Virgo man and Virgo woman: compatibility in love, marriage and sex. Virgo woman Virgo man - strong union

  • 26.09.2019

Usually the same signs rarely converge on the narrow path of love and marriage and peacefully, together go hand in hand. A happy exception is one single sign - Virgo. Two Virgos, like a pair of doves, can coo on the same branch all their lives. And it is very unlikely that one day one of them will rush to another nest. Small, but there.

Virgins in love

So, their love is based on many common attitudes towards life. This sign is extremely pragmatic, rational, calculating each situation many steps ahead. No wonder it is among the Virgins that a large number of chess and poker players. Possessing a strong analytical mind, men and women born in this sector of the zodiac can foresee where and in what tension or misunderstanding is possible between them. And, of course, they safely avoid sharp corners and misunderstandings. How else are Virgo and Virgo suitable for each other? Compatibility in love is combined with principled honesty and decency. The couple discusses in advance the main points of the proposed life together: the cost of food, services, the maintenance of the family and home, the purchase of a large household appliances etc. And having agreed, he usually strictly observes all the points. Thus, many of the reasons for quarrels and showdowns that are characteristic of other couples do not arise by definition.

The couple will be united by common economic interests. Having decided to live together, they will adjust their life like a well-oiled mechanism. Every role they play in the family will satisfy them comprehensively. It is worth noting such a nuance. Men and women of this sign are independent and cherish their personal freedom, personal space. And they know how to respect others.

Therefore, they do not interfere with coexisting with each other, intersecting in predetermined sectors and living in other situations parallel to one another.

Sometimes one or another representative of the sign is more sensitive and romantic, introducing the missing note of tenderness and sophistication into interpersonal relationships. Then the second Virgo in a pair increases the degree of their feelings. And, finally, their lively interest in sex plays on the harmony of the union in love and marriage. This is a very liberated sign, enjoying all the joys of life with pleasure. And sex, as you know, is one of them. Men, like women, are usually experienced, liberated and can give each other a lot of intimate pleasures. So, justifying their horoscope, Virgo and Virgo in a pair will make up an ideal, brilliantly matched team.

When things get out of hand

But there are situations when even the Virgo scatter without looking back. We must not forget that this sign is extremely vulnerable, touchy and, alas, petty. And if a man or a woman shows extreme selfishness, if one of them begins to arrange their affairs at the expense of the other, the injured party will immediately calculate, feel the catch. Such behavior will be perceived as a betrayal. And extremely scrupulous personalities cannot forgive any betrayal. So the doves will scatter in search of new family nests.

However, sometimes Virgo is quick-witted. 2013, a year with its own special energy, just pushes her to not quite familiar actions.

What are the results? To become happy, Virgos must be honest with each other. And sincerely love.

There is no other such sign, whose representatives would not annoy each other at all. Only Virgos are as tolerant as possible towards their own kind, only they can enter into marriages according to the Virgo + Virgo principle, without fear of a quick collapse of the union. Many astrologers advise them to do this: Virgos understand each other perfectly, their points of view on love and intimate relationships do not just converge in many ways - they are identical.

If you have ever seen the perfect couple, then perhaps they were Virgo and Virgo, whose compatibility in love is seventy percent, and in marriage all one hundred.

What is Virgo?

Born on the verge of summer and autumn (August 23 - September 23), Virgo is distinguished by absolute indifference to social life, rejection of idle chatter and idleness, but accuracy and homeliness, legibility and thoroughness.

Representatives of this sign (both male and female) do not see any charm in fleeting novels, so they try not to start them, in personal life feelings are put in the first place, and then sex, the word “love” is not an empty phrase for them.

If two people with such views decide to go through life together, then it will be a life under the motto: "Only shoulder to shoulder, and nothing else!" And be sure that this slogan for the Virgo family will turn out to be a life credo, and not just a set of words.

True, there is a danger that in the first weeks (months, years) after meeting, representatives of the same sign with similar characters and perceptions of life can get bored with each other - the horoscope warns about this. Virgo is too correct, too prudent, and in some moments even ascetic. And if you multiply these characteristics by two and settle them under one roof? In cases with Virgo, in most cases, the wedding has a fabulous continuation: "... and they lived long, measured and happily", but 2.5-3 percent of couples still prefer to leave until they "have grown into each other."

Life After Cupid's Arrows

In the first seconds, as well as hours and days of acquaintance, it is somehow not customary to be interested in what sign a person was born under. And yes, it will look weird. Yes, and they can be suspected of horoscope dependence.

You can find out “your own” on your own - according to the character traits and behavioral nuances inherent in a particular sign.

Judgments about the world, about one's place in life, about material and spiritual wealth, and even culinary preferences - all these are "pointers" by which they are looking for the way to the heart.

Virgo and Virgo, whose compatibility in love is based on logic and calculation, never hover in the clouds, do not dream about the future - they build it with high quality and reliability, like a bank vault.

One can at least a thousand times ask the question: “Excuse me, but where is the love between these two, expressed in passion and at least a little madness?”. There is love between them ... there is. Only it is smooth and calm, like a steppe river.

Virgos find a lot of common ground in running a common business, solving everyday or other problems - and this is quite romantic for them, if you approach life in a practical way. This is a love that promises to remain strong, measured and durable.

What should a man be like if he is a Virgo?

An intelligent, caring, restrained "anti-romantic" with rational thinking - the horoscope endowed the man with such features. The male virgin is quite consistent with these characteristics: he will not understand a single hint that provokes him to rash and frankly reckless actions for the sake of a woman. For him, the basic indicator of the manifestation of feelings remains the ability to convince the chosen one of his reliability.

My ideal wife a Virgo man can look for half his life: he never marries early and does not marry the first woman he meets.

To conquer such a picky gentleman, you will have to forget about the tricks that other men are happy to react to: bright makeup and an overly open neckline will only scare the Virgin away. But a highly intellectual conversation, erudition, a modest, tastefully chosen wardrobe are the tools that can hook a Virgo man to the quick.

Actually, the Virgo woman does not need to get out of her skin too much, demonstrating similar features to her chosen one and “colleague in the horoscope” - they are in her blood. Therefore, for these two, everything goes so smoothly: Virgo and Virgo compatibility in love is believed not by the heart, but by the mind, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Taming the indifferent, or How to conquer a Virgo woman?

She will remain boring and indifferent at the sight of a sloppy man who does not look after himself - the Virgo woman will simply consider him a loafer and the absolute opposite of herself, a hardworking neat woman. Usually women (and not only Virgos) are completely unwilling to notice untidy “copies”, everything is like in the classic version: “Where are they, men? All gone to hell! ... There are no magpies yet, but they have grown bellies, all some kind of wrinkled, uncleaned shoes.

Her indifference cannot be quenched by overly animated conversation about anything or unjustified generosity, even in her honor. It's not all that. Women born under the sign of Virgo respect, and eventually fall in love with, noble men who, not in word, but in deed, demonstrate such rare traits as loyalty, honesty, reliability - all this combined with high intelligence.

Why go far throughout the zodiac circle if such a man was born in the same period and lives under the same sign?

Virgo and Virgo, whose compatibility in love has been tested by more than one astrologer and registry office worker, remain an ideal couple.

What other signs have a chance?

Of course, it will not be the case that all Virgo men marry Virgo women just because they have the perfect astrological combination. Among the happy couples who married Virgos, there are representatives of various signs. Which unions are the most successful can be analyzed using the same astrological forecast.

A virgin woman will find compatibility in love with Taurus, since he is also economic; with Cancer - he also does not like to throw banknotes; Leo - the absolute opposite of Virgo; Capricorn, who, like her, does not like passionate adventures, is just as solid and calm.

The Virgo man in love is also predictable. Compatibility is seen with Taurus - a woman who does not expect gifts from fate, but earns her daily bread with labor; Cancer - practicality comes first, passion comes second; Capricorn - both partners are united by an enviable perseverance in achieving their goals.

Some signs cannot stand each other in love and in the same apartment. It would seem that two people of the same inner character, whose compatibility is undoubtedly ideal, should understand and feel each other even at a distance. But in real life it doesn't happen like that. The basis of all quarrels, especially among virgins, is the battle for leadership in the family. More precisely, for a separate niche of duties, where the sign of the zodiac finds itself for undivided dominion.

For two virgins of different sexes, compatibility is such that the division can only be of two types: militant and rival or calm, liberal.

If a woman is a humanist and a creative person, and a man is more of a mathematician, it will not be difficult to divide the territories of domination. The Virgo woman will tremble over the comfort in the house and the peace in the family. It is joyful to succumb to the magical feng shui, reread designer magazines, dress beautifully and cook deliciously. At the same time, the virgin man will keep housekeeping and determine for himself the best career activity. But if both virgins are financiers, the only way out will be to create a common business, which, according to documents, can be divided into two. Otherwise, the two virgins will eat each other at the beginning of the process of living together.

Surprisingly, in this undoubted self-love of each character, there is true love in marriage and parental love. No matter what happens, the virgin husband and virgin wife will remain friends until the end of their days. Understanding each other and accepting each other as they are at a distance, they can raise and raise their children without scandal, own a common enterprise, defend each other in court, etc.

Love and betrayal

Virgos forgive betrayal of both women and men. Moreover, in male virgins, the concept of treason is far from general concept such. The bed is not a reason not only for acquaintance, but even for the recollection of such a fact. Sexual attraction for a Virgo man is like taking a book off the shelf of a bookstore, flipping it through and putting it back or taking it home. But since there is already a favorite book at home, compatibility with which is close to ideal, the second, falling into the hands of such a husband, no matter how interesting it may be, runs the risk of being left on the shelf. A Virgo man is interested in the soul, intellect, erudition and appearance. When choosing a wife, he takes into account all the qualities at once. There is no more or less, there is everything at once. And, if you become the wife of a virgin, it means that you are ideal for him on the entire 100 point scale and there is hardly a second one the same, except for one-time sex on the side. He will love only you and all his life.

For a virgin woman, adultery does not exist at all in life. For the sake of love, they renounce other feelings for strangers. They have a person with whom they are satisfied with compatibility, and the rest cease to exist. Moral principles a pedantic neat woman is not given the right to waste her divine body on one-time trips. Everything happens only out of great love and stays for a long time. Virgo does not accept intrigues, and even if she wants to plunge into the world of debauchery, her intellect will scare away those who want to get easy prey. A maiden can only pretend to be a fool, and then not for long. Nature often takes its toll, and the desire to restore justice betrays a serious attitude to the life of a young beauty. But during the dispute possible compatibility with a person abruptly loses the thread once and for all. This attracts the male Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Capricorn. And a woman - a maiden - not all men like a husband in the house.

The virgin wife will forgive the betrayal once, twice, three, then she can get used to her husband’s lifestyle and make up for the bitterness with her passion:

  • shopping;
  • Charity;
  • Trips;
  • alcohol;
  • Sport;
  • Latin dances.

Anything, just to live for yourself and love for the family, but not for an individual. But, if a husband dares to meet with someone one more than two times, and even in the open, the door to family home will be locked up once and for all. For all great relationship at a distance and possible comparison with other men towards her husband, a virgin will never be able to forgive the betrayal of her deity, even for the sake of another virgin, with whom women of virgins have cosmic compatibility and maximum mutual understanding.

Enchant and spin

As it has already become clear, a virgin man can be captivated by inner beauty and external charm: expensive perfumes, appearance a la a little black dress and stilettos, a couple of phrases about Chopin or the distant shores of Siena with ancient aqueducts and the eyes of a husband - a virgin burn with purple sparks in your side. Only if you took note of all this at once, after the first meeting they will have to pretty much “google” to support further conversation. Silly and pretty, next to such a man, will linger only to compose a funny story for friends.

Not many people have the strength to be more firm and unshakable in their actions.

With a virgin woman, everything is much more complicated. She needs chemistry, a spark, magical horoscope compatibility, fire, passion and experiences at a distance. Virgo smells more acutely than other signs of the zodiac. Aromatherapy is very important to her. Appearance, shoes, haircut, demeanor play a big role. Spend a whole day and another day with a virgin woman, start thinking about marriage with this woman and just once spit on the floor to the side with her. You risk losing your ideal forever. A virgin woman does not need chic bouquets for a declaration of love, give her fresh flowers in a pot to decorate the house. She loves expensive surprises, but constantly compares such gifts to having to close a utility bill or losing her savings for a trip to Thailand.

Before you surprise your maiden, be sure to ask her about all her preferences: color, shape, size, direction, monetary value.

A sign of attention for a virgin is not so much an expensive as a useful thing. So the young maiden will be more pleased with the certificate for the purchase in jewelry store, tied with a red ribbon, and not a gold-rimmed diamond ring, on which the virgins of the elements have the earth, for the most part. An allergic reaction occurs.

Surprise a maiden with a romantic rooftop dinner with goose pate sandwiches and kiss your hand when you meet, take a lily of the valley out of your secret jacket pocket and write a poem for her. She will fall in love with you, not with a capricorn inviting her to a boring restaurant for foie gros for a euro.

virgin parents

Usually virgin parents are from God. They both have no idea how to find mutual language with children, but their own child does not have a soul in them. Education takes place at the level of friends. Two virgins give birth to a company, a friend, an accomplice in pranks and games. At the same time, adult distance leads to early independence, the ability to assess any situation and resistance to stress in children of virgins, no matter what sign of the zodiac the baby would be awarded.

The union of two virgins is almost perfect in any relationship: in love, marriage and business. If they are sent to a desert island, they will soon build their empire there as well.

From point of view zodiac compatibility, this pair has a pretty good chance. They both know exactly what they want, they are guided not by feelings, but by reason, they care about tomorrow. Two virgins will always understand each other, they will not fight for the right to lead like a tug-of-war, in case of disagreement they will resolve them peacefully until they come to a common denominator.

Virgo understands and feels the representative of her own zodiac sign as herself. For these people, the company of a person similar to himself is very important, they are captured by conversations with people equal to them in intellectual development. Whatever relationship connects a Virgo man with a woman of the same sign, there will always be agreement and mutual respect between them.

♍ + ♍: In love relationships

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- For both the guy and the girl, the virgin is attracted to a calm relationship with a reliable person. It's possible they don't even have strong mutual feelings because between a passionate romance and a like-minded society, a maiden will always choose the latter. Lovers spend a lot of time together, avoid noisy campaigns, preferring solitude at home or in nature. The Virgo girl is pleased with her chosen one, next to him she feels stability and sincerely rejoices that he fully corresponds to her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal man.

These relationships have only one weak point - one of the couple, tired of even and measured relationships, can get carried away by a more temperamental person, and most often the virgin guy decides to break the relationship.

If a couple has a strong mutual interest or high feelings, nothing threatens their relationship. For conclusion marriage union they are far from being resolved immediately, but they are confidently moving towards this.

♍ + ♍: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- The spouses of this couple are united by the fact that they are domestic. The Virgo wife believes that all free time should be spent at home surrounded by family, and her husband does not seek to disappear with friends and be away for a long time. In the life of this couple, harmony also reigns, they are always clean and comfortable, and this is very important for both. Sometimes, however, each of the spouses tries to shift some of their household responsibilities onto the shoulders of their wife or husband, but the couple will be able to solve this problem quite diplomatically.

Both spouses have a conservative view of intimate relationships, diversity and experimentation. True, sometimes Virgo men have flashes of sexual activity and a desire for novelty, but they cheat on their wives much less often than the signs of other constellations.

In terms of spending common finances, the husband and wife trust each other, and this is the rare case when the virgin will not be afraid of unnecessary spending and will easily let the other half go shopping. This couple always has in store for a rainy day, because they are not afraid of its onset.

A crisis in a relationship can happen when one of the couple gets carried away by someone on the side, this is quite acceptable. And yet, virgins do not consider passion or love a reason for divorce, they very rarely leave their families for dubious pleasure. Most often, their marriage is very strong and lasts a lifetime.

♍ + ♍: In friendship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- The guy and the girl of the virgin have a very strong mutual affection, for each other they will become the most reliable friends. Any of them will readily come to the aid of another in difficult situation, will support in a difficult moment and cheer up. They always have something to talk about, this couple looks at the world the same way. The Virgo guy respects practicality and stability in his girlfriend, and she will always give him useful advice, which he will not dismiss, unlike many other signs of the zodiac, who will consider this an obsession.

If these people have found each other, they will not stop talking. Even when each of them will have their own family, the spouses of these friends should not invent reasons for jealousy, since the two virgins will communicate like brother and sister. It would never occur to them to put their beautiful friendship at risk because of an intimate relationship that is unnecessary for both. Close people of this couple sincerely rejoice for them and approve of this communication.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Lovers born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo are ruled by Mercury, which guarantees them high intellectual abilities. But, despite the fact that this causes subconscious sympathy, there is not very good compatibility between them. This prevents people from creating harmonious tandems, since relationships are very difficult. But if the union is built on a clear calculation, then difficulties can always be avoided. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign always prefer to be guided by reason, rather than feelings. Therefore, in tandems, they diligently distribute roles and do not strive for leadership. Partners do not like to quarrel and violently sort things out, so all disagreements will be resolved by finding compromises.

Virgo Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

Attracts Virgo and Virgo similarity natural characters. They do not need to strain to understand each other. A feature of tandems is always the seriousness of the relationship. Partners do not accept casual connections and make all vital decisions carefully.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 54%)

For representatives of this zodiac sign, a calm relationship with a balanced and reliable person is very important. It is on this that the compatibility of the Virgo man and the Virgo woman in love relationships. Companions often choose each other, but the similarity of natural characters threatens boredom in love tandems. In unions there will be no strong feelings that give partners the right amount of energy to enjoy love. By creating love union, lovers choose not a passionate romance, but the relationship of two like-minded people.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo prefer to spend their free time in solitude, they avoid noisy companies and wild pastime. The couple loves to spend time outdoors. A girl feels more comfortable in a love tandem. It is important for her that the similarity of characters allows you to feel confident, since you do not need to expect any surprises from your partner. The partner is attracted by an intelligent companion with rational thinking.

For his part, a man can get bored, and this will lead to the fact that he will begin to seek adventure. This may cause a break. But if people are united by a common cause, then it will become a connecting factor contributing to the development of harmonious relations.

Compatibility Virgo and Virgo in love can awaken a strong deep feeling. In this case, their relationship cannot be threatened by any external factors. But at the same time, partners are in no hurry to marry. This is due to the fact that lovers understand that practicality remains the basis of relationships. Only this makes them not react to each other's shortcomings, which they certainly notice.

In bed (compatibility in sex 41%)

Compatibility of Virgo man and Virgo woman in bed is below average. But sex does not occupy the main place in the life of representatives of this zodiac sign. Therefore, sexual misunderstanding as a whole does not pose a particular threat to the tandem. Chosen ones born under the sign of Virgo rarely become lovers.

Spouses differ in conservative views on sexual relations. They don't like experimenting in bed. This fact explains the low compatibility of Virgo and Virgo in bed. Very rarely, due to gender, a partner experiences bursts of sexual activity. And if at the moment he does not find a response from his partner, then he may well change. But if this offense remains a secret, then the relationship will continue.

Coldness in bed does not irritate partners, since sex for them is just an inevitable component of love, which should not be given much attention. It is customary for them to evaluate the behavior of a partner in the intimate sphere from the point of view of reason.

It is noteworthy that sexual relations become more harmonious when habituation sets in. After that, the couple Virgo and Virgo manage to loosen up and feel the taste of sex. A woman opens up in bed, her natural isolation disappears. On the part of the partner, there is an interest in experiments. But to offer any innovations to a partner should be very careful not to frighten her away.

IN sexual sphere there is also a sense of responsibility between partners. Everyone understands that you need to deliver maximum pleasure to your partner in bed. Therefore, they try to discuss the problems that arise in the intimate sphere in order to avoid misunderstanding in the future. Thus, the intellect allows people to establish a sexual life.

Married (compatibility in family life 47%)

A family tandem is created by representatives of this zodiac sign only after the satellites understand that they can provide a prosperous atmosphere in it. The compatibility of a Virgo man and a Virgo woman in marriage is based on logic and accurate calculation, therefore it does not differ in a high percentage. Lovers of this zodiac sign do not hover in the clouds, do not indulge in vain dreams. They are practitioners, therefore they are engaged in the construction of a family tandem.

Spouses find general approach on all domestic issues, therefore, disagreements rarely arise in family life. Strengthens the family by a common business and a practical attitude akin to romance. Spouses really appreciate the existing relationship, so they carefully keep love. The compatibility of Virgo and Virgo in marriage guarantees the longevity of the established family.

The couple love their home, so they prefer to spend their free time at home. It is easy for them to perform household duties in which there is no clear separation. Each of the spouses can do any business. All issues are resolved diplomatically.

An atmosphere of absolute trust reigns in the family union. Especially easily and simply they manage to find understanding in the financial sector. None of the spouses is afraid that the money will be spent for other purposes. All large purchases are negotiated in advance. In addition, spouses must save money in reserve. Therefore, they are not afraid of difficult times.

From the side, the couple looks very well. But this does not mean that there are no conflicts in the family. It's just that the spouses protect the established tandem, and never wash dirty linen in public. It is considered indecent for them to discuss the situation in the family with any of the outsiders.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 71%)

Compatibility in friendship between a woman and a man of the Virgo zodiac sign is quite high. Virgo and Virgo are attracted on a subconscious level. They are tied common interests and hobbies, they share the same worldview. Friends are never bored together. They find common topics for conversations, listen carefully to each other, give one another very useful advice.

Over time, satellites become attached to each other very strongly, becoming reliable and loyal friends. Friendship completely excludes the possibility of love. For friends, intellectual compatibility and psychological support become much more important. That is why the second halves should not have feelings of jealousy, since betrayal is completely excluded. In friendly tandems, Virgo and Virgo are like brother and sister.

Each partner is ready to help a friend in difficult times. They provide friendly support in any difficult life situation. From the outside, such a union causes the envy of others.

Friendship rests on the practical attitude of people towards life. Friends know what they want from each other. They never consider advice to one another as senseless pressure or obsession, but always listen carefully to them. Mutual exchange of views for them natural process. That is why friendship contributes to the formation of strong business relationships. Moreover, partners do not advertise their successes, but, nevertheless, they often reach the top, as they have great efficiency.

A woman born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo rarely has a desire to win the heart of a representative of her own sign. The chosen ones are attracted to each other on a subconscious level, they easily begin to communicate as soon as they life paths intersect.

But it may happen that an intelligent and intelligent companion touches the heart of a beauty and as a result the question arises of how to win his heart. It should be remembered that any pretense will become a hindrance to relationships. It is necessary to forget about the traditional female tricks. The chosen one will remain absolutely indifferent to fashionable outfits and exquisite makeup.

In order to attract attention, you need to demonstrate your own intelligence. To do this, you should discuss something as often as possible. The companion must understand that your worldview is akin to him. It is noteworthy that it is not difficult for a representative of the Virgo zodiac sign to do this, because all you need is to demonstrate your natural features.

It is not worth counting on the fact that a love relationship will arise quickly. A man is able to make a decision to continue a relationship only after careful consideration. And, above all, he evaluates the future connection from a practical point of view.

How can a Virgo man conquer a Virgo woman?

A rational and practical Virgo man will immediately pay attention to the representative of his zodiac sign. She will interest him with her ability to evaluate the world not prejudiced. The beauty really perceives all events and never indulges in meaningless dreams.

In order to attract the attention of the chosen one and interest her, you should convince her of your own reliability. This quality of character for her is the main thing for the possibility of continuing the relationship.

For a Virgo woman, the appearance of a person who is trying to care for her is very important. She will not tolerate a sloppy man next to her who absolutely does not care about her appearance. In this case, the young lady will simply consider him a lazy person.

In no case should you be obsessive during the candy-bouquet period. This will not please the chosen one. All that is needed is to strive to be around more often. At the same time, conversations can be on any topic, but they should be relaxed. In no case should you arouse jealousy in your chosen one. A woman will consider such behavior simply frivolous, which means that the hope of continuing the relationship will disappear.