How to open any lock using improvised means? How does the interroom door lock work? How does the door lock work?

  • 13.06.2019

In almost every apartment or house, interior doors have locks of various designs. At first glance, it seems, why do we need such a lock, and even on the doors separating their own rooms? But as they say, there are all sorts of cases, and as marketing statistics show, more and more people order the installation of interior doors with locks.

Various additional elements can be included with locking devices, such as handles, unlocking devices, remotes remote control, all this creates additional convenience in working with the lock. It should be noted that such a locking device is constantly in use and it will have to be periodically cleaned and lubricated in order to avoid its failure, and for this you need to know the lock device interior door which will be the subject of our discussion today.

What locks are used on interior doors?

For some reason, most of the inhabitants believe that nothing is installed in interior doors except for the simplest mechanical locks. But really, why mount a reliable lock in such a door, because no one will crack it different ways, its task is, like a simple latch, to indicate that the door is closed and you should not try to enter the room.

In fact, the locks of the most different types and the point here is not in burglary resistance, but in the features and ease of use. Of course, you can’t install bulky overhead locks on an elegant interior door, but no one has yet canceled compact mortise options for locking devices. So, what types of locks are suitable for installation in interior doors?

  • Indisputable superiority for mechanical locks. They are installed on interior doors most often, since they are the cheapest and their service life is quite long. If the owner does not have any special requirements for managing the door leaf, then a mechanical locking device is the most reasonable choice.
  • Electromechanical locks have recently been used on interior doors more and more often. Their advantages are ease of control, including the possibility of remote opening and closing. Oddly enough, they serve longer than mechanical locks, although the price of such locking devices is not at all low.
  • Electromagnetic locks on interior doors have recently been often installed in communal apartments. Consumers find it convenient to use such a lock to restrict access to premises common use, for example, to the kitchen. At the same time, the electromagnetic locking device for interior doors looks compact and aesthetically pleasing, it is operated for a long time even in conditions of significant traffic.

In addition to these types of locking devices, permanent magnet locks are installed on interior doors. This, I must say, is quite exotic and rare devices. Experts do not recommend using them because of an unpleasant drawback, which is expressed in residual magnetization, due to which the mechanism is unstable.

Very often, the opening mechanism or the handles of such locks break when the magnet is unlocked from the counterpart. Due to the complexity of the design, high cost and short service life, we also do not recommend that you install such a lock and we will not talk about it further.

Mechanical locks in interior doors and their device

As we have already noted, mechanical locks in interior doors are very common. Precisely because of their popularity with consumers, quite a large number of companies manufacture and sell such devices. Moreover, each of the commercially available mechanical locks has its own design features. As part of this paragraph, we will consider the device of a popular mortise mechanical lock with an “L” shaped handle, which may already be installed in your interior door. This castle consists of the following elements:

  1. face plate;
  2. latch and its springs;
  3. handle springs;
  4. tetrahedral hole for the handle;
  5. latch lever and lever arm;
  6. locking device with a spring;
  7. crossbar;
  8. body of the locking device;
  9. secrecy mechanism;
  10. mounting holes and mounting screws.

Components of electromechanical locks used in interior doors

Mortise electromechanical locks for interior doors require, in addition to high-quality installation, electrical communications. Such a locking device consists of the following elements:

The device of electromagnetic locks

The electromagnetic lock installed on interior doors is quite simple. The most complex part of it is represented by a control element, the scheme of which will not be considered within the framework of this text, since this is the subject of a separate article. The components of an electromagnetic lock are:

  1. Control block;
  2. reed switches made of transformer steel;
  3. dielectric case;
  4. winding;
  5. a steel plate that plays the role of a counterpart;
  6. pen;
  7. socket for power supply.

Operation and maintenance of interior door locks

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the following thought. No matter how expensive and perfect your lock “standing on guard” of an interior door is, you should not forget about caring for it.

After all, there is nothing more detrimental to a locking device than room dust, lack of sufficient lubrication and loose fittings. As practice shows, you need to spend about 20-30 minutes to remove the lock case, clean and lubricate the mechanism, tighten the loose fasteners and assemble the device back. Do this procedure once a year, thus you will avoid trouble with a serious breakdown and replacement of the interior lock.

You can not get into the apartment, can happen to each of us. Therefore, in such a case, you need to know how to open the lock without a key and what is needed for this.

If the key is missing

So, there are no keys anywhere, neither in your pocket, nor in your bag. What to do? After all, the lock on the door was created specifically to with bare hands do not open it.

Of course, the most reliable and easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that specializes in opening doors. There are these in every city. In order for you to be helped to get into the apartment, you must present to the specialists any evidence of your residence in the dwelling. For example, a passport, which indicates the place of your registration, etc.

However, if for some reason you cannot use the services of professionals, it remains only to try to open the door lock without a key, using improvised means. For example, use a master key. Such a tool can be easily purchased at a specialized store, and anyone can use it, even those who have never tried to open locks. But not everyone carries a master key with them. But hairpins or paper clips are another matter.

We make a "master key"

In order to build a master key, you will need two regular paper clips.

Bend the long end of the paper clip and straighten it. You should end up with a straight wire. Some advise bending the tip of the wire to make it easier to press the pins. But this is optional.


Now you need to make a tensioner, the task of which is to turn the lock. With it, you will press on the cylinder, and with another paper clip - at the same time - put the pins in place. There are two ways to make a tensioner from a paper clip.

The first, simpler one: straighten the long end of the paper clip at a right angle. Thus, you will get the basis for a working tensioner, but not a very good master key.

The second, a little more difficult: completely unbend the ends of the paper clip so that the wire is bent in the middle and the ends converge. In this case, one of them should be slightly shorter than the other. Then the longer part must be bent again at a right angle, about a centimeter from the tip.

How to open a lock without a key with a pick

Insert the tensioner into the keyhole and press in a circle. You need to pull in the direction in which the lock turns. If you don't remember it, then the odds are 50:50. Try first moving the paperclip in right side. As a rule, in most locks the key turns clockwise. But there are exceptions.

Those who have sensitive enough hands will be able to feel the right direction for themselves. If you do everything right, then when turning the paper clip will meet less resistance than if the wrong direction is chosen. Remember that it is very important that a slight tension is present during operation.

After deciding on the direction, fix the pressure, and try to find the pins with another paper clip. Most locks have five pins that, when properly set, open the mechanism.

Starting at the back of the keyhole, press the pins in order. You must record each of them. At the same time, slowly wind the tensioner. If the pin is in the correct position, a slight click will be heard. Or you will catch a slight movement. Gently wiggle the pick until you feel that all the pins are in place. After that, turn the tensioner in the right direction, and ... the lock will open.

Cylinder locks

How to open a lock without a key if you have a set of ordinary tools at hand? It all depends on the type and structure of the mechanism. So, if you have a conventional mortise lock in front of you, equipped with a cruciform cylinder, you need to use a drill. Start by drilling a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a pick, lift the stopper and move the hook of the deadbolt.

Another lock with a simple mechanism is a cylinder with pins. If you have a drill at hand, then the matter becomes quite easy. Make a small hole in the cylinder itself, insert a master key into it and, turning, open the lock.

The padlock

Now let's talk about how to open a padlock. Without a key, there are two ways to deal with such a mechanism. The first is to try to line up all the pins with the help of a master key, as already described above, which is not easy enough for those who have never done this. The second way is to remove the lock. Let's consider a simpler option.

So, how to remove the lock without a key? To do this, you need a regular crowbar.

Direct all your strength to the weak point of the lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. Press down.

If there is not enough strength, you can use a special file for metal, a hacksaw or long wire cutters. Sawing a two-centimeter shackle takes about ten minutes, so you won't spend much time.

rack locks

Such locks are most often used in gates, fences, garages. Opening methods are universal, primitive and come down to shifting the rails in turn. There are several ways.

  1. Use a fishing line or guitar string. Insert a screwdriver into the gap between the jamb and the door. Press the door hard. From a fishing line or string you need to make a loop. Slide it through the keyhole and circle around the pins (which are used to allow the lock to open from the inside). Then gently pull the loop towards you. The rails should move away and the door should open.
  2. How to open a lock without a key with a pencil or a carrot? Easy! Lubricate the lock mechanism with any oil. Release the bolt. To do this, slightly press the door in the opposite direction to opening. Then drive a pencil or carrot into the keyhole and turn - the lock is open. The secret is that thanks to soft material The "key" rack teeth will leave on the pencil (carrot) the grooves necessary to open the lock.
  3. Use a drill and a screwdriver. When using this method, you will not even damage the door leaf. First you need to determine where the closed bolt is located. To do this, slip a regular sheet of paper between the box and closed door. When you find the crossbar, take a drill. Drill a small hole in door frame. Then use a screwdriver to move the bolt. Everything.

A few more ways to open the lock without a key

So, if you have a lock equipped with a tongue in front of you, proceed as follows. With a screwdriver or any other tool that can be inserted between the box and the canvas, press the tab. Then turn the handle and open the door. By the way, doors locked in this way can be opened even with a simple plastic card.

How to open a lever lock if it is built into a wooden door? To do this, press on the door and, as far as possible, pull it away from the box. Then, using a paper clip, screwdriver or any other tool, move the levers away.

If you have a latch-type lock, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle. Delete her. Remove the metal panel that covers the mechanism, and with the help of improvised means, try to feel for the latch. When you feel that you have succeeded, press on it and, without releasing, turn the door handle.

If the key is stuck

The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. In such a situation, you can use a jigsaw file. Insert it into the keyhole so that the prongs look up. Then slowly move the file to hook the key. When this succeeds, carefully remove the file along with the “prey”.

There are situations when the key is broken, but part of it sticks out of the keyhole. Use pliers. Get them a key. Just don't try to pull it out. This can only complicate matters. Just turn it in the direction you normally would when you open a door. And only after the door is open, pull out the key.

In general, the most The best way The solution to a problem is to anticipate it. Today, there are special keyless door locks that do not have keyholes at all. Install yourself such mechanisms and forget about the extra headache.

And one last thing. If you still try to open the door without a key, then be conscientious. After all, opening other people's locks is prohibited by law. And there is punishment for that.

Device door lock must be reliable to protect against burglary and unauthorized entry into the premises. The level of protection depends on the type of lock and the secret mechanism that provides security.

Types of door locks

Depending on the form of execution, the lock can be:

The body of the mortise lock is fully integrated into the door leaf. Such a device has a sufficient level of protection of housing from breaking and entering. The invoice is attached to the door leaf from above or can be partially recessed into it. The hinged locking mechanism can have different size and design. It consists of a cylindrical bow and a body with a secret and happens:

  • small;
  • average;
  • big.

The choice of a mortise, padlock or padlock depends on which door it will be installed on.

All mechanical locks have the following components:

  • a case that hides the secret mechanism of the lock;
  • bolt or deadbolt;
  • core (larva mechanism) into which the key is inserted.

Inside the larva is a secret mechanism of the lock, which differs depending on its type.

Locking mechanism plastic, metal or wooden front door can be cylindrical, bessuvaldny and suvaldny. In addition, there is also combination locks, screw, with ciphers and locking mechanisms on interior doors. Thus, there are a lot of devices for ensuring safety and tranquility. In order to have an idea about the features and design of each of them, we will consider all these types of locks in more detail.

Cylinder lock device

The cylinder lock is opened with a small key that has teeth on one side. different shapes and size.

A cylinder lock can be a mortise or padlock and have the following components:

  • top and bottom pins;
  • spiral springs that actuate them and return them to their original state after removing the key from the larva.

The mechanism of the cylinder locking device rotates, setting the bolt in motion, only when the pins are flush with the surface of the larva. This is achieved if a “own” key is inserted into the key groove, which allows you to assemble them in the desired position. If a “foreign” key is inserted into the mechanism of the larva, then the pins inside will not be positioned correctly, which will prevent it from turning and opening the lock.

The design of the cylinder door lock can be single and double. Single mechanisms are used for door locks that can only be opened with a key from the outside. Double are designed for those locks that are controlled by a key from two sides.

Lever lock mechanism

The lever lock is considered one of the most reliable among all locking devices for plastic, metal or wooden door. Its secret lies in a group of plates or levers that have cutouts. various shapes. Each of them corresponds to the protrusions and depressions on the key, which allow you to assemble the plates in the right way, and open the lock.

The reliability of a lever lock depends on the number of levers. Each individual option for placing lever plates of different contours is called a series. By increasing the number of levers with different arrangements of protrusions and depressions, you can increase the number of series. For a lock with three plates, it is 6. For four-lever locks, a set of plates gives, respectively, 24 various series. In locks that have two rows of levers, the number of series reaches 150. Double-bit keys are used to open them.

The principle of operation of a lever lock is similar to a cylindrical one, only the role of pins in it is performed by steel plates. To increase protection, so that it is more difficult to assemble the plates and make it difficult to open the lock with a random key, lever cutouts are made in various sizes, and the plates themselves are of different thicknesses.

Leverless lock

The structure of a leverless lock is characterized by only one plate, so this lock is considered the most unreliable. Therefore, experts recommend installing it on internal doors.

The secrecy of leverless locking devices is given by the configuration of the shape of the key slot. In addition, on the base of the lock, opposite the key gap, there are barrier plates or annular ledges. They are made in the form of concentric circles, to bypass which special slots are made along and across the grooves of the keys.

Combination lock

The code lock can be electronic or mechanical. For electronic, a prerequisite for operation is a connection to an electrical network or an autonomous power source. Mechanical is easy to install and use. In addition, it is easy to reprogram if necessary.

The code lock scheme is a bolt, which is activated by pressing the required combination of numbers in the case of the mechanical principle of the device. For electronic locks, you need to enter a secret combination or use a magnetic key.

Electronic devices are more reliable than mechanical devices and are widely used on the front doors of offices, buildings, and residential apartment buildings.

Locks on interior doors

The lock can be installed not only on the front door, but also on the interior door. However, it is difficult to call it full-fledged locking devices, because any lock must have a secret that provides at least minimal protection. And the locks on the interior doors do not have such a secret. They include the following components:

  • handles and external decorative overlays;
  • bolt driven by a handle;
  • blocking mechanism.

The lock cylinder on the interior door has no internal structure. Through it, you can get to the internal latch and unlock the mechanism connected to the handle and preventing the free opening of the door.

Knowing what locks consist of and having an idea of ​​​​their principle of operation, you can more confidently choose a locking device on which your safety and the safety of personal property depend.

Each apartment has at least one interior door with a built-in locking mechanism. There are a lot of locks for interior doors, and therefore a variety of lock mechanisms can be installed in the door, depending on the type of door and the desired level of protection.

It can be a regular lock with a latch on door handle, lever, cylinder or mortise mechanism. As a rule, such locks have different type working mechanism and provide different levels of protection. However, which one is better to choose for an interior door in your home?

Installing a conventional lock with a handle is a simple task. To do this, you need to drill a keyhole in the door leaf right size. Having made the desired hole, you need to insert the lock and fix it on the canvas. This type of lock is suitable for interior doors made of any material. It is not recommended to mount the lock by attaching the bar to the end of the door. Such a method of installation will weaken the reliability of the structure and protection.

Lock device

Door locks are important elements door fittings, which serve to close, secure and block the front door. Such locks can be various models and divided depending on the type of construction, material, method of placement, technical features, as well as the type of door for which they are intended.

As a rule, the features of the lock and its mechanism will depend on its type. The simplest has the usual padlock, which can be found in most houses and apartments. The mechanism of such a lock is unlocked using ordinary keys or digital code. More modern models can be unlocked with an electronic chip. As a rule, such locks are quite durable, they are made of high quality metal.

The laid on type of the locking mechanism differs, first of all, in the installation features. Such a lock is not installed inside the door leaf, but from above. As a rule, the overhead lock mechanism is installed indoors and provides a high level of protection and blocking of the door. The installation of a lock of this type is carried out using special frames and boxes. The mechanism is unlocked from the outside with a key, from the inside it is regulated by a key or a special latch.

However, the most common type of lock for an interior door is a padlock. The peculiarity of the working mechanism of such a lock is to cut into the door leaf, while only a key hole remains on the outside. Such locks can be used for doors of any type and are made in various thicknesses.

The internal mechanism of a lever type lock is an excellent example of the standard working mechanism of most mechanical locks. A castle of this type consists of such elements as:

The interaction of all elements of the working mechanism of the lock ensures its operation and a high level of secrecy, protection against hacking in a rough and intelligent way. Lever type door lock, which you can easily install by yourself. Locks of this type are placed at the end of the door leaf, laid with overhead plates and a handle.

The overhead lock, which is popular at the present time, belongs to simple types of locking mechanism, which provides an average level of protection, and which can be installed in interior doors with your own hands.

More often you can find modern overhead locks made of durable stainless steel with brackets, due to which reliable protection designs. Staples do not allow to hook and break the structure with a crowbar or other tool.

The locking mechanism of this type is mounted on top of the door leaf, which is its main difference from other types of locks. As a rule, the overhead lock mechanism is installed indoors and provides a high level of protection and blocking of the door. The installation of a lock of this type is carried out using special frames and boxes.

As a rule, practical cylinder locks are used for doors of any type and are made in various thicknesses.

Therefore, in order to purchase a suitable mortise lock for your interior or front door, you must accurately measure the width of the lock niche. As a rule, mortise locks can have various mechanisms and designs.

The mechanism of a modern cylinder lock is distinguished by a high level of secrecy, so such locks provide a high level of protection against burglary. The main element of the working mechanism of this type of lock is a special cylinder, which is triggered when the correct rotary key combination is used.

The cylinder consists of special elements, pins, which work when the key is turned and adjust to it. As a rule, the slightest inconsistencies in the combination block the opening of the lock. That is why this type of lock can be safely called the most reliable.

Practical mortise locks are also very popular today. Their mechanism crashes into the door leaf, leaving a key hole on the outside. Such locks can be used for doors of any type and are made in various thicknesses. Therefore, in order to purchase a suitable mortise lock for your interior or front door, you must accurately measure the width of the lock niche.

As a rule, mortise locks can have various mechanisms and designs. The main advantage of a mortise lock is the fact that after installation, the lock is practically invisible to prying eyes. Today, it is plunging that is the most common type of installation of a lock in an interior door.

How the lock works

As a rule, the principle of operation of the lock mechanism will depend entirely on the type of lock. All locks are conditionally divided into several categories, depending on the type of device mechanism and its complexity. In this case, there are locks with a simple and complex, mechanical and electric locking mechanism.

The category of simple locking mechanisms includes such types of locks as padlock and invoice. Devices with a complex working mechanism include lever and cylinder locks.

Mechanical locks are the most popular, they are most often found on most interior doors. Such locks are distinguished by a simple mechanism to operate, low cost and availability. As a rule, they are installed when no increased requirements are imposed on the level of protection.

Electromagnetic locks are modern devices for protecting doors from intellectual and brute breaking with the highest level protection. Recently, such locks can be quite often found even in the simplest interior doors in an apartment. Such a lock looks quite attractive, is easy to use and compact in size, and can also provide access restriction to any room in the house.

As a rule, the principle of operation of conventional mechanical locks will differ depending on the type of lock, however, they will all be unlocked using a key. It is the key that is the main element that starts the working mechanism of the lock. When selecting the correct code or rotary combination, the pins of the locks give in, are put in the correct position, thereby moving the springs away and freeing access to the door.

As a rule, without a key and knowledge of the desired combination, it is quite difficult to open most types of mechanical locks. In addition, when using brute force or even intellectual breaking using special professional master keys, there is a high probability of the lock breaking without gaining access to the door.

Have you lost your apartment keys, or have you inherited a locked safe without keys from your grandfather? Most likely, a logical question immediately arises: “How to open the lock without a key?” If for some reason you are not satisfied with the options for calling the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or specialists to open locking devices, then you can try to do it yourself. In this article I will talk about some ways to open locks, and even then elementary ones. You will ask why?" I will answer with the words of Lev Soloveichik from the film “Peculiarities of National Fishing”: “You need to start with the simplest methods of fishing - for a worm, then smoothly switch to a lure.” So in our case, you first need to learn how to cope with simple locks, and only then move on to studying more complex mechanisms. So, today we will talk about how to open the lever type. Consider also the cruciform pin.

What is the first option (suvaldny)? This is a well-known locking mechanism from the times of the USSR, it can be found on old office safes, fireproof cabinets, on the doors of apartments. True, they are becoming rarer, but still there are still plenty of them. How to open this type of lock? The key to the device in question was called the "butterfly" because of its shape. and the reliability of such mechanisms is quite low, and they can be easily unlocked using special tools. But they are unlikely to be at your fingertips. I will tell you about the available method. We go to the "flea" market and buy keys of the indicated type from junk dealers, the more the better. Then we take a file or and cut off one side of the key. Such a "master key" in certain circles is called a "boy". We do this with all instances, only we select them in such a way that the profile does not repeat. The photo shows the key to the lever locking device and the "boys" for it. We insert our master keys in turn into the well and try to make a turn. Here we also have considered, type. This method is also applicable to modern devices, only the problem will be to find the required number of keys, but everything is in your hands.

Now let's look at how to open a pin-type lock with a cross-shaped key. Again, I will keep silent about highly specialized methods and will only talk about what can be useful to a simple layman who finds himself in a hopeless situation. These devices have a very weak core, so it is easiest to roll them up with a special “fold” or a regular Phillips screwdriver. To do this, insert the tool into and turn it strongly. True, after such an operation, the core becomes unusable, and it will have to be replaced, but the goal will be achieved.

Now you know a few simple methods on how to open a lock. To proceed to the opening of more complex devices, it is necessary to study their mechanisms. To do this, it is best to buy such a lock, disassemble it, understand the principle of operation. There are no locking mechanisms that cannot be opened, the only question is how much time, effort and money you are willing to spend to solve the problem.

Finally, let me remind you that opening someone else's doors without the knowledge of the owners is strictly prosecuted by the law of any country. Don't forget about it!