Can feather pillows be machine washed? Washing feather pillows at home

  • 05.06.2019

It is customary to wash bed linen quite often, but many people forget about caring for the pillow itself. Knowing how to wash a feather pillow at home, you can save on the services of specialists, restore cleanliness, freshness and the original shape of the product. After all, absorbing dirt and dust over the years of use, down products become a source of allergies and various diseases.

Down pillows should ideally be cleaned up to 4 times a year to keep down pillows free of germs and dust mites. Synthetic fill is much easier to wash, but it loses to down and feather in comfort and elasticity.

To wash a feather pillow at home, you should carefully read the recommendations so that the process does not become painful and does not lead to damage to the product.


Before the washing process, it is advisable to find out which birds own down and feather. goose and duck down you can safely subject it to a wet wash, but it is better to clean the chicken feather with a vacuum cleaner, since such a filler may not transfer water.

Next, the pillowcase is torn apart, the filler is poured into prepared bags, the washing method is selected, the pillowcase and feather are cleaned separately, then everything is dried, and again the filler is returned to the pillowcase.

Products sewn from durable fabric or pillowcases that are not to be used can act as a bag. Spreading the feather over these cases allows for better cleansing and faster drying. Basic washing tips feather pillows:

  • carry out the process at a temperature of 30-40 degrees;
  • using liquid detergents or a solution of laundry soap;
  • bleaches and aggressive agents are prohibited;
  • it is possible to pre-soak down products for 30 minutes.

Wash by hand

To wash a feather pillow by hand in home walls, they begin with a spacer, the pillow filler is poured into prepared covers, which are then tightly tied or sewn up. The number of covers depends on their size: if they are small, then prepare 4 pieces. The process of pouring is best done on the balcony, or by spreading a sheet on the floor, as the feather will scatter.

Next, water is drawn into the bathroom or a large basin, in which it is necessary to dilute the laundry detergent. It can be laundry soap, it does not cause allergies, or a gel for delicate or woolen items. Heavy soiling from the pillow can be removed by adding vinegar to the solution or ammonia. Leaving the filler in the water for half an hour, you can proceed to cleaning. To do this, rinse and squeeze the contents of the bag. After active actions, the filler should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water several times, as the remaining agent will cause the feather to stick together during drying. The last rinse should be carried out with the addition of a conditioner to the water, this will return the former softness and lightness of the feather. Lovers of natural flavors can dissolve a couple of drops in water at this stage essential oil with a calming and relaxing effect. It is better not to use synthetic fragrances, as they do not favorably affect falling asleep. The pillow is then dried.

Machine wash

It is much easier to entrust the washing to the technique, however, you need to know how to wash a down pillow in washing machine.

Improper washing will lead to damage not only to the downy product, but also to the unit itself, or the cleaning will be of poor quality.

Firstly, you should not stuff the tank of washing equipment too much, and secondly, do not let the pen fall out of the case so as not to clog the filter of the machine.

You can wash small feather pillows in the washing machine as a whole without transferring the filling to other covers. For a uniform load, put towels or other things in the hatch.

When washing with covers, tie the bag securely or put on a second pillowcase as machine wash much more active. If the drum is full, then divide the process into two runs. To prevent sticking of the pen in the typewriter, you can use balls or rubber toys that can be placed in the drum along with the bag.

After loading down products in the tank, set the delicate wash program in water no more than 40 degrees with a spin of 400-600 revolutions. If the machine has a special mode for washing the feather, select it. Be sure to rinse the pen several times, so add 1-2 rinses with a spin to the cycle. A liquid detergent is used for washing in a typewriter, and rinse aid is poured into a separate compartment. After completion of the work, the bag with the pen is taken out and dried.

Drying process

After washing, it is important to dry the down products with high quality so that they do not dry out and do not appear bad smell dampness. The down pillow is dried for two days. After hand washing, it is necessary to wring out the product slightly and let it excess water drain. A towel or sheet, in which a wet pillow is twisted, helps to absorb excess moisture. Then you need to use your hands to evenly distribute the feather over the bag, knead the stray lumps, and choose a place for drying.

One of the most simple options is a battery in the cold season. However, heat sinks are detrimental to the nib, allowing areas to dry out too quickly, resulting in clumps. If there are no other options, then you need to fluff and turn the pillow as often as possible.

A good place to dry is a floor dryer. It can be placed on the balcony in summer, and near the radiator in winter, so the effect of heat will not be so aggressive, and the air will circulate freely.

If available in washing machine drying function, the problem will be solved without special efforts. It is enough just to show temperature regime at 30 degrees and to whip the pen, place several balls in the drum.

On warm sunny days, the best place to dry down pillows is in fresh air. It is only necessary to periodically turn the feather product over, shake and knead the filler.

After the drying process, the feather returns to a clean pillowcase, which should be sewn up with high quality and put on a pillowcase.

  • old tulle is a suitable material for the cover, you can also choose gauze, but it should be sewn in 5-6 layers, otherwise the feather will break out of the bag;
  • when hand washing, do not squeeze the feathers too hard, as this can cause them to break or deform;
  • it is better to make a bedclothe for washing twice as long, this will increase the quality and speed of washing;
  • it is better to immediately replace a damaged breastplate with a new one so that the efforts spent are not in vain in a short time;
  • choose a warm season for washing so that the down product dries under natural conditions in the sun and fresh air, then the pillow will not turn into a lump.

If the process itself and recommendations on how to wash a feather pillow at home seemed time-consuming to you, you can purchase a new pillow or entrust cleaning to professionals. However, do-it-yourself washing is more reliable and profitable.

Nowadays, the variety of pillows and their fillers is in the dozens: synthetic, organic (horsehair, herbs), orthopedic products, and so on.

But nevertheless, many prefer the classics, namely the feather pillow. This is not surprising - I myself use one. Very comfortable, soft and light - sleeping on such a pillow is just wonderful, like in childhood.

But sooner or later the question arises of how to wash a feather pillow. I also faced such a problem, finding that mine was completely crumpled and lost its appearance.

Yes, and sanitizing the feathers themselves would not hurt. Why? And because no matter how much we want it, but during the operation, dirt and dust inevitably accumulate inside the pillow, the feather sticks together, ticks start up.


The easiest way: if there is a laundry nearby or a special place that specializes, among other things, in washing feathers and down, give your pillows there.

There their filler will be processed special formulations, will produce ultraviolet irradiation and remove dirt. But if there is no such point or laundry nearby, you will have to get down to business yourself. There is nothing wrong with that, and saving money.

Pillow new

If your pillow is new and small size you can wash it in the washing machine.

How to do it:

  • We release the pillow from the pillowcase and inspect for holes and tears along the seam. If these problems are found - darn.
Set the machine to the "delicate wash" mode. Do not turn on the "spin" function, otherwise the pillow will have to be thrown out after washing.
  • We fall asleep pure powder - without any fillers, bleaches and stain removers.
  • At the end of the wash cycle, remove the pillow and dry it for flat surface. Better on the street or balcony in warm and sunny weather. During drying, shake the pillow regularly so that the feather does not fall into lumps.
Dry until completely dry. It is important to dry the feather inside for one or two days, otherwise there is no dampness. By the way, if you do not dry it in time -. After the end of the drying process, do not forget to thoroughly “beat” our pillow and put it in a pillowcase.

I washed my first new pillow in this way - it turned out. But it was a new small pillow from the nursery. But what if the pillow is too big and won't fit into the washing machine?

Pillow large

As I entered the bedroom, I thought. There were two large pillows on the bed - how to put them in the washing machine?

The problem was aggravated by the fact that one pillow was new, on which I sleep, and the second was the old one, on which my husband sleeps.

Let's start the wash with a big new pillow. How to do it:

We release the pillow from the pillowcase, rip the pillowcase along the seam and pour the feather into small bags. That is, we erase in parts. Feather in two or three pouches and a separate pillowcase. Naturally, if there are holes, we darn them.

  • Set the machine to the "delicate wash" mode. We do not turn on the "spin". We fall asleep pure powder.
  • We wash feathers in bags, dry them in the sun, on the street or on the balcony. Don't forget to shake regularly.
  • We wash the pillowcase like a regular pillowcase, after drying we pour the feather back and darn the seam. We “beat” the finished clean pillow and put it in a pillowcase.

And I coped with this task, but there was still a big old pillow. And you can’t wash this one just like that - the feather will turn into dust. So how to wash a feather pillow at home if its filler risks turning into dust?

old pillow

So, thanks to my mother, I coped with this task. After washing, the feather filler remained intact, and I came out of this test with honor.

How to wash an old pillow:

  • As in the case of the new one, we open the breastplate, inspect it for holes, darn it or sew a new one.
  • We pour the feather into bags made from old tulle (I got two small rectangular cases) and darn them around the edge.
  • We take the basin in such a way that our home-made cover for washing the pen completely fits in it.
We make a cleaning solution. For five liters of water, add one teaspoon of ammonia and a grated bar of laundry soap. We dissolve the listed components in water and immerse the bag with a feather there.

  • Rinse our bag with gentle movements. It is rinsing, not erasing. After we take it out and rinse in clean water from soap.
  • In no case wringing out, we take out our cover with washed feathers in the sun and lay it out on a flat surface, carefully and evenly spreading the wet feather over the bag.
  • Let the water drain itself. Place a dry sheet under the bottom - it will help the feather get rid of moisture faster.
  • We dry, do not forget to shake occasionally.
  • After the final drying, carefully open our pouches and pour the feather into the pillowcase, darn it.
  • We put on a pillowcase and fluff the pillow.

I managed! The pen remained intact and did not crumble into dust. And what an elastic and lush pillow itself has become! Like new! I was very pleased with myself.

Unusual way

And just then a friend arrived in time to visit. She told me her way of washing pillows. But I’ll make a reservation right away: it’s suitable only for those who have a dryer, or a washing machine has such a function.

  • Put the washing machine in the "delicate wash" mode, put a pillow in it and put it.
  • Dry after washing. Cycle - for an hour, four times with balls. Temperature 30 degrees. According to a friend, the balls help to avoid matting and the formation of lumps from the feather during washing and drying.
  • Get a dry pillow and put it in a pillowcase.

If you are interested, you can experiment with such a pillow, which in case of failure, you will not be sorry to throw it away.

On a note

Feather washing covers are best made from old tulle, gauze is not suitable due to clogging into it a large number feathers and down. Wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.
  • You can also dry the pen on a radiator, but it’s better to do laundry in the warm season in sunny weather.

Since the mites I mentioned above don't like ultraviolet light, drying in the sun will act as a good sanitizing treatment for feather filler.

  • Do not wring the pen - you risk turning it into dust.
  • Make the width of the laundry cover the same as for the bedclothes, and double the length. This will help to wash the feather well.
  • If the breastplate is decrepit, replace it: do not darn something that will continue to tear.
Covers for washing are best sewn up. This will prevent accidental loosening inside the washing machine. In addition, a darned cover rectangular shape will help to distribute the wet feather more easily and more evenly during the drying process, and also not to break it.

Well, the pillows are washed, the pillowcases are clean. If you knew how sweet it is to sleep on an elastic and soft pillow, what a wonderful aroma of purity!

You can also wash the pillow with the help of an automatic machine, but few people know how to do it correctly. To figure out how to wash pillows at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the cleaning methods depending on the filler.

Products can be filled with down, feathers, wool, synthetic or organic materials such as buckwheat.

You can easily wash pillows with synthetic filling in a typewriter. Products made of fluff will require certain nuances to be observed, and it is possible to wash pillows filled with organic matter only in some cases.

How to wash pillows in a washing machine?

The most common synthetic filler is synthetic winterizer and holofiber, although there are other options such as polyester and even polyester balls. It is easiest to wash such a product in a typewriter at home, since synthetics are less whimsical to cleaning conditions.

To see if synthetic pillows can be washed in the washing machine at home, place a heavy object on them before washing. After a while, remove it and look at the ability of the pillow to restore its original shape. If the product was able to do this, then washing in the machine will not harm it.

As you know, many washing machines are equipped with special programs that allow you to take care of fabrics. Normal modes such as everyday washing at home for synthetics will not work. For her, it is best to choose the delicate wash mode or a special cleaning program for bedding.

If your machine does not have special modes, try to find one that meets the optimal conditions for cutting the product. It is better to wash the pillow in the washing machine at a low temperature of about 40 degrees at low rotation speeds. As for cleaning products, it is best to choose gels. The powder can be poorly washed out of synthetic fibers, while the gel is much easier to rinse out. Since the pillow is one of the products with which a person is actively in contact with the skin, it is better to rinse it additionally after washing.

Pillows with synthetic filling are unpretentious to spin. Such a product will not suffer from spinning at a speed of about 1000.

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine?

These product options are more difficult to clean than synthetic pillows. But they can also be washed at home in a typewriter machine. However, this is not so easy to do. If you simply place pillows with synthetic filler in the drum of the machine and wash them in a certain mode, then the product of their fluff must first be torn along the seam, and then the filler should be divided into several parts. Down and feathers are sewn into pillowcases or specially designed covers. You should not interfere with too much fluff in one cover, as in this case it will be washed much worse.

When the filler of their fluff is distributed on pillowcases or covers, it must be put in the machine. If your device has a drum regular sizes, then you need to lay several covers with feathers. With large sizes, you can put about four at once.

To prevent fluff and feathers from bunching up, a couple of tennis balls should also be placed in the drum. The same principle applies to down garments, so you can purchase special laundry balls from the down department. If you are going to wash with powder, cut the amount of powder you normally use for washing by half. But the best remedy becomes a gel.

Feather pillows can be washed using programs for delicate fabrics or duvets. The water temperature during washing should not be higher than 30 degrees. On the spin cycle in the machine at home, you need to set the minimum possible number of revolutions. Be sure to use an extra rinse.

Feather pillows should be washed at least once a year, although it is best to clean them about three times a year.

How to wash pillows made of natural material?

In addition to synthetics or down, there are other equally popular fillers.

For example, bamboo pillows. This is natural material, which has antibacterial properties, gives the product softness and at the same time elasticity. Bamboo options are ideal for sleeping, while they are easy to machine wash at home. You need to clean it at home every six months, because layers of bamboo fibers accumulate inside it.

You can wash bamboo products at home in the same way as options with synthetic filler. As cleansers, you can choose gels for washing children's things or blinds. Balls can be placed in the drum to beat the bamboo when washing.

Sheep or camel wool can be used as a filler. Is it possible to wash pillows with this filler at home? The answer will be yes, but in this case the machine must have a wool cleaning program. Laundry detergents should also be made specifically for wool. They usually contain lanolin.

  • The popular pillow filled with buckwheat husks can only be cleaned by hand. To do this, the product must be torn, dried and calcined at home, and its cover should be washed by hand or in a delicate mode in a typewriter.

How to dry products?

Washing such products is distinguished by the presence of nuances for each filler. But not less important process is drying. If done incorrectly, the pillow will have an unpleasant smell, and if it does not dry out completely, it will become a breeding ground for germs.

Options filled with synthetics or bamboo are dried on a horizontal surface. At the same time, it is desirable that the room is well ventilated.

If you washed down products, you need to dry such a filler very quickly so that it does not rot. Therefore, it is recommended to clean down pillows in the typewriter at home in the summer. On a sunny day with high air temperature, any amount of fluff will dry much faster. As the filler dries, it needs to be whipped. When it becomes completely dry, the fluff and feathers are transferred back to the cover and sewn up.

Woolen options are dried horizontally on the floor, but you can also use the drying mode, if the washing machine has one. But you need to dry the wool in the machine at a temperature of 30 degrees.

Is it possible to wash the products differently? Of course, you can clear them manually. Perhaps this option would be more acceptable for down products. But even when cleaning by hand, you must remember that the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

To wash feather products on your hands at home, the filler is not placed in pillowcases or covers, but washed directly. It is left for two hours in water, in which the cleaning agent is first diluted. Then the feathers or down are washed and rinsed with a colander. Dry down filler on towels.

In addition to washing in a machine or by hand, steam can be used to clean products at home. This will require a special steam installation.

If you're not sure you can clean your pillows at home, you can always take them to the dry cleaners, but washing synthetics, down, and wool is pretty easy.

From time to time, the usual bedding loses its former freshness and attractiveness. And then there is an unbridled desire to replace them with new ones or order professional cleaning. But how to wash a feather and down pillow when there is no way to go to a dry cleaner? Is dry processing possible? Where and how to wash a feather pillow at home? Let's try to deal with all the nuances.

Any cleaning, cleaning will go smoothly and smoothly, if the hostess is mentally prepared for this process. After all, the complexity of this problem is considered not only to solve the question “how to wash pillows at home from a feather”, but also to dry it qualitatively. To implement their own plans, the hostesses often replace the old pillowcase with a new one.

Determine the contents of the pillow

Washing feather pillows, unlike silicone products, is a much more complicated process. Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is important to find out: what is in front of us - an artificial fiber or a natural filler. How and where to wash a feather pillow so that it retains its shape and fully performs its functions? It is not difficult to do this even without going to the laundry or dry cleaning, it is only important to objectively assess your strengths and capabilities.

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine? And can it be done? Yes, this is a prerequisite for all products that have undergone 6 months of continuous operation. Allergens, dust, grease stains require total intervention. And constant operation in the form of the smallest particles of dust, dirt, small litter, ticks creates a favorable zone for microbes.

How to wash feather pillows at home? In addition to periodic drying under the rays of the sun, on outdoors, they also need processing of the filler. It is possible to qualitatively wash feather pillows at home, clearly knowing the properties of the materials used. Artificial and natural fillers can be processed in an automatic machine. The exception is organic analogues, special orthopedic rollers.

Washing pillows by hand: is it acceptable?

How to wash a feather pillow with plain water by hand?

  1. Completely remove the contents from the pillow. There should be no drafts in the room.
  2. How to wash feather pillows at home? Fill the bathroom with water, dilute the detergent, preferably liquid.
  3. Can down pillows be washed at home? Regardless of the internal content, feathers and down are dipped into the water in small parts. It is not recommended to wet the entire mass at the same time, later problems with drying may arise.
  4. How to wash a feather pillow in a typewriter and determine the soak time correctly? Two hours is enough for odors and dirt to move away from it.
  5. How to wash a feather at home? After soaking, the water is drained, the fluff is squeezed out. An ordinary kitchen colander will help facilitate this painstaking work.
  6. The bathroom is refilled warm water, add detergent and stretch its contents. Finally, the pen is rinsed and squeezed thoroughly.

We erase the pen in an automatic machine

As this process is very painstaking and peculiar. If synthetic products are completely lowered into the drum, then natural fillers are washed in parts. How to wash feather pillows in the machine correctly?

  1. Carefully open the personalized pillowcase and take out its contents.
  2. Divided into parts, the fluff is laid out in separate covers or old pillowcases. Usually the average pillow has 4-5 such shares.
  3. Is it possible to wash a feather pillow in a typewriter and do I need a pillowcase for this? Any drum contains up to 3 such parts. As a result, vibrations are reduced and the fluff does not clump.

To wash the feather pillow in the machine as efficiently as possible, the product is soaked in a special solution. Add a few drops of liquid to the collected water. detergent and ammonia 3%. (For 5 liters of liquid - 4 tsp of ammonia, a cap of soap). How to wash feather pillows at home? To do this, the prepared bags are dipped into the solution and thoroughly soaked with moisture. The best hygienic results are obtained by using liquid powders or gels.

Where can you wash pillows? An excellent opportunity gives an automatic machine. The delicate wash cycle, the choice of 600 revolutions and the temperature of 30 degrees provide the best processing results. How to machine wash a feather pillow? The washed covers are removed from the drum, the sheets are spread out and rolled up. In this way, excess moisture evenly leaves the products, and the contents are evenly distributed over the pillowcase.

How to wash a feather pillow at home? After washing, it is often necessary to manually distribute its contents. They should be carefully sorted out and kneaded lumps.

How to wash a down pillow in a washing machine? To avoid uneven load on the drum, any things are additionally placed in it.

Advice! For a small pillow, it is not necessary to prepare a cover and pour all the contents into it. How to wash a down pillow in a washing machine? If there is no special mode, a delicate wash at 30 degrees and an additional rinse will do. The maximum spin should not be set.

We wash down pillows from fluff at home

How can I wash down-feathers at home? For high-quality processing of the product, it is important to prepare a special pillowcase and balls for whipping the internal filler. In some cases, tennis balls are taken for this. How to wash down pillows after long-term use? This work requires concentration and discretion. The fluff divided into several pillowcases is placed in a centrifuge.

What is the best way to wash down pillows at home? The seams are carefully sewn in the bag so that the contents do not accidentally fall into the drum. By placing several balls inside it, you can achieve uniform whipping of fluff. How to wash a down pillow at home? One of the necessary functions in this case will be setting an additional rinse and water temperature below 40 degrees.

We complete the washing of the pillow with high-quality drying

How to wash a pillow filled with down-feather correctly? The final stage of such work is the drying of the product. A wet pen is ventilated for a long time, so any wrong action often leads to the formation of bad smell and mildew.

Attention! The pillow retains its freshness and pleasant aroma during the first two days of drying. Delaying the process leads to the mustiness of its filler.

How to wash a down pillow or feather bed? A clean feather is laid out on a dry and even surface, avoiding windy areas. The main condition for proper drying is uniform, periodic mixing and constant air access. A product that has been in a typewriter does not require the removal of internal contents. It is enough to hang it on a rope and shake it from time to time. A hot dryer will speed up drying.

Can silicone pillows be washed at home? Yes, such processing is allowed. Ball silicone is well tolerated by washing in a washing machine if its temperature does not exceed 30 degrees. Such products dry quickly, and it is convenient and pleasant to use them.

So, if in the process of reading the article you refused to visit dry cleaning, feel free to start doing your own laundry. Annual replacement of the pillowcase, periodic processing of fluff will become a guarantor light sleep and longevity of its owner. Be healthy!


To be or not to be? - that's the question.
I will not discuss here such issues as: "it is better to take it to the dry cleaner" or "buy a new one" or "the pillow is not dirty at all, it seems to you, it is better to buy a new pillowcase" or "the pillow should just be fluffed more often" ...
It is necessary - it means it is necessary!
Before deciding on this experiment, I asked this question in several search engines and studied it thoroughly.
But, I went further: I decided to entrust one pillow to the washing machine (BOSH), but I washed the other one by hand.
In this article, I will describe in detail the process of washing a down pillow from the Dargez factory in a narrow (45 cm) automatic washing machine (5 kg).
1. Remove the pillowcase from the pillow
2. Load the pillow into the drum
3. Fall asleep washing powder(I used Eared Babysitter Powder)
4. Never pour rinse aid into the cuvette! Otherwise, the down or all feathers will lose their elasticity.
5. Set the temperature to 40 degrees
6. Spin - 1200 rpm
7. Open the tap with water
8. Close the hatch door, start washing.
9. After the end of the first wash, repeat the procedure only without powder.
10. Open the hatch door and get a clean pillow.
11. Dry the pillow (2 days) on a fire battery if it was winter. Either in the sun and wind - in the summer, or in a tumble dryer. Do not forget to methodically shake the fluff and break up the lumps of sticky fluff.

12. Praise yourself for courage, determination, frugality (thriftiness) and excellent results!
13. Get pleasure from appearance and performance characteristics your new clean pillow!
Conclusion: it is possible to wash a down or feather pillow in a washing machine, but there are some nuances that I consider it necessary to make public so that you accept correct solution and were satisfied with the result:
1. If your pillow is relatively new, 70x70 in size and dense enough, it is better to open the pillowcase and wash the pillowcase separately from the down-feather. The machine simply cannot cope with such a volume and may break, or the down-feathers do not stretch well enough, they will huddle into a tight lump, which you will not be able to dry well later.
2. If your pillow is old and is wearing a weak bedsheet, then wash the bedsheet by hand separately from the filler or sew a new teak bedsheet after washing the fluff.
3. First, try to wet the pillow in the bath under the shower, there are very dense pillowcases that do not pass water well.
4. Pillows are best washed in full-size machines.
5. Feather pillows are heavier than down pillows (they need to rinse more and dry longer)
6. Drying should take place quickly and efficiently, since down-feathers can be banned and then our efforts will be in vain. Therefore, choose weekends for this event and do not be lazy to constantly beat the filler.
P.S. After washing, my pillow did not become more fluffy.  And I'm not completely sure about the quality of the procedure. Napernik certainly became cleaner, like new. But I still had doubts about the fluff - was it really wet all over, stretched and rinsed well? It dried out too quickly and there were no sticky lumps inside. Probably, you still have to wash the down-feather separately.