How is the adjustment of the metal front door of the house: problems and solutions. How to adjust the iron front door: practical recommendations How to adjust the front door

  • 27.06.2020

Even strong metal doors break periodically. One of the types of malfunction is the subsidence of the web, which occurs due to wear or skew of the loops, a change in the geometry of the porch or cracks in the welding seams of the canopies. If the front door has sagged, then this can lead to friction on the threshold, knocking off the paint, violation of tightness and sound insulation. Sometimes this design can block the exit from the house. Here are some suggestions for what you can do to fix the problem.

Sagging door hinge adjustment

In 70% of cases, friction on the threshold or touching the vertical post of the box is associated with a change in the position of the mortise internal hinges. Everyday use, claps and blows contribute to the loosening and displacement of knots. You can adjust the metal door, if it has sagged, using a hexagon and a candle key (by 17). For this you need:

  1. Open the sash 90 degrees for free access to the hinges.
  2. Substitute under the hanging edge of the canvas wooden beam, which will unload the hinges and allow them to be manipulated without holding big weight designs. The work is best done by two, but you can do it yourself.
  3. The hinges have four fixing screws and two slotted plates for adjustment. An eccentric is placed in the middle of each. First, the clamps at the corners of the plates are released.
  4. After completing this operation, the eccentrics are also loosened on each loop.
  5. The doors need to be swayed and slightly raised, which will help to align seats between the plates on which the recesses are made.
  6. Then the central nuts and fasteners are sequentially tightened.
  7. The canvas needs to be closed several times to make sure the problem is solved.

It is necessary to act differently if the entrance metal door with welded canopies has sunk. Such elements are usually installed on massive products of 80-180 kg in order to hold a powerful sash. With this weight, the hinges wear out faster and sooner or later the doors begin to rub against the threshold or catch the box.

Troubleshooting work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The sash is opened 90 degrees so that it is possible to raise its dimensions above the box.
  2. The crowbar acts through the bar, like a lever, and lifts the canvas up until it is completely removed from the sheds.
  3. In such a system, there can only be a steel pin, an axle and a ball on it, or full-fledged bearings. In the first case, a puck is selected whose inside and outside diameter s correspond to the parameters of the loop. The thickness can vary from 1.5-3 mm, depending on how much the sash has sunk. In other cases, the ball and bearings will need to be replaced.
  4. Installed new elements must be lubricated with grease.
  5. The structure is going back.
  6. You can see the result immediately by increasing the gap at the bottom, but for reliability it is worth testing the performance.

Fixing cracked canopies in a sagging door

It's not always possible to get by with adjustments alone. If the front door has sagged due to a crack in the canopy, then you will need welding work. Since the structure has already shifted to the side or down, it is impossible to simply apply a weld on top of a crack. First, a loop is cut. To do this, use a grinder and a thin cutting disc for metal.

It is better to carry out the work on an ajar sash, under which a wooden beam is preliminarily placed so that under the influence of gravity the second canopy is not torn off. The place under the cut piece is cleaned from traces of the old seam. The loop is disassembled and lubricated.

To restore the door to working capacity, it is necessary to close and place wooden wedges in the gap between the leaf and the box, ensuring a uniform gap on each side. To do this, you need an assistant inside. A second person outside sets up the canopy and tack welds each plate in two places. Then full-fledged seams are applied and the area is painted over.

Repair of the geometry of a sagging door

If the doors suffered from the actions of vandals who tried to bend the corner of the canvas or squeeze out the place next to the lock, then the resulting swelling of the profile at the bend will prevent the sash from closing and create difficulties for closing, although the symptoms may look like sagging of the hinges, you need to act on the door frame . To repair, you need a gas burner, heating the damaged area, aligning the geometric shape and grinding.

If the input sank Iron door due to shrinkage of the house, then they try to eliminate the skew by drilling holes in the opening with a puncher, next to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe box on which friction is observed. Reinforcement is inserted into the hole, the edge of which is clogged and pulls the box along with it. This may help expand the porch. But when this method did not help, then the entire door block will need to be replaced.

The Verny Choice online store provides services for the repair of metal doors that have sagged. We align the geometry of the structure, adjust the mortise hinges, change the welded canopies, eliminate damage. It is convenient to seek help through feedback.

A metal door has a number of advantages, including high strength, exceptional durability and reliability. But a steel product has one drawback - significant weight. That is why immediately after installing the door, it is necessary to adjust all its elements. Also, adjustment of fittings may be required during the operation of the product. This should be done immediately, as soon as there are any problems with its opening or closing, when a creak and rattle appear. Next, consider how to adjust the metal front door on their own.

The list of problems that are most often encountered in a steel structure looks like this:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant creak, rattle when turning the canvas.
  2. During the closing of the sash, it is rubbed against the door frame, the decorative coating at the end is damaged.
  3. The appearance of cracks, gaps, the sash does not fit snugly against the box.
  4. The door closes tightly, to do this, you need to make considerable efforts.
  5. The lock does not work well, it is hard to close.
  6. The closer does not fulfill its functions, the sash closes jerkily, not completely.
  7. The fabric is warped.

All these problems can be fixed by yourself. The main thing is to be careful, be patient and use simple tools for repairs. It is enough to have hexagonal and spanners, file, screwdriver and pliers. From the materials you will need machine oil, in some cases - glue for the sealant, as well as a VD 40 aerosol.

The best option is to adjust entrance metal door and twice during the year: in winter, provide a tighter porch to save heat, and in summer, if necessary, you can loosen the fit of the canvas to the box.

Quite a few problems arise with goods that come from China. Such doors are popular because of the affordable price, but many craftsmen do not undertake to adjust the iron door, so the owner will have to do the maintenance himself. They must first be lubricated, and then see if they need to be adjusted. The fact is that Chinese manufacturers often save on factory lubrication. When buying products from this country, it is important to pay attention to all components. Under the bearing pins of the canopies, 2 compensating washers should be installed. To save money, unscrupulous manufacturers put 2 pieces on only one loop, and on the rest - only one at a time. Due to the uneven distribution of the load from the mass of the sash, it warps very quickly.

How to deal with gaps?

A fairly common defect that appears over time is gaps. In this case, a gap is formed between the canvas and the box. Gaps can be seen visually or due to drafts, heat leakage from the room.

The reasons may be different:

  1. Seal wear. If the tape has become unusable, then there is only one way out - replacement. Doing it yourself is not so difficult. It is enough to remove the unusable sealant, clean the door of its residues, walk in the place of gluing with a solvent. After that, you need to carefully attach a new seal. Many of them are produced in the form of self-adhesive tape. Before gluing a new tape, you need to make sure that the gap is the same around the entire perimeter. Otherwise, in the most problematic places, an additional lining should be used.
  2. Sagging sash. In this case, the problem can be solved by adjusting the canopies. The door must be lifted and the awnings tightened. If the skew of the sash is due to the fact that the fittings are old and already worn out, then it must also be replaced.

Before you adjust the metal door, you need to check how significant the gap is. You can do this with a piece of paper. All you need is to place it near the box and close the door. During normal operation and a snug fit of the sash, it will be very difficult to pull out the leaf. If it slips out, then you need to eliminate the gap. Otherwise, the heat and sound insulation properties of the door will continue to decrease.

What to do with skew?

Another reason for the appearance of gaps is a skew in the door frame. This is the most difficult defect, which is not so easy to eliminate. To do this, you first need to use building level determine offset.

Then take steps, depending on the method of attachment:

  1. If the box is fixed with anchor fasteners, then remove the lining to provide access to them. Then loosen the anchor with a screwdriver on the side where adjustment is required.
  2. In the case when the box is mounted due to the lugs, it is much more difficult to adjust the iron front door. You will have to use a hammer and tap problem areas, constantly measuring the level.

It is best to tap with a hammer through wooden plank so as not to damage the metal. Sometimes such tapping leads to the appearance of cracks in the layer of mounting foam, so it is better to process everything with foam again after adjusting the box.

Why does the door creak, and what to do about it?

An unpleasant rattle during the functioning of the door occurs most often due to the fact that dirt, abrasive particles have got into the hinges, there is little lubrication in them. This is the kind of hardware that requires regular inspection and cleaning.

You can fix the problem on your own, it's not at all difficult to do:

  1. But, before you adjust the steel front door, you need to remove the decorative protective lining on the hinges.
  2. Clean them from dirt, dust, wipe off the old lubricant.
  3. Rinse the canopies with gasoline, you can simply blow it with a vacuum cleaner or with a hair dryer.
  4. If rust began to appear on the canopies, then the products must be treated with VD 40. This is not a lubricant, but a softener of formations on metal of any type (rust, salt accumulations).
  5. Rinse the hinges again, treat with a rust remover.
  6. Lubricate the awnings with machine oil or other means specified in the instructions for fittings.

If possible, for better and more convenient cleaning of canopies, it is better to remove the door. If the hinges are of a hidden type, then they must have a hole for pouring lubricant. In this case, you will need a syringe. After lubricating the hinges, the door is opened and closed several times so that the oil is evenly distributed.

Sometimes the problem is due to the fact that one of the elements of the canopies - the sealing washer - has already worn out. In this case, the fittings will have to be replaced.

Another cause of creaking can be a warp of the canvas. In this case, the sash will be rubbed along the end, this is determined visually. In this case, the adjustment steel doors do-it-yourself means not only cleaning the loop, but also adjusting the position of the canvas.

If the door is hard to close

The correct operation of the structure is the closing of the sash without extra effort. If the door closes too tightly, this not only causes inconvenience, but also increases the load on other elements: locks, hinges, handle.

The reasons for a too tight vestibule are:

  1. A new seal, which has not yet "got used". Immediately after installing this protective tape, the door may not close tightly. In this case, it is unnecessary to do anything, literally within a week this defect will disappear by itself. A new seal is always quite hard, it softens over time. If you hurry up and cut off its “extra” layer, then gaps will soon begin to appear.
  2. Incorrect profile or seal thickness. If the tape is too thick, then it does not "spread". In this case, it is best to replace the seal with a new, more suitable density.
  3. Errors when installing the seal. If the work is carried out inaccurately, then the tape will bristle. The most problematic places are the corners. You can peel off the part where the “waves” have formed, smooth it out, and glue it again. The last option is to replace the entire insulating tape.
  4. The tongue of the lock touches the plate. In the case where the sash has correct position, it is not skewed, there are no problems with the hinges, it is enough to file the plate a little with a file. If antennae are provided in the plate, then the problem can be solved by bending them.

Cloth rubbing

If during operation the sash rubs against the box, from under decorative coating peeps through the metal, it needs to be adjusted.

In this case, adjusting the input metal door do it yourself like this:

  1. Use the socket wrench to loosen the fastening of the middle canopies. You should also loosen the loop at the level of which friction is observed.
  2. The canvas is moved to the side of the box or away from it. It depends on the direction in which the skew is detected. The end nut is then tightened.
  3. The sash is “swinged” a little until the hinges return to their original place.
  4. After that, tighten the mount.
  5. Then several times you need to open and close the sash to check the effectiveness of the work done.

If friction has decreased, but remains, you need to repeat the procedure. In the case when the hinges are worn out significantly, then adjustment will not help them. You need to buy new hardware.

Closer regulation methods

The closer must ensure smooth closing of the sash. This is achieved by the cylinder and oil, the force for closing is provided by the spring of the mechanism.

Each of these elements can be adjusted depending on what the problem is:

  1. If you are not satisfied with the opening angle of the canvas, then in order to adjust the iron door, you need to adjust the turn of the nut. Turn counterclockwise to decrease the angle, clockwise to increase it.
  2. By turning the valve, you can adjust the speed of movement of the leaf.
  3. The spring tension can also be adjusted. It has a special nut, it can be loosened or tightened with a wrench.

In order for the closer to function longer, it is impossible to forcefully pull the door until it closes or fix it in the open state.

Loop adjustment

Canopies are adjustable and non-adjustable. The latter are considered the simplest and most reliable. That part of the mechanism that has a pin is welded to the box, and the second to the sash. After a certain time, the steel sheet begins to sag and rub over due to its significant weight. In such cases, the owners are interested in how to adjust the iron door so that it closes well? If the door is rubbed only a little, then you will need to pick up the Grover washer desired diameter. It just needs to be put on like a gasket on a pin.

Grover washer is made of steel, it will withstand a significant load. You should not take a simple one, it will quickly fray.

With significant subsidence, you will need a ball from the bearing. It is laid inside the loop. First, you need to fill the hole in the hinge with grease, then put the ball and hang the door leaf. The bearing ball is even stronger than the grower.

Many models of door structures are equipped with adjustable canopies.

In such a situation, do-it-yourself adjustment of the iron door is carried out as follows:

  1. With an open sash inside visible screw on the side of the canopy. It should be loosened up a bit. This will require a hexagon.
  2. After loosening the tilt screw, close the sash. Next, perform with front side loosening the adjusting screw. It is located below. Then the canvas can be moved to the left or right by a few millimeters.
  3. To level the canvas, it is not at all necessary to loosen all the canopies. You can only adjust the middle hinge or the one that causes mashing of the sash.

After the adjustment of the iron entrance door has been successful, you need to do everything in the reverse order: press the adjusting screw, and then tighten the tilt screw.

Metal doors look stylish, solid, they are durable and reliable. In order for the design to work longer, the owner needs to periodically inspect it, adjust, clean and lubricate the mechanisms. In most cases, this can be done on your own, but sometimes you need the help of a specialist or the replacement of worn-out fittings.

You can see the adjustment of iron doors with your own hands on the video:

Each mechanism needs to be adjusted to one degree or another; adjusting doors with your own hands is not an easy task, but quite real. Next, we will analyze in detail how to adjust the hinges, we will try to adjust the clamp and lock. And the owners of Chinese doors will learn how to adjust the doors from China at home.

Self-adjusting the door is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How to prepare doors for customization

Before adjusting the doors yourself, they must be well lubricated. Often, a slight creak in the door after a competent lubricant change completely disappears. There are 3 most common causes that lead to an imbalance in the mechanism.

  1. Bad lubrication. If the cause of the squeak is a lack of lubrication or the wrong lubricant, then you can consider yourself lucky. Replacing door grease is not tricky and takes no more than an hour, and such work does not require special professional skills;
  2. Canopy imbalance. The problem is serious, but fortunately fixable. Efficient adjustment door hinges largely depends on the type of mechanism. In principle, any canopy can be adjusted at least a little, but the only question is whether fine tuning is provided for this design, and what is its amplitude;
  3. Basically, this "disease" is inherent in new buildings and the reason here is the low professionalism of installers. New house always shrinks, and when installing doors, the craftsmen must leave a tolerance for this shrinkage. With minor deformations, the problem can be solved with your own hands, and to eliminate a serious skew, you need to call craftsmen with special equipment.

With minor deformations, the structure can be corrected by hand, and to eliminate a radical skew with a change in the geometry of the canopies, it is necessary to call professionals

Important! If the iron door was installed officially, under the contract and at the time of the creaking or minor problems, the guarantee is still valid, repairing the doors with your own hands will lead to the fact that the company will refuse its obligations and will be right under the law, so don’t risk it, immediately call the masters.

How to grease doors

In case of any breakdowns, the adjustment of the front door should begin with a lubricant change. This procedure is not tricky and it is divided into 2 stages, first you need to try to remove the old grease, and then upload a new one in its place.

The easiest way to change the lubricant is on removable papa-mother type hinges. To clean the canopies, the door leaf needs to be removed, but the metal door weighs decently, so put a wooden bar next to the door and use a crowbar to lift the canvas with a lever. It is not advisable to do this alone, someone must insure the canvas so that it does not fall.

Then take a clean rag and remove all the dirt along with the old grease. According to the rules, in order to completely remove the grease from the mechanism, it must be washed with kerosene, but sheds are not such a complex mechanism and a clean rag is enough here.

Simple door canopy is easy to clean with a rag

Advice! To remove corrosion and emergency lubrication of mechanisms, there is now such a wonderful tool asWD-40. It is sold in an aerosol can with a tube for remote pumping. The agent is injected into the mechanism and after half an hour the mechanism can be developed.

WD-40 is intended for emergency removal of corrosion and development of the mechanism, but after its application, the mechanism must in any case be lubricated with profile grease

If it is not possible to remove the doors from the canopies, then use the WD-40 tool. On simple male-mother type loops, there must be a hole for lubrication on the top or side. It can be closed with a screw or completely open.

You need to pump WD-40 into this hole and after half an hour wipe everything that flows out from under the canopy. Further, profile lubricant is pumped into the same hole. With hidden awnings, we act in the same way. Pour in WD-40, wipe off the dirt and pump in normal grease.

Advice! To make the old grease come out of the mechanism faster, the canopy can be heated with a hairdryer, but you need to heat it without fanaticism. Yes, when warmed up gas burner or a blowtorch, the metal will simply lead and the canopy will jam completely.

Each canopy has a hole for pumping grease, ideally this should be closed with a screw, but this rule is not always observed.

Now a few words about how door hinges are lubricated.

  • At the moment the most the best squad silicone grease is considered to be all-penetrating, water-repellent and perfectly protects the metal. True, compared to competitors, the price is higher there, but you need a little of it;
  • Second in quality is gun grease, it performs well in locks and sheds, the only problem is that such oil is not sold in every hardware store;
  • The most affordable is household universal machine oil, in the common people a spindle. The price of the composition is affordable and the fluidity is good, but this oil is not advisable to use at low temperatures.

The most common products designed to lubricate awnings and door locks

There are also thick lubricants, such as grease, lithol and the like. But in order to lubricate the canopy with high quality, you must either remove the door leaf from the hinges, or use a special syringe to pump the composition into the mechanism, which is not always possible in domestic conditions.

Greases are great for door canopies, but you need a special syringe to pump the compound inside.

How to adjust the door yourself - 5 options

Now let's talk about how to adjust the front door. First you need to find out why the door began to close poorly or creak. Often, after lubricating canopies and locks, the true cause of the breakdown “crawls out” by itself.

Option number 1. If the awnings are not adjustable

Canopies for metal doors are divided into adjustable and unregulated. Unregulated include canopies such as dad-mother, they are also called garage hinges. They are arranged simply, a part with a pin, called the father, is welded to the supporting frame, and a reciprocal glass (mother) is welded to the door leaf.

If we exclude the skew of the box, then most often such doors sag under their own weight and begin to touch the threshold. You can save the situation and raise the door leaf with the help of gaskets. For such cases, 3 types of gaskets are used.

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Such bearings are sold and are relatively inexpensive.

To purchase the desired model, you need to accurately measure the diameter of the pin and the outer diameter of the canopy, after which you go to the market and select the required model. Then you remove the doors, put the bearing on the pin and return the canvas to its place.

To raise the canvas by 1 - 2 mm, you can put it on a pin, the so-called grower, but this is more of a temporary option. As already mentioned, steel doors have an impressive weight and with intensive use even durable metal growers are quickly erased.

An old tried and true method. Find a steel ball from the bearing (there are balls on the market) and put it inside the glass. To prevent the ball from falling out when laying, the glass is pre-stuffed with grease.

The strength of the metal in such balls is so great that they can easily withstand even the weight garage doors not to mention the front doors.

Important! Whichever gasket you choose, it must be installed on all canopies welded to the canvas. If you install the gasket on only one canopy, then the entire mass of the door leaf will fall on it and over time, either the canopy will crack or the doors will deform.

Option number 2. Adjustable hinges

Hinged hinges are installed on many domestic doors with the ability to fine-tune horizontally. In this case, the adjustment of the entrance doors does not require the dismantling of the canvas, respectively, you can handle it alone. The algorithm of actions is approximately as follows:

  • Open the doors and find the internal screw on the side of the glass;
  • Usually these screws are made for an internal hexagon, you need to loosen it, you should not completely turn it out;

The fixing screw on the side needs to be loosened.

  • Then the doors close and on the front side you need to loosen the adjusting screw, this screw is under the canopy;
  • After loosening it, the door leaf can be moved to the right or left up to 3 mm;
  • To move a heavy door leaf horizontally, you do not need to rest, it is enough to lay some kind of plate suitable in thickness, for example, a ruler, at the problem point;

To move the door leaf horizontally, loosen the bottom screw

After leveling the canvas, all screws must be returned to their original position. This is done in the reverse order, first clamp the bottom screw, and after it, open the doors and clamp the side screw.

When aligning the doors, only the canopy that is closer to the problem point is adjusted. Often the canvas clings to the box either from below or from above. For example, if the problem arose from above, then only the upper canopy is regulated, in the case when there are 3 canopies, the middle and upper canopy is weakened, the lower one remains clamped.

Option number 3. Setting up plastic doors

Metal-plastic doors are of 2 types - balcony and entrance. Sheds on them are installed different, respectively, and the setting is different. But first things first, when the balcony door does not close well, you need to do the following:

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Step 1

If the balcony door rests on the side hooks on the box, it must be moved horizontally away from these hooks. But first, decide on the amount of shift, often a couple of millimeters is enough, but in general in this way you can move the canvas up to 10 mm.

Step 2

Balcony canopy with ventilation mode consists of two parts. You need to open the door leaf and find a hole for the hexagon at the very bottom of the canopy, you need an H4 bit here.

Step 1

The vertical is also regulated by the lower canopy, only this time we need the upper part of it.

First, remove the cover from the top of the canopy. She moves up.

Step 2

The vertical is also regulated by the H4 hexagon.

To get to the vertical adjustment point of the doors, you need to insert the hex from the top, so the tool here is needed with a long sting.

Depending on which direction you turn the hexagon, the doors will go up or down.

For clamping in balcony doors and plastic windows eccentrics or, as they are also called, trunnions answer.

The trunnions have 3 clamping positions - weak, standard and strong clamp.

When the eccentric is rotated, it takes the desired position. Round pins are adjusted with a hexagon, oval with pliers.

Now we will study the algorithm for adjusting the canopies at the input plastic doors.

Photo Recommendations

All such awnings are covered with a plastic overlay, in order to get to the adjusting mechanism, you need to remove this overlay.

To do this, open the door leaf and find the screw at the end of the canopy that needs to be unscrewed.

After removing the box, the adjustment mechanism will open for you. The required screw is located at the end of the mechanism. The head there is made for a hexagon, the diagram on the left shows the principle of adjustment.

The adjustment screw for fine adjustment of the vertical is located at the top of the canopy. To get to it, you need to remove the plug, it is either unscrewed or simply removed.

Important! The pressure on the entrance plastic doors can be adjusted either with trunnions (similar to balcony doors), or with the help of a hexagon installed at the bottom of the canopy.

Adjustment of aluminum doors is carried out in the same way as adjustment of plastic ones; they have similar canopies. True, sometimes there are new, somewhat modified canopies on aluminum doors, they are regulated a little differently.

The diagrams below show general principle aluminum door settings, and on the video in this article you will find step by step instructions on aluminum doors.

Standard adjustment scheme for aluminum doors

The principle and possibilities of fine adjustment of canopies for aluminum doors

There are often problems with the lock in plastic and aluminum doors, and the lock itself seems to work, and the doors do not close tightly or do not close at all. Usually the problem is caused by the striker of the lock, it is adjustable in such mechanisms (the striker is located on the door frame).

The technology for setting the striker is simple and accessible even for a complete amateur. You need to loosen the fixing screws next to the bar, after which the bar hook can be moved horizontally. Then slightly push the hook in the right direction and tighten the fixing screws again.

To adjust the clamping bar, you need to loosen the 2 screws located next to this bar.

Option number 4. Chinese door customization

Zheleznaya Chinese door can be called a stretch, the metal there is thin, plus many mechanisms are made of incomprehensible alloys. Professionals rarely take up the adjustment of Chinese doors, so the owners have to come up with something themselves.

To be honest, not all mechanisms in such designs are adequately tuned. In order for the Chinese door to close normally, it is usually necessary to adjust the hinges. Next, we will talk about how real the awning setup is and how to adjust the internal hinges from our friends from the Middle Kingdom.

Even if it seems to you that the canopies on the doors are clean and beautiful, still spray WD-40 into them and put scrap under the bottom of the canvas, try to lift the doors slightly. Such a step will allow the lubricant to penetrate more deeply, and at the same time you will find out what kind of play the doors have.

You can measure the backlash of Chinese doors by lifting them with a crowbar

When you buy Chinese doors, you need to carefully inspect all the awnings. According to the rules, under each internal canopy there should be 2 special washers (they are clearly visible when the doors are open).

Half of Chinese firms put such expansion joints on only 1 canopy, as a result, the entire load falls on it and the doors quickly fail. And it’s painless to add such a washer, you can only while the doors are not yet inserted into the opening.

Under each canopy of Chinese doors there should be 2 compensating washers

  • After lubrication, it is necessary to release 4 hexagon bolts, the bolts go along the perimeter of the canopy;
  • In the center we have an adjusting screw, but this screw is lockable, so first we release the nut by 17;

To get to the adjusting screw, you must first loosen the screws around the perimeter, and then loosen the locknut in the center

Advice! Often the hex screws that go around the perimeter are over tightened. The metal on them is weak and if you apply force, the edges will stick together, so before unscrewing, spray WD-40 on them.

  • Inside the canopy, the adjusting screw has the shape of an eccentric, in fact, due to this, the mechanism is adjusted;
  • But in half of the Chinese doors this eccentric either does not exist, or it does not work. If you are faced with such a situation, then take a powerful screwdriver and rely on the door leaf, according to the principle of a lever, move the canopy to the desired position;
  • When the door is in place, tighten the fixing screws around the perimeter and tighten the nut in the center.

If the adjusting screw does not work, you can try to move the plate with a screwdriver

Option number 5. How to adjust door pressure

If your new doors are difficult to close, then the reason may be thick seals around the perimeter. There is nothing wrong with that, after a couple of weeks the seal will take its place and the doors will start to close normally.

You should not save on the quality of the sealing tape, cheap models will have to be changed every 2 months

It is worse if the door frame is deformed, in which case it will have to be leveled, but first you need to determine the problem area. This is done simply, take a sheet of paper and clamp it with a door leaf. If, after closing the doors, the sheet is removed, then the box is deformed at this point.

A sheet of paper after closing the doors is removed only in those areas where the box is deformed

V doorway the box is fixed either with anchor bolts or iron crutches. With anchor bolts, everything is simple, you will need to unscrew a couple of anchors in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe deformed box.

It is impossible to remove the crutches, they are cut off by a grinder, and after leveling the box, they are hammered into a new place and welded to the eye.

Professionals usually fix the door frame with anchor bolts.

If the rack of the box is pressed into the doorway, then you need to drive the crowbar between the rack and the wall, and then bend the rack according to the lever principle. When bending to any other side, the rack is leveled with a sledgehammer or a powerful hammer.

In order not to spoil the box and increase the contact area upon impact, a wide and thick plank is superimposed on the rack. At the end of the procedure, the doors are again fixed with anchors or crutches. Often, after such alignment, new holes have to be drilled under the anchor.

If the rack is bent outward, then you can level it with a sledgehammer or hammer, through the gasket

Advice! After such radical procedures polyurethane foam around the perimeter of the box will probably crack. To prevent leakage through the cracks, they must either be blown out again with foam or covered with sealants.


As you can see, with a strong desire to adjust the doors with your own hands, it’s quite realistic, at least the methods that were described above definitely work. If after studying the diagrams, photos and videos in this article there are questions or vice versa, you have something to add, then welcome to the comments, let's chat.

The popularity of input is growing every day. When choosing inexpensive budget models, consumers are faced with incorrect operation of the product. It is caused both by and other factors - shrinkage of the new building, manufacturing defects or design flaws. Therefore, the selected and installed model will have to be properly adjusted.

Additional adjustment of the metal door

More often than others, Chinese metal entrance doors require additional refinement.

In order for the design to work flawlessly, it is necessary to eliminate the detected shortcomings in time:

  • tight pull - the door does not close well, and the handle turns hard
  • creaking when the canvas moves
  • the gap remaining in the closed position between the box and the canvas

How to adjust the door with the wrong vestibule

The reason for improper closing is the door porch - the part of the leaf protruding beyond the door frame.

The vestibule enters the box, covering it from the outside with its part protruding beyond the dimensions of the opening. Due to this, the reliability of the structure is increased, with a metal protrusion, which makes it difficult to break.

The loose fit of the vestibule, which Chinese entrance doors sometimes sin, is caused by several reasons:

  1. In a newly installed design - because of the new seal, which has not yet worn in. After 2-3 weeks of work, the problem will disappear by itself.
  2. Incorrect entry of the tongue into the keyhole on door frame. To fix the problem, find on the bar that includes the tongue, a thin plate bent inward. By slightly bending or bending it, the density of closing the door is adjusted.
  3. A manufacturing defect when the inlet for the bolt and tongue is misaligned or undersized. In this case, the hole is corrected with a file.
  4. A very light porch indicates that the seal has become thinner; for normal operation, it is enough to replace it.

What needs to be done so that the door does not creak

You can adjust the Chinese door to eliminate creaking in the same way as any other model.

An unpleasant sound when opening or closing the door is caused by the friction of its parts against each other or clogging of the hinges on which the structure is hung. You can eliminate creaking if you clean and lubricate the hinges or eliminate friction between the canvas and the box. In both cases, the hinges need to be adjusted. Tools required for work:

  • slotted and Phillips screwdrivers
  • socket or candle wrench
  • hex heads
  • hinge grease.

Metal doors that emit an unpleasant creak are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The product is slightly opened and the fasteners are loosened first on the middle, then on the remaining loops.
  2. The canvas is pulled towards itself several times, then deflected back to the jamb.
  3. To properly fix the loops, the canvas needs to be shaken a little.
  4. If the creak is caused by friction inside the hinges, they are blown through with a compressor and lubricated. To do this, use engine oil. Quickly help get rid of creaking aerosol WD-
  5. If an unpleasant sound occurs due to the friction of structural parts against each other, then it is necessary to return it to its normal position. To do this, you will again need to adjust the hinges. With a suitable key, they are loosened or tightened more tightly until the door leaf stands up straight, and the friction of the parts, and hence the creak, stops.

Self-adjustment of a metal door

Do-it-yourself adjustment is carried out in several stages to eliminate all possible reasons incorrect operation of the structure:

  • faulty door closer
  • lock
  • loose fittings or awnings
  • bad sealing material.

We adjust the closer

The smoother the closer moves, the easier it is to use the door. The fact that it does not open well or does not close completely is probably the fault of the mechanism of the device that is mounted instead of the spring.

  • To change the closing speed of the door, turn the existing control valves.
  • The tension of the closer is adjusted with a special nut by turning in the direction of tightening or loosening the tightness.
  • To prevent sharp opening of the canvas, the adjusting nut is twisted counterclockwise. This will reduce the opening angle.

Adjustment and cleaning of the locking mechanism

If adjusting the front door in the indicated ways did not lead to the desired result, the cause of improper operation may be door structure imprisoned in a castle. In order for it to work properly, it must be maintained in working condition by lubrication and cleaning. To remove accumulated dirt from the mechanism, you can use the popular Lock spray or Lock cleaner.

  • A certain amount of cleaning agent is sprayed into the keyhole, so that it flows out a little.
  • Insert, and then, in no case turning it.
  • Wipe the key with a clean rag and repeat the procedure until dirt no longer appears on the key.
  • Grease is injected into the key hole, the key is inserted and pulled out 2-3 times, and then it is turned several times in different directions.

We adjust the hinges at the iron door

If the canvas rubs against the platbands, you need to take it slightly away from the box by adjusting the position of the hinges. For this you need:

    • Loosen the fasteners on the hinge located near the point of friction.
    • Use a screwdriver to move the loop to the side so that a small gap forms.
    • Fix the position with fasteners, press down and gently close the door.
    • If there is no more friction, securely fix the loop in this position.
    • If friction occurs elsewhere in the web, the operation is repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Getting rid of drafts

If it blows out from under the door cold air and it has ceased to fit snugly against the box, which means it is time to replace the seal, which is always present in the iron structure.

You can buy sealing tape at any hardware store. After removing the remnants of the old material, a new sealant is carefully glued in its place.

In order to reliably protect your home and serve you for many years, you need to eliminate the problems noted in the work of the structure in time. It is better to spend some time on preventive maintenance than to completely replace the entire structure.

When installing a new front door, it works great, does not creak, closes easily and effortlessly. But after a while, problems appear. In this case, adjustment of the entrance metal doors is required. More often people turn to specialists because they think that debugging is difficult. Knowing the methods of repair and its nuances, you can handle it yourself. Great advantage in self-adjustment the fact that when re-debugging, you will not need to pay for the services of a master.

To new door worked for a long time without repair, it is necessary during installation to check the compliance of the weight of the web and the maximum load on the hinges. If the value exceeds the allowable value, then a sag will occur. It will cause the lock to jam, or there will be constant friction structural elements. This is fraught with complete failure of the entire structure.

Constant monitoring of the state of the door prolongs its service life. It is advisable to adjust the porch twice a year when the season changes. In the cold season, it should be more dense, and in the summer it can be weakened.

Major issues that need fixing:

  1. A creak appeared. This can happen due to the friction of the canvas on the box, or a lot of dust has accumulated on the hinges.
  2. The lock closes with force. The reason is the subsidence of the canvas.
  3. There was a noticeable gap. The hole occurs due to wear of the sealing gum or the skew of the lock.
  4. The door is hard to pull. In this case, you need to check the condition of the seal.

If you figure out how to adjust the front metal door, all these problems can be solved on your own.

Required Tools

To fix the canvas you will need a small set of tools. To adjust the input metal hinged door with your own hands you need:

  • sealing rubber;
  • screwdriver;
  • end key;
  • hexagon;
  • file.

Basically, all problems are associated with sagging of the sash. They are often solved with a single key. The main thing is to know how to properly debug. Oil is useful to eliminate friction and squeaks.


Any problem can be corrected. Often you have to try all the methods to understand what exactly is the cause of the breakdown. Sometimes it is enough to replace the seal or lubricate the moving parts to solve the problem. More difficult situations may require a complete box change. If the entrance metal door good quality, it is mostly adjustable.

Eliminate the creak

If a characteristic creak appears, then there may be several reasons:

  • due to sagging, friction began;
  • dust settled on the hinges.

Although the sound differs in tone, it is best to start with lubrication and cleaning.

To do this, use a clean rag to wipe the hinged hinges, removing dirt and oil. For a more thorough cleaning, it is better to remove the sash. This is easy to do if the package includes detachable canopies of a standard type.

If the canvas is not removed, then most likely the hinges are rusted. Do not use a sledgehammer, because you can damage the metal. Buy to remove special remedy. The spray distributes the cleaning agent and begins to break down the rust. The instructions usually indicate the time of action. After the agent has acted, the canvas will be removed from the hinges without effort. Next, you need to completely clean the canopies and apply new grease. You need to lubricate all rubbing parts, the ring and the hinge pin.

Sometimes the cause of the squeak is the demolition of the inner washer. To fix the problem, you need to replace it. An engraver or carbide metal will do.

For one-piece hinges, you will need a syringe with machine oil or liquid lubricant. If the canopies are hidden, they must have a hole for injecting lubricant. After applying the oil, you need to distribute it. To do this, the door is shaken and closed and opened several times. Usually, after such manipulations, the creak disappears.

Eliminate friction on the box

If the creaking sound remains, then the reason is the incorrect contact of the canvas with the box. To fix this, you need to carefully inspect the door. Scratches or abrasions should be visible at the friction site. To align the sash with a key, the loops closest to the erased place are loosened. Next, you need to bring the canvas as close as possible to the fasteners and tighten the nuts responsible for the adjustment. Then check if the creak has disappeared. If the desired effect is not achieved, then the actions are repeated.

Eliminate a loose porch

A loose porch creates a draft in the apartment, which causes discomfort. There are several reasons:

  • the seal has worn off;
  • the canvas has shifted horizontally;
  • the door frame is warped.

In the first case, the gasket needs to be replaced.

The offset of the sash is corrected by adjusting the canopies. The canvas is lifted and fixed by tightening the loops.

If the problem is in the box, then it is quite difficult to solve the problem. First of all, using the building level, its position is checked. Further, the procedure depends on the method of attachment:

  1. On the eyelets. The adjustment is complex and is often done with a hammer. Gently tapping the protruding places, you can achieve a level location. The main thing is not to damage the metal.
  2. On the anchor. To begin with, the lining is removed to gain access to the mounts. Next, the anchor is loosened with a screwdriver from the side of the web adjustment.

Eliminate sagging doors

If the door began to touch the threshold, most likely, the bearings and the ball failed. For adjustable hinges, it is enough to lift the canvas by unscrewing the bolts.

If debugging is not possible, then you can do the following:

  • install the washer;
  • replace bearings;
  • change loops.

The choice depends on the specific situation.

Eliminate door gap

Another defect is a large gap. It often occurs if the iron door is old and has never been repaired. The reason is mainly the wear of the sealing gum. To eliminate the gap, it must be replaced:

  1. Remove old seal.
  2. Check the distance to the box around the entire perimeter.
  3. Post new material in grooves. In places with a large indentation, a thicker layer is needed.

If everything is in order with the sealing gum, then the reason is play. You can adjust the fit of the sash using the antennae of the plate. Sometimes twisting hinged loops helps.

If you regularly monitor the position of the door, then problems occur much less frequently.

Mismatch of the lock tongue and plate

The front door should provide security. If the lock closes poorly, this reduces its protective function. Constant grazing of the plate grinds the crossbars and spoils the mechanism.

A file is required to fix the problem. Procedure:

  1. Determine the point of friction.
  2. Grind the plate in such a way that it does not interfere with the lock tongue, but also ensures a snug fit of the blade in the closed position.
  3. Move the metal.
  4. Adjust the antennae with pliers.

At the end, you need to close the door, and check the mechanism in operation.

Hinge adjustment

If the loops began to work poorly, then most likely:

  • the door hung under its own weight;
  • canopies are worn out mechanically;
  • there is excess dust.

This leads to the fact that from under the door begins to blow. The canvas begins to rub against the box, sag and close hard. There are problems with the lock mechanism, and a creak occurs.

It is not necessary to turn to professionals, because everything can be fixed with your own hands. To begin with, it is better to lubricate the canopies. If this does not help, then you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Loosen the screws in the center.
  2. Determine the place of the creak by shaking the canvas.
  3. Loosen the canopy on the sound side.
  4. Tighten the screws and shake the sash several times.
  5. Check the quality of the adjustment by opening the door several times.

To debug the canvas in height, you need a hexagon. From the bottom of the hinges, you need to find the adjusting screw, and set the desired position.

Adjusting the front doors is not difficult. The most difficult thing is to determine the cause of the breakdown. If you understand the basic principles of debugging, you can increase the operational life of the product. Regular monitoring of the condition of the door leaf allows you to avoid serious problems.