Sleep going down the stairs is easy. Climbing up the stairs - why this dream is dreaming

  • 17.10.2019

Staircase leading upstairs; what can she dream about? Many dream books interpret such a dream as great sign And opportunity to reach career heights.

But everything is not so simple and directly depends on what exactly you dreamed about. Sometimes a staircase leading up in a dream can be the worst omen. Which one did you see in your dream?

Climb stairs without railings up in a dream

Such a dream indicates that you achieve everything yourself, without feeling the support of relatives and friends. The higher the ladder, the more interesting and noble your goal.

If in a dream you saw dirty stairs without railings, then in reality, in order to achieve what you want, you will have to resort to not the most honest games. It will be difficult for you without the help of others, so you will decide to play dirty games You will use other people and manipulate their feelings.

Also, a dirty staircase leading up may also mean that you will have to experience many hardships and make sacrifices for the sake of your goal.

Why dream of climbing with a man in a dream?

Seeing a man helping you up the stairs in a dream is a dual sign. On the one hand, this is very good, because in reality you will be helped in achieving such a goal.

On the other hand, this is very bad, you may have to drag this person with you, or sooner or later he will bill you for his help. Now remember: what kind of man did you see?

If you happened to see a beautiful brunette, then in reality your companion will have an extremely explosive character. But he will be devoted to you to the end. If there was a fair-haired man next to you, then expect a partner with a calm temperament, perhaps he will be too boring, and sooner or later you will get bored.

By the way, just such a person, if offended, and he harbors evil, can become your enemy. And a red-haired young man can be both devoted to you and betray you. More discretion and everything will be fine.

Climbing up the stairs with your loved one in a dream

But such a dream carries only positive, which means that your relationship with will be strong and long-lasting.

Together you can achieve your goals, rise to the level that you never dreamed of.

Also remember: what did the staircase you climbed look like - if in a dream climbed a dirty staircase with a loved one, then you have to go through a lot, the relationship will be on the verge several times.

Climbing the stairs leading to a dead end? Your relationship has been standing in one place for a long time, this is not good, but not bad either. It is necessary to dispel this stagnation with new emotions or impressions, and everything will be fine.

Why dream of going up the stairs with a child?

Overcoming problems with a child, even if it is a ladder and only in a dream, is always difficult. You should work on yourself, make some plans for the future, in order to be ready for anything. Do not worry: all difficulties are solved.

And to see in a dream even childless - good sign. This testifies to your undertakings, which will soon become a favorite thing that you can devote your whole life to.

Why dream of climbing the stairs in the entrance up?

Seeing an entrance in a dream, whether residential or not, is always a sign of future changes related to the housing issue. Think: what could this mean for you? As soon as it became clear what your dream is talking about, immediately begin to deal with it.

The dream in which you climbed up the stairs in the entrance suggests that you may be able to sell or or inherit it. One way or another, such a dream indicates your problems or the desire to get your own housing.

Climbing stairs in a dream with difficulty

If you felt difficulties in a dream, climbing the stairs, the stairs were unusual, uncomfortable, then you will tough fight in real life . You will face difficulties, everyday problems that are really difficult to cope with.

It is also important how the dream ended: if you still got up, then everything will end well; if you woke up at the moment of the rise itself, then finding a way out of the situation will take long time. You need a lot of patience and moral strength to bring the situation to its logical end.

And one more thing: pay attention to the staircase itself - if there were not enough steps in it, then you have to fight with people who used to be dear to you.

Walking up the stairs in beautiful shoes in a dream

This is very good dream: you will soon have every chance to get a perspective on the future. You will get an invaluable chance to drastically change your life.

Believe me, this chance is not worth losing. Work on yourself, improve the level of existing skills and be open to new perspectives. That's all it takes to make your dream come true. The dream in which you saw is very important shining staircase.

If you saw her in your dream, then in reality you will be rewarded and successful in all your endeavors. If you dreamed of a black, unsightly-looking staircase, then in the near future you have a lot of work to do.

Climbing up the stairs with a girl in a dream

The girl in your dream can be both yours and ally. Who she is in your life is easy to understand by feeling after your dream.

If heavy and confused feelings haunt you after sleep, then you will have to fight with your opponent. If you have good mood, and you are ready to hug the whole world - you saw your girlfriend in a dream. So everything will be fine.

Why dream of climbing stairs with a guy?

It doesn’t matter if he was familiar or not, in reality, such a dream indicates that you need male support. Pay attention to this. If the guy from the dream was yours, then in reality he is waiting for you unpredictable behavior of this person.

This is how dreams are interpreted in which you saw a ladder and climbed up it. Now you know what to expect from the future, and taking into account what moments to build your plans. Successful interpretations and only pleasant dreams to you.

Stairs and steps that appear in dreams symbolize career, development in any direction, the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal. What does it mean in a dream to go up or down the stairs? How is vision interpreted? Dream books help to understand these issues.

Climbing stairs: interpretation

Dream Interpretations are similar in one thing - the ladder is a symbol life path, the rise and fall of a person, both in terms of relationships and in the financial sphere. A detailed forecast can only be made taking into account the dreamer's gender, his sensations in a dream, as well as the details of the dream.

Climbing stairs up in a dream in most cases means a person’s desire for something, work on himself and his own abilities. Conversely, a fall, a descent from the stairs portends negative situations that may arise in the near future.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

Climbing the stairs of a staircase that twists up is a dream of a difficult, exhausting business. The dreamer will have to make an effort to achieve what he wants. However, his work will end in success, which he will enjoy for a long time. Running away from someone constantly stammering and falling - to insurmountable obstacles. A person should abandon his plan, since the fulfillment of his desires can cause irreparable harm to him.

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream, while experiencing shortness of breath and heaviness? If the dreamer felt discomfort when lifting, then he expects long work above oneself. It will be difficult for him to give up habits that destroy life, but attempts to change himself in better side are crowned with success.

Climbing up the stairs in a dream with a company of close people - to help from relatives. Now the sleeper, more than ever, needs support, and only relatives can provide it. If in dreams they are dissatisfied with something, argue or swear with the sleeping person, then this means that only through sound criticism will he be able to fulfill his dream.

Seeing yourself going down the stairs portends a loss of patience in any business. The person will drop his hands, ceasing to go to the intended goal. The feeling of dizziness, weakness in a dream when looking down from the top step means a manifestation in reality of a weak character, an inability to stand up for oneself.

Family dream book

Seeing in a dream how you climb the stairs leading to heaven - to the successful implementation of plans. Going down the stairs into a dungeon that has no end in sight means that in order to become more successful, a person needs to take a serious risk. Soon you will have to make a choice: stay in a stable position, so to speak, in your comfort zone, or risk everything you have and become happier.

In a dream, climb the stairs and then fall from it, due to the fact that one of the steps broke - to the collapse of hopes, disappointment in one's own deeds. The dreamer will not be satisfied with the work done, plunge into depression. Also, a fall in a dream warns that you should not succumb to temptations and commit rash acts - this can harm relationships with your loved one and relatives, business partners.

Dreams are more often abstract than clear and simple. Fall, descent, rise, run - all this can be seen in a dream. Climbing up the stairs with a measured step - to a calm and rapid progress of affairs; obstacles on the way to the goal will be easily overcome. A dream in which a person flees from persecution by running up the stairs predicts a successful way out of a difficult financial situation.

Climbing a steep staircase with crooked and staggering steps in a dream is a warning of danger. The risk will not be justified, the sleeper will suffer losses in a seemingly successful business.

Women's dream book

What does it mean in a dream to climb the stairs and then fall? Falling from the top step upside down is a symbol of the fact that a passionate feeling, an irresistible attraction, will soon turn the sleeper's head, the result of which will be gossip and gossip. No need to thoughtlessly get involved in relationships with a man - this can lead to a loss of trust and respect from friends and relatives.

Climbing stairs with a man in a dream - to the help that a lover will provide. You can rely on him, he will support his woman in any situation. If a lady dreamed that she was going upstairs to a friend, then in reality there is some kind of connection, attraction between them. Soon their mutual sympathy will develop into a strong relationship.

A quick descent from the stairs indicates that the sleeper is overly demanding in choosing a life partner (companion). You should lower the "bar" a little and be content with what you have. Endlessly climbing and descending stairs in a dream - to the emergence of a painful dilemma, uncertainty in vital matters.

A dream in which the dreamer stumbled, stumbled while climbing the stairs, warns of enemies and envious people hiding under the guise of friends. They will stop at nothing, their plans can seriously harm the plans of the sleeper.

Modern dream book

A modern interpretation will help you figure out what a dream means. Climbing the stairs, feeling the desire to reach the highest step as soon as possible, means the following: the dreamer's capabilities will allow him to take a higher position. The authorities will appreciate the mind and erudition of the sleeping person. The descent from the stairs, during which a person feels relieved, portends him the disclosure of secrets that are inaccessible to others.

If you dreamed about how you walk up a staggering staircase, then in reality you can defend your rights in a quarrel with colleagues, and also show resistance to temptations. Sit down to rest on the steps during the ascent - for a quick vacation, which the dreamer has been waiting for so long.

Watching someone go down the stairs promises success at work. One of the dreamer's colleagues (companions) will fail, which will force the authorities to pay attention to the sleeper.

Climbing wooden - to solve complex problems. A person will find a simple way that does not require special costs. Climbing a spiral staircase in a dream suggests that the future life of the sleeper depends entirely on his actions. The way he performs the work entrusted to him will greatly affect his fate. Walking on stone steps portends success, but only if a person uses an original approach to the implementation of any tasks.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

If, during the ascent, the steps suddenly broke off under the sleeping man, and he fell, then in reality, misfortunes and health problems await him. Slip on the steps - to the tricks from competitors. The dreamer should beware of risky ventures.

Climbing stairs in a dream, lined with a path or carpet, is good luck in reality. Fate will be favorable to the sleeper. Watching the crowd climb the stairs and descend back - to the long-awaited finding of peace, stability in life. Such a dream may indicate a person’s desire to start a family.

Freud's dream book

The desire in a dream to overcome the steps as quickly as possible indicates a desire to attract the attention of a loved one. The sleeper is ready to make every effort to achieve reciprocity from the object of passion, but his attempts will be in vain until he learns to accept the partner as he is and becomes more sensitive.

Seeing yourself from the side running up the stairs is a dream that loved ones need the attention of the sleeping person. He should not forget about those who supported and protected him on the way to achieving his goal, otherwise he risks being left alone with his problems.

Falling down the stairs promises a waste of energy, rash acts that may lead to conflict with relatives. Also, the fall has a different interpretation: the sleeper will be disappointed in one of his friends.

Trying to climb a broken ladder - to hopelessness, a hopeless situation, suffering and loneliness.

Gypsy dream book

Climbing out the window - to a love adventure that can end in marriage. However, the dreamer should be careful not to let the new lover (lover) get too close.

Climbing a staircase made of gold portends an acquaintance with good-natured and pious people. They will help the sleeper to realize his plan. If in a dream a person walks on copper or iron steps, then in reality entertainment awaits him. Climbing the silver stairs - to the betrayal of a loved one, which the sleeping person will learn about in the near future.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Falling head over heels down the stairs in a dream portends a person conflict situation. There is a high risk to his health here. You should beware of unplanned meetings and trips.

Climbing the steps of a spiral staircase indicates that the dreamer will not be able to achieve success soon. He will have to work hard to implement his plan. In financial matters, too, not everything is going smoothly: a dream warns that the business that the sleeper has undertaken will not pay for itself soon.

Miller's dream book

Dreams in which a person tries to get out of a dark mine, a basement, or a room into the light with the help of a ladder, speak of an unwillingness to be himself, a rejection of his own "I". The sleeper wants to change for the better.

If a person in a dream goes down the stairs and does not see the end of it, then in order to get answers, he should turn to his past. The experience that he acquired a long time ago will help in solving today's problems.

Breaking steps in a dream - to the loss of opponents. They will be powerless before the favor of fate to the sleeper. A person can safely proceed to the implementation of plans.

A dream in which a person climbs the ladder predicts an early long business trip. But do not worry: the trip will end safely, bring a positive attitude and significant benefits.

Loff's dream book

Climbing the moving steps of the stairs - to tremendous success, inexplicable luck. Influential people will help the sleeper: they will provide assistance and material support. Going down the escalator in a dream warns that a person may soon lose everything due to his own recklessness. No need to neglect the advice of experienced people - only they will help you escape from unforeseen losses.

To be in a place where you need to climb the stairs, but it is nowhere to be found - to an urgent need. Soon a person will need a round sum of money. Another interpretation says that the sleeper will find himself in a debt hole, from which he will be able to get out only thanks to someone close to him.

A broken ladder, along which the sleeper endlessly climbs and, falling off, falls, and then repeats everything in a circle, dreams of an impending dangerous illness. You should be more careful about your own health.

Why dream of stairs

Miller's dream book

Seeing a ladder in a dream means moving up for you; your energy and ability will help you to occupy a prominent position in the business community.

Climbing a ladder means prosperity and boundless happiness.

Falling down the stairs is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts for the merchant, and crop failure for the peasant.

To see a broken staircase means a complete failure in all matters.

A lowered ladder - portends disappointment in business and unfulfilled desires.

Escape from confinement or prison with the help of a ladder is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky activities.

Feel dizzy when climbing the stairs - means that you perceive new honors restlessly; you will like to be capricious and command as soon as you take a new, higher position.

Why dream of stairs

Freud's dream book

A fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, then you should be more careful and attentive in relation to loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life.

If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to do what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions prevent this, you should not take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions.

If you dream that you are quickly descending the stairs, then such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to be in his place, and therefore possible difficulties in relations with the opposite sex.

Falling down the stairs - you will experience great disappointment in the person in whom you were one hundred percent sure. If you are bound by beautiful sexual relations, from which you experience complete satisfaction, then you should not refuse them.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Spiral staircase - with difficulty, in a roundabout way, you will reach your goal.

Climbing it - your pride will be satisfied; go down - you are paid with ingratitude; standing under the window - beware of thieves; carry - you will help others; fall down the stairs - passion makes you careless; stairs to heaven - everything goes according to your intentions.

Why dream of stairs

Family dream book

A staircase seen in a dream means moving up: your energy and abilities will help you take a prominent position in business circles.

If in a dream you were raising a ladder, prosperity and boundless happiness are ahead.

Fell down the stairs - get ready for the fact that your efforts will be in vain.

A broken staircase - to a complete failure in all matters.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A staircase in a dream, if it looks reliable and strong, is a good sign.

Climbing stairs is a sign that you are ready to take on serious, big things that can lead you to success.

If, having climbed the stairs, you find yourself on a spacious platform or on a high floor - such a dream may portend an unexpected promotion and strengthening your position in society.

A spiral staircase is a sign that success will accompany you if you are smart and use non-standard solutions.

Going down the stairs in a dream means that in the near future you will have to do simpler things than before. Perhaps these things will not be as important as you think, but they will require much less energy.

Slippery steps - a warning about possible tricks.

Fall down the stairs - bad sign, suggesting that your position is under threat. It looks like you made some kind of mistake in business, and someone can take advantage of this to take your place.

A broken staircase in a dream - speaks of an insurmountable obstacle in the business that you have outlined. After such a dream, it would be better for you to reconsider your plans, having thought them over more carefully.

A portable ladder is a sign that you can solve some difficult question using a simple but effective technique.

To dream about how others go up and down the stairs is a sign that your fate is in your hands. Having seen such a dream, you can safely take on any business without losing due caution.

Why dream of stairs

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Staircase - successfully start your career.

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Climbing stairs in a dream - portends success in achieving the intended goal, going down the stairs - you will lose patience at the last moment and thereby ruin the whole thing.

To feel dizzy and weak, climbing the fire escape of the house to the height of the last floor - such a dream portends that you will take the trust and honor given to you quite calmly and for granted.

A rope ladder thrown out of the window - predicts a wonderful outcome of a case taken at random. Climbing on it - you will satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love.

To flee along it from someone else's bedroom is a shame.

Leaned against the roof one-story house ladder - is a warning to beware of thieves and schemers; if it falls on you - therefore, in real life you will be repaid with black ingratitude for help or good advice.

Falling down stairs in a dream means that a passionate feeling will turn your head and make you careless to recklessness.

A ladder broken under you in a dream portends a collapse in all matters and a decadent mood.

Repairing the stairs means falling into even greater despair from the betrayal of a friend at a difficult moment for you.

Climbing a ladder - to prosperity and good luck in gambling.

Carry the ladder - your energy and efficiency will be noticed, appreciated and will soon help you to make significant progress in the field of your professional interests and even take one of the leading positions in it.

Staircase leading to heaven - says that everything planned will come true.

A staircase leading to a bottomless abyss - maybe even to the underworld itself, means that you can achieve success only at the cost of great risk, putting life itself at stake.

Go down the ladder from an airplane or ship - to disappointment in entrepreneurship and throwing in search of another business, climb the ladder - settle down in a successful, quiet, but profitable place.

A spiral staircase in a dream - indicates that you will reach your goal in a roundabout way.

Ladder stepladder - portends a choice between true lies and unrighteous truth.

Escalator stairs - good changes if you ride it up, and bad changes if you go down.

Broken escalator - loved ones will deceive you.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Spiral staircase - With difficulty, in a roundabout way, you will still reach your goal

I dreamed / dreamed There were a lot of stairs and walking on them - Madness of the mind.

Rope ladder - A difficult task will end well - climb it - your pride will be satisfied - go down - you are paid with ingratitude - standing under the window - beware of thieves - carry - help others - fall down the stairs - passion makes you careless - to heaven - everything goes according to your intentions

Staircase - Go up - success, achievement of the goal - go down - loss, humiliation

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a ladder - wait for good luck.

In a dream, you climb the stairs - in the foreseeable future, all your undertakings will be successful.

Going down the stairs is a disappointment.

If you dreamed that you were repairing a staircase, in the near future you will have to seriously deal with the problems of your family.

A dream in which you watch someone repairing a staircase - you will help solve family problems for one of your distant relatives.

We saw a burning staircase in a dream - all your hopes will vanish like smoke.

Why dream of stairs

Esoteric dream book

Staircase is a way of life.

Leading up - to prosperity, the implementation of plans and the achievement of goals.

Down - to a deterioration in the situation, dismissal.

If it’s deep down, there is a danger of reaching the state of “homeless”, sinking.

Broken - an obstacle in the way. If you pass the obstacles will be overcome. This dream should mobilize your forces.

Round - a difficult path.

Sloping - everything will be easy to succeed, but you need to use the opportunities and not miss the right moment.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Staircase in a dream - symbolizes the movement up; thanks to your abilities and energy, you will occupy a high position in business circles.

Climbing the stairs - to prosperity and boundless happiness.

Broken staircase - dreams of a complete failure of all your undertakings.

If you managed to escape from imprisonment or prison with the help of a ladder - as a result of risky actions, success awaits you.

A spiral staircase in a dream - portends you a difficult, circuitous path to your goal.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Azar

spiral staircase - you will hardly reach your goal. Climbing the stairs - your pride will be satisfied

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

A staircase in a building, climbing it - climbing in life through luck, success; to go down - failures; steps - opportunities; the steps are broken - enemies, ill-wishers.

Stone stairs - an unwanted addiction; wooden - danger of mistakes; rope - the need for personal; cool - quick relief.

Why dream of stairs

Modern dream book

Climbing up the stairs in a dream portends good luck and happiness.

If you dream that you fell down the stairs, you will become the object of hatred and envy.

Going down the stairs - unfortunately in commercial matters. Your personal life will also be unsuccessful.

Seeing a wide majestic staircase in a dream is a prediction of wealth and fame.

Seeing others descending the stairs means that they are going to change happy days failure will come.

Sitting on the steps of the stairs is a sign of gradual progress towards happiness and glory.

Why dream of stairs

Eastern dream book

Climbing the stairs - to good luck and happiness, going down - to trouble in business and personal life, fall down the stairs - become an object of envy and malevolent thoughts.

Shaky ladder - calls for caution in dealing with colleagues.

A wide beautiful staircase - promises wealth and glory.

If you dreamed that you were sitting on the steps of a ladder, then you are on the path to prosperity. However, don't expect quick results.

Seeing other people descending the stairs is an unpleasant change.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

climb up - success and achievement of the goal; sink down - drop your dignity and fail.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why dream What does the ladder mean in a dream - you see a ladder in a dream - this is a good sign; he promises you upward progress; your troubles are already behind; in whatever society you enter, you will soon be in a leading position; you have the best combination of excellent natural data and indefatigable energy; when others are exhausted, you still cheerful and ready to continue the journey; if you set foot on the right path at the beginning of the path, if a good mentor walks the first steps with you, you will be able to climb great heights you will hold responsible positions. You climb the stairs - in real life you will know true happiness; although a person's life is short, your love will be endless. You are going down the stairs in a dream - this dream does not portend a big trouble, however, failures will accompany you for a long time; your affairs will fall into decay, feelings - into disorder; you may love someone, but you will not recognize mutual love. You dream that other people are going down the stairs - minor troubles will fall on you; you lose count; You will have to solve not only your own, but also other people's problems. You seem to have fallen down the stairs - you are unlikely to be happy when you find out that one of your friends is jealous of you and hates you fiercely; but beware, if this man is called your friend and behaves like a friend, - the time will come when he will strike, and then you will separate the wheat from the chaff, true attitude from visibility If you are engaged agriculture, the dream in which you fell down the stairs warns of a bad harvest. You seem to be sitting on the steps - slowly but surely you will move towards good luck; you have an analytical mind, you like to put everything on the shelves and only then make a decision; you are a good adviser, your loved ones know this and often turn to you for help. You dream of a broken staircase - in all areas of life you expect a complete collapse: in everyday life, in love, in the service; you will need a lot of courage and endurance not to break. You see in a dream a beautiful front staircase, carpeted - you will be rich and authoritative; you will walk up such stairs in real life, you will be greeted with bread and salt. It’s as if you are escaping from prison up the stairs - the event that you decide on is very risky, but it will end in success.

Why dream of stairs

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a ladder, going up it - danger / clouding of reason.

Going down is a failure.

Walking up and down without end is a temporary clouding of consciousness.

The staircase is a dream symbol of the spinal cord.

To climb up the endless staircase and experience fear of the height and its end - to feel in oneself the awakening of intuition and an unusually clear consciousness, to experience fear of it; the feeling that arises before the discovery of the secret and pleasant aspects of life.

Get lost in the stairs - the confusion of the mind, the inability to find the truth.

Go down endlessly - delve into yourself and your past / try to find some kind of answer in the dark bottom of the soul.

Climbing a spiral staircase is a dangerous climb up the social ladder / fear of responsibility and commitments / a feeling that you overestimate yourself and your strengths.

Descent along the screw - "excursion" or falling to the bottom of life, degradation, fear of responsibility.

Stairwells and spiral staircases in women's dreams- are often a symbolic image of anxiety or illness associated with sexual activity.

Seeing a stepladder is a close success.

Getting off it is a failure.

They take her away - miss a happy opportunity.

To see the stairs at the open window is a warning about the machinations of enemies, theft.

To break a portable ladder - you should not take on the enterprise you are thinking about.

Climbing on it with his wife is a pleasant company.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The ladder is an obvious sign of promotion; life's descent or ascent.

Steps - opportunities; steep - relief is near; stepladder - close success.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does Ladder mean in a dream - Your energy and abilities will help you to occupy a prominent position in professional circles. Imagine that you are easily climbing the stairs to the very height.

You dreamed of a ladder to which it is a rope - A difficult task will end in success. Imagine that you are climbing a rope ladder very quickly and dexterously, like an acrobat.

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

Ladder. Some dream interpreters believe that dreams about going up or down stairs are sexually motivated. Others see the stupa as a symbol of general progress or ambition in life. From the point of view of the latter, the position of a person on the stairs indicates the degree and direction of advancement of the individual.

Positive value

It is believed that stairs reflect success and progress, they can also emphasize ambition at work or in personal life.

Negative implications

An endless staircase can symbolize irritation or despair.

Dreams about going up or down stairs are most often associated with deeply rooted aspects of a person's sexuality.

Spiral staircase. The spiral staircase suggests that in real life you walk in circles. A crumbling staircase. A falling apart staircase indicates the need to create a stronger "foundation" in certain areas of your life. Fire escape. Dreams about a fire escape can be advice to get out of a potentially dangerous situation as soon as possible.

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Climbing it represents an increase in life social status. Descent - loss of positions, respect, confidence.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Climbing the stairs up - success in career matters, going down the stairs some failures in career matters

Why dream of stairs

British dream book

Stairs, steps, escalators - Stairs and steps symbolize a structured, orderly way of going up or down from one place to another. In dreams, they usually represent your current circumstances and how you deal with them. What the dream is about: Climbing means that you are making every effort to achieve your goal and move forward, especially in work. Going down the stairs may mean that things are not going so well. Are you disturbing yourself? Dreams in which you are going up or down an escalator suggest that you are not in complete control of the situation. If you are trying to walk up the down escalator, it means that you want to change direction, but you are not succeeding. Using the fire escape means that you are purposeful, adapt flexibly to circumstances and intend to achieve your goal in all areas.

Why dream of stairs

Explanatory dream book

Seeing a dream Ladder - Happiness, wealth, success; to get off it is a loss; climb it - works; a broken staircase - loss or care; there are a lot of stairs to see and walk on them - a clouding of the mind.

Spiral staircase - A spiral staircase in a dream portends you a difficult, circuitous path to your goal.

Why dream of stairs

Phoebe's big dream book

You dreamed of a Ladder - you will be recognized as the greatest master of your craft, receive the appropriate honors and awards. Imagine a wide, bright, elegant staircase that gently leads up. It is decorated with carpets and framed with bouquets of flowers and beautiful lamps. You come to the stairs and see that your colleagues (or other people from your professional circle) are standing at its bottom, who greet and encourage you. You start up the stairs. Walking is very easy and pleasant. The steps are wide, gentle, you step confidently, firmly, and climb tirelessly. If you want a huge, truly sensational success - imagine that this staircase goes straight to the sky.

Why dream of stairs

Old Russian dream book

Ladder - Seeing in a dream portends elevation and gaining respect; ascending it portends loud glory; to leave it means torment and labor; moreover, this dream foreshadows the road.

Why dream of stairs

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Ladder mean in a dream. Stairs often represent the steps you need to take to reach your goal. Climbing stairs signifies the effort required to gain access to the mystical, spiritual side of existence. More simply, the ladder can transmit the stress experienced in Everyday life. To go down the stairs - to gain access to the hidden and unconscious part of ourselves, we go down to the Unconscious. The golden staircase has so many interpretations that it is necessary to pay special attention to other components of such a dream, as well as the spiritual state of the dreamer at the moment. In a general sense, the golden ladder represents death, but not necessarily physical. It is the understanding that we are no longer connected to the physical, we are no longer within it, and we can move towards a fuller life. This is a way out, a departure from the earthly.

You dreamed of a ladder to what it is. 1. The staircase in a dream shows how secure we feel as we move from one situation to another. Or it reminds you that you will have to make a considerable effort to achieve the goal. Often the stairs dream during a job change. If its steps are broken, difficulties should be expected. If someone is carrying a ladder, this may mean that another person, perhaps a manager or colleague, will play a role in the development of the dreamer's career. 2. Ladder means the opportunity to break through new level knowledge, moving from the physical to the spiritual, but at the same time there remains the possibility of being down again. The ladder also suggests communication between the physical and spiritual kingdoms in a transitional stage. Sometimes it can mean death, but not physical, but rather the death of an old entity. 3. In a dream, the staircase, as a rule, consists of seven or twelve steps, which indicate the stages of growth and development of spirituality.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Staircase - Climbing up the stairs - the development of the mind and intuition. Go down - delve into the secrets of your soul. A special symbol is endless stairs. This is a search for one's place in life, the uncertainty of plans. Climbing the stairs - good luck awaits you, promotion. Go down the stairs - lose respect, confidence, position.

Why dream of stairs

Home dream book

You dreamed of the Ladder - the opportunity to reach the heights of life. Broken - fear of failure; uncertainty; climbing a ladder - prosperity and boundless happiness; fall down the stairs - despair; lowered ladder - disappointment in business or desires.

Why dream of stairs

Jewish dream book

What does it mean in a dream Ladder - Climbing a wide stone staircase A dream that occurred on Monday night means that great luck awaits you; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that your friends will respect you and try to help you; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to salvation from serious danger. Going down a wide stone staircase A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will be very unlucky; having a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will have to do hard and unpleasant work; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to the refusal of any help and attempts to solve their problems on their own. Standing on a staircase with broken steps A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will encounter unexpected obstacles; having a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you should pay attention to your health; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that you have to make a choice from several extremely dubious options. Climbing the spiral staircase - there will be a lot of trouble and threats, but they will end quickly, and everything will end quite well. Going down the spiral staircase Dreamed on Monday night, this dream means that you risk losing the good relationship of your friends; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will have new ill-wishers; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a short life alone. Standing on a spiral staircase Dream, on Monday night, means that you will find yourself in an uncertain position; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will be seized by doubts about the correctness of your behavior; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that you will have slight ailments. Climbing a rope ladder is an unpleasant and tedious task. Going down the rope ladder - refuse to do what the soul does not lie in. Falling down the stairs A dream that occurred on Monday night means that unexpected changes will occur in your life; and dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, means that for some time you will be haunted by failures, but this period will end quickly; dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to liberation from fear. A spiral staircase with no one on it is a vain expectation of change.

Why dream of stairs

Women's dream book

Staircase - Staircase in a dream symbolizes the movement up; thanks to your abilities and energy, you will occupy a high position in business circles. Climbing the stairs - to prosperity and boundless happiness. A broken staircase dreams of a complete failure of all your endeavors. If you managed to escape from confinement or prison with the help of a ladder - as a result of risky actions, success awaits you, as the Ladder interprets the dream book.

Why dream of stairs

Magic dream book

A dream to see about you had a dream Staircase - extension (when climbing up), going down - the calculation for extension will not come true. Falling down the stairs is a business failure. Broken stairs - you are being prevented from taking a well-deserved position. Stair railing - support for work colleagues. Hold on to the railing - appreciate help in business. Rope ladder - difficulties in promotion. A ladder leaning against the wall near the windows is a danger of thieves. Carry a ladder - help others. Stairway to heaven - the consistency of all intentions.

Why dream of stairs

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Climbing stairs is an honor.

To see a ladder in a dream - happiness, wealth, success; to get off it is a loss; climb it - works; a broken staircase - loss or care; there are a lot of stairs to see and walk on them - a clouding of the mind.

Why dream of stairs

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed that you were walking down the stairs, you will soon receive a salary increase. To increase the increase, pour a pyramid of coffee beans in the darkest corner of the apartment.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were going up the stairs, then soon you would have to work overtime. To prevent this from spoiling your plans, try to avoid stairs.

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

LADDER - “move up the career ladder” - promotion, if up; “lower down the stairs” - rudely drive away; “go down (down) down” - failures, troubles.

Why dream of stairs

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It represents what divides the surface or various spatial volumes into separate segments, which are natural in themselves, therefore it symbolizes the division into segments, which is typical of rationality or, in other words, the dialectic of the "gear", meaning the enslavement of the subject by an alien computer. Going up or down stairs means being more or less subordinate to the machine. In any case, the image of the stairs indicates a deviation of the situation controlled by the monitor, so this image is always negative.

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

When a person moves up the stairs, he does not carry out free movements, but obeys the mechanical rhythm of the steps imposed in advance. Therefore, this image is to say that a person performs a function inherent in a machine rather than a person. This image is generally negative, because it denotes a situation that a person does not control and which does not depend on him. Which itself leads him to where he may be, it is completely undesirable to go. This image may be associated with the need to achieve, overcome difficulties, the need for additional resources to achieve one's goal.

Why dream of stairs

Old Russian dream book

in the building, climb the stairs climb in life through luck, success; to go down - failures; steps - opportunities; broken steps - enemies, ill-wishers.

Why dream of stairs

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Climbing stairs is an honor.

Ladder - happiness, wealth, success; to get off it is a loss; climb it - works; a broken staircase - loss or care; there are a lot of stairs to see and walk on them - a clouding of the mind.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Ladder - happiness, wealth, success; if you climb up, this promises a lot of work, the result of which will be success and achievement of the goal; if you go down using stair railings - drop your dignity and fail; fall down the stairs - despair and unsuccessful efforts in trying to fix things that are going badly; a broken staircase means a complete failure in business.

Why dream of stairs

Idiomatic dream book

"Move up the career ladder" - promotion, if up; “lower down the stairs” - rudely drive away; “to go down (to go down) down” - failures, troubles.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of the Past

When a person moves up the stairs, he does not carry out free movements, but obeys the mechanical rhythm of the steps imposed in advance - therefore, this image suggests that a person performs a function inherent in a machine rather than a person. This image is generally negative, because it denotes a situation that a person does not control and which does not depend on him. Which itself leads him to where he may be, it is completely undesirable to go. This image may be associated with the need to achieve, overcome difficulties, the need for additional resources to achieve one's goal.

Why dream of stairs

Dream interpretation horoscope

Stairway to heaven - sensational success awaits you.

Why dream of stairs

Online dream book

Dreaming about how you climb up it - soon you will not only develop your mind, but also your intuition. If you, on the contrary, go down it

I dreamed of an endless staircase - you are still looking for your place in this life, and all your plans are rather undefined.

If in a dream you nevertheless reached its end - in reality you will not be able to occupy such high place in society.

Dreaming about how it collapses - know that all your hopes will soon be destroyed.

See how you fell down the stairs - someone will be very jealous of you.

If she is shaky, you need to be extremely careful with your work colleagues.

Climbing some kind of ladder means that soon you will not only be rich, but also happy.

It is broken - in all your endeavors you will fail.

Walk on it endlessly back and forth - you will strongly doubt something.

If it is portable, you will soon find a solution to some complex problem in something elementary. If it's portable

Repairing the stairs - someone betrayed you and because of this you will become even more depressed.

If it burns, your hopes will not come true.

Why dream of stairs

Universal dream book

The ladder is the perfect symbol of success, as long as you don't suffer from dizziness! In a dream, are you on the path to success, climbing the career ladder? Do you know where the stairs lead to?

If another person climbs the stairs in a dream - how do you feel about this? Do you think he is moving forward in life and you are not? Or are you holding a ladder to help him up?

What does the staircase look like? If the stairs are old and falling apart, the dream suggests that your climb to the top is too risky. If the stairs are strong and solid, the dream speaks of an easy climb to the top. Perhaps you do not use the stairs at all in your dream, or you are considering how you could use it. Match your actions in a dream with your achievements and ambitions.

If in a dream you go down the stairs - the dream speaks of a change in direction. Have you enjoyed success, and now you are descending from the top? If so, look back and consider if anyone supported you while you were at the top. Should you thank these people?

Why dream of stairs

American dream book

Pay attention to where the stairs lead, steps up - mean success.

Steps down - loss of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Why dream of stairs

Dream Interpretation of Health

Climbing up the stairs - to improve the life and business situation, social status; for patients - to improve the condition; going down the stairs - to a worsening of the situation and loss of position in the listed positions.

The ladder in a dream symbolizes access to any benefits and values, however, going up and down the stairs in a dream has nothing to do with the satisfaction of some vain ambitions, with social and career growth. Usually these are small blessings, daily affairs, current problems and other, ordinary “little things in life”.
Much depends on what kind of staircase it was and what the dreamer did in it. Equally important are the emotions experienced. After all, dreams are a reflection of our subconscious.

What does it mean from the point of view of the dream book to climb the stairs up? The first thing you can read, in real life, such a rise means success and career growth. But such actions take a lot of strength, and sometimes, in order to get what you want, you even have to climb the stairs up. It is worth paying attention to the situation and to your feelings.
If the sleeper moves freely up the stairs, then his daily affairs are progressing successfully, and he has enough energy to solve small pressing problems.
The harder it is to climb the stairs, the more efforts will have to be made to achieve the goals, there is also a lack of energy of the dreamer, and possibly ordinary fatigue.

Dream Interpretation stairs: if the sleeper goes down the stairs, this does not mean that his affairs are declining, as is interpreted in many dream books. Going down the stairs is an easy task, unlike going up, you don’t have to spend extra effort. Therefore, going down the stairs is the absence of immediate difficulties and affairs, as such, which usually require additional energy costs.

If you dreamed of a shaky staircase, then regardless of whether the dreamer ascends or descends, the dream calls for caution. Do not expect quick results of the case, if such is planned. Possible unaccounted for difficulties in solving minor problems.

Why dream of a broken or destroyed staircase is a sign of insurmountable obstacles in the implementation of plans and deeds. Something or someone will interfere with the fulfillment of desires, but in the future everything may change.

In general, a dream ladder is such a fragment of a dream that involves taking into account all the other details of sleep, and interpreting the ladder separately is not very relevant.

Often, once at the very top of the stairs, you can see that there is no one around. This suggests that, having become successful in life, there is a risk of losing the closest and dearest people. This is especially worth fearing if you constantly dream of a rope ladder. After all, you can’t even climb it together.

Climbing a steep and narrow staircase can be no less dangerous. In real life, the sleeper will have to do a new and incomprehensible business for him. The fear of failing in a dream becomes more apparent, and in many dream books, falling down the stairs means just that.

But if in a dream you have to constantly run down the stairs - this may, contrary to popular belief, portend good luck in business. True, since the descent is always easier to climb, then in real life success awaits already on the beaten track. Don't expect big changes in the near future. It's not the same thing as climbing stairs.

It is very important what action is dreamed of, according to the dream book - to walk up the stairs or run. So, in the first case, it is possible that a person is moving towards his goal slowly but surely, distributing his forces well. According to the dream book, running up the stairs often means that in life the sleeper is in a hurry to get everything at once. But this can lead to the fact that the forces will be wasted, and the goal has not been achieved.

It is also important what the staircase was like in a dream. This will allow you to more accurately understand what the dream promises.
A beautiful white staircase is associated with wealth and luxury. It is possible that in the near future the sleeper will have an unexpected inheritance or dizzying success.
Stairway to heaven means that everything conceived will surely come true, and at no particular cost.

Seeing many stairs in a dream and constantly wandering among them, going up and down, suggests that in reality the sleeping person cannot make a decision in any way. It is possible that such a state weighs on him. There can be only one way out - to finally make a choice. The fact that it is not possible to achieve the set goals in any way can also be indicated by a dream with a spiral staircase. It is also possible that in reality you need to make a difficult decision that can harm someone. Thus, the sleeper is looking for workarounds, but for now, he actually moves in a spiral.

Look at what material the ladder was made of. This will help you understand whether such a dream promises success or failure in your endeavors.
If you look into the dream book, wooden staircase- double sign. On the one hand, it is strong enough and can withstand more than one person. But, on the other hand, one rotten step may meet on it, and this may complicate the entire ascent. Also, a ladder made of wood can be attached, which means that it is easy to fall from it. In reality, perhaps the sleeper is not confident in his abilities or is waiting for a trick from his inner circle.

Also, dreams about a marble staircase can be considered in two ways. Such a dream can promise success, career growth and wealth. But you have to be careful. Marble is a rather slippery material. At any moment you can fall and become a laughingstock in the eyes of friends. It is possible that the sleeper is afraid to look ridiculous, although he has already achieved a lot. Also, on the subconscious, he may be aware that he is envied and wants to harm him.

The stepladder is always interpreted unambiguously. This staircase is unreliable, and, therefore, the position of the sleeping person is very precarious. Most likely, he has already managed to achieve some success at work, but the situation is still unstable. Therefore, a person sees himself on a staggering stepladder, which is so easy to knock out from under his feet.

A special place is occupied in the interpretation of the dream book by the staircase at the entrance. Many fear such dreams, and in vain. After all, the closest and most familiar is dreaming - something that has to be overcome every day. This dream symbolizes the relationship with the second half. Rise, descent and fall also promise in reality. You need to be careful about such dreams. Perhaps it is in them that the key to the true reasons for a quarrel with a loved one lies. The same thing can mean washing the stairs in a dream.

As the dream book interprets, a high staircase means that dizzying success may soon await the sleeper. But it must be earned long and hard work. In any case, a steep staircase, although it will allow you to climb faster, however, will require more effort. And, therefore, you need to evaluate your strengths and skillfully distribute them.

And, of course, in each dream book, the stairs have their own symbolic meaning. It is worth paying attention to them. If they are even and easy to climb, then there are no obstacles in life. And, on the contrary, on shaky and rotten steps, the sleeper feels insecure and is afraid to fall. If he decides to sit down and rest on one of them, it is possible that in reality he is unable to make a decision and needs to take a timeout.

Dream interpretation on another topic:

Seeing steps in a dream, walking down a ladder, going down, going up - to gain knowledge, cultural benefits. Dream Interpretations promise a series of rapidly developing and successive events if you dreamed that you had a chance to run along it, jump and even fall. Detailed interpretations what a staircase leading up and down is dreaming of, almost all known predictors and psychologists have it.

What guarantees Miller's dream book

Running up and down the stairs in a dream, according to an American psychotherapist, is a sign of honor and respect in society. In his writings, any movement is considered as the achievement of a goal. But it is worth considering if you happen to see a steep descent or ascent. Especially if you dreamed of a sharp fall.

Why do steps dream, Miller considers in great detail in his dream book:

  • rise quickly - to a well-deserved reward, success;
  • hurry - to change jobs, the emergence of a reliable partner;
  • to walk measuredly - to stability;
  • run away and fall - get involved in a risky business;
  • stand - to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

Learn and you will achieve great things

Stairs down means getting an education. Cool and solid, she guarantees career growth, respect in society. Only purposeful people, confident in their own triumph, can run along it in a dream. But if you dreamed that you had a chance to run away, be prepared for competitions, rivalry for obtaining a new rank, title.

High achievements in studies, good performance in the workplace - exactly what you dream of going to, jumping several steps at once up or down the stairs. The interpretation of sleep in the dream book of Nostradamus comes down to the achievement of certain skills, the successful passing of exams.

Really don't take risks

To run away, fall in a dream, see pursuers, rush down the stairs from them - to unjustified risks, loss of investment. Such a dream means that you will fall into difficult situation, if you do not calculate in advance at least a few steps in time.

It is much better if you dreamed that you managed to deceive your pursuers in a dream, to escape from them. Modern dream books guarantee that in reality it will be possible to avoid unnecessary risks.

Sexual victories ahead

Freud's dream book promises an unforgettable journey into the world of dreams, illusions to everyone who had to see the stairs down. It turns out that this phallic symbol predicts a stormy romance. Relations with a friend, spouse will acquire a new level. You will discard complexes and please your sex partner with your tireless fantasy.