Natural ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

  • 20.06.2020

High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is an integral element of the comfort and cleanliness of these premises. Unlike other rooms, they put forward increased requirements for convenience and accuracy.

The intended purpose of such sanitary facilities implies the need to constantly maintain cleanliness close to ideal. The ventilation system plays one of the leading roles in this process.

Cleanliness and freshness of the air is an indisputable condition for a comfortable stay in the room. But if in living rooms this condition is quite simple to observe with the help of ventilation through the windows, then in the toilet and bathroom there are some difficulties with it. Not every bathroom in a private house can boast of having a sufficient window opening. Features of the location of the premises in the apartment rarely imply the presence of a window as such.

Typical multi-apartment buildings, as a rule, "hide" the sanitary zone in a "blind" box of a small area with a common air ventilation duct. It is implemented as a small opening under the ceiling, working according to the natural supply and exhaust principle.

Consequences of poor ventilation

Sanitary facilities in apartment buildings, equipped with windows, are for the most part joint bathrooms in high-rise buildings of a non-standard type. However, even if there is a window opening, the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet may not be intensive enough, which will certainly cause discomfort for residents and visitors.

In fact, the rooms that most of all need high-quality cleaning from odors and moisture have the most difficult mechanism for the operation of the hood. In addition, the appearance of unpleasant odors is far from the most dangerous problem of poor ventilation of the sanitary zone. The accumulated excess moisture is a favorable environment for the development of fungal mold and pathogens.

To avoid violating hygiene standards, it is recommended to choose the right type of ventilation for the bathroom and toilet in a timely manner.

It is also allowed to improve existing ventilation - this can be done independently. This measure is quite relevant for typical high-rise buildings.

Two types of ventilation systems

Approving the best way to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet usually comes down to choosing between two main system options - natural and forced. Each of them has its own merits. Comparison of options should be based on the current need and the effectiveness of the currently established system.

There are practically no difficulties with how to check the ventilation in the sanitary rooms. If the room is stored for a long time bad smell, there is a feeling of stale, stale air, the level of humidity rises noticeably - this is a signal to check the condition and effectiveness of the vents. The appearance of fungus on the walls and wet plaque is a direct evidence of the need for urgent modernization of the air exchange system.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, which is always present elevated level moisture causing mold fungus should be sufficiently efficient. If in modern and older high-rise buildings, such as Khrushchev, its presence is provided standard project, then in a private house the owner himself has to think about this even at the beginning of construction. Lacking specific knowledge and not understanding the intricacies installation work, it is difficult to install it yourself without errors, but by adopting the existing rules, this will become possible.

The principle of operation of air exchange systems

Even at the design stage of a private house, you should adhere to the installation and operation standards ventilation ducts, according to which:

  • The air inlet should be at the bottom, and the exhaust at the top, as close to the ceiling as possible. To ensure ventilation of the entire room, they are placed in opposite corners.
  • Their inner surface is made as smooth as possible, and the direction of air movement is carried out in a straight line.
  • Sharp bends are avoided at arranged turns.
  • The fan should not be placed near water, next to a bathtub, sink, toilet bowl.
  • Separate air ducts are laid for different floors.

All ventilation systems are divided according to the principle of operation - with natural draft and mechanical impulse. If the bathroom is modest in size and a small number of residents use its services, then the first type of ventilation is equipped, in other cases - the second.

The natural system works due to the difference in the density of air masses and temperature, when warmed and lighter air, tending upwards, passes through the exhaust ducts and ends up on the street. At the same time, it is replaced by a denser cold air entering the room through the supply air duct system. The greater the difference in magnitude, the higher the potential and the better the thrust..

Such a scheme works well in winter, but with the onset of warm days, the temperature difference becomes minimal and its efficiency drops. Forced ventilation is devoid of these disadvantages, since a fan is installed in the system, which is responsible for moving air masses.

Ventilation device in a private house

Previously, normal air exchange in the apartment was provided by natural gaps in wooden windows, along the doorway, and if private house was from a bar, then also interventional voids. But today, in the construction of housing, modern energy-saving technologies are widely used, which reduce heating costs and at the same time prevent free air circulation.

Therefore, many owners leave the door ajar, and in plastic windows use the micro-ventilation function, which implies the presence of a small gap. Once inside, fresh outdoor air is warmed up and removed through the fireplace chimney, furnace heating or existing ventilation ducts. But this scheme is not without drawbacks - dust, midges get into the house, noise penetrates, and in winter frosty air, which provokes the appearance of drafts.

As a modern and affordable solution, many homeowners choose to install ventilation valve.The advantages of using it are obvious:

  • providing the necessary air exchange;
  • installation is easy to do with your own hands;
  • crashes directly into the wall in a convenient place for this.

Depending on the type and equipment of the water, electrical system air heating device provides comfortable conditions residence at any time of the year.

But a complete system will consist of several elements, such as:

  1. 1. Ventilation channel. It is a shaft of round or square section leading to the roof of the house. So that nothing interferes with the advancement of the air flow, it is made as direct as possible. A horizontal insert is allowed, but with a length not exceeding 1–2 m.
  2. 2. Ventilation outlet - an opening in the wall connected to a duct. To receive large volumes of air, it is made of sufficient size, no less than that of the central duct.
  3. 3. Ventilation grill. Made of plastic, metal, it serves as a decoration and, closing the exit, prevents the penetration of water and debris into it.

Purpose and types of construction

Given the characteristics of the system, there are several types:

  • Exhaust. Air is removed through a special outlet channel.
  • Supply. The air supply to the room is carried out under excess pressure, as a result of which the waste streams are removed outside through the shaft.
  • Mixed. This system combines the above types of ventilation and is the most efficient.

In addition, considering the features structural elements, they are divided into channel and non-channel. In the first case, air is supplied through special boxes. This type of ventilation is used if the air flow must be directed to remote areas and simultaneously cleaned of condensate, dust, and other pollutants.

Channelless. In this case, the air flow moves through the air ducts built into the walls and is supplied (discharged) to the bathroom through an opening, usually closed with a decorative grille. Such a device is typical for typical multi-storey buildings, in which there is a ventilated window between the bathroom and the toilet, and in one of the rooms there is an exit to the central ventilation duct.

By installing a fan, you can combine forced and natural systems and get the best option - a mixed type of ventilation. If the channel is far away, then rectangular, round or corrugated boxes are thrown to it. The walls of products made of plastic are absolutely smooth and do not impede the movement of air, moreover, they dampen noise waves caused by the operation of the fan. Soft corrugated sections are well suited for avoiding difficult obstacles.

In order for the hood to effectively cope with its purpose, installation is carried out adhering to the following rules:

  • the place of its installation is chosen opposite from front door wall;
  • the fan is recessed into the shaft, securely fixed, and all cracks are filled with sealant;
  • electrical wiring for safety reasons is closed.

The fan control in the bathroom is connected directly to the light switch, then the smells will be removed immediately, but in the bathroom it is preferable to have a separate switch.

Often in the bathroom, suspended, tension structures are mounted on the ceiling. If the shaft is located below their level, then a grate is installed near the vent to ventilate the space between the ceilings. If the mine is higher false ceiling, then several ventilation holes are made in the latter and a fan is installed in one of them, and the rest are covered with grilles.

natural ventilation

A device of this type must be planned at the stage of preparation for the construction of a house or cottage, when drawing up a project that specifies the location of all rooms and office premises. The main reason is correct installation when still in the process of building walls through them internal structure it is necessary to lay special ventilation ducts. Usually start from the first floor towards the attic. Ventilation ducts can be made of brick, plastic material special form.

When planning the laying of a natural ventilation system, several recommendations should be followed:

  • each room must be equipped with air ducts, the installation of which is carried out vertically;
  • if the bathroom with the toilet is on the same floor, moreover, nearby, then the use of combined hoods is allowed;
  • when several service rooms are located close to each other, it is possible to combine their air ducts into one common one without underestimating its outlet diameter;
  • the walls of the box should be smooth, and there should be no obstacles in the way of the air flow.

The presence of natural ventilation, which provides comfortable living conditions, is mandatory for every private house and other buildings. V further system can be upgraded by additionally installing a fan, and thereby increase its efficiency.

Forced ventilation

The modern forced ventilation system consists of a heat exchanger, filters, fans. Therefore, the air coming from the street is first cleaned, and in cold weather it is preheated, and only then it is distributed among the rooms, displacing the exhaust air outside.

The system includes the following components:

  • A fan that moves air masses.
  • Air ducts. They are made of branch pipes 0.5, 1 and 2 meters long and are used to move air flows.
  • Couplings. With their help, individual sections are collected into a single whole.
  • Swivel outlets. Redirect the flow in the right direction.
  • Check valve. Prevents the return of exhaust air.
  • Brackets, fasteners. Installed on the walls and ceiling, they hold the entire structure.

To organize an effective exhaust hood in the bathroom, toilet, there are enough fans, to which the main requirement is presented - the noise level is not higher than 35 dB. Devices on bearings have a large resource, and on bushings they are quieter in operation and more affordable.

Axial type fans have an average noise level and are well suited for installation in a ductless system. The centrifugal device is louder than the rest, but has a high performance. Paying attention to the listed characteristics, products of the centrifugal-axial type, which are characterized by low weight, noiselessness and high efficiency, look more attractive.

Several types of connection are common - to a light switch, a separate switch, which is located near the device on the wall (or on its body), using a motion sensor. The latter is triggered when someone enters the room.

Using a filtration system improves the quality of the incoming air, but it needs constant maintenance and increases operating costs. The filter must be periodically checked for contamination and changed, as accumulated substances can provoke the growth of dangerous bacteria and organisms.

For this reason, on forced ventilation it is recommended to install air humidity sensors, especially in the bathroom. Then the mechanism will be triggered when the specified parameter is reached.

If the installation of forced ventilation is planned only in the bathroom, and the rest of the rooms are simply subject to ventilation, then for these purposes it is advisable to install a ductless system with a fan inserted into it. It is fixed to special mounting terminals and connected to the power supply using a two-wire wire.

The arrangement of forced-type ventilation throughout the house requires the purchase of special equipment - a special unit responsible for supplying, extracting, cleaning, filtering and heating air. The installation site is an attic or technical room. Power is calculated by the number of residents based on the size of the house and the material of the walls, but on average this figure is 200-600 m3 / h.

Air ducts are assembled by the constructor method, using ready-made sections, adapters. As far as possible, they are hidden from the eyes behind hanging, stretch ceilings, taken to the attic. If everything is assembled correctly, then normally working ventilation will provide good air exchange not only in the bathroom, toilet, but throughout the house, and, maintaining the required level of humidity, will reduce the likelihood of mold and mildew on the walls.

All bathrooms in apartments and private houses are characterized by high humidity with constant temperature changes. If the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is calculated or done incorrectly, then mold will appear in them. And often natural air exchange for these rooms is not enough. Then you have to install a forced-type ventilation system with various fans. Otherwise, without additional ventilation, the walls in such rooms risk quickly turning into a fungal farm.

The main types of ventilation

Ventilation in the bathroom can be:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The first works due to ordinary air convection. Heated air masses naturally rise to the ceiling of the bathroom. Moreover, if there is a vent in the upper part of the bathroom or toilet with access to the ventilation duct, then the air goes further up. And instead of its departed volumes, new ones are drawn in through the door, which creates a natural draft in the room. As a result, there is a constant air exchange.

Air circulation with natural ventilation

The second works thanks to the presence of a fan that draws in or supplies additional air to the bathroom. Forced ventilation is arranged where the natural analogue cannot cope with the proper volumes of air exchange. At the same time, such systems are energy-dependent. It is recommended to choose them for installation in a home bathroom only as a last resort.

The principle of operation of forced ventilation

Forced ventilation is divided into three types:

  1. Supply.
  2. Exhaust.
  3. Combined (supply and exhaust).

In the first case, air is supplied to the room from the ventilation duct through a running fan. In the second, it is forced, on the contrary, to be pulled out (sucked out) from the toilet and bathroom into the ventilation shaft. The third option is a combination of the first two ventilations.

Scheme of installation of wall and ceiling ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Ventilation and equipment of ventilation systems

Conventional ventilation in the bathroom and toilet includes a ventilation duct to a common shaft (riser) and a grate on the wall. Plus, in addition to this, filters are often placed in the duct. But if ventilation system is forced, then it must have a fan. A control unit and other automation are already being added to this equipment.

If exhaust or supply ventilation is selected for installation, then one ventilation duct is enough. However, for a combined supply and exhaust variant of separate air ducts between the bathroom and the street, two are required. One will be the influx of air, and the other will be its exhaust.

Design options with axial or duct fan

Duct fans for forced ventilation systems are:

  • axial - air movement occurs along the axis of the electric motor;
  • radial - the air flow inside is created with an inclination to the axis by special working blades bent forward or backward;
  • centrifugal - air flow is formed by creating a pressure difference inside the housing.

The easiest way is to mount an axial fan, which often comes in a single kit with a ventilation grill. It is also the easiest to maintain during the further operation of ventilation. The radial version is usually placed inside the duct at a certain distance from the grate, so there is less noise from it.

Types of axial fans for forced ventilation

The centrifugal analogue differs from them in increased efficiency and low power consumption. If you want to make ventilation in the bathroom of a large area (more than 15 squares), then it is better to install this particular fan.

The supply system is also equipped with an electric heater or a heat exchanger. She takes air for supply from the street, where it is initially cold. Therefore, in order not to have to add heating power, these air masses are preheated a little in the ventilation duct.

Installation of forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet of the apartment is most often carried out in the exhaust version. To do this, a small axial fan of the required power is placed in the existing ventilation duct and fixed there. Air ducts already exist, it is impossible to expand or completely replace them with new ones. If necessary, it remains only to install an exhaust fan in them.

Scheme of installation of forced ventilation with a common ventilation shaft

For the cottage, you can choose any type of ventilation in the bathroom. But even here, if the house has already been built, then in most cases a system with a conventional channel hood is installed. It is easier and cheaper than others to do it yourself. This is not water supply from a well, for the device of which you need to invite installers with special equipment. Here you can do it yourself.

Fan wiring diagram

If the bathroom already has natural ventilation, then it is not difficult to supplement it with an electric fan to increase efficiency. It is only necessary to correctly calculate its power.

To install an axial duct fan, you must:

  1. Remove ventilation grille.
  2. Clean the air duct from dust and dirt.
  3. Spread the fan housing with polymer glue and put it in place in the channel.
  4. Connect the electrical wiring to this device.
  5. Install mosquito net and front cover.

Electrical diagram of a bathroom with forced ventilation

If there are no ventilation ducts in the room, then you will have to punch them. However, first you need to correctly calculate their size and location. In such a situation, it is better to entrust the design of ventilation for the bathroom to a professional. Here it will be necessary to take into account the air exchange throughout the house, and not just in the bathroom. Without proper knowledge, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make calculations correctly and accurately.

Ventilation system mounting options

If you have to do everything yourself, then you can achieve maximum traction in the ventilation duct if you place the grate under the ceiling opposite the front door. This is how ventilation in toilets is most often equipped.

Ventilation should be built so that the air ducts have a minimum of bends inside. The fan installed inside must exactly fit the ventilation duct in size so that it does not create unnecessary noise and works with maximum efficiency.

Structural elements for ventilation installation

Also, do not place ventilation equipment near heating devices. The fan itself heats up during operation, additional heat from other devices is contraindicated for it.

Toilet and bathroom in wooden house more than other rooms suffer from stagnation of air. With insufficient ventilation of the bathroom and bathroom, condensate accumulates on the pipes, and mold settles in blind corners. Annoying a person unpleasant odors and dampness cause a natural desire to get rid of them as soon as possible. How to achieve pleasant fresh air in the interior of a private wooden house?

We invite you to find out how ventilation is done in the bathroom with your own hands. Once you've received the theoretical guidance, you'll feel the urge to arm yourself with the tools and get down to practical action immediately.

Features of a bathroom in a private house

Wooden house bathroom

It is not appropriate for residents of city apartments to think about where sewage flows and how air is cleaned. Unlike them, the owner of the mansion is obliged to equip the ventilation of the bathroom in his private house on his own.

It is necessary to plan in advance what type of bathroom to build, based on the presence or absence of a centralized sewer system in the area.

You, as the owner of the house, will have to decide at the initial stage of construction whether forced ventilation of the bathroom is needed, or natural enough. To do this, simple calculations should be made so that the efficiency of air exchange complies with the norms of SNiP for ventilation of bathrooms.

But before you start building a ventilation system for a bathroom in a wooden house with your own hands, you first have to:

Ventilation of a bathroom in a modern wooden house

In an ancient era, there was no such thing as ventilation of latrines, but in log houses the Russian stove served as a means of natural air purification. The stagnant air, along with the smells of the garbage pail, was drawn into the stove blew and carried out through the chimney.

Current building technologies deprive the walls of wooden frame house the ability to "breathe". And hermetic double-glazed windows even more so turn the dwelling into a kind of space station. To ventilate rooms, you can install windows with ventilation holes, but this method is not suitable for effective ventilation of a bathroom in a private house.

To be sure to get rid of stale air, you will have to make artificial ventilation in the bathroom with your own hands. Its essence is that the exhaust fan is built into the system, and it greatly enhances air exchange. The best option is to install a central fan in the attic. Additionally, you can equip the system with air condition sensors to optimize the fan operation.

A wooden house will shrink over time and its structures can move and damage the elements of the ventilation system. Consider this feature, and leave expansion gaps when laying air ducts.

When developing a ventilation system project, it is necessary to solve the issue of combining air ducts. For example, ventilation of bathrooms in public buildings should be carried out only by an independent system, and it is forbidden to combine it with a common one according to the norms of SNiP ventilation of bathrooms. But in private homes, such a precaution is unnecessary. It is enough to install a non-return valve on the ventilation duct, and the path to the living quarters will be cut off for smells from the toilet.

A good example of a combination of air ducts can serve as a bathroom, equipped as a backlash closet.

Backlash closet and elimination of odors from it

Toilets of this design are often seen in homes that do not have a sewer connection. Backlash-closet is one of the premises of the house, under which is arranged cesspool for impurities. Build exhaust ventilation such a bathroom in a wooden house with your own hands is not difficult at all.

The principle of operation of the ventilation of a bathroom in a private house with a backlash closet is extremely simple. A vertical pipe, the so-called backlash channel, creates a draft so that the air from the restroom is drawn out. Traditionally, the backlash closet was built close to the stove, and the exhaust duct was built into the chimney masonry. Thus, the problems of heating the toilet and its ventilation were simultaneously solved.

If you decide to build a backlash closet in your house, take into account the following:

Determine the height of the ventilation pipe according to the same rules as the stove - the higher the better. Install a TsAGI deflector on its head to increase the upward air flow in the pipe due to the wind.

To ensure good traction during the period when the stove is not heated, you can install a low-power fan in the backlash channel and turn it on as necessary. A stylish ventilation grill with a fan in the bathroom will also serve as an interior decoration.

Air exchange calculation

Construction and sanitary standards strictly regulate the intensity of air exchange in the premises. In particular, the ventilation of bathrooms in public buildings must certainly be arranged according to the exhaust system and provide at least five air exchanges. This value shows that within an hour the air in the room should be completely updated five times.

For different types Room regulations vary, but there are some general guidelines.

The device of the ventilation system of the bathroom

It will be easiest for you to equip with your own hands the natural ventilation of a bathroom in a wooden house. To do this, make ventilation holes at the bottom and top of the walls of the room and equip them with gratings.

If natural ventilation is not enough, you will have to do forced ventilation in the bathroom of a wooden house. The air circulation in the system will be enhanced by the action of the fan, and odors and fumes will be removed through the network of ventilation ducts.

You can install a fan in the attic, and it will be common to the entire system. When installing it, observe the following safety measures:

  • use only specialized fans with an increased fire protection class;
  • place the air duct with the fan not on a wooden attic flooring, but on metal stands;
  • for use in a wooden house, purchase air ducts only from non-combustible materials;
  • If possible, the ventilation grill with a fan in your bathroom should be equipped with a fire damper.

V small house it is enough to put the fan right in the bathroom, at the air outlet to the ventilation duct. For convenience and energy savings, you can combine turning on the fan with lighting.

System health check

After installing the ventilation of the bathroom, it's time to check if it is functioning correctly. Light a match or candle and bring it close to the vent. With good draft, the flame will flutter and deviate towards the hole. The traction force should not decrease significantly even with the windows closed.

Following the recommendations, you will definitely be able to mount a bathroom ventilation system in a wooden house with your own hands! From now on, all the inhabitants of your home will be able to fully inhale life-giving streams fresh air.

How to make a hood in a private house so that it is fresh, dry and warm? In the toilet and bathroom, this issue is especially relevant. Consider the device of a forced exhaust system with your own hands. The material is provided with video and photo instructions.

Natural air exchange is possible due to the difference in density and temperature of the air inside and outside the house. Traction force is influenced by:

  • channel sections;
  • the presence of turns;
  • direction and strength of the wind;
  • system insulation, etc.

This type of ventilation is a specially arranged vertical channels. The system gained popularity thanks to the relatively low price and simplicity of design. The absence of complex elements and mechanical parts determines the reliability of natural ventilation.

Comparison of the operation of ventilation systems in the house

Maintenance of the system is reduced only to periodic inspections to reduce heat loss. Fresh outdoor air warms up faster. The flow in the natural ventilation system is not regulated. This can worsen the microclimate. Operation is virtually silent.

Natural extraction also has a number of disadvantages. For example, depending on the weather. In the summer heat, when the air temperature outside can be higher than in the house, such ventilation does not cope with its direct task. And in winter there are significant heat losses. Insects or street dust can also enter the room.

When choosing the diameter of the ventilation ducts, it is necessary to take into account the amount of air exchange. For a toilet, 30 cubic meters per hour is considered sufficient, for a bathroom 50 cubic meters. at one o'clock.

Forced ventilation

The supply and exhaust system of forced ventilation includes a heat exchanger, filters and fans. The clean air coming from the street is heated if necessary and distributed to the rooms. And the contaminated one is forcibly sucked out. This type of ventilation is characterized by high efficiency and productivity.

Forced ventilation

To organize the exhaust in the toilet and bathroom, fans with bearings or bushings are used. The second option is preferable, since such a device is quieter and has a more affordable price. It is common to connect a fan to a light switch. Then the hood will start functioning as soon as the light comes on. Or they mount a separate switch for ventilation, placing it on the wall or on the device case.

Important! Equipping the input street channel of the ventilation system with filters, constant care is required. They need to be changed regularly, because a dirty filter will not allow enough fresh air to enter the room. And the substances accumulated in it can become a source of reproduction of bacteria and harmful organisms.

Modern technologies make it possible to equip forced ventilation with air humidity sensors. In this case, the mechanism will work as soon as the moisture content indicator reaches the specified parameter. But besides convenience, this option also has a disadvantage. For example, the hood may work while bathing a child, creating an unnecessary draft. There are also ventilation with a motion sensor. They are triggered when someone enters the room. The principle of operation is the same as when connected to a light switch, but the cost of the sensor is much higher.

Advice. Additionally, the ventilation system of the bathroom and toilet can be equipped with timers. Those. there is a possibility of delaying shutdown after leaving the bathroom.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation

When choosing a fan, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the noise level does not exceed 35 dB.

Duct centrifugal blower with reduced noise level

By design, fans can be:

  • axial;
  • centrifugal;
  • centrifugal-axial;
  • diametrical.

The first type of fans is mounted if the system is without channels. The centrifugal device has the highest performance, but also works louder than others. The centrifugal axial fan features light weight, quiet operation and high efficiency. The air duct for a private house can be in the form of:

  • corrugated pipe;
  • profile boxes;
  • round or rectangular plastic product.

Exhaust centrifugal fan

If forced ventilation is organized only in the bathroom, and all other rooms are planned to be ventilated, then it is advisable to mount a simple ductless system. Turn off the electricity before installing the fan. Usually, the device has special terminals for mounting. Screwing something with self-tapping screws is usually not required. Connection to the power supply network is carried out using a new two-wire wire.

But if you need to provide forced ventilation throughout the house, you need to purchase special equipment. It is most often located in the attic or in technical rooms. It is a unit that provides the supply of clean air and the removal of polluted air, filtration, heating. You can calculate the power based on the number of residents, the size of the house, the material of the walls. Usually 150-600 m3/h is sufficient. Modern air ducts are assembled according to the principle of a designer and can be masked by suspended or stretch ceilings.

Fan with check valve

Properly functioning ventilation is of great importance for the microclimate of the house. Good air exchange in the bathroom and toilet is especially important. After all, the doors in these rooms are often kept closed, and the level of humidity is high. To avoid the appearance of mold on the walls, fungus and other troubles, you need to take care of a high-quality exhaust system.