Strong moon in the horoscope. What is the moon responsible for in astrology

  • 26.09.2019

The moon is responsible for the subconscious of a person and provokes his certain behavior. The planet has White color, metal silver and precious stone pearls.

How is the Moon designated? The planet in astrology looks like a small crescent. She is responsible for the habits of each person and for what he prefers in food. The position of the Moon in the birth horoscope affects the whole life of a particular person. Whose planet is according to the horoscope, you can find out if you understand in which zodiac sign the planet was at the time of birth.

You can use special programs or books for this, find out the position of the moon for the period of time of birth. The properties of the Moon are a symbol of the subconscious and intuition, the planet shows the emotional level and inclinations that a person is not always aware of. Here you can find out exactly the internal state, and not those qualities that are put on public display.

It is the Moon that is a dark and instinctive beginning, unlike everything rational. It can symbolize the irritation that a person experiences from negative impact the surrounding world. It is the soul that symbolizes the soul.

Moon symbol

The moon reflects life and gives mood, emotions, devotion. Especially the Moon strongly influences the feminine, motherhood and is the dominant factor in natal chart. It shows an emotional reaction to everything that happens in the world, when feelings restrain or motivate for any action. Also, the Moon symbolizes motherhood and the relationship of the child and mother, and in the male horoscope shows the spouse, pregnancy and a sense of intuition.

The moon can help to know a single whole in the world, and not pay attention to its parts. It requires a person to become exactly what he dreams of, and not what is required of him. This planet is a satellite of the Earth, the movement is much faster than that of other planets. The moon is able to manage those professions that belong to the sea. All female organs ruled by the moon. Diseases that occur in a woman. are directly dependent on the properties of the moon. The cycle and period of revolution around each zodiac sign is 28 days.

Moon in the natal chart

If you look at the position of the Moon in a person's horoscope, you can understand how a person feels in general. But it is worth considering the tense or harmonious aspects with other planets. If the Moon is compatible with the sign and the planets, then the subconscious and intuition coexist quite harmoniously in people. A person in such cases is self-confident, has great inner strength and quickly copes with all the troubles.

It is important to be able to overcome resentment and criticism in oneself, to respond normally to the words of others. The moon and its configuration is very important for a person to feel self-confidence, to be in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Moon in the signs of the zodiac

In a personal horoscope, it is very important in what position the Moon was at birth. How a person will adapt to circumstances and find solutions from various situations depends precisely on the night luminary.

The emotional level is quite restless. A person is at the limit, then he remains calm in terrifying situations.

  • Taurus

Quite stubborn and emotionally stable, sentimental and happy to show feelings.

  • Twins

Receptive to the outside world, prefers to do several things at once.

Very excitable personalities, loyal and trusting, intuition is well developed.

Very generous people, quick-tempered and romantic, capable of love.

Sensitive and shy, they do not get along well with others.

Kind, pay attention to the opinions of others, indecisive.

  • Scorpion

Strong, jealous and proud.

  • Sagittarius

Very naive people, they love freedom and carelessness.

  • Capricorn

Restrained and sensitive, passionate and prone to melancholy.

  • Aquarius

Unflappable and businesslike.

Perfectly feel the mood of other people, sentimental. prone to self-pity.

Moon in the houses of the horoscope

The moon governs family life and home, is responsible for the birth of children and their upbringing. This planet has a healing power and helps to lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • 1 house

Emotions overflow, a person makes a good impression on everyone. He has a great imagination and inconstancy, sometimes such personalities are unusually shy.

  • 2 house

Good ability and desire to learn, frugality and wit, striving for material independence.

  • 3rd house

The tendency to bring their feelings to the public discussion, curiosity and openness, excellent memory and concentration.

  • 4 house

Great attachment to relatives and close people, value to family history and ancestors.

  • 5th house

Emotional personality, open. A great desire to have fun and have a good time, romantic and have a rich imagination.

  • 6 house

Mood directly affects human health, increases attention to food and care for others. Sometimes such people are very nervous, tend to change habits drastically. Often there are completely incomprehensible diseases that are protracted.

  • 7th house

People are very often highly dependent on their partners, are popular, but indecisive.

  • 8 house

Very emotional people and secretive, need stability and protection, sometimes have mental illness.

  • 9 house

There is a constant thirst for new experiences, they strive to teach others, comprehend the secrets of the universe.

  • 10 house

Love to learn and interested different types vital activity.

  • 11 house

Dreamers and emotional personalities. Often found in a circle of friends, but not always sincere.

  • 12 house

They are very worried about work, often seek to retire and relax mentally, prefer to work alone and seek peace.

Aspects of the Night Luminary

For a man, the Moon shows his relationship with his mother. and for a woman, the Moon determines her attitude towards motherhood and a child. The moon affects the emotional level of people, manifestations of the feminine and motherhood to any children.

Moon opposition in the horoscope

A person can experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, is subject to emotions, always feels the need to understand what the night luminary influences.

  • Moon with Mercury

A person can talk for a long time not about what should be, experiences difficulties in communication. As a result, decisiveness is categorically lacking, complete dissatisfaction with life.

  • Moon with Venus

The emotional background requires protection, as a result, a certain distance arises between people, it is quite possible that the person did not have a very good relationship with his mother.

  • Moon with Mars

There is constant emotional stress. As a result, a person is quite impulsive and tense, there is a deep hostility and cruelty towards women.

  • Moon with Jupiter

Such people are highly susceptible to emotions, waste energy in vain. Constantly protect religious beliefs and faith. It is worth forgetting about emotions for a while.

  • Moon with Saturn

Emotional withdrawal from others, as a result, people consider such a person cold and insensitive.

  • Moon with Uranus

All problems come from childhood, a person does not want to become attached to someone on an emotional level. Usually relationships with others quickly begin and end. Parents pay too little attention to their children, leave them to themselves.

  • Moon with Neptune

Strong dependence on the opinions and emotions of others. It is worth getting rid of the negative environment.

  • Moon with Pluto

All issues related to the financial side are of great concern. Also, a person seeks to remake everyone around him. It is worth doing more creativity and your own personal life.

  • Moon with North Node

All beliefs and principles came from a distant childhood. You need to strive to break them, then life will become much easier.

  • Moon with Ascendant

A person perfectly understands what others want from him. However, such people are prone to loneliness.

  • Moon with Midheaven

Greater closeness and dependence on parents. The death of one of them can lead to a state of shock. The family plays a very important role, such people tend to live only in their own home.

  • Moon with Fortune Point

Dissatisfaction with life, despite success in business. You have to learn how to express gratitude.

Square of the Moon in the horoscope

Often quadratures show a person's abilities and habits that prevent him from expressing his skills and succeeding.

  • Moon with Mercury

A person prefers to talk a lot and do little. However, this does not bother those around. But sometimes it’s worth keeping your mouth shut so as not to offend other people.

  • Moon with Venus

A person considers himself much lower than the rest, as a result, he constantly acquires bad habits. He spends recklessly cash, allows himself to be pushed around and cannot find a suitable partner.

  • Moon with Mars

Such people often worry about trifles, try to be independent, because of this they go to extremes. It is worth avoiding the use of alcohol and drugs, it is better to engage in physical activity.

  • Moon with Jupiter

Such individuals are very romantic, they constantly want to be closer to others, overly trust them. However, do not go to extremes.

  • Moon with Saturn

Usually such people tend to be depressed and are considered cold. However, ambition overflows, so a person can succeed in life.

  • Moon with Uranus

There is emotional anxiety and a search for oneself, one's place in life. However, such people themselves do not know what they really want. Accidents, serious illnesses are not excluded.

  • Moon with Neptune

Such individuals tend to dream and fantasize, cannot be practical in real life. It is worth becoming more mundane, being closer to reality, striving to achieve your goals.

  • Moon with Pluto

Do not rush to do everything, you need to cool down and think about whether it is worth striving for something. You can listen to your intuition and take the right step.

  • Moon with Nodes

You need to try to put an end to bad habits, otherwise there will be nothing good in life, only problems will remain.

  • Moon with Ascendant

Difficulties constantly arise in relationships and families, a person cannot find an approach to relatives and friends. You need to radically change your behavior in order to change the situation.

  • Moon with Midheaven and IC

Usually a person cannot combine personal relationships and profession. The result is dissatisfaction with life.

  • Moon with Fortune Point

A person is not emotionally satisfied, as a result, luck bypasses him. It is worth plunging into yourself and understanding how to change behavior and reveal temperament.

Moon sesquisquare

The planet shows an inner restless state and a wrong perception of life. Such people annoy others, seem insensitive and too straightforward. People themselves do not notice such qualities in themselves, but when they realize a bad attitude towards themselves, they become even more selfish and withdrawn.

Moon in Vedic Astrology

The moon is considered very important in Vedic astrology. It brings financial well-being and comfort, manages a person's life. If the night luminary is struck, then such people may never become happy at all. The Moon governs motherhood, emotions and relationships with others. It also has a great impact on human health in childhood. Such children can constantly get sick, but then come back to normal.

It is the Moon that influences the search for oneself in life.

In Vedic astrology, it is very important what the Moon was at the time of a person's birth, waning or growing. The bright and growing Moon is able to bring wealth and happiness, but the waning Moon will only take away all the benefits. The moon is a truly feminine planet, indicating the karmic connection between mother and child. The moon is a symbol of the subtle mind and thought process. Its position at the time of a person's birth affects the perception of his reality.

Black Moon

In the natal chart of each person there are main points. They are decisive in character, life path and destiny. It is with these principles that a person is born. Everyone develops differently. The Black Moon has a strong influence on the fate of an individual. She puts all the negative qualities on public display, shows weaknesses and fears. They don't let you move forward.

The Black Moon shows the true essence of a person. This moon is called Lilith. This planet cannot be seen, you can only feel its effect on yourself. Lilith reveals all the bad things that happened in past lives, negative karma. She is a real teacher, but the lessons can be too cruel. It is Lilith that helps to look at yourself from the outside.

White moon

There is also a White Moon in the natal chart. The light karma of the past returns and gives a person happiness. The moon constantly thanks a person for all the good that he has done. The planet, like a guardian angel, cleanses the personality of evil thoughts, does not allow bad deeds to be committed. The pink moon is not as bright as the white one. She can throw unfriendly ideas to a person, and it depends only on him which side he will choose and for which he will then have to pay.

How to determine the Moon in Vedic astrology?

When the Moon moves from the Sun to the opposition, then it is growing, after passing it becomes decreasing. The waxing Moon in the natal chart is to the left of the daylight, and the waning one is vice versa. The principle of the subconscious of the moon The moon is a symbol of the subconscious of a particular person, it causes the basest desires in him, his relations with others, their respect or hostility depend on it.

A person may not be aware of all his actions, he simply does not pay attention to many things. That is why the Moon shows his desires and needs, habits, childhood, nutrition, relaxation style, sex life and appearance. The night luminary also determines the attitude towards motherhood, the feminine. The relationship with the mother in childhood is especially important, because it is then that the subconscious is formed, which steps with a person into adulthood.

The moon is a symbol of security in the world that a person considers his own. Also, the night luminary forms various habits and inclinations of a person, his abilities and talents. The moon helps to find answers to the unknown, comprehend the secrets of the universe, determine behavior in everyday life and the subconscious level.

It is the Moon that is responsible for various human diseases and mental state.

If a person is psychologically unstable, often worries, then this can provoke the occurrence of diseases, sometimes very dangerous. The night luminary filters information, which subsequently penetrates into the subconscious and remains there forever. If a person becomes religious, he is able to see those things that no one else sees, penetrates into more subtle matters, comprehends the incomprehensible.

Levels of egocentrism

The lowest level of egocentrism shows pure egoism. Such people do everything to achieve their own goals. interested in others only to use them. Moreover, such individuals may have a family, but they still pull the blanket only on themselves. The subconscious of such a person is not interested, it only interferes with him. Such people are in a hurry to satisfy sexual, material and life positions.

The second level means that a person can take into account the interests of relatives and friends, but everything else is of little interest to him. Mothers of the family usually behave in this way, they are ready to do everything to achieve family well-being. Such people are ready to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of relatives and friends.

The third level includes the interests of a person to others. Now he can constantly spend time at work for the benefit of all. However, he is invariably bad morally, because often it is these people who are used to achieve their own goals. offer nothing in return.

The fourth level connects a person to larger desires. He wants to achieve good for his country, takes part in a karmic program. Various leaders and commanders-in-chief have reached precisely this level of egocentrism.

Moon in mundane astrology

The sun is directly dependent on the moon. The night luminary personifies individuals and nations as a whole. Especially the Moon governs women. Moreover, it can be both individuals and the whole team. It is this planet that personifies the feminine, shows the role of a woman in life, puts her on a pedestal.

Moon in horary astrology

The Moon is never retrograde. During the movement, it passes a full circle in a day. Capricorn is her exile, and Cancer is considered her home. The moon is considered a nocturnal female planet. When the night luminary is located in a good way, then the person is quite calm, observes the laws and lives according to generally accepted rules.

Such people love everything new, like to change their place of residence. With a bad location of the planet, people become homeless, prone to vagrancy. alcoholics, do not like to work, dissatisfied with life. The moon can bring changes that will help a person improve his life and influence the fate of others. Usually moon people are fair-haired individuals with gray eyes, phlegmatic and romantic who love to change something in life.

Moon in elective astrology

The moon is a very important planet in the life of every person. Careful planning is necessary if the planet is affected. The general provisions of the planet apply to everyone without exception. That is why, if a person is engaged in a suitable business for himself, then everything works out for him.

The moon is in charge of daily affairs. only some individuals build rockets every day, while others are engaged in raising children. Usually it is during the lunar hour that such things work out best. Monday is considered a lunar day. You can buy new things, get married, go for walks and make intuitive decisions. Do not cut your hair, be very careful not to offend loved ones and relatives.

The Moon as Lord of Birth

If the Moon is the lord of birth. then a person has an extremely unstable life. Such individuals are very changeable. It is difficult for men to be in such a situation. Usually the mother has the strongest influence on the fate of people. If the Moon is good, then a kind and sympathetic person grows up. He can hear his inner voice and mind your own business.

If the Moon is evil, then the person becomes inadequate. Emotional outbursts constantly occur with him, which guarantees problems in relations with others and loved ones. The moon makes the personality unstable. But when people stop being suggestible, they become calmer, have their own vision of the world and life.

Since ancient times, the moon has been of great importance in human life. People deified the heavenly Queen of the Night, revered the Moon as Mother of the Earth, identified lunar phases with life cycle.

The Moon in astrology is considered to be the most important astrological object. The degree of its impact on our lives surpasses even the sun, because the Moon is our subconscious, soul, emotions, memory of experienced feelings. The gravitational influence of the Earth's satellite is directly related to the circulation of all fluid in the body, of which we are 80% composed.

Moon principle in astrology

According to traditional ideas, the Moon is a symbol of all adaptation mechanisms; psychological - symbolizing the subconscious, social - determining the behavior and response of a person, biological - related to nutrition, and so on. This property is inherent only to the Moon and is decisive for it, therefore, the principle of the Moon is adaptation. What is adaptation in terms of individuality? This is the ability and desire (not intention, as in the case of the Sun, but precisely the desire, which has an emotional coloring) to optimally realize in the outside world all its internal capabilities, all its inherent (individuality) properties and qualities. In other words, adaptation is a process of realization and the numerical symbol of the Moon principle is "four", which coincides with the symbol of the function of the Sun.

The function of the moon in astrology

Since the principle of the Moon is adaptation to the conditions of existence, its function is survival, individual life. That is why she symbolizes in specific tasks everything that contributes to this - mother, homeland, her home, the nature of emotional reactions, the most comfortable place and circumstances of existence, and so on. For the realization of individual life, it is necessary to automatically, without the participation of consciousness (without using a conscious analysis of the situation, instinctively) to show one's uniqueness, the creative solar principle. The manifestation of individuality and creative possibilities, as well as creativity itself, as the principle of the Sun, is symbolized by the "five".

The role of the moon in astrology

The moon gives a person the appearance of life, gives the solar creative impulse an external form of expression, determining the specifics of the emotional state and behavior, their changes. In this sense, the roles of the Sun and the Moon are oppositional - the Sun symbolizes the content, and the Moon symbolizes the form, here the Sun is active, and the Moon is passive. Therefore, the role of the Moon can be defined as a shape, a form of manifestation, and the numerical symbol of this role will be "two". The Moon is also the astrological ruler.

What unusual can be learned from the lunar horoscope? The lunar horoscope by date of birth reflects that side of our personality that we are not aware of. It explains why we do what we do.

The way in which the Moon affects our feelings depends on its location on the birth chart. Most people have a moon sign that is different from their sun sign. This is why many people with the same zodiac sign can be very different from each other. Reading the definition of their sign in the horoscope, they may feel that this is not entirely about them. If you rely only on the sun sign, the picture will be inaccurate. The moon sign describes the qualities of a person much more accurately. If your moon sign is also your sun sign, you may find that its characteristics are more pronounced in your character.

The Moon governs the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, intestines, and the left eye. As well as tonsils and fluids in the body. It serves as a reflection of that part of you that obeys instincts. Most people keep this part of themselves secret.

If your sun and moon signs are compatible, they can work together to help you get out of trouble and reach your goal. If they are incompatible, you may feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself to some extent. For example, if your moon sign is Gemini, chances are your emotions are very volatile and you get nervous easily. At the same time, people around you may condemn you for this, which may embarrass you. A person with the moon sign of Scorpio can also be very nervous, but he has a habit of hiding it. However, for the latter, envy can be a big problem. People with the Moon in Aries are stubborn, aggressive and can be difficult to control. It's great if they can give vent to negative emotions during exercise.

Our moon sign also offers an understanding of how to look inside the mind, where the child lives in a person.

Free lunar horoscope by date of birth

Date and time of the person's birth:

01 02 03 04 05 06 06 08 09 10 11 12 12 13 15 16 16 18 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 24 26 27 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1942 1943 1944 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2010 2014 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 00 02 03 04 05 06 06 08 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 18 18 20 21 22 22 22 22 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 05 06 08 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 36 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Find your moon sign

By finding out what your moon sign is, you will be able to understand yourself much better, as well as learn how internal processes occur. Use our free lunar horoscope calculator by date of birth to find out your sign. To do this, you will need your date of birth and time of birth. Since the Moon moves through each sign very quickly (about 2-1/4 days), the time of birth is very important. If you don't know what time you were born, you can set your date of birth to 12:01 first and then 23:59. If both of these times correspond to the same sign, then you are in luck. If they are different, read the definitions for both moon signs, according to the characteristics, you can understand which sign is more in line with your character. Also, keep in mind that the calculations are carried out in Moscow time - try to bring your birth time to Moscow by adding or subtracting the appropriate time difference.

Moon Signs of the Zodiac

One of the main places in Jyotish Moon is not easy. What is the Moon responsible for in Vedic astrology? Based on the position of the Moon in the horoscope, the system of planetary periods in the life of each person (Vimshotari dasha), his Lunar chart, his constellation, also the Lunar calendar and much more are calculated.

The moon is the second most important luminary in the sky. The moon reflects the light of the sun. If we recall the main feature of the Sun, Ego, then the Moon is its reflection, i.e. - the inner world of a person: his thoughts, emotions, mind. Also, the position of the Moon in the birth horoscope shows what a person is with loved ones, in partnerships, his true nature.

According to Vedic mythology, the Moon is a rather wayward person. He had many wives, 27 Nakshatras (constellations), but he loved one most of all, because of which others were offended.

But nothing goes unpunished, so the moon first grows, then decreases, and so on throughout life. This is just one of the versions of the stories about the moon. The Moon is considered the "female planet" and is especially important for analysis in female horoscopes.

What is the Moon responsible for in Vedic astrology? The moon has the following main characteristics:

  1. Mind. The emotional sphere of a person, the ability to adequately reason and understand others. A weak Moon in the horoscope gives a restless mind.
  2. Subtle human body, intuition. Strong Moon - gives sound sleep.
  3. Mom, motherhood. Attention, mental connection, romance.
  4. Inner female nature.
  5. Memory. Memory problems may indicate a damaged, not beneficent Moon in the horoscope.
  6. Deep nature of man. What a person really is, his ability to develop, the manifestation of sincere desires.
  7. Good expression of your thoughts. The ability of a person to understand adequately the situation, how and what needs to be said in it.

In combination with other planets, the Moon gives inconstancy, emotionality according to the characteristics of the planets. Also separate, special attention are the connections of the Moon with Rahu or Ketu. The moon is not retrograde, but it is burned.

The main indicators for the burnt moon:

  • Unconscious burning of the moon. A person does not understand what he is doing during the irritation of the Ego, loses the ability to perceive what is happening inside him.
  • Conscious. A person knows about his problem and knows how to track his reaction.
  • Complete. Since the Moon and the Sun are on friendly terms, such a burning gives a high understanding of one's inner world, and hence the emotions of others, and at the same time promotes actions. People with this position of the planets in the horoscope achieve a high position in society.

The Moon owns the sign Cancer.

Friendship and Enmity with planets:

The Moon is friendly with the Sun and Mercury.

The Moon has no hostility towards other planets.

Neutral to Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.

Day of the week- Monday.

Colour- white, light gray, silver, milky.

Stones: moonstone, pearl.

Metal: silver.

Part of the world: Northwest.

Moon harmonization methods according to Vedic astrology:

  • cultivating respect for the mother and for women of her age
  • swimming
  • travel to the sea, ocean, islands greatly strengthen the moon
  • observance of the daily routine
  • work on your feminine qualities, women's practices

“The soul is the moon. And it has an inaccessible side that you can never see from where you are.

The moon symbolizes the subconscious, more precisely, the moon represents the general background of the subconscious, what is called the lower, or, more correctly, the actual "I" of a person, that is, those programs of behavior and response that provide life in the biological and social environment.

Man is conscious to a very small extent, even if we mean not evolutionary, but rational consciousness; we are aware of only a small part of our actions and perceptions (and, therefore, controlled by consciousness).

Therefore the Moon is perhaps the most important planet in the horoscope; at least, if the Sun in the chart can be practically not included, then in relation to the Moon this is impossible. The moon determines the vital and social needs that everyone has; it concerns habits, often dating back to early childhood, eating habits, rest, physiology, sexual life in its "material" part, that is, that which is related to functions and appearance physical body. The moon determines the attitude towards a woman as a mother (that is, as a carrier or conductor of the universal feminine yin) and the attitude towards women in general, that is, the subconscious image of the feminine that a person develops. The moon is directly related to the mother (or maternal figure) at the beginning of a person’s life, when the main programs of his subconscious were being formed, especially the most fundamental ones, his life position and general attitude to the world.

In adulthood, the Moon determines the attitude of a man towards those women with whom he is not in love (excluding direct sexual acts, when the Moon turns on necessarily) and his natural reaction to them; in a woman's horoscope, the Moon determines her general behavior in situations where she feels like a woman, but is not very in love (in the latter case, Venus is activated). This is not only relationships with men, but also behavior in the house where she is realized as a hostess, and raising children, especially at those moments when she supports and shapes their Moon, that is, feeds, puts to sleep, protects from threats from the outside world and forms social programs. The moon symbolizes the world that a person considers his own, where he feels safe and behaves at ease, including the hypostasis of the Child (according to E. Berne).

Aspects of the Moon determine the size of this world - from an almost negative value in the case of a strong defeat to almost the entire Universe in a harmonious position. “Whoever has a thin soup, and who has small pearls”, “don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy” - these sayings exactly correspond to the division of mankind into parts, based on the different positions of the moon. The moon determines the general subconscious feeling of protection from evil fate (if there is a harmonious aspect) or, conversely, doom and terrible fate (with pure defeat); it also determines the level of subconscious religiosity and fatalism (it is the higher, the stronger the Moon is aspected), which the average person extends not only to himself, but also to the rest of the world.

Aspects of the Moon determine such subconscious inclinations, habits and abilities of a person that he takes for granted and learns with great difficulty that other people can be arranged differently: it constantly seems to him that this cannot be and that they really are. skillfully (or not so) pretend.

The moon brings us into the realm of Sigmund Freud, it provides clues to the unconscious, affirming psychological determinism (that is, Freud's thesis that any external action, and especially seemingly random one, has a clear subconscious motivation) and directing repression, compensation and sublimation through well-defined channels (they depend on the position and aspects of the moon). The moon determines both everyday behavior and the life of the subconscious and makes it possible to judge the second by the first and, among other things, correct one by the other, which is still half used: it is well known that, by solving his psychological problems, a person solves everyday ones, but the opposite effect is no less effective, although much less studied; however, a thorough cleaning of the apartment can sometimes give no less results than half a year of psychoanalysis.

The Moon is responsible for the functional health (and disorders) of the human body - and for the overall mental health of a person, and often sacrifices the second for the first. This mechanism of transferring psychological and external problems directly to the physical body (somatization) is very poorly understood, but it is completely universal and operates constantly in all people; it's just that the physical body is arranged with such perfection that it often knows how to overcome the disease imposed on it "from outside". In those cases when he fails to do this, symptoms of damage appear. internal organs and control systems. The moon determines the paths of somatization and functional disorders that occur when a person’s mental life is wrong, which suppresses and pushes his problems deep into the subconscious, that is, he gives at the mercy of the moon. This is a dangerous path, because each problem (karmically) needs to be solved at its own level, and a problem that can be solved by an honest bringing into consciousness and very insignificant subsequent experiences and actions can, after repression and subsequent somatization, lead to a very difficult first functional, and then organic disease. On the other hand, there is also the possibility of a reverse effect on the psyche (and karma) through the correct treatment of the physical body.

All kinds of naturopathic remedies, the purpose of which is to connect the body to the four elements and the two lower kingdoms (minerals and plants), that is, sun and air baths (fire and air), water procedures (water), therapeutic mud (earth and water), walking barefoot , herbal treatment, massage, special gymnastics (hatha yoga, etc.), pranayama and much more can not only cure physical illness, but also balance certain disharmony of karma and mental life. However, these possibilities are limited: being a being, to a certain extent, almost conscious, a person basically has to solve his spiritual problems as such, and not with the help of cold rubbing, although the latter does not harm the former in any way, and sometimes it really helps.

The moon is the chief deceiver of man and the human race. It took all the genius of insight, energy and industriousness of Freud and a strong over-ripeness of the problem of sexual emancipation in order to convince the world of the existence of the subconscious and its significance for man; however, it cannot be said that the Moon was able to be brought to clean water: until the role of the subconscious in human life is accurately outlined, the moon will now and then hide behind the clouds. There is no natural antithesis to the Moon as a principle of the subconscious: the Sun represents the will (both conscious and unconscious), Saturn is related to wisdom, Mercury to rational thinking .., and there is no planet in the sky, symbolizing consciousness itself. The action of the Moon is like the action of the evening twilight: it smooths, blurs sharp corners, averts eyes, replaces one with another, makes black and white gray ... when it considers it necessary. It must be understood that in this way the Moon masks for a person the depths of his own subconscious, but this does not mean at all that something vague and indefinite is contained there. On the contrary (especially with a strong Moon), the inner beliefs and deep programs of the subconscious are often exceptionally clear and definite, to the point of primitiveness, which is extremely surprising for the owner when, as a result of psychoanalysis, he gains access to them. "And how could such a stupid program (thought, belief) control me for so many years?" - the person is sincerely perplexed. And this is the secret of the Moon, which humanity will not be able to unravel soon ...

Externally, the Moon symbolizes the social subconscious; in a personal horoscope, the Moon shows the attitude of a person to his people, to the very idea of ​​​​the people and to people in general, and, conversely, the attitude of the corresponding egregor to a person, in particular, the external circumstances of his life, due to the specifics of his inclusion in public life. In an adult, an undeveloped Moon gives interest only to one's home and children, study leads to the fact that this interest gradually begins to include the problems of raising children in general, the formation of morality, public education and culture, planetary and national self-consciousness. The instinctive feeling of belonging to an egregor and the need to serve him is felt and brought up in the child’s family for the first time, where he gradually comprehends the unwritten laws of his first egregor in life, and here the Moon plays the main role, but relations with other egregors (including the egregor of the future family, where a person will be a parent) are largely built according to the same type, so that the Moon plays the main role in the relationship of a person with his homeland (and not the Sun, which is sometimes so desired by generals and leading politicians).

If a person in childhood did not love his parents, then he will not be able to love his homeland, and she will be his stepmother: the latter, however, does not mean at all that he will not be faithful to her to the grave. The moon determines the well-being of a person in that maximum group that he still feels his own, that is, his relationship with the very wide social egregore that is available to him and to whom he serves (that is, he is not indifferent). This, depending on the evolutionary level, can be a family, a village, a region, a country, a planet. The moon is closely connected with instinctive religiosity and with a sense of religious community, that is, it determines the relationship of a person with his religious egregore. So, a weak Moon gives a true unbeliever, a person who finds it more difficult than others to feel God in his soul.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the Moon establishes precisely the general attitude of man to social and religious moments; the particular circumstances of his outward life and his conduct in appropriate situations are chiefly determined respectively by Venus and Neptune, with the Moon serving as a constantly active background.

An important function of the Moon is that it is the censor of the subconscious, that is, the filter through which information passes from the subconscious to consciousness. Any circumstances perceived by a person pass this censorship, regardless of whether they come from the lower or higher layers of the psyche. If you begin religious visions and the Virgin Mary or other saints appear to you in all their spiritual grandeur or external splendor, then this means that your energy has increased and you have gained access to previously unattainable layers of the subtle world, but it does not mean at all that the vision should be interpreted according to its direct meaning: it may well turn out that the censorship of the subconscious erased the characteristic tail of one of the characters and greatly brightened the black halo of the other ... The moon is also a general social-behavioral filter, that is, it ensures that manners and human behavior were socially acceptable or unacceptable depending on the aspects (the ascendant is a much tougher filter).

The study of the Moon goes along two lines - internal and external, that is, in the direction of comprehending and mastering one's subconscious and in the direction of expanding the sphere of one's essential perception in the outside world, the Moon determines the true level of egocentrism.
*《Egocentrism (from other Greek Εγώ - "I" and Latin centrum - "center of the circle") - the inability or unwillingness of the individual to consider a point of view other than his own as worthy of attention. Perception of one's point of view as the only one that exists. The term was introduced into psychology by Jean Piaget to describe the features of thinking characteristic of children under the age of 8-10 years. For various reasons, this feature of thinking can be preserved in varying degrees of severity even at a more mature age.》

At the first (lowest) level of working out the Moon, a person is a true egocentric, that is, he serves exclusively himself, an egoistic egregore. Other people and collectives interest him only insofar as they correspond or hinder the satisfaction of his desires. At the same time, he can take part in family or social life, but in any case, he pulls, so to speak, the blanket over himself, ignoring the interests of others. At the same time, a person usually identifies himself with his desires, considering them manifestations of his very essence; the subconscious appears to him as a non-existent or non-essential appendage of the physical body, helping him to function. At this level, the Moon is dimensionless, that is, it generates desires a little (or much) faster than a person satisfies them. At the same time, a person is essentially interested in three points: the affirmation of a life position and the satisfaction of material and sexual needs; moreover, the life position can be quite primitive, but supporting the current (narrowly egocentric) level of consciousness, for example: "All people are bastards", "You can't trust anyone", etc.

At the second level of working out the Moon, a person perceives the vital interests of the people closest to him (usually family members) as his own, that is, he is included in the minimum (for example, family) egregore. Everything that happens outside of his family interests him insofar as it directly concerns him, but this is already a much wider range of essential interests than at the first level of working out the Moon. The second level is typical for the mother of the family, who lives the life of her children and sees the world through their eyes: together with the elder she overcomes the grammar of the third grade, at this time she learns to walk with the younger, etc.

At this level, a person learns to clearly distinguish his personal desires and needs from those arising under the influence of a family egregore and aimed at supporting the family; the latter seem to be sacred at this level, to some annoyance of those around them, who are not included in the egregor and therefore are not considered people, that is, not endowed with the right of independent real existence. At this level, a person learns to regulate his inner life in a certain way, in particular, to suppress his personal desires in favor of desires broadcast by an external egregore, which is subjectively experienced as a certain self-sacrifice, but not the most difficult: "Your own burden does not pull." Here the interests of the family appear in the life position: "My home is my fortress," etc. Civil position at this level is still imperceptible, regardless of what is proclaimed in words.

At the third level of the study of the Moon, a person personally perceives the interests of several groups, including people who are not directly connected with him. Now he is on own experience learns what it means to burn at work and become a slave not to one's own desires, but to the interests of one group or another, which sometimes sacrifices them, offering nothing in return but moral satisfaction ... strangely, the latter is sometimes enough. At this level, a person sometimes faces an existential choice, different from the dilemma "egoism - altruism", that is, before a situation where the fate of two people (or groups) equally close to him depends on his behavior, and the gain of one leads to the loss of the other and vice versa , and he is bad in any case. In the inner life, a person, accordingly, discovers contradictory programs of the subconscious, which he is unable to attribute to different levels of evolutionary development and thereby give decisive preference to one of them. At this level, at first a vague, and then more and more distinct feeling emerges from the depths of the essence that a person is responsible for his actions and intense thoughts and desires, and that there are external and internal situations that have been prepared (by him or others) by many years of disharmonious actions and from which therefore there is not and cannot be an acceptable way out; as a result, a person begins to practically learn to control the subconscious and understand its structure. At this level, civic feeling is still in its infancy and is still very indefinite, although the mental interest in history and pride in one's people (more precisely, vanity) can already be formalized.

At the fourth level of the study of the Moon, a person connects to large egregors (nations, countries, planets) and directly participates in the corresponding karmic programs. These are often (but not necessarily) folk heroes: military leaders - leaders of national liberation movements, writers, poets, religious figures who felt in themselves and expressed people's aspirations. The people remember their names for a very long time, even when the memory of their deeds is practically erased. However, their very existence symbolizes the moments of unity and constructive activity of the national egregore, and this is exactly what the emotional, but short-lived for information folk memory keeps.

In the area of ​​inner life at this level of working out the Moon, a person is able to completely abandon personal desires in favor of the needs of his ethnic group; unfortunately, national commanders and preachers usually do not have time to study the programs of their subconscious, otherwise they could find a lot of interesting things in this area. In particular, at this level, those programs of the personal subconscious that directly affect large social egregors are available to consciousness. If such a person retires to a skete and engages in self-improvement, putting in order and cleaning his subconscious, then the impact on the outside world will be no less than if he became the head of a large state, and the difficulties will turn out to be even greater. Only at this level can one speak of real civic feeling, and the latter does not depend on the will of a person, and also on whether his development and work proceeds externally or internally.

The moon symbolizes the childish image of a mother and the adult image of a woman, from whom a man seeks moral support and wants to put his head on her shoulder, and a woman sees the ideal of an experienced older sister, whom you can tell everything and ask about anything. The moon is also for a person a symbol of his people (options: families, groups, humanity) and his home, not the current one, but the one from a happy childhood, bright, comfortable, with reliable walls and dalia or hyacinths on a green lawn - this is if the Moon stands harmoniously, and with opposite epithets in case of her defeat.

The Moon governs Cancer, and this symbolizes the property of the human subconscious that all kinds of energy and information enter into it and essentially influence it, but little comes out of it back in the form of thoughts or reactions. The position of the Moon also characterizes the general features of human perception; a strong moon can compensate for the lack of planets in female signs. Dominance in Cancer gives the Moon a depth of penetration into the human soul, which is largely manifested in the most "base" habits and behaviors of the egocentric type (the hypostasis of the Child). The insidiousness of Cancer is also manifested in the properties of the Moon, which fools a person for his own good (as she understands it) and, controlling Cancer, the Moon also controls the general emotional background of human life ...

The culmination of the Moon in Taurus symbolizes the fundamental role of the subconscious in human life and the difficulty of the task of its restructuring. At the same time, this culmination shows that all programs of the subconscious are based not on the subtle world (although the latter is also essential), but on the most natural earthly reality, embodied in dense forms. With the evolutionary growth of a person, the values ​​of the subconscious and the very concept of dense forms are gradually transformed and refined, but very slowly: the mind is too frivolous and mobile, the lunar wisdom of the ancestors is simply obliged to hold it slightly - where, pray tell, to hurry? And if you hurry, you will make people laugh.


    Moon in signs

    Moon in Aries

    Invincible Moon.

    The Aries Moon lives in the present, her past is very quickly covered with a fog of oblivion, and the future is always problematic, although it can be very tempting. If this person needs something, then he needs it immediately, otherwise his desire burns out, and he (if it was strong) falls into depression, however, as a rule, not for long. It is very difficult for him to curb himself, unless the Moon is completely harmonious, in case of defeat, attacks of violent anger, severe aggression and similar conditions are possible, up to attacks of indomitable rage, when a person is practically disconnected from his consciousness. This position often means a general background of fear, which, however, disappears at the moment when a critical situation really sets in, requiring courage and a response.

    When working out, a habit is developed for constant attention, which is so necessary for Aries; with a strong defeat, irresistible cowardice and all kinds of phobias are possible, which are based on the subconscious expectation of sudden unmotivated aggression.

    In a harmonious position, a person for the most part is not afraid of anything, up to desperate audacity and reckless actions; he has a strong subconscious feeling that somehow everything will work out, he will be lucky or, in extreme cases, get away with it. And so it happens - for the time being, until he exceeds the level of risk allowed by his karma. But even then he will come across an excellent surgeon, or in extreme cases, there will be a magnificent funeral with sincere bitter tears of loved ones. If this is a man, he will miss his obedient and calm wife: he needs to constantly fight and overcome her, while working through this guarantees a poor woman rapid spiritual growth.

    If the Moon is in Aries in a woman, she will be militant, but her secret desire will be defeat in an equal fight with a man, the situation here is rather complicated, because if a man is weaker than her, she will not be able to respect him, and if much stronger, she will become afraid of him. In both cases, working through means turning the militancy inward and constantly fighting with one's lower nature; however, it cannot be directly suppressed either (and it does very poorly). The study of the aspect gives the ability to see and burn the lower programs of the subconscious - in oneself and others. The main difficulty in achieving this lies in the fact that the vision of high plans and deep programs of the subconscious is possible only on low energy, in a completely calm state, so the Aries Moon needs to learn how to constructively use its characteristic periodic depressions, for example, to see failures as a way to outline karmic programs .

    Moon in Taurus

    Serious Moon.

    This is a calm and reliable person, at least this is generally the case if the Moon is not badly affected. He needs self-confidence, slowness and solidity, until he has found this, inner timidity, doubts about the future are very possible. This person, like no one, knows how to appreciate material wealth, and when he good mood, it is very comfortable with him, the climax of the moon is felt almost physically.

    This position gives stubbornness (especially when the Moon is affected) and instinctive fixation in any familiar form, whether it be an armchair, an apartment or social representations. Possible strong nationalism, inertia of social and everyday thinking, instinctive materialism (that is, the position "what I can not feel physically - does not exist"). Instinctive sense of form, transmission of information through touch, excellent ability to massage, etc.

    A person is internally extremely heavy, with harmonious aspects this causes respect, reverence and a desire to adapt to him, in case of defeat - the fear of falling under the tracks of a heavy tank. In any case, a person is comforted by delicious food (in case of defeat, the taste will be whimsical) and beautiful clothes - on oneself and loved ones. Any planet aspected by the Taurus Moon gains weight, and the spheres corresponding to this planet and the house where it stands are included in long-term karmic programs that are essential for a person. This circumstance, especially with tense aspects, is often forced out or an attempt is made to solve the problem with "little bloodshed". For the Taurus Moon, this is impossible, and in place of the unrealized difficult karmic task, deep (possibly repressed) frustration arises. Taurus is bread, and no ersatz like crackers are out of place here.

    Moon in Gemini

    Indefatigable Moon.

    There is no need to be in such a hurry: all the same, all the information, no matter how tasty it may seem, will not be able to be swallowed right away. Gemini is very strong sign, therefore, this position gives an extremely energetic person who does not find it difficult to simultaneously conduct 5 types of different activities; with a slightly affected Moon, it seems that they support each other in an incomprehensible way.

    The Twin Moon feels everything, but approximately, more precisely, schematically. What she does not like is quickly and decisively forced out of consciousness, and, it seems, forever and nowhere; in fact, this, of course, is not so, but the Gemini Moon holds a record for the quality of distortion of information that is undesirable for consciousness: its dispositor - Mercury - is a champion in the art of mental demagoguery.

    This person will be strongly influenced by the verbal formulas expressing the opinion of his social circle; sometimes it seems that the public subconscious speaks directly through him in words. If you want to influence him, you need to act again through words, but first you have to break through a rather unpleasant layer of the subconscious, which directly verbally broadcasts social clichés, this layer is especially strong with a harmonious Moon and its nodes. The defeat of the Moon in Gemini - a person with a poor study of the aspect is unreliable, he will always find a slippery wording and get out, he will be able to speak his conscience - and you too, especially if there is a square to Pisces. With a square to Virgo - a muddy stream of completely unimportant details, but with twin mental energy and even a peculiar brilliance: a frightened enemy flees. When working through defeat - extraordinary ability to adapt to any situation and the instinctive ability to smooth it out, constructively direct or use it.

    Moon in Cancer

    Home Moon.

    The Moon in Cancer is the ruler, and very attractive, but you should keep in mind its sticky tenacity, which turns into a sweet captivity for you, which can sometimes lead to dull melancholy or even despair. The Moon in Cancer is not that strong - it is all-encompassing, or at least tends to devour the whole world, like a mother who senselessly adores her only child and protects him from external reality to such an extent that it seems as if her uterus did not shrink after childbirth, to take their rightful place in female body, but continued to expand, and now includes the whole woman and her child.

    Cancer protects the Moon with its shell, and there is a certain contradiction in this. On the one hand, such a person is very sensitive and emotional - when he is tuned in to perception, and he can be absolutely insensitive in the most dramatic situation if his subconscious tells him: this is not yours.

    Crab Moon gives a very intimate perception of the world, homeland and people - those who are included in the scope of this perception. A person tends to treat close acquaintances as family members, and emotionally ignore distant ones. Here, the sphere of essential perception depends on the level of elaboration of the aspect, and at the lower levels - personal or family egoism - a person can be very unpleasant in social communication. As the sphere of perception expands, a sense of personal responsibility for the fate of other people appears, with the defeat of the Moon - hypertrophied. Crab Moon is fussy (cardinal cross), and, as in other water signs, feasts on emotions, even dirty ones, from which she should unlearn. She is naturally religious, although she adapts and feels great in an atheistic environment - something inside whispers to her that in reality everything is not so hopeless, and higher power is, and they will look after her and those whom she includes in her family circle, but she will not expand on this topic.

    Moon in Leo

    Demonstration Moon.

    If the water moon gives emotional addicts, then the fiery moon gives attention addicts to themselves. If the lion moon is not praised during the day, her spinal cord will shrink by half, in a week she will become scoliotic, and in a month a hump will grow. With the defeat of the moon, a person is inclined to demand for himself everything that should normally be asked for: the love of others, personal praise and other signs of attention. If the Moon is strongly aspected, then a significant part of a person’s life will be devoted to self-expression, and at a low level - narcissism, a harmonious Moon does this elegantly and not too intrusively, the struck one takes you by the button and practically rapes you.

    Patriotism is very clearly expressed here, and ardent chauvinism is possible at a low level of development. One's own family is perceived as a role model, a strongly dominant maternal figure is possible and, accordingly, (often repressed) a tendency to aggressively interact with the feminine. Subconscious programs corresponding to planets and houses aspecting the Moon are energetic and authoritarian.

    A person needs confidence in his strengths and energy capabilities, which is not given immediately and not easily, especially when struck by Saturn; at a high level, the lion moon feels direct energy contact with the egregor of its homeland and can become a fiery popular tribune.

    A woman, like air, needs attention and adoration; at the same time, she herself begins to glow with such fire that you can turn it off artificial lighting and central heating. A man will like bright women, provided that their attention is directed to him. For both sexes (except for a very low level of personality development), a certain inner nobility is characteristic, they do not like trifles.

    Moon in Virgo

    Detailed Moon.

    In a harmonious version, this position gives an extraordinary taste for life: a person knows how to perceive and appreciate the small material details that adorn life so much: mere careful table setting can significantly improve the taste of dishes, not to mention the quality of dinner conversation and general mood. A similar role in correspondence is played by letter paper, an envelope, a stamp and a way to arrange the text of a letter on a sheet. When the Moon is affected, the person is initially very demanding and even capricious about the details of the environment, which sometimes leads to extreme accuracy, thoroughness and cleanliness, and sometimes is forced out, and the person can become almost unnaturally sloppy. Most often, however, an intermediate option is realized: when the world and life are divided into two spheres, in one of which order is constantly maintained, and in the second, seemingly invincible anarchy reigns.

    When worked out, the Virgo Moon gives an unusually hardworking nature (in the absence of study - just as lazy). A person is very bored when he does nothing, he apparently loses energy - and, it seems, only increases his energy when he works tirelessly. The aspects of the Moon will show the spheres where this work is naturally realized.

    The stronger the Moon is aspected (not only in Virgo), the more work, so to speak, in the background - karmically - is assigned to a person. If the aspects are tense, this working background will sometimes seem black, the work will be unbearable, and then you can try to partially translate it inside and try to understand why, in fact, I do what I do, and to what extent it is necessary.

    Moon in Libra

    Elite Moon.

    The subconscious desire for justice and balance, combined with the mental coldness of the element of air at a low level of development, makes the Libra Moon a strong conductor of the passing morality of its social stratum, especially in a harmonious version. Defeat can give local social or family rebellion, especially in adolescence, but still, albeit with reservations and partial displeasure, relationships with family and society are usually built well in the end.

    This person is hard to understand. He has strong aesthetic criteria, and he focuses on them in a much wider range of situations than others. When working on an aspect, the ability to feel and see balance in the most difficult and stressful situations and gently master them. This is a beautiful woman who is generally admired for her ability to behave in society and, in particular, to manage large groups of admirers of varying degrees of intimacy with her. In general, a sharp reaction to injustice, the desire to reconcile, judge and balance everyone are characteristic, otherwise, especially when defeated, a person feels unhappy.

    The Libra Moon sees her homeland through the insignia of castes, the balance of interests of classes and clans, the aesthetics of military parades, monasteries and chapels, bridges and fences. In religious life, great importance is attached to the aesthetics of rituals; at a higher level of development, religion is required to have a philosophical justification for being, a solution to the problem of the balance of good and evil, and so on.

    Moon in Scorpio

    Poison Moon.

    Here the Moon is in the fall, but the emotionality of nature can exceed all expectations, although this may not be felt until a person is touched to the quick. In case of defeat, an extreme negative-skeptical attitude towards all spheres ruled by the Moon is possible, in particular, to the family (one's own and the parent's), social movements, women in general, etc. At the same time, there is often great sexuality (you also need to look at the position of Venus and Mars, the fifth and seventh houses), but the attitude towards sex is too emotional, ranging from (rare) heights of ecstasy to extreme disappointment and dissatisfaction. A person is inclined to live with emotions, to devour them, and even, with strong aspects, to vampirize in a more or less harmonious way. In general, here emotional satisfaction is difficult and is usually achieved indirectly, through constructive work in areas determined by the aspects of the Moon; daily bread is earned there.

    When working through Scorpio, the Moon learns first of all to disidentify with her emotions, which should be perceived as induced from the outside; this skill is not easy here, because emotions are strong, but just as necessary, because they are destructive in many ways. Such a mother, of course, will not eat her children, but spoil them nervous system and later life can quite thoroughly. Passion in emotions is good in the right dosage.

    With a strong defeat, the self-destruct program is active; it is directed both at oneself and at others, and, perhaps, one cannot do without a psychoanalyst, but it will be very difficult for him: if he tries to invade the subconscious, there will be strong aggression. In a harmonious version, all this is smoothed out, the transformation of the subconscious goes on constantly, but painlessly and, as a rule, imperceptibly for the human consciousness, and others perceive him as an elemental white magician.

    Moon in Sagittarius

    Reluctant Moon.

    "If black thoughts come to you, Uncork a bottle of champagne Or reread The Marriage of Figaro."

    A rare frankness, turning into sincere tactlessness. In the areas defined by the aspects of the Moon, there is a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and there a person needs visible success, otherwise emotional frustrations arise. With the defeat of the Moon - randomly flickering plans and projects, everything is very energetic, superficially emotional and unsystematic; the desire to lick off the superficial energy cream everywhere and run further without stopping. Fervent religiosity, the desire to reach God and feel His fiery radiance. A penchant for religious and philosophical concepts, not with speculative, but with practical recommendations.

    Moon in Capricorn

    Restrained Moon.

    Here in captivity. Let's sympathize with the Capricorn Moon: no matter how she behaves and no matter what happens around her, she has a slight sadness in her soul, and with a defeat it can be heavy. She will not spread unnecessary (from her point of view) energy and charm, even if the ascendant is in Sagittarius, and the Sun is in 10 Aries. Capricorn keeps the Moon on a hard ration, and a feeling of comfort does not come from it, but a person can be inclined to self-sacrifice and an ascetic lifestyle; however, at a low level of elaboration, this may simply mean that there is terrible dirt in a person’s house, which does not bother him at all. In general, Capricorn gives karmic purposefulness, but if the Sun sets visible, practical goals, then lunar-type purposefulness is on lowest level means the maximum concentration on the nearest egregor - egoic or family, and the purposeful use of the environment as a cash cow or, in extreme cases, a black sheep, from which at least a tuft of wool. When worked out, this aspect gives, on the contrary, the desire to limit one's own and family egoism and direct all subconscious forces to serve wider egregors; these are ascetic saints.

    The Moon in Capricorn gives a harsh mother, perhaps with a too definitely imposed life program for the child, the dryness of relationships in the family is internal, but through which it is absolutely impossible to break through. With the defeat of the moon, internal materialism and atheism of the worst kind are possible - a person does not perceive either God or matter. If there is a trine to Taurus or Virgo, a good instinctive feeling of dense forms, when working through - a vision of the most material karmic programs; the dryness remains, but is softened by wisdom, the gift of prophecy, and the ability to bring gifts.

    Moon in Aquarius

    Friendly Moon.

    The Aquarius Moon is, of course, not the height of sincerity, with Uranus and Saturn as dispositors, but in any case it is more democratic than Libra or Capricorn. The Aquarian Moon recognizes the right of any person to his own way of life (in the same way as the Aquarian Sun recognizes the right of any person to his way of life).

    For a woman with the Moon in Aquarius, the main quality of a husband and children in the family is their ability to be friends, with her and with each other. In love, she will have ideas, and, I'm afraid, the beloved will be perceived through their prism, although this may not be realized (since Venus goes on the outer plane in love, and the Moon at first is an invisible foundation).

    The Aquarius Moon is distinguished by a great commitment to its main existentially important programs, which at a low level will be stupidly non-standard, and when worked out - original and progressive. A mother with the Moon in Aquarius will have a free upbringing of children, pressure on them will be strong somewhere, but never comprehensive, and there will be many children in the family and conversations on interesting topics. If the Moon is harmonious, all this will be within reasonable limits and is vitally and socially acceptable, in case of defeat, on the contrary. The religiosity of the Aquarian Moon is abstract and mental in nature, it will be attracted by religious philosophy, which describes the world from the most general positions, with a complex system of abstract concepts; elaboration will require their concretization and application to reality, in an undeveloped version and in case of defeat, one can successfully swim in mental abstractions, having quite religious experiences.

    In general, when the Moon is in air signs, God is largely perceived as an informational or abstract guiding principle.

    Moon in Pisces

    Unspeakable Moon.

    You can drown in the eyes of this man. It seems that he saw you at first sight, understood and forgave you. This may not be true, but he will never prove otherwise. Pisces Moon can emotionally perceive anything, and it is much easier for her to agree with you than to object, even when defeated. In a harmonious version, this is a very kind and sympathetic soul, often completely helpless - this is one of her effective ways of protecting herself from aggression and dirt from the outside world.

    Aspects of the Pisces Moon will show areas where a person will learn easily, especially by immersion, and where he will be able to receive and transmit Divine love, comfort and compassion. With the defeat of the Moon - a deep emotional dissatisfaction, which, when worked out, ceases to torment, and a person learns to help people of the most difficult fate. If the Moon is harmonious, a person will adapt to any circumstances of life and will radiate a quiet light around him; a great tendency to peace of mind and inner acceptance of what should not be accepted in any case.

    The feelings of this person are often fickle, which is not always bad: a good nurse always loves her most difficult patient most of all. The Pisces Moon radiates pity and compassion by its very existence, and she needs to understand that in some situations this relaxes or provokes malicious vampirism. At a low level, there is a tendency to deceive, violate obligations that are unpleasant for oneself, life according to the principle: what is impossible, but you really want it, you can; can become a slave to his desires.

    Religiosity, as in other water signs, is of an emotional type, that is, God is felt through certain, very deep and peculiar spiritual movements that leave no doubt about their origin. However, the Pisces Moon is not so easy to understand her plastic and fluid subconscious, and she may not notice the devilish notes in the angelic choir that sounds in the depths of her incomprehensible soul.

    A weak Moon means a certain detachment of a person from the life stream: he has little to really touch and excite. He is rather indifferent to his needs, for example, he can calmly mix soup, porridge and cutlet in one bowl and eat it all together without feeling any inconvenience. He does not feel inner support from his subconscious, which helps in difficult and stressful situations, but he does not experience special pressure from his side, forcing (with the help of passions, keen desires, etc.) to any active actions aimed at pleasure ego. He is most likely indifferent to general social problems, family, children, his people. Such a position may mean an indifferent mother, nevertheless fulfilling her maternal duty as such. Here the subconscious works as a mechanism for remote control; this gives great opportunities during elaboration (division of labor), but interaction with the subconscious is still very difficult for quite a long time.

    The harmonious Moon gives a person an unusually comfortable background for life, troubles are always mitigated for him, and pain (physical and mental) in emotional memory is quickly and forever forgotten. Next to such a person it is warm and cozy, it doesn’t cost anything to ask for anything, but this, unfortunately, is most often used by various vampires, who, however, sincerely love their victim.

    The main danger of the harmonious Moon lies in the fact that it greatly lubricates and decorates all the sharp corners and contradictions of the external and internal life of a person, giving his mind a picture similar to a school literature textbook, where great people are all, as one, noble and friendly with each other. , tables are exclusively round or oval, and the guillotine blade is decorated with scallops.

    The harmonious Moon gives brilliant abilities for any learning and adaptation, but they are so natural that a person does not appreciate them and sincerely believes that other people are arranged in the same way. On the other hand, it is difficult for him to have his own definite opinion, and he is inclined to agree with any sufficiently insistently expressed statement. It is difficult to rely on him in extreme situations, where a tough stance and behavior are required from him, and it is difficult to get help from him in moments of strong heartache: he does not understand what it is. The harmonious Moon, as a consolation, will first of all have such advice: "And you spit and don't think about it at all." This means that the pain will soon go away or soften, but this advice is only suitable for a person whose Moon is not affected, otherwise the consequences of such a course of action can be the most deplorable: neuroses, phobias, etc. At a high level of working out the harmonious Moon, it becomes easier for others from her presence, however, the balm that she pours on the suffering souls is healing and therefore can pinch.

    The affected Moon gives the following feature of the inner life: a person constantly stumbles over himself, while the number of his internal sharp corners corresponds to the degree of defeat of the Moon (and the horoscope as a whole). The affected Moon has a heightened national and family self-awareness, at a low level this gives nationalism and the temptation of a consumer-proprietary attitude towards the family, jealousy towards the spouse and children, possibly cruelty. Man is his own enemy; for each of his loves, the subconscious forms a program of blocking or hatred; needs are distorted, perverted and tend to make a person their slave.

    Suppression of desire and instincts leads to their aggravation and exit back into consciousness in an even more unsightly form. Often in childhood, a bad mother or stepmother, and in adulthood, a negative attitude towards women in general. The defeat of the Moon means that the satisfaction of natural needs (including general social ones: employment, raising a family, etc.) of a person is difficult, for him simply to live is a big problem, that is, a significant amount of his efforts is devoted to the struggle for existence; causeless social and mental discomfort sometimes leads to despair and deep depression. This position puts a person before a rather tough spiritual choice: either he follows the path of persistent attempts to satisfy his whims and often greatly distorted needs, and quickly becomes a complete egoist, disliked in society, or he at some point feels the futility of his aspirations to exist in that as harmoniously as those around him, and learns to pay no more attention to his own needs than is necessary for physical survival, to ignore frustrations and to attend to the problems of the external life of other people. In the latter case, he gradually disidentifies with his emotions, that is, he discovers that, firstly, they do not have complete (and even significant) power over him, and secondly, if necessary, they can be generated by him in the required quantity and assortment. Having made emotions manageable, a person gains access to his subconscious, after which the problems of self-improvement, restructuring of the psyche, and even the most fundamental programs and attitudes (life position, basic phobias, fundamentals of worldview, etc.) move from the category of vaguely mystical to concretely constructive: consciousness becomes direct subconscious tool. This means very high level implementation power.

    An abbreviated version of P. Andreev's article about the Moon as a negative character:

    So, what is the root of the problems of a lying, tired and confused person, who was programmed by nature for creative work and activity?

    If in 2 words, then the tired were not born to the end.

    Yes, we all came to this Earth from the birth canal, but this is only the first birth. Having been born as a body, we actually received the only planet that functions "for free" - this is the moon (more precisely, the energies that it symbolizes, but for simplicity we will call this economy simply the moon).

    The moon performs many vital tasks, from the manifestation of feelings to providing biorhythms of nutrition, behavior and reproduction. And also in the first years of life, the moon is assigned another temporary function - a container for self-perception in this world.

    The moon is the "transit self", a kind of autopilot of habits that help the body survive. The autopilot is primitive, working in a very linear way like a knee jerk. He does not reason, does not evaluate, does not predict. He doesn't play long. He has to eat and sleep and the maximum "if ... then do as before, because the body did not die from this, which means it survived." The same monkey in your head that still thinks in terms of the cave.

    According to the system's design, "I" should naturally move from the moon to a new, permanent "container" that appears when the sun turns on.

    And here we come to a dead end - to the very heart of the problem. The sun does not turn on "for free", this requires a whole range of conditions.

    When a spirit incarnates into a material reality, it loses its memory and all its magical abilities, such as the ability to materialize thoughts. We take with us on a journey called earthly life a number of safety and reminder mechanisms in order to remember ourselves and stand above the lunar programs of the body, so that the monkey regulates intestinal motility and heart rhythm, but does not get into important issues like money or personal life. ...

    What happens if the reminder mechanisms fail and the sun "does not catch fire" in childhood and remains extinguished all life?

    About the same if you are going to the airport to return home from vacation, but lose your ticket, money and memory on the way and are now forced to sit in the waiting room all your life and use the meager supplies that were grabbed in a hurry from the hotel. Homo sapiens in the transit zone of the airport very quickly turns into a monkey, which stupidly survives here and now.

    This is a very unenviable fate. When people begin to use the moon (that weak, tender paw that was invented for relaxation, reproduction and feelings) as an instrument for the development of an adult organism, the same collapse happens: you can’t either rest normally or work normally.

    If there is no permanent container for the Self, a person automatically places his self-esteem in external objects: in a husband, in a child, in "Zenith" or in "Putin".

    In the same way, a person is stuffed into a work book and a person seriously formulates the request "I want a job to develop me", which is essentially nonsense, because development is an internal category, you can’t give it away external systems. If you don't develop yourself, the job won't.

    A tired moon is hard to see. It is skillfully masked by your social context. “Everyone lives like this, they lived before and will continue to live.” If you refuse to live like this, then you will be accused of laziness, betrayal and excommunicated from love. And the loss of recognition by the team is a hell of a hell for a monkey, because it is a herd animal.

    It's like if in your family, class, and university group, everyone walks on their hands, pisses with their feet and sits on their heads, and then you come to work, face the real world, look at people who are sitting in expensive cars and spend for an evening in a restaurant your monthly salary. You are shocked to the core by the fact that some idiots sit on the pope, and not on the head, and write with their hands, not their feet.

    Previously, you also tried to sit on your butt and walk with your feet, remembering simple truths from your non-incarnate state. But they pulled you up and explained that normal people sit on their heads, and if you walk on your hands, you will be dexterous and you can save on shoes, and if you wash your hands more often, you won’t get sick. After 40 years of walking on your hands, you yourself will enthusiastically prove how convenient, morally and spiritually, to sit on your head and show your ass at the table.

    The moon is a very insidious lady, a master of illusions no worse than Neptune. Its task is to save energy, blur and ritualize life. Rituals force you to surround yourself with people just like you so that it does not hurt your eyes.

    We can use the tired moon phenomenon to solve problems in various areas of life, but it shines brightest in career guidance and brings a fog of fantasies and illusions to obvious things:


    This method is often presented as atomic weapon in books and training successful success. You have to be creative, look wider at the world and into your heart, yeah.
    I have a favorite argument in response. More than anything, I love lying on the couch with cats, watching TV shows, and eating oatmeal chocolate milk cookies.
    I am sure that I am not alone and I have allies in the regime of joys for the heart. You can try to unite and make a collective reality show of lying on the couch, compete in the amount of milk you drink. Not millions of dollars in income, but still.

    Well, when a person insists "I'm dreaming!! I'm rushing!! I want to make money out of this!! I want to travel and take pictures!!" - In this case, I offer, instead of consultation and training, the services of my lying with cats, because I am also rushing.

    I think students will also be surprised when, instead of the topic of predicting finances or thematic analysis of houses, I remove the camera from the workplace, put it on top of the TV in front of the sofa and at the next webinar I offer to watch 3 hours of the show "I + cats + cookies". I can even say that this is my PURPOSE.

    So far no one has agreed. Then why should anyone agree to pay for your hobby?


    If you live in Odessa, you have to be a sailor or a sailor. If in Novy Urengoy - then turn the gas valve or be the wife of a twister. If you live in a large city, you need to go to an economic institute, because there you will be closer to money. True, most often the economic institute is related to the word "save", judging by the appearance of the teachers.

    The illusion of collective security is a monkey's favorite trick. Checked, doesn't work, always leads to tragedy, especially in business. If a neighbor Masha went to fitness and became a model or makes money on a make-up with a manicure like you do in a week at work, this is not a reason to quit, because you are not Masha.


    If you counted money, then you will be a banker. If he sculpted airplanes, then he was a pilot. If she dressed dolls, then she was a stylist. If you played cars, you will be a driver. If he stole beer and burned chimneys at school - an anti-crisis manager and a specialist in bankruptcy and division of property.
    The habit of projecting the past into the future is the inner monkey's favorite move. Based on the principle of survival. If something happened earlier and the body didn’t die, then this is the right mechanism for adjusting the future. And when there is nothing to rely on inside, except for the monkey with its genes and reflexes, then there is nothing left but experience. But be prepared that you are on a treadmill and experience means only one thing: future = past, past = future.


    The most evil myth, No. 1 in terms of the number of problems that I meet with people in practice. Most of all those who finished their last effort up to 40-45 years old and are ready to climb the ceiling and gnaw the walls.

    Not only that, in the birth chart, school, college, work and money are four initially unrelated sectors, common sense also suggests that studying is one thing, and practical implementation- completely different.

    Well, for the most sophisticated connoisseurs of astrology. "Thinking" and "delalka" are two completely different functions of the psyche. For example, you can design brilliantly without thinking about it and learning on the fly, working as an assistant to the master. Or you can re-read 100 books on leadership, "go" to an MBA, graduate from the RAGS, but your hands are not really capable of doing a single leadership action, although you think about it every day and visualize a golden plate on the office door with your full name.


    I'm probably sitting in my astrological shell and not seeing brilliant career guidance tests, but the fact remains a fact within my reality.

    All the tests that came across to me are designed for single-celled brains. If you have formed at least 2 neurons in your head, then you see right through what meaning the author of the test puts into each question.

    The fifth myth is the most loyal, it will help to define the broad contours of functional duties. If you did not know that you are a recluse and you are comfortable working with program code, and not in a call center, then the test will tell you this. One problem: the test does not know the event factor.

    Therefore, it remains unclear whether you can really earn adequate money on programming, even if you are comfortable with it (see point 1, I also have a lot of things that are comfortable).
    I recommend to thank the inner monkey that you have survived to this day, and send it to regulate the ventilation of the lungs and ensure the automatism of gait.
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