Three-stage control normative document. Three-step control, who and how conducts

  • 12.10.2019

Three-stage control helps to identify violations and immediately take measures to eliminate them. Its implementation can significantly reduce the burden on the labor protection specialist. Let's see how to do it in practice.

Read in the article:

What is a three-stage control on labor protection: a regulatory document

Three-stage control (TSK) is not mandatory for all enterprises without exception, however, it has established itself as a convenient, transparent, understandable part of the OT system. A direct requirement for its introduction is contained only in the Rules for labor protection in construction No. 336n.

TSC can be conditionally represented as a pyramid:

Level I - implemented by staff at the workplace.

Level II - operational, carried out by local leaders.

III level - periodic, organized by the employer.

The legislation does not regulate the number of steps. This will depend on the specifics of production and is determined by the employer.

For the implementation, organization, and conduct of TSC at the enterprise, the following local documents are required:

  • Orders on the introduction of three-stage control and the creation of a commission (committee) for labor protection.
  • Regulations on the monitoring of OT.
  • Journals of accounting for ongoing control activities.
  • commission at the III stage.

A three-stage control over the state of labor protection at the enterprise is carried out in order to regularly monitor conditions at the workplace, personnel discipline, compliance production process accepted standards.

The tasks of the TSC include:

  • execution of the whole complex of security measures;
  • appointment of responsible employees;
  • detection and elimination of violations.

Log of three-step control (sample)

This log is designed to record the results of the check. The mandatory form of its maintenance is not established by law, but it is best to use the recommended samples. The correct one will help to quickly identify the responsible persons, establish the circumstances, and take corrective measures.

Regulation on three-stage control over the state of labor protection

The enterprise develops the Regulations on TSC. It will refer to local regulations, establish the structure, duties, responsibilities of each level, as well as the main activities and control parameters. Usually this document is developed by the labor protection service, involving specialists who are well aware of the specifics of the work of their area. with a trade union or other body representing the interests of workers.

To implement TSC in organizations, it is not necessary to develop a separate provision. The procedure for its implementation can be established in the Regulations on the OSMS.

Order on three-stage control on labor protection

The order is made in free form. In addition to the required details, dates, places, it indicates:

  • basis (normative base);
  • a list of persons responsible for conducting inspections;
  • an employee authorized to manage and coordinate the work;

The order is certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization. Download a sample order for the introduction of TSC in the journal "Handbook of a labor protection specialist".

How the three-stage control over compliance with labor protection at the enterprise works

The "pyramid" is assembled first from the "bricks" of level I: small but regular checks of workplaces in the department's sections, shifts or teams. Slightly rarer checks for the unit as a whole are built on top of them. The last level covers the entire organization. The control procedure is regulated.

The first stage of labor protection control

As part of the first stage, regular monitoring is carried out. The periods are short: one shift or a working day, in order to fix and prevent possible violations or omissions in time. Checking is carried out before the start of work, or during the shift.

The first step relates to the competence of the immediate supervisor of the work (this may be, for example, a foreman, foreman, shift supervisors, duty officer, etc.) together with a person authorized from the trade union or collective. If any violations are revealed during the verification activities, a record of this must be entered in the stage I journal.

So the first step is to check:

  • Equipment or tool failure.
  • Working conditions at every workplace.
  • The condition of all working premises, electrical safety, storage rules.
  • Availability of required PPE, as well as signal or protective fences.
  • Taking measures to eliminate violations identified by the previous audit.
  • All documentation on admission to work and qualifications of personnel, etc.

Journal of the 1st level of labor protection control - sample filling

In the journal of the 1st stage, the following are recorded:

  • date of inspection (if necessary, indicate the time);
  • detected violations;
  • measures to be taken to eliminate violations;
  • responsible person, term for liquidation of the violation;
  • completion mark;
  • signatures of responsible persons.

Second stage of control

Inspections are carried out in accordance with the approved schedule.


  • Organization of control measures at the first stage.
  • Execution according to OT (orders, instructions, instructions, etc.).
  • Compliance with accepted standards, serviceability of production equipment and tools.
  • Compliance with labor protection rules by employees.
  • Deadlines preventive repairs production equipment, systems.
  • Availability and condition of safety equipment (stands, posters, safety signs, etc.)
  • Availability and condition of signaling, fire-fighting equipment, devices, instrumentation, etc.
  • Compliance with safety rules or fire and explosive substances and materials.
  • Timeliness, as well as the quality of training, briefings, knowledge testing on OT;
  • Provision of personnel with therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk, prescribed benefits, compensations for work in harmful or dangerous UT.
  • Availability and condition of sanitary household premises, fixtures.
  • Compliance with the established

The third stage of labor protection control

The inspection is carried out by a commission headed by the head of the enterprise, which includes chief specialists, responsible for labor protection, and representatives of the team. Its subjects largely coincide with the 2nd stage, the following are added:

  • Organization of verification activities at the 1st and 2nd levels.
  • Implementation of the plan to improve the UT, clauses of the collective agreement,.
  • Implementation of the necessary measures following the results of the investigation of accidents, occupational diseases.
  • Technical condition of buildings, structures, adjacent territories.
  • Organization of medical and preventive maintenance of personnel.
  • Preparation for action in an emergency or.

Based on the results of the inspection, the commission draws up an act, and the identified violations are recorded in the Journal of three-stage control of the unit in which the inspection was carried out.

The results of the third stage are considered by the head of the organization with the participation of managers structural divisions, chief specialists, representatives of the trade union organization. Measures are planned to eliminate the identified problems, executors and deadlines are appointed. At the end of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up.

The complex of control measures at all levels is individual for each enterprise and is determined by the specifics of its activities.

What is two-step control

If the enterprise does not have a significant staff, it is appropriate to introduce not a three-, but a two-stage system. In this case, steps I and II are carried out directly by the supervisor, while step III is an extended monthly inspection by the OHS committee, together with specialists and a person authorized by the trade union.

There are many different types of control in labor protection. This includes current monitoring of the implementation of action plans and monitoring of the health status of personnel, and constant monitoring of the state of production environment. There is also such a type of control as a step, it is also called a three-step control over the state of labor protection. A three-stage type of control is included in . This is the type of control we will consider in this article.

Who conducts it? At what time? And what is this control?

Why stepped? Because it has three steps: first, second and third. Consider them:

Three-stage control over the state of labor protection.

1st stage of control- is carried out daily (every shift, daily) by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, duty officer at the station, workshop, shift foreman, etc.) together with a representative of the labor protection commission or an employee participating in this process. It is carried out both at the beginning and throughout the working day (shift).

At the beginning of the working day (shift), the following is checked: elimination of violations identified by the previous audit, the state of workplaces, the readiness of employees to perform job duties(state of health), condition and serviceability and availability necessary tool, devices, integrity of overalls and protective equipment, footwear, serviceability and timely activation of ventilation, sufficient lighting, serviceability of grounding devices, condition of passages and driveways, availability of fire extinguishing equipment, first aid kits, certificates of testing knowledge on labor protection and admission to work etc. During the working day (shift), it is necessary to monitor the compliance of employees with the rules and instructions on labor protection, the availability and correct use of personal protective equipment by employees.

About the first stage of control, the master makes a log entry with the appointment of a person responsible for the implementation of the identified violation and an indication of the deadline for completion, if it is not possible to perform immediately.

2nd stage of control- is carried out by the head of the unit (head of the section, workshop, senior foreman, etc.) at least once every ten days with the participation of labor protection representatives.

During the inspection, the following is checked: the implementation of measures outlined by the results of previous inspections of the 1st and 2nd stages of control, the implementation of orders and instructions from the enterprise administration, the decisions of the trade union committee, the implementation of measures based on the materials of the investigation of accidents, the serviceability of equipment, Vehicle, compliance of technological processes with the requirements of labor protection, illumination of workplaces, serviceability ventilation devices and electrical equipment, the presence of warning signs, posters and safety signs, the timeliness and quality of briefings and training on labor protection issues, the sanitary condition of workshops and sanitary facilities, compliance with work and rest regimes.

A record of this stage of control is also recorded in the journal of working conditions or the journal of the three-stage control. Responsible for the implementation of identified violations, both from among the foremen and from among the workers, are appointed. The deadlines for the implementation of identified violations are set to be long until the next stage and different depending on the complexity of the violation.

3rd step control is carried out by a commission headed by one of the leaders of the enterprise at least once a quarter, covering all production units. If necessary, several commissions can be created, the composition of which is determined by order for structural units. The committee is made up of deputy directors and Chief Engineer, engineer for labor protection, representatives of the trade union committee, commissioners for labor protection, chief technologist, inspector of the personnel department responsible for electrical facilities, etc. The third stage is carried out regardless of the spring and autumn technical inspections of buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles carried out in order to prepare for the summer and winter conditions work.

During the 3rd stage of control, the following is checked:

– implementation of measures for the previous stages of control, organization of the 1st and 2-1 stages of control:

- keeping logs of 3-stage control, making entries in the briefing log, records of inspections of equipment and fixtures, protective equipment.

— fulfillment of instructions on labor protection by regulatory authorities, instructions of supervisory authorities, based on materials of accidents.

- the presence and correctness of maintaining a sanitary-technical passport.

- technical condition of buildings, structures, territory, production equipment, vehicles, maintenance and repair of equipment, condition of fixtures and their culling.

— the availability and maintenance of sanitary facilities, the provision of workers with overalls and PPE, the timeliness of write-offs.

— implementation of measures provided for by plans for improving working conditions and an agreement on labor protection.

The results of inspections for all levels of control should be reflected in the control log of the unit where the inspection was carried out.

In organizations with a small number of employees, by order and position of the head of the enterprise, a two-stage control of the state of labor protection conditions can be carried out.

Stepwise control is adopted at enterprises on the basis of an order approved by the employer and its entry into force.

31.10.2017, 20:49

The employer has a duty to organize internal system labor protection. One of the effective forms of ensuring the safety of employees during working hours is a three-stage control of labor protection. The essence of this method lies in the involvement of officials with different levels of authority in the process of monitoring labor protection at all stages.

Classification of types of control

The Labor Code assigns to the employer the function of ensuring normal conditions labor for personnel, as well as monitoring the current state and changing the created conditions.

For the purposes of labor protection, there can be several types of control:

  • state;
  • departmental;
  • public;
  • administrative - in fact, this is a three-stage control.

Let's say right away that the three-stage system combines the functions of administrative and public types of control.

How three-step control works

A description of the set of actions within the framework of the three-stage internal control of the labor protection system can only be found in some sectoral regulations. For example, in the order of the MPTR dated December 4, 2002 No. 237 and the regulations of Russian Railways OJSC dated August 12, 2006 No. TsTL-16/2.

The fact is that federal legislation does not impose a universal obligation to conduct such control on employers.

This method of organizing labor protection provides:

1st stage of control

At this stage, a three-stage control over compliance with labor protection can occur daily or every shift with a set of certain activities at the beginning of the working day and throughout the entire shift.

Responsibilities for its implementation are:

  • for a shift master;
  • on duty;
  • foreman;
  • immediate supervisor.

The working day of such a responsible person should begin with the following actions:

  • checking the current state of health of employees who arrived at the workplace;
  • monitoring the adequacy of employees' behavior (detection of facts of alcohol and drug intoxication, mental imbalance);
  • assessment of the safety of industrial premises in relation to the control values ​​of key indicators;
  • checking the availability of first-aid kits and fire extinguishers, overalls, personal protective equipment in the prescribed places;
  • checking tools for serviceability;
  • diagnostics of the ventilation system, lighting and grounding devices.

During the working day, the responsible official is obliged to note the observance by the team of the rules of safety and labor protection. If necessary, the controller can use checklists, making notes on each item.

2nd stage of control

The heads of structural divisions represented by the heads of workshops, sections and senior foremen implement a set of measures of the 2nd level, which involves a three-stage control of labor protection at the enterprise.

The frequency of these checks is from 1 time per month. However, weekly monitoring is also possible. In addition to inspections, you can involve specialists in labor protection.

The tasks of the inspectors at this stage are:

  • elimination of shortcomings that were identified by daily monitoring;
  • implementation of the measures specified in the acts on the investigation of cases of injuries (if any);
  • diagnostics of operability and serviceability of transport and equipment, electrical appliances and ventilation systems;
  • verification of compliance with the standards of the degree of illumination of each workplace at the enterprise, the sanitary condition of production premises and rest rooms;
  • fixing the presence of information stands with safety signs, assessing their relevance;
  • verification of compliance with the training schedule for labor protection and the timeliness of special briefings.

Note that at the first 2 stages, as a rule, a three-stage control log is filled out. A sample of it is usually given in the internal regulatory act of the enterprise. For example, the regulation on labor protection.

3rd stage of control

Once a month or quarterly, a commission is formed at the enterprise, which is headed by the head of the organization or his deputy. It conducts a comprehensive audit of the labor protection system. The committee may include:

  • Chief Engineer;
  • chief technologist;
  • employees of the technical department;
  • representatives of the trade union committee;
  • electricians;
  • employees of personnel departments, etc.

The functions of the commission usually include:

  • study of the facts of violation of safety measures (in the journal of three-stage control on labor protection they are noted by responsible persons at the first 2 stages of control);
  • assessment of the current state industrial buildings, structures, road crossings on the territory of the enterprise, tunnels, sidewalks, etc.;
  • diagnostics of serviceability of work of the load-lifting equipment, technical lines production, ventilation systems, electrical appliances, means of communication;
  • availability and intended use of overalls, other means of personal protection.

At this stage, general monitoring of compliance with the work and rest regime established at the enterprise is carried out, the degree of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards at workplaces to state standards is assessed.

If at the first 2 stages, following the results of the check, a three-stage control log is filled out, then at the third monitoring block, the results are reflected in the act. Its form is arbitrary. It involves listing the entire spectrum of identified violations.

Based on the final document submitted by the commission, the head of the enterprise issues an order to eliminate the identified shortcomings by implementing specific measures.

The maintenance of this log lies with the inspectors. This document must contain information:

  • the date of the check;
  • FULL NAME. and positions of inspectors;
  • detected violations;
  • proposed corrective action;
  • terms for improving the labor protection system;
  • appointment of responsible persons who should monitor the elimination of deficiencies;
  • marks on the implementation of the proposed measures.

In order to prevent disagreements within the enterprise, as well as to minimize the claims of external controllers, it is necessary to approve recommendations for maintaining and the form of a three-stage control log in the internal regulation on labor protection. Each organization will have its own example of filling out this document.

It is considered the most important component of the safety management system in any enterprise. This event is mandatory for any production.

According to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employer is obliged to ensure that inspections of the state of working conditions at workplaces in their company are carried out. The overall reputation of the organization and the overall satisfaction of the participants in the labor process with their work depend on how competently control is carried out in production, how effective the measures for correcting existing shortcomings are.

What should be the control of labor protection in organizations?

  1. Effective. Checking the state of labor protection should be carried out not for show, but to identify and eliminate existing shortcomings.
  2. Objective. Labor protection control should be carried out by qualified specialists. All facts and phenomena in the company must be checked so that an objective assessment is given as a result. existing system labor protection.
  3. Systematic. To maintain the proper state of the labor protection system in the organization, regular verification of compliance with all rules is required.
  4. Timely. Checking the state of labor protection at the enterprise should be carried out when there is time and the opportunity to correct all the shortcomings. It is important to understand that the health, safety and life of workers depends on the quality of the organization of control in production.

Types of control

The control of labor protection at the enterprise can be divided into the following types:

  1. Technical. The objects of verification in this case are the objects of labor. Namely, manufactured goods, company documentation, etc.
  2. Social. The activities of the employees of the enterprise are subjected to verification.

Production control, in turn, can be divided into other 2 groups:

  1. Departmental. It is carried out at a particular enterprise by a higher organization. This may be labor protection control, which is carried out systematically, an inspection of working conditions at the request of employees of a subordinate organization, or control by the state. Compliance with all state regulations at the enterprise is monitored by such a body as the Federal Labor Inspectorate.
  2. Public. The initiators of inspections of the state of labor protection are trade unions, which act in the interests of production workers. These organizations, according to Article 370 Labor Code RF, monitor the fulfillment by the employer of the conditions reflected in the employment contracts.

There are 3 forms of conducting inspections of the state of labor protection in an organization:

  1. Constant control. It provides for a daily check by the employee of the organization of the state of labor protection. First of all, he checks the serviceability of equipment, the literacy of the use of protective fences and installations in hazardous industries, the condition of overalls, the cleanliness of the workplace, and the availability of fire extinguishing equipment.
  2. operational control. Periodic inspection of the state of labor protection, which is carried out by the heads of departments of the enterprise together with members of trade unions or labor collectives. These authorized persons check the correctness of the production control measures, the compliance of the work performed current instructions, safety of equipment and tools, compliance with life safety rules when working with explosive and flammable materials, sanitary condition of all premises of the enterprise.
  3. Selective control. An inspection at the enterprise is carried out once a month (or more often) by a special commission, which includes an engineer for labor protection and a representative of a higher organization. In this case, the availability and proper use of protective equipment by employees, compliance with all laws and regulations of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by employers, the implementation of all measures that control the safety of workers, the implementation of plans to improve working conditions, certification of workplaces, the effectiveness of training courses for employees, sanitary and hygienic condition of premises and overalls, etc.

Methodology for checking the state of labor protection

One of the most effective forms of checking the state of labor protection at enterprises is a three-stage control.

1 step. The check is carried out by the head of this type of work (foreman, foreman, head of the site) daily or every shift at the beginning of the working day, and in some cases throughout the entire shift.

The condition of workplaces, the serviceability of technical equipment, ventilation, lighting, the condition of the premises, the availability of fire extinguishing equipment and other safety equipment are checked. If any shortcomings are identified, measures are taken to eliminate them. If it is not possible to resolve all the problems on their own, the head of the department reports the existing problems to a higher manager and asks for appropriate measures to be taken.

2 step. The inspection is carried out by the head of the unit (head of the workshop, senior foreman, engineer) at least 1 - 2 times a month with the participation of authorized persons for labor protection. During the check, it is revealed whether the corrective actions that were found during the “first stage” control are being carried out. It also checks the serviceability of equipment, vehicles, detects the presence of accidents and checks the work to prevent them.

3 step. The audit is carried out at least once a quarter by a special commission, which includes the head of the enterprise and representatives of higher organizations. Also, deputy directors, chief engineer, representatives of the trade union, technologists and other persons responsible for labor protection can take part in this event. The “third stage” check concerns all production departments of the enterprise. The commission checks the implementation of measures outlined during the control of levels 1 and 2, compliance with all laws of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other standards, the condition of buildings and premises in which people work, plans to improve working conditions, etc.

The result of checking the state of labor protection

At the end of the control measures at the enterprise, all comments are entered in the "Inspection Log" and a special act is drawn up. It indicates the name of the institution, members of the inspection commission, all identified violations (if any). Then this act with the results of the check is transferred to the head of the organization.

The results are discussed within a week at a meeting with the director of the enterprise with the participation of all heads of departments, as well as representatives of trade unions. Here, all identified shortcomings and violations are analyzed, methods and deadlines for correcting these errors are outlined, and persons responsible for these activities are appointed. After all the errors have been eliminated, the data of the heads of departments are entered into the “Inspection Log”, who, when carrying out the following measures to control labor protection, are appointed responsible for correcting deficiencies in production.

Three-stage (administrative-public) control in the labor protection management system is the main form of control by the administration and the trade union committee over the state of working conditions and safety at workplaces, as well as compliance by officials and all employees with the requirements of labor legislation, standards, rules, norms, instructions and others. normative and technical documents on labor protection.

The three-stage method of monitoring the state of OT applies to all workshops, production and divisions of the enterprise.

First stage:

First stage OT state control (1 stage) held daily on a mandatory basis in all areas of the main and auxiliary production foreman (head of the site) together with the foreman and public inspector according to the OT of the professional group 10-15 minutes before the start work shift, as well as during the shift for workshops with a large territorial dispersion.

During the first stage of control, inspectors bypass all workplaces on the site (order), check their compliance with the requirements of health, safety and security:

They are convinced of the serviceability of equipment, equipment, tools and fixtures (by inspection, interviewing workers, etc.);

Ensure that all employees have and enjoy their protective equipment- overalls, footwear, safety devices, PPE;

Make sure that all employees have no health complaints and are in working condition;

They check whether the workers violate the requirements of TB, PS and PB, provided for by the standards, rules, instructions and technological processes:

They check whether the ventilation units are working, the sufficiency of lighting in the workplace, the compliance of the microclimate at the site (order);

They check the absence of clutter (passages, access to electrical panels, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.), cleanliness at workplaces on the site (on order), correct storage of materials, products and waste;

If violations and shortcomings are found, measures are taken to eliminate them;

make an entry in the log of the 1st stage of monitoring the state of the OT of the site on the inspection and on the identified violations of the OT requirements. On the order, proposals for eliminating violations and creating safe UT, the implementation of which depends on other workshops, the foreman writes in the journal of the first stage, located with the senior builder of the order - (responsible deliverer).

If violations are found that can lead to an accident, accident or fire and which can only be eliminated by other areas (mechanics, energy, etc.), the foreman is obliged to immediately notify the management of these areas or the head of the unit (written report, entry in the journal second stage, etc.) on the need to eliminate the identified violations.

Every day, one or two hours after the start of the work shift, the site manager (site manager, senior foreman) is obliged to go around all the workshop sites and check the quality of the first stage control of the OT condition by the foremen, familiarize themselves with the contents of the entries in the log of the 1st stage.

If there are violations of the OT requirements, the site manager controls their elimination, and, if necessary, organizes their elimination by the site or with the involvement of other services and sites in the manner prescribed by the unit.

Senior builder (responsible deliverer) of the order regardless of the checks carried out by the foremen of the departments, daily checks the state of HSE, PS and PB and enters the results of the check into the log of a three-stage control of the order FROM status. Proposals to eliminate the identified deficiencies entered in the journal of the three-stage order control are considered by the senior builder (responsible deliverer) for the performers, and, if necessary, are entered in the book (list) of shift-daily tasks.

The right to record proposals for eliminating deficiencies in HSE, PS and PB in the journal of the first stage for the section (order) is given to representatives of the management of the enterprise, bodies of State supervision and control, heads of departments (shops) and sections, senior foremen, foremen, senior commissioner for labor protection of the trade union committee enterprises, OOT employees, authorized for OOT departments (workshops) conducting work on the order, senior builders, builders of the order.

Heads of sections, senior foremen, foremen whose workers perform work on order are required to get acquainted daily with the entries in the three-stage control log from the senior builder (responsible deliverer) and take measures to eliminate deficiencies within the specified time.

Second step:

Second step OT state control (stage 2) carried outonce a week personally by the head of the structural unit with the participation of: an authorized trade union committee of the labor protection unit, mechanics, power engineering, other necessary heads of the workshop (department) subdivision, an environmental protection engineer.


It is allowed to carry out the 2nd stage of monitoring the state of the OT by the deputy heads of the structural unit in separate areas. In this case, an order must be issued for the unit, agreed by the chief engineer (deputy chief engineer). Conducting the 2nd stage by the deputy head of the unit does not relieve the head of the unit of responsibility for the frequency and quality of its implementation.

The second stage of monitoring the state of the OT on the order is carried out by the main builder of orders with the participation of the senior builder of the order (responsible deliverer), heads of sections conducting work on the order (including an electrical installation company).

The second stage is carried out according to a separate schedule agreed with the chief engineer (deputy chief engineer), but at least once every ten days.

When carrying out the 2nd stage of monitoring the state of OT, the inspectors must:

Check the order and quality of the first stage of control at production sites and orders;

Walk around the workplaces of production sites, orders and check their compliance with health and safety requirements;

Check the fulfillment by the site managers, foremen, senior builders, builders of the measures for occupational safety of the collective agreement, the monthly work plan for occupational health, orders and orders of the management of the enterprise and division, instructions of the OOT, the inspection of Rostekhnadzor, Gossannadzor, Gospozhnadzor, the state inspection for occupational health, representations of the senior authorized trade union committee according to OT;

Check the implementation of measures and proposals adopted during the previous inspections of sites for I and 2 levels of control.

Decisions and proposals made in the course of the implementation of the 2nd stage of monitoring the state of the OT must be recorded by the inspectors in the log of three-stage control, which is available to the head of the unit, section, senior builder of the order.

The right to write in the journal of the 2nd stage (the 1st stage on the order) have: the management of the enterprise, workshops, senior foremen, representatives of regulatory state bodies authorized by the trade union committee of the enterprise and divisions, employees of the OT, builders of 5, 6, 7 departments, OGS (3 departments ), UVENU, employees of the CDP and NIPTB Onega, who supervise compliance with technological processes.

Third step:

Third step control of the state of OT (stage 3) in subdivisions and on orders is carried out by the chief engineer, deputy heads and deputy chief engineers according to the schedule for the 3rd stage, approved by the head of the enterprise and agreed by the trade union committee, with the participation of the main specialists of the enterprise (Chief Technologist, Chief Welder, Chief Mechanic, Chief power engineer, Chief metrologist, Chief acoustician, Chief ecologist, head of the RSS, head of the IO, head of the OOT), senior representative of the trade union committee of the enterprise for OT, representatives of HRC-3. At stage 3 inspections, the presence of the head and chairman of the trade union committee of the structural unit is mandatory, which provide information-report on the ongoing work on labor protection and the state of labor safety in the unit.

When carrying out the 3rd stage of monitoring the state of OT, the inspectors must:

Bypass the division, order, production and check its compliance with the requirements of TB, PS and PB;

Check the fulfillment by the head of the department, the senior builder of the order of the planned occupational health and safety measures, the comprehensive occupational health plan, the Collective agreement (including occupational health and safety agreements); orders and orders of the management of the enterprise on labor protection issues, representations of the trade union committee, instructions of the labor protection department and state regulatory and supervisory authorities;

Pay special attention to the organization and conduct of inspections of the 1st and 2nd stages of monitoring the state of OT;

Check the implementation of measures and proposals adopted during the previous inspections of the 3rd stage of control;

Make a decision on the issues proposed by the administration of the division, the department of builders, to further improve the state of OT, the solution of which depends on other divisions of the enterprise;

Decisions and proposals made in the course of the implementation of the 3rd stage of monitoring the state of the OT, write down in the log of the three-stage control of the unit, order.

Based on the results of the 3rd stage, an order is issued by the head of the unit within a week.

If necessary, based on the results of the 3rd stage, an administrative document for the enterprise is issued (the document is prepared by the audited unit).

The journal of the three-stage control of the workshop (stage 3) has the right to write: the management of the enterprise, chief specialists and their deputies, the management of the OOT, the chairman of the trade union committee and the senior authorized representative of the trade union committee for labor protection.