Which zodiac sign is always lonely. The loneliest female signs of the zodiac, which, due to their nature, repel men

  • 02.07.2020

Relationships between people are a complex area of ​​psychology. The questions that arise about why some remain lonely and misunderstood, while others are literally surrounded by fans and attention require careful analysis.

Of course, in many respects everything is determined by the character of a person, his manner of communication. Single zodiac signs are far from a myth. Astrologers have long identified a connection between communication skills and date of birth.

The loneliest signs of the zodiac: representatives of the earth

It so happened that this element has the most lonely people. The energy of the earth gives them incredible performance and intelligence, but deprives them of spiritual and emotional intimacy. The loneliest zodiac signs among women and men in this case look like this:


Taurus bypassed the list. The incredible pressure of these representatives of the earth allows them to achieve the desired result in any direction. Yes, including in the search for a partner.


Workaholics with a pronounced definition of quality of life. They look for the same thing from a partner, however, they often do not find it. They love comfort and coziness.

Emotionally, many Capricorns are reserved and uncommunicative. It is difficult to meet their criteria, so often other people bypass them.


Perfectionists to the core. At the same time, it is often believed that many life partners are simply not good enough for them. They like to plan and live according to a clearly drawn up schedule. Naturally, this turns a lot of people off.

Which zodiac sign is always lonely: representatives of other elements

In this case, there is only one representative from each element. The fact is that it is among the earthly signs that such a sad tendency of loneliness has developed. The rest list looks like this:


Situations are individual in each case. Therefore, all the points listed above should be discussed in more detail.


Strives for leadership throughout life. Often because of this, it suppresses the energy of a partner. Such behavior inevitably leads to separation.

Which zodiac sign is the loneliest? It is impossible to answer this question exactly, but the chances of not finding your soul mate in Aries are the highest.


Extremely impulsive individuals. They open up to people completely and trust them almost unlimitedly. As a result, this is often tritely used.

This attitude leads to emotional tightness and closeness. After a series of problems in personal life Cancers just stop looking for a partner.



The date of birth determines the character of a person. Naturally, his fate directly depends on this. Yes, including in behavior with the opposite sex.

Can you deal with loneliness? Do you consciously prefer the single life of a single person or do you always need people nearby? Check how your choice of lifestyle is influenced by the zodiac sign of your birth?

1. Aries

Any Aries can not stand all kinds of obligations and any bonds. These born leaders choose to be loners (at least for a little while), so they don't mind their autonomy. They love to act and live by own rules And, of course, on your own terms.

2. Taurus

Another super independent sign. Strong-willed and stubborn Taurus tend to do their own thing and get very nervous when they are told or forced to do the opposite. They value their stability, because any relationship after living alone is pretty scary for them. In fairness, it must be said that a sharp transition from a relationship to a solitary voyage frightens them no less.

3. Gemini

Geminis are energetic, independent people, always developing a frantic activity. They do not like to be tied down, and even in the most cloudless relationships there is a danger that the Gemini will get bored and begin to be burdened by them. They are quite satisfied with a single life and they prefer spontaneous acquaintances with a minimum of obligations.

4. Cancer

Complex and characteristic Cancers with two hands for independence and in words are not afraid of loneliness. But in their hearts they are still quite dependent and really need a person who will take care of them and support them in every possible way in solving their difficulties and problems. In truth, Cancers can hardly stand life alone.

5. Leo

Although Leos are very proud of how independent they are, in fact, they do not tolerate loneliness for at least two reasons. First of all, they are very, very vain, so they need regular viewers. And secondly, they cannot live without praise and admiration, which means they need fans and admirers. That is why this sign rarely lives on its own.

6. Virgo

Difficult by nature, Virgos consider all situations analytically, therefore, in their loneliness, they will see solid pluses from a practical point of view. And when the Virgos finally decide on any relationship, they instantly become picky and demanding, because they agree to exchange independence only for the most worthy alternative.

7. Libra

Libra people love! They are, of course, independent thinkers, but if the choice is to live alone or live together, then this sign will definitely prefer the latter. Like the Lions, they also need attention and a constant audience, at least in the face of one viewer. Loneliness is just a temporary and transitional stage for them.

8. Scorpio

Scorpions are suspicious and closed people. They consciously want to be alone and are too busy with themselves to think about and care for others. It takes a lot of effort and time for a Scorpio to start trusting you, but when you succeed, then he is yours forever. This sign enjoys more temporary contacts, but ultimately prefers to live independently.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarians love both people and the sea of ​​​​communication, but not responsibility and any burdensome obligations. They crave freedom, flight and adventure, because people of this sign ideally live alone, not particularly burdened by such a position.

10. Capricorn

Very suspicious (like Scorpio) and vigilant Capricorns are always confident in their abilities and themselves, and therefore do not need admiration or compliments from their partner (like Libra and Leo). As you understand, this sign absolutely suits loneliness.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius, like Sagittarius and Gemini, eschews fearful commitments. This sign is rarely fully revealed, and in relationships it keeps a certain safe distance, even if he himself is head over heels in love. Aquarius is very respectful of freedom, so the bachelor life is quite to his liking.

12. Pisces

Of all the zodiac signs, only Pisces is extremely important and needs relationships. The state of loneliness is real danger for their mental health. Since they are extremely sensitive, have low self-esteem and feel sorry for themselves, they need a partner who can comfort and motivate them. Even one thought of loneliness immediately plunges Pisces into a panic.

It is no secret that the main women's problem is love relationships and difficulties in marriage. A single woman cannot be happy without wanting stable love relationship with the prospect of starting a family.

This article suggests looking for the causes of loneliness in our zodiac signs. What prevents each of them from being happy in love, why is marriage difficult?

The signs of the zodiac that are conducive to marriage are: Taurus, Libra, Cancer.
Several marriages are incorporated in the horoscopes of such signs as: Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius.
Zodiac signs not conducive to marriage: Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo.
Signs of the zodiac who find it more difficult than others to establish trust and understanding with the opposite sex: Aries, Leo and Scorpio.

Reasons for Aries loneliness

Aries are known to everyone for their fighting nature. These are Amazon Women who strive to be the first everywhere, at work, at home or among friends. In relationships with men, they want to assert themselves, they are prone to competition, and besides, they are too conflicting. The feeling of struggle and other passions fuels the Aries Woman and is often the fuel for " fiery passion". As soon as the relationship becomes calm and ordinary, interest in sex immediately fades away, which is of great importance for Aries. Overcoming this quality creates an additional condition for creating a stable and harmonious union.

Causes of loneliness Taurus

In the first place among the reasons for all failures in love among Taurus women is their excessive commercialism. These women will never be happy with a sweetheart in a hut. Their ideal is a successful, influential and self-confident man. But, even if such a man meets them and wishes to start a family with them, the Taurus Woman will immediately scare him away. She will constantly try to make him her own, she will control him, evaluate his suitability for marriage, try to remake him, force him to give up his habits (for example, such as football on the weekends). BUT strong men such an attitude is categorically not accepted. Ultimately, all this negatively affects relationships.

Causes of Gemini Loneliness

Gemini women often remain lonely due to their unwillingness to bind and limit themselves to anything in life at all, and especially marriage bonds and social attitudes. These are representatives of the Air, they want constant changes in life, change of partners and new experiences. Boring family everyday life is very difficult for them. The second reason for marriage failure among Gemini Women is their lack of a certain type of future husband, they are looking for themselves without knowing what, this prevents them from settling on one partner.
Representatives of this zodiac sign have the most a large number of divorces.

Causes of loneliness Cancers

Cancer Women have two reasons to remain single: in every man they meet they see their betrothed - which simply scares off potential suitors, and the second - the image of a romantic and ideal life partner they have invented simply does not exist in reality. In addition, the desire of Cancer Women to achieve a much-needed sense of security pushes them to live together with men who are completely far from her ideals, especially if they are unhappy under the roof of their parental home. This woman will hope to the last that her partner will be able to play in her life a role similar to one of her parents. Valuable time that could be used to find the best candidate, such a woman often gives to the wrong person. Only by dispelling her own myths will she be able to approach the search for a marriage partner more rationally, avoiding bitter disappointments.

Reasons for loneliness in Lviv

Lions love themselves too much, only their opinion is true and their position is correct. They want to be admired, bowed down before them, any rival will be immediately destroyed. From any relationship, they are ready to play a real drama. In order for the marriage of the Leo Woman to be happy, she will have to pacify her pride, or else find a man who is ready to completely submit to her. The second side of the coin of Leo Women is that they are more likely than other signs of the Zodiac to be in anticipation of a wealthy man. But since the combination of big money and big love is rare, a marriage of convenience is most likely. Therefore, in order to find happiness in marriage, it is important for the Lioness to set priorities in time, decide on the ultimate goal of marriage and put the sharpener on a modest “golden mean”. After all, happiness in marriage can be with a completely ordinary average man.

Causes of loneliness Dev

Virgos make too high demands on applicants for their hand. They tend to divide men according to financial well-being and social status. In addition, they are completely intolerant of character flaws and flaws in appearance. They will forever reproach their men for scattered things, for unnecessary words or for inappropriate silence. Virgos are too pedantic and love perfect order. They like to make plans for the future, up to a life schedule according to a clear scenario. This becomes a stumbling block for serious relationships with a lot of men, especially young ones.

Causes of Libra Loneliness

Libra women usually have a faithful admirer in reserve, and not even one. They are sweet and pleasant, men are comfortable with them. And just the presence of several contenders for the hand and heart prevents Libra from making the final choice. They are all afraid to make a mistake, they weigh and evaluate for a long time. In addition, Libra loves everything beautiful and harmonious too much, and they expect the same from marriage. But marriage is far from graceful perfection, and a loved one can be flawed. Libra women need to understand that trust, understanding and mutual assistance are more important aspects for marriage than external beauty.

Causes of Scorpio Loneliness

Scorpio women scare men away with the heat of their passions and choke them with their love. They experience very strong and violent feelings, often going to extremes, passion and hatred, jealousy and desire to possess boil in them. They do not have such qualities as loyalty, patience and the ability to forgive. These are the qualities that are so necessary for maintaining long-term relationships and marriage. It is important for a Scorpio woman to learn not only to “consume” in a relationship, but also to give.

Causes of loneliness Sagittarius

Sagittarians are trying with all their might to avoid marriage, they are unable to remain faithful to one partner. In addition, they have high expectations, so they can spend their whole lives looking for their prince, and remain alone. Years add wisdom, and the heart remains the same young and indomitable. Becoming more restrained, the Sagittarius Woman has more chances for marriage, because this zodiac sign always has a choice of partners.

Causes of Capricorn Loneliness

Capricorn women are very ambitious, and usually, even before marriage, they achieve good career results on their own. Therefore, when they reach a more mature age, their chances of marriage for love increase. But, if for a woman the family does not come first, household duties are a heavy burden for her, then it is hardly worth hoping that love will illuminate her whole life. In addition, the Capricorn Woman has inflated demands on her potential partner, he must certainly succeed in any business, hold a high position and enjoy the respect of others. As a result, the initially high bar does not give a man the opportunity to demonstrate his most positive qualities. If we radically change this approach to choosing a partner, then for the Capricorn Woman who wants to get married, the situation is more favorable.

Causes of loneliness Aquarius

Aquarians prefer romances that are not protracted, easy and without any obligations. Aquarius women from birth are not very adapted to family life, they have absolutely no practicality, only one serenity, they completely surrender to their hobbies and hobbies, and do not want to change anything. The second reason for the loneliness of Aquarius Women is that they strive to find an extraordinary man who does not obey any established traditions, and such searches take time. It is better for representatives of this zodiac sign to look for a future husband among friends or in a similar professional field. Otherwise, they will have to come to terms with the fact that the partner is not obliged to share their interests, and in marriage they will have to change their lifestyle.

Causes of Pisces Loneliness

No matter how successful the choice of a partner by a Pisces Woman is, she will always doubt him, will invent something that is not in reality, will look closely at his behavior and needs, this can destroy relationships over time. In addition, the tendency of Pisces Women to completely submit to a man can make her a silent and eternally suffering victim of love. Representatives of this zodiac sign are overly romantic, while marriage requires a more practical approach to life. Pisces women also tend to fall in love with morally deficient or unworthy men, subconsciously trying to save them with their love. As a result, their torment lasts for years, without giving positive results, but only exhausting, bringing pain and disappointment. These women need a partner with developed intuition, firmly standing on the ground, which would not cause a feeling of pity, and which would not have something to "regret".

Becoming a Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or anyone else, we will inherit some qualities inherent in these signs that determine our inclinations, give the beginnings of character, but - mind you! - do not become the only component of such a complex structure as the human psyche. Let the stars give people certain qualities, but this does not mean at all that by doing so they limit us in the means and power of expressing our feelings.

While reading the article, compare your own observations with those given here, and if you find interesting coincidences or categorical discrepancies, be sure to share them in the comments: this will be useful for further research in the field of astrology.

In addition, it should be remembered that the relationship different people are built on compatibility factors, including astrological, so some signs perceived by each other as terrible partners for relationships are in fact simply incompatible. With someone else at the same time, they can form a perfect union.



The status of the most romantic sign of the Zodiac deservedly have Cancers. Is it possible to identify such men at the top of the rankings? Like everywhere, it has its pros and cons. From their position, based on the depth of mental anguish and judging by the amount of attention shown, Cancers are the undisputed leaders in this area of ​​human relationships. However, not all so simple. It should be understood that not every woman needs precisely those signs of attention that the Cancer man pays to her, and he, with all his sensitivity, may not notice her real needs. Nevertheless, for the most part, it is Cancers who embody the very archetypal image of a romantic admirer, who is rightly called both a fan who has lost his head and the most sincere lover. And yet, keep your eyes open - make sure that the Cancer man really revels in you, and not his feelings for you.

How was your relationship with the Cancers? Have you noticed how much more romantic they are than representatives of other signs of the zodiac?


Many women will agree that representatives of this zodiac sign are one of the most ardent lovers. And yet, does that make them loving? Yes. Many women need just such a life partner: confident, strong, exuding power and magnificence. Of course, not all that glitters is gold, and many will consider Lviv to be selfish, but such men are selfish only until they meet the woman they consider worthy of themselves. If you are lucky enough to be Leo's chosen one, you will make sure that his egoism from that moment on has ceased to be a personal privilege, and now has become a way to single out the two of you as a couple that has advantages over the whole world around. If you really attracted the Leo, then he will shower you with blessings and attention, and the representatives of this sign know how to take care like a king.

Have you managed to achieve such a level of mutual sympathy with the Lions? Or do these men seem to you to be overly proud and completely devoid of a romantic streak?


The third in this ranking, but quite capable of arguing for the first place in terms of the level of romanticism, were Aquarius. In fact, in the nature of their sign there is no original romantic guide, and they orient their love vector according to what their beloved makes them feel. In other words, Aquarius men consciously adjust to you, trying to fulfill any of your wishes that they have learned about. Someone will perceive such behavior as insincere, but this is a delusion. It's just that Aquarians think first of all about your needs, and not about their own. This contrasts them with signs such as Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Taurus. Meanwhile, not every woman wants to see a male performer next to her, because some love to obey, so such “submissive” love for them can be perceived as something of no interest.

Write, did Aquarius manage to find those very threads in communication with you that would make you feel the power of their love?


Aries men not only have every reason to be in the top four, but they can even compete with other contenders for the first place. As mentioned earlier, everyone shows love in different ways, and the strategy of Aries is very similar to what Leos do: they try to present themselves from the most favorable angles, brag, demonstrate the best sides of his character. However, Aries are also very attentive to women. They are serious about your needs and wishes, although they do not elevate them to an absolute with the fanaticism that is sometimes inherent in Aquarius. For many women, Aries is an ideal loving partner because he manages to harmoniously combine best qualities many signs of the zodiac: he is strong, sensual, confident, attentive, caring. Often women speak of their Aries men as ideal, but here we must remain objective, because for all of us, a loved one looks perfect. However, everyone has flaws, and not every woman needs exactly what Aries is able to give her. It happened to hear the opinion that the representatives of this sign are unilinear in their attitude - as you can guess, the representatives of those signs that need regular emotional shake-ups - Scorpions, responded. However, this is only a special case, since for the most part both signs are perfectly compatible with each other due to mutual passion.

And what can you say about your communication with Aries? Did you manage to build the perfect union? If not, what was the obstacle? When writing a comment, do not forget to mention your zodiac sign.


Libra is very democratic in relationships. They do not demand unquestioning obedience and do not allow themselves to be controlled, advocating complete equality in the family. For many women, this option is ideal, and therefore it is fair to place Libra here, just above the middle of this very conditional rating. As you know, feminism had different degrees of its manifestation - from radical to very symbolic. In its most average expression - in the social sphere - it will just have the most fertile ground in alliance with Libra. You will never be reproached for being a woman who does not have the right to interfere in a topic that does not concern you, but they will never make concessions for reasons that you are a representative of the weaker sex. Everyone invests in the family in the same way - the main thesis that characterizes the majority of men belonging to this zodiac sign. Considering how many women lack a named one, striving to raise their partner on the same level with themselves everywhere, men, Libra look like an ideal life partner. As for romance, there will be no shortage of it. Even in the intimate sphere, this propensity of Libra for beautiful and loving deeds is projected.

Have you noticed that Libra is more romantic than other signs? Based on the 10th scale, how strong is the degree of your mutual understanding with representatives of this zodiac sign and who are you according to the horoscope?


Gemini is a sign of impermanence, and therefore reviews of their activities in the field of love relationships are very different. Of course, the answer lies in astrology, which explains that contradiction is one of the main features that govern the representatives of this zodiac sign. In this regard, it is very difficult to give some kind of exhaustive description that could reflect the average behavior of Gemini men in love sphere. It's fair to say that Gemini makes a favorable impression on women. At the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign are very amorous, so at first the relationship looks like a meeting of two halves, spiritualized mutual feelings. However, the Gemini are windy and fickle, and therefore they have a lot of broken hearts on their account - and broken ones not out of malice, but only because of their own inability to prevail over the aspirations of the unbridled element of the wind. Geminis are almost impossible to force into seriousness, but this very boyish lightness so fascinates many women. Being close to the men of this zodiac sign, it is very easy to experience romantic euphoria and love of life.

Did you manage to get along with the spontaneity of Gemini? What steps did you take to reach an understanding?


Pisces men are very reminiscent of Gemini in their inconsistency. Their behavior is just as difficult to predict, and their actions to explain. Communicating with Pisces, you often feel like a person who has recently lost his memory, because you cannot remember what provoked the current mood of your partner. Do not strain yourself, you have nothing to do with it, because such is the property of Pisces: they are fickle and cannot explain to themselves the motives that control them. But at the same time, these men are very attractive, they have the strongest charisma. Impermanence and internal conflicts only add spice to your relationship. Often women say that they are attracted to this male willfulness, which they interpret as a complex device of the inner world - and they are often right in this. This is not to say that Pisces are ideal partners or romantic lovers, but they have a little of everything. The ambiguity of character does not allow putting them at the top or at the very bottom of the rating - only somewhere in the middle.

It is very interesting to know your experience with Pisces. What difficulties arose? Did you manage to overcome them? Share.


Capricorns are reserved in life and demanding in love. Often these are respectable men who know exactly what they want - and such confidence attracts women. But it should be noted that many Capricorns do not try in any way to correspond to what they claim. They will tell with an authoritative air that a woman “should”, but when asked what they offer her, they will most likely answer: “Themselves”. As in the case of any other sign of the Zodiac, there are no "pure" Capricorns, because there are no reference sanguine or choleric people, but the qualities described above are inherent in most of these men. It is fair to accuse Capricorns of selfishness, because of which it is very difficult for men born under this zodiac sign to fall in love with someone without making an effort. Nevertheless, confidence often comes into their hands, and many women think: "If he behaves this way, then he probably has the right to do so." It is not so difficult to get used to the quirks of Capricorns, and in everyday life and family life they are quite adequate people who, after setting priorities, responsibilities and family statuses, do not cause problems for partners.

Write about your impressions of the relationship with Capricorns. Have you been able to build strong alliance?


Taurus do not give the impression of skillful lovers and do not have incredible natural charm. Their main weapon is perseverance, and if fate so happened that you became the object of Taurus's attention, then be sure that he will make a lot of efforts to win your favor. He can be a very inventive boyfriend, if circumstances so require, or he will prefer to follow the classic line of behavior in amorous affairs. But stay vigilant: for all their virtues, Taurus are terrible egoists. A woman for them is a means of satisfying needs, and this consumer attitude is in the blood of representatives of this zodiac sign. When entering into a relationship with Taurus, you can become something of a thing to use as the need arises if you do not indicate your role in your union in time. Most Taurus have a dulled natural sensitivity, and therefore it is difficult for them to become good boyfriends.

Are there any among you who managed to build a long and happy relationship with a Taurus? Can you call your partner romantic?


Scorpios are a complex sign. He is not controversial, like Gemini or Pisces, but astrologers always have difficulty when they try to speak out about him. The fact is that in the psychology of such people, really multi-level and intricate processes take place, because of which Scorpios often do not what they say, or say not what they then do. In this regard, one cannot judge Scorpios by their actions, and relationships completely turn into a boiling cauldron, where rage and passion boil in equal measure. Scorpio is a wonderful seducer, and his charm alone would be enough to get the first place in this rating, but objectivity should be maintained, since the intention to build a relationship with Scorpio is not a spiritual urge, but a real temptation, and those who are subjected to it, known to risk dooming their lives to suffering. It is difficult to get along with the requests of Scorpios, and if you are not ready to shoulder a heavy burden, beware of the men of this sign: they will love you, but in a very peculiar way.

And how difficult was your path of rapprochement with Scorpio?


Sagittarians give the impression of very romantic natures, and, in principle, this is true. Only their romance is short-lived. They want to love everyone and always, which is why they are known as the most unfaithful husbands. Relationships with representatives of this zodiac sign can bring a lot of disappointment, and think thrice before saying yes to him. This does not mean that it is impossible to create a strong alliance with Sagittarius, but this initiative will require very great efforts both on your part and strong-willed efforts from a partner who resists the temptations instilled in him at the time of birth. Sagittarius can love - purely, sincerely, even all his life, but be prepared that at one terrible moment he will have a need to pay attention to someone else. Such a property cannot characterize the representatives of this zodiac sign as the most loving men. And although such a threat remains only a possibility, within the framework of this conditional rating, Sagittarius is given the penultimate place.

Tell us in the comments about Sagittarius in your life. Perhaps you yourself have long been happily married to a representative of this zodiac sign?


It would be wrong to call Virgos unloving or emotionless people, but their sensual world is immersed somewhere very deep, which is incredibly difficult to penetrate. Too representatives of this zodiac sign are cautious and detached from others. Trying to see loving men in them, you run the risk of not noticing anything. It will take a long time to kindle their romantic qualities in Virgos, push them to take independent steps and be more open to you. Only the most attentive, capable of catching the most subtle love vibes of a woman are able to distinguish attractive partners in Virgo, who, in gratitude, will show sincere reciprocity to them.

If you managed to stimulate ardent signs of attention and active manifestations of love in Virgo men, please tell us about your experience.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, this rating is a convention, intended only to characterize general trends - moreover, the trends are visible, so to speak, external manifestations male attention. In no case should you proceed from these recommendations when choosing a partner, since they are the theoretical basis of astrology, which, although corrected by many years of experience, cannot be used as a guide for your relationship.

Remember that love is much higher than any obstacles, whether they are a type of temperament, a sign of the Zodiac or something else.

Loneliness is perceived differently by the signs of the Zodiac, although for most people, regardless of their "star affiliation", this state is painful. But with all the negative attitude towards such a status, there are still nuances.

Which zodiac signs are most prone to loneliness, love it, and which ones treat it as a universal catastrophe and the end of life? The horoscope "loneliness and the signs of the Zodiac" will help you find answers to these questions. At the same time, we will consider not only the attitude towards the absence of a couple in a personal, love life, but also the absence of close people, friends in the immediate environment.

Loneliness and Aries

Aries simply cannot live without a couple, friends, without an environment, because otherwise he feels completely sick. Yes, he is never alone: ​​even abandoned and betrayed, this person knows how to find comfort and support for himself. The zodiac sign Aries and loneliness are poorly comparable: its representatives never give up and do not lose hope that someday they will definitely find kindred spirits next to them.

This person may experience periods of doubt, but the words “What does not kill us makes us stronger” are more suitable for him than many others. Only death can prevent him from rebuilding for himself the life he dreams of, looking for a couple, partners.

One born under this constellation never stays in one place, and his energy enchants those around him so much that they always revolve in his orbit. Therefore, Aries rarely experiences loneliness, and almost never has to suffer from it.

Loneliness and Taurus

How do Taurus men and women feel about loneliness? The horoscope assures that this is one of their biggest nightmares and fears. And here we are talking, rather, not about family, relatives, but about a life partner who will be especially close to them. Since the representative of this zodiac sign very picky and makes very high demands, it is not easy for him to find real friends and partners.
Taurus wants to leave his mark on everything, loves things that he uses and that are adapted to him, and he is looking for the same in people, he wants long-term relationships, mutual grinding.

Although Taurus do not like loneliness, they are still not particularly interested in new acquaintances. Rather, such a person wants to establish existing relationships, wants recognition of his shortcomings and appreciation of his merits. Deprived of strong friendships and love relationships, he becomes deeply unhappy.

Loneliness and Gemini

People come and go in and out of a Gemini's life at such a rapid pace that sometimes they don't even notice it. In a stream of casual acquaintances, they often miss chances for happiness or chase after something unattainable, and then it turns out that it was not worth it.

At the same time, the horoscope says that Gemini, as a sign of the Zodiac, does not like loneliness and can rarely complain about it. People generally appreciate their company, and they also always try to be where something is happening. Gemini does not close at home, so the problem of social loneliness is completely unknown to most representatives of this zodiac sign. But if we talk about loneliness in the personal life of Gemini, this is a slightly different story. Such people are rarely left alone, but few representatives of this sign can boast of stable long-term relationships.

Loneliness and Cancer

Such people belong to those zodiac signs that like to cultivate being alone with themselves. However, the attitude of Cancers towards loneliness is completely different: they are afraid of it. It is very important for them to maintain family ties even with very distant relatives. Friends are also important to them, and they cannot understand people who prefer to do without company. Cancer wants all single friends and acquaintances to either bring together and remarry, or find them friends. We can safely say that Cancers are social people. They want to be accepted into a family, they want to be part of a group, but at the same time they crave inner peace and silence.

The ideal pastime for Cancer is when a large group of friends or relatives are in the same room, but at the same time everyone is busy with their own business.

Loneliness and Leo

The Leo cannot complain about the lack of surroundings, however, his friends fall mainly into two categories: those who seek the friendship of the Leo, and those who are pursued by the friendship of the Leo. For Leo himself, such relationships are often either a chase or an escape.

Those born in this zodiac sign, like Aries, are too attractive and attractive to be alone. Moreover, this applies to Lviv, regardless of what life and material situation they are in. A person of such a sign often does not even have a clue how it is to not have friends or a life partner, because such situations in his life are rare.

Since, as the horoscope says, Leo and loneliness are not familiar with each other, the first is not afraid of the second at all. It is rare when he is left alone with himself, and over the years he begins to appreciate such moments more and more.

Loneliness and Virgo

When asked which zodiac signs are most prone to loneliness, one of the answers will be Virgo. It cannot be said that the representatives of the sign passionately and consciously strive for it, but they, at least, do not panic when they are left alone. First of all, Virgo is interested in having a partner and friends of a certain level. They are very picky and critical people. They can destroy even years of love or friendship if the other party cannot live up to their high standards, or her life position much lower than the positions of Virgo.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a very developed sense of what is right and what is not. Such a kind of code of human relations is written in their genes. These people are able to use flattery or bribery to get the partners or friends they want. The typical Virgo suffers from loneliness only when her status begins to be the subject of other people's conversations. Her thoughts are always very logical, so she knows it's better to be alone than to surround herself with the "wrong" people.

Loneliness and Libra

Libra perceives loneliness as an exception and suffers greatly when they are alone - in fact or only in their souls. Even if they are in the circle of family, acquaintances or relatives, but at the same time they believe that they are not suitable for each other, they will not refuse new acquaintances. Staying among other people large groups is very important to them.

Knowing how hard the representatives of the zodiac sign Libra endure loneliness, it is not surprising that they (just like Virgo) can win sympathy with flattery and bribery. Just like their zodiac neighbors, they love to surround themselves with successful people.

Representatives of this constellation want everything in their life to be harmonious and correct, and loneliness for Libra is not right. To be happy, they need what is considered the norm in society: family, friends and work.

Loneliness and Scorpio

Scorpio appreciates loved ones very much, but does not know how (or does not want to) purposefully win someone's sympathy. As a result, his environment consists of several categories: people who are impressed by Scorpio himself, who believe that it is beneficial for them to be near him, from those who do not cease to rely on romantic relationships and want to win his heart, as well as people who do not know him well, but at the same time connected with him by a professional relationship.

With all this, the representative of the “scorpion tribe” suffers from a feeling of loneliness all his life, because he always believes that he deserves more, and because he is difficult to please. At the same time, this is the sign of the Zodiac that best tolerates loneliness and is even prone to it. If such a person comes to the conclusion that no one is able to fill the voids in his life, then he prefers to be his own best partner and friend.

Loneliness and Sagittarius

How does the zodiac sign Sagittarius feel about loneliness? Such a person is rarely alone, but this does not mean that he does not suffer from loneliness. This is his biggest fear and fear. He is afraid that all his relatives and friends will disappear somewhere. And even when Sagittarius is surrounded by a crowd of admirers, relatives, a terrifying ghost of loneliness may appear in his imagination from time to time.

Sagittarius is satisfied with superficial acquaintances, but still looking for something deeper. He does not want to have many friends and relatives, but wants to have proven and reliable ones. He wants to have a safe harbor where he can sail, counting on a warm welcome and comfort there. Sagittarius is very quickly convinced that there are much more superficial connections in the world than real feelings. And with his inherent idealism, he seeks precisely the latter ...

Loneliness and Capricorn

Such a person does not bother much about acquaintances and connections, but, as a rule, he is not lonely. In Capricorn, people are attracted to his truthfulness and emotional balance. There is no lie and servility in him, he does not seek to win friends at the expense of insincere flattery. However, this does not mean that it cannot be insincere in general. However, he lies and deceives only those who betrayed him and with whom he absolutely ceased to reckon. And all this only when this person is not able to exclude them from his life completely. If there is such an opportunity, Capricorn prefers loneliness to connections with random people.

This is a sign of the Zodiac, which may not like loneliness, but is inclined and can tolerate it without turning it into a life tragedy.

Loneliness and Aquarius

The opinion about the representatives of this sign as freedom-loving creatures who do not recognize any connections and frameworks is greatly exaggerated. In fact, as a sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is afraid of loneliness, and he does not tolerate it as well as many would think. That is why he agrees to many superficial relationships, just not to be alone. When this is so, it seems to him that loneliness is like dying while alive. Often, in order to forget, Aquarius rushes into a whirlpool of entertainment and amorous adventures, which, however, do not fill the void in his life and heart.

Aquarius can react with aggression to any comments about his loneliness. He may, for example, break off contact with friends and relatives if they remind him that he still does not have a life partner.

Aquarius is constantly looking for friendship, but he does not always manage to find it. A representative of such a zodiac sign does not understand that true friendship is a very rare occurrence and that it needs to be worked on. For Aquarius, this is a finished product that is enough to take out of the box.

Loneliness and Pisces

If there are signs of the zodiac that are prone to loneliness, then this is clearly not Pisces. They are very afraid of loneliness, so they quickly learn to be attractive to others. Sometimes in this game they go too far and are known as people deprived of "higher" feelings. Pisces will do almost anything to be pleasant. Like a chameleon, they change not only their hair color, but also their personality traits depending on the society they are in. Fish are forced to function in difficult conditions for themselves and under stress they can even become vulgar, although such a trait is alien to their nature.

After much trial and error, Pisces are able to find the right balance and real loved ones who appreciate them for who they are. But even in a great desire to end loneliness, Pisces cannot (or do not want to) eradicate distrust in themselves towards other people and thoughts that any union with them is doomed. Just as others give credit of trust at the beginning of an acquaintance, Pisces do exactly the opposite.

Knowing how the zodiac signs endure loneliness according to the horoscope, it is presumptuous to think that the most sensitive of them can be manipulated, playing on their fear of getting the status of “free”. Each person is individual and is free to surround himself or not to surround himself with certain people, no matter how he feels about loneliness in his soul - he was afraid of it or considered it quite acceptable.