Which sign in astrology is ruled by the moon. Moon in the horoscope

  • 26.09.2019

The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth. It does not emit light, but only reflects the sun. But the influence of this mysterious celestial body on earthly life is stronger than any planet in our galaxy. The moon was revered in all ancient religions, associating its image with magic and mysticism.

What is the Moon responsible for in the horoscope?

The Moon in astrology patronizes the zodiac sign Cancer, endowing it with such features as sensitivity, emotionality, mystery and caution. Motherhood and the hearth are also under the protection of the Moon. Her energy makes women sensitive and caring, and in men it softens aggression.

Our ancestors identified the Moon with the life cycle, so they believed that all processes on earth proceed according to the lunar phases:

  1. The new moon symbolized birth;
  2. First quarter - growth and development;
  3. Full moon - death;
  4. Finally, the second quarter is a revival.

The lunar calendar was guided by earth growers and doctors, since the cycle of the moon coincides with the natural biorhythms of humans, animals and plants.

Just as the Sun is associated with the king-father, so the Moon personifies the image of the heavenly queen and denotes the feminine.

The moon in astrology is responsible for:

  • connection between mother and child;
  • attachment to home, small homeland;
  • reflects the natural human need for protection and security;
  • the desire to hide from worldly storms in the family fortress.

The moon is associated with physical sensations that are experienced in early childhood. Having lost connection with the Moon, you can lose connection with your body, since it is responsible for "body memory". Childhood experiences related to nutrition, tactile sensations, physical activity or passivity, displayed on adulthood.

The bright side of the Moon gives a person peace, spiritual harmony and a sense of comfort in oneself. But its dark side pulls into the past, hinders development, causes pessimism and despondency. People who have succumbed to the bad influence of the Moon become too suspicious, dissatisfied with themselves and others, and sometimes insidious and vengeful.

The negative lunar influence also manifests itself in loneliness, detachment, indifference, rejection of everything new, and also in the willingness to sacrifice oneself to stupid stereotypes. All these are the consequences of a bitter experience from childhood.

To attract the light energy of the Moon, you need to spend more time in nature, learn to relax and rest, and also give more than demand in return.

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The moon is half of all current astrology Everyday life.

1. The moon comes from "lux" - light. From what sign the Moon is in, our household arrangements depend. Two people can be psychologically compatible, but they may not have domestic compatibility. The more harmonious the Moon in the horoscope, the more luxury he can arrange at home.

2. The moon is the most changeable object, several goddesses are assigned to it.

3. Astronomically, the Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, and the only one. It is very similar to the Earth, but it does not have water and air. Huge reserves precious metals, the Japanese plan to extract valuable elements. The closest cosmic body to us, so it has the strongest influence on everything. Those on whom she has a very strong influence are called sleepwalkers - people with some mental disorders.

4. Day of the Moon - Monday.

5. Color - white, moon priests wore white clothes. The product of the moon is milk.

6. Metal - silver, like gold, was actively used in medical astrology, drinking from silver dishes is very useful.

7. Virtue of the Moon - the ability to care for, warm, feed, take care of another person,

8. Sin is despondency.

9. Professions - all socially low professions, but very useful.

10. Personalities, whom the Moon designates in the horoscope - the mother, our relationship with her, for men - the wife.

11. Signs where it is strongest. Possessed in Cancer or 4th house, exalted in Taurus or 2nd house, imprisoned in Capricorn or 10th house, debilitated in Scorpio or 8th house.

12. Goddesses are painted according to the phases of the moon, the phase of the moon on a birthday can be found in the Ephemeris. Each phase has its own goddess.

New moon- the first quarter of the young moon - the first phase of the goddess Artemis (among the Romans - Diana). She is the patroness of hunters, she guarded virgins. The hunter herself, people born in this phase are hunters.

Second phase- from the first quarter to the full moon corresponds to the lunar male god of the Greeks Bacchus (among the Romans Dionysus) - the gods of fun and winemaking. The Russians called the Moon in this phase the young month. God in Russian comes from the name of Bacchus. From the numerous Greek gods, the Russians chose the god of winemaking to designate the creator.

Full moon opposition of the sun and moon. The lunar road is healing, it was believed that swimming in it is useful. Corresponds to the Greek goddess Athena (among the Romans, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom and enlightenment), Athens is named after the goddess Athena. The city of Athens was destined to become the center of world culture. Minerva's owl flies at night, the wisest bird. On the day of the full moon, the moon comes in the evening, inspiration for creative people also comes at night.

third phase of the moon. Nothing lasts forever under the Moon - the greatest wisdom is to understand and take for granted that a person who has reached perfection must die. This cycle guarantees the continuation of life. The goddess among the Greeks Hera (among the Romans Juno) is a very majestic woman, it was not easy to approach her, stately, beautiful woman, absolutely self-confident, very jealous, she was one of the main wives of Zeus and harmed everyone else. The myth of the Milky Way is associated with it. solar system belongs to the spiral galaxy of the Milky Way, maybe our development in a spiral is connected with this. Milky Way It is best to watch in the summer on a moonless night. The band with the maximum concentration of stars. They decided to feed Hercules with Hera's milk, brought it to her breast when she was sleeping. Hera pushed Hercules away and spilled the milk.

The Statue of Liberty is very similar to Hera, her sculptor had the Moon in the third phase, he claimed that this was how his mother looked.

Fourth phase - Gorgon. The entire left half with the letter G. The Gorgons were not bad, they just didn’t like it when they did something wrong. They were angry. Medusa Gorgon had a peculiarity: if you look into her eyes, you will turn into stone. Perseus fought her, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

The new moon is dedicated to the lunar goddess Decata. The most dangerous of all, the goddess of the invisible moon. The new moon is the death of the moon, as they used to think. Very dangerous nights with no moon, no electricity. Decata was believed to bring nightmares on moonless nights. And those who staggered on such nights lay in wait for Decata at crossroads and in the cemetery - these are the most dangerous places on the new moon.

Astrologers believed that our emotions depend on which phase of the moon you were born in. But the experience of astrology shows that this influence exists, rather, in the astrology of everyday life, and in the astrology of the personality, another thing turned out to be decisive - the speed in the birth of the moon. The degree of emotionality of a person depends on the speed of the moon on the day of his birth. If the Moon ran fast, the person is more emotional. The Rubicon of emotionality is 13 degrees and 10 minutes a day. If the Moon passed less on your birthday, then the degree of emotionality will be lower. The increase in the degree of emotionality occurs sharply. It's like temperament, it is impossible to correct the degree of emotionality.

What is the degree of emotionality of a newly born person on June 21, 2002. At 0 o'clock tomorrow, the longitude of the Moon is 23 degrees 9 minutes 24 seconds of Scorpio, at O ​​hours of today, the longitude of the Moon is 9 degrees 2 minutes 17 seconds, the difference between them is 14 degrees 7 minutes 7 seconds. The degree of emotionality will be high, and given that he is a Scorpio, and the Moon is in Scorpio, he will bite for sure.

From the Earth to the Moon, on average, 380 thousand kilometers - very close in astronomical terms. That is why the influence of our cosmic neighbor, whether we like it or not, always manifests itself unusually strong. And any astrologer or magician, before carrying out any operations (drawing up horoscopes, making talismans, etc.), always coordinates his actions with the Moon. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the phase of the moon and its movement through the signs of the zodiac.

Probably everyone knows that the Moon is visible either in the form of a narrow crescent, or in the form of a huge bright disk. These are the phases, that is appearance Moon. In ancient times, people counted days according to the lunar phases, and even now in some countries they use such calendars.

By the way, in Russian the word "month" is synonymous with the crescent moon. All this once again emphasizes the huge influence of the Moon on the Earth, not to mention the ebb and flow, which without our celestial companion would be impossible at all.

In astrological magic, there are three phases of the moon
. Young Moon (time period from new moon to full moon, about two weeks), full moon (full moon day plus one day before it and one day after it) and old moon (two weeks from full moon to new moon).

The young (or growing) Moon is favorable for magical operations aimed at increasing or improving something. For example, talismans that can attract money, love, and improve health must be made during the young moon.

The old (waning) Moon, on the contrary, patronizes magical actions to reduce or weaken something. Do you want to wean your husband from drinking, reset excess weight- resort to magic during the aging moon!

It is curious that the singer Zemfira has a song with these lines: "The moon is waning, it happens ... I'm going to get a haircut." Indeed, the old moon best time for a visit to the hairdresser.

The full moon period is ideal for all forms and types of magic. It is believed that then the Moon is most powerful, although dangerous - unskilled actions can harm the magician himself.

In addition to the phases of the moon, you also need to take into account its position in the signs of the zodiac. The fact is that when the Moon moves through the signs, she, as astrologers say, "changes clothes." Imagine yourself, for example, in a tailcoat, and now - in a padded jacket. There is a difference? The same is true for the earthly neighbor, who has twelve clothes - according to the number of zodiac signs.

The most influential are the Moon in the signs of Cancer (this is her "home") and Taurus (the place of "elevation"). Worst of all, the power of the Moon is manifested in the signs of Capricorn ("exile") and Scorpio ("fall").

As for the other signs of the Zodiac, knowing their main characteristics, it is not difficult to imagine the corresponding influence of the Moon.

For example, the Moon in Aries (the house of Mars) favors active magical actions in order to achieve a quick result, in Sagittarius (the house of Jupiter) - magic for good luck in travel and material well-being, etc.

But still, the phase of the moon is of primary importance, finding it in one or another zodiac sign is not so important. By the way, information about the Moon can be found, perhaps, in any tear-off calendar: there is no need to purchase special astrological tables.

Now let's get into practice. Let's say you are concerned about your financial problems. To solve such issues, the growing moon is best suited. So, in the evening, when the Sun sets and it gets dark enough, try to imagine the crescent of the growing Moon as brightly and naturally as possible. (For this, it’s a good idea to see him in the sky beforehand).

Now imagine (visualize) that your wish has come true. If, for example, you needed money to buy something, imagine that you already have this thing. Visualize this image as clearly and as long as possible (ten minutes, however, is quite a long time).

Of course, a miracle will not happen and the thing you need (or money) will not fall off the moon. However, if you carry out such a mental procedure every day during the growth of the moon, you will definitely have the opportunity to realize your desire. It's rather strange, but it's true. The main thing is not to doubt success!

As you know, in order to achieve the greatest effect from magical ceremonies, they must be carried out strictly in accordance with the phases and location of the moon. Particularly successful for divination and divination is the period of the growing moon, as well as three days during the full moon. It is important that the satellite of the Earth at the same time occupies your zodiac sign, or at least the sign of the same astrological element.

However, the weather also plays a big role. In general, in ancient times, everything that happened in the sky - meteor showers, the appearance of comets, eclipses, thunderstorms, hail, hurricanes - was considered a manifestation of space forces. Their impact had to be taken into account, and even better - predicted in advance.


The moon symbolizes the feminine passive principle, is associated with the human soul, shows the subconscious desires and aspirations of the individual. Associated with the hidden processes of the psyche, occurring in the subconscious.

In astrology the moon is the most fast planet, which is reflected in the characteristics that it gives to people.

In about 28 days, this planet passes the circle of the zodiac, that is, it visits all zodiac signs. The time spent by the Moon in one sign is about two and a half days. Naturally, at such a high speed, this planet forms rapidly passing momentary events.

The meaning of the moon phases

Another astrological indicator of the moon is the change of its phases. As you know, the full shift cycle lunar phases occurs in 29.5 days. Moon in astrology responsible for the flow rate life force in the human body. It is believed that the maximum speed of this flow in people born on the full moon, and the minimum falls on the new moon. In the birth horoscope, this indicator is clearly reflected in the endurance of the human body.

Astrological influence of the moon

People in whose birth horoscope the Moon is strongly expressed are subject to its changeable influence. This planet gives capriciousness, mood swings. Depending on the astrological position of the night luminary, an individual can experience states from depression to a surge of enthusiasm, the reasons for this are in the processes taking place in the subconscious of a person, in his soul.

The most significant position of the Moon in the birth chart is for women. This planet gives the desire to create a family, the love of housekeeping, the manifestation of the maternal instinct.

The moon gives capriciousness, quick mood swings, vulnerability, softness, sensitivity, the ability to subtly feel the mood and attitude of those around you. Also, the night light gives developed intuition, a premonition of events - this subconscious signals a person about upcoming events.

Through the subconscious, a person is connected with God and the subconscious aspirations of other people.

The moon gives love to life and great vitality. Under the influence of this planet, a person feels a connection with the family and takes responsibility for the fate of its members, this contributes to the enhanced development of protective reflexes.

In the horoscopes of men, the Moon has a weaker influence, its position often shows the type of women that attract this man. It is generally accepted that in transits the Moon represents a middle-aged woman who is a mother.

The strongest position of the Moon is in the sign of Cancer, where it is in the monastery. This planet clearly manifests itself in the sign of Taurus, here it is in exaltation.

The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, debilitated in Scorpio. This does not mean at all that women of these signs are bad mothers. It's just that it is difficult for these people to manifest lunar qualities openly, these qualities are forced out of them inside.

Capricorns are emotionally withdrawn, outwardly they seem cold and insensitive. Scorpios do not allow themselves and others to be capricious, dismiss nurses. For them there is a word "necessary", they act according to their requirements and plans.

Favorable aspects of the Moon in the horoscope give inner support, confidence, peace of mind, positive emotions, help from women, developed reflexes and instincts, good intuition.

Unfavorable aspects give greater capriciousness, whining, pickiness, emotional imbalance, eccentricity, various phobias, and contribute to conflicts with women.

Moon in natal chart

The moon is small but closest to the earth celestial body. Since the Moon shines by reflected light, it always distorts reality, forming a subjective perception. The moon is a mirror, distorted by the subjectivity of personality, through which we look at the world. Communicating with another person, we, first of all, try to understand his Moon, his subjective perception of the world. Any influence, activity, action from the side of the world, being reflected by the Moon, causes our reaction. Therefore, from a psychological point of view, the Moon indicates the type and nature of human reaction to the world.

A newborn baby can only learn with the help of the moon environment and develop, accumulating emotional experience (up to 7 years - lunar age). Any experience gained while communicating with the world through the Moon, with the help of Saturn, turns into stable psychological complexes. Astrologers believe that the psychological process of repression depends largely on the position and aspects of the Moon. The formation of a negative complex is associated with the impossibility or inability of a person to accept his own nature as a whole. "Undesirable" qualities of one's own personality, disturbing elements of subjectively perceived failure are sometimes not assimilated by a person, he is unable to accept them. They are forced out of the field of consciousness and turn into the active content of the unconscious, while continuing to influence behavior, manifesting itself in the form of anxiety, anxiety, fear.

Situations related to the house where the Moon is located are the least conscious, they are highly dependent on childhood experience, and are difficult to correct. The affairs of this house are solved intuitively, often a person acts, imitating his parents, especially his mother. According to the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and in the houses of the horoscope, they judge how a person behaves and behaves when entering into contacts with people close to him, with whom he has a trusting and emotional relationship. If we know a person by his family and home life, then our knowledge is mainly based on that emotional and spiritual impression, which is due to his Moon, its position and aspects.

The moon shows us how people perceive a person on an emotional level, as well as how this person perceives others and how he treats them. It describes our likes and dislikes, forms the spiritual temperament - the sensual, emotional side of human nature.

By the Moon in the horoscope, its aspects and position in signs and houses judge how a person behaves in the personal and intimate sphere of life and how his life is formed in the family and in the circle of close people. A person's behavior in relationships with others, and the emotional perception of those around him as a person largely shapes his fate. Therefore, it is so important to analyze the Moon in the horoscope.

You can read more about the Moon in the sections,.

Tense aspects of the Moon usually speak of all sorts of difficulties and suffering in family and intimate life. Often a person who outwardly seems pleasant and accommodating, later, with a closer relationship, turns out to be unbalanced, unstable, all this creates many difficulties and obstacles in relationships and contacts with him. As a result, such a person becomes intolerable in personal and, especially intimate life. If at the same time the Moon is weakly placed in the horoscope, then a person, with outwardly favorable relations with close people, has no contact with them, he is emotionally isolated from them. In this case, the isolation of character is formed.

A strongly set and intensely aspected Moon gives rise to anxiety, a person becomes unbalanced and irritable, he has a lot of all kinds of complexes, he is always on his guard with those around him and shows distrust. He hardly experiences personal failures and mistakes, it seems to him that all his shortcomings and failures are always in full view. From this he becomes suspicious, suspicious and incredulous.

Of course, when evaluating the Moon, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the planets that send tense aspects to it. For example, if Mars gives rise to painful and aggressive moods and experiences, then the tense aspects of Saturn will cause depression and depression, a person with such a Moon becomes rather unpleasant in communication. Uranus pushes a person to extremes and violent outbursts of emotions and moods, a person becomes eccentric, fickle and capricious.

The critical aspects of the Moon act on a person to some extent stimulating and exciting, this becomes especially noticeable when the Moon is in a strong position or if the Moon is dominant. This is especially true of his emotional life and contacts with people. In his relationships with others, a person will constantly strive for leadership, he seeks to impose his views and opinions on others. Such a Moon is often found in the horoscopes of politicians and leaders of various movements, capable of mobilizing and leading huge masses of people in a short time. But the disharmonious Moon happens not only to politicians. Such a Moon is very conducive to imaginative, visual thinking and, with its stimulating effect, strongly promotes artistic and spiritual creativity. It is highly desirable for artists, musicians, poets and artists. Such a Moon is often the dominant of psychologists, psychiatrists and some philosophers.

The harmonious aspects of the Moon, in most cases, provide constant spiritual comfort, a person is not burdened with worries and worries, especially in the sphere of the house where the Moon is located and the planet that sends a good aspect to it. It is easy to deal with such a person, he is sociable, always ready to listen and friendly with others. He usually has a good memory, especially for faces and people in general. He easily experiences his failures, and they seem to not exist for him. This gives rise to serenity, peace and tranquility in business, especially those related to the house where the Moon is located. In addition to the house, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the planets sending an aspect to the Moon. For example, Venus promotes sociability and pleasant treatment of people; Jupiter - courteous behavior and the ability to adapt; Mercury often endows the talent to depict and imitate something, which is especially important for artists and artists. Aspects to Mars are found in surgeons and sculptors, and aspects to Uranus or Neptune can give rise to the talent of an improviser.

It is important to take into account not only aspects, but also the position of the Moon in relation to the horizon and the meridian, and, of course, its position in the houses of the horoscope. As already noted, the Moon feels most comfortable and reliable near the lower meridian, here it is least sensitive to tense aspects. Her natural houses III and IV are located here - these are family and personal houses, responsible for contacts with loved ones. If the Moon forms a tense aspect with any evil planet, this can lead to various conflicts in the family, in the circle of his loved ones a person becomes capricious and cannot be relied on, and under some adverse circumstances, a person can become a domestic tyrant.

In opposite houses - at the upper meridian, the Moon does not feel secure and protected enough, and this gives a person with such a Moon a lot of all sorts of worries and anxieties, especially if the Moon is affected by unfavorable aspects. If the Moon is strong at the same time, then the behavior of a person with such a Moon becomes aggressive, persistent and restless. This imbalance of behavior can be generated by hidden fears and complexes that a person tries to hide and disguise from the people around him.

An internal sense of insecurity can lead a person to the fact that in his contacts with others he will try to take the initiative and take a leading position in society. This is especially often manifested when the Moon is in the X and XI houses and if it is in male sign Zodiac. In more favorable cases, with such a Moon, people have a strong thirst for popularity, they strive to be loved and paid more attention. But under any circumstances, people with strong moon in the upper part of the horoscope they will be very sensitive to the reactions and opinions of others and mentally vulnerable.

In houses that are close to the horizon, these are the 1st, 7th, 6th and 12th houses. The Moon is conducive to establishing contacts, this position best suits the nature of the Moon. It is able to strongly activate the axis "I" - "you", immersing a person in the sphere of active

communication and relationship building. If the Moon is located in the western half of the horoscope, then the person will be very attentive to the needs and concerns of others, actively seeking to help them.

In the fixed houses: II, V, VIII and XI, the Moon cannot fully manifest itself, the nature of these houses does not correspond much to it. People with such a Moon behave and feel constrained, especially if this position is combined with fixed signs of the Zodiac. If in these houses the Moon is activated by some disharmonious aspect, then a person can have a hard time experiencing his cramped position, as if he constantly feels pressure from all sides, which does not give him an exit to the outside. Falling houses are most consistent with the nature of the Moon, especially III and IX.

Other important property The moon, which needs to be paid attention to when interpreting a horoscope, is its relationship to heredity and the formation of a person's attitude to mother and motherhood. In addition to the Moon, this can be judged by the X house and Venus. Harmonious or disharmonious attitudes towards mother and motherhood depend not only on the aspects of the Moon, but also on its position in the houses of the horoscope. The Moon in the 10th house often creates all kinds of difficulties and obstacles in professional activities, the deep, hidden cause of these difficulties may lie in the events of early childhood and experiences associated with the mother. With a strongly aspected or weakened Moon in the 4th house, difficulties in home and family life often have their cause in childhood events and are associated with an unfavorable relationship between the mother and father of the child. When aspects of Saturn, or the strong position of this planet in general, the mother is often forced to take over the duties and functions of the father; and with aspects of the Sun, on the contrary, the child receives the tenderness and care he needs not from the mother, but from the father.

The moon in the 7th house in a man's horoscope indicates sexual attitudes and preferences. If the Moon forms critical aspects here, then attempts to build relationships with the opposite sex often lead to disappointment and all sorts of changes; but also the hidden cause of these erotic preferences can be the image associated with the mother, that is, what modern psychology calls the human oedipal complex. In any case, the Moon can be identified with what psychoanalysis calls the "image of the mother", but in a wider sense of the word. The moon in the horoscope of a man is also the image of a woman in general: in marriage, family and especially home.

The instincts of motherhood and procreation in nature are closely connected with the Moon. The Earth, like a planet, is located inside the lunar orbit, this is its position and symbolizes in astrology the mother's womb, bearing the fetus. The moon symbolizes all childbearing and maternal functions, as well as the protective instincts of motherhood - education, care for children, feeding and protecting them.

The activity of many endocrine glands and their proper functioning belong to the Moon. Almost all glands of external secretion also belong to the Moon. These are sweat, salivary, lacrimal and some sex glands. If the Moon is in Capricorn or Scorpio or Aries and forms a tense aspect to Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, then diseases of the endocrine glands can often be suspected.

The influence of the Moon on physiology also strongly depends on the phases of the Moon at birth, especially the conjunction - the new moon, the first and last quarters - squares and the opposition - the full moon. For example, the new moon very often indicates a disease of the organ associated with the zodiac sign in which it is located. Moreover, the disease will have the character of drying up and insufficiency of functioning, for example, hypotension or insufficiency of the function of any gland, for example, the pancreas in diabetes, or the adrenal glands. With a full moon and a waxing moon, on the contrary, we can talk about hypertension or Graves' disease, with damage to the thyroid gland.

The Moon has a very strong influence on the human brain and, in particular, on the cerebral cortex. Hence its connection with various psychological pathologies. Disharmonious aspects between the Moon and Mercury may indicate the possibility of mental anomalies only if the Moon is in the I or III houses, and Mercury is in the III or IX house. With other positions of these planets, we can only talk about a person's inclination to unmotivated lies. The same can be said about the aspects of the Moon with Mars. Aspects of the Moon with Saturn can give rise to especially severe MDP-type depressions. And the critical aspects of Uranus tend to be eccentric in behavior, depending on the houses, they can be the cause of various sexual deviations, for example, homosexual manifestations are possible in the 5th and 11th houses. Particularly sensitive in this sense are people who have a connection between the Moon and Neptune - it especially predisposes to various mental deviations. If one of these planets is in the I, VI or XII houses, then special attention should be paid to this and other constellations of planets that may be associated with the human psyche should be checked.

When making conclusions about human health for people with a tensely aspected Moon, special care must be taken. These people are naturally very sensitive and suspicious, they have a very developed imagination.

A strong and well aspected Moon forms good. memory, excellent sense of form, emotional and physical mobility. The feeling of motherhood and love for the mother have a positive connotation, the processes of repression are painless.

With a strong and disharmonious Moon, there is an increased fixation on the past, an exaggerated attachment to external forms, an exaggerated development of the imagination, daydreaming, a tendency to indulge in fantasies. The processes of displacement occur painfully, with crises. Stressful conditions are experienced with difficulty and have lingering and painful consequences. Strong resentment and impressionability, an unreasonably sharp reaction to the negative effects of the environment, which leads to stress. Mania is possible, in extreme cases, phenomena of manic-depressive psychosis occur. The relationship with the mother is very complicated, especially in early childhood, these complications can lead to the development of various complexes associated with fixation on the mother. Sometimes hatred may develop for the mother or for motherhood in general.

A weak and disharmonious Moon leads to a weak memory, a poor sense of form, sometimes even to its absence. A person sometimes loses the ability to control himself. Long periods of depression are possible. Probably a lack of understanding with the mother in childhood. Lack of motherhood instinct in women. In some aspects, the development of homosexual inclinations is possible.

The moon in astrology is responsible for emotions, self-preservation, nutrition, motherhood, instinct. The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer and the fourth house of the horoscope.

In all ancient cultures there was a goddess of the moon, for each occupation there was a phase. Without it, there would be no ebb and flow and other natural cycles. Its force of attraction causes the ebb and flow on the Earth, and the phases coincide with the biological rhythms in the life of plants, animals and people. For ancient people, the phases of the moon - new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter - symbolized the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. People have always been fascinated by the lunar cycle, associated with the endless repetition of events. Being a satellite of the Earth, it does not emit light, but only reflects the sun.

Moon properties in astrology

The moon is responsible for the emotional mood and how you react to the environment. It embodies the universal human needs for security, reliability and protection, the need to receive and give, educate, feel belonging and have an individuality.

Like babies, we need warmth, companionship, and love to survive. Lunar energy pulls back to the past, to the connection between mother and child, because the basic emotional and physical needs have not changed since then. It represents your basic, instinctive need for protection and security. If she does not find satisfaction, you feel restless and insecure. The sign of the Zodiac and the house where the Moon is located in the natal chart will give more detailed description what gives you a sense of confidence.

How did you perceive maternal or dominant female influence in early childhood, plays a crucial role in the formation of emotional security. In the future, this will affect how you treat your physical needs and, in particular, your relationship with food. The moon shows how the earliest life experience determines the response to the ups and downs of everyday life. The emotional state is inextricably linked with the sensation of the body, because it is the body that is the sphere of its influence. The ability to take care of yourself is instinctive, although you don't always show it. If you lose touch with the Moon, you lose touch with your body.

In astrology, it is also traditionally associated with memory: everything that you once experienced is postponed and, to some extent, continues to influence your current life. Thus, the Moon is like a book about your previous emotional and bodily experience, which reflected your whole life, up to mood swings.

Symbolism of the Moon

It symbolizes the childhood experience, the time when you felt cared for, protected and supported. In addition, it shows your attitude towards existence in its physical body. The negative Moon creates a feeling of alienation, the positive Moon gives a feeling of "comfort" in oneself. It reminds you where you came from, where the origin and the beginning are. We can say that this is the archetype of the "inner child" that you take care of in yourself. It is associated with the earliest memories and impressions and, like the upbringing received, it affects you the most in those moments when you are not sure of your surroundings. It continues to affect feelings and perceptions without you being aware of it.

The moon is the past, family, heredity and your attitude towards them. The first unconscious perception of the world is what parents said about life. Positive and negative inherited patterns, such as instincts and psychological imprints, arising from childhood experience- all this is in her competence. In astrology, the Moon is a symbol of the feminine (Yin) and everything connected with it: the process of conception, pregnancy, birth, development, aging and dying.

The positive influence of the Moon can be seen in the ability to intimacy, emotional attachment, in knowing what to do with your needs and how to adequately respond to others, in the ability to adapt to new conditions. Loneliness, isolation, lack of attachment, difficulties with emotional development are often the result of negative stereotypes laid down in childhood. In these qualities, the negative influence of the Moon is manifested, which is the link between reality and the ability to emotional manifestations. To attract positive lunar energies, you can use the moon talisman.

Lunar influences make us react involuntarily, as a reflex to the appropriate stimulus. This reaction is difficult to correct because it is instinctive. The Moon in astrology is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation, for example, an involuntary reaction to danger when you do not have time to analyze the situation. It dominates the passive, receptive side of the personality - the basic instincts and feelings. The process of human development from an infant to a mature adult depends on how the solar and lunar energies interact in the natal chart.