What to think about to be happy. How to be happy every day

  • 11.10.2019

Research groups of scientists from Harvard and California Universities believe that happiness is a virus that lives by all laws. infectious disease. According to them, if there are friendly and smiling people around a person, then this attitude is transmitted to him. In particular, a person's chance of becoming happy is increased by 25% if their best friend is happy.

“The more often we communicate with people who are satisfied with their lives, the higher our chances, if not for happiness, then at least for a positive mood,” says Olga Karabanova, Doctor of Psychology, Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.

But physiologists believe that happiness depends on hormones - endorphin, serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin eliminates depression, improves mental abilities, is useful for internal organs improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But serotonin works in close conjunction with dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, and with GABA, which is responsible for the relaxation process.

The lack of even one of these substances is reflected in the mood, depriving a person of a sense of happiness. To prevent this from happening, small adjustments can be made to the diet by increasing the doses of certain foods:

  • Serotonin- found in eggs, low-fat cheeses, poultry, avocados.
  • Dopamine- found in fruits and vegetables with vitamin C.
  • GABA- found in eggs, dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts, potatoes and bananas.

But happiness is not only in tasty and proper food, but also in a good mood, a positive outlook, the absence of stress, anxiety and worries, as well as in psychological and physical health.

How to learn to be happy?

  • Don't be jealous or compare yourself to others. It is very important to learn to be content with what you already have, appreciate it and enjoy it, without ceasing to strive for more. Other people's victories and blessings of life should not cause anger and irritation, but motivate and inspire. The desire to keep up with others is one of the main enemies of happiness.
  • Do not stop there and constantly set new goals for yourself, let them be both global, for example, build a house or visit an exotic country, and everyday, for example, pass a report or start going to fitness. Remember that becoming a doctor, raising a child, or making soup are all goals.
  • Don't regret anything. If something has already happened, then it cannot be changed. Thinking about what could be changed in the past is absolutely useless, it is better to concentrate on what can be done in the present and future.
  • Make your own decisions and take responsibility for them. No one knows what is best for you but you. Of course, advice is sometimes worth listening to, but try on your life only for yourself.
  • Learn to rest After all, rest and pleasure are an important component of truly happy people. Do not sacrifice rest for the sake of work or money - there will always be a lot of the first, and few of the second. Try to organize regular vacations with a rich program for yourself, do not forget about daily rest, which includes not only sleep and leisure, but also the banal “doing nothing”.
  • Learn to forgive and forget grievances. After all, keep negative emotions in oneself is the same as drinking poison, but thinking that it will poison someone else.
  • Go in for sports, fitness, do gymnastics regularly, or at least just walk a lot. It has been proven that during physical activity the brain absorbs more oxygen, and the body produces “hormones of joy” (dopamine, serotonin), which increase mood for at least 4 hours.
  • Watch your health, because any disease is a feeling of poor health and a breakdown, and it is much easier to prevent it than to spend energy, time and money on treatment.
  • Eat Right, try to learn how to avoid unhealthy foods, such as fast food, but still enjoy food. No diet has yet made a person happy, but a delicious dinner may well improve your mood.
  • Learn to love yourself every day, respect and appreciate thus balancing healthy egoism with correct self-criticism.
  • smile even if there is no one to smile at. Physiologists call a smile a button Have a good mood, joyful facial expressions relieve muscle clamps and stimulate the parts of the brain responsible for a good mood.
  • Surround yourself with positivity positive books, films, beautiful things, for example, flowers, photographs or dishes, listen to good fun music.

AiF.ru collected 8 statements famous people about happiness. Try to guess

Every person wants to find their own happiness. Many will spend their whole lives on it and never find it. In most cases, something constantly prevents people from being happy: difficulties, defeats, minor troubles. When do you want to feel happy?

How to be happy

Live here and now

Everything is very simple, happiness - . It often seems that it walks very close: “I’ll endure a little more (lose weight, meet true love, now he (she) will change), and finally life will improve.” Unfortunately, the reasoning that happiness is somewhere ahead, around the corner, is a big and insidious delusion. If there is no feeling of happiness now, then tomorrow it will not appear. If the world is gray and evil now, why will it suddenly change tomorrow?

To become a happy person, notice all the good things that you saw, received and felt today, and you will see how many reasons you will have to be happy. What your life is filled with is your happiness - friends, favorite work or your business, hobbies, travel, people who are really dear to you and who do not mind spending their time on you. What else is there to be happy about?

Happiness is in the little things

No matter how trite it may sound. Most people expect that “happiness” will suddenly fall on them like a stone block. And from that they are looking for him in some global things and extraordinary states - fabulous love, eternal luck, constant achievements (and while this is not there, then happiness, as it were, too). This is a trap. You can raise the bar to any height, but never reach it. And you can go forward from one small victory to another, achieve a feasible goal and enjoy it and be it.

Difficulties and sorrows are not yet a reason to feel unhappy. Our whole life is a zebra. There are no successes without failures, because it is not in vain that they say “there is no blessing in disguise”. Happiness is not the absence of problems and troubles. Everyone has them. The only difference is who reacts to them how. Some perceive failure as bad luck, others as new. life experience. Of course, the accumulated baggage of life significantly affects our character and mood. Previous experience is varied. Not always cheerful and pleasant, but still very valuable. It helps to reconsider many things, one's environment, one's behavior, as well as to realize something and not repeat mistakes, to learn and move on. Each test in life gives something to a person and enriches him with something: if today you were robbed on a bus, then tomorrow you will be more attentive. If at work you, roughly speaking, messed up, then next time you will be neat.

When making any choice, a person accepts the most The best decision. First of all, for yourself! The best is from the point of view of that period of life and that view of the situation, from the point of view of the available forces, abilities and opportunities. Quite possibly in the future decision turns out to be a mistake, but it was then, at that moment in time, that it was the most correct.

Remember, do not persuade yourself, namely, remember and understand that everything that happens in your life is necessary and right for you personally. Even if you once again meet “the wrong” people and make the same mistakes, it means that you need these “rakes” for something. Look at the situation from the outside, maybe you are doing something wrong.

Happiness is in you

A sense of happiness, like self-confidence, cannot be obtained from the outside. Nobody can make another happy. Happiness grows only from within. Only the ability to rejoice makes a person happy. Don't look for happiness. It is always within yourself.

Every person deserves happiness

Many people live with complete confidence that happiness is difficult to achieve, it must be “earned”, “cryed out”, but just like that it is not given. This is nonsense. All the best things in life - smiles, kisses, good memories, communication, meetings - we can get for free. It's very simple: there are no keys to happiness. The door is always open.

What to do to become a happy person

1. To become a happy person, learn not to be led by bad circumstances. Respond to any difficulties in a non-standard way. Instead of sitting down and being sad, go for a walk and eat something tasty, in other words, have fun. But of course, not with the help of alcohol, it will only aggravate the situation. When really terrible things happen (death loved one, for example), it is of course difficult to pretend that nothing happened. But you still have to accept it and move on. And no matter how loud it sounds, to make new victories for the sake of this person.

2. Take care and pamper yourself, learn to listen to your body and your soul, do what makes you happy more often, and thank the Universe for what you have.

3. Think positively, learn to enjoy life. The life that exists here and now, and not the one that is seen in dreams or is waiting "around the corner".

Be happy!

A lot of works, essays, books have been written about how to become a happy person. Practical psychology has long tried to answer this question by offering valuable advice for anyone who wants to change their life.

But, often such people have a problem: they they just don't know what happiness is.

  1. Some people think that the lack of wealth and social recognition prevents them from becoming happy.
  2. Others believe that happiness is family and having a partner.
  3. For the third, the main thing is the opportunity to do what you love. Etc.

We will not argue that happiness is absolutely independent of the financial condition, the presence of a loved one in life, or a hobby that brings pleasure. The point is different. Very often we drive ourselves into a dead end with our desires. And it turns out that we do not lead them, but they lead us. .

If you want to know how to love life and become truly happy, then the following information will come in handy.

Happiness - what is it?

Happiness is a relative concept, as it is individual for everyone. There is no single recipe for happiness, so people have to find it on their own. And the big problem is that many are looking for it in places where it is not and cannot be. To try to answer the question of what happiness is, it is best to start by looking at what exactly is not happiness.

Many spend almost their entire lives to earn money to buy some things or goods. A person tries to buy expensive items or a new place of life, can often change love partners, seek thrills, strive for power or social recognition even to the detriment of himself, etc.

But, as a rule, all these aspirations and specific achievements for some reason do not make people happy. Perhaps temporary satisfaction will be, however, it is not enough. On the other hand, the lack of goods also makes many unhappy. In general, a vicious circle of some kind.

In fact, happiness is this is the internal state of a person, which does not depend on any things or circumstances . Finding it is not so easy, but it is also not easy to lose it even if you lose something in your life. Happiness is something that is permanent, the result of the development of some skills and feelings. What happens within yourself, regardless of what is happening around.

Happiness is not a temporary euphoria, a surge of joyful emotions. Calmness, inner balance, complete satisfaction, confidence are the components of happiness. Even if minor troubles occur in life, this cannot affect a happy person in any way.. This is because this state is inside him and the surrounding reality is not able to easily influence him.

Think about whether a person will become happy simply because they move to a new place. Perhaps for some time it will become easier for him, but those internal problems that bother him will still break out soon. This is the same as running from yourself - it is completely pointless.

According to the philosophy of Epicurus, happiness is not temporary and transient. This is not a fleeting pleasure, but a lasting pleasure. That is why it is not exclusively related to the present moment. Memories, hopes, the past, the future, a life freed from fears and suffering - all these are components of the feeling of happiness. In addition, Epicurus clarified: happiness should not be confused with depraved pleasures. It is free from desires and is possible only in a state of peace of mind, serenity, peace.

If you don’t feel at least a little happiness here and now, if you blame others and circumstances for your unhappiness, if you see only the negative in everything, but at the same time you don’t want to work on yourself, then happiness will not come. Perhaps it seems to you that it is worth getting expensive things and other benefits, and everything will work out. But, this opinion is erroneous and will not lead to anything. You need to focus on your inner state. You can change it, which cannot be said about some external circumstances and people around you.

What prevents you from being happy

Now we will talk about what a person should get rid of in the first place in order to finally become happy. At first, you may not even guess that in our life there is a lot of superfluous things - things that take our strength, positive emotions, productive thoughts and makes you perform unnecessary actions.

So, what are our own beliefs, attitudes and thoughts that often get in the way of us on the way to a sense of satisfaction with life and ourselves:

  • Past. We are talking about experiences associated with negative and, perhaps, even tragic events in past. To stop worrying is not an easy task, as a person can mentally return to the experience over and over again. By the way, experiences can also be associated with positive events that brought joy at one time. In this case, too, there is a danger. Plunging back into happy memories and trying to evoke the same joyful state, we forget about the present and that it can also contain a lot of beauty.
  • Fear of the future. This is another problem that gets in the way of happiness. Because of the fear of the future and its uncertainty, we can direct all our thoughts and actions to obstacles that do not yet exist. This is how we spend our physical and mental strength for no one knows what.
  • The connection of happiness with some kind of achievement. Perhaps you are familiar with the situation when you set a condition for yourself: “I will be happy or happy only if I have a big and rich house, I find a well-paid job, and so on. Setting yourself elusive and sometimes completely unnecessary goals is a false path to happiness. If you achieve what you want, the period of euphoria will be very small, and you will raise the bar even more in order to feel the same moral satisfaction again. If, on the contrary, you failed to achieve your goal, you feel deep disappointment. Why even think that happiness is the result, the final station, the reward? Happiness is the path that is filled with experiences, feelings, emotions, events.
  • Self-creating obstacles. Some people believe that happiness must be paid for, because it should not come too easily (otherwise it will be of little value). It must be endured and waited for years. But, the effect is often the opposite. While we're wasting time, happiness passes us by. In this case, we ourselves do not allow ourselves to be happy.
  • Belief that you don't deserve to be happy. As a rule, this attitude is subconscious, so it is not only difficult to get rid of it, but even to realize it. There are many such examples. For example, you must have met women who have repeatedly connected their lives with alcohol addicts, pathological liars or despots. Or they have seen more than once that an educated, intelligent and talented man constantly chooses a job that exhausts him, does not bring pleasure and is generally unpromising. What to do? Analyze your behavior, realize your attitude and the mistakes made under its influence. If this does not work out on your own, a competent psychologist will come to the rescue.
  • Focusing on the negative. Quarrels, misunderstandings, obsessive thoughts, resentment, envy, anger, aggression and other negative emotions, thoughts and actions destroy a person, do not allow him to become happy. I recommend the article.
  • Shifting Responsibility. A big mistake common to many people is to blame other people or external circumstances in their mistakes, unwillingness to change their lives, to achieve success on their own. Such people do not want to change something in their lives for the better, blaming the state, relatives, friends, bosses, and even strangers. Each person has his own life, so each individual is responsible for it.

The struggle with the obstacles that we create ourselves is usually very difficult. And all because we tend to justify ourselves and feel sorry for ourselves. But, one thing pleases for sure: if we ourselves create obstacles on the path to happiness, then we can get rid of them ourselves. You just need to acknowledge your mistakes.

If you are on the path to happiness, you need to get rid of:

  • bad habits . Just think how much time, physical and moral strength you have spent on addictions. They take away not only the mind, but also health.
  • Dependence on the opinions of others . If you do everything with an eye on the opinions of others, your actions will be constantly hampered. Those who are afraid to look “somehow wrong” in the eyes of others do not allow themselves to be happy. You can never please everyone and everyone. But for yourself - please. Never let others run your life (although this is a great strategy for those who are looking for excuses for not wanting to take responsibility for their own lives). However, in some cases it is still useful to find out an opinion about yourself, to hear constructive and harmless criticism. But, are you sure that the view from the outside about you will be unbiased and sincere? Even relatives and loved ones sometimes cannot be objective.
  • The habit of complaining about everything and everyone . If you constantly do this, then such a person really begins to attract failure. This is something like self-programming, because of which the person subconsciously strives for something that will make him complain again and again. You need to get rid of this habit immediately. If you enjoy even the most insignificant things, small pleasant events, then the energy of happiness will “stick” to such a person.
  • unnecessary things . It may seem strange at first glance, but a mess in things leads to a mess in the head. Get rid of what is holding you back in life. Give items to loved ones or those in need. This is how you make way for something new.
  • Extra self-criticism . No need to constantly delve into yourself and reproach for something. You need to accept yourself as you are - with all the flaws and virtues. And if you really do not like something in yourself - act. Instead of self-criticism, focus on setting goals and achieving them. Believe me, this is much more pleasant than constantly reproaching yourself for imperfection.

If you recognize yourself in at least some of the descriptions, then now you know exactly what is preventing your happiness.

What should a person be to become happy: tips

As mentioned earlier, becoming happy means working on yourself, getting rid of unnecessary thoughts and actions. No matter how trite it may sound, everything is in your hands.

You are responsible for your own happiness, so start moving towards your goal right here and now. Here are some tips to help you with this.

  1. Learn to relax and deal with stress

It is clear that every person periodically faces life's trials and emotional upheavals. Often you cannot influence this, but you are quite able to find a way to detach from experiences. This does not mean that you need to hide your head in the sand. Vice versa, look at the problem with a clear eye. If you constantly drive thoughts of trouble deep inside, they will not let you go, but will wear you out.

What do we have to do? Discuss your problem with the closest and dearest to you. You can contact a psychologist. Most importantly, do not be stressed out on your own, as negative judgments can overwhelm you.

Get enough sleep, find time for relaxation and your favorite activities (reading books, sports, listening to music, beading, knitting, etc.). A chronically tired and exhausted person cannot be truly happy. . The fact that the sleepy one will seem like a real disaster, the well-rested one will not be so frightening.

  1. Cast aside doubts and regret nothing

Don't blame yourself for what you did or didn't do in the past. It still won’t work to go back and fix everything, but to learn how to own experience quite possible. Treat it as an opportunity, now and in the future, to do what you need to do.. Draw the right conclusions from your actions. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

  1. Find your true purpose

By the way, this is not so easy to do. Serious work on oneself, an analysis of the inner "I" may be required. Try to get rid of stereotypes and opinions imposed by society. Perhaps your true goal is not to work until old age at one job, on weekends in the standard order to relax with friends over a "glass of tea" or to strive at least once to go to a comfortable resort abroad. Maybe you want to paint portraits, learn a new profession, start volunteering, etc. This is your life and you are responsible for it. If you're not hurting anyone by doing what you love, then don't listen to anyone. Find your source of happiness. Be prepared for the fact that it will be completely different from most other people.

  1. smile more

A constantly gloomy person is perceived as unhappy. If you smile, in the eyes of others you will become more attractive and friendly. It also helps lift the mood. Do not be afraid to show positive emotions, laugh at any opportunity.. Laughter not only has a beneficial effect on health, but also helps to cope with stress, attract good people and favorable circumstances.

  1. Appreciate what is in your life

It is important to be grateful for everything that fate has given you. And it doesn't have to be any special moments in your life. Believe me Happiness consists of small, but such significant trifles for you. Give thanks for what you need:

  • relatives for the fact that they surrounded you with care;
  • friends - that they are and find time to meet with you;
  • a saleswoman for fresh bread;
  • driver - for his good nature and comfortable conditions travel, etc.

You should also thank yourself and the circumstances that were in your favor. A good education, good health, the ability to choose - all this makes us as happy as we ourselves allow.

  1. Find a job that makes you happy

It is hard to live and enjoy life when there is no hobby. Even if you think that you are incapable of anything, drop these thoughts. You may need some time to find yourself. Maybe you like taking pictures? Or do you feel that dancing is something worth trying? In general, there are many options. Try different activities, attend various seminars and courses. When you find yours, you will feel it.

  1. Please others

If you help those who really need it, you will feel how nice it is. Help does not have to be material (although, maybe someone is in dire need of it). It is only important that good deeds must be done disinterestedly, at the behest of the soul. It should not be self-admiration and a desire to feel superior to someone who needs help.

  1. Don't be afraid of the future

Don't be afraid of what the future holds for you. Your motto should be the following slogan: "Now I'm doing well, but it will be even better." For the most part, we build our own future by setting goals, making efforts to achieve them, perceiving reality and acting on our convictions. You don't have to be afraid of failure. Rather, think about what you can achieve, and sincerely rejoice in even small achievements.

  1. Don't expect from people what they don't have to give you.

In fact, no one is obligated to try to make you happy. Even the people closest to you can do what they need. When you realize that no one owes you anything, it becomes much easier to live.. After all, you are also free to do as you see fit in each case.

Happiness is a state that does not depend on circumstances and other people. This is inner harmony, the consistency of one's "I" with the outside world. Yes, sometimes there are situations in life that can disappoint us. But, they should not break us, make us feel insignificant and feel the imperfection of the world.

If you are facing life challenges, let it be only a temporary state. This is just a reminder that if you are unable to influence circumstances, you are able to influence your attitude. You deserve to be happy!

If you feel that you need help and support in your situation, I will be happy to help you in my programs and courses, as well as individual consultations. Your state, thoughts and feelings will radically change and be transformed. Anxiety and old programs will be replaced by a feeling of deep trust, love and happiness.
For the course schedule, please follow the link below:

With love and faith in you, Maria Shakti.

Heartfelt close:

Have you ever had the feeling that something is missing? Everything seems to be in order: family, and career, and friends, and a loved one, but still something is not right. Perhaps… you are missing yourself. In the daily running and heap of things, people and habits, it seems that there is no time at all to stop, take a breath and think.

1. Find happiness in the little things

In fact, life is wonderful. Stop. Look around. Happiness is never far from us, it is in simple things. Blue sky, sunlight, children's eyes. Happiness even in breathing (remember how unpleasant it is to breathe when you have a runny nose). Happiness can also be felt by doing simple actions.

It's very easy to be happy.

2. Wash the dishes. Seriously!

Washing dishes seems unpleasant until you start. Standing in front of the sink, rolling up your sleeves and plunging your hands into warm water You know, it has its own beauty. Make time for each plate, completely realizing and her, and water, and any movement of the hands. You know, by rushing to wash the dessert plate, you will make the time allotted for washing dishes unpleasant for yourself and not worth it to live it. It's sad, because every minute and second of life is a miracle.

The same trick can be done with any duty: vacuuming the apartment, ironing clothes and walking the dog will become much more pleasant. And after such ordinary, as it may seem, affairs, you will feel even a little happier.

Even in washing dishes you can find a little happiness. Instagram photo @mifbooks

3. Give your brain a break

Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to feel like you've been reborn. Sit on a chair or on the floor. Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale several times. As you breathe in, say to yourself, "Breathing in, I know what I'm breathing in." As you breathe out, say, "Breathing out, I know I'm breathing out." Try not to think about anything.

Stop the stream of consciousness. Try to feel every inch of your body. Smile. Take a few more deep breaths in and out. These respite meditations are simple and very effective. Try to live a happy life.

The brain will definitely appreciate the respite given to it!

4. Don't eat mindlessly

Try eating mindfully for at least one week. There is such an oriental saying: "When you eat, think only about food." So that's what she's talking about. You will understand that food has become for you not only a way to get enough, but also a time of solitude, self-knowledge. And to understand what is the point of such an attitude towards yourself, try the “Chocolate Meditation” from the book

Hello dear readers! Today I would like to talk about happy life about how to live in order to be happy. After all, many people drive themselves into the framework of misfortune, hope for a miracle, wait for magic. In fact, everything is within us. If you can understand a few simple things, then you can be happy no matter what the circumstances.

What is happiness

Let's start with the definition of happiness. For someone, being happy means being rich or successful, having a yacht and a castle in Europe, becoming famous, being revered by a large circle of people, and so on. I want to open to you terrible secret- all this has nothing to do with human happiness.

Having achieved wealth, you only reach a certain goal. There comes a moment of satisfaction, and then. The goal has been reached and it is no longer needed. Either a new task is set, or there is a fear of losing the wealth achieved. Thus, we understand that happiness is not in wealth. The same is true with success. A person achieves a certain success. The goal has been reached. Satisfaction. Fear of losing your success.

People change things often. Being happy does not mean rejoicing at another thousand rubles in your wallet, it does not mean rejoicing at a new relationship.

Do not confuse the emotions of joy, satisfaction with happiness. Happiness is something that is always inside the person himself.

It is always with you, you just have to let it out. It does not depend on your financial condition, it is not affected by your relationships with others, it does not care about your achievements and successes. All these components help you experience emotions of joy, pleasure, as well as negative emotions: fear, disappointment, pain and bitterness.

What prevents a person from being happy? It is the substitution of concepts and the unconsciousness of happiness within oneself. If you can separate your emotions from happiness, even when you are sad, you are on the right path to a happy life.

If you can separate your happiness from the husks of fleeting emotions, then you will be happy for the rest of your life.

The working process

For some comrades, happiness lies in a successful, well-paid job. Don't associate happiness with job satisfaction. Quietly continue to work and do not associate the office with your internal state. , work is often accompanied by stress, rush jobs, reporting, burning deadlines, and so on. Are you going to let all of this affect your personal happiness?

Work is your way of earning money for your maintenance. Work is your opportunity to realize your potential. Here you have to be focused, self-confident.

If you are not sure that your work is your calling, then I recommend that you read my article "". But remember that calling also does not in any way affect your happiness. Thanks to the vocation, you can achieve great success in a certain business, it brings pleasure, satisfies your desires and needs. No more.

Remember that work is just a part of your life. A part cannot affect the whole happiness. It does not consist of a piece of work, a piece of family, a piece of communication, and so on. Happiness is very complete. It is all, entirely, within you. It's worth just looking at it.

Personal life

Another misconception: my happiness depends on the other person, if I'm lonely, then I'm unhappy. The most, in my opinion, a terrible misconception. Human happiness cannot depend on who he lives with. Today with one, and yesterday with another, and ten years will pass and there will be a completely different person next to me. So what happens? Every time your happiness determines new person?

Fifth advice- read the article "". There you will find a sea of ​​tips that may interest you.

Tell me, what is happiness for you? How do you imagine your happiest day? What helps you overcome difficulties in life? Do you have a secret cure for depression?

I hope you discover the secret of happiness within yourself and never be unhappy in your life!