How to calculate the footage of the curtains on the grommets. Do-it-yourself curtains on grommets: a master class with detailed calculations

  • 12.06.2019

IN modern life more and more relevant is the convenience and rationality of living conditions. It also happens when choosing curtains. The use of curtains with eyelets will be a worthy alternative to massive cornices. And how many eyelets are needed for a curtain of various lengths, we will understand below.

The advantage of using eyelets

  1. The presence of a rustling sound during the sliding and sliding of the curtains is liked by many;
  2. A beautiful and uniform wave will not be disturbed even by washing;
  3. The fabric from which the curtains are made is less prone to abrasion, unlike fasteners in another way;
  4. Hi-tech or minimalism in design will be ideal with such curtains.

Eyelets and their varieties

Before sewing curtains using grommets, you need to make sure that you definitely want to do it yourself. So, eyelets, what do we know about them? This is usually the name of a round mount (but other options are also possible), plastic or metal with a design that creates the illusion of using wood, leather and other materials. Rings can also be different shapes: oval, oblong, triangular and suitable for children's rooms.

How to calculate fabric?

Let us consider in more detail how much fabric is needed for curtains on the grommets. When the window measurements are completed, you can proceed to the choice of fabric in a specialized store. This process in itself is quite exciting. The value of eyelets is primarily in uniform waves, which increases the amount of fabric. As a rule, it will be enough to observe such calculations: width * 2.5-3. Those. for curtains with a width of 3 meters, you need a window of 1.20 meters. With a more economical approach, such graceful waves may not work. For example, a window of 1.5 meters will need an average of 4 meters of fabric.

We calculate the fabric correctly

How more window, the more fabric will be required for its design. But excessive maximalism using 4 times the amount of fabric relative to the width will not give the desired effect, giving a massive appearance. The length is chosen based on individual preferences, especially when you select curtains for a nursery or kitchen. For such a room, you can choose a length of 2 meters, because compliance with its standard value is not so important.

List of required materials and tools

For self-tailoring of curtains, stock up on: fabric, eyelets, scissors, a pencil, a special grommet (successfully replaced by interlining or dublerin), an iron to glue it on and the ability to work on a sewing machine.

In order for the wave to be uniform, you need to use eyelets in an even number.

Pre-determine the appropriate interval from one eyelet to another, it depends on how deep the folds will turn out. To obtain embossed, deep folds, you will need an interval of 22 cm, and for softer ones, 15 cm is enough. If the distance is large, the fabric, more often dense, may sag, and less will not be noticeable. As a result, how many eyelets do you need for a curtain of 3 meters? If you observe an average interval of 18 cm, we need 16 eyelets.

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What are eyelets

A grommet is a sleeve designed for fastening into holes in garments. When stringing a curtain on a cornice with the help of such fittings, the fabric acquires a wave-like shape. The folds are even, which adds aesthetics to the interior of the room.

According to the material of manufacture, the rings are divided into metal and plastic. A variety of shapes and colors of fittings allows the most daring design ideas to come true. However, round-shaped rings are the most popular among consumers. In addition, designers recommend combining the colors of eyelets and curtains, or, on the contrary, choosing the color of accessories that contrasts strongly with the fabric.

In addition to the material of manufacture, as well as shape and color, eyelets are divided by size into:

  • small - from 1.5 cm to 3 cm;
  • large - up to 6 cm in diameter.

Hardware advantages

The curtain, suspended from the eaves with the help of eyelets, is practically not subject to wear. This is because the products do not have sharp ends that can catch on the material and leave puffs on it. In addition, the fabric will not tear, even if you pull hard on the curtain, since the main load will fall on the eaves.

It is not required to make efforts to move, as the rings glide perfectly along the eaves. In addition, the curtain is removed quite easily.

Such curtains will complement the interior of the room, made in almost any style. The elegant waves obtained thanks to the eyelets will perfectly fit into any design idea.

How to sew curtains on your own, tulle on grommets - step by step instructions

Self-tailoring curtains using eyelets will take some time. However, unlike products purchased or ordered in the atelier, hand-made execution will be much cheaper. Expenses will be associated only with the acquisition of the necessary material.

Fabric calculation

A feature of the use of rings is that the curtains have wavy folds, as well as a comb, which is located at the top of the curtain. Accordingly, measurements are made based on these nuances. In particular, a fabric that is too wide will make the curtain heavy, and if there is not enough material, the folds will be dim. Because of this, the curtain will be stretched, which will make it difficult to move. To achieve a positive result, the length of the cornice is first measured, and the resulting value is multiplied by a factor of 2–2.5. If light and mesh fabric is used, then the multiplier factor can be reduced to 1.5.

Having determined the total amount of material, calculations are made taking into account the folds, where the allowance is:

  • lower edge - 8–10 cm;
  • the upper part can be up to 25 cm. Such a margin is required, since the eyelets must be attached to several layers of fabric;
  • lateral edges - 3-4 cm.

In the case of sewing a curtain consisting of two parts, in order to fit the pattern, the material is taken with a margin.

Tools and materials

To attach eyelets to curtains you will need:

  • grommet tape;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pins for labels;
  • chalk with a pointed end;
  • pliers.

To install metal rings, you still need a puncher, a hammer, as well as rubber gasket. The latter is necessary to soften the blows of the hammer on the fittings during fastening.

Initial material processing

Before attaching the rings, the fabric is pre-compacted. After all, even dense material is not able to withstand the loads from the fittings installed on it for a long time. This applies to both plastic and metal products.

Therefore, to reduce the load on the curtain, a grommet is pre-attached. However, if it is not possible to use such a tape, then doublerin can act as an alternative sealant. Although this material is inferior in its characteristics, it is still quite suitable as a reinforcing element. In any case, the tape is selected in such a way that its width is greater than the outer diameter of the rings.

The upper part of the fabric is tucked twice to the width of the tape being installed, and the fold is ironed. In turn, from the sides, the sealant is cut off with a margin equal to the width of the fold. After the manipulations, the canvas unfolds, and the tape is adjusted along the intended upper fold and fastened with an iron. So that there are no traces of a hot electrical appliance on the canvas, work is carried out through a sheet of paper. For a more secure fastening of the grommet, a seam is made along the very edge of the hem.

After the grommet is fixed, dots are applied to the curtains, indicating the centers of the fittings. Marked places are marked with pins. Then, the contours of the holes are marked on the fabric along the inner diameter of the eyelets, along which the intended part is cut out with a margin of 2 mm. After that, rings are installed on both sides and snapped into place or pressed through with a press.

Advice: to speed up and facilitate the work, use a flaring tool and a punch.

At this stage, the main task is to apply the center points evenly. To ensure that the edges of the curtains are in the same position, there must be an odd number of gaps between the eyelets.

Metal or plastic rings - which is better?

Although metal rings look more spectacular, plastic products are more suitable for tailoring curtains yourself. Thanks to design features plastic eyelets are installed without special equipment. It only takes a little effort to secure them. In addition, plastic, unlike metal, does not creak during the movement of the curtain. And here hardware when interacting with the eaves, they can make unpleasant sounds.

Also, these two materials differ significantly in cost, and here again the advantage remains with plastic fittings. In addition, after washing the curtains, metal fittings can oxidize and leave traces of rust on the fabric. positive qualities that metal products possess is durability, a wide range of colors, as well as the ability to withstand heavy curtains.

Which cornice to choose?

A wide range of cornices, of course, makes it possible to choose an option based on personal preferences. However, only one type of cornice is suitable for grommets - round. Although in design work there are fixtures of other geometric shapes, the circle is still the standard solution.

Like eyelets, the cornices themselves differ in the material of manufacture on:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

Plastic cornices, compared to other types, are much cheaper and do not make noise during operation, but they are not suitable for heavy types of fabrics, as they may not withstand the load.

Metal cornices have increased strength and can even be made to order. Such products are characterized by forged decorations along the edges. But the cost and weight of metal cornices is much higher than those made of wood or plastic.

In turn, wood is inferior to metal in terms of strength and decoration. But it is much more difficult to choose the necessary color of a wooden cornice for fittings due to the properties of the material of manufacture. And if for a wooden cornice is chosen plastic fittings, then before hanging the curtains, the rod is abundantly rubbed with wax.

Whatever material the cornice is made of, it is selected for eyelets so that its diameter is slightly smaller than the width of the hardware holes. Rings should be freely put on the cornice and move along it without difficulty.

Another important factor is the material from which the curtains are made. The weight of the curtains affects the choice of cornice. Light tulle and other fabrics of low weight are perfectly hung on thin plastic rods. But dense and heavy materials can render the entire suspended structure unusable.

Cornice fasteners

In order for the curtains on the grommets to reveal their potential for elegance, they must first of all hang on an evenly fixed eaves, and for this:

  • using a tape measure, the window opening is measured;
  • the places of installation of the brackets are marked with a pencil; with a pencil, in the holes, marks are made;
  • holes are drilled in the marked places;
  • the bracket plate and stand are fixed;
  • a cornice is hung on the rack, and a building level is placed on top of it;
  • the height of the second bracket is adjusted, after which it is installed.

Eyelet Curtain Care

An integral part of the care of garments is washing. This also applies to curtains with eyelets. It is allowed to wash curtains with rings by product manufacturers. Moreover, the labels or packaging of the products used indicate the recommended parameters for automatic washing.

If there are no factory stickers on the products themselves or their packaging, then it will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. handwash. In this case, the curtain with eyelets is soaked for several hours in warm water and then rinse thoroughly.

Video: how to make curtains on the grommets with your own hands - a master class

A wide variety of fabrics and eyelets allows you to choose products that will match the style of the room. Fittings, in the form of rings built into the curtain, will perfectly fit into almost any design of the room. In addition, the curtains on the grommets, despite the myths, just like ordinary curtains, are perfectly erased. Instead of exposing the curtain and rings to premature failure, factory labels will help, which indicate the necessary parameters for washing and care.

Curtains with grommets are a rather difficult interior element to create. The difficulty lies not only in the installation of accessories on the sewing material, but also in the need to make calculations. In fact, the distance between the eyelets can be calculated based on existing formulas. They were created in many ways experimentally, however, the considerable experience of professional seamstresses can be trusted. This article will describe the algorithm for calculating the interval in the middle between the fittings, and also provides specific example, which allows you to see the real numbers.

To do this, the fabric for sewing must be measured with a centimeter tape or a dense tape measure, spreading it on a flat horizontal surface. In this case, accurate data is needed, and therefore it is better to measure twice - this will help to avoid inaccuracies and oversights in the manufacture of this interior element.

The second measurement that needs to be made is to find out the diameter of the metal rings themselves.

Before you measure them, they need to be properly selected for a specific eaves. They must be larger than the crossbar, so it is recommended to stop their choice on those that are 8-10 mm larger in diameter than the pipe on which they will be installed. For example: a pipe can be measured with a caliper, and if a result of 16 mm is obtained, then the fittings are selected with a diameter of 25. If the pipe is 25, they can be selected as 35 mm.

One more caveat: when measuring the eyelet, you must take into account inner diameter, not the outer one, because the two numbers will be different.

After making measurements, you can begin to carry out calculations.

General rules

When making calculations, one of the basic rules for sewing such curtains should be remembered: the number of eyelets must be even. Why? Because it is thanks to an even number that the side sections of the fabric will be located in such a way that they will not be visible from the room, that is, they will be turned towards the window.

If there are an odd number of them, the side sections will look into the room, and this will have a very negative effect on the appearance of the curtain and the design of the room.

When carrying out the calculation, it should also be taken into account that the optimal number of holes per 1 meter of width is the number 6. This means that to obtain the result, you simply need to multiply the width of the panel in meters by 6. The result will indicate the number of round metal rings that are necessary for sewing this interior element.

It should also be remembered that, on average, the distance between the holes in the fabric should be from 10 to 15 cm. It is partly determined by the diameter of the selected fittings. For optimal movement of the curtains on the rod, it is recommended to indent from the extreme hole to the edge of 3 cm.

This value is the same regardless of the width of the curtain.

Formulas and calculus sequence

If you have the relevant data, you can proceed to the calculation using the formulas below. What data is needed for calculations:

  • inner diameter of 1 piece of fittings;
  • curtain width.

The sequence of calculation operations:

  1. How many round metal rings do you need. It is calculated by the formula: curtain width in meters * 6.
  2. Calculation on the sides: 3 cm X 2 sides = 6 cm.
  3. Calculation of the remaining footage from the first to the last hole. It is calculated according to the formula: curtain width - the remainder of the centimeters on the sides (i.e. 6 cm).
  4. Counting the footage on the canvas that occupy the holes. It is calculated according to the formula: the inner diameter of the fittings * per their number (pcs.).
  5. Counting the total gap in the middle of the holes. It is calculated by the formula: the rest of the material from the first to the last ring is the distance on the canvas that the metal rings occupy.
  6. Counting the interval in the middle of the holes. It is calculated by the formula: the number of round metal rings - 1.
  7. Calculation of the gap between fittings. Calculated using the formula: calculation of the gap on the canvas that the holes occupy / by the number of intervals between them.

The result obtained is the width of the distance between the fittings.


For more simple explanation of how to calculate everything in practice, an example with specific data will be given below. For the initial data, such as the inner diameter of the metal ring and the width of the web, the numbers 25 mm and 4 m, respectively, will be taken.

The procedure for carrying out calculation operations:

  1. Counting the number of round metal rings needed: 4 m * 6 = 24.
  2. Calculation of the remaining centimeters on the sides 3 cm x 2 = 6 cm.
  3. Calculation of the rest of the fabric from the first to the last hole. 4 m (400 cm) - 6 cm is equal to 3 m 94 cm.
  4. Calculation of the gap on the canvas, which is occupied by holes: 25 * 24 pcs. = 600.
  5. Counting the footage of material in the middle of the holes. 3 m 94 cm (3940) - 600 = 3340.
  6. Counting the number of gaps in the middle of the holes. 24 - 1 = 23.
  7. Calculation of the interval between eyelets. 3340 / 23 = 145 or 14.5 cm.

14.5 cm is the width of the distance between the eyelets.

As can be seen from the information presented in this article, in order to calculate everything correctly, you only need a tape measure or centimeter tape, the presence of a working calculator (on your phone or computer) and compliance with the step-by-step algorithm described above. By the way, as in the case of taking measurements, it is desirable to carry out calculations according to the above algorithm twice. It is easy to get confused in the variety of numbers, and one wrong result can ruin the entire fabric prepared for sewing.

It is recommended to write down all the results obtained during the calculation process - this will help in making markings on the processed fabric and greatly simplify it.

What you need to know before installing eyelets.

1. What are eyelets and what is better to choose?
Eyelets vary:
according to the material from which they are made (metal or plastic);
in shape (round, curly);
by color (transparent, solid color, imitating the color of metal, wood, leather and other materials);
according to the diameter of the inner hole (from 10.5 to 50 mm).

You need to choose eyelets depending on the model of the curtain that you want to get as a result and the cornice on which it will be attached. Most often, round eyelets are installed to match the cornice, furniture fittings or curtain material. But if you want to focus on the eyelets themselves as decorative element curtains, you can use curly eyelets. For example, helm-shaped or dolphin-shaped eyelets for children's curtains in a marine style.

The diameter of the eyelet hole should be 1.5 cm larger than the diameter of the rod (pipe) of the cornice. Otherwise, the curtain will not move well along the cornice, because the eyelets will get stuck on the stem.

As for the choice of eyelet material, it is more practical to use plastic ones. They do not damage the rod of the cornice, move quietly along the cornice, there is no risk that during washing the metal will oxidize and stain the fabric of the curtain with rust. Plastic eyelets can generally be removed for washing, and then put back. In addition, plastic eyelets are cheaper than metal ones and no special press is needed to install them.

2. Where to buy eyelets and how much they cost.
The price of eyelets depends on their size, shape, material and quality. The average price of round plastic eyelets in Moscow is 40-50 rubles. We do not recommend buying cheaper eyelets, as they are most likely of poor quality. After all, you probably don’t need eyelets from which the paint will be erased during the first wash. It also makes no sense to pay more for round eyelets, since this means that the seller simply made too much markup on his product. Figured eyelets are more expensive than round ones, the average price is 50-70 rubles.
In Kyiv, I saw eyelets in Leroy Merlin. Plastic, 7 hryvnia. eat different colors. Most likely, eyelets can also be found in the Epicenter and in other places where they sew curtains or sell fabric for them.

3. How many eyelets are needed.
When calculating the number of eyelets that will be required for the curtains, we proceed from the following:

a) The number of eyelets on the curtain must be even (i.e. 8, 10, 12, 16 and so on). This is necessary so that both side edges of the curtains are directed towards the window. If you install an odd number of eyelets, one edge will be directed towards the room. This looks ugly.

b) The optimal distance between the centers of the eyelets is 18 cm. If you don’t get exactly 18, it’s not scary. You can do a little more or a little less. The main thing is that the distance between the centers of the eyelets should not be more than 22 cm or less than 15 cm. Then the folds will be beautiful and even.

c) From the side edge of the curtain to the center of the first eyelet, the distance is 5 - 7 cm. This distance depends on how wide you make the hem of the side edge and on the diameter of the eyelet. It is necessary to make it sufficient so that the eyelet does not fall on the side hem. Otherwise, it will not close due to too much thickness of the fabric. You should not make a very large distance, otherwise the free end of the curtain will bend ugly.

Calculate the number of eyelets:

1) n1 = (L - 2a): 18 + 1, where n1 is the estimated number of eyelets,
L - the width of the finished curtain on which the eyelets will be installed, in centimeters,
a is the distance from the side edge of the curtain to the center of the first eyelet, in centimeters.

2) n2 is the even number closest to n1, that is, the same number of eyelets that we want to know.

Example: Your curtain is 2 meters wide (i.e. 200 cm). The eyelets you will install have a hole diameter (inner diameter) of 45 mm (4.5 cm) and an outer diameter of 75 mm (7.5 cm). The hem of the side edge you want to make is 2.2 cm.

Then the distance from the side edge of the curtain to the center of the first eyelet you need to take this: side hem width + half the outer diameter of the eyelet + indent from the hem: 2.2 cm + 7.5 cm: 2 + 0.3 \u003d 6.25 cm.

Thus, L \u003d 200 cm, a \u003d 6.3 cm. We calculate the number of eyelets:

n1 \u003d (200 cm - 2 x 6.3 cm): 18 cm + 1 \u003d 11.4 pcs.

But we need an even number of eyelets, so we round n1 to 12 or to 10. Moreover, if we take 10 eyelets, then the distance between their centers will be:

b \u003d (200 cm - 2 x 6.3 cm): (10 - 1) \u003d 20.82 cm,

and if we take 12 eyelets, then the distance between the centers of the grommet holes will be:

b \u003d (200 cm - 2 x 6.3 cm): (12 - 1) \u003d 17.04 cm.

What is the best distance to make, you decide. But keep in mind that the greater the distance between the eyelets, the larger the folds. So proceed from what kind of Vysha curtains suits you best.

By the way, if you have two curtains, do not forget to multiply n2 by 2.

4. What you need to install eyelets.
In addition to the eyelets themselves, you will need duplicating material to reinforce the top of the curtain. It is imperative to strengthen the fabric of the curtain, otherwise the grommet will not hold due to the displacement of the material. In addition, the reinforced top of the curtain drapes more beautifully, the folds are clearer.

The most convenient way to do this is to use a special grommet, which is a finished strip of hot-melt adhesive material. Grommet tape is produced in different widths: 5, 7, 10 and 12 cm. Choose a tape with a width that is larger than the outer diameter of the grommet plus 2 cm. outside diameter 7.5 cm, then the grommet 10 and 12 cm is suitable for you. And if you want to put small eyelets, with an outer diameter of 3.6 cm, then you can use the grommet 7 cm. Transparent grommet is available for transparent fabrics. Grommet tape is sold in specialized departments and stores. You can also order it from us, with delivery.

To strengthen the top of the curtain under the eyelets, you can also use a dense doubler, but this is less convenient, since it will have to be cut, and because of the need to join the strips, the top will turn out to be less neat. If you still decide to use doubler, place the joints of the strips of adhesive material between the places where the eyelets are installed, where the curtain will bend towards the wall. This will avoid excessive fabric thickness, due to which the grommet may not close and hide the junction.

You will also need an iron for gluing the grommet or dublerin, a centimeter tape and a pencil or marker for marking, scissors or a punch for cutting holes for the eyelets.

5. How to prepare a curtain for installing eyelets.
Eyelets are installed on a completely finished curtain. That is, all edges must be processed. If the curtain is lined, it must also be sewn on.

The top of the curtain must be duplicated with a grommet or doubler.

The drapery coefficient of the curtains on the grommets is taken 2 - 2.5. Otherwise, they look ugly. That is, in order for the finished draped curtain on the eaves to occupy 1 meter, in the straightened state it must have a width of 2 - 2.5 meters. Take this into account when calculating the required amount of fabric.

There are two main ways to finish the top of the curtains on the grommets. In the first case, the curtain fabric is a single whole. In the second - the upper part of the curtain is trimmed with a different type of fabric.

The combination of fabrics in curtains on the grommets is used for both aesthetic and practical reasons. For example, if the curtain on which you are going to install the eyelets is made of light material (tulle, voile, organza, mesh), then it will be quite difficult to accurately process the top edge. This is due to the mobility of the fibers of these tissues and their transparency.

The second common reason for finishing the top of the curtains on the grommets with a different type of fabric is the insufficient height of the curtain material. For example, if the height to the top of your curtain rod is 250 cm, then the height of the curtain material should be: 250 cm - 1-2 cm (distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the curtain) + 250 * 0.02 (for shrinkage) + 2-5 cm (curtain comb) + 20-24 cm (double top hem) + 4-15 cm (bottom processing) = 279-298 cm. And the height of curtain fabrics is most often 280 cm.

Therefore, you need to calculate in advance whether the height of the material is enough for you to process the top:

1. Decide the material of the future curtain. To do this, the fabric must be wetted, dried to a damp state and gently ironed with an iron. This is done so that the curtain material shrinks before cutting and sewing, and not after the first wash, and the finished curtains do not become unexpectedly shorter by 5 cm. This is especially important for natural fabrics: cotton, linen, wool, silk. Some synthetic fabrics don't shrink, but it's still worth it to decant because you usually don't know in advance whether or how much the material will shrink. After decathing, measure the height of the material again.

2. Decide what kind of hem and comb you want to make and calculate how much material height is required for your product. If after decathing you have enough fabric, you can start sewing curtains on grommets from a single piece of fabric. If not enough, you will have to combine the curtain fabric.

The sequence of sewing curtains on the eyelets is as follows:

Processing the top of the curtains on the grommets.

1) Measure from the top edge 2 widths of the grommet (the edge of the fabric is not taken into account, it must be carefully cut off). Bend to the wrong side and iron.

2) Insert the grommet into the fold, with the edge to the fold of the fabric, stepping back from the side edge of the hem width. Fold the fabric over again so that it wraps around the grommet and iron it gently.

Glue in small sections, as much as the iron platform captures: level the area, put the iron on, press down, wait until it sticks and go to next section. It is not necessary to drive the iron over the area to be glued, because the fabric may move and adhere unevenly.

You need to glue the tape so that the hot melt adhesive melts, but does not seep through the fabric of the curtain to the outside. Therefore, you need to know how long and with what pressure to keep the iron on the treated area. To find out for sure, you need to experiment before you start processing the top of the curtains. Buy fabric and grommets with a small margin and practice. A small overpayment pays off by the absence of the risk of spoiling a large product.

In order not to burn the material of the curtain, use an iron (a thin cotton or linen material that is placed between the fabric being ironed and the iron during ironing).

3) When you have glued almost the entire top of the curtain and reach the second side edge, cut off the rest of the grommet, stepping back from the edge to the width of the side hem.

4) Fasten the top flap with a machine stitch, stepping back from the edge of the fold 1-2 mm.

Processing the sides and bottom of the curtains on the grommets.
In general, the processing of the bottom and side edges of the curtains on the grommets does not differ from similar processing of other types of curtains. Exist various ways, the choice of one or another processing method depends on the type of fabric, your wishes for appearance curtains and the level of your skill.

6. We mark the holes for the eyelets on the curtain.

1) Lay the finished curtain on flat surface. All measurements and markings must be made when the curtain is ironed and lies flat.

2) Mark the position of the outer eyelets. To do this, take the grommet and position it at the desired distance from the top and side edges of the curtain. Make sure that it does not go over the seams, otherwise the eyelet may not close due to too much fabric. Mark the exact center of the grommet hole with a pencil or fabric marker. Do the same for the other side of the curtain. Please note: the distance that you stepped back from the top for the first eyelet must be maintained for all other eyelets so that all holes are at the same level.

3) Calculate the distance between eyelet centers. To do this, measure the distance between the centers of the marked outer eyelets and divide it by the number of eyelets reduced by 1. For example, if you get a distance of 187.4 cm and the number of eyelets is 12, then the distance between their centers will be:
187.4: (12-1) = 17 cm.

4) Mark the centers of all remaining eyelets by making dots with a simple pencil or fabric marker.

5) Mark the holes for the eyelets. To do this, you need to take the grommet and, putting it on the marking of the center, circle the inner hole. The previously marked point should be located exactly in the center of the grommet hole.

7. Cut holes.
It is most convenient to cut grommet holes with a special punch. But you can also use regular scissors.

You need to cut holes for the eyelets, retreating 1-1.5 mm from the markup. This is necessary so that the edge of the hole is completely hidden inside the grommet. More hole should not be done, otherwise the grommet will not hold firmly enough.

Try to cut the holes carefully so that the edge does not fray or crumble. Holes in all layers of fabric should be the same.

8. Install eyelets.
Lay the eyelet halves on the front and back of the curtain. Make sure they are evenly spaced and push until you hear a click. Special equipment for installing plastic eyelets is not required, they are installed manually.( 250 cm - 3 cm X 2 (on hemming from the sides) - 5 cm X 2 (distance from edge to center of first eyelets) ) / ( 14 - 1 ) = 18 cm

Those. the finished curtain will have a total width of 244 cm, 14 eyelets will be located at a distance of 18 cm from each other (between centers) and 5 cm - the distance from the center of the extreme eyelets to the edge of the curtain.

Curtains and curtains are part of the coziness in our apartments, as well as style and comfort. The use of hooks and ceiling curtains fades into the background. Grommets move forward, they are more practical and in appearance - more modern. Let's figure out how to install eyelets on curtains if craftswomen update window decoration with their own hands?

In general, eyelets are relevant for curtains with a crossbar. They are inserted into cut holes of a suitable diameter and protect the edge from shedding. It is through them that the eaves bar is threaded. The material of manufacture for eyelets is varied. They can be purchased both metal and plastic and even wooden. The most practical when using are plastic, they are not subject to corrosion and oxidation, and when washing the curtains there is no need to remove them. Plastic is durable, and when moving along the eaves for curtains, it practically does not make noise.

Do-it-yourself installation of these devices is quite simple. It is only necessary to pre-select the diameter and color. The optimal dimensions are from 10 to 50 mm. The range of colors is the most diverse and you can choose the one that interests you. The shape is the usual round, as well as in the form of an oval, square, triangle and other shapes.

We take measurements

Any tailoring leads to the removal of measurements and calculation. And if you don’t need to build a pattern for curtains, then a sketch is desirable here. In the figure, it is necessary to fix the dimensions of the window, cornice, mark the lines of the floor and ceiling. A more accurate calculation can be done on a scale, this is especially necessary for beginner needlewomen.

It should be noted that when cutting the curtain fabric there will be large allowances. To hem the bottom, we lay 4 - 10 cm so that the vertical sides look neat, they should also be processed and 2 cm of allowance for each is enough. On the upper part, we will need to set aside a size of up to 25 cm, including the height from the center of the eyelet to the top edge of the curtain. This is the so-called "comb", usually 2 - 5 cm.

If you have already chosen a fabric, you may find that the standard length of 280 cm may not be enough. In this case, you should not despair, you can try to consider the option of a short curtain or show your imagination and combine fabric with other material in an original way. Often tailoring of this particular option is used. At the same time, the curtains are enlarged from above and below with contrasting or companion fabrics. If you have chosen an extension, mark it on your sketch.

Position calculation

The curtain must have a fixed position of the folds on both sides, so an even number of eyelets is needed and this is important! Also note that the distance should not be large from the edge of the curtain to the center of the first eyelet to protect it from hanging. Depending on the processing of the top and the type of fabric, this distance varies between 4 - 6 cm. It is enough to leave 3 - 4 cm on the scallop, this optimal size, excluding its fall.

Calculating the position of the eyelets relative to each other is up to you. Please note that the depth of the folds will depend on the distance between the eyelets. Evaluate the fabric, its texture and the way the top is processed. In order to prevent the grommet from falling out later, it is worth reinforcing the top with an adhesive gasket such as doublerin or with a special tape. The distance between them also depends on the length of the canvas, since deep folds do not look on short curtains, and on curtains to the floor, frequent assembly looks ridiculous. It is worth fixing the folds with pins and hanging the fabric on the cornice, then see from the side how they will look. For deep folds, the optimal distance is 22 cm, for small soft ones - 15 cm just right. The standard location of the eyelets is considered to be at a distance of 18 cm between the centers of adjacent holes.

Rules for sewing curtains on rings

Tools and fixtures:

  • the cloth;
  • dublerin or eyelet tape;
  • cutting scissors;
  • eyelets;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • pins;
  • tape measure;
  • adhesive tape - "cobweb";
  • pencil, soap or chalk.

If two curtains will be attached to your cornice, then the second one needs to lay a wave of folds in the opposite direction so that the pattern does not lose its symmetry. Be sure to pay attention to the indentation from the top edge of your product. For soft tulle and organza fabrics, it is 5–6 cm. In this case, eyelet rings should be selected with a diameter of no more than 3–4 cm. For dense fabrics, both the bend and the diameter of the fastening rings can be increased, since they are less susceptible to deformation.

Calculation of the size of curtains

Before choosing a fabric, you should measure the window. From this value, we calculate the width of the curtain.

For a deep wave, the calculation is as follows:

  1. Thin fabrics - the width of the window multiplied by 3.
  2. Dense fabrics - the width of the window multiplied by 2.

So, with a window 150 cm wide, you will need to purchase 3 m for sewing curtains on the grommets with your own hands.

The length depends on the distance between the cornice and the floor, as well as the indentation of the edge of the fabric. For example, with a cornice height of 2 meters and a bend of 10 cm, the indentation of the eyelets from the upper edge of the curtains is no more than 3 cm. Curtains should not touch the floor and hang down, not reaching it by 2 - 3 cm. As a result, we get: the length of the curtain is 2 m (from the floor to the eaves) plus 11 cm (hem of the top fold) plus 3 cm (allowance on the bottom), and in total we get 2.14 m.

The size of the non-woven adhesive material is calculated as the width of the fold times 2, the length is equal to the width of the curtain. We have a 10 cm fold, so the lining will be 20 cm wide.

The adhesive material is ironed to the upper edge of the curtain and sewing itself begins. Process sides double hem. The grommet is simply measured in length. Next, let's tackle the top fold. Draw a line at a distance of 11 cm from the top edge and fix the fold for the eyelets along it. Easy to pin with pins. The gasket must be inside the fold. Next, we bend 1 cm at the bend, sew to the edge. Make sure that the fabric does not stretch, and do not skew. At the bottom of the curtains, you should also double hem. Tailoring of a curtain is finished.

Instructions on how to put the grommet with your own hands is simple. Using a measuring tape, mark on front side places for future holes, according to the dimensions you choose.

We retreat from the upper edge of 3 cm and impose the upper half of the grommet to this mark so that it is in the center of the ring. We outline the inner diameter with a tailor's pencil. We also act with the rest of the markings for fasteners. Next, using scissors, carefully cut these holes. Fasten the eyelet immediately after cutting, so that the fabric does not have time to crumble. To do this, place the halves of the ring around the holes, and with a light pressure, clamp them until they click.

After installing the latter, we can safely say that sewing curtains with your own hands is over. It remains only to remove the rod of the eaves and pull your creation through it. Lay beautiful folds and evaluate your result. As you can see, sewing is not difficult, and it takes a little time. Special tools are not required to fasten the grommet, and even a novice seamstress can handle the job.