Taurus man and woman: excellent compatibility of two strong signs is possible. Taurus sign compatibility with other zodiac signs

  • 26.09.2019

Strong, emotional and accustomed to the good life. These are the characteristics by which Taurus can be easily recognized. The line of romantic relationships with him is very unpredictable, as they say: there is one step from love to hate.

Let's consider everything related to this extraordinary sign, and most importantly, let's discover love secrets, namely the compatibility of these two signs.

The patronage of Venus

A typical Taurus is a sociable, friendly, stubborn and at the same time gentle person.

His goals are always achievable, and if necessary, he will go over the heads.

Astrological characteristics of Taurus:

    Associated Element: Earth.

    Ruling planets: Venus, Moon.

    Symbols: bull, cow.

    Colors: bright spring colors, beige shades in any of their manifestations.

    Stone talismans: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

    Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.

    Metal: copper.

    Weak spots in the body: throat, neck, nose, sense organs.

    Happy days: Monday, Friday.

    Unfavorable day: Tuesday.

    Places to live and travel: Ireland, Poland, CIS, Australia, Switzerland.

First period of validity

People born in the first half of the sign, from April 21 to April 30, are dependent on Mercury, think well, are passionate about the exact sciences and tend to various business projects, commercial affairs in countryside. They are melancholy by nature. They tend to greatly exaggerate problems.

    Main years of life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 42, 45, 51, 57.

    Numbers: 63 and 36.

    Stones: diamond, brilliant.

    Flower: sweet pea.

Second Coming of Taurus

Taurus born in the second half of the sign, from May 1 to 10, "walk" under the moon. They are noble and eloquent, dreamy, kind and slightly indecisive, prone to politics and literature, they are always accompanied by great luck in life.

    Numbers: 62 and 26.

    Stone: emerald.

    Lily flower.

Third decade of the sign

Those born in the third period of the sign, from May 11 to 21, are under the direct influence of Saturn. These are people striving for independence, very stubborn, but in most cases they obey a stronger will, uncommunicative, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and prefer loneliness. Due to their qualities of character, they often face financial difficulties.

    Main years of life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

    Stone and flower correspond to the second period.

Pluses and minuses, everything worked out

How to understand Taurus? Very simple if you know the features of his character. After all, they are unpredictable personalities and with their perseverance will push everyone in their path. The character is rather peculiar, and the nature is emotional.

The planet Venus gives Taurus an unusually gentle nature and love for comfort, sensitivity, and, sadly, a lot of laziness.

It is open to positive emotions and even sadness can easily turn into joy. In public, he tries to behave very calmly, but a stormy temperament is hidden under modesty.

Positive character traits: has a strong will, considers all decisions, hardworking, independent, always speaks directly and to the point, inquisitive, fighter for justice, stubborn, patient, persistent and faithful.

Negative Traits: Self-centered, very stubborn, loves a lot of luxury and will sacrifice everything for pleasure. The main characteristic of Taurus is an extraordinary desire for a better life, openness to relationships and fidelity for many years.

Subtle female nature

A magnificent wife, a passionate lover, an unstoppable careerist - all this is a Taurus woman. The characteristics of the fair sex, born during the action of this sign, are quite diverse. Let's try to understand its features.

Taurus girls are the subject of dreams for men. They harbor so much tenderness, love and affection that, when a faithful life partner appears on the horizon, they strive to give him everything. But still, with all the good attitude towards their chosen one, they occupy a leading position in the relationship.

Such a woman from early childhood knows her destiny: to be the standard of fidelity, and most importantly - a support for her man, to keep the hearth, take care of children and become an excellent housewife.

They also love nature and children. Optimal location residence for a Taurus woman - quiet Vacation home where there is a huge garden with beautiful flowering plants.

Although the representatives of this sign behave quietly and modestly, they cannot be called lazy, they are big workaholics and take care of money, counting every penny.

Taurus women behave quite reservedly and calmly, which undoubtedly captivates men. But at the same time, they do not like to be contradicted and objected to, and the slightest, at first glance, harmless remark can take them out of a state of mental balance.

It should also be noted that these ladies are insanely jealous. A Taurus woman can endure a lot and remain silent, but at one moment she will definitely “explode”. Note to your soulmate: do not bring your spouse to such a state, this can turn into a loud scandal or even a divorce.

They tend to be polygamous by nature. This does not mean that Taurus women love to cheat. No, on the contrary, if they get everything they want and feel the return from the opposite side, then there can be no question of any betrayal.

To find compatibility with a Taurus woman, a man needs to try. After all, it will not be so easy to win her, but having achieved the goal, he will find everything he dreamed of, and even more.

If you want to see a real queen next to you, you need a Taurus woman. The characteristic of this zodiac sign clearly demonstrates that she will be very passionate, but at the same time jealous. But if you surround her with attention and care, you can find a faithful and loving chosen one.

Male power is irresistible

Opening the mysteries of the stars, it should be emphasized that the sign of Taurus (especially a man) remains unknown until now. Astrologers try to make accurate predictions, but it is still easier with women, because they are more emotional and reveal themselves more. Men, on the other hand, are more secretive and try to keep everything to themselves, so it is difficult to determine matches from the horoscope. Nevertheless, there are several developments that will help you get to know the representatives of the stronger sex better. The stars will tell what the Taurus man is silent about.

The characterization of the representatives of the stronger sex is quite brief - they are latent leaders and autocrats who do not show their nature in public, but in the family circle they are not used to having their words questioned and contradicted by what they say.

Money is one of those pillars on which the world of Taurus men rests. They are careerists in the broadest sense of the word. For the sake of a "fish" position, absolutely everything will go.

At the same time, their affairs are often accompanied by success. This is due to the fact that Taurus is not prone to haste. They do everything slowly and deliberately. They do not tend to make spontaneous decisions.

Like Taurus women, men love nature and spend their leisure time there. For example, on a picnic or fishing.

The Taurus man is quite an interesting personality. He prefers a narrow circle of communication, where he can show himself from all sides, make jokes and jokes.

As for family and love, such a man is very homely and faithful. In most cases, he finds his life partner early and forever stops at his choice.

In fairness, it should be noted that there will be plenty of requirements for such a woman. Firstly, she must fully and completely correspond to his status, secondly, be extraordinarily beautiful and elegant, well-mannered, and thirdly, be able and love to cook.

He is not attracted to casual relationships, if he loves, then forever. It is safe to say that the most faithful and loving husband- Taurus man. The characteristic of this sign is proof that such a spouse will always be a reliable support for his woman, but the requirements for her will be high.

love line

Now let's talk about such a pair as Taurus with Taurus. Compatibility at the initial stage of a relationship may look dubious, but it’s worth first understanding in detail the love characteristics of a woman and a man of this sign.

In fact, Taurus is the most loving sign. Venus controls it in the same way as the goddess of love Aphrodite.

In their youth, both a woman and a man dream of a great and bright feeling, but in adolescence they have many fleeting romances that still lead to a real relationship.

But their passion can also flare up in more mature years, feelings in such a period do not arise immediately, but flare up gradually.

Love Taurus is sometimes secretive, intimate. But often it is deeply touching, tender and lasts forever.

If the environment does not correspond to Taurus' idea of ​​an ideal personal life, then he goes through an avalanche of jealousy, depression, does not strive for quick reconciliation and entertainment.

The Taurus-Taurus relationship will be doomed to happiness and success when one representative of the sign complements the other, but, of course, mutual understanding is indispensable.

Romantic whims

Whims, wild emotions and at the same time sensuality and tenderness - this is what awaits you in a relationship with the lady Taurus.

She always chooses wealthy and self-sufficient men. But such joy does not last long. If the partner somehow offends her or is not generous enough, she will immediately find a replacement for him. Here she is - a Taurus woman.

Compatibility in love with a male Taurus will still be special. At first glance, relationships look dull and short-lived. But everything will change after a while.

The burning passion of the Taurus man

What to expect from a relationship that wants to build a Taurus with a Taurus? The compatibility of this pair will directly depend on the man. He is sometimes very thoughtful, but remains a devoted and passionate lover for his woman. When he finds a companion, in most cases he strives for equality in relations. He is frank in all manifestations of passion and expects the same return from his chosen one.

Two in one

Having learned all the secrets of the unknown, we have come to know the most main secret relations. How do Taurus and Taurus get along?

The compatibility of two such identical at first glance people cannot raise questions. They are attracted to each other, it would seem that they meet the same your soul mate. Such relationships are not threatened by bright outbreaks of jealousy, and even more so by conflicts. Representatives of this sign understand each other perfectly, feel the thoughts and desires of a partner.

The idyll will continue if they can give in and understand each other, because then - family life and domestic issues.

Such a union will last until old age, if a woman and a man have aspirations for the new and the unknown. Traveling together, going to new places or just relaxing in nature will help you relax and forget about everything.

Unquenchable passion

Taurus is very sexy and passionate, this applies to both sexes. Physical attraction and passion will become a solid foundation for the durability of such a union.

Over time, when both are ready to take on parental duty and have children, the Taurus woman and man will become very caring parents and give their children the foundation that will help them realize themselves in the future.

In such an alliance as Taurus with Taurus, compatibility is quite successful, but the main thing is that you should pay more attention to each other, try to let something new into your relationship. This pattern of behavior ensures that your relationship will last for years to come. In this pair, love is a woman. The male Taurus is a persistent, powerful guardian who protects his chosen one and gives her the opportunity to create harmony in relationships.

Compatibility is often said about Taurus-Taurus: “they live soul to soul”, because the similarity of their interests, goals and aspirations is so obvious that it catches the eye.

He finds his “soul mate” in such a marriage. And in twenty years, this couple may not be bored being together, discussing their plans together, rejoicing together or solving problems that have arisen. The union of two Taurus is a double strength, energy and perseverance. Together they are comfortable and good, and they are able to move mountains!

By compatibility, the Taurus woman and the Taurus man are both very economic people. They are like "self-propelled savings banks" with one desire to provide for themselves in old age, because they can well afford both a prosperous life and its special style. Both Taurus are well aware of what a partner in love and marriage wants and wants. And their love intensifies with the accumulation of material wealth and an increase in the money account in the bank.

They do not have obvious contradictions in character, they are endowed with a similar sexual temperament and have approximately the same ideas about comfort, life, leisure and life goals. There are not enough passions in a couple, but Taurus value stability and reliability much higher, and they give this to each other in full. Two Taurus - without a doubt, a good couple.

Compatibility female Taurus - male Taurus - PLUSES

Like any Yin people, a Taurus woman and a Taurus man get along well together. Both like a quiet, measured and orderly life. To many, this couple may seem boring, but the main thing is how the Taurus themselves feel at the same time. And they consider their life to be the best: they have a well-established life, there is agreement on financial matters, they are confident in the future and they have excellent sex. In addition, Taurus living with Taurus maintains mental and physical health for a long time.

Long before family life, Taurus amaze those around them with their understanding of each other, the harmony and harmony that reigns in relationships. Of course, they also have disputes, but much less often than others. Taurus tries to resolve all issues peacefully and does not arrange loud scenes with breaking dishes. It doesn’t matter how long the Taurus have been together, on most issues they agree almost immediately and look very harmonious.

The two Taurus have a well-established life, an excellent financial situation and wonderful children. Taurus parents devote a lot of time to children, they try to have more than one child (but not more than they can adequately support).

Compatibility female Taurus - male Taurus - MINUSES

The main problems in the compatibility of signs Taurus-Taurus arise because of their stubbornness and conservatism. The main thing for them is not to allow disputes. Of course, Taurus is very peaceful and does not argue over trifles. But, in addition to zodiac preferences, each Taurus has opinions and tastes that depend on his personality. life experience and what kind of family he grew up in. Therefore, it is natural that the two Taurus do not agree with each other on everything. But, the conservatism of both does not give them the opportunity to accept a new, different point of view, and stubbornness does not allow them to give in. Therefore, the biggest problem of the Taurus couple is how to behave in a dispute. Both will not make concessions, and their confrontation can last for a long time.

Well, if the dispute arose because of a trifle. Then their interests and make concessions. Or the Taurus man will perceive the desires of his wife as female whims and give in. But if a dispute arises on important issues for Taurus: life, health, money or purchases, then everything is possible here, from the fury of an angry Taurus to a long cold war. Disputes bring a lot of damage to the Taurus couple and greatly spoil the relationship.

Taurus-Taurus - horoscope of compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of Taurus-Taurus horoscopes, in order for their life together to proceed as harmoniously as possible, they need to agree on who will be the main one in resolving this or that issue even before they live together. It is necessary to allocate areas of responsibility. There will be few such questions, since Taurus basically look at the world the same way. Disputes can arise on such important issues for Taurus as property and money. Taurus approach everything thoroughly, so approach thoroughly in this matter. Moreover, this will avoid many problems in the future. With a different sign, one could initially choose a compromise, for example, two Gemini are able to come to the option "both yours and ours." But Taurus does not like to change his point of view, so do not look for a compromise, but decide whose opinion on this issue will be the main one.

Most Taurus think of this over time, so the problem of intransigence is most acute in newly formed couples. But be that as it may, if this is a matter of principle for you, then do not give in just to please your partner. Anyway, over time, your "mask will be removed." It is better to discuss controversial topics before the disagreement turns into a conflict.

How can a Taurus woman conquer a Taurus man?

A Taurus man will immediately be attracted to a woman of his own sign. He will really like her calmness, poise and good taste. In it, he will see a reflection of himself, and the more time they spend together, the more and more he will find similarities with himself. feelings make life bright and unpredictable. On the contrary, he really wants a warm, quiet family hearth and he will be very happy to meet a woman with similar interests and will not want to part with her.

It is worth talking with Taurus on the topic of finance as soon as possible in order to find out each other's views on this issue. For Taurus, the material side is very important. Yes, and by doing so you will show him that this topic is also very interesting to you.

It is impossible not to say that, in addition to the similarity of characters, the two Taurus have a strong physical attraction to each other. The Taurus man is delighted with the Taurus woman, she is the embodiment of his ideas about a sexy woman.

Compatibility of Taurus Woman and Taurus Man in Friendship

Taurus is a stable sign of the zodiac. Therefore, if these man and woman make friends, then it can be for life. Of course, the Taurus woman should be wise and not touch on topics in which there is a strong disagreement.

Two Taurus are good friends. They prefer to relax equally, love comfort and are not lazy to create a pleasant atmosphere for friends. These are two "lazy people" enjoying good food and pleasant, quiet leisure. Active recreation is alien to them, so you are unlikely to meet Taurus on a hike or a gym. They prefer a quiet home vacation and like to talk about work topics. Naturally, they rarely find such an understanding interlocutor in their team, and it is easiest for them to be friends with the same Taurus.

Can Taurus go from friendship to romance? It is hard to say. If everything is in order with their personal lives, then it is unlikely: both are faithful to their partners. But lonely Taurus can converge, but only if they are not too accustomed to seeing each other as friends (they change their views with difficulty).

Compatibility of Taurus Woman and Taurus Man in Business

The Taurus woman and the Taurus man work well together, they have the same temperament and work style. Both men and women of this sign are industrious, but do not like rush jobs and races. They work best in those industries where stability and systematic, calm work are needed. They maintain this rhythm for a long time. Both Taurus do not like sudden changes and quick reaction to a changing situation.

When a Taurus woman and a Taurus man are colleagues or partners, it is a good union if they are employed. For an independent business, they lack adventurism, flexibility and contact. But they bring a calm working atmosphere to the team, do not complicate relations with colleagues and conscientiously perform their work.

When the Taurus woman is the boss, and the Taurus man is the subordinate, it is also a very good union. This couple will have complete mutual understanding. The Taurus woman in the place of the leader is calm, sweet and hardworking. She will highly appreciate the business qualities of the Taurus subordinate.

When a Taurus woman is a subordinate, and a Taurus man is a boss, this is a more complex combination than the previous version. Taurus men are more likely than women to fall into a rage in a tense business environment. The Taurus woman has the highest self-esteem and only habit (if she has been working in this place for a long time) and a good salary will keep her from being fired.

Hot heart of Taurus!

Taurus in their environment are looking for recognition of their own merits, respect and love. Therefore, they pay great attention to someone else's opinion and their image.

To all my appearance, demeanor and other techniques, they seek to win over other people.

And with all their might they try to create happy marriage or its visibility.


planet Venus, sign control Taurus, endows them with a warm heart, longing for love, both earthly and sublime. In addition, Venus stimulates Taurus to persistently go towards their goal, forming stubbornness, obstinacy, willfulness and pride in their character.

The wrong worldview can form sadistic tendencies in them, develop rage, aggression and violence in relations with a woman. And the desire to pursue only their own line both in marriage and in life can deprive them of a companion, harmony and love.

Therefore, upbringing, faith, environment and family play an important role for this sign.

If a Taurus man confesses moral principles society and is guided by spiritual criteria, then he will achieve happiness in marriage and carry love in his heart until the end of his life. This is an example of ideal fathers, for whom the provision of a family is the law of honor and life.


Taurus women try to marry the most ordinary men - strong, efficient and decent, cheerful and kind, who know how to love.

They show love and care to their chosen ones. They are best wives and mothers, skilled housewives.

But this whole idyll collapses if the Taurus woman does not find family relationships mutual feelings. This can push her to not accept marriage at all, to promiscuity in search of true love.

However, the reasons lie also in the lack of spirituality of the woman herself. Unfortunately, carefully caring for her body, she can gradually forget that the soul should also be clean and beautiful.

Taurus and Taurus Marriage Compatibility

In this union, the influence of Venus is doubled. Love, common views and faith in God will make this union strong, and it will be able to overcome any life difficulties. Both great love and great trials fall to their lot. Therefore, the marriage of two Taurus performs the most difficult karma. Their fate is predetermined. However, it happens that one of them gets tired or does not want to go through all the trials and breaks the marriage.

Both of you do not believe in any of the undertakings until you see for yourself what possibilities are associated with it.

Although all Taurus are different, you have a natural attraction to each other because you were born under the same zodiac sign. If you want stability, then you will probably find it in your Taurus-Taurus marriage. You can show very serious business qualities. Perhaps you will have a general craving for comfort and beauty.

You inspire each other to be determined and patient in the pursuit of your aspirations.

When you both feel that you have an opportunity to secure your present and future, then use this opportunity very vigorously.

Working together in a spirit of complete unity enables you to successfully achieve your goals. Together you make good use of what you own.

In the relationship between lovers, various problems periodically arise, to the solution of which they come in different ways in order to be together again. The unpredictability of the development of romantic relationships, their mystery and intrigue encourage lovers to start love games.

Love game "Butting Bulls"

The union of two Taurus is rather contradictory, the games in the Taurus-Taurus relationship are due to stubbornness, mismatch of values ​​and possession of property. The Butting Taurus game shows your face when you both butt heads, each defending your own point of view.

Your signs tend to live by adhering to own rules. The marriage of two Taurus is under threat when both Taurus can become too stubborn when negotiating with each other. If you are fighting just for the sake of defending your position, it will be difficult for you to come to an agreement.

The Butting Bulls game usually occurs when you lose the idea of ​​how to come up with a plan that both parties can agree on or a proposal that both parties can agree on. None of you can count on always being able to get your way.

The ability to find ways to communicate without a fierce struggle makes life together easier and more joyful.

You will notice how your passion fades and your feeling fades when you quarrel over trifles. You need to openly express alternative ideas, but too much commitment to your own priorities interferes with your normal communication with each other. Not wanting to listen to your partner creates a distance between you.

The comfort, the mutual support you seek, eludes you. Trying to change the way you think when you're focused on an idea is almost as doomed to failure as trying to move Mount Everest!

Love game "Money comes first"

If both of you become too down to earth in your reasoning, then a game of "Money comes first" begins between you. It signifies a tendency to get completely bogged down in business, sacrificing one's love to it. All your thoughts are so absorbed in material problems that even summing up the last, final line in your “balance” does not bring you much satisfaction.

When analyzing the marriage of two Taurus, keep in mind that their relationship is colored by material interests that exclude any feelings. You may ask: "Where is the love?".

There is nothing wrong with being rich. It is only bad if, for the sake of acquiring too many expensive and good things, you give up such intangible values ​​​​of life, having lost which, you can fall victim to this game.

You need to be clear about what your true values ​​are. You may choose a career over your relationship. The marriage of two Taurus is under threat when you lose the balance between public and private life.

The impulse to strive to be ahead or to increase your social status can lead to a loss of perspective. This game is able to encourage you to give up the big love you need so badly.

Love game "I want to rule you"

Ownership is always a potential problem in a Taurus-Taurus relationship. When one of you feels like just a subordinate, too limited to make independent decisions at the behest of your partner, you find yourself in this game.

Love and affection as such are harmless. In fact, you may be delighted that your partner is so strongly attached to you.

Taurus has a sense of ownership. Allowing a partner to be an independent person may seem too dangerous to Taurus. To keep the love of two Taurus, you should not be afraid to lose a partner if you give him or her the freedom to choose their own path. The most common mistake made in this game is that you apply a business-related philosophy to personal relationships. You don't always complement each other well.

A comparison with the situation when you add water to a gas tank is appropriate here. It may seem that the engine of your relationship is not high-octane gasoline, but a smoky, poorly burning mixture. The marriage of two Taurus is under threat when you feel a lack of trust in each other.

Without faith in each other, the depth of your relationship is not what it should be. Indeed, they are very superficial, and you do not eliminate your differences, but only describe circles.

Marriage strategy for Taurus and Taurus

How should you solve the problems that arise in front of you in the games that take place in the Taurus-Taurus relationship? In Butting Bulls, you just have to choose a more flexible style of communication with each other. When everyone sees how much you can benefit from this or that undertaking, this, of course, facilitates negotiations. At the same time, what are you risking? By the fact that hostility may arise, you may be resisted - because you are probably already well aware of what happens during such a confrontation. Still, plans can be salvaged by a frank exchange of views. Excessive demands will not put you on the winning path. Taurus is more willing to follow the intended program when he is not forced. You can get support for an idea by showing favor to your partner. This opens up opportunities for you to use your creative energy. Love will seem less ghostly if each of you feels equal in the decision-making process. Stubbornness should be replaced by flexibility, reasonable compliance in relations with each other. Strive for this, and when you get used to it, then your relationships will become richer in feelings, which will be your weighty reward for giving up stubbornness.

The Money First game requires you to value your time together as much as the hard work you put into your professional life. There are times when you are unable to control your plans. You both have a huge responsibility to be parents and people who care about the well-being of your home. You need to find a free day for your personal affairs. In such a situation, it is easy to forget about including a partner in your plans. The world of professional activity, that is, your business world, is able to absorb all your energy. Even if your job or career is dear to you, you should not lose sight of your relationship with your loved one. After all big success in the business world does not guarantee against failure in your personal life. Verna also back side this statement. Poverty, material disadvantage can have a very strong negative impact on the alliance of the two loving friend friend of people, and it especially affects those who are born under the sign of Taurus. Then they feel insecure. This game is possible regardless of your financial situation. But be that as it may, you need to constantly remember why you want to be together. It would be very helpful to renew your commitments (or vows and oaths) to each other from time to time. It is also good if you have some memorable places for both of you, the visit of which you will turn into a kind of ritual in honor of your meeting and love. This will help you keep the relationship going for many years.

In the game “I want to command you”, it is important to give up trying to seize too much power over a partner, learn to give each other sufficient freedom of action, so you will deepen your relationship, make your love stronger. You know when there is trust between you and when there is not. Some experimentation is allowed here. Attempts to subjugate a partner will take more strength and energy from you than admitting that you are both equal in your relationship. Each of you can show talent in the field of self-control. There is no need to enter into a long-term intense struggle here. Such fight-filled games are very tiring and usually don't make anyone happy. You choose a bad relationship in the hope that your partner will give in to you. Meanwhile, by recognizing each other's rights, you will reach a state of mutual satisfaction. Concentrate common efforts on specific plans and deeds. It's better than trying to change the world. It is in your power to get around the traps that arise in front of you in the game, showing mutual understanding, which is why you both will become closer to each other.

Features of the relationship between Taurus and Taurus

Your romance, in which both partners are born under the sign of Taurus, is adorned with numerous excellent qualities. Such relationships have a pronounced pragmatic nature, due to which you tend to make reasonable decisions. You have many opportunities to help each other improve your well-being. Your sensual attraction is never reckless, you do not lose your head because of it.

The Taurus man finds that a woman born under the same sign is the best fit for his material and romantic ideas. Everyone wants to be firmly rooted in life. The Taurus man is looking for a girlfriend who would believe him and whom he could believe, and appreciates in a woman the ability to respect his "I". She knows what she needs, and walks through life confidently, but she can change direction in favor of her beloved man, as soon as he proves his worth. A woman born under the sign of Taurus is not at all shy when she has to choose her own path in the business world. She is as determined as her chosen one, the Taurus man, which gives him great joy.

A woman born under the sign of Taurus loves to receive signs of attention from a Taurus man. This desire is satisfied already at their first meeting. Physical attractiveness is just as significant in a relationship as the desire for a secure financial position. Each of the pleasure-seekers responds to the primordial call of external forces, the call that causes a man and woman born under the sign of Taurus to enter into a tempestuous relationship. At the same time, Tauruses show common sense when it comes to valuable things. Earthy to the core, Taurus knows how to get through a financial crisis better than most people. However, if there is a conflict in the romantic sphere of life of Taurus, they are seized by panic. The desire for stability and peace is one of the most characteristic features this zodiac sign.

A man and a woman born under the sign of Taurus, having created a love alliance, should try to quickly overcome the discrepancies that exist between them. It is difficult to put up with the suffering caused by an endless struggle, the purpose of which is to prove one's case (there is a tendency not to surrender to the enemy without a fight). When you are both born under the sign of Taurus, then at least one of you must learn to dispel the darkness of disagreement and prove that your life together is more precious to you than the opportunity for everyone to go their own way. Make no mistake, in this matter you have found a true treasure in each other. Do not forget the love that you have met, the love that you have spared so many efforts to strengthen. Keep it like the apple of your eye. Express it every day to keep it alive. Concentrate your forces not so much on obtaining money and property, but on maintaining the bonds that unite you.

Marriage of Aries with other signs

The relationship of these two representatives of the Earth perfectly fits the description of the type of compatibility of the same signs "I and my mirror." At first, young Taurus, as if approaching a mirror and admiring the reflection, when they get to know each other, they see the best features inherent in themselves - this is a wide smile, friendliness, and a desire to please the person who is interested (each Taurus tries to sincerely please not everyone in a row, but only to those who are interested in him). Then similar qualities of personality and character will be assessed: poise, striving for stability and constancy, honesty, even if painted in rude tones, readiness to help on the verge of self-sacrifice.

It is easy to guess that the derivatives of the above are likely to be similar interests, hobbies and plans for life. As for strong friendship, these qualities should be enough for her in full. But the illusion that a copy partner can become an ideal for relationships and family will constantly be tested by reality. And in the end, reality will win. A developed and mature personality is much better fit someone who is fundamentally similar to her in something, but different in something. And on the basis of these differences there will be a mutual exchange. And when you have a partner in front of you, from whom by and large has nothing to take, and who, accordingly, has nothing to offer in return, then the relationship very quickly exhausts itself.

So is Taurus and Taurus at a young age, when the best friend is someone who looks like you, they get very close, and as they grow older they understand that everyone would like a partner more interesting than their boring reflection. And therefore, in maturity, such meetings practically do not occur. Unless the partners are of the same sex and it is not about friendship or cooperation.

Usually, two Taurus have mutual satisfaction with the physical side of the relationship. But not as long as we would like. Both are quite conservative and monotonous in habits, so they literally read each other in advance after the first meetings. But in terms of fidelity, both are reliable and mutual. And they are unlikely to consider someone from fleeting hobbies as an incentive to destroy the stability so dear to them.

What is worth working on in a relationship for two Taurus?

Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to a measured life, preferring to spend time with family or with a loved one, rather than attend crowded and noisy events. And, being with each other all the time, they begin to frankly get tired. From the boring predictability of a partner, from his senseless obstinacy, from useless resentment, from material obsession - in a word, from everything that they themselves are familiar with from birth, but now “in the mirror” is reflected simply on a frightening scale.

Usually Taurus, not in a state of work or creative process, is a real lying stone. And when both in the family are like that, then who will stir them up? So they will lie and grumble at each other.

This couple is recommended to at least occasionally pull themselves out of the routine of life. Companies of friends are useful to them, where everyone can prove himself as a storyteller, and as a toastmaster, and as an artist - the main thing is that the genres do not intersect. Well, not to abandon a hobby in which everyone could retire, be creative, meditate and take a break from a partner.

Taurus Woman and Taurus Man

The relationship of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman at the development stage greatly simplifies openness in communication and straightforwardness. Partners are similar in many ways, which allows you to behave naturally. This helps both to decide on a serious step - to move beyond friendship and offer the partner the creation of a family, to which both are extremely responsible.

Without spending a lot of time studying positive traits and each other's shortcomings, both partners save themselves from unpleasant surprises in married life. And all the disagreements and scandals, in fact, turn out to be very predictable. But this does not mean that every Taurus seeks to extinguish the problem in its infancy. Sometimes it's even the other way around: one or both partners may be specifically set up for a duel in the kitchen that evening. At the same time, even preliminarily mentally preparing for it.

I am glad that in most cases the couple is still able to realize the risks of aggravating the conflict and quickly conclude a truce. Being subjected to such tests and accumulating baggage of insults and nit-picking, the union, alas, does not become more stable. And in the end, only faith in stability, loyalty to a partner and commitment to the comfort of life become its foundations. A typical Taurus is an adherent of a bad world, rather than a good war, therefore, he will break only as a last resort.

Two Taurus will give each other devotion, the benefits of civilization and Tasty food, because both love good food. When two people are Taurus, it can be a love affair of a lifetime. Taurus can respect his lover's desire for a luxurious life, because he himself badly needs it. Both partners are charming, graceful and worthy of each other. They can be quite stubborn and opinionated, not to mention the jealous nature of both. All Taurus must learn to agree with the opinion of their beloved, and especially when two Taurus are together; they must admit that their relationship is too good to be jeopardized by minor disputes.

Taureans are endowed with strong willpower and commitment. They love the courtship process, so the initial stage of their relationship can be charming. Taurus rarely rush into rash relationships, but as soon as they find someone to whom they will be devoted with all their hearts, such an alliance can be for life. When two Taurus get together, both provide and expect total devotion in return. Because of this devotion, the Taurus-Taurus couple can be more possessive towards each other than most other couples. Nothing upsets these lovers more than infidelity, but fortunately, their relationship is very reliable and deceit will not be present in their lives.

Compatibility by planets Venus-Venus

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. When two people with Venus energy come together, it can be love at first sight. Both partners are very romantic and loving, and they never get tired of physical contact and touching each other. They are very hardy zodiac signs; they love each other all day and all night long... They are very sensual and both love to pamper their beloved. Emotional security is very important to them. They can be prone to laziness by taking too long to relax, but they usually work very hard to maintain the luxurious lifestyle they prefer.

Compatibility by the elements Earth-Earth

Taurus is an earth sign. The two love gardening (they share a mutual love of beauty). earth signs love to settle down with possessions, and the two partners of Taurus usually surround themselves beautiful things: a beautiful house, a work of art, luxurious fabrics, expensive cars. They also share a love for rich delicacies: varied delicious menu will not allow them to stay away from extra pounds.

Interpersonal Compatibility Taurus and Taurus

Taurus is a fixed sign. With the Taurus-Taurus combination, both partners continue to work hard and achieve their common goals, because. for them it is a matter of life or death. They usually shy away from change, preferring life to be stable, steady, and predictable. Usually these two look in the same direction and will completely devote themselves to each other. But if they have different ideas, they can find themselves in an endless battle for leadership. If they understand that they are working together for a common goal, then everything will be possible for this couple.

What is the best thing about a Taurus-Taurus relationship?

Their incredible loyalty to each other and their dedication to continuing the romance no matter how long the relationship is. Them mutual love to romance and comfort makes their relationship very devoted and long lasting.

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