What is the dream of grape. Video "What is the dream of Grapes"

  • 22.09.2019

Grapes from a dream are a very ambiguous symbol. It may be a harbinger of both a romantic adventure or big profit, and a strong fright or health problems. Modern dream books will help you figure out what the grapes are dreaming of.

Dream Interpretation: why does a woman dream of grapes?

In Miller's dream book, the grapes that someone treats the sleeping woman is a symbol of a new acquaintance. The girl will meet on her life path a very interesting person and she will become the initiator of acquaintance. If it is a woman who feeds someone with berries, in reality this will bring her sadness. Perhaps she will give another person her success or even her heart.

AT Eastern dream book unripe fruits portend the fair sex to make a profit, for which she will have to work long and hard. But the grape harvest in a dream is a big money dream. Especially if the clusters are very large and appetizing.

Did you have to crush grapes to get wine? The girl is very tired from everyday affairs and worries. She urgently needs a good quality rest before health problems start.

To dream of green, black, white grapes

The interpretation largely depends on the color of the fruit.

  • If in female dream snow-white berries appear, you need to pay attention to the state of your body. First of all, visit a cardiologist. Possible heart problems.
  • If you dream of green grapes, the girl will be seriously upset, because of which she will cry bitterly. Eating berries of this color indicates that the young lady has become an energy vampire for someone.
  • If you dream of black grapes, there will be large material losses. And to try very large dark clusters - to a strong fright.

Why dream of picking berries?

Picking ripe blue large grapes is a dream on the eve of making big profits. Finally, a woman will be able to afford a lot of material pleasures that she has dreamed of for so long.

A symbol of prosperity, fertility, green grapes in a dream prophesy changes in work and family life. What is the dream of white grapes, a delicious wine drink? Interpreters reveal the world of hidden signs of the inner consciousness, which represents more about the future life than one can imagine.

See emerald clusters

According to Freud's dream book, green grapes are a sign of voluptuousness. What does it mean if he dreamed of a dreamer who in reality experiences the maximum pleasure from sexual life? In reality, the sleeper neglects other obligations in the family. His principle of life is joy in bed.

When a woman dreams of green grapes, this is a sign of her chastity, simplicity of thoughts, devotion.

Dream Interpretation Sonarium presents an explanation different from others: a bunch of grapes promises a person an idyll in family relationships, a young unmarried girl - a successful marriage, healthy children, men prophesy success in entrepreneurship.

Selling green grapes - sorrows will be left behind

To dream of a grape hanging high on a vine and not trying to get it is a favorable symbol.

Miller's dream book portends: there is a chance to get a public status, to seize power in your own hands.

According to Aesop, vain attempts to pluck a ripened brush promises a collapse of hopes. It is not yet time to reap the fruits of your hard work.


Why dream that you planted white grapes, or take care of them? Aesop points to overcoming difficulties in life, success in everything.

Did you dream that you plucked the leaves of a vineyard? Listen to what your associates say and advise.

They themselves hand-picked bunches of grapes in a dream - big disappointments await you ahead.

If you are trying to hide under the shade of a vine, the dream prophesies a likely lie. You need to be more careful in your business.

According to the Sonarium's dream book, a dried vine prophesies problems, both in personal relationships and in working moments. I had a chance to plant grapes - the business will bring you a stable income.

Eat sweet fruits

According to Miller's dream book, when you dreamed of a green vine, a soft and sweet-tasting bunch of grapes, this means that in reality you have serious worries.

As indicated Gypsy dream book, the green grapes that you eat in a dream prophesy a fun event. And dry berries, on the contrary, promise loss and anxiety.

Miller believes that eating unripe sour-tasting berries in a dream means carrying a burden of problems on your shoulders. After a while, self-confidence will come to the dreamer, and thereby he will return his former peace of mind.

To dream of small berries that have not yet ripened is a sign of upcoming grief.


Why dream of making wine from white grapes on your own? Aesop predicts authority in society, cash income and success in realizing the intended goals.

Aesop's dream book interprets grapes of any variety as a sign of fertility and wealth. When a person dreamed that he was drinking a wine drink, this predicts happiness, coherence in the family, and excellent well-being.

If you saw that you were treated to wine - boldly rely on the support of your comrades.

Why do you see how you trample bunches of berries? According to the Gypsy interpreter, you will defeat rivals and envious people.

The Persian dream book indicates that it all depends on the container where the clusters are crushed. If this wooden utensils- soon you will begin to work under someone's guidance, clay - there will be an excellent leader next to you.

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Anchor points:

What do "grape" dreams mean?

Dreams about grapes are positive. To see him in a dream means to live a happy and prosperous life in reality. If you ate it in a dream, then you are strong in spirit, difficulties harden you, you never lose heart, however, tasteless grapes predict some uncertainty, but you don’t need to give up - you can do everything. Many bunches of grapes hanging on the vine in the foliage portend an increase in your social status. Grapes given to you in a dream predicts a pleasant acquaintance. Did you crush him in your sleep? This means that you can easily deal with an opponent, a competitor, but if at the same time you collected grape juice, poured it into a container, then you will find a big profit. For a woman, a dream is a good sign, where the vineyard is overgrown with weeds - her hopes are destined to come true. Drinking the juice of this berry, or grape wine in a dream - in reality to be a happy person. If you were treated to wine, then soon you will have to use the help of a friend. Clothes stained with grapes dream of a shameful act, shame. The sale promises a solution to problems. Purchase - dreaming of a fluke. If you cut it with a knife, then your family environment will be happy and friendly. A basket filled with grapes portends a love affair.

A good sign for something new is a dream about vine, if it was dried up, then you should wait a little with your undertakings. If the clusters were heavy and numerous, the vine sagged and broke, then you are in for an incredible career. To material wealth I have a dream where you made wine from grapes. Tearing grape leaves - to the deterioration of relations with friends through your fault. You wanted to pick berries, but you couldn't do it? Such a dream speaks of failures, the culprit of which will be you yourself. Watering grapes in a dream means being able to build a harmonious relationship with a partner.

What was the grape in a dream

Dreamed of red grapes - a symbol of shaky health, green grapes warn the dreamer of excessive selfishness, which can soon complicate his life. Black - speaks of your professionalism, you are considered a valuable employee, the authorities are extremely pleased with you. White - good sign. Purple grapes dream of material well-being. The small one dreams of minor troubles. Ripe grapes dream of joy and pleasure. There is spoiled grapes - to self-doubt. Gather rotten berries in a dream, it means that in reality you will bother in vain. Raisins in a dream portend worries and worries in reality.

A vineyard with a good vine, well-groomed promises good luck in all matters, but if it is neglected, the berries are rotten, complete desolation reigns in it, then your plans are not destined to come true. Hiding in the vineyard in a dream - means, in reality, endanger your life. To see a dream in which grapes bloom - to good health. A vineyard without berries warns you of deceit. A walk through the vineyard, where you plucked bunches of grapes, promises a speedy implementation of the plan, the dreamer's dreams come true.

Grapes and more...

The person planting grapes in your dream will succeed and be able to help you in the future. Someone was picking grapes? Such a dream predicts a profitable acquaintance. To treat them to some person is a disorder in love affairs. In your dream, someone ate grapes, which means you will soon commit a rash act. You saw that people are crushing him, which means that you will fail in the professional field. An animal that ate grapes warns of possible fraud.

Dream Interpretation Green Grapes

There are certain symbols from a dream that interpreters clearly attribute to a specific group. So grapes are responsible for the sensual sphere of human life, intimate life.

What to prepare for when you see grapes in a dream

Why see grapes in a dream? Whatever you do with the vine in a dream, collect, eat, tear - the dream book believes that this is a dream to improve the situation in the above area.

Grapes, as a symbol of sleep, according to the dream book

Grapes are a symbol interpreted by dream books in completely different ways. If some see only positive changes that will occur in the dreamer's life, then others promise tears and troubles. Each person must feel for himself what interpretation suits him, why see grapes in a dream in his situation.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If you saw green grapes in a dream

Why dream of grapes? You will live a good, peaceful life, radiate goodness and receive it in return.

Another dream book promises wealth and increased interest in you of the opposite sex.

Women's dream book

This dream book promises a woman who will eat grapes in a dream, obstacles and troubles. But, this dream is positive, because of adversity, you will temper your character and achieve great success.

She dreams that the berries tasted bad - initially you will experience fear and self-doubt. But soon everything will fall into place, you will understand that you are capable of anything.

To become the owner of a rich harvest of this berry - you will achieve dizzying success in society. Your position will give you the opportunity to help the suffering. And for a very young woman, a dream guarantees the lightning-fast fulfillment of her most cherished dream.

Aesop's dream book

Dreaming of a vine is a symbol of fertility.

To see how you are treated in a dream - get help coming from a friend, it will be provided on time and with a pure heart.

Engage in the preparation of wine - take a prominent position. Society will take you into account.

Hiding in the vineyard - you should be more careful and careful in business matters. It is possible that they will want to seduce you in order to prevent you from realizing your project.

It is a dream that you are picking leaves to prepare a certain dish - stop treating the help of loved ones as a given. At one point, they will simply stop helping you, as they will get tired of your ingratitude.

If harvested

Why reach for grapes if they are still green and unripe? You make a lot of efforts in order to succeed, but, unfortunately, your work will not bring you anything. The dream book says what to see similar dream. You are in a hurry, your time has not come, learn patience and endurance, your time will come.

Why grow a vineyard? Things that have not been in the best condition of late are finally moving forward. From that moment on, you can begin to reap the fruits of your labor.

Interpreter for the whole family

Grapes are considered the most positive symbol that a woman can dream of.

Why does a girl see herself standing under a ripe bunch - to fulfill her most cherished desire, the realization of an old dream.

Why can an unmarried girl see grapes, and in any of its manifestations? For an early marriage.

Even for housewives, who have recently become a burden to life, a bunch of grapes promises a new look at old things. You will suddenly feel happy, loved and capable of everything for the sake of the family. Any work will be argued, children will delight, and the beloved man will fall asleep with compliments.

See any dream associated with grapes in front of important event, means that you can easily overcome it. Pass the exam with excellent marks, get your license or get a new job.

Even if you dream of spoiled rotten grapes, this only indicates that some circumstance is preventing your happiness. You experience fear about this and do not dare to take specific actions. Why dream like this? You just have to be patient, gain confidence in yourself, and happiness will find you.

Interpreter of the 21st century

This dream book, as always, gives clear answers to any version of your sleep:

  • to see grapes - to a new acquaintance;
  • to tear - to great joy;
  • eat - make a profit, material wealth;
  • green - minor obstacles and troubles;
  • dry - grief and trouble;
  • red - get a scolding from the authorities or a reprimand from a loved one;
  • white - you are a pure and pure soul person.

Opinions of famous psychologists on the topic of dreams about the vine

What did they do with the green bunch

Sigmund Freud is famous for his juxtaposition of any dream with sexual sphere. What can we say about grapes, which, and so, is considered as an image that is responsible for feelings and romance?

So, according to Sigmund Freud, the vine dreams of those people who put sexual pleasure in the first place. You are used to solving all conflicts with the help of bed, to achieve your goal through sexual contact. It is worth acknowledging that you have succeeded in this, but do not forget that sometimes such methods may not work.

Psychologist Miller believes that the vine represents the strong character of a sleeping person. You are already hardened, or will soon be hardened life's difficulties. Thanks to this, you will reach unprecedented heights.

If you see bunches literally everywhere, they are large and ripe, then success will come to you without special efforts from your side.

What color was the grape

Dream Interpretations attach great importance to the color of the vine. Based on this, they create their predictions.

blue grapes

  • A huge bunch promises you a significant increase in income. You can level up wages or to be promoted.
  • But if you see literally a few berries on a branch, then, despite all your efforts, you will have to wait a very long time for an increase in salary.
  • For women, a dream about a ripe bunch speaks of a successful marriage. Your husband will be a wealthy person who will provide half the world at your feet.
  • If you buy berries in the market, you will soon receive unexpected money. You can win or find them.
  • Pluck - get sensual pleasure.
  • Making wine - you will find a successful project in which you will invest your capital.

white grapes

pink grapes

  • Sitting at a laid table on which pink grapes are present - you will move to another place.
  • See how it grows - meet a nice person.
  • In a dream, your loved one feeds you berries - you will receive a profitable offer. You feed him - trouble in the working area.
  • Seedless grapes - you will face a difficult choice. Eat it - you can decide correctly.
  • Rotten berries - cash costs for the acquisition of property.
  • A swarm of wasps, near the vine - your plans are not destined to come true.

Green grapes

  • Collect green grapes - to a new romantic meeting, acquaintance.
  • Eating green and sour grapes means that you will receive help from true friends.
  • Sell ​​it - stop being sad, joyful events.

For a woman, this color of the vine indicates that she is faithful to her chosen one, will become a good wife and mother. For a man, such a vision indicates his excessive passion for carnal pleasures. The only thing that interests you is sex, while you ignore the rest of your duties.

Your mark:

There are grapes - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

There are grapes from the bush - public recognition of business qualities awaits you.

Ripe grapes - the marriage you are striving for will not keep you waiting.

Green grapes- your candidacy will be approved for a prestigious vacancy, which promises a significant increase in your budget.

Black grapes - a well-deserved punishment will overtake your offender.

white grapes- rumors and omissions will pass by without tarnishing your name.

Try to remember how you felt when you ate the berries.

Focus on the pleasure you get from rolling the berry in your mouth. Remember the sweetness from the taste of the berry. Fix in your mind positive emotions.

Imagine the color, aroma and taste of grapes. If possible, eat grapes on the day of sleep. Also treat your family.

Picking ripe grapes - such a dream promises happiness and well-being to your children and immediate family.

Pressing grapes on wine - you will achieve the highest success. To treat yourself to grapes - a dream portends joy.

A rich harvest of grapes - to new profitable acquaintances.

Selling harvested grapes - you will find a business partner who will help you realize your plans.

A vine bending under the weight of ripe grapes is a meeting with a person who will help you take a high position in society.

Carrying a basket of grapes is a new love interest that promises an unforgettable experience.

Mentally prolong your sleep and imagine that you have prepared a wonderful wine with an exquisite delicate taste from the harvest. Have a tasting of young wine, enjoy the taste of the drink (see Wine).

Tasteless or dirty grapes - fears and doubts await you, which will soon dissipate.

Imagine that you have made wine from these grapes (see Wine).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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