consume the entire range of gasoline and diesel. The second most important will be truck drivers. These vehicles are diesel powered.

The probability of a regular bus stopping at a gas station is small. The management should make an effort to get the carpool interested in the lucrative offer. This also applies to passenger vans.

Gas station managers must create conditions for attracting all categories of customers, provide daily pumping and special conditions for increasing consumers. The decision is based on the following:

  • the economy of the region is influenced by large industrial centers, between which industrial trucks run;
  • in winter, the demand for fuel in the passenger car segment falls;
  • industrial traffic decreases in winter, but this compensates for the increased fuel consumption.

Competitive analysis

The site was chosen at a certain distance from the nearest gas stations. Rosneft gas station is 80 km away, and Lukoil is 50 km away. The last station has an inconvenient check-in, which negatively affects the demand. It also has a bad reputation despite its low price tags. The minimum capacity is equal to the total sales of the nearest filling stations.


Marketing is required to distinguish gas stations from competitors. The name of the gas station is "Queen of the Gas Station". The uniform of the employees will be specialized for it. Girls will ride on rollers and service cars. They should inform people about promotions, services and product quality. Buyer's rating will be subject to staff communication and product quality. Feelings of social approval will help shape a positive attitude for future collaboration.

Quality management

Quality is the main tool in conquering the market. In combination with an acceptable cost, it determines the competitiveness of the company. It is important to understand that the degree of competitiveness is related to the ratio of the highest benefit to the cost incurred. Of course, high quality comes at a cost. However, the profit will quickly recoup the costs incurred.

Additional service

Modern clients are interested not only in the main product, but also in the services of a company supplying petroleum products. The company's services increase competitiveness and increase sales, providing additional profit:

  • Change of oil. In developed countries, 5% of drivers change oils on their own. In the post-Soviet space, their number is much higher, which increases the demand for express oil change points. However, the economic impact of the new option remains hypothetical. The client needs correct processing rather than the lure of a free oil change.

In practice, motor oil at gas stations is not a successfully traded product. Main reasons:

  • high cost;
  • doubts about quality;
  • inexperience of the seller;
  • close location of the car market.

An express oil change point will help change stereotypes. The cost of the option is small and is quite comparable with the benefits it brings.

The change lasts about 15 minutes, which the driver can spend in a cafe or shop by purchasing additional products. A car owner can become a regular customer, since a replacement is recommended every 10 thousand km. It is planned to install a pneumatic vacuum collector at the filling station, which works with all machines. The installation will help to quickly pump out the oil. It works on the basis of environmentally friendly technology, does not need a drain pit. Up to 40 cars can be serviced daily.

The main consumers of the service will be women who know little about cars. If she has a good time at the cafe during the replacement, then she will definitely be among the regular customers. A store at a gas station will allow you to compete with stationary gas stations. It attracts customers and brings additional profit. Economists point out the share of turnover in the total complex - 20%.


Many owners are puzzled over the name of the gas station. The time for numbered names or a simple "gas station" has passed. Today, in the offices of oil companies real rush jobs, specialists are thinking about increasing the efficiency of the station.

Considering the gas station will be the beginning of a new brand with ideal way and symbolism. The brand will help to position itself among the competitors of the region. The name "The Queen of the Gas Station" was chosen, which fits into the psychological world of clients. Drivers will have the image of Nadezhda Rumyantseva and high quality service, which will arouse the favor of passing drivers.

The corporate style provides for highlighting by colors... The graphic design or signage immediately catches the eye. The corporate identity allows you to gain the respect of customers - a good name will be confirmed by quality goods and thoughtful service.

  • shelving and luminous price tags - 200,000;
  • decoration of the territory with flowers - 100,000;
  • signboard - 50,000;
  • balls to open - 30,000;
  • leaflets - 3,000;
  • advertising structures - 10,000;
  • growth figures - 20,000 monthly.

The organizational structure is aimed at establishing relationships between departments, distribution of responsibility and rights. Each employee will have a certain degree of independence, which will reduce the burden on the manager. All orders will be communicated in writing, which will exclude conflicting assignments.

The disadvantage of the organizational structure of the gas station will be the lack of a financial manager. Financial management will be performed by an accountant and a manager. They must analyze financial activities and formulate recommendations to exclude unfavorable economic situations.

The staff will be contracted. It will support the interests of employees and achieve high results. The responsibility of employees will also be spelled out there.

It is planned to spend 300 thousand rubles on wages:

  • management department - 50 thousand;
  • financial department - 17 thousand;
  • sales department - 18 thousand;
  • service personnel - 215 thousand

The demand for the goods sold is constant, as the traffic intensity is constantly growing on the highway. The oil market is competitive, the product is standardized, which allows participants to use price takers. The price will be corrected by the market. The prices for NEA are used as average for the region.

Some suppliers are trying to deceive the owners of the gas station. They run gasoline several times through heating elements, which increases its volume by 30%. After transportation, it turns out that the fuel tanker lacks several hundred liters.

Investment plan

A detailed calculation shows that the opening will require 3100 thousand rubles. It was previously mentioned that the construction and purchase of equipment will require a large part.


  • purchase of a plot - 500,000;
  • construction - 1,600,000;
  • fuel dispenser (6 pcs.) - 600,000;
  • control system - 50,000;
  • pressure sensor - 60,000;
  • refueling point - 90,000;
  • tanks (4 pcs.) - 500,000;
  • racks (10 pcs.) - 20,000;
  • cash register - 10,000;
  • counter - 30,000;
  • chairs (3 pcs.) - 6,000;

The total amount is 3,466,000 rubles.

Financial plan

The plan will include the following indicators:

  • inflation - 10%;
  • income tax - 20%;
  • VAT - 18%;
  • discount rate - 11%;
  • Payments to the social fund - 34.2%.

When calculating it, it turns out that the payback occurs in 11 months of work, and the discount payback period is 9.8 years. The break-even point is 489 thousand rubles. With a planned monthly income of 600 thousand, profit can be received for 7 months of work.

Stability analysis:

The gas station will require large financial investments. You can reach payback within a year. The profit in the future will cover all costs incurred and guarantee an acceptable income.

Any type of fuel is, first of all, the type of product that is in great demand, even though it becomes more and more expensive every year. It is due to the popularity of any type of fuel, opening your gas station will be just a great source of income for you.

But, as in every type of business, the fuel business has its own pitfalls and subtleties that must be studied. In order to study these features of opening your own gas station, it is imperative to draw up a business plan that will help you avoid trouble. Also, a business plan will also help you organize your business step by step.

Typically the solution open a gas station it can occur both for a simple person and for a businessman - but the first thing that needs to be done before opening such a business is to analyze the market and select an area of ​​your settlement that is not yet engaged in this business.

1. Overview section

In this section, it is necessary to describe what kind of gas station you want to open (the standard version is a gas station for 8 cars).

Also, you need to indicate the organizational and legal form of doing business (as a rule, you will need to formalize as individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to work with corporate customers, then you should register as "LLC"). If you register as an individual entrepreneur, then this will give you several advantages, including low taxation, but the disadvantage of this type of activity is that the provision of services is possible only by private individuals. individuals... If you also want to serve legal entities, then, as mentioned above, you need to formalize as entity(the same "OOO").

The degree of success of such a business is assessed as high, since today the demand for filling stations among consumers is very high, even despite their huge number in a relatively small area and high fuel prices.

2. Description of the enterprise

In this section of the business plan, you should describe the business that you want to open. For example, you can give the following description: it is assumed gas station opening, which is designed for 8 cars and which offers the consumer several of the most basic types of fuel.

3. Description of services

At this stage of designing your enterprise, you need to describe those services that your gas station will provide consumers. As a rule, any gas station provides car refueling services different kinds fuels, the most common of which are:

1. Gasoline of the AI-98 brand;

2. Gasoline grade AI-95;

3. Gasoline of the AI-92 brand;

4. Gasoline grade AI-76;

5. Diesel fuel;

6. Gas (a new, but already widespread type of fuel).

Also, it is worth considering that your gas station will also provide free refueling services. In addition, on the territory gas station, you can set up a store where you can sell consumer goods or open an auto store (you can sell both small goods for a car and full-fledged spare parts for an engine). It would also be advisable to open a car wash at the gas station, we have one.

4. Market analysis

At this stage of the business plan, you need to monitor the market of gas stations in your settlement, and establish your business in an area where the concentration of gas stations is small.

In order to open your petrol station you need a set of documentation:

1. License of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for the storage of oil and gas, as well as products of their processing;

2. Permission from local authorities to use the land plot for the gas station;

3. An agreement for the lease of a land plot issued by local authorities.

It is worth noting that the site where your gas station will be located should be 30 meters away from the residential area.

5. Production plan

After you receive all the permits you need to opening your petrol station, the stage of drawing up a production plan comes. First of all, you need to find a contractor company that will take responsibility for the construction of your gas station. Today it is not a problem to find such a company, since there are a lot of construction companies. During the construction of a gas station, you should pay attention to such nodes as:

1. Capacity for draining and storing various types of fuel;

2. Industrial premises;

3. Shop sale;

4. Canopy over fuel dispensers.

As a rule, it only takes a month and a half to build a gas station.

After the construction of the gas station building itself, you can start buying equipment:

1. Gas station control system;

2. Fuel columns;

3. Equipment for the store: showcases, sales shelves, cash registers, if a bar is supposed to exist, then you need to buy both a bar counter and equipment for the kitchen;

4. Fire stand (without this equipment you will simply not be allowed to open your gas station).

After the construction of a gas station and the installation of the appropriate equipment on it, you can proceed directly to launching such a station into operation. First of all, you must definitely sign all necessary contracts with fuel suppliers. This is necessary in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of fuel to your filling station. Typically in large cities you will also have a choice of a fuel supplier, since in such settlements, there are several rather large companies supplying fuel.

By the way, if you want to make your gas station more famous, then such a way of doing business as franchising is suitable for you. This type of business will allow you to use the brand of a well-known fuel company for only 25-30 thousand rubles a year. As practice has already shown, opening a franchise is a rather profitable decision, since a well-known brand attracts consumers much more, which means that fuel sales increase significantly. But if you decide to open a franchise, then you should be prepared for the fact that the representative company will require you to comply with the corporate identity and attributes.

After all the stages have been passed, you can start recruiting personnel. As a rule, for a gas station, the following list of workers will be enough for you:

1. Seller-cashier (it will be enough 3 people who will work in shifts);

2. Security guard (3 people, work in shifts, in one shift with cashiers);

It is worth considering the fact that all employees of your gas station must have the appropriate certificates obtained in the inspection for supervision in the field of circulation of petroleum products.

6. Financial plan

In this section of the business plan, you need to consider all the costs and future income from such a business.


In the expense item, you need to indicate the costs of renting a site (approximately 100,000-1,500,000 rubles per year), construction of a gas station (2,000,000 rubles), equipment for gas stations (1,000,000 rubles), staff salaries (1,920,000 rubles), as well as all kinds of taxes, fees, approvals (300,000 rubles). In total, you will need about 6 million rubles to open your own gas station.


In the income item, you can indicate such incomes as the sale of fuel (20,000-30,000 rubles per day), the sale of various goods (6,000 rubles per day). In total, your own gas station will bring you about 800 thousand rubles a month.

After opening a gas station, you will receive your invested money back in about 8 months.

Open your own gas station - economically the right decision for those who want to organize profitable business... Indeed, today this market is still being actively rebuilt and there is an opportunity to occupy its own niche by creating a reliable company. In addition, the number of cars is increasing every day, and vehicles need fuel. This means that your business has every chance of becoming profitable. So how do you open a gas station? And how much money will you have to invest in your future business?

A little about business

To begin with, a gas station is a source of increased danger and a lot of permits are required to open such a business. In terms of finance, this is most likely the most costly business, since at the initial stage it will be necessary not only to rent (or buy) a suitable plot of land, but also to build a gas station that will meet the requirements of the current legislation (there are certain requirements for the location of gas stations, the design of such facilities , as well as sanitary and hygienic and environmental requirements that must be observed). And these are quite serious expenses. In addition, after the completion of construction, it will be necessary to obtain permits from the authorized bodies for the operation of the gas station and organize high-quality security and safety of the station.

How much does it cost to open a gas station for cars? And how long will the paperwork take? The questions are very timely and very important. The paperwork that is needed to open a gas station takes about 3-6 months, the construction site itself is the same, and about 12 million rubles will have to be invested.The exact amount depends on many factors).

But how quickly the initial investment will pay off is a question. On average, this takes about five years. So, when investing in gas stations, one must prepare for the fact that this is a long-term project. True, with proper business conduct, investments can return in three years.

Your own small gas station or franchise?

Today you can open your own small gas station (it will be an autonomous business, only yours), or open a company under the auspices of some well-known brand by buying a franchise. At the same time, most experts agree that it is easier to organize a fuel business under the guidance of a reliable and experienced partner, so franchising is a very common phenomenon in the fuel business today. In addition, deciding to buy a franchise, you will immediately receive all the necessary documentation, and the development business, and the brand, and a ready-made refueling style (which, by the way, you will have to strictly observe under the terms of the contract). Representatives of the parent company will help in resolving organizational issues, and there will be no need to worry about the quality of the fuel. This is understandable, because the owners of the brand cherish their good name and will not risk it by supplying low-quality fuel to one of their filling stations.

But if you decide to go on an "autonomous voyage" (open an independent business), then you will have to worry about the quality of your product yourself and develop the style of your refueling. This means that you will have to choose suppliers and take full responsibility for the quality of the fuel sold, which can be either good or very low quality.

Do not forget that the majority of motorists prefer to refuel at gas stations of large oil companies, the so-called "branded" gas stations, in order to fill the tank with guaranteed good gasoline. This means that the presence of a well-known brand on the sign can be a guarantee of business profitability.

Business registration and organization

So, you've decided to open a gas station. So, you need to start acting:

First, you need to draw up a business plan for the gas station, find a suitable site for the station and conclude a lease with the owners.

Then you need to go through state registration (you can, but it is still better to register a legal entity, for example, which will make it possible to choose a taxation system with VAT - most suppliers prefer to work with those gas stations where).

  • Get OKVED codes.
  • Prepare a project for the future filling complex and agree on it with Rospotrebnadzor, and then organize the construction.
  • Develop and agree on the PPK.
  • To conclude an agreement for deratization with a relevant company, as well as an agreement for the export of solid waste.
  • Obtain permission from the environmental service and SES.
  • Obtain a license for storage and sale of fuel from the Ministry of Energy.
  • Conduct certification of workplaces.
  • Conclude a contract for the supply of fuel.

Site for a gas station and construction of a station

As for a suitable site for a gas station, it should be located on a road with high traffic or where there is active traffic. At the same time, it is important that there is a convenient access for cars.

After the site is selected, and the lease and construction documents are drawn up, you can proceed directly to the construction itself. If you have chosen franchising, then partners will help you, and if you open an autonomous business, then it is better to use the services of specialized companies that are engaged in the construction and commissioning of gas stations. There are specialists who know all the requirements of the current legislation. They will produce the whole complex construction works, will commission the facility and receive all the necessary documents.

All this in time can take from six months to twelve months, but you will be sure that everything has been done correctly.

Necessary equipment

There are many different opinions... But the minimum set should include:

In addition, it is worth taking care of special software (and, accordingly, a computer) that can help automate the process of fuel dispensing. Using such software, you will automatically not only refuel the vehicle, but also receive fuel from the tanker truck and generate daily reports. This is important because it will help to almost completely eliminate the notorious "human factor" from the chain.

Well, and, of course, you need to build and equip a room for a gas station operator, as well as additional buildings where a tire service, a workshop, a car wash, a shop, etc. will be located (this means that you need to equip all objects with the necessary furniture, equipment, tools).

Fuel supply

Have you bought a franchise? Then you don't have to worry about fuel supply and quality. Your partners will take care of this. But if you run an independent business, then you will have to look for reliable suppliers and organize the supply of fuel yourself. The best option is an agreement with a tank farm or a processing company. There you can get fuel at a lower price or negotiate discounts on bulk orders. You can find out the price level on the Internet, and it is better to choose a larger one with a good reputation from oil refineries. So you can count on more or less good quality fuel.

Accompanying services

How to open a gas station? And how to make your business profitable? Those who have already opened a gas station can answer these questions. The main advice for beginners: do not stop only selling gasoline, but also offer additional services that will help increase profits and attract customers. What is it about? For example, that at a gas station you can open a tire service or a repair shop (especially if the station is located on the highway, away from regular workshops), a store where goods on the road will be sold, auto oils and auto chemicals, a small cafe. Sometimes it makes sense even to open a small hotel, which will be in demand on federal highways, where there is a lot of transit transport, or a car wash.

Of course, you should think about additional services even at the stage of planning your future business. Then it will be much easier to realize all the ideas. And now, what is interesting, in the process of work it often turns out that the gas station itself serves to attract customers (people still call in to refuel), and the main income is provided by additional services. So you shouldn't neglect such important business components.


Safety at a fire hazardous facility is a very important issue. First you need to develop all fire-prevention documentation, equip the premises fire alarm and the panic button, and the gas station - primary funds fire extinguishing.

On the territory of the gas station there should be a fire reservoir or hydrant, boxes of sand and, of course, fire extinguishers.

You also need to take care of the safety of personnel (especially for gas stations that are located far from settlements): provide the operator with high-quality communication means, install an alarm button and conclude a service contract with a security company, whose employees will go to the facility in the event of an alarm button ... It is also a good idea to install armored glass and reinforced doors at the facility. These measures will help to avoid trouble in the event of an attack on the gas station by criminal elements.


For the normal operation of the gas station you will need:

  • technical specialists who will provide fuel for vehicles, pump up wheels, and provide other repair services;
  • manager-cashier (operator of a gas station, there should be several of them), who will accept money, release fuel and lubricants and control the order at the station;
  • seller (if there is a shop at the station)
  • manager

Of course, depending on what other services you plan to provide at your station, the appropriate staff will also be required. For example, repairmen or electricians, shop assistant, barmaid, car wash operator.

How to open a gas station

The process of opening a gas station is no different from opening a regular gas station. But special attention should be paid to the equipment for the station, which should be not only modern and certified, but also verified by the Ministry of Emergencies, which will confirm its safety. In addition, even before the start of construction, it is necessary to negotiate with the fire inspectorate all issues related to the layout of the station, and coordinate the choice of a land plot with the local administration.

Important points

Having built a modern gas station and becoming its owner, it is important not to forget that it is an object of increased danger, which will be regularly checked by authorized bodies for compliance with the requirements of existing legislation and normative documents... And these bodies will regularly monitor your activities, and if violations are detected, they can not only issue a fine, but also suspend the license. And you will not be able to work until you eliminate the deficiencies found. So the compliance with the requirements of the equipment and the operation of fire and explosive objects should be treated very carefully.

Initial investment

How much does it cost to open a gas station? This question is asked by almost everyone who wants to open their own station. So, as for the initial investment, their size depends on many factors: the region, the level of filling, the need for additional buildings, technical equipment of the business, additional services provided by the filling station. But on average, the costs at the initial stage will be:

It can be seen from the calculations that considerable investments will be required to open a gas station. But if a gas station monthly brings in at least 1,000,000 rubles of income, the business can be considered profitable.