Installation of smoke and ventilation ducts. Chimneys and ventilation ducts, operating rules Brick chimneys

  • 23.06.2020


Smoke channels (pipes) must ensure the complete removal of combustion products into the atmosphere from heating stoves and solid fuel appliances, as well as from household gas appliances and gasified stoves in order to prevent the spread of combustion products into the premises in which they are installed and operated.

The construction and installation of smoke channels (pipes) must be carried out in accordance with the design documentation, developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", SNiP 2.04.08-87 "Gas supply", SNiP 3.03.01-87 " Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Stone Structures”, “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”, “Rules for Technical Operation and Labor Requirements in the Gas Industry of the RSFSR”, “Guiding technical material. Gas outlet channels for household gas appliances. Safety requirements". RTM 204 RSFSR 3.38-81.

The construction and installation of ventilation ducts must be carried out in accordance with the design documentation developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings" and SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Production rules and acceptance of work. Stone structures.

The construction of smoke and ventilation ducts is allowed subject to the availability of design materials and compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

The placement of smoke and ventilation ducts in heated buildings should be carried out taking into account fire safety requirements, as well as the convenience of their installation, repair, maintenance and operation.

Removal of air from heated rooms should be provided by ventilation systems with natural motivation, and free removal of combustion products from stoves and apparatuses - smoke channels (pipes).

The design of gratings installed on the ventilation ducts of natural ventilation systems should be such that the grating cells are always open.

Smoke and ventilation ducts should be vertical without ledges.

The flow area of ​​the channel for the removal of gas combustion products from the device must be optimal, ensuring complete removal and minimal cooling of combustion products. In all cases, the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel must not be less than the area of ​​the branch pipe of the gas appliance connected to the chimney.

The internal dimensions of the chimneys, providing the required cross-section, depending on the heat output of the furnace or apparatus, are accepted, mm, not less than:

140 * 140 - with a thermal power of up to 3.5 kW;

140 * 200 - with a thermal power of 3.5 to 5.2 kW;

140 * 270 - with a thermal power of 5.2 to 7 kW.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the round channels must not be less than the area of ​​the specified rectangular channels.

When erecting channels from solid ceramic bricks, the wall thickness is not less than 120 mm. The inner surfaces of the brickwork are not plastered, but during laying they are thoroughly cleaned of excess mortar by mopping.

Factory-made smoke ventilation ducts in the form of root pipes are made of heat-resistant concrete with a wall thickness of 60 mm or more.

Smoke ducts in fireproof internal or external walls can be made together with ventilation ducts. At the same time, they must be separated along the entire height by sealed partitions made of clay bricks with a thickness of at least 120 mm.

For cleaning from soot deposits in the bases of smoke channels and pipes, pockets with a depth of 250 mm are made.

The height of the chimneys, counting from the grate to the mouth, should be at least 5 m. The height of the exhaust chimneys located next to the chimneys should be equal to the height of these pipes.

Elevation of chimneys above the roof should be taken:

at least 2000 mm above a flat and combined roof;

at least 500 mm above the roof ridge or parapet when the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge or parapet;

not lower than the roof ridge or parapet when the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 to 3 m from the ridge or parapet;

not lower than a line drawn from the ridge down at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon, when the chimney is located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge.

Elevation of chimneys by 500 mm must be provided for:

above the top of the building attached to the heated building;

above the upper plane of the wind shadow of a taller adjacent building or structure.

The chimney cap must be protected from atmospheric precipitation.

Installation of umbrellas and deflectors above the pipe is prohibited.

Checking and cleaning chimneys and ventilation ducts.

Checking and cleaning of smoke and ventilation ducts must be carried out on time, in full and by the methods provided for by the requirements of these rules for the repair of furnaces and smoke ducts.

Checking the channels is carried out when newly built furnaces, chimneys are commissioned (initial check) and during the operation of furnaces, chimneys (periodic check).

According to the requirements of the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”, paragraph 3.88, ventilation and smoke exhaust systems must undergo periodic checks:

before the heating season - chimneys of seasonally operating gas appliances and apparatus;

at least 1 time in 3 months. - brick chimneys;

at least 1 time in 12 months. - asbestos-cement chimneys, pottery chimneys, from special blocks of heat-resistant concrete, as well as ventilation ducts.

When inspecting smoke channels, check:

compliance of the channel material with the requirements of these rules

channel wall thickness

compliance with the accepted section of the channel for the thermal power of the furnace or apparatus

the procedure for connecting furnaces and apparatuses to the smoke channel

Design and dimensions of grooves and indents

Ways to protect combustible structures from fire

Availability of devices for cleaning channels, leads, channel and hatch

Material and thickness of thermal insulation channels

Serviceability of the head and its elevation relative to the roof and the zone of wind support

Head protection from atmospheric precipitation

No clogging in channels

Density and isolation of channels

The presence of the necessary thrust, the value of which is established in the regulatory documents

When inspecting the ventilation ducts, check:

Compliance of their device and materials used with the requirements of building codes and regulations

Compliance with the dimensions of ventilation ducts to the requirements of design organizations and materials

No clogging in the channels

The presence of traction in the channels

Compliance of the air flow rate removed through the ventilation ducts with the requirements of the standards

In the smoke channels, during a periodic check, the condition of the internal walls and the presence of sooty and resinous deposits are detected, and they also check decisions taken which are given in paragraph 4. In the ventilation ducts, check for dust, fluff, cobwebs in the channels, as well as other solutions given in paragraph 5.

The results of inspections are documented in acts of primary and periodic inspection.

Proper chimney installation necessary condition for the normal functioning of the fireplace, stove or boiler. This article indicates the basic installation rules and calculation principles used in the design and installation of chimneys.

The desire to build a house on their own arises, as a rule, due to the need to save material resources, because the services of specialized enterprises are not cheap. However, the construction of a chimney requires a special approach: one cannot do without the use of special knowledge in this matter. Therefore, let us recall the basic rules for creating effective smoke exhaust systems and the importance of observing them.

Chimney installation rules: what should be the right chimney

Fuel consumption, the amount of heat energy loss, fire safety and air quality in the heated room depend on how well the chimney functions. Therefore, its design and installation must be carried out in accordance with SNiP "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", DBN V.2.5-20-2001 Appendix G "Removal of combustion products" and other regulatory documents. Let's talk about how a properly designed and installed chimney should be - these are the basic rules for its creation.

The material from which it is made has a great influence on the characteristics of the channel for the removal of combustion products. In new buildings, as a rule, pipes made of acid-resistant stainless steel containing molybdenum are installed. But for stoves and fireplaces that run on wood and coal, ceramic bricks are also quite suitable.

It is preferable that the cross-section of the chimney be a regular circle: this shape creates the least resistance to the outgoing smoke. The height and cross section of the chimney is calculated in accordance with building codes, this will be discussed in more detail later.

The correct approach to the horizontal sections of the channel is important: they should not be longer than 1 m, otherwise soot will be deposited and the draft will weaken.

The connection of the heating unit to the chimney pipe often has to be carried out if the diameters in the connection area do not match. To solve the problem, a reduction adapter is used. All joints are carefully sealed.

Docking of pipes is carried out in such a way that their expansions are directed upwards. Due to this, condensate and resins will not be able to flow along the outer wall of the pipe.

A brick chimney is erected according to the project: the laying order must be prescribed for each layer. In this case, one should strive to obtain an inner surface with a minimum of roughness and achieve complete tightness.

An old brick chimney can be used with a new gas boiler only after the sleeve has been completed: an acid-resistant steel pipe is inserted into the middle of the channel, leaving a small gap.

Most flue systems should be provided with revisions for cleaning.

thermal insulation external pipes it is mandatory: this will not only get rid of condensate, but will contribute to the fastest heating of the pipe.

When the channel passes through the floors, it is necessary to take measures to isolate the heated parts from combustible materials.

The outer part of the pipe is securely fixed and protected from the wind. The upper part is closed from atmospheric precipitation with weather vanes or deflectors. An exception is gas equipment: in this case, the installation of a protective cap is a violation.

What is the wrong chimney

Correcting the mistakes made during the construction of the chimney is very difficult and expensive, and sometimes even impossible without dismantling the old system. Here are examples of the most common mistakes and their consequences:

  1. The use of materials not intended for the construction of chimneys. So, for gas boilers, the use of bricks is unacceptable: the acid contained in the combustion products will destroy it within a few years. It is also impossible to use asbestos-cement pipes: when heated, they collapse. Plastic also does not withstand high temperatures.
  2. Errors in choosing the diameter of the pipe and calculating the height of the chimney threaten the absence of normal draft and low system efficiency.
  3. Excessive loads on the base of the chimney can cause its destruction.
  4. Poor thermal insulation is the cause of condensation and ignition of closely spaced materials.

Chimney height: depending on the angle of the roof and the distance to the ridge

Ceramic bricks, previously used for the construction of chimneys, are increasingly being replaced by systems made from other materials. Most commonly used steel pipes: uninsulated and insulated. In this case, the option without insulation can only be used for internal installation - in a specially constructed shaft. The outdoor installation of the pipe requires mandatory insulation, otherwise the formation of condensate on the internal surfaces is inevitable.

In order to determine the height of the chimney for an industrially manufactured boiler, you should use the formula: h(m) = (∆p ⋅ Tp ⋅ Tn) / (3459 ⋅ (Tp - 1.1 ⋅ Tn)), where ∆p(Pa) - static thrust, Tr- average temperature in the middle of the pipe (in Kelvin), Tn is the average outside air temperature. The temperature in the pipe (Tr) can be found on the basis of measurements at the outlet of the boiler and is indicated by the manufacturer in technical passport heating equipment. This takes into account natural cooling for each meter of the chimney: in brick - 1 degree, in insulated steel - 2 degrees, in steel without insulation - 5 degrees. Temperature outside (Tn) should be summer: at this time, the thrust will always be weaker than in winter.

However, the results of calculating the height of the chimney in some cases need to be adjusted, but only upwards. The fact is that the house itself is sometimes higher than the obtained value of the height of the chimney. In this case, the following rule applies:

  • the chimney, located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge, must be at least 0.5 m higher than it;
  • if it is located within 1.5-3.0 m from the ridge, then its top should not be lower than the ridge;
  • at large distances from the chimney outlet to the ridge, the height of the pipe is chosen so that it is not lower than the line drawn from the top of the house down at an angle of 10 degrees.

Chimney height above roof

For solid fuel and gas boilers, the height of the chimney must be at least 5 m: usually, manufacturers indicate this parameter in the accompanying documentation. It should be remembered that a high pipe should be fixed additionally - with the help of stretch marks.

But that's not all: if there is another, higher building next to the house, then the chimney must be brought out above the roof of the neighboring building.

Cross-sectional area

The value of this parameter can be calculated by knowing the height of the chimney h(m) and heat load of the burner according to the formula: S = (K ⋅ Q) / (4.19 ⋅ √h), where TO is an empirical coefficient numerically equal to 0.02-0.03, and Q(kJ / h) - the performance of the device indicated in the passport, h(m) is the height of the chimney.

If it is simpler to act, without formulas, then the following values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the cross section of the smoke channel made of bricks should be taken as a basis (the cross section of round channels should be exactly the same area):

  • for a unit with a power of up to 3.5 kW - 140 × 140 mm;
  • for power from 3.5 to 5.2 kW - 140 × 200 mm;
  • for power from 5.2 to 7.2 kW - 140 × 270 mm.

A significant excess of the calculated value leads to a deterioration in traction and, as a result, to unstable operation of the heating equipment. A smaller diameter threatens with poor removal of carbon monoxide and other combustion products, and even with a complete cessation of this process.

Additional requirements for chimneys for stoves, fireplaces, solid fuel, gas boilers and gas water heaters

Some rules, not mentioned earlier, that should be observed:

  • the use of a solid fuel stove requires mandatory compensation of exhaust ventilation with the help of a supply one;
  • chimney channels can be located in the outer walls if they are built from non-combustible materials, but it should be provided with insulation from the outside to prevent the formation of condensate;
  • for each furnace (if they are located on different floors), a separate pipe is provided, but it is allowed to use one pipe for two furnaces located on the same floor: at the joints of the pipes, cuts are installed with a height of 1 m or more and a thickness of 12 cm;
  • smoke channels made of bricks should be built with cleaning pockets, which are closed with bricks laid on edge and smeared with clay mortar (doors can be installed);
  • if necessary, pipe deviations from the vertical at an angle of up to 30 ° and a section length of not more than 1 m are allowed, while the channel cross section must be the same;
  • if the roof is made of combustible materials, a mesh spark arrester is installed in the upper part of the chimney;
  • between chimneys made of brick or heat-resistant concrete and roofing parts made of combustible materials should be equal to or more than 130 mm, for ceramic non-insulated pipes - 250 mm, for them with insulation - 130 mm;
  • the top of the chimney for the fireplace is protected with a weather vane or fungus;
  • two devices operating on gas may be connected to a common channel for the removal of combustion products, if these devices are located no further than 750 mm from each other;
  • the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney connected to the gas appliance should not be less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the gas outlet pipe of the appliance itself, while the upper part of the pipe is not covered with a visor.

Information from regulatory documents establishing the rules for the design and installation of chimneys

Frost-resistant clay bricks are suitable for laying chimneys. It is strictly forbidden to build channels from cinder-concrete and other similar materials.

To connect gas appliances to chimneys, connecting pipes made of galvanized or roofing steel with a thickness of 1 mm or more are suitable. You can also use flexible corrugated metal pipes that are supplied with the equipment. At the same time, it is important that the connecting pipe has a vertical section, the length of which from the lower level of the branch pipe to the axis of the horizontal section of the channel should not be less than 0.5 m. If the ceiling height is less than 2.7 m, this distance may be halved - for equipment equipped with draft stabilizers and up to 0.15 m - for devices without stabilizers. The total length of horizontal sections in new buildings should not be more than 3 m, for old buildings 6 m is allowed. A slight slope of the pipe towards the heating device must be observed.

Flue ducts should not have more than three turns, while the radius of curvature should be equal to the diameter of the pipe. It is forbidden to lay a chimney through residential premises.

How to take care of your chimney

If the deposit thickness is inner surface pipe exceeds 2 mm - it's time to start cleaning. You can get rid of dense contaminants with a scraper and a stiff brush with a long folding handle: as you move deeper into the canal (work starts from above), the length of the handle is increased.

The furnace hole must be closed from below: this will prevent soot from entering the room. In addition, it is advisable to cover the furniture with a film, lock the doors and windows. During operation, you can use chemical detergents, for example, "miracle logs", which emit a special non-toxic gas during combustion, from which carbon deposits lag behind the surface of the pipe.

There are also effective folk remedies. For example, it is sometimes recommended to heat the stove with aspen wood: in this case, a high flame is formed, which burns deposits on the walls of the pipe. But do it carefully: a large number of soot can cause a fire. You can also burn potato skins: the steam that is generated is effective tool against soot deposits.


The requirements set forth in the article are binding. Otherwise, the chimney will be inefficient and even dangerous. This information will serve as a useful reminder for those who already have some experience with chimneys. For those who do not own it, the material of the article should convince of the need for a serious attitude to the details of the process of creating a chimney. Do not overestimate your capabilities: in order to avoid annoying mistakes, you should seek the help of professionals.

Dmitry Portyanoy,

A common problem that annually confronts a huge number of residents of private houses - owners of fireplace and stove equipment - is insufficient draft. This problem does not bypass the residents of apartments, who often have to complain to management companies about poor ventilation. The cause of such complaints is dishonest and/or inadequate chimney inspection and maintenance.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the condition of ventilation ducts and chimneys, because the quality of their work depends on what kind of air we breathe. Malfunctions in the ventilation system can lead to an increased content of pathogenic microorganisms and impurities in the air we use for breathing, which can have a very sad effect on the condition of our body. But there is an even more formidable consequence of the incorrect operation of the smoke exhaust system - this is the entry of carbon monoxide into the home, which can lead to poisoning and even death.

In connection with all of the above, it becomes clear that regular inspection of chimneys and ventilation ducts in order to detect and eliminate faults is absolutely necessary.

Causes of improper operation of ventilation ducts and chimneys

One of the common reasons is design errors. It is also possible the accumulation of all kinds of debris in the system, which interferes with the proper operation of ventilation. Chimney waste such as soot, soot or dust can also make it difficult to remove air. If the owner allows the use of not completely dried firewood, then this accelerates the clogging of the chimney. And finally, the reason may be the usual aging of the ventilation system, which is expressed in the appearance of rust, cracks and other phenomena that accompany the subsidence of the entire structure.

In order to avoid the occurrence of all these dangers, it is necessary to carry out very thorough checks of chimneys and ventilation ducts.

Structural errors can be a big problem when checking a chimney

Execution rules

Installation and maintenance of the ventilation system can only be carried out by an official organization that has passed the appropriate licensing. It is necessary to check the condition and proper functioning of the ventilation elements clearly in accordance with the rules of SNiP:

  • before starting work, an inspection report must be drawn up;
  • the work itself should be carried out with the following regularity: stoves for which firewood is used - at the beginning and at the end of the heating season; fireplaces and stoves used all year round - quarterly;
  • in case of detection of significant deviations, the ventilation elements must not be used until the malfunction is eliminated;
  • the results are presented in the form of an act on the inspection of the smoke exhaust system.

Checking ventilation ducts and chimneys in an apartment building is the responsibility of the managing organization, which must organize their testing and, if necessary, maintenance or repair at least three times a year. At the same time, the management company must have a license to carry out such work or, in its absence, involve a third-party organization that has such a document.

To avoid problems during inspection, the following guidelines should be followed.

  • Only high quality fuel with low moisture and tar content should be used;
  • It is forbidden to use household waste elements as fuel, especially plastic;
  • Regularly clean pipes from combustion products;
  • To increase the insufficient draft, it is recommended to install a roof fan;
  • In order to prevent blockage, install a cap fitted with a net on the chimney and inspect it regularly, especially during the cold season, as it may be iced up.

Controlling organizations check chimneys with the following frequency:

  • in the case of using heaters only in the cold season - in the fall, before the heating season;
  • in the presence of cooking and heating stoves - three times a year (before, in the middle, and at the end of heating season).

Depending on the materials used for the construction of the chimney, there are the following frequency requirements:

  • quarterly in case of brick chimney elements;
  • annually if asbestos, ceramics or concrete were used.

If the building has gas appliances, then maintenance of ventilation ducts, according to the terms of the guarantee, is carried out twice a year - in summer and winter. If necessary, the service organization carries out repairs of the identified malfunctions.

Check progress

The purpose of checking ventilation ducts and chimneys is to identify such defects in their work as:

The presence or absence of damage, as well as their degree;

Pollution of the system, including products of waste air discharge;

The presence of traction that meets the standards.

For this purpose, the height of the pipe is assessed, as well as the presence in the immediate vicinity of the household of objects that could interfere with normal traction. Such objects can be trees, buildings or other structures. Also be sampled for the presence of carbon monoxide in the air.

As a result of the survey, the inspection organization draws up an act of checking chimneys and ventilation ducts.

Reconciliation of the ventilation system with project documentation

Ways to detect violations

At present, the tools used in the past, such as a weight attached to a rope, as well as flashlights and mirrors, are a thing of the past. Now, when checking, they use powerful searchlights, as well as video cameras that display an image on the screen in real time. For illumination, infrared or LED lamps are used.

Based on the results of such a survey, an act of periodic inspection of smoke and ventilation ducts is drawn up. Photo and video materials are attached to it.

If violations are detected, then the representative of the inspection organization warns the owner in writing about the inadmissibility of using gas equipment, about which he takes a receipt from the latter. After that, the act of checking the smoke and ventilation ducts is sent to the housing maintenance organization with an order to turn off the gas supply. In this case, it is impossible to use the equipment until all identified violations are eliminated.


After all work has been completed and documentation, the service organization draws up an act of checking the ventilation ducts. The received document may be requested by such supervisory organizations as fire service, housing inspection, etc. Therefore, such a document should always be available from the owner of the premises. The following signs will serve as a guarantee of its authenticity:

Form of the established sample, equipped with a hologram;

A copy of the license of the auditing organization, certified by a seal.

Canal control. The main measures to control the operation of smoke and ventilation ducts include checking their technical condition and timely cleaning. Work on checking and cleaning smoke channels to remove combustion products from gas stoves is carried out by chimney sweep units with the mandatory supervision of specialists from housing maintenance sites or building management.

In newly built buildings, smoke channels are checked by the contractors, customer representatives and chimney sweeps of specialized teams in accordance with contracts with construction contractors. Upon completion of the work, an act is drawn up on the technical condition of the channels.

The frequency of works on the maintenance of channels is established by the schedules drawn up by the customer. Schedules for the cleaning of smoke channels in houses owned by citizens on the basis of personal property rights are compiled by foremen or foremen of chimney cleaning teams, who are given the right to issue acts on the technical condition of the channels. All schedules must be coordinated with local offices responsible for the safe operation of furnaces and gas supply organizations.

When drawing up schedules, it must be taken into account that smoke channels made of ordinary clay bricks are subject to inspection every three months. Smoke channels from gas stoves and appliances, built from asbestos-cement, pottery pipes or special blocks of refractory concrete, are inspected and cleaned once a year.

When checking the technical condition of smoke channels during operation, the following is established: the location of the channels in the building (their numbering in the attic or on the roof); the material from which they are made; their condition, density and isolation; the absence of slots and holes outside the channels, inside the building, in the attic and above the roof of the building, the presence of fire breaks and their condition, the condition of the heads, protective umbrellas, laying chimneys and their placement above the roof (the presence of a wind backwater zone or its absence), as well as relative to the ridge and closely spaced tall buildings and trees; the presence of pockets for cleaning and cleaning doors, the presence of horizontal sections in the walls or hogs in the attic, the condition of the necessary insulation of chimneys and plaster.

Smoke and ventilation ducts usually determined by marking in the attic. All channels of residential buildings with a height of two floors or more must have a distinctive sign in the form of an equilateral triangle, the top of which is directed towards the base of the building, and a height of 50 mm coincides with the axis of the channel.

The mark is made: for smoke channels of solid fuel heating stoves - solid black; for smoke channels of heating furnaces operating on gaseous fuels - solid red; for ventilation ducts - blue along the contour. Above the mark indicate the number of the apartment from which combustion products or air exhaust are discharged. The height of the digits is 30 mm. If there are several channels coming out of one apartment, each of them is assigned a serial number, which is written on the channel next to the apartment number in brackets. The height of marking in attic spaces is 700...800 mm from the floor level, and with combined roofs it is 200...300 mm higher than the roof.

In the absence of markings, the purpose of the channel is determined in the following order: open the place where the device is connected to the channel (usually cleaning doors or cleanings are installed in these places); resinous materials (roofing felt, roofing material, rags soaked in fuel oil) are laid in the channel and ignited. The smoke channel is determined by the exit of smoke on the roof. When examining the condition of the brickwork of chimneys in the attic and above the roof, attention is paid to the presence of cracks, crevices or holes in it, as well as joints not filled with mortar. There should be no cracks or holes in the plaster of the channels.

When checking and cleaning the smoke channels, the condition of the fire breaks is carefully checked. If necessary, their dimensions are determined by opening interfloor ceilings, and in attic spaces - by direct measurement.

Chimney caps must be in good condition. and their height - to meet the requirements for the withdrawal of chimneys from the zone of wind backwater.

Channel cleaning. The safety rules in the gas industry establish the terms for checking and cleaning smoke and ventilation ducts. Additional checks and cleaning of smoke and ventilation ducts are possible, related to natural disasters(earthquakes, hurricanes, heavy rains, sudden changes in temperature, heavy snowfalls, etc.).

Smoke and ventilation ducts are cleaned with a metal weight, lowering it from above for the entire length of the duct. The channel is considered clean if the weight is found in its lower part, where a cleaning door or cleaning is usually installed. The weight must be spherical in shape with a diameter of at least 100 mm. The blockages found in the channel are eliminated with the help of a weight or a chimney-sweeping projectile lowered on a strong rope. There are cases when the blockage cannot be broken through with a weight or projectile. Then its location is determined and the outer wall of the channel is opened.

New gas furnaces and other devices must be connected to the smoke channels by experienced stove-chimney sweepers under the control of a foreman or foreman of a specialized repair and construction department. If malfunctions are found in the smoke or ventilation ducts, or if there is not enough vacuum in them, those responsible for the operation of the housing stock take measures to eliminate them.

After checking and cleaning, an act of the technical condition of the smoke and ventilation ducts is drawn up. The signatures of chimney sweeps on the technical condition certificates are certified with special stamps, and the signatures of specialists operating the building management organization are certified with a round seal. In houses owned by citizens on the basis of personal property, technical condition certificates are certified by the signature of the owner of the house.

insufficient thermal resistance of the chimney walls, as a result of which the combustion products cool prematurely and the draft stops.

The listed reasons can cause accidents when using gas appliances connected to these chimneys. Therefore, in accordance with the safety rules and technical specifications, heating stoves converted to gas fuel must be equipped with automatic equipment that turns off the gas supply to them when the draft in the chimney stops and the gas burns in the firebox.

Prevention of malfunction of chimneys can also be ensured through systematic monitoring of them and timely repairs with thorough cleaning and draft check both after repair and during operation.

The problem of poor traction is faced not only by people living in a private house with furnace heating or a wood-burning fireplace, but also city dwellers whose apartments have problems due to poor ventilation. This happens because chimneys and ventilation ducts are serviced poorly or irregularly.

The air people breathe in their homes big influence on our well-being and health, and the harmful impurities contained in it can not only harm, but also lead to very sad consequences. Pathogenic microorganisms that enter the premises from contaminated ventilation ducts can cause serious illness, and carbon monoxide that enters the premises of the house due to poor chimney draft is often the cause of death.

It follows from this that chimneys and ventilation ducts must be properly maintained and regularly inspected so that any malfunctions can be detected in time and eliminated. Let's figure out how the installation of gas boiler chimneys should be carried out, as well as their maintenance.

Operation of ventilation ducts and chimneys

The most common causes of malfunctions

There can be many reasons for the poor performance of smoke ducts and ventilation systems, and most of them are associated with the irresponsibility of their owners.

Because big number fires and carbon monoxide poisoning due to the fact that the chimney and ventilation do not cope with their functions, special rules have been developed for their operation and pipe-furnace work. They are combined with the requirements for the operation of ventilation shafts and ducts, since the correct operation of ventilation is no less important for human health.

The main provisions of these rules are:

  • Smoke ducts of solid fuel fireplaces and stoves must be checked and cleaned before and after each heating season. Chimneys of continuously operating furnaces and gas boiler checked every 2-3 months.

Important. For chimneys made of different materials, there are own standards for the regularity of inspection.

  • Checking the ventilation ducts of the premises where the gas boiler is operated should be carried out twice a year - in summer and winter.
  • If a check of the ventilation ducts and chimneys of the house has revealed serious malfunctions that require repair, the use of a gas boiler is prohibited until they are eliminated.
  • Repairs are allowed only to organizations that have the appropriate license, whose employees have the appropriate training. They can start working after an act of checking ventilation ducts and chimneys in an apartment or private house is drawn up.

These rules must be strictly observed by both the owners of private houses and organizations responsible for the maintenance and service of multi-apartment buildings.

Attention! Ventilation and chimney in a private house or apartment should not be subjected to unauthorized alterations, repairs, extensions! All these actions must be coordinated with the relevant services.

In addition to following the mandatory rules, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

Inspection, cleaning and repair

Methods for examining smoke and ventilation ducts

Checking chimneys and ventilation ducts can be carried out in the classical way - with the help of a load and a ruff on a rope. But today, a more advanced device for diagnosing the condition of channels is increasingly being used for examination. For example, digital photo and video cameras equipped with spotlights can be used.

There is also special device, which allows you to quickly and effortlessly evaluate the traction force.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act of inspection of the ventilation ducts and chimneys of the house is drawn up, drawn up in the form of a technical report of the established sample, and a conclusion is issued with recommendations for their repair and installation.

Survey objects

During the examination it is necessary to establish:

  • The cross section of the channels and the materials from which they are made.
  • The length of the channels and their device, in particular, you need to set the marks at which they narrow, connect, bend, as well as mark the detected slots and congestion.
  • The presence of horizontal sections.
  • Isolation of channels.
  • Channel density.
  • Header condition.
  • The presence of traction.
  • The presence or absence of a wind backwater zone.
  • The condition of the hatches for cleaning.
  • The condition of the fire breaks.
  • Tightness of connecting pipes.
  • General condition of the channels.

When examining ventilation ducts, the condition of exhaust shafts, ducts and air intake grilles is also checked.

Based on the data obtained, an act of checking chimneys and ventilation ducts is drawn up.

Cleaning and repair

Like an inspection, cleaning the chimneys of a stove or gas boiler and ventilation shafts can be done in many ways - traditional and modern (see How to clean a chimney).

In the first case, the classic chimney sweep inventory is used, that is, the simplest device consisting of a rope, brush, ruff and weight. But it is much more efficient to use modern equipment: industrial vacuum cleaners for removing soot and a mechanical device with various nozzles that allows you to remove any type of pollution, both in vertical and horizontal sections of chimneys and air ducts.

The industrial method of cleaning ventilation and chimney ducts using special equipment allows not only to eliminate all contamination, but also to disinfect the ducts. It is possible to clean the channels yourself, but when working without the use of professional equipment, it will be difficult to achieve good quality. In addition, self-cleaning of the chimney or ventilation ducts is a complex, troublesome and extremely dirty procedure. Therefore, whenever possible, this work should be entrusted to professionals.

After the act of examining chimneys and ventilation ducts with an indication of serious malfunctions has been received, it is necessary to make a decision on their repair. If defects are found in the chimney, the use of a gas boiler, stove or fireplace is prohibited, and violation of the prohibition can lead to serious consequences, up to poisoning people with combustion products or starting a fire.

At the moment, the repair of chimneys and ventilation ducts is not difficult and is carried out by professionals quickly enough. The most common method for the reconstruction of brick channels is their sleeving - installation of a metal or ceramic pipe into the cavity of the channel.

If the cross section of the channel does not allow sleeves, they resort to lining it special formulations or lining with polymer liners.

One of the parameters that determine the comfort of the microclimate in the apartment is the purity of the air in the room. Its characteristics must comply with the requirements of SNiP 41‑01‑2003 and other regulatory documents. In most apartment buildings, the desired composition of the air is provided by a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a natural impulse. Fresh masses enter through vents, windows, doors and special valves, and unpleasant odors are removed through special channels in the bathroom and in the kitchen. To analyze their effectiveness, you need to know how to check the ventilation in the apartment. Based on the data obtained, measures are taken to maintain the air in the room at the proper level.

Causes of violation of air exchange

Work principles supply and exhaust ventilation with a natural impulse are based on the difference in density and temperature of the air inside and outside. Light and warm masses escape through the ventilation duct to the street, and fresh ones come in instead. The performance of such a system depends on many nuances that should be taken into account, otherwise its work will be inefficient. And most importantly, you need to find out the causes of poor ventilation in order to eliminate them in a timely manner.

No air flow

Replacing old wooden frames with double-glazed windows allows you to reduce the noise level in the apartment and get rid of drafts. However, complete sealing prevents the penetration of fresh air into the premises, as a result of which humidity increases and mustiness and dampness appear. Regular and long-term ventilation increases the loss of thermal energy and heating costs.

Clogged ventilation ducts

It happens for several reasons. First, as a result of natural collapse, which occurs in old houses. Secondly, because of redevelopment and repair. In this case, there is another threat to the effectiveness of ventilation. The output of more powerful channels in the main mines can completely disrupt the air exchange of the apartment.

In addition, the cause of poor ventilation are:

  • , the power of which is greater than provided by the area of ​​the ventilation duct;
  • installation of climatic equipment that increases the temperature difference inside and outside the room;
  • insufficient vertical channel length, which should be about 2 m (relevant for apartments located on the top floor of the building).

Ways to check ventilation

The simplest method for studying the efficiency of air exchange is performed using a sheet of paper or newspaper. To do this, a strip 2-3 cm wide and 15-20 cm long is placed at a distance from the ventilation duct. If she is kept on the bars without outside help, the system is operating normally. In the case of short-term sticking of the sheet ─ the air flow is weak and needs to be strengthened. The deviation of the paper from the lattice indicates the presence of reverse thrust.

Advice! In the absence of supply valves, ventilation checks should be carried out with ajar vents or windows.

There are recommendations to use a lit match or lighter to check the draft in the ventilation duct. However, this method is unsafe, and not only in houses with central gas supply. In clogged ventilation ducts, the decay process is often activated, resulting in the formation of combustible gas. Open fire can cause explosion and destruction.

A more accurate result is obtained by checking ventilation using a special device ─ anemometer, which shows the speed of air passing through the ventilation duct. Using the data obtained and special tables, as well as the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vent, the volume of masses passing through it for an hour is determined.

According to the established standards for a bathroom, toilet and kitchen with an electric stove, this figure should be equal to 25, 25 and 60 m3 / h, respectively.

Advice! You can focus on the condition of the air in the apartment. If the CO2 content does not exceed the established norms and the level of relative humidity is within acceptable limits, then the ventilation is functioning. In the event of moisture condensation on windows and corners, corrective action should be taken.

Ensuring air circulation

For proper air exchange in the apartment, it is necessary to remove the blockage of the ventilation duct and keep it clean and tidy. You can also apply the following measures:

  • install double-glazed windows with a micro-ventilation function, which will ensure the flow fresh air and will avoid isolation of the room;

  • provide for the installation of a kitchen hood, which must be equipped with an odor neutralizer;
  • purchase an electric fan and mount it in an vent or mount a similar unit in a section of the vent duct.

If the above measures have not yielded results, then you should consider installing a more efficient system.

Safe use of oven and gas equipment It is possible only with the timely removal of combustion products and continuous air exchange inside the premises. This and some other functions are performed by the chimneys of the different kind: from elegant decorations of country villas to giant monsters - indispensable attributes of industrial zones.

The principle of natural traction

The outflow of gas combustion products from boilers, columns and furnaces is carried out through ventilation and chimneys by means of natural draft. Traction is provided with a temperature difference in the street and in the house. The higher the ventilation duct or chimney and the greater the temperature difference, the more intensely the chimney draws. So it's best natural ventilation works on the first floors of multi-storey buildings and in the cold season.

The temperature of the combustion products above the working stove is about 200 degrees. The air temperature in the ventilation and chimneys is not more than 25 degrees and therefore the draft is very weak. In summer, when the temperature outside is higher than indoors, the draft can “tip over”, that is, air is sucked from the ventilation into the apartments.

To a large extent, the effective operation of the system depends on the frequency of inspections of smoke and ventilation ducts.

Reasons for reduced traction:

  • contamination of the inner walls of the channels;
  • roughness, narrowing of the walls;
  • increase in the diameter of the channel;
  • air suction.

A significant part of the energy of the air moving through the channel is spent on resistance to friction against the walls, when turning and reducing the diameter of the channel. The pressure loss indicator depends on the laying of the smoke or ventilation duct, its length and condition. In the presence of protrusions, build-up of dust and roughness, the resistance increases. Therefore, timely inspection and cleaning of ventilation and smoke ducts enhances traction.

In large-diameter ducts, even with perfect observance of the rules for the safe operation of chimneys and ventilation pipes, the draft is reduced, since the combustion products cool faster.

When air leaks in the channel, the thrust also drops, since the air temperature in the channel decreases, and its volume increases. Therefore, all hatches for pipe maintenance must be kept closed.

The draft in the chimneys during the operation of the boiler or furnace is about 14 Pa. In ventilation ducts, it is much lower. The opening of the windows in the apartments, the direction and strength of the wind, and even the location of neighboring houses affect the draft. Ventilation and chimneys should not be located in the zone of wind backwater. This space is below the line leading from highest point closest building to the horizon at an angle of 45 degrees.

Design of ventilation pipes and chimneys

According to the rules for the operation of chimneys and ventilation pipes, they are equipped inside the house to maintain the temperature of the exhaust air. It is possible to arrange ventilation and smoke ducts outside, then they need to be insulated.

The laying of ventilation and smoke ducts consists of clay bricks or heat-resistant concrete (asbestos cement). Thickness brickwork from 12 cm, the concrete wall of the ventilation or smoke duct - more than 6 cm. The SNiP states that ventilation and smoke ducts are arranged only vertically, without transitions and horizontal sections.

Pocket device (hole) for cleaning the chimney

Cleaning holes and a pocket 25 cm deep are left at the base of the chimney. The holes are covered with doors and lined with bricks installed on the edge. Masonry is carried out on a solution of clay. In asbestos-cement pipes, a sheet is left for cleaning.

The pocket is necessary so that when the masonry is destroyed, the brick fragments do not block the inlet, falling a little lower. All debris that enters the chimney accumulates in the pocket. If a pocket is not provided, the debris will gradually reduce the cross section of the chimney and worsen the draft.

Unsuitable materials for the construction of smoke and ventilation ducts:

  • slag concrete;
  • silicate, perforated, slotted brick;
  • coarse materials.

Although sand-lime brick resists high temperatures well, it is destroyed by carbon dioxide and moist vapors. If no other materials are available, SNiP requires a 13 cm thick red brick lining in the ventilation and smoke ducts.

Chimneys can be:

  • mounted (from asbestos-cement pipes inserted into each other);
  • solid (made of bricks).

Attached pipes are distinguished by smooth inner walls; they are supported on fireplaces or stoves with powerful (not thinner than 1/2 brick) walls. If the pipe is heavy, a reinforced concrete slab and a pipe is already attached to it.

Asbestos-cement packed pipes are much lighter than brick ones, they do not need to be dismantled during overhaul, they are quickly installed.

A brick chimney requires a special foundation, which is laid to a depth exceeding the depth of soil freezing.

When erecting low-rise buildings, prefabricated chimneys are used, which are built into the wall or form a riser. The walls of the chimneys are made of heat-resistant concrete.

In places where the chimney passes through the roof, it is necessary to leave a hole with a width of 13 cm or more. The connection between the chimney and the roof is covered with a stainless metal apron.

The chimney can have a slope of up to 30 degrees with an offset to the side of not more than 100 cm. Such segments must be of the same section, equal to the cross section of vertical segments with smooth walls.

Brick chimney heads are covered with 20 cm plaster to protect against precipitation. Deflectors and umbrellas are not installed on chimneys.

Chimneys of gasified buildings

Ventilation and smoke channels of gasified premises should rise above the flat roof by 50 cm or more. On the pitched roof 50 cm or more above the rib or to the height of the rib with a distance from the rib to the chimney of 1.5 - 3 meters.

The height of the chimneys of gasified premises should be equal to the height of the exhaust ducts.

Heating equipment is connected to the system of ventilation and smoke ducts in a gasified room through metal adapters. The length of the vertical adapter should be from 50 cm. If the height of the room is less than 2 m 70 cm and draft stabilization is used, the vertical adapter can be shortened to 25 cm. The total length of the horizontal adapters can be up to 3 m in new buildings or up to 6 m in already functioning buildings.

A slope towards the boiler is allowed from 0.01. Pipes must be fixed rigidly without the possibility of sagging. The pipe elbows are inserted into each other along the smoke path and overlap by 1/2 of the chimney diameter.

The metal adapter is tightly attached to the chimney, without protruding beyond the walls of the channel.

If the pipe is made of sheet metal, it is necessary to process it with heat-resistant varnish.

The pipe is attached to the chimney, leaving a pocket of 25 cm and a hatch for control, as well as during construction furnace chimney. If the appliance is not equipped with a draft stabilizer, a damper with a perforation of 15 mm is required, through which the oven is ventilated during the idle period.

When retrofitting old chimneys from stoves for gas equipment, poor draft is often observed. Furnaces are heated for a longer time and the temperature of the combustion products is much higher than during the operation of a gas boiler, therefore, air discharge from gas combustion is not enough.

Chimney Requirements

Operation of chimneys

Rules for the safe operation of chimneys and ventilation pipes require periodic cleaning and inspection. Without cleaning, a long-term chimney becomes a potential source of fire or poisoning for residents. The need to clean the ventilation and smoke ducts is determined by scheduled inspections.

A chimney made of bricks or made of asbestos-cement pipes loses its appearance after a while and works worse. Soot and soot accumulate on the inner walls, the chimney clearance decreases and draft decreases. But there is another danger: combustion products can ignite. Substances released by soot destroy the pipe material and masonry seams. The tightness of the chimney decreases, the fuel does not burn completely, the draft worsens.

Only periodic checks of smoke and ventilation ducts will help to avoid dangerous situations.

If the heating equipment is used every day, the frequency of checking and cleaning the ventilation and smoke ducts is 8 weeks. If the stove is fired from time to time, it is necessary to control the condition of the chimney twice a year: in the fall before the start of the heating season and in the spring.

Checking chimneys

Inspection of smoke and ventilation ducts is carried out in the following cases:

  1. when converting furnaces to gas fuel;
  2. when connected to the chimneys of gas boilers;
  3. if necessary, diagnose the condition of the chimney and poor draft.

The purpose of checking ventilation and smoke ducts:

  • compliance of the masonry materials of the smoke or ventilation duct and the device with the requirements of SNiP;
  • the presence of contaminants;
  • the presence of traction;
  • the density of the walls of the chimney;
  • the condition and presence of partitions separating the adjacent structures of the building;
  • the condition of the cap and its location relative to the roof, buildings and trees.

The course of checking ventilation and smoke ducts:

  • To determine blockages in the chimney, a load in the form of a sphere, weighing 3 kg and up to 10 cm in size, is lowered into it from above. If the load passes unhindered, the channel is clean;
  • To determine the isolation and density of channels, the smoke method is used. A burning tow soaked in gasoline or a bundle of straw is put into the window for cleaning, which, when burning, emits abundant smoke. From above, the outlet of the chimney is tightly covered. If there is a smell of smoke in nearby rooms or channels, then the walls of the channel are not dense;
  • The cleanliness of the walls of the channel is examined by lowering an electric light bulb up to 500 W with a power of up to 500 W into the chimney. At the same time, the density of the walls is also determined. If there is light in the adjacent channels, then there are gaps.

Based on the results of checking the ventilation and smoke ducts, cleaning is carried out. She may be:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

Mechanical cleaning is carried out with brushes and brushes made of metal wire. Under the weight of the load, they descend on cables into the chimney and scrape off all deposits from the walls. Some pipes (for example, ceramic) are difficult to clean - they can crack.

Dry cleaning is safer. A “chimney sweep log” is burned in the furnace, which burns out the soot on the walls of the chimney. The material is impregnated with a chemical composition that decomposes soot and soot. But dry cleaning does not cope with thick deposits, so it is used as an auxiliary or preventive.

Industrial chimneys

The purpose of industrial chimneys and ventilation pipes is not only to remove combustion products, but also to maintain combustion in boiler units. In the recent past, most industrial smoke and ventilation pipes were made of brickwork. Today, it is increasingly being replaced by metal pipes with thermal insulation. The height of the structure can reach 60 meters.

According to the rules for the safe operation of chimneys and ventilation pipes, they need periodic cleaning. Prevention is carried out at the end of the heating season. And in order to exclude accidents, scheduled checks of ventilation and smoke ducts are scheduled.

Smoke and ventilation pipes for industry are designed taking into account each specific enterprise, since the task of construction is always unique.

When designing, environmental standards for the rate of dispersal of smoke and maximum concentrations of smoke are taken into account.

Types of industrial chimneys:

  • Metal self-supporting. The cheapest are made of metal with thermal insulation. Very heavy. Can be single-barreled or multi-barreled;
  • Truss self-supporting. They are a truss column with heat-insulated gas ducts. 1 - 6 trunks are attached to one farm. The farm itself is made of pipe;
  • metal columns. One powerful "shell" in which 1 - 5 trunks are hidden. Maximum height 60 m, diameter up to 3.5 meters;
  • Stretch marks. A single-barreled metal pipe, which is fastened with braces. Most often installed in industrial enterprises. Produced by rolling. Such a pipe will last no more than 15 years, even if all the rules for the operation of ventilation and chimneys are observed;
  • facade. The most economical option, does not need a foundation and a supporting structure. It is attached to the facade, often this type of pipe is used in attached or built-in boiler houses.

The diameter of the pipes can be from 0.2 to 1.5 meters, and the height is 8 - 60 meters. There may be several gas outlets.

Depending on the conditions, industrial chimneys can be equipped with:

  • lightning rod;
  • protective lighting;
  • stairs and service platforms.

If a rectangular industrial flue chimney is installed, the correct aspect ratio is very important. The best is 1:1.5 with ground off internal corners.

The rules for the operation of chimneys and ventilation pipes require their installation only on special self-supporting foundations.

And at the end, a video on how industrial chimneys are dismantled.

There are several reasons that lead to the repair of chimneys and ventilation:

Natural wear of channels - any material wears out sooner or later and it becomes necessary to replace it with a more modern and durable one.

Artificial causes - start from the banal human factor, when, for example, the pipe was not assembled correctly and significant errors were made in the installation, as well as poor-quality materials were used or improper operation of the chimney and ventilation duct.

Regardless of the reasons that led to the failure of the channel, we recommend the following algorithm of actions:

Video inspection of the channel

You can order this service from us on the chimney inspection page.

Or provide video and photo material. This procedure is necessary to detect a violation inside the duct, there may be foreign objects, pins or other sharp objects that may interfere with the repair and further functioning of the chimney or ventilation duct

The choice of repair technology. Options

Lining with stainless steel chimneys. Channel sleeve without complete dismantling, repair work to replace those parts of the pipe that are out of order. Thanks to own production we can produce any diameters and shapes of pipes, in the shortest possible time. For sleeving with a stainless pipe, it is necessary to select the pipe section in accordance with the size of the channel. It could be round pipe, ellipse or rectangular section (box). It is possible to install the pipe both from above, lowering into the channel, and from below.

Our installation specialists will offer the most profitable way to repair the channel with a minimum dismantling area.

Lining with FuranFlex polymer hose. Repair of the chimney and ventilation duct is possible without breaking the walls and dismantling. With the help of FuranFlex technology (Furanflex), the repair and restoration of the chimney is carried out in 1 day. Warranty for Furanflex material is 30 years. The principle of channel restoration is simple, Furanflex is a single solid stocking that is lowered into an existing channel and, under the influence of steam, takes the form of a channel. With a loss of section of 2-3 mm, but due to the absolute gas tightness and smooth surface the rate of gas release increases. You can learn more about the technology of channel restoration without breaking walls on the page