Installation of an accordion door or a door-book. How to install an accordion door Do-it-yourself folding plastic door

  • 29.08.2019

The accordion door is a popular solution for small and utility rooms both in private homes and public buildings. The lightness of the product and the ability to quickly change the width of the folding sash give the product an additional appeal.

Accordion door device

The product belongs to the type of folding, that is, when opening, the canvas, consisting of several parts, folds and moves along the rail to the slope of the opening. At the same time, the folded door does not require space either in the room or on the wall, however, it takes up space in the opening, somewhat reducing its width. This opening system is the most economical and is recommended for small spaces.

  • The accordion consists of a series of panels connected in series with loops. The width of the elements is about 10 cm. The panels can be made of MDF, chipboard, bamboo, fabric, leather, glass in aluminum frame, mirrors and the like. Solid wood and veneer are used much less frequently due to heavy weight. If fabric or leather is used, instead of loops, the lamellas are connected using fabric inserts of low rigidity. In the photo - folding doors made of fabric.

  • The sash moves along the guide: along the top - in this case there is no threshold, or along the bottom - such a system is considered more reliable, since the vertical position of the panel is supported by two guides. To ensure correct folding and movement, clamps and stoppers are attached to the panels. Models in which the rails and fittings are made of steel or aluminum are much stronger and more reliable.
  • The number of panels in one sash can be very different. Changing its length is very simple: a new panel is removed or attached. Usually they implement the single-leaf option, but there are also double-leaf folding accordions.
  • The door is mounted in the opening or in the ceiling. The door frame is missing. If necessary, racks and platbands can be made and installed by hand.


The attractiveness of an accordion door is most of all determined by its cost-effectiveness. At the same time, it folds quite compactly, its installation is allowed in an opening 60 cm wide. small indoors, especially in the case narrow corridors and cramped hallways - the most common area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication.

When choosing a design for a kitchen, bathroom or toilet room, materials that are insensitive to moisture and steam should be preferred - plastic, glass in an aluminum frame, leather. For other premises, there are no restrictions on the choice.

Another well-known application is interior partitions. With its help it is easy to zone more room- at the same time, when there is no need for separation, the sash simply retracts to the wall, separate the combined balcony from the main room, protect dressing room in a niche or corner. Lightweight, silent accordion doors are ideal for this task. In the photo - an example of a design for a dressing room made of matte plastic.


  1. Panels - the number depends on the width of the doorway.
  2. Guides - top or top and bottom.
  3. Roller carriages, stoppers, hinges.
  4. Platbands and dobors, if necessary, are purchased separately.
  5. Locking mechanisms are also not a standard part of the package.

Preparing the doorway

  • The opening is cleaned: the old door frame is removed, the cracks are cleaned, sealed with a building mixture for leveling, and puttied.
  • The parameters are measured: the height and width of the opening.
  • The floor is carefully leveled - regardless of which system is chosen, for silent and smooth sliding, the floor must be completely flat.

Accordion door: installation

Assembling the product is not so difficult with your own hands, you just need to observe the accuracy and sequence of assembly.

  1. The upper guide is attached to the opening. If the width of the latter exceeds the size of the opening, then the excess is cut off, and, if necessary, new holes for fasteners are made.
  2. It is determined in which direction the canvas will fold. On the opposite side of the rail, a latch is installed. The axis of the locking panel is inserted into it, and the slider is inserted into the groove of the guide.
  3. The upper axle is attached to the locking panel. If the manufacturer does not provide a hole, you should shoot it. The same operation is performed with the lower axle. As a result, the lock element should take a strictly vertical position.
  4. In the lower part of the opening relative to the position of the panel, a receiving plate is fixed.
  5. In the upper part of the last closing element, a hole is drilled for the slider, if it is not there.
  6. Axes are installed on every second panel. If the manufacturer does not provide holes, you should make them yourself and fix them with your own hands.
  7. The panels are placed side by side in the order in which they will be placed in the finished structure. Places for loops are marked - three pieces at an equal distance from each other. Then the elements are connected: at the same time, a gap of 3 mm should remain between them.
  8. A door handle is mounted on the lock panel.
  9. The cloth in the folded state rises, metal axes are entered into landing plates.
  10. With an opening width of more than a meter, it is recommended to install a system with two guides. In this case, the rollers are mounted on the bottom of the product.

The video shows the process of installing an accordion door in more detail.

Sections of the article:

It is very pleasant to be able to show guests your apartment or house and proudly declare that any item from the interior was made or installed independently. Undoubtedly, a job well done inspires and fills with well-deserved pride. However, wanting to install a folding door in their home, many are afraid to take on such, at first glance, difficult work. However, detailed information on how to install an accordion door will help even a person who is little familiar with carpentry to do all the work with high quality. The main conditions for this are perseverance and attentiveness.

Manufacturing materials and design

Not so long ago it was considered an attribute of small-sized doorways. However, thanks to the efforts of designers, this design not only allows you to significantly save housing space, but also is a worthy element of the interior, and sometimes even its decoration. So on the market door structures accordion doors can have the widest range of colors and design styles. In addition, during the creation process, various materials, the main of which are MDF sheets or plastic.

Installation of an accordion door made of natural wood is a rather rare occurrence. This fact is explained by the significant weight wooden structure, which fasteners cannot always withstand. To ensure a sufficient level of rigidity, the product is fixed in a profiled frame made of steel or aluminum.

The dimensions of the product are not strictly marked, therefore the height of the structure can be 2050, 2500 and even 3000 mm. The web width varies from a minimum value of 600 mm. At the same time, both the number of sashes and the principle of their execution directly depend on the desire of the buyer or designer. Thus, the sashes can be deaf, or with various inserts in the form of glazing, stained glass compositions and other decorative elements.

Standard equipment

The process of installing accordion doors can be carried out by self-manufacturing products, or after purchase complete set necessary details, including dobor. The standard set of accordion door elements includes:

  • Guide rail in the form of a metal profile;
  • Shutters, each of which has special loops that provide the possibility of fastening them to each other;
  • Roller carriages that directly move the web;
  • Special keys for adjusting fasteners;
  • fasteners;
  • Accessories.

Aluminum is the most commonly used guide material. In case of engineering necessity, the lower and upper rails can be used simultaneously. In this case, the main emphasis on the weight of the structure falls on the lower mounts and the floor. The upper elements in this case serve to ensure the verticality of the web. However, most often the product is attached only to the top rail.

In some cases, locking elements are also included in the kit, but most often they must be purchased separately, along with extensions and platbands.

Making a door with your own hands

If desired, the manufacture and installation of the accordion door can be done independently. In this situation, in the absence of significant experience, it is important to focus on the instructions. At the same time, the most difficult process is the selection of suitable fittings. It is much easier and more efficient to purchase a kit that is most harmoniously combined with colors canvases and the general interior of the room.

For the manufacture of sashes, building materials will be required in the form of MDF sheets with a laminated coating. The use of chipboard plates is unacceptable for accordion doors, since the physical qualities of the material do not meet the necessary requirements.

It should be remembered that installing an accordion door with your own hands requires a certain set of constituent elements:

  • Guide profiles or blanks for them;
  • Axial locking elements and rods;
  • A set of roller mechanisms for all sliding doors. In the case of mounting the product with a lower guide, the number of carriages is doubled;
  • MDF sheets with a special overlapping edge;
  • Set of self-tapping screws, hinges and door handles;
  • Joiner's glue. For the manufacture of accordion doors, the most suitable are "Moment" and "Titan".

For the installation of loop mechanisms, it is necessary to cut special grooves for the mechanism plates. In this case, the depth, length and width of the cut must correspond to the dimensions of the plates. Door handles are installed according to the technology and depending on the type of product.

Sash manufacturing process

After carrying out all the necessary calculations, the MDF sheets are marked on the sashes, followed by cutting out the panels. The end part of each sash requires processing and alignment. For this, sandpaper is used, which allows not only to smooth out irregularities, but also to remove dust and other third-party particles.

Workpieces after partial processing sandpaper glued with an edge along the end part. For high-quality sizing, the product must be pressed and left in a fixed form for 12 hours. After this time, each sash is carefully checked for the quality of gluing. After that, it is allowed to mark the sashes for the installation of hinges.

Installation of the finished product

The principle of action by which the installation of the accordion door is carried out is a strictly step-by-step process. For more detailed information on good example worth contacting various videos explaining the essence of the work. Also, when buying a ready-made mounting kit, it is necessarily equipped with detailed instructions.

The installation process itself begins with fixing the profile element. It is worth remembering that this part must be equipped with a special latch in advance. If necessary, when the profile has a greater width than the opening itself, this element is cut off and mounting holes for screws are drilled in it. In this case, the step between the holes, equal to 250-300 mm, is observed.

The fastening of the latch is made from the side opposite to the opening. After that, it houses the axial part of the end flap, which must be inserted into the guide grooves of the roller mechanism slider. The next stage includes the fastening of special upper and lower axial metal rods into holes prepared in advance for this. In the event that the product does not contain holes at the time of purchase, they must be drilled independently.

In the process of installing accordion doors, being at the stage of preparing mounting holes, it is important to ensure that their depth is not greater than the size of the axial rod. It is required that this element extends slightly beyond the main line. At the same time, it is better to navigate in size according to the data from the official instructions for the delivery set.

After the final fixing of all elements at the inspection stage, all axles and their fasteners must be parallel to each other in both horizontal and vertical positions.

The mounting of the receiving plate is carried out in the lower section of the door passage in the corner area. Before this, it is necessary to determine its exact location based on the location of the latch. For fastening the runner device, a suitable hole is prepared. Moreover, the procedure should be carried out carefully enough, since this runner device is responsible for the process of adjusting the accordion door after it is installed independently.

Canvas assembly

In the process of installing an accordion door, one of the most time-consuming and time-consuming processes is to assemble all the wings of the structure together. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to initially mark all points of future attachment points for hinge mechanisms. In this case, it is desirable to place all elements strictly on the same level. To facilitate the task, all available doors are laid out on flat surface in the required order.

After the installation of all the shutters on the extreme mobile panel, the marking and preparation of the groove for installation is carried out door handle. At the same time, unlike the doors of the classical type, the handle is mounted as close as possible to the area where the hinges are located.

Process features

To ensure high-quality and durable operation of the product, before assembling and installing an accordion door in an existing opening, it is necessary to take into account several important features, also indicated in numerous videos. These include:

  • A slight difference in the structure of the initial and final sash. Therefore, during assembly, you should carefully inspect the parts so as not to confuse them;
  • In all sashes, except for those placed at the edges, marking and installation of hinge mechanisms in the amount of 3 pieces is carried out;
  • Checking the uniformity of fastening loops. On each of the wings, the distance between them should be the same;
  • All loops of the product should go along one horizontal line for each of the three levels. If this requirement is not met, the canvas will be skewed almost immediately;
  • In the process of combining the details of the canvas, it is important to adhere to the normative technological gap of 3 mm.

Canvas installation

After the product is assembled, the stage of hanging the fasteners placed in advance begins. Before starting the installation of the accordion door, all existing doors are brought into the folded position. As an additional fixation, special iron axial rods are inserted into the grooves of the plates. After that, it is important to ensure a rigid fixation of the axis of the sliders of the final panel.

If it is necessary to loosen or tighten the nuts in the end carriages or on the axial fasteners, use the adjusting key that comes with the ready-made door kits. Also, with its help, the mode of opening and closing the canvas is adjusted.

In the process of installing an accordion door, several important features of these folding structures should be considered:

  • When using doors made of natural wood or when overlapping a passage that is wide enough by standard measures, it is necessary to increase the number of carriages;
  • A heavy door, to ensure the safety of operation and the durability of the product, is installed on the lower rail, with an additional corrective upper one.

Residents of small apartments can use step-by-step instructions for installing an accordion door on their own, since this particular piece of furniture will harmoniously fit into the interior and save space. Folding canvases have become an alternative to the well-known hinged ones, allowing you to conveniently place the rest of the furniture in the room, as well as get rid of "dead zones". The design, fittings and installation features of an accordion door (or book) have their own nuances.

If there are several (more than two) panels-sections 10-15 cm wide (otherwise called lamellas), connected to each other by an end hinge or a hinged profile, we have an accordion door. It is connected only to the upper guide, and moves along it with the help of rollers. The end lamella is fixed on inside openings, the subsequent ones are folded side by side, visually resembling an accordion.

The door-book, as a rule, has only two panels (movable doors), but for especially spacious openings, more of them are possible. In addition to the top guide, a bottom rail is often used to move the leaves. It acts as a support for a more massive structure, the components of which are connected by loops.

Door materials

Most books and harmonicas are made of MDF or PVC. Externally, both materials are attractive, but plastic is much lighter. In the manufacture of modern PVC lamellas, special stiffeners are used to reinforce the structure, so the door becomes stronger and stiffer than it might seem. In addition, the material is not subject to contamination and damage, and plastic panels last a very long time.

MDF panels are more bulky, which is why they require reliable fastening to the base. They have greater sound insulation than plastic ones, are more stable; of the minuses, it is worth noting only the difficulties during installation (due to the weight of the panels) and slight noise during operation.

The principle of installation of both types of doors is similar, but in the case of an accordion there are some nuances. The following are instructions for its installation.

Accordion door set. Required Tools

You can make and purchase all the components yourself, but it is better to purchase them in a finished configuration. It must include:

  • a certain number of lamellas (panels);
  • appropriate fasteners;
  • rollers;
  • stops;
  • short top guide;
  • two long side rails.

For work you will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • hammer drill;
  • wood saw;
  • building corner;
  • level;
  • perforator;
  • miter box;
  • wooden bars;
  • mounting foam;
  • pencil.

Accordion door installation kit

Preparing the doorway

Initially, the old doors are dismantled. It is advisable to knock down the solution under the box to the ground so that it does not interfere. Next, measure the width and height of the opening. If the doors have already been purchased, you need to estimate its dimensions. This will make it clear whether you need to increase or decrease the width of the opening.

A new door frame is made using previously taken extensions. The upper crossbar is fixed on their upper edge, attracted by self-tapping screws (supplied in the kit). After assembly, the box is inserted into the opening. Wooden wedges are useful here for temporary stability of the structure. Dobors are attached to anchor bolts (usually two on top and three along the edges). Next, the box is fixed in the opening with polyurethane foam. When the latter dries, you can proceed to milestone works.

Folding door installation

One of the components is a profile called a guide. For the accuracy of the work, it is with them that the installation begins. First, the length of the profile along the opening is measured, the excess is removed. It is better to do this with a miter box - then the cut will be even. A similar action is performed with a profile that serves as a fastener for the blind part of the door leaf. It is applied, its position is visually assessed, an adjustment is made. Holes are drilled for self-tapping screws in the profile. On the upper rail every 5-7 cm, on the side rails - every 10-15 cm.

Now the assembly and installation of the accordion door with your own hands begins. Plates are removed from the kit (if the interior item was not purchased assembled), connected using rods. After assembling the lamellas into a single whole, a locking panel is made on the right, and a fixing side panel on the left. Both are placed with slats fixed on the stoppers. Then the runners are installed. Fasteners alternate through one panel, starting from the castle. After the work is completed, a magnetic lock is placed on it.

Kit for mounting the door-book

Some sets with MDF panels are assembled differently. They have a long axis through which the lamellas are connected. It is also threaded through special holes in each panel.

The frame is prepared, the panels are connected; now it remains to place them inside the opening. Rollers are inserted into the grooves of the guides. When folded, the door fits into the opening (this is how it will be convenient to carry out the operations below). If the guide is not yet connected to the opening, this must be done using self-tapping screws. As the fasteners are fixed, it is necessary to check how easily the door opens, its fit to the profile from the side of the handle.

If the door moves freely in both directions, then all points are correct.

Next, platbands are placed around the perimeter of the door frame, with the help of a hacksaw and a miter box, their unnecessary parts are removed and 45-degree angles are cut. They are fixed on liquid nails, ordinary furniture or other reliable and inconspicuous fasteners.

After that, it remains to attach the necessary fittings to the doors. Now the installation of the accordion door is completely completed. In order to prolong the life of a new product, it is recommended to regularly lubricate the hinges as the movement of the slats becomes difficult.

Correct installation of an accordion door is not a super difficult task if you follow the steps described above without any haste. A self-assembled product will serve faithfully for many years, and inside the room there will be much more free space.

Every year folding doors become more and more popular. They are completed country houses and apartments, offices and utility rooms. This is because folding structures have the following advantages:

  1. Possibility to save space. They can be folded at any time, so they practically do not occupy usable space.
  2. Simple mechanism. Accordion doors include panels, fasteners and guide profiles. You can collect them yourself. Needs for use building materials and holding finishing works no.
  3. Versatility. There are no restrictions on the number of panels. The only thing that should be guided by is ease of use. After all, too bulky structures are difficult to use.

Among the shortcomings that are inherent in the accordion door, there are:

  1. Low level of sound insulation.
  2. Short term use. This is due to the fact that the composition includes moving parts, which wear out due to frequent use.
  3. Need in frequent repairs. Folding mechanisms periodically jam. Most often this happens if too large sizes are selected. interior door harmonic.

To operate folding doors longer, it is necessary to carefully select the model.

The folding door system includes a set of lamellas, presented in the form of a leaf or with glass inserts, guide profiles and hinges. To simplify the process of moving, rollers are introduced into the composition, which are located on the outer wings. They move along the profiles at the moment of opening and folding the structure. The rollers are supplemented with bearings made of high-quality raw materials. Therefore, the opening and closing process is completely silent.

Varieties of folding doors

Folding interior doors are classified according to two parameters:

  • materials used for the manufacture;
  • decor.

For the manufacture of folding structures, wood, reinforced glass and plastic are used. Each option has its own characteristics and strengths.

Wood accordion door

Demand wooden doors the harmonica is high, because the designs are distinguished by reliability and duration of use. All elements from are treated with impregnations and chemicals. The hinges included in the composition are made of alloys with a certain margin of safety. Do not provoke deformation of elements from wood and temperature fluctuations.

Before installing folding wood structures in the kitchen, you need to check the degree of their protection. If the main elements are processed with a low-quality composition, then under the influence of moisture they will begin to deform.

Plastic door accordion

The constant load on the plastic panels helps to reduce the lifespan. At moderate exploitation the period of service of plastic doors accordion reaches 10-12 months. The main advantage of this design is low cost. Plastic folding doors can be used as a partition.

Glass accordion door

Folding glass is rarely used to make the base for an accordion door, since its integrity is easy to break. The cost of glass models is many times higher than the cost of analogues made of wood or plastic. To reduce the cost, manufacturers combine glass with other materials, which also contributes to the strengthening of the structure. Glass doors decorate using special films, varnishes or sandblasting equipment.

Model selection features

Since the range of folding doors is huge, it is sometimes difficult to navigate. You can simplify the process if you follow the following rules when choosing a model:

Stages of installation of an accordion door

Before assembling the accordion door, you need to check the complete set. The following items must be available:

  • guide profile (their number depends on the selected door model).
  • fixture.
  • lamellas.
  • rollers.
  • adjusting key.

Manufacturers do not include platbands in the kit, so they should be purchased immediately.

Before you buy an accordion door, you need to take measurements. This will make it possible to purchase a model with the required characteristics.

Installation of a folding interior door consists of several stages. It is important to follow their order.

  1. Preparation and fastening of the guide. If necessary, prepare additional holes for fasteners. The distance between the holes should be 25-30 cm.
  2. Panel installation. On the one hand, the guide profile is supplemented with a latch, on which the end of the panel and the roller are inserted. Then the guide is fixed.
  3. Door leaf assembly. To connect the structure together, holes are formed on the panels and fastening loops are installed in them. The lamellas are arranged in the order in which they will be installed. For simplicity, the first and last panels are marked. The distance between the panels should be 3-4 mm. Before installing the fasteners, the mechanism for the accordion door is checked again to prevent displacement.
  4. Canvas installation. The panels assembled in the form of an accordion are folded and placed in the grooves of the guide. Be sure to check and correct their position. This process is carried out using the adjusting key.

After installation, the operation of the roller mechanism for accordion doors is checked. If necessary, dismantle, correct errors and re-fix the door leaf.

During the installation of the door leaf, it is necessary to be guided not only general recommendations. Each model is accompanied by instructions in which manufacturers describe in detail the process of assembly, fastening and installation.

Simple and quick installation of an accordion door - video

Non-standard solution for installing an accordion door - video

In this article, we will look at how to make and install an accordion door with your own hands. The accordion door is an interior sliding folding door (or a book door if it has two slats). Here you will see step by step instructions With detailed master classes, as well as clear drawings and layouts. We will pay special attention to the installation of a folding door in order to disassemble how to properly place all the elements in order to carry out installation.

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So, in this same publication, I will tell you about one specific type of wooden interior door, namely, a folding accordion door.

I will say right away - this version of the door, as they say, is not for everyone, and is not suitable for everyone and not in any room, it's all about the complexity of installation and poor insulation. But, of course, the folding accordion door also has positive sides for example, it saves enough space and is easy to open. Many people believe that, in order to save Money, it’s better to buy such a door in a disassembled state and do the installation yourself, they say “it’s cheaper this way” since you don’t have to pay for installation ... such an opinion is WRONG. I’ll explain why: the thing is that by refusing to install a door, you really save, but not much, since you still have to overpay for a ready-made door, the design of which, by the way, is very simple and easy to do with your own hands! So you will not only save money, but also enjoy the creation process! “But how to make a folding accordion door, or as it is also called a “door-book,” with your own hands,” you ask. Very simple! So that you can easily and quickly create your own folding door, I am writing this article now!

Accordion door and book door.
What is the difference???

Door-book mechanism

The diagram below shows the mechanism of an interior folding door with two slats. Also on this drawing you can see the required hardware and its location when creating a door.

Photo source:

Folding door installation diagram

The drawing below shows schematically the installation principle of a folding booklet door and its parts. So to say "what-where" !!!

Photo source:

A simple accordion door installation plan

This collage sequentially shows us the process of installing a folding door in the opening.

And so let's look at the installation in more detail using an example:

How to install an accordion door with your own hands.

(photos, video master class)

It’s somehow too easy to create a door leaf for a folding accordion interior door, agree? There must be some trick to this door. Let's think about this door:

  • Convenient to use;
  • Easy to create;
  • Compact, you save a lot of free space;


  • Creating a door leaf does not take much time;
  • Any materials can be used for this purpose;
  • The design of such a door will suit almost any interior.

Some pluses, except for low strength and poor heat and sound insulation, but it generally depends on what materials you choose and how you install this door, so everything can be fine too. So what's the catch anyway?

And the catch, just the same, is to install this type of door with your own hands. If you read the article “Do-it-yourself sliding door”, then, for sure, you should understand how difficult it is to install interior sliding doors. So, installing an accordion door (or a book door, call it what you want, the meaning still remains the same) is even more difficult. Therefore, it is this stage of creating your own folding interior door with your own hands that deserves special, special attention. Let's take a closer look at all the stages and nuances of installing this type of door. Again, I will draw a parallel for those who read the article “Do-it-yourself sliding door”, in this article you will find enough matches in the installation steps, because these types of doors are, one might say, related and are based on a sliding mechanism. Okay, without extra words, let's move on to the installation itself.

Step-by-step photo installation master class:

(Just click on any photo to view the gallery)

Photo source and link to video tutorial:
Video by bandq
Título original: How to fit an internal bi-fold door

Watch the video master class:

Photo source:

Accordion door leaf design

Concealed and hinged butterfly for accordion door

If you manage to find such hinges in the hardware store, then your door will close with special grace.


If you choose from two types of loops, then it is better to put hidden ones. In the open state, they almost do not leave a gap between the canvases. In addition, they are more powerful, can withstand solid loads.


Their disadvantages: more difficult to install and high cost. But if the doors are made of MDF or solid wood, then you need to install them. "Butterflies" will fit a light door leaf or where it is not possible to make significant recesses under the body of a hidden hinge.

Name of accordion door construction elements

Do-it-yourself installation of folding interior doors.

If you buy an accordion folding interior door in a store, then you will probably be advised to pay extra for the installation of these doors, saying “this will be better, trust this business to professionals”, do not believe this, it will probably be faster, three times more expensive, but no better quality. Installing a door-book is quite within the power of an ordinary mortal person who does not know anything at all about the “correct” installation of folding doors. And if you are exactly the person I am talking about, congratulations, you will be able to cope with this task, and this and subsequent fragments of the article will help you, just in such a case.

Although the installation of both folding and sliding doors does not require the creation door frame However, you still need to think about how to arrange doorway. After all, there can't be bare walls between rooms. For example, a doorway can be plastered and painted, or wallpapered, but most often a decorative false box is used for these purposes. This is a kind of imitation of a real door frame, which performs a purely decorative role and is not intended for anything else, that is, the door CANNOT be hung on such a frame. And it is a box of boards fastened together with screws, installed in the opening.

Photo source: (photo of false box assembly)

Accordingly, you need to start the installation with the creation of such a “door frame”, and before creating it, you need to carefully measure the parameters of the doorway itself (wall thickness, height and width of the opening). I will talk about the next steps later in the article.
Título original: How to Install Folding Doors and Bi Fold Doors
Video by: DIY Doctor

Watch the video master class:

Do-it-yourself folding door installation steps.

(photos, instruction, video master class)

So, let's use the example of a specific model to analyze the steps for installing a folding interior door, and, of course, a video master class will help us in this! In the last fragment of the article, I said that it is best to create a decorative false box for a sliding or folding door, but I also mentioned other methods for decorating a doorway. In this case, just, the creator of this model did not use an imitation of the door frame, but simply painted the plastered doorway. Well, let's say you have properly prepared the doorway for installation, and you can already move on to the next step. And the next stage is the installation of the guide. If you bought the door disassembled in the store, then the kit will include a guide, but in the same case, when you completely and completely make the door yourself, you can do the following: buy an aluminum guide and a kit for installing a folding door separately, believe me, Thus, it will be possible to save much more money than when buying dismantled doors.

To install the guide, you must first measure the width of the doorway. And here comes the first distinguishing feature from installation sliding door-coupe. The guide for the folding door is installed not above doorway, and inside it, therefore, if you created a decorative box, you will have to take into account its dimensions so as not to be mistaken. Then, after you have made the guide of the required size, drill several holes in it and fix it in the opening with one screw, in the middle of the guide (this must be done so that you can then insert the door leaf into the guide) is ready, the first part is done.

Step by step master class

Source photo and video master class:
original name: accordion door installation
Video by: Natalya Pukhovskaya

Watch the video master class:

We cannot confirm the authenticity of this drawing. Most likely it reflects a variety of only one type of folding doors. And the list of types of doors is quite limited.

From different materials

Folding accordion doors, like book doors, can be made from different materials. Let's take a look at them in the photo galleries below.

Accordion door made of natural wood

Natural wood. Durable material, subject to its competent processing: the wood is impregnated with an antiseptic, covered with stain and varnish. Over time, the coating is updated. The door made of this material is unstable to moisture changes.

MDF accordion door

MDF. The most stable material, not subject to the destructive effects of fungus and mold. Compared to chipboard, the material is more suitable for the manufacture of doors complex design. Chipboard is strong enough, lightweight, environmentally friendly, moisture resistant and fireproof.

Accordion door made of chipboard

Chipboard. Cheap, as it is a sheet of glued sawdust. A door made of such material will turn out to be flimsy. Since it consists of sawdust pressed and glued together, the screws do not hold very tightly in it. The advantage of the material is good heat and sound insulation, however, the design of the accordion door does not allow the material to show these qualities in full. Chipboard also has high moisture resistance and bioresistance, but still it is far from the best option for folding doors.

Plastic accordion door

Plastic. Cheap, wear-resistant and water-resistant material. Ideal for a shower stall. It is easy to process, does not give chips, scratches and cracks, does not dry out. For interior doors, plastic with a pattern is usually used: wood-like, wall-colored, etc.

How to install the door leaf of a folding interior door on the rail.

(photos, instruction, video master class)

So, let's assume that you have prepared the doorway, installed the guide and are ready to install the door leaf. Well, then let's not delay, let's start the installation right now!

First, check if everything matches required size if so, great.
It is necessary to install rollers on the door leaf - the main part of the moving mechanism, by the way, here is another difference between a folding accordion interior door and a sliding compartment door: the rollers are not located vertically, but horizontally, relative to the ground, so they move along the walls guide, in addition, respectively, the rotating axis is directed in the other direction, and, in addition, the rollers also have a swivel roller assembly, it is needed so that the door can be folded.
Otherwise, the steps are the same as for installing a sliding door, that is, to the upper end of the door leaf, one roller is installed on two parts of it. After the rollers are installed, you need to install the lower axis, on which one part of the door leaf will be attached. Now you can insert the rollers into the guide.