Is it worth it to do what you don't want to. How to do what you want: twenty tips

  • 24.09.2019
February 27, 2014 at 07:52 pm

How to do something when you don't want to - but you have to

  • GTD

So, why is the deadline approaching, but there is still no solution?

Reason #1: You're putting things off because you're afraid you won't be able to do it.

Solution: Instead of “fixing on gains,” use “fixing on loss prevention.”

Explanation: Each task can be viewed from two perspectives. It's usually accepted to look like this - "I will do this, and I will become better / cooler / richer / healthier." This is "achievement fixation" when you anticipate how you will feel better when you achieve something. The problem is that if you are afraid of not being able to complete a task, it makes no sense to complete it - you will not achieve anything. If you want, for example, to go in for sports, and subconsciously imagine the great sporting achievements that lie ahead of you, at the same time you are afraid of not achieving them.
Psychological research shows that one of the most common reasons for putting off tasks is the fear of not completing them.

But you can look at the task from the other side: what happens if it is not done? Surely you will lose something. If you don't do the job, you'll lose your salary, or maybe a bonus. It is not necessary to get a gold medal at the Olympics - but if you do not play sports at all, you will undermine your health. Set yourself up for “loss prevention” and this will be a good motivator.

Of course, this is not so easy and simple, but it’s better to motivate yourself in this way than to worry about what can go wrong and do nothing as a result.

Reason #2: You're putting off a task because you're "not in the mood."

Solution: ignore your feelings and moods, they only get in the way.

“I just can’t get up early”, “I can’t go to the gym” - such excuses are too often used. But in fact, no one chained you to the bed. There are no bouncers blocking your way before entering the fitness club. Physically, nothing prevents you - you just "do not have the right mood." Ok, and who said that in order to do something, you need the right mood?

Think about it. For some reason, it is believed that in order to achieve success, you must necessarily have inspiration or mood. We must be determined to do what needs to be done. Is this not nonsense? In general, of course, you need to more or less desire something - to become healthier, richer, stronger. But you don't need to be in the right mood all the time.

Everything successful people creative professions - artists, writers (and many programmers also like to classify themselves as creative people) - they all achieved success simply by working several hours a day. Regardless of the mood. As Chuck Close (an artist and photographer who continued to work even after being partially paralyzed) said: “Inspiration is for beginners. Everyone else just comes and works.”

So, if you are not in the mood - this is not a reason. Nothing stops you.

Reason #3: The task is too difficult, boring, or unpleasant.

Solution: plan ahead.

As soon as the time comes to do something very difficult, unpleasant, doubts also come. “Maybe I'll do it next time. Or maybe it's not really necessary. Now there is something else to do."

The problem is that if you start thinking about whether to do or not to do something when it's time to do it - you set yourself a double task. And decide on it, and then do it again. And decision-making is a difficult task in itself. You have to turn on willpower every time - and, as you know, it is not iron.

It is much easier to do planning based on a simple if/then algorithm. "When Saturday comes, I'll clean the apartment." “When I got up in the morning, I immediately do exercises.” “If the boss forgets about my request to raise my salary, I will remind him at the meeting.”

By making decisions ahead of time, you are already doing some of the work. It remains, when the right moment comes, just to fulfill your decision. You've already made up your mind - well, there is no room for doubt.

From myself I want to add one more trick that I use. Usually a person is too lazy not just to do something - usually they don’t want to change the state, or switch to another task. I know that once I start doing something, it's just much easier to keep going. Therefore, every time I encounter an unpleasant or task, I agree with myself - if I suddenly don’t really want to continue it, I’ll finish it right away. “I’ll start cleaning up the apartment from this room - if suddenly something happens, I’ll quit.”
Almost always, as a result, the task is brought to the end - "I have already begun, what to throw halfway through."

And finally, I’ll note - if you wake up in the morning, you look forward with a smile to what you will be doing all day, if time flies imperceptibly for your business, if you are surprised that only a month has passed, and you have already done so much - congratulations, you are happy Human!

Good luck in all your endeavors, and may the willpower be with you.

This article is for those who can't force themselves to do something. Here I will explain why this happens, namely, why a person cannot force himself to work. Is this your fault, and what needs to be done to finally start doing something. This article is motivational, so read it cover to cover. I hope you have enough strength for this. And who knows, maybe you are too lazy to do it. So let's get started.

How to make yourself work?

I would like to start writing the answer to this question with a well-known phrase: "There are no lazy people, there are those who do not motivate". This phrase justifies many lazy people. In fact, that's the way it is. If a person has something, he runs ahead of the locomotive. Well, if not, he does nothing.

In life, each of us had such moments when we caught fire with an idea, but after a while faded away. For example, a person wanted to, began to take some steps, and a month later found that all his efforts led to little results. Bummer - that's what it's called. Of course, the second attempt was not as strong as the first. And there was no third attempt at all.

And these life breaks also demotivate us to do something. We remember them and therefore do not want to work. What if it doesn't come out again? No one wants to spend effort, and then end up with nothing. It is this experience that does not allow you to work at 100%. Therefore, you need to get rid of it somehow.

Another most common reason for doing nothing is unimportance. As long as a person can do without something, he will not work. Now I will give a funny example. Look, when a person does not really want to go to the toilet, he is in no hurry to look for corners and bushes to relieve himself. As long as it's bearable, don't worry. But if he is very impatient, he will no longer think, he will start looking for bushes, corners where he can relieve himself. He will no longer care about public opinion, and he will do it at least in front of everyone. And all because this "purpose" became vital to him. That is, until the roasted rooster pecks, the person himself will not start doing anything. This has happened to me many times.

The people who lead have this theory: “Either you set goals yourself and go towards them, or he will make you do it in a painful way”. For clarity, I will give another example. Until the age of 29, a girl named Valya did not show any initiative to get to know someone. She always thought that a man should do it. Men approached her and got to know each other, invited them on a date, but sooner or later she rejected them, because she had excessive demands. By the age of 30, she is still not married due to the fact that her lip is not a fool.

And then she notices that men do not approach her to get acquainted, because they prefer younger girls. She begins to realize that she is already 30 years old, and there is still no family. And every year the chances of getting married are decreasing. And then she realizes that she can stay alone forever. This fear binds her and makes her the first to approach men and get acquainted. But she doesn't know how to do it. She is used to the fact that men themselves come up to her, amuse her, try to please her. And now she has to do it.

Over time, her demands on men begin to drop, as she began to look at them differently, more gently. Life forced me to do so. All attempts to create a family fail over and over again, because she does not know how to build relationships. Here she begins to attend trainings, seminars, read books about the psychology of men, and so on. She begins to act more and more actively, because fear does not allow her to live. And you can think of the end of this story about Valya yourself. By the way, in the comments under the article you have the opportunity to write the culmination of this story.

What am I leading to? And to the fact that if you don’t force yourself to work, the Universe or someone else will force you. Our life is arranged in such a way that if a person does not develop, he degrades. This is not beneficial for our world, so it gives us problems and tasks that force us to act. This is what you need to realize. You don't want the universe to start kicking you, do you? She makes it very painful.

How to force yourself to do something?

There is another problem that prevents a person from forcing himself to do something. When a person goes to the goal, two things appear before his eyes: problems and a reward (end result). If before his eyes problems overshadow the ultimate goal, he does not take steps. He thinks: "Why do I need this?". And after unsuccessful attempts, problems increasingly begin to overshadow the final positive result.

So, in order for a person to start doing something, the goal should be more problems. When a person sees only the end result, problems disappear. A person overcomes difficulties without overcoming them. As they say: "I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles". It is this philosophy that gives a person strength and energy to act.

And now about the main thing. In order for you to start doing something, you need to do what you like. The happiest people are those who earn huge money from their hobby. A person should get job satisfaction. Many people initially worked for the idea. They didn't get any income, they just enjoyed doing what they did.

And as a result, the money came to them and paid off all the efforts with a vengeance. That is what you should strive for. This is the most the best way force yourself to do something and work.

At one time, I also worked for the idea. I created this site and started writing articles for it, posting,. For several years I worked for the idea, and I liked it. After writing another article, I felt satisfied. After I add this article, I will feel satisfied. Therefore, it is not difficult for me to work, especially now that I am making a solid profit from the site on full autopilot.

But this does not free you from routine work. Routines are always there and you just need to follow them. It does not happen that a person can only do what he wants. At work, they will be fired or fined for this.

At one time, when I studied at the university, I did not want to do the tasks that we were asked. Fortunately, I have a brother who performed them for everyone (we were divided into teams). I spent my time at the computer, working on the site. But sometimes I had to force myself to do something. And I noticed that appetite comes with eating. It is worth starting to do something, as interest appears.

A person must receive a reward in order to continue doing what he does. Intermediate results are extremely important. If they are not, then there will be no continuation. The person is demotivated. For example, if a person who wants to lose weight has not lost a single gram in a month, then he will not continue this venture. But here I advise you to experiment. If something does not work out, you need to change the strategy. Experimenting is very interesting. It's like a game where the goal is the result.

The last thing I will advise you is to imagine the end goal as often as possible. Dream as much as you can. Dreams motivate people, make them energetic. We are all ready to plow 25 hours a day in order to achieve our cherished dream. Always remember your dreams, and then the question of how to make yourself work will fall off forever from yours. Good luck to you.

how to force yourself to work, how to force yourself to do something?


I recently wrote several articles on self-discipline and related topics:

For one of these articles, I received a comment in the spirit of “self-discipline is plugging holes and is not needed at all if the matter is properly set up, but forcing yourself to do something is wrong and ineffective.”

Although, in my opinion, in the first article it is quite enough said that self-discipline is in human nature and it is thanks to it that a person became a person, nevertheless, this issue should be considered in more detail and considered from a practical point of view.

Why do people think that self-discipline is an unnecessary and harmful phenomenon?

There are several reasons:

- forcing yourself to do or not to do something, you experience discomfort and inconvenience.

- theoretically defined actions are easily performed without any self-discipline. If something is really important to you, if you really want something, then you will certainly do everything to achieve it. Roughly speaking: to get away from a crocodile that clicks its mouth two steps behind, self-discipline is not needed.
Man wants to survive - and runs. And the fact that he can’t force himself to go for a run in the morning - well, he doesn’t really want to, apparently.

- doing what you love, a person often experiences such enthusiasm that he needs to force himself NOT to work - so is there any point in self-discipline if you can simply find such a thing and do it?
The objections are serious and at first glance there is nothing to counter them.

I'll start from afar.

One of my friends is a fantastically hardworking person. She manages to redo a bunch of things around the house, not forgetting to give a fair chunk of the day to work and new projects. To make her rest - you need to make a thorough effort. In terms of work and career, she does not need absolutely any self-discipline - everything turns out as if by itself. But... but at the same time, she has a few not-so-healthy habits that, at first glance, are easy to get rid of. They do not require such an outstanding will as quitting smoking or a long diet. But she cannot cope with them - the struggle goes on with varying success.
Why does this situation arise?

Everything is simple.

Work and household chores for her are one of the most important centers of life, this is very, very important for her. But the rest is out of the field of attention and therefore is perceived as unimportant.

Now it is clear why self-discipline is still necessary? Why is it necessary to force yourself to do something, it will be difficult to do without it?

The center of life, the area of ​​our aspirations and ideals - it is NOT RUBBER

You can't give everything the highest priority. Something will be important for a person, something less important, but he doesn’t remember something all the way until the circumstances bring him back.

But there are many areas of life in which you need to grow and develop. Health, career, communication, relationships, family, creativity... Remove one component and you won't have a harmonious life.

Example. Have you heard the expression "absent-minded professor"? The imagination draws a scientist who is passionate about his work (concentration on the areas of “work” and “creativity”), who sits over books all day long, forgets to have lunch and wash, confuses the name of his wife and puts on colorful socks (Imagination does not fail so much: I met a couple almost exactly like pundits). Life is certainly interesting, but one can hardly call it truly successful and harmonious.

It is generally accepted that the search for life goals and landmarks refers to philosophical issues and is inherent in highly intelligent individuals. Actually it is not. People who live in harmony with themselves and enjoy life do not think about such topics. This is the fate of those who have ceased to receive satisfaction from their own actions. When a person has an arm or leg pain, he begins to pay more attention to it, to listen to the sensations. It is the same with the meaning of life: as soon as a person becomes ill, he immediately loses it and, due to the inability to find peace, begins to “work with his brains” and look for himself.

Life guidelines, or Why we act in one way or another

This is where parenting plays a huge role. By observing the behavior of our parents, we unconsciously copied their patterns into our own lives. And not those that they tried to teach us in any way, but those shown by their own example. This may be a father who worked around the clock, or a mother who does not have a job, but is constantly engaged in housework and raising children. Honor, fidelity, openness, honesty - all these concepts, to one degree or another, were laid in us in childhood. Life attitudes are connected with the understanding of parents, what is right and what is not. They determine the priority. In my family, for example, they attached great importance to education and culture, although I practically didn’t study at school - I didn’t like it. For many families, they are of great value. higher education, science, art.

How goals are related to the rationalization of life and why they should not be set

There are people who live harmoniously: they know how to combine work and leisure and enjoy what they do. But not everyone is capable of this. If a person does not succeed, he begins to rush about and tries to find a suitable occupation for himself. In order to somehow live, he works at an unloved job - earns money. Realizing that this is not enough, he begins to set goals for himself. For example, learn English in one year or lose 20 kg in nine months. That is, he does not enjoy life and tries to rationalize it. One of the greatest and at the same time inadequate people, Count Tolstoy set goals for himself for the year ahead: what to read, learn. He did not live in peace. If a person likes to learn English, he does it, when he gets bored, he stops. This is fine. Many people run after meaning all their lives, and before they die, they realize that it does not exist and that all goals and guidelines were false.

When a person feels good, he does not think about goals, meanings, or guidelines. He just lives. He sets goals, but he does it for the sake of self-realization, because he likes it. When a person feels bad, he begins to cling to everything possible. Often such people find help in religion, which acts as "crutches" for lost souls: it gives them what they need, as it consists entirely of guidelines, meanings and goals. Freud, himself a devout man, called religion a collective neurosis, because it gives what man himself cannot understand.

Guest questions:

How to stop responding to stimuli that influence from the outside (changes taking place in the outside world and in personal life)? They make it difficult to focus on a specific task.

The great psychologist Viktor Frankl was a prisoner in a concentration camp, but this did not affect him in any way. He lived his inner life, separate from the outer environment. And he came out of there as if he came from another country.

You need to understand that the more independent and self-sufficient you are, the less influence and discomfort you experience. The world is constantly changing. If the situation bothers you, you have two options: take it for granted or change (change country or city). The stimulus will always exist. You need to either become independent and self-sufficient yourself - then you will pay less attention to environment, or make a decision - to accept the situation or change it.

Since childhood, I was brought up in such a way that a woman is intended for giving birth to children, creating comfort and family well-being. I had a husband, but we got divorced, no children. Now I ask myself the question: what is the meaning of my life?

The meaning of life of every person is in life itself. Children or a husband are not the basis, but its components. Stanislavsky said that there is a super task, but there are other tasks besides it. Many meanings are present in us unconsciously. For example, since we are social beings, we have a biological desire to live in a group (family), to continue the race. We also have a craving for recognition, which exists as a psychological need. The meaning of life for all people is to live and enjoy it. If you want children, you will find a million ways to have them even without pregnancy.

Every person is instilled with certain patterns from childhood. For example, girls need to get married. This has been going on since 1945, when after 20 years it was no longer possible to get married. Through the older generation, the echoes of the war years still reach us. There is no need to get married now. If you love a person, you want to live with him and then have children. This is a healthy situation. The urge to get married as soon as possible is very abstract, as is the common desire of men to have a lot of money and a big car. If you want, you will marry. But that cannot become your meaning. As well as the desire to have children, who, by the way, tend to grow up and leave the house.

You can't use other people to find your meaning. Children cannot be hostages of their mother, who “has nothing else besides them” and to whom she “given her whole life”. You can not give birth to a child for your own understanding. This should only be done if you enjoy messing around with it. If you are confused about the purpose of your existence, then it is immoral to believe that children will give meaning to your life. In this case, they are your hostages.

Growing up in a military family, I was always obliged to do what was supposed to be done. Now I have grown up and have my own family. But the habit has remained, and it does not allow me to figure out what I really like and what not. How to learn to understand your desires?

Many of us don't really understand what we want. The reason for this is that they have not tried to listen to themselves and do not know how to feel their desires. You need to change your own attitudes and learn: doing what you want is the only way live life right. And if you do everything "according to the rules", "rationally" and "efficiently", then you will not find happiness.

In childhood, they did not consider a person: they were not interested in what he likes and what not. He grew up, but never learned to understand it. And continues to live, deciding common problems: gives birth and raises children, earns money to support the family.

You need to learn how to imagine your future life: how you want it to develop. To do this, you need to start with what you did not do as a child. From very simple things. In the morning, do not sit down to breakfast until you realize that you are hungry. Eat only what you like (this does not apply to minors, you are responsible for them). Remember: there is no healthy and unhealthy food (the exceptions are foods prohibited by the doctor). An adult can afford to eat what he wants. When choosing the clothes in which you will go today, stop at the one that you like. Forget about "gray weekdays" and "smart weekends". If you like these clothes, you can buy them and wear them whenever you want. There will be no other life.

Start with household items. As soon as you refuse to do things that do not bring you pleasure, you will gradually learn to feel your desires. Over time, you will begin to understand what you want to do and how to live the next years. When a person is always cleaning the apartment and washing the dishes, he is not able to realize this. There was a joke about a Jew. When he was dying, he was asked about the last will. He asked for tea with two lumps of sugar, explaining it this way: “At home I drink with one, and at a party with three, but I love with two.” Do not bring the situation to the point of absurdity.

I have a list of what I really want to do. From it I form goals. Where is the line that defines neuroticism, and how do healthy people set goals?

Neuroticism lies in the meaninglessness of goal setting. If you want to learn a foreign language in a year, it must have some purpose. For example, you may have a desire to travel the world, for this you need to own English language(it's easier). You set a time limit of one year because you want to go on a trip faster. If the goal is simply to "learn", then, in the first place, you will get a very low level language, and secondly, this action makes no sense: it is not clear why.

Everything must have a specific purpose. If the action is devoid of purpose and motivational background, then the person begins to force himself to do what he does not want, he is constantly distracted.

When a person just likes to play sports, he has no idea to pull himself up a hundred times, unless, of course, he is trying to prove something to himself. He just enjoys it. And he will continue to practice, not being distracted by extraneous things and not being lazy, because he wants to.

It is probably impossible to go through life without ever straining or doing anything against your will, but you need to strive for this. You need to do something out of need, and not forcing yourself and convincing you that you like it. It should come by itself.

If a person has already refused to do what he does not want, but has not yet understood what he likes, is it okay to do nothing?

Absolutely. Thinking modern man It is arranged as follows: first there is an analysis of the situation, then a synthesis. Analysis is when you look at an object and mentally dissect it. The eye pays attention only to individual pieces. Then synthesizes - generalizes. The ability to generalize on a certain amount of information is one of the signs of intelligence. Our ancestors had another process that we lack: they could identify themselves with an object. For example, when they wanted to understand a tree, they merged with it, not dividing it into separate components in their minds, but tried to feel it as a whole. V modern world this is impossible, because our ancestors had a different rhythm of life and really knew how to relax. There were periods in their lives when they did nothing for many days, and this was in the order of things.

Can you find meaning in life by reading books?

Literature makes no sense. It can neither teach life nor make a person deeper or more intelligent. A writer is a person who can tell compelling stories in brilliant language. There is nothing else in the books. In prisons, people who know how to tell interesting things are not touched, because they are considered to be the owners of God's gift. But Dostoevsky and Tolstoy did not explain any meaning to anyone and were themselves far from understanding it. The contents of Dostoevsky's works contain well-written detective stories, from which one cannot tear oneself away. Not more.

How to find your life's work, choose a direction for further development?

You can’t immediately understand what you want to do all your life. It is a state, not a rational thought. You can't say, "I want to do this." It should be an unconscious psychological need for something that brings you pleasure. Artists or writers felt they wanted to write pictures or poems, rather than screaming about it. Getting up in the morning, you should feel the joy of the fact that the working day is ahead. To achieve this state, you need to treat everything in life in a similar way: learn to do only what you want, and not force yourself. And don't do what you don't want to do. Understand what you like and what you don't.

By changing your behavior, you can change the parental attitudes laid down in you as a child. A person is formed up to five or eight years, then the brain begins to automatically issue mental reactions that were formed earlier. Reading the situation, the brain finds analogues from childhood and gives out for a long time decision. The professor claims that it is taken 20 seconds earlier than the final wording of the question sounds.

Starting to listen to yourself, to realize what you really want, you force the psyche to change your reactions. There is a change in the reflex arc - existing neural connections collapse and new ones arise. Over time, you will easily understand what you really want.

The next lecture-consultation by Mikhail Labkovsky in the Chocolate Loft will be dedicated to the midlife crisis and will be held on August 24th. Tickets are available.

Life is so bright and multifaceted, there are so many interesting and unusual things around, but, alas, it is often necessary to do what you don’t want at all. For example, doing some work instead of watching an interesting movie, or studying boring notes instead of going to a club with friends, or something else. How do you force yourself to do something you don't want to? There are good ways to solve this problem without turning your life into torture, but enjoying every moment of it.

How to force yourself to do something? Very often, such a problem arises when it is necessary to perform global tasks that require time and effort. When you realize the amount of work ahead, you don’t feel like, or rather scared, even to start, and therefore everything is postponed for “tomorrow”, “next week”, “later”, “when there is time” and so on. At the same time, thoughts about unfinished work or an unresolved problem do not leave the head, leaving a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction, thereby violating

To avoid all this, global tasks should be divided into several or even many small tasks and set a goal to perform one of them every certain period of time. After all, it is much easier to force yourself to do small things! For example, not putting off exam preparation until the last days and then forcing yourself to storm three volumes of a difficult subject, but breaking the entire volume into topics and studying one each week. Thus, in small steps you can reach a big goal.

Many women often face the problem of how to force themselves to do something around the house, if after labor day so you want to relax or just be with your family. In many cases, you can combine a pleasant activity with a useful one. For example, cooking will be faster and less noticeable if at this time you are talking with your child or chatting with a friend on the phone. You can iron the accumulated pile of washed laundry by standing in front of the TV and watching an interesting movie or program.

At first it will be a little unusual, and the desire to drop everything and sit on the sofa will prevail. But to “deceive” your brain, to captivate it with something interesting at all. The main thing is not to think about the physical work being done, but simply to do it, distracting your consciousness to conversations and plots. Such a combination will allow you to do much more tedious homework in one evening and still enjoy a pleasant pastime.

Another good way how to force yourself to do what you need is to imagine the end result of your efforts. Moreover, this fantasy should be realistic, bright, colorful and inspiring.

For example, how to force yourself to do exercises? The answer is simple: regularly imagine your toned, slender body, excellent mood and good spirits, good health and fullness of strength. All this can give morning exercises. Only half an hour a day (or at least fifteen minutes) - and this beautiful picture can become a reality.

Or another example: a highly qualified specialist, whose opinion is respected and who is consulted for advice and help (not for free, of course). To do this, you need little - open a summary, learn the subject and pass the exam with honors. This will be the first step towards conquering professional heights. Such reflections and dreams will help to look at the task with optimism, inspire and give strength.

How to force yourself to do something if it is not a one-time task, but a long ongoing process? For example, a boring and unloved job, the need to sit in boring lectures, or something like that. Of course, it's best not to rape yourself every day, but to change your place of work or profession, go to study for a specialty that is interesting, and so on. But, alas, sometimes this is impossible or problematic due to certain circumstances.

In this case, it is also not worth falling into despondency! It is necessary to “colorize” as much as possible what is annoying or annoying, add positive emotions and find at least something in the process that gives pleasure. For example, change your image, put on beautiful makeup, do a good haircut and go to unloved job"In his best". Let colleagues pay attention, you can even flirt a little, and then the place of work will no longer be so boring. Moreover, working space you can, if possible, decorate with family photos, nice trinkets, or something that gives positive.

Students and schoolchildren should pick up beautiful, unusual or interesting stationery. Writing homework or notes in a beautiful notebook with a fashionable pen is much more pleasant! Homework help brighten up good helpers: a variety of bright and beautiful detergents with pleasant aromas and so on.

If you add colors even to the most boring activity that you don’t want to do, then everything will sparkle in a new light!

A very good and often found advice on how to force yourself to do something is to promise yourself a reward for the work done. Moreover, you can reward yourself both for completing the entire task, and at each stage (when divided into small tasks). For example: after which you had to tune in for more than one day, you can treat yourself to going to the cinema. Or for a successfully passed exam - go on a weekend excursion. For morning exercises, you can reward yourself with a glass of delicious juice or fresh juice. Etc. For clarity, you can place your reward in front of your eyes or in your field of vision. For example, place a movie poster on your desktop or put a glass of juice in front of you.

The main thing in this matter is not to give yourself an indulgence and not to take the reward with "strength", that is, do not treat yourself without doing the necessary.

A great solution for those who cannot force themselves to do something can be a role model. This should be a vivid example of the successful completion of a task that cannot be started in any way. For example: in order to finally take care of your figure, lose a couple of extra pounds, start eating right and go in for sports, it’s enough to hang a photo of a girl with the parameters you dream of on your refrigerator or in the bathroom and compare your results every day with those that have a sample. Or to successfully complete their work, find examples of those who have achieved high results, solving similar problems. Etc. Good example will also fill you with optimism and reveal the prospects that the task promises.

As you know, it is much easier, more pleasant and faster to perform any tasks with like-minded people. If you can’t persuade yourself on your own, then you need to find those who can keep company and share the hardships of a difficult task. For example: how to force yourself to do Persuade your husband, brother, mother or someone else from the household to join. Together, this activity will be more fun, give pleasant moments of communication and become a small family ritual, the mere thought of which will be pleasant.

Rivalry and the desire to be the best is literally “in the blood” of a person, so a great way to persuade yourself to do something is to turn the fulfillment of the necessary task into a real competition. For example: how to force yourself to do exercises? Arrange with someone from the household, or a girlfriend, or a neighbor and do it "race". That is, every day to report to each other, who did push-ups, how many laps they ran, or how many squats they did. Thus, the inner spirit of the competition will wake up, the desire to be the best, and everyone who participates in such an event will only benefit.

How to force yourself to do something, if your head is constantly spinning “I don’t want, I won’t, or maybe I don’t need to”? human brain- a very interesting thing! He is able to both switch off and abstract, and find unknown reserves to achieve mind-blowing goals. It all depends on the mood and self-hypnosis. If you repeat to yourself: “This is not difficult, not scary, there is something interesting in this too,” then after a while the brain will convince both itself and its “owner” that the task or work that you didn’t want to do before , and the truth is fascinating, or at least not so boring or difficult.

To summarize: the hardest part is the start. So main advice doubting and eluding: start - and then everything will go much easier!