Dream Interpretation President of another country. Why is the president dreaming? Detailed interpretation of the dream

  • 17.10.2019

dreamed of the president

Seeing the president in a dream shows your orientation towards solving global problems, as a result of which you will forget about pressing matters. If in a dream you see re-elections, it means that changes in the work sphere await you in life. Being at a celebration with the head of state - you have serious business problems that require an immediate solution.
If you see or participate in a conspiracy against the president, then this means unexpected problems created by the hands of ill-wishers. New ideas, plans dream of the death of the president. To receive an award from the president is success in activity, you will be appreciated. To problems in the financial sector, if you dream of the president in the role loved one.

dreamed of the president

Communication with the president on various topics is to sadness and sadness. Seeing yourself as president is a danger and anxiety.

dream book president

Good luck in all matters if you dream that you are being elected president or you already hold this position. If in a dream the president is friendly to you, you are on the right track if you cannot find mutual language with the president - lost their way, made the wrong decision. To have a conversation with the president - to success in all matters, recognition.

the president in a dream what is it for

If you dreamed about the president, then you are confident in yourself, your strengths, you really look at life. This is an indicator of your goals in life, a reminder that you need to act towards their realization.

dream book president

You will be helped higher power if you see a famous president in a dream. If the president is unknown to you, be careful in risky business.

dream president

Seeing the president in a dream is an indicator of your leadership qualities, power, and entrepreneurial potential.

dreamed of the president

Seeing yourself meeting with the president is an unexpected success, a good deal, good luck in your endeavors.

dream president

Dreaming of a well-deserved vacation if you eat with the president at the same table. Having a cheerful conversation with the president is an unkind envy associated with your success.

dream president

If you dream of the real president of the country - take care of your health, if the president you don't know - get a new one, useful information. You have unfulfilled ambitions and plans if you are elected president in a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

See the President in a dream

President (of the country) - To see, communicate, touch the current one - you are worried about the political situation, take care of your nerves.

Seeing an unknown president - get information that is interesting to you.

To see yourself as president - you have unsatisfied ambitions. Look for a different way of expressing yourself than the one you are currently using.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Dream about the President

They were invited to an audience or a meeting with the president - to joy and success.

Talking to the president is disappointing.

To see the President surrounded by advisers or assistants - to good luck in business, gaining benefits, improving your situation.

To be the president yourself in a dream - bad dream promising you obstacles, difficulties, health problems.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What does the President mean in a dream

If you know this representative of power (it is quite enough to know him in absentia), then the spirits will help you all day. To appease them, light it in the center of the big room a large scented candle, drop a drop of your blood into its flame, put a plate next to it with chopped fruit, sweets and a piece raw meat. As the candle burns out, throw the contents of the plate out the open window.

If you do not know this person, then today you are facing problems with law enforcement agencies. To avoid this, put a small flower in your identity document.

Interpretation of dreams from

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming president, at least in a dream? And although this post is honorable and desirable, it is difficult to attribute dreams about it to positive ones. Such a dream is a warning that an overwhelming task has been entrusted to the sleeper, or that ambition crosses out common sense.

Interpretation in various dream books

The same dream about the president in different interpretations can have a peculiar meaning.

Freud's interpretation

Everything that a person dreams about in Freud's dream book has a sexual connotation, dreams about the president are no exception. In this case, the image of the guarantor is perceived as a feeling of power and permissiveness, which the sleeping person projects on the opposite sex, or rather, on his conquest. As a rule, such dreams promise disappointment.

Interpretation of Vanga

According to Vanga's explanations, a dream about the president can be foreseen on the eve of big changes in life. The sleeper will be entrusted not only with great power, but also with great responsibility, do not forget about the latter when making decisions or signing contracts.

What is the dream of the president according to Miller

Miller offers an interesting explanation for dreams about a guarantor. He believed that such dreams do not have much meaning, but they occur in people who are actively interested in political issues, and this interest overshadows all the main areas of life.

President Muslim dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, prophetic dreams come to true Muslims. In the case of a dream in which the sleeper sees himself in the role of president, such a vision can only come to a worthy person and will promise him public recognition and honors.

President for Evgeny Tsvetkov

In contrast to the interpretations voiced above, Tsvetkov sees an unkind sign in dreams about the president. So, a person who in a dream received the position of president is waiting for failure and loss. But if the sleeper has a face-to-face meeting with the guarantor, then in reality something will greatly upset him and even disappoint him.

Interpretation of dreams about the president by personality

In dream books one can find not only an explanation of dreams about the collective image of the guarantor, but also interpretations indicating a specific person.

  • President of Russia

If you dream of the President of Russia, decide what feelings, approval or criticism, his activities evoke in you. Analyze how you can characterize him as a ruler, do you agree with his methods to achieve the goals. You may not perceive this person as a president, but the fact that you dreamed of him indicates that your behavior is also not perfect.

Dreams with a collected and purposeful Putin can tell you the rules of conduct. If you want to reach heights, you need to choose the same behavior model as the current guarantor of the state.

  • President of America

If you dreamed of the President of America, you may dream of conquering this country. And if you saw the odious Trump, then such a dream prophesies good luck on the personal front and various honors.

  • President of Belarus

In the case of the President of Belarus, there are not many options. If you dream of Lukashenka, such a dream promises good news, successful negotiations, and even material benefits. By the way, almost all dream books adhere to this opinion, as an exception, additional details of your communication when you quarreled or could not get to the president.

  • President of Ukraine

When interpreting dreams about the President of Ukraine, it is important who exactly you dreamed about and how you evaluate his political activities. But one thing is clear - all these people were not poor and influential, and you, too, strive for such privileges. But so far - only disappointments and failures.

  • Ex-president

If you dreamed of a retired president, then such a dream is fraught with the threat that in reality you may be left out of events if you do not change your behavior.

Interestingly, dreams in which you saw yourself as the president of another country, and your communication with others took place through an interpreter, mean that in reality no one understands or supports you.

Interpretation of gestures and situations in dreams about the president

When deciphering dreams about the president, it is important what exactly happened. For example, to see in a dream how the presidential motorcade drove past you to the loss of a chance and a good moment to implement plans in reality.

Personal communication with the president in a dream, especially approving and shaking hands, means your career and support from those around you. Perhaps in reality you will have a serious patron. If the president was not alone, but in the circle of his subordinates and like-minded people, then you real life there will be adherents ready to support you.

What matters is the tone of the conversation. Please note that a calm, friendly tone promises just gossip and unnecessary talk, but criticism, and even raised tones, prophesies good luck, and speaks of the correctness of your actions and goals in general.

If during negotiations in a dream you sign any papers together with the guarantor, then such a dream promises changes in business life, possibly a change in occupation.

It is bad if the president attended your family holiday in a dream. Such a dream prophesies material difficulties and senseless spending. In general, dreams where you saw how the guarantor eats carry disappointments.

Kissing and hugging an incumbent may have a direct relationship with your thoughts and interest. political life countries. Such dreams express your indifference and readiness to support the current guarantor.

dreaming sexual relations with the head of state also do not promise anything positive. We are talking about grievances that have become public, and which are very difficult to let go.

Gender approach to the interpretation of dreams about the president

A dream about a female president, no matter who dreamed it, has a negative interpretation. We are talking about betrayals, gossip, the collapse of plans.

Seeing the president's wife in a dream, who treats you at a banquet, portends problems and layoffs at work, one of the likely causes of which may be an office romance. If you are the wife of the head of state, then such a dream prophesies financial difficulties.

A dream about a passionate kiss with the president for an unmarried girl can become a prophecy of an early marriage.

Was your subconscious that night so unpredictable and original that you saw the president of your country in a dream? This fact itself is so unusual that one wants to know what the president is dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If you just happened to be at a meeting or in a place where the president is present, then this good sign, which promises success, but if in a dream you talk to him, then you will be disappointed in something. But if you yourself are the president, then difficulties await you, most likely with health, but there may be others.

Esoteric dream book

You clearly see the president, talk to him and even feel him - you should not follow the political situation so zealously and worry about the events taking place. If the dreaming president is unknown to you, then quite interesting news awaits you in life. See yourself in the presidency - in life it is better to moderate your ambitions, their excess will not do you any good.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Seeing the president in a dream - to troubles in life, yourself in the same environment with him - you will be disappointed in something.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Troubles and disruption of plans in the business sphere - that's what the president dreams of. And if you yourself take his place, especially sit in his chair - before zealously defending your opinion, listen to the advice wise man. You see the presidential election - this dream promises you a chance to improve your position. I dreamed of an attempt on the head of state - beware of envious people, they will try to slander you in front of your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Sherminskaya

The dream in which the president appears is an exit through the subconscious of your leadership qualities and aspirations.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To see the president in a dream and communicate with him - a big disappointment awaits you, you yourself are the president in a dream - beware, such a dream portends an accident.

What else could such an image dream of?

This may indicate that the business that you took up in real life is clearly not up to you.

Also, a vision may signify a quick reassessment of one's opinions and capabilities. Beware of taking on tasks that you cannot complete.

In a dream, you shook hands with the president - an exceptionally useful acquaintance awaits you.

If the dreaming president is not familiar to you, then greater value the words spoken by him will play for you.

The change of heads of state represents changes in your work.

Another dream with the president makes a hint that while following political affairs, you lose sight of personal matters, and this can cause trouble in the future.