Cross-shaped locks for entrance doors device drawings. Door lock: device design

  • 01.06.2019

There are many types of locks on the market of locking mechanisms: lever, crossbar, electronic. A common model is a mortise door lock with a cylindrical mechanism, due to its high degree of security, maintainability and affordable price.

What is a cylinder lock, types of structure

According to the GOST standard, a cylinder lock is: “a mechanism that moves and fixes the bolt of the lock in working positions and ensures the secrecy of the lock by means of a secrecy mechanism, i.e. a set of certain combinations of pins (plates, discs) corresponding to their own key. "

These mechanisms have different shapes:

  • Cylinder.
  • A circle.
  • A drop.
  • Triangle.

On the door hardware market, there are cylinders with a European standard mechanism: they have a certain size and are made of brass profiles. Hulls are made for them.

The cylinder mechanism is of two types:

  • Pin.
  • Disk.

Pin cylinder lock device

Pin lock, mortise cylinder (larva, snail) is a mechanism based on a core, with a connector. It has code channels, in which the code pins are located (their height determines the number of slots on the key) and a spring that pushes the code pins out of the channel. The code pins are located in the profile, thanks to which they do not fly out. There are also support pins.

When the key hits the hole, each slot corresponds to a code pin, which is recessed to a certain depth (height). When unlocked, the key and support pins line up straight between the body and the core, and it (the core) easily pivots. In this case, the code elements remain in the core, supporting elements with springs - in the body. That's the whole principle of work.

The cylinder shape (cylinder) adopted by the European standard is called: DIN-standard mechanism.

Details of the pin cylinder lock:

  • The case is the outer part of the lock, in which all the details are located.
  • The key is an independent unlocking part, with the help of which the secret is revealed when the leash is turned.
  • The cylinder or rotor is a replaceable part of the lock with a connector. There are pins in it.
  • Code pins or pins are parts of the locking mechanism.
  • Locking pins or pins - together with code pins, block the rotor.
  • Return springs - they are used to lock the pins.
  • Leash - with its help the bolt moves.

Disk cylinder lock device

A disc door lock is a type of cylinder device, the mechanism of which is represented by a set of discs. Each disc has a unique cutout shape. The corresponding slots are made on the key.

When unlocked, the mechanism discs move deeper towards the core. If the key fits, it turns easily. The secret of the lock places the discs at a certain angle, their indentations create a channel with a balance - the twist and the bolt moves.

The key is a long sawn bar with slots, it is also called a semicircular key.

Cylinder padlocks with such a mechanism are less susceptible to freezing. It is not recommended to install the mortise disk lock outdoors. They are suitable for heavy-duty canvases. Suitable for entrance and interior doors made of metal, wood, plastic, glass.

Cylinder types

There are several classifications for different reasons.

By location on the canvas:

  • Invoice - has one connector. On the other side is the handle.
  • Mortise door lock - its connector is through, that is, the key can be used from both sides. The cylinders of this lock are of two types: key + key, key + handle. The second type (with handles) is more convenient, but the first type is safer: if with inside insert the key into the socket, the lock cannot be opened from the outside.

In addition to these characteristics, there are cylinders of different lengths, the size depends on the thickness of the web. When buying, you need to consider the size or you may encounter the following problems:

  • Small cylinder - will be located deep in the body. This is ugly and inconvenient - the door or it will be difficult to open, because the key will not reach the device mechanism.
  • Large cylinder - if it protrudes beyond the edges of the connector, it will make it easier for intruders to break it. If armor plates are installed in the body, the cylinder will not fit into the connector.

Cylinders are classified according to their location on the body: central and extreme.

Latch Cylinder Locks

The latch lock is functional and easy to use.

Cylinder locks with latch latches are mechanically closed. It is an auxiliary element of the locking mechanism. The latch is available with and without a tongue lock, with one or two handles. Such locks are often used in residential and industrial premises.

Fale handles are used for entrance and interior doors. There is no functional feature in it, it is rather an element of decor. Convenience is that when changing the interior, so that the locking device fits into the image, it is enough to choose the handle according to the style.

Handles for entrance doors resistant to external influences, made of durable materials (when compared with interior materials).

By the type of pressing the handles are:

  • Push (for entrance doors).
  • Swivel (for interior doors).

The push handle is also suitable for interior designs. The choice depends on the preferences of the buyer.

How to choose a cylinder lock

In addition to such a criterion as the size of the larva, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Protection - you need to ask the sales assistant how strong the material was used to make the lock. The complexity of opening during bumping, drilling, key selection depends on this.
  • Quality - how precisely the mechanism is complex, whether there have been any breakdowns, how much a mortise lock with a latch can be repaired.
  • Additional functionality: recoding, installation of a gear mechanism, "anti-panic" and others.

The safety of the premises depends on how conscientiously the manufacturer adheres to these characteristics. The more reliable the device, the higher its cost, as a rule.

A mortise cylinder lock with a latch is convenient in that, if necessary, it is not necessary to dismantle the entire device - it is enough to replace the cylinder. You can replace the lock cylinder yourself by following the proposed algorithm:

  • Open the door, at the end find a screw on the bar near the cylinder.
  • Remove the screw.
  • If the locks with handles - the cylinder is easy to get, if without - it is necessary to insert the key into the connector, turn it counterclockwise until it stops and pull it towards you.
  • Then move the key and handle slightly in the opposite direction so that the lever goes down - then the cylinder will easily come out of the housing.
  • The new cylinder will fit into the mechanism by the handle, or by the key inserted into it. Monitor the position of the lever - it must be completely secret.
  • Try to close the mortise lock with a latch by moving the top and back so that it closes freely.
  • Replace the screw.
  • Check the work.

To replace the cylinder of the patch lock, the body must be removed from the canvas. Then everything is the same as with the previous one - find the screw, get the old cylinder and replace it with a new mechanism.

How cylinder devices are hacked

Unfortunately, the cylinder of the mortise lock is at the same time its weakest part - attackers use many methods to break the mechanism. Here are some of them:

  • Hacking with a pick: picking up a key to a lock with a modern mechanism is almost impossible, but thieves use special locksmith picks, plus technical devices, such as a bumping machine. True, even this option may turn out to be ineffectual: the technology provides for a complex secret: grooves, grooves. Therefore, to open the mortise mechanism with a latch will take a lot of time, which attackers often do not have.

  • Breaking out the cylinder: a key of a suitable size is selected, which will pass into the well. Then they hit it with a hammer - all the details (pins, pins) are knocked off and the canvas opens. But this method is suitable if the lock is old or made of fragile material. You can protect yourself from such hacking by purchasing a durable mechanism or picking up a lock with a non-standard connector.
  • Drilling - effective method hacking. You can only resist by choosing a device with a mechanism made of high-strength materials.
  • Knocking out: with the help of physical force, improvised materials, the mechanism is broken. The solution is to get sturdy structures.

The strength of the material is the main factor protecting the room from unwanted intrusion. But we must also remember that the mortise lock should be easy to use and last a long time.

Key types for cylinder lock

The cylinder-type mortise lock with a latch is the most common. Such a device is distinguished not only by the type of fastening (mortise, invoice) but also by the type of key. Some are easy to copy, but there are models from which you cannot take an impression, and have millions of combinations.

  • English is not a reliable option because it is a very common form. Due to the simplicity of the device, it is possible to pick a key, which makes it easier for intruders. Easily breakable. Such a lock can be installed at the entrance to a room that has no material values.

More about the features of the cylinder lock watch the video:

  • Finnish key - high rate reliability. The mechanism uses discs with slots, which are code parts. Used in padlocks.
  • Profile key - has high level secrecy, resists master keys, easy to use. Has pins (active and passive), a large number of combinations.
  • High security key - 3D technologies are used in the manufacture of some models. Mechanisms are hard to break and require tools and training.

For modern locks with handles, the latter two types of keys are used more often due to their high degree of reliability.

Locking locks appeared along with the construction of dwellings and the emergence of property stratification in society. As soon as private property arose, it became necessary to protect it. Of course, there are still small settlements of people where there is no question of locking doors, but this is rather an exception. Over a long period of time, the mechanisms blocking the door frame have changed, manufacturers have tried to make the lock more reliable, increasing its blocking properties. But the function of the locking device did not change - locking doors and protecting property.

The structure of the lock mechanism

If you look at various photos door structures, you can see that the locks are installed not only on the front doors, but the interior structures are sometimes also locked.

Any locking device consists of a locking mechanism, a special metal box for locking, a latch and a key object for moving the crossbar.

Depending on the device of the locking device, its functionality is determined. By the method of attachment to the door structure, blocking mechanisms can be:

  • invoices fixed to the inner side of the door;
  • mortise, installed inside the door plate.

The most common door lock device is a mortise lock, the organization of which is built from:

  1. Housings;
  2. Front strip detail;
  3. Drive arm;
  4. Deadbolt with a special latch;
  5. Deadbolt with basic action.

Regardless of the fastening to the doors, the design of modern locking devices includes two components: a secret and an actuator.

With the help of the secret system, the key to the lock is recognized, and the executive component locks.

Types of secrets

  1. Mechanical secrets performed in different options, here are the most important ones:
  2. Cylindrical. This option is based on a special part - a cylinder. It is in its core that there are elements that prevent the lock from being broken - pins. A castle with such a secret is called English and is the most common.
  3. Lever - consists of several teeth on the key, which determine the number of levers.
  4. Code - the structure opens on a set of numbers while entering the key.
  5. Electronic - based on a drive that is built inside.

Types of executive devices

The following systems are used as an actuator:

  1. Electromechanical - electrically driven deadbolt.
  2. Electromagnetic - magnet as a locking mechanism.
  3. Mechanical - locking is carried out with a metal rod that goes into a special groove.

Organization of the lever lock

The reliability of such a locking system depends on the number of plates, the more there are, the more effective the protective function will be.

The suval type system consists of the following elements:

  1. The transverse mechanism of the deadbolt - crossbar;
  2. Metal plate - leveler;
  3. Special key hole.

The principle of operation of this system is that all the plates occupy certain positions, after which it becomes possible to turn the key.

The structure of the cylinder lock system

Such a locking structure can be mortise and overhead, it is a secret mechanism in the core - the larva. Locks of this type can be one-sided and two-sided. The first type can be opened with a key from one side only, the second contains two cylinders. It cannot be opened from the inside without a key.

The work of locking the room with a cylindrical device is reduced to certain actions: the key is inserted into a groove with a limited protrusion, which is located in the cylinder. The cylinder part is always rotating. But only if a suitable key is inserted. The rest of the structure remains stationary - this is the body. The pins, which are lifted by the key, serve as an actuating mechanism. Depending on the position of the pins, our lock will be open or closed. The mechanism is opened only when all encryption elements match.

Interior door lock system

V interroom option locking is not particularly in demand, but if such a design is required, then a special beautiful lock built into the door leaf is chosen, which consists of a swivel plate, a bolt, a spring, a holding lever, a latch, a case cover.

A man leaving his apartment is accustomed to closing it on special mechanism- lock. If earlier the locking systems were simple, today at the time computer technology invisible locks appear that can protect any apartment from burglary. Cheap locking mechanisms are easy to drill and knock out, and the locking system hidden in the canvas works only from the radio frequencies of a special key fob. The lock structure can be complex or simple system, but experience suggests that it is better to choose on door panel one constipation good quality than a few cheap and simple ones.

Door lock must meet the required reliability criteria. The internal structure of the door lock is one of the main factors taken into account when choosing a locking mechanism.

Types of modern castles

Before starting to study the device of the lock, you need to decide on the types of locking devices that can be purchased in stores at the present time.

All locks can be divided into several types:

  • mechanical devices opened with keys;

  • electronic locks that are opened when the locking mechanism is affected by a signal issued by a key fob, card or other device;

  • electromechanical, combining the possibilities of opening with a key and special device giving a certain signal;

Each lock can be made from various materials, and have different degrees of protection. All locks can be divided according to one more feature, namely, by the way they are installed on the door. There are the following types:

  • mortise locks. The main body of the lock is located inside the door leaf. Such locks are used for entrance doors to premises, on interior doors etc. Mortise locks are considered the most resistant to burglary, since it is impossible to get to the working structure without removing the door;

  • overhead locks. The lock body is installed on the door leaf. From the outside, the lock is opened with a key, and from the inside with a latching mechanism;

  • padlocks. Mainly used for utility room doors,. Two metal bows are locked, one of which is attached to the door leaf, and the other to the door jamb.

All types of locks can be coded, mechanical, electronic or electromechanical.

Types of modern locks and their device

The types of locks are determined based on the design of the locking mechanism, while distinguishing between:

  • cylinder locks;
  • lever locks;
  • rack locks.

Cylinder locks

The name of the cylinder locks was obtained based on the type of the working mechanism, which has the shape of a cylinder. A diagram of a cylinder-type door lock is shown in the figure below.

The cylinder mechanism consists of a number of elements:

  • a body made of high-strength steel;
  • key holes;
  • a core in which the pins are located;
  • locking and code pins.

Cylinder locking mechanisms, depending on the location of the pins inside the cylinder, can be:

  • single row - the pins in the locking cylinder are located in one row;
  • double-sided - locking pins are located in two rows. The key to such a lock has double-sided notches;
  • devices with pivoting pins. Unlike the previous types, the pins can not only rise and fall, but also rotate around their axis;
  • cruciform - the keyhole and the key to the lock resemble the shape of a cross. Inside the cylinder, the pins are arranged in three or four rows;
  • devices with conical keys. The pins in the locking cylinder are located in several planes, which gives the device an increased degree of secrecy.

More details about the device and the choice of the cylinder lock can be seen in the video.

Cylinder locks are considered to be quite reliable. The main advantage of this type of locking device is the ability to change the cylinder in case of failure or loss of keys. In this case, there is no need to change the entire lock.

Lever locks

The work of a lever lock is based on placing plates, bearing the name of a lever, in a specific order. Lever type door lock device includes:

  • crossbars, which are activated when the levers are set in a certain order;
  • the plate to which the levers are attached;
  • key hole;
  • the plates themselves.

The more levers a lock has, the higher the degree of its reliability.

Currently, two types of lever locks are produced:

  • with one-way keys. They are the least reliable, therefore they are gradually being discontinued;
  • with double-sided keys. The key, interacting with the locking plates, becomes active from the right, then from the left, which significantly increases the secrecy of the device.

A reliable lever lock must have:

  • at least 6 locking plates. Six levers can be arranged in approximately 100,000 different combinations, and eight have approximately 250,000 variations;
  • additional pads to protect the working mechanism from drilling;
  • reinforced crossbars, not amenable to sawing;
  • false grooves directing the burglar to the wrong definition of the intended structure;
  • replaceable lever block in case of lost keys or additional transcoding option. Recoding can be done without the participation of specialists. To do this, the lock kit must include special key, made in the shape of the letter L and a spare set of keys.

Rack locks

Rack locks do not have a high degree of secrecy. They are used for garage doors, gates, utility rooms.

Rack type door locks scheme includes:

  1. springs that drive the locking bolt;
  2. crossbar. The device is a metal bar rectangular on both sides, on which the grooves are made;
  3. the hole into which the key is inserted;
  4. external bolt.

The deadbolt lock opens when the grooves on the key and the locking latch match. If a match occurs, then when pressed, the bolt is pulled out with a key, as it were. Otherwise, the locking mechanism cannot be moved from its place.

Depending on the type of the lock, it can have one, two or three crossbars. Mechanisms with two locking bars are predominantly used.

The biggest disadvantages of transom locks are low stability to breaking and the high cost of making duplicate keys.

Thus, when choosing a lock, one should be guided by the definition of the internal structure of the locking mechanism, which affects the degree of secrecy. For the greatest protection, experts recommend using several locks and be sure to different types... The optimal combination is the installation of a lever and cylinder lock, and one of them can be mortise, and the other - overhead.

In the classification by the method of fastening to the door, locking devices are divided into 3 types:

  • waybills;
  • mortise;
  • built-in.

Depending on the location, types of secrets and bolts, the mechanism of the lock also varies. Devices for entrance and for interior doors are similar only in a certain operating principle, but in structure they are different elements.

The generalized scheme has the following structure:

  1. Body and cover plate.
  2. Disguise (secret mechanism).
  3. Crossbars (sliding bolts).
  4. Executive device.

Common models include a latch (tongue) and a handle. Regardless of the method of fastening, there are always two components: a secret system that recognizes the key, and an executive component that implements the ability to lock.

Structural door lock mechanism

The following types of secrets are distinguished:

  1. Cylinder. The anti-picking elements are placed inside the cylinder. When the key is immersed in the keyhole, the grooves on it contact the pins, moving them to the level required to shift the cylinder.
  2. Suvaldny. Inside there are plates of complex shape, spring-loaded and placed in one block. The "safe" key, characteristic of this mechanism, has as many teeth as you need to move the lever, the combination of which is individual for each device.
  3. Disk. The section of the key is almost a semicircle with several notches. Inside the secret there are discs that, when turned, release the locking mechanism of the door lock.
  4. Combined. May be present at the same time different kinds secrets. There are versions in which the lever part is placed in the cylinder, which provides better protection from hacking.

As for the actuators, mechanical, electromagnetic and electromechanical principles of closure are distinguished. The most popular is the first option, the work of which is based on the entry of a metal rod from the door into a special groove in the frame.

How does a lever type door lock work?

The main element providing protection against forceful burglary is the bolt shank post. The gap between it and the code slot directly affects the protection function.

The amount of levers depends on the time that can be spent on breaking the door. The most commonly used is the six-plate version. But the more there are, the more reliable. Correct work provide springs to allow the levers to return to their original position.

Armor plates cover the most vulnerable spots, and front side with a frame is not only an element of decor, but also protection against forceful burglary.

The principle of operation of a door lock with a lever secret

The mechanism is based on a set of plates with curly cutouts.

The opening scheme is quite simple: the key with its teeth aligns these levers in a certain position, which allows you to turn and open the system. If at least one of the plates does not fall into its groove, then the mechanism will remain closed.

The key is the carrier of the code for building the desired combination of plates, and a high degree of reliability is ensured by the rather large dimensions of the device and the presence of armor protection. It is very difficult to hack such a system by force.

What are the features of the cylinder type

V general scheme the construction of a door lock of this type has the following structure:

  • disguise;
  • crossbar and latch bolt;
  • body and bezel;
  • lever to control the latch;
  • strike plate, into which the crossbars are immersed when locking.

The cylinder inside the box is “frozen” with code pins. When immersed in the key key slot, it performs the task of arranging their exposure to the required positions, obtaining a dividing line that allows you to unlock the larva and move the crossbars.

Installing a lock on the door

The ability to attach a locking device with your own hands depends on its type and complexity, as well as the material of the door leaf. There are models that come with pockets for a certain type of bolt. And if we are talking about a wooden door and the need to install an internal door lock with your own hands, then you will have to cut out the corresponding holes in it, making accurate measurements and calculations. It is still recommended to contact specialists for installation.

How to make a door lock

There are craftsmen who like to build something non-standard with their own hands. They will come up with an interesting mechanism for the door. The easiest option is to make a regular bolt from available tools. But there are mechanisms that are much more complicated. You can independently make parts of the door lock or a whole electromechanical locking device.

Alternatively, it can have the following construction:

  • bolt;
  • car lock actuator;
  • remote control with a keyboard (or another kind of secret);
  • power unit;
  • a certain set of electronics and components (you can use the Arduino platform and the like).

If you need to make a lock for the box with your own hands, then you can do with the usual mechanical structure in the form of a latch. Or buy ready-made accessories, but install it yourself.

The assortment of shops in Moscow, and in other cities, allows you to find any details, so if you wish, you can not only build the latch yourself, but also a whole door locking mechanism with coded access or even a sensor that reads fingerprints.

On the door hardware market, there are all kinds of locks that differ in external and internal structure. To understand which model to choose for an entrance door, gate or entrance, you need to figure out how different modifications are arranged, which mechanisms give the highest degree of protection, for which tasks they are suitable different options locking systems. All types of locks are usually classified according to two criteria: the method of installation and the locking mechanism.

Depending on the installation technology, there are three types of locks: hinged, mortise, overhead. In addition to the difference in installation, they differ in the degree of protection, which affects the scope of application.

Types of locks

Modifications and applications of padlocks

A padlock is a locking device that is attached to the door by threading the shackle through special holes (lugs). This option is one of the simplest ways to protect yourself. It is easy to use, easy to install and change. Such locks differ among themselves:

  • secrecy mechanism;
  • design;
  • material for the manufacture of the case and bow;
  • the size of the case;
  • diameter and length of the bow;
  • the presence of protection against moisture ingress;
  • the number of keys included.

Padlock types

There are several types of padlocks on sale:

  • open type with a semicircular bow - the simplest device, in the case of which there is a mechanism for the key and holding the bow;
  • mushroom-shaped - models with fixing the bow in one place;
  • half-closed - the loves are protected by lugs, and the fixing part is hidden in the body;
  • closed - the most reliable, since the bow is completely hidden in the case.

Keyless Code Models

The strongest padlocks are made of steel, but they corrode, the solution is stainless steel, the disadvantage is the higher price. The most practical material for manufacturing is cast iron, which does not corrode or deform.

The main disadvantage of mounted modifications is the simplicity of mechanical hacking. To reduce the risk, choose models with a cast body and hardened temples.

Another way to protect the premises from third-party intrusion is a model with an alarm. This type of device has a built-in sensor that reacts (siren sounds) when you try to break the bow or when struck, runs on battery power.

Areas of application of hinged locks: suitcases, mailboxes and other boxes, basements, garages, warehouses, that is, everywhere. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Installation of a mortise locking device in the wicket door

Mortise locks for doors and their degrees of protection

Mortise locks are the most popular, they are mounted directly inside the door leaf without breaking it appearance... The disadvantages of mortise mechanisms include complexity self installation.

This option is considered the most suitable for installation in metal doors. When inserting, the mechanism is close to outer surface door leaf, making it more accessible to intruders. If the lock is cut into a wooden door, it becomes possible to drill, while when installed in a metal door, it is protected by a sheet of metal. Installation also provides for the installation of additional protective elements (plates) to reduce the likelihood of burglary.

Popular models of door locks

In terms of resistance to burglary, this type of locks for entrance doors is classified into 4 classes, depending on how long it will take to open it:

  • first class - less than 5 minutes (suitable for installation in interior doors, rooms without material assets);
  • the second - more than 5 minutes (suitable for installation on apartment entrance doors, protective properties - average);
  • the third - 15 minutes (suitable for locking rooms with valuables inside, the protective properties are increased);
  • the fourth - 30 minutes (suitable for locking the doors of rooms in which there are values ​​of great value, the protective properties are high).

Example of a certificate of conformity for a mortise lock indicating the security class

In addition to resistance to opening, the mechanism is tested for secrecy, reliability and durability. Based on all these indicators, the final security class is assigned to the lock.

Interior models with decorative handles

Locks for interior doors - a type of mortise

All types of interior locks can be classified:

  1. Latches. They do not provide for locking the door, but simply fix it in the closed position with a tongue.
  2. Mechanisms with a latch, locked on one side by pressing a button or turning the handle.
  3. Locks that open and close with a key. Installed in a room where access to unauthorized persons should be limited. Depending on the type of locking mechanism, the degree of protection will differ.
  4. Electromagnetic. Depend on uninterrupted power supply, but have the ability to provide information to the owner about the frequency and time of entry.

Mechanism options

Overhead locks - advantages and disadvantages

Surface locks are installed directly on the door leaf from the inside, so the locking mechanism is located away from the outer surface of the door. Cover devices are suitable for installation on both wooden and metal doors.


  • the possibility of installation without the involvement of a professional;
  • installation, repair, replacement without violating the integrity of the door leaf;
  • the ability to open the door from the inside with a rotary handle;
  • admissibility of using both the main and additional locking device.


  • impossibility of installation on doors with a double rebate;
  • ease of opening from the inside (if an intruder entered the room through the window, he can easily exit through the door).

Surface mounted disc lock

Security classes are assigned to surface locks as well as mortise locks.

Classification of locks by the type of locking mechanism

In addition to the fastening technology, locking devices are also classified according to the type of locking mechanism, which can be called a key indicator that affects reliability. Mortise, overhead and even mounted modifications may differ in their internal structure, depending on the built-in mechanism.

Lock for iron door

Crossbar locks - unreliable protection

Crossbar (rack) lock is simple device, inside which there is a crossbar (rail) with teeth and turned grooves. The set includes a long key with grooves that match when inserted into the keyhole.

Unlike other types of locks, where unlocking occurs by turning, the crossbar opens by pressing the key into the keyhole. At the same time, the spring is compressed inside the device and the locking rail is shifted to the side.

The bolt mechanism belongs to the first class of safety, that is, it has low protective properties. It is believed that this lock can be opened with a pencil, so it should not be used to lock rooms that contain something of value.

Scope of application: wickets, gates, driveways, utility rooms, any premises in which there are no particularly valuable things.

Bolt lock device

Types of cylinder locks and their features

Among the popular cylinder locks, the following types can be distinguished:

  • disk;
  • pin;
  • framework.

Disc mechanism

Disc locking devices were developed by the Finnish company Abloy, therefore they are often called Finnish, or abloy, regardless of who the manufacturer is.

Inside the body, in a special cylinder, there are disks with free rotation relative to each other. Each disc has a hole into which a key is inserted, as well as a groove for a special balance rod. When the "native" key is inserted into the well, the disks are turned and the grooves of each line up in one row, forming a place for the entry of the balance rod. The cylinder with discs rotates and the bolt opens.

If there is an attempt to open the mechanism with another key, the discs do not rotate, a "groove" for the rod is not formed. The rod turns out to be clamped between the discs and the cylinder wall, the cylinder does not rotate, the opening does not occur.

The more discs in the cylinder, the more reliable device... Class 1-2 disc mechanisms are often used in interior doors, with a higher degree of reliability in other rooms, but as a rule they are an additional protection device.

The components of the locking mechanism of the pin cylinder lock are spring pins, which, by inserting the "native" key, line up in the desired position and enable it to turn.

The device of the pin cylinder locking mechanism

English door locks - pin with a cylinder mechanism, can be installed in metal and wooden doors, used as primary and secondary protection. There are many larvae on the market with varying degrees of protection, the most reliable are those in which several types of secret mechanisms are used at once.

The main disadvantage of cylinder mechanisms is the possibility of knocking out the larva. Therefore, this type of locks is recommended to be installed on the front door complete with special protection cylinder (protector). The protector can be applied or cut-in.

Lever locks and their varieties

The secret part of the lever lock is the plates (levers), in which special curly cutouts are made. The set includes a key with barbs, each of which is designed for a separate levers. When the key is turned, the protrusions of each barb are pressed on the plates, and they, in turn, move to a predetermined individual distance. Opening occurs if all plates occupy correct position.

By the type of installation, lever locks are mortise or overhead locks. Overhead - good decision for garage premises, mortise - for apartment entrance doors.

Important characteristics of the lever locking device:

  • the number of levers (6 levers are more than 100 thousand different combinations);
  • number of crossbars;
  • the material of the sliding parts (crossbars) must be resistant to sawing (hardened steel);
  • the size of the lock should allow installation in the desired (existing) door.

Lever type door locks

Lever devices are often installed in combination with other systems. Wherein fixed species locks can be dependent (one blocks the other) and independent.

To prevent drilling of the bolt post, the entire structure of the lock can be protected by special armored plates.

Code mechanisms and their scope

Push-button combination locks are used to lock driveways, gates, and various rooms inside the building. One of the main advantages of the code mechanism is the absence of the need to use a key, but as for the degree of protection, it is not great.

Disadvantages: The buttons are often stuck and erased, which allows the computation of a possible code. Therefore, for greater reliability, it is necessary to carry out recoding regularly. In frosty weather, mechanisms often refuse to work.

Another type of combination lock is a roller lock, which is opened by turning the drum rollers with numbers or letters. This mechanism is even more vulnerable and short-lived under intensive exploitation.

Coded push-button lock

Modern electromagnetic access systems

Electromagnetic locking devices do not have standard locking elements such as crossbars. This type of locks is locked by the action of the force of electromagnetic attraction, therefore it is much more difficult to break the door.

Mortise electromagnetic locks are considered reliable. If it is not possible to embed, you can use the invoice, but the most reliable is recognized as half embedded.

When buying, pay attention to the following characteristics:

Electromagnetic door lock

Disadvantage: when the power supply is cut off, the lock opens. In this regard, models have been developed with a sensor that monitors the power supply from the mains and the tightness of the door clamp. In case of violation, the sensor sends a signal to the security service and the owner.

Electromechanical locks with solenoid and motor drive type

In terms of their internal structure, electromechanical locks do not differ much from traditional mechanical ones. The main difference is the possibility of remote opening and closing. For installation, there are mortise and overhead. Mortise is considered more reliable, since it is more protected from third-party access to the mechanism.

Electromechanical locks are classified according to the type of drive: solenoid and motor.

  • In places of heavy traffic, as a rule, a lock with a solenoid type of drive is installed, since its standard position is open, and when an electric signal is applied, it closes.
  • In the case of a motor drive type, the lock is closed in the standard position; when voltage is applied, it opens. It is forbidden to install such devices on doors located on the way of emergency evacuation of people.

Electromechanical padlock

If you need outdoor installation, you should choose models for outdoor use that are resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.

Invisible lock for maximum protection

For additional protection of the premises from third-party penetration, a model of an electromechanical lock with an invisible installation, that is, without a keyhole, has been developed. This type of door locks is used as an addition to other locking devices. After installation, the installation area is not visible either from the inside or from the outside. It is necessary to install in high quality metal door no gaps between the box.


  • the ability to work without external source food;
  • invisible installation;
  • impossibility of mechanical impact;
  • remote control.

Electromechanical invisible lock

When choosing a locking device, always consider the area of ​​application. Do not forget that the degree of protection of the room depends not only on the type of lock, but also on the quality of its installation, as well as on the quality of the door. If the door is not installed correctly, there is a skew. door frame, then no lock can provide reliable protection.