Cleaning pillows at home, washing feathers. How to wash a feather pillow at home - hand and machine wash steps

  • 14.06.2019

Despite the fact that feather pillows are familiar to everyone since childhood, few people know how to properly care for them. And without proper regular cleaning, a huge amount of dirt accumulates in them.

Wet washing is not suitable for every feather: if waterfowl feathers are washed calmly, contact with water is contraindicated for chicken feathers. Especially for them, dry cleaning methods have been devised, which, if desired and with simple equipment, can be carried out at home.

Dry air cleaning

This technology is used in most dry cleaners due to the speed and quality of cleaning.

To repeat this at home, you must:

  • vacuum cleaner with backflow function;
  • "quartz" lamp emitting ultraviolet;
  • large fabric case;
  • gauze;
  • bucket.

UV lamps have remained in many homes since Soviet Union. In the absence of them, they are bought at flea markets, in an electronics or medical equipment store - a modern improved version.

Important. You should not feel sorry for the old pillowcases, as often the yellow stains on them cannot be washed off with detergents. Moreover, it is not difficult to sew a new protective pillowcase-case, but in sanitary and hygienic terms it is necessary.

Steam cleaning

The method is also widely used in dry cleaners and is more suitable for working with waterfowl feathers. Chicken feather is allowed for processing with slight contamination or for prevention.

  1. The filling is taken out of the bedclothes and placed in a case.
  2. Using a steamer set at 120 degrees Celsius, the contents are processed, gradually mixing it to obtain a uniform effect.
  3. Steam is the aggregate state of water, so a small amount of moisture remains on the contents. After cleaning, it is dried for a short time, and then returned to the protective pillowcase.

Those who do not have a steam unit at home replace it with an iron with a hot steam function.

Wash options

In accordance with sanitary standards Pillows are recommended to be washed at least once every six months. Wet cleaning of feather pillows is possible in manual and machine version. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The procedure is equivalent to a complete pillow renewal with a thorough refreshment of the contents. Once every six months, such a procedure is difficult to carry out, you can make it annual. But if you clean the pillow in this way, it will return to its original fresh look.

Auxiliary components for manual cleaning:

  • tight gauze bandage;
  • linen conditioner;
  • water at room temperature.

washing powder cannot be used, as it is difficult to completely wash out of feathers. Bleaches and other powerful cleaners are also prohibited - they thin and destroy the organic filler. The ideal option is a soft washing gel.

  1. The bandage is folded in several layers and 2-3 small bags are sewn.
  2. The old bedclothes are torn open, the pen is taken out and placed in gauze cases. Holes in the covers are sewn up or tightly tied.
  3. A detergent is diluted in a basin with water. In this solution, feather bags are washed in turn.
  4. After washing, the filler is rinsed until the foam is completely washed out.
  5. After that, the feather is left for several minutes in water with conditioner, it fluffs and softens the filler. Rinse again.
  6. Hand pressing feathers is allowed. But do not do it too hard, so as not to turn the feathers into dust.
  7. After complete drying on fresh air or near the battery gauze bags are torn open.
  8. The pen is returned to the washed old breastplate or moved to a new one, which is then tightly sewn up.

Important. Before the procedure for pouring the filler, it is advisable to prepare a vacuum cleaner. This will help keep the feathers from scattering around the work area.


The washing machine will save time with a feather pillow. You need to pay attention to the weight of the filler before washing - a wet feather may be too heavy for the drum. In this case, it must first be sorted into several portions.

  1. Feathers are transferred to dense gauze covers. Without them, washing the filler in a typewriter is dangerous - it will clog all the details of the machine and ruin it.
  2. There should be a very small amount of stuffing in each case so that the water rinses it freely.
  3. Recommended settings: delicate mode for washing children's or woolen clothes, temperature - 30-50 degrees, 300-500 spin cycles, double rinse.
  4. Some housewives put tennis balls in the drum to break up the feather balls in the process.
  5. Liquid detergent is poured into the powder tray.
  6. A conditioner is added before the second rinsing cycle.
  7. After washing, the gauze bags are lightly wrung out and dried thoroughly before returning the contents to the pillowcase.

Drying Features

Properly clean feather pillow- only half the battle. It is necessary to properly dry its filler in order to avoid mold, the appearance of feather lumps, compaction or thinning of the feather.

  • After a thorough hand or machine wringing, the feather bags are shaken, evenly distributing the contents over the cover.
  • The filling is carefully sorted out by hand, checking for lumps. If such are present, they are disassembled with fingers, slightly stretching in different directions.
  • In the warm season, the contents are dried in the fresh air in a horizontal position or suspended on clotheslines. In winter, drying near radiators or heaters is acceptable. Directly on them, according to the rules of fire safety, you cannot put a pen.
  • Average feather drying time is 2 days. During this period, you need to turn over, shake and beat the covers several times, straightening the filler.
  • The finished dry pen is poured into a clean, washed pillowcase.

Regular washing of feather pillows can prevent the appearance of dermatitis, allergies, the development of diseases of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.

We spend a third of our lives sleeping. During these allotted eight hours, our body must fully rest. But, it happens that in the morning a person gets up broken and not rested. As they say medical workers, an ordinary pillow can become the cause of poor health. It is a very important component on which human health depends.

Depending on which pillow we sleep on, our well-being depends, therefore, its choice, as well as keeping it clean, must be taken with all responsibility.

types of pillows

When choosing the main accessory for sleep, you need to pay attention to the filler. There are two categories of filler:

  1. Natural.
  2. Synthetic.
  • goose feather;
  • goose down;
  • sheep's wool;
  • silk;
  • natural plant preparations: buckwheat husks, herbal preparations.

Synthetic pillows have the following content:

  • synthetic winterizer;
  • silicone;
  • holofiber;
  • special synthetic foam fiber.

The service life of such pillows is no more than five years, and they need to be cleaned a maximum of once a year. And now let's remember when a feather pillow appeared in your house? Ten, twenty, or even thirty years ago, when caring mother and grandmother gave it to you along with a dowry. How many times has she cleaned? Probably none.

why clean pillows

Pillows, which are filled with natural filler, tend to attract dust particles to themselves and you can’t get rid of it just by knocking it out. In addition, there is a huge possibility that dust mites can settle in goose down or feathers. Gradually, these insects, invisible to the naked eye, fill the entire pillow with their waste products, which can lead to skin rashes and allergies. In addition, if you have been ill with a viral disease, such as the flu, then after recovery, such a pillow must be cleaned.

The four main reasons to clean your pillow are:

  • When a person sleeps, the body sweats, and the pillow absorbs all the moisture. We are used to washing bed linen every week: a duvet cover, a sheet and a pillowcase, but we forget about washing blankets and pillows.
  • The pillow, which was used for about five years, must have settled ticks.
  • Together with saliva, as well as discharge from the nose, viruses are also released during illness, which settle in the favorable environment of the pillow. After recovery, a relapse may occur, and the disease will return again.
  • Over the years, every pillow that has a natural filler grows old. She acquires bad smell, gets off in lumps, it is uncomfortable to sleep on it due to the fact that it has become rigid.

how to clean a pillow

Synthetic products. There are no problems with synthetic filler when cleaning. And why clean such a pillow if it has a low cost. It's easier to throw it away and buy a new one. The service life of a sleep aid with a synthetic filler is one to two years. During this period, it may be necessary to clean the pillow. Clean silicone-filled pillows with a steam cleaner. If you do not have this home assistant, then the pillow can be washed in a washing machine.

Before you put the pillow in the wash, you need to check how the synthetic filling reacts to water and detergent. As a rule, the pillow is sold with a small bag that contains a sample of the filler. And it can be tested. If there is no such sample, you can carefully open the pillow on one side and get some silicone. If the test was successful, silicone or rubber balls for washing down jackets are placed in the machine along with the pillow. This is necessary so that the product does not go astray. Pillows are washed in the "delicate wash" mode, at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

After washing, the item for sleeping is wrung out at low speeds (no more than 400) and sent to dry in the fresh air.

Feather pillows. The ideal option cleaning feather pillows is dry cleaning. But, if this is not possible, then it is quite possible to handle the cleaning yourself.

Before washing the pillow, you need to find out what filler is inside. If the pillow is filled with chicken feathers, then it cannot be washed. You can only wet pillows filled with feathers or down from waterfowl.

Let's start cleaning the feather pillow:

In order for the feather to dry well, it must first be dried in the shade in the wind, and when it dries well, the bags can be taken out into direct sunlight. In the process of drying, when the feather or fluff is well dried, it is necessary to loosen them with your hands.

When the gauze feather pouches dry, it's time to pay attention to the pillowcase. We advise you to wash it well and after drying, take a piece of dry soap or a candle and rub it from the inside out, and then iron it with a hot iron. Such measures are necessary so that the fluff does not seep through the pillowcase. If you don’t want to mess around with an old bedclothes, you can sew a new one and treat it with soap or a candle in the same way.

After these steps, the dry pen must be moved to the pillowcase. To do this, again you need to sew the bag with the contents to the bedclothes and move it. Sew up the edge of the lining.

wool pillows cleaned according to the information indicated on the label. Before washing the product, remove stains with a toothbrush and soap suds, rinse under running water. Wash woolen pillows in a washing machine in a delicate wash without spinning. Before sending the product to the machine, it must be soaked. For soaking, cool water is drawn into the bathroom, a powder or hand wash is added and the pillow is immersed for half an hour. The pillow will absorb liquid. This method will allow you to wash the product with better quality. Woolen products cannot be twisted. You can dry it in the dryer or outside. After drying, the pillow should be shaken well several times to distribute the filler.

Pillow made of buckwheat husks and stuffed with herbs cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Any other way to clean such pillows is prohibited.

Do not be lazy to take care of your pillows, and then you will always have healthy sleep and good health!

The pillow is one of the most important items of comfort, which is subject to high demands regarding cleanliness, both outside and inside. The cleaning of such products becomes priority activities of many dry cleaners, where, for a fee, the pillow will be completely restored to impeccable condition. However, why overpay for the service, if washing can be done at home.

Thoroughly washing a downy product is quite simple. There are no special tricks in this case, however, some aspects should be observed so as not to spoil your favorite bedding. So, let's look at the sequence of actions:

  1. Before you clean the pillows stuffed with natural down, you should stock up on clean cloth for the second pillowcase. For these purposes, teak would be the best option, you can also use coarse calico or cotton.
  2. Then you need to measure the already existing breastplate and add 1.5-2 cm to the seams on the new pattern.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to sew a large pillowcase in which the down filler itself will be washed and wrung out. To do this, you need to take the lightest mesh fabric, for example, chintz or thick gauze.
  1. The next step is to open the dirty product. To clean down pillows and at the same time not clog the whole house with small feathers, you must first put a vacuum cleaner or a bowl of soapy water under your arm. You can wet your hands in it so that the fluff sticks to your palms, and does not scatter around the room.

  1. Then carefully, in small parts, remove the down filler from the pillowcase and transfer it to the prewash container. It is advisable to prepare a solution of washing powder in a basin or bath, where it is necessary to soak the dirty fluff for 60-80 minutes. Under the action of the detergent, unpleasant odors and dirt will disappear.
  2. After that, it is necessary to drain the water and squeeze out the filler. For greater comfort, it is recommended to use a standard colander.
  3. Rinse the contents again clean water and squeeze carefully.
  4. Finally, transfer the fluff to the prepared chintz pillowcase, break up the clumps with your hands and transfer to the machine.
  5. Turn on the gentle spin mode and remove the filler at the end of the wash.

10. Now you can start drying the down product. To do this, you need to get it out of the washing drum and gently shake the contents of the pillowcase.

11. Then put the down bag in a sunny and dry place, ideally - a balcony or your yard. During drying, periodically shake the filler so that it does not acquire an unpleasant smell of charm.

12. As soon as the fluff dries, re-stuff it with a clean pillowcase and sew it up.

13. The pillow is ready to use.

How clean feather pillow

Almost everyone in the household has half-shells stuffed with duck or goose feathers, which they inherited from their grandmothers. Comfortable, soft, environmentally friendly, they have served the family faithfully for many years. And in order to restore the original purity of products, you need to know how and where to clean the pillows on your own.

So, for washing, you will need to prepare the following:

  • chintz or gauze;
  • gel for washing woolen products;
  • fabric softener;
  • water;
  • new pads.

The walkthrough is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Spread out the old dirty bedclothes, take out all the feathers and divide them into three handfuls.
  2. Each part must be placed in separate bags of gauze or chintz, previously sewn in haste.
  3. Then each bag must be sewn up or tied tightly so that the feathers do not fall out.
  4. Pour water into a basin or bath, add washing gel to it and soak the filler for 2 hours. The pillowcase should be washed separately from the filler.
  5. Then carefully wring out the feather pouches and rinse under plenty of running water.
  6. Rinse again, while adding a capful of fabric softener to the water.
  7. Then hang the bags in a sunny place or lay them out on a radiator if washing is done in winter period of the year.
  8. After complete drying, carefully shift the fluff and sew the product.
  9. The pillow is ready to use.

Machine washable feather pillow

This type of product can be machine washed. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • prepare bags for the filler and pour the feather into them;
  • transfer to the washing machine and set the "Delicate wash" or "Washing wool" mode;
  • use liquid gel instead of powder;
  • set the gentle spin mode - up to 400 revolutions;
  • set the extra rinse program, while pouring in 1 cap of fabric softener;
  • run a normal wash cycle.

Some subtleties of drying the product

Undoubtedly, properly cleaning a feather pillow is a fairly simple and low-cost task, but in addition to washing, attention should be paid to drying the product. In the case of a careless attitude to this stage of work, the risk of mold and bad smell which is extremely difficult to fix later. So, for proper drying, you should follow the following features process:

  • it is necessary to keep the filler in the air for at least 48 hours so that the fluff or feather is completely dry, otherwise it will be hopelessly damaged;
  • for drying, prepare a spacious pillowcase, larger than the size of the pillowcase itself;
  • this temporary bag must be carefully tied or sewn up so that the feathers do not crawl out of the gaps;
  • obligatory manipulation - shaking the pen every 4-6 hours so that not a single lump is left inside, where charm can appear;
  • the best option is to hang pillowcases with filler in a sunny place or lay out bags on a bench;
  • if the smell of dampness or mold nevertheless appears, the pillow must be thrown away, since the product cannot be returned to its original form.

Cleaning a synthetic pillow

Pillows with synthetic filling are easy to wash, both in manual and machine mode. For this reason, you do not need to find out how much it costs to clean the pillows, because the process is extremely simple to master on your own. Consider the main subtleties of the process:

  1. It is important to follow the instructions on the label, as well as wash the filler in a gentle mode.
  2. From detergents, it is desirable to use liquid gel.
  3. A double rinse is also recommended.
  4. Unlike down pillows, such products need to be wrung out to the maximum.
  5. Drying is done as outdoors as well as on the heater.

Washing orthopedic products

These products should be washed exclusively by hand, as washing machines act too rough on the structural material of the pillow. In addition, it is desirable to use a liquid gel. In general, the correct sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove the pillowcase or cover from the pillow. In most modern products, a special zip-lock or dog is provided, which will allow you to easily and quickly get the filler. Covers should be washed separately.
  2. Then pour warm water into the container to such a level that the product is completely covered with liquid.
  3. Add washing gel, about 1 tbsp. l. And mix it thoroughly in water until foam appears.
  4. Then proceed to washing - rough movements and friction of the material are not recommended, it is better to simply crush the pillow with your hands so that the detergent penetrates into the material.
  5. After that, thoroughly rinse the product under running water. Please note that rinsing can take much longer than washing itself.
  6. At the end, dry the product by laying it out in an open space. Do not use a dryer, as the orthopedic material can be damaged by high temperatures. Dry your pillow in the sun if possible.
  7. Make sure the pillow is completely dry as the porous structure of the material is similar to a sponge. Due to this, the filler absorbs moisture and can keep inside for a long time.

If your pillow is made from environmental material, like buckwheat husks or various cereals, then it cannot be washed, otherwise the product will become unusable. However, it is still necessary to clean such products, since the husk is crushed and dust accumulates there. To do this, they must be cut, carefully sift the contents and sew up again in the apron. Eucalyptus and bamboo pillows can be machine washed at 40°C.

When washing pillows of any type, you can add a drop essential oil cypress, lavender or orange. This action will eliminate unnecessary inhabitants inside the filler and give the product a pleasant aroma.

Despite the variety of pillows and how to clean them, the problem of how to wash a feather pillow at home remains very relevant. Many people prefer to purchase products made from natural feathers and down, considering them more suitable for sleeping. They are moderately soft and comfortable, but such bedding has its drawbacks. A natural feather is a breeding ground for various microorganisms, and in particular the feather mite.. Mixed with sweat and dead cells, mites multiply exponentially. Over time, they turn a soft pillow into a source of disease and allergic reactions. There is only one way out - regular and proper washing of the product.

How to properly clean feather pillows? If washing is not carried out as it should be, then the feather may fall off, drying will take a long time, there is even a risk of ruining the washing machine. Expected incidents force housewives not to wash pillows from feathers, but to beat them out and warm them up in the open sun. But none of these methods will replace quality washing. If you decide to carry out this procedure at home, then you must initially decide whether the washing will be manual or in washing machine.

The preparation should be as follows:

  1. In advance, you need to purchase or sew a cover yourself, into which the washed and dried feather will fall asleep. For these purposes, an old teak pillowcase or a new teak cover will do.
  2. For high-quality washing, you will need an old pillowcase or any bag made of loose material. In such a case it will be convenient to dry washed feathers. You should not use bags made of thin fabric (gauze) for such purposes. In this case, fluff and small feathers will come out.
  3. Should be defined correct dimensions laundry bag. To do this is quite simple. The width corresponds to the size of the pillow, and the length should be increased by 2 times. Such parameters are optimal so that the pen stretches well and dries well. It is better to prepare several laundry bags. After all, the less feather is placed in them, the better it will be washed and dry faster.

How to wash a feather pillow by hand at home? The process of washing and drying feather pillows at home is a laborious and time-consuming task. It will take a lot of strength and patience to do everything correctly and efficiently.

If manual labor for you - a familiar matter, focus on the long process of soaking, washing and repeated rinsing.

To hand wash the pillow, you need to prepare:

  1. 1 Liquid detergent for woollens and delicate fabrics.
  2. 2 Fabric softener.
  3. 3 Cases for washing and drying pen.
  4. 4 New pillowcases.

The hand washing process includes several stages:

  1. 1 Rip open an old pillow and remove all the feathers from it. Lay them in laundry bags and tie a tight knot. Down and feather - the material is very light, so as not to collect all over the room, they spread a large sheet or fabric on the floor in advance.
  2. 2 In a basin or bath, water at room temperature is diluted with liquid detergent. If any of your loved ones have allergic reactions to powders and shampoos, you can use ordinary laundry soap. For pillows that need special cleaning, you can use a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia or vinegar. Such a solution not only eats away dirt well, but also kills the old smell of sweat and grease. The feather should be soaked for several hours so that all the dirt and grease comes off it. Experienced housewives do not recommend soaking feathers in hot water. Otherwise, you can get quite the opposite effect. The dirt is brewed and acquires a persistent and unpleasant odor, which is impossible to get rid of.
  3. 3 While the feathers are soaked in soapy water, you should carefully vacuum the room from the remnants of the filler.
  4. 4 Then pour the soap solution into a container with clean water The feather bags are thoroughly rinsed in this liquid. The procedure should be repeated at least 4-5 times until the water is clear. Lastly, a few drops of conditioner are added to the water to help soften the feather.
  5. 5 After rinsing, carefully wring out the feather bags.
  6. 6 The main action is to properly and thoroughly dry the pen. To do this, it is laid out in the open sun. The feather should be turned over periodically so that it does not rot, but dries evenly on all sides. There is another drying method, it will be a godsend in case of insufficient free space for drying the feather in the sun. The feather is dried in bags in a well-ventilated place. Every 2-3 hours it should be whipped and shaken. Drying should not last more than 48 hours, otherwise the feather will acquire a musty unpleasant odor.
  7. 7 After the feather filler has dried, it should be placed in a new pillowcase and the pillow should be sewn.

Wanting to save time and effort, housewives clean pillows at home using a washing machine. Despite the simplicity of the process, some subtleties of washing should be taken into account so that after cleaning the pillow remains usable.

Washing process in the washing machine:

  1. 1 Pour the feather from the old pillowcase into a laundry bag. Tie it carefully into a tight knot. Given that the speed of the washing machine is quite high, you can put another bag on top for practicality. It is necessary to select the delicate washing mode with a water temperature of no more than 40 ° C. Repeated rinsing and the minimum spin speed are optimal washing parameters. It is important to choose the right detergent. For washing the pillow in a washing machine, only liquid powder for delicate and woolen products is suitable. Conditioner is added only when rinsing. It is important to remember that if a small pillow is washed in the machine, then the drum must be filled with more things. This will help to make the load even and eliminate strong vibration. washing machine.
  2. 2 Remove the laundry bag from the drum of the machine and knead any feather clumps by hand. This must be done carefully and accurately. To make the feather dry faster, the bag is placed in a sheet, then it is tightly twisted. The feather filler should be dried within 2 days, otherwise the pillow will be hopelessly damaged. For outdoor drying, either a well-ventilated place or an open area on the sunny side should be provided. If the washing machine has automatic drying, the procedure is simplified several times. Just select the desired mode and add small tennis balls to the drum.
  3. 3 A clean and dry pen is carefully poured into a prepared new pillowcase. The fabric is stitched with a thick thread, a double seam.

  1. 1 Feather laundry bags are best sewn from old tulle. Gauze not really suitable option, since a large amount of fluff is clogged into it.
  2. 2 Washing is best done at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  3. 3 The best drying takes place in the open air under the sun, and not on a radiator. When choosing to dry outdoors, consider the time of year. The best time to dry in the sun is hot summer. In winter, if there is an urgent need, you can wash the pillows, but drying takes longer. It is important to fluff the bag of feathers frequently to prevent lumps from forming. If the choice fell on a special dryer, then you need to place it in a well-ventilated area. Air must circulate, thereby drying the pen, preventing it from rotting.
  4. 4 If the washing machine has a special drying mode, the process is faster and better. The main thing is to choose the optimal mode and minimum temperature. It is better not to set the spin in the car.
  5. 5 Feathers should not be squeezed hard, as they break and turn into debris.
  6. 6 The length of the bedclothes for washing is increased by 2 times. It can carry out washing efficiently and quickly.
  7. 7 No need to try to reanimate the old pillow cover. Repair will take a lot of time, and the old cover will break through very quickly.

If you do not have enough patience for such painstaking work, then you can always give the pillow to a dry cleaner, where professionals will do all the work for you.

How to clean and wash feather pillows

The most common types of pillows are down and feather. They are in almost every home. Such products are very comfortable and soft, the filler in them, unlike synthetic ones, does not “fall off” and does not gather into clods.

But products made from such material quickly accumulate dust in themselves, and bacteria easily multiply in them, which is harmful to human health. That is why you need to know how to wash a feather pillow at home.

Unlike chicken feather pillows, a duck or goose feather pillow will last up to 50 years.

Nowadays, the choice of pillows is very wide. You can purchase a down, feather or bamboo product. Each type of filler has its own advantages and disadvantages.

However, you should be aware that after a certain time you will have to get rid of the pillow, because it will be unusable. The shelf life of such products depends on whose pen they are filled with.

If this is a goose or duck feather, then you can use such a pillow for a very long time - up to 50 years. When chicken feathers are present in the “stuffing” of the product, then after 5–7 years it is better to get rid of it, since the filler will become unusable.

Due to the characteristics of the filler, cleaned down or feather pillows can be used for no more than six months. After this period expires, they will have to be washed again.

You can clean a pillow with such a filler both at home and in a dry cleaner, laundry or a special salon where pillows are restored.

Tidying up a pillow at home is not as difficult as it seems, but it will take a lot of time to process it yourself. In addition, after washing, the filler dries for a long time, and the cleaning process will take a long time.

If you have free time, you can do everything essentials at home. For those who do not want to "stretch" this process the best option going to dry cleaning.

How much does it cost to dry clean a feather pillow

In specialized dry cleaners and laundries, you can offer two types of washing - dry and wet.

  • Wet washing is carried out using organic detergents. The feather is removed from the pillow, placed in a tank and treated with a special solution. Thanks to this, all bacteria, microorganisms and foreign odors are destroyed in the filler. The pen is then washed and dried.
  • Dry cleaning (also called air cleaning) is the treatment of the filler with air or hot steam, as well as UV radiation. The pen is blown through, due to which the volume of the product is restored, and dust and debris are removed. At the same time, ultraviolet treatment is underway - this allows you to destroy all bacteria. After the cleaning, the new bedclothes are filled with a cleaned feather.

Chicken feather pillows are best dry-cleaned.

If you do not trust dry cleaners, you can always do the work yourself, without any extra money.

How to clean feather pillows? First you need to determine the feather and fluff of which birds are stuffed with products. If this is a chicken feather, then it would be better to contact the dry cleaners, focusing the attention of employees on the need for dry cleaning, without the use of steam. Otherwise, the feathers may simply crumble into fibers.

But if the pen is goose or duck, feel free to get to work on your own. You can clean the filling of feather pillows by hand or machine washing.

Goose or duck feather pillows can be cleaned with laundry soap and ammonia.

To clean your pillow effectively, you first need to decide what kind of detergent you will use.

It could be laundry soap ammonia(half a bar of soap is rubbed on a grater, dissolved in one bucket of water and two teaspoons of ammonia are added there).

If you don’t want to mess around with the preparation of such a solution, use a detergent for washing woolen fabrics. The work must be done in the following sequence:

  • Spread the pillow, and in parts immerse the filler, laid out in bags, into the prepared solution. This must be done carefully, tightly tying the bags, otherwise the light fluff will scatter throughout the room.
  • After all the fluff is immersed in the liquid, “stir” it a little with your hands and leave it to soak for 4-6 hours.
  • Then remove the filler from the cleaning solution and rinse with clean water. Do it better with the help of the shower. If you want to give your feathers a scent, you can treat them with fabric softener before the final rinse.
  • To dry the feather filler, lay it out on flat surface in a well ventilated area and cover with cheesecloth. The feather will take a long time to dry, usually it takes several days.
  • Sew the dried clean fluff into a new pillowcase.

Remember that you need to wait until the pen is completely dry, and only then lay it out on the pillowcases. Otherwise, excess moisture will spoil the filler, and it will be impossible to correct the situation.

With the help of a typewriter, it is possible to wash the pillow without disassembling it. The main condition is that it must be in a special case. If this is not done, there is a high risk that the pillowcase will break and the fluff will clog the working parts of the machine.

The quality of washing the pillow “whole” is not very high, and you can count on a good result only if the feather is not very dirty. If the filler has managed to “collect” a large amount of dust, it is better to open the pillow and place the feathers in fabric bags for the duration of washing and drying.

Pillows should be washed in the machine in the “delicate wash” mode and at a temperature not exceeding 40C.

When washing, follow these rules:

  • use only special liquid products for woolen fabrics or downy products;
  • wash in "delicate" mode;
  • use the extra rinse and spin function;
  • After rinsing, leave the filler bags in the drum for 30–40 minutes to allow excess moisture to drain off the glass.

Machine wash is good because after it the filler dries much faster.

It is very pleasant to sleep on a clean, freshly washed pillow. And it doesn’t matter what you will do for this - wash the product yourself, or entrust the work to professionals.

A very good article indeed. But I don’t know how safe it is for down / feather to wash at 60 degrees. I wash at 30 degrees with Uni-Pooh, and not with a simple powder, the usual powder constantly stains and the fluff gets lost. The pillow has washed well.

How to clean feather pillows at home: the best means and washing methods

Many housewives are sure that washing pillows is possible only in special professional setting however, you can do it yourself. It is important to understand how to clean feather pillows at home, properly prepare for the process and follow the recommendations of experts. In addition, you need to do this regularly so that insects and microorganisms that are harmful to human health do not start in the feathers. This process should be as regular and habitual as washing other things.

Feather pillows remain the most sought after and popular, despite the emergence of many other fillers. They easily and quickly restore their shape, allow the head and neck to rest in correct position, and they are not as difficult to care for as it might seem at first glance. Of course, if you give products filled with down and feathers to specialists, it will be much easier, although more expensive. But washing pillows is possible at home.

Before you start washing, you need to understand that it is quite difficult to clean the entire pillow: it gets wet from water, gets heavier, and it will be almost impossible to finish it. Therefore, the best way to wash is to open the pillowcase and clean the feathers separately from it. This is a troublesome process, but there is no other option for washing feather pillows at home.

In order not to turn your own bathroom into a messy chicken coop, you need to prepare bags. It is easiest and most convenient to sew them from gauze. Regardless of whether the feathers are washed by hand or in an automatic typewriter, these bags must be strong and small in size.

Another important point preparation for cleaning feather products is the purchase of detergent. It is best to use a liquid for delicate or woolen fabrics, which will soften the water, and does not contain bleach or bleach in its composition. No matter how much you want to return the snow-white appearance to the feathers, this cannot be done with chemical bleach.

In addition to all of the above, in the process of cleaning and drying products, tennis balls, a place for drying and bed covers will come in handy. You can sew new pillowcases from dense fabric through which the feathers cannot come out. And you can carefully wash the old ones and then use them again.

When it comes time to clean the bedding, the question arises not only of how to wash a feather pillow, but also how to do it. It is important to understand that it is undesirable to use ordinary powder, it is difficult to wash it from feathers and down. Therefore, for cleaning, you can take other means:

  • liquid for washing delicate and woolen fabrics;
  • soap solution;
  • solution of water with ammonia.

As a store-bought laundry detergent, any liquid is suitable - Silan, Ariel, SilkSoft and others. When buying, you need to make sure that the product is not intended for bleaching and does not contain chlorine. The advantage of a liquid product is that it is easily rinsed out under running water, does not leave a smell and does not knock the filler into lumps. Washing powder may remain inside, which in the future will become a likely cause of allergic reactions on the skin.

Having prepared for the process, you can start cleaning feather pillows. There are several basic methods that allow you to tidy up your bedding and return it to cleanliness and freshness. Often used hand or machine wash, as well as drying natural filler. Which method is more convenient is up to each housewife to decide on their own, as a rule, this understanding comes with experience.

Regardless of how the cleaning will take place, you need to get feathers from the pillow, divide them into several equal parts. For each part of the filler, a separate gauze bag is used, in which washing will be carried out. The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

  1. Feathers put in gauze bags and carefully tie them with a thread, but it is better to sew them up.
  2. You can wash them in warm, but not hot water. In a bowl you need to pour water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Dilute detergent or ordinary laundry soap in it.
  3. Wash and rinse the filler bags well. You will have to work hard, because even the contents of the pillow divided into three parts are not so easy to wash, especially when it gets wet and gets heavier.
  4. To rinse well natural material, the water in the bowl will have to be changed at least 3-4 times.
  5. After washing, the bags must be thoroughly wrung out, but not twisted, so as not to break the feathers.

The larger the content, the more parts it will have to be divided into. It is difficult and difficult to wash all the feathers by hand, so it is better to do it in parts and gradually. Although the first time the process will still seem difficult. In the future, it will be easier and faster to do this, and the result will please with cleanliness and freshness, which will affect the quality of sleep and the tranquility of rest.

Washing gauze bags with feathers inside in an automatic washing machine is more difficult than washing by hand, since this process can clog the filter electronic device. To avoid this, you need to make sure that the sewn pouches do not have holes or torn parts. Dense and high-quality gauze will protect the drum of the washing machine from small feathers.

Features of machine cleaning include such factors:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. The spin speed should be set to a minimum, but at the same time add an additional rinse.
  3. It is better to put tennis balls together with gauze bags filled with filler - 3-4 pieces. They will help avoid lumps.

It is much easier to wash a pillow in an automatic machine than by hand, and compliance with the basic requirements for the process will help not only to obtain the desired result, but also not to spoil the household appliance.

It is also necessary to dry the contents of the products in bags. It is best if this can be done outside, where fresh air and wind will not leave an unpleasant odor in the filler. V winter time you can lay out the washed material on the battery or near the fan. As the material dries, it must be turned over, shaken and straightened so that no lumps remain.

To dry the washed feathers, you can hang the bags with them, but you will also have to constantly turn and level their contents so that it dries evenly and does not fall into clods. When all the filler is completely dry, the bags need to be carefully ripped open, put all the feathers in a pre-washed pillowcase and stitch it carefully.

A fresh and clean pillow is ready to use again. It should be soft and smell good, then this will mean that the washing and drying process is done correctly.

In order to wash feather pillows at home less often and easier, you need to take into account the peculiarities of caring for them, which will allow you to save the thing and extend its life. When buying a product, you need to pay attention to the label or instructions, if available.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate not only the requirements for washing and cleaning the product, but also other features that may be useful during use. In addition, you need to remember the following rules for use and cleaning:

  1. When making a bed, you need to fluff up feather pillows sometimes so that the filler does not crumple.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with a wet head, because the feathers will absorb moisture, the process of mold formation may begin inside.
  3. It is also undesirable to sleep on a pillow without a pillowcase - sebum from the head will quickly pollute it, washing will have to be done more often.
  4. In the spring, when it gets warmer outside, you can hang pillows for airing. The sun and cool breeze will help refresh them after the winter.

Properly caring for pillows and following the recommendations for gentle washing, it will be possible to extend the life of their use, enjoying clean and fresh products.

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I clean pillows in July, when they can be quickly dried in the sun, because if the feather is not dried quickly, it will start to stink. I wash in the machine, on the mode for down jackets, the Indesit has exactly such a mode, I use it. and then just to dry in the sun, and that's it

dream interpretation

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Dirty pillows pose a threat to human health, so they should be washed or cleaned at least once every three years. At the same time, the pillowcases are also subject to change.

It is better to change down and feather pillows for demodicosis to products on synthetic winterizer, because the tick in the artificial filler does not settle so willingly, and they are easier to wash.

The easiest and most effective way to clean feather, down and sofa cushions in all respects is to do it in dry cleaning or air dry cleaning. There they are treated with steam, so the pillows do not lose their lightness and fluffiness.

It is possible to clean pillows at home, although this is a laborious process. The main problem there will be a drying of the filler. Most often in the composition of pillows there is a feather and down of various birds in different proportions.

Important! On the label, you need to see which bird feather was used as a pillow filler. If there is a feather and down of ducks or geese inside, then they clean the pillows in the washing machine or with their hands, if the chicken feather - any washing is contraindicated!

A pillow filled with chicken down or feathers is cleaned only by dry drying using ultraviolet light, not steam.

How to wash feather pillows?

So that the feather in the pillows does not collect a lot of dust and mites are not bred, the products must be cleaned periodically. There are two easy ways to clean a feather pillow at home: hand wash and use a washing machine.

Hand wash feather pillows

Before washing a feather pillow at home with your hands, you need to take:

  • Gauze (5-7 meters);
  • Detergent for woolen fabrics;
  • Warm water in large volume;
  • Linen air conditioner;
  • New breast pads, which are either sewn on their own or bought in a store (factory teak).

Before washing the feather pillow, fold the gauze in several layers and sew 3 bags together. Rasporov napernik, open the pillow and take out a feather from it. Divided into three even parts, we place the pen in gauze bags and sew them up (you can tie them with a thread).

We wash these bags in a large deep basin with warm water, in which a liquid soap was added before, for example, Dreft, Villus or Eared Nanny for woolen and delicate products.

First, it is better to soak the pen and leave it for a while (30 minutes) to remove dust and odors.

Rinse thoroughly after washing. When rinsing in the last portion of water, add a bottle of conditioner. The contents of the gauze bags must be squeezed out well.

In the warm period, it is better to dry the pen on the street or on the balcony, in the cold - at home, near the battery. From time to time, the feather is whipped in bags, turning it in different directions.

After the feathers are dry, the pillow can be changed.

It is better to carry out the procedure for filling a new pillowcase with a feather by spreading a sheet and placing a washed feather on it. When carrying out such actions, you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be a certain loss of feathers.

Also, after the feather pillows are re-sewn, it is necessary to clean using a vacuum cleaner. Having shifted the feathers into a new pillowcase, the latter is sewn up and a clean pillowcase is put on.

Machine wash pillows on a feather

Washing feather pillows by hand is difficult and time consuming, so you can use a washing machine.

If you decide to resort to machine washing, bags are also made from gauze into which the pen is placed. After that, the bags are evenly placed in the washing machine and washed in the "delicate wash" mode and the set temperature of 40 degrees.

In the compartment where the powder is usually poured, you need to pour a liquid detergent for washing woolen fabrics (the same Dreft or Villus, as well as all powders specialized for wool).

Before washing the pillow in the washing machine, the spin speed must be set to the minimum, the rinse mode must be double.

Before the second rinse cycle, you need to add conditioner.

Important! Feathers released from gauze bags can easily clog, so this method washing pen should be used very carefully.
It is not necessary to wash all the feathers if the pillow is very large. Before washing a feather pillow at home, the feather should be divided into several portions - 2-3 bags. Then the pen will be better cleaned, and the load on the drum will be evenly distributed.

How to clean a down pillow?

Pillows with down fillers are cleaned in three ways:

1. Hand wash

If you need to know how to wash a down pillow, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. in a large container with hot water, in which the soap solution is diluted, place the fluff for 2-3 hours and let it soak.
  2. Drain dirty water, squeeze out the filler and rinse under running water. When washing, it is convenient to use a colander. The drain hole must be closed with a net, otherwise you can clog the sewer.
  3. Dip the fluff in another solution with detergent (you can take all the fluff products, for example, special agent Heitmann Daunenwäsche or Unipuh liquid down detergent) and wrinkle almost clean stuffing well in it.
  4. Rinse again and place on a soft cloth to dry in the sun. Distribute the filler evenly. In the course of drying, be sure to turn over and break down lumps. Down dries slowly. The process may take up to 5 days. In the bedclothes, the fluff is laid out evenly.

2. Machine wash

For most down pillows, washing in a machine is contraindicated. Information about this can be placed on the label.

If you nevertheless dared to wash the down pillow, then in this case the pillowcase will definitely have to be changed. You need to wash at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, the mode is manual or for fluff, with a minimum speed during the spin cycle.

A dirty pillow, along with 2-3 plastic balls (they will whip the product) is placed in a laundry bag.

When the cycle is over and the pillow is dry, the pillowcase is steamed out and the dry fluff is transferred to a new one.

3. Steam treatment

If the steaming method is selected, a new bedsheet is not needed. This procedure removes dirt worse than washing, but it is quite capable of refreshing the pillow, removing odors, updating the pillowcase, and destroying up to 90% of bacteria and mites.

To steam the pillow, you need to place it vertically and walk twice over its entire surface.

How to clean a decorative sofa cushion?

Now let's figure out how to clean sofa cushions filled with padding polyester or holofiber.

Wash in ta some products separately filler and decorative pillowcase.

Important! Before cleaning the sofa cushion, it is necessary to check whether it is suitable for further use. To do this, you need to put something heavy on the pillow, and then remove it - the surface should then take its original shape. If a dent is found, such a pillow is no longer suitable, it is better to buy a new one.

Washing sofa cushions

Decided to wash yourself? Then we will figure out how to clean the pillows with our own hands, while maintaining a presentable appearance.

You need to wash sofa cushions in 2 steps:

  • Filler in the washing machine. To do this, the pillow is soaked in warm water with the addition of a gel (for example, liquid gel SNOW GUARD, Persil, Ariel, Formil and others).

It is better to put two pillows in the washer so that they rub against each other, and the load on the drum is even.

Washing is done in the "Synthetics" mode with a temperature of not more than 50 degrees. Pillows are placed in a mesh cover, and a liquid agent is poured into the powder compartment.

Important! If there is heavy pollution, it is better to use a stain remover. Bleach should not be used.

The rinse should be double.

Dry sofa cushions need in the sun or in a room that is ventilated. Before that, the pillow should dry out lying horizontally for 3-4 hours so that the water is glass. Periodically, the product must be turned over and whipped.

If the filler has strayed into lumps, then it is kneaded and distributed over the pillowcase. Didn't work? Then the fabric of the pillowcase is torn along the seam, the synthetic winterizer is pulled or combed out, after which it is returned back and sewn up again.

  • Decorative pillowcase.

If there is embroidery, a silk or leather product, it is worth giving it to dry cleaning.

If it is washed at home, then a soft powder (Villus, Formil, Pervol, Galus or any other) diluted in warm water is used.

The pillowcase is soaked for 2-3 hours and washed in an automatic machine on a delicate cycle.

Dry the cover after washing. If there is a label, then follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Steam cleaning sofa cushions

If the sofa cushion is not heavily soiled, steaming can be carried out.

Here are the cleaning steps:

  1. Knocking out dust with an ordinary beater;
  2. Processing over the entire area with a vacuum cleaner;
  3. Use a steam iron to iron the pillow to kill germs, bacteria and mites. By the way, read our article.
  4. Repeat vacuuming.

So that excess moisture does not linger in sofa cushions, they must be dried more often or ventilated in the fresh air in sunny, warm weather.