What should be the ideal good wife. What should be the wife? Commandments of the Ideal Wife

  • 30.12.2020

What should a wife be like?

Many men, when they get married, already have some idea about family life. They dream about what their wife should be like not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Each nationality, and even religion, has its own requirements for a wife.

Below we will look at Christian wives and wives of Islam. These are two world religions that have little in common and many differences. In these cultures, a woman is perceived in completely different ways. But for a husband, the wife should always be the best.

The ideal wife will not be passive in bed. She is well aware that sex is one of the important components of family life, and it must be taken seriously. This is not a boring duty or duty when she satisfies the physiological needs of her husband. It is a pleasure that was created by God.

And in order to experience the best feelings, you need to not only rely on a partner, but also try yourself, take the initiative. Rest assured, many husbands get excited when their lovers come up with new ideas and ways to diversify their sex life.

The man should always be the head of the family. By nature, he has the instincts of a hunter, conqueror, master, and his beloved wife should always be there to support, caress and help. A loving spouse will not reproach you that you earn little, will not focus only on your shortcomings. She will love you just the way you are.

This is true sacrificial love. The opinion of some men is so selfish that they think that the role of a helping wife is tantamount to the role of a servant. But this is an erroneous opinion: a loving wife will please, respect you, but voluntarily, out of love, and not forcibly out of fear.

Future family life is always drawn in the best colors. But be prepared to face and endure challenges together. Many girls dream of being the wives of an oligarch. They are sure that full financial security can make them truly happy. But it's not. Men who make huge capitals, as a rule, are not strongly attached to the family hearth. Their values ​​are slightly different, sometimes the spouses of millionaires have a hard time, because almost all the time they are left to their own devices.

What should be a wife in Islam

In Islam, much attention is paid to the family. Women have a special demeanor not only at home, but also in public places. The man clearly plays the most important role in the family union, but the woman is also very important and is perceived as an honorary ally.

In this culture, it is clearly written by what principle married couples should live. The Messenger of Allah left to his heirs a list of the qualities that a pious wife should have. For example, that husband is happy, whom the wife takes care of all the time when he is not there, she also takes care of him when he looks at her - he is happy and pleased if he asks for something or orders - she easily obeys.

It is piety, wisdom, morality, intelligence that are the key characteristics of any Muslim wife. Girls with such qualities will easily marry, will give pleasure to their lovers.

  1. Muslim wives are required to obey their husbands in absolutely everything. They honor their loved ones, observe the necessary fasts and prayers. In Islam, obedience to Allah is placed higher than obedience to a husband.
  2. The wife is responsible for the cleanliness of the house, the safety of property. She can never, under any circumstances, talk about the shortcomings of her man, especially with regard to bed. Also, girls do not have the right to spend money, make purchases without first consulting with their beloved.
  3. Leaving the house for any reason, they always ask their husbands for permission. The same goes for inviting guests, even if they are parents, brothers, sisters.
  4. Muslim women abstain from sex only during menstruation or in cases of illness. And so they must fulfill their marital duty.
  5. Respect for parents, proper upbringing of children, restraint, the ability to hide one's anger - all this is about Islamic beauties.
  6. The wife tries to always look perfect in front of her lover, smiles, dresses up and decorates herself according to culture.

What should be an Orthodox wife

The Christian wife is a co-heir of the grace of life, because that is how she is characterized in the Holy Scriptures. She must honor her husband, obey him. In Christian families, everything is built on love, harmony, and mutual respect. The husband is the head of the house, and God is the head of the husband.

A wife should be kind, meek, humble, loving. Real Christian girls are brought up in purity, holiness, modesty. They know that they must keep themselves chaste until marriage, not lose their innocence.

A Christian woman respects her husband, puts his interests above her own, tries to support him and help him in everything. And he thanks her for such behavior. Divorce should not occur in Christianity, but the present age, unfortunately, does not always observe this rule. Here, from childhood, they are taught that marriage must be approached with all seriousness, this is a sacred union that is concluded once and for all life.

In the Bible (Proverbs) a lot is written about what a virtuous wife should be, and that her price is higher than pearls. Men who possess such a treasure must be the happiest in the world. Christian wives are taught that they should always fulfill their marital duty, not shy away from their husband, not make excuses (headache, too tired, and so on).

Everything should be in harmony and love, without violence and oppression. If you decide to abstain from sex for a while, then this is only a joint decision. Christian wives should be patient, compassionate, merciful, loving and caring for others.

All these qualities can be achieved only by hard work on yourself. But you will get such a happy family life that you could not even dream of.

In Protestant churches, all this is told to young people during the wedding, when they stand in front of the altar, God, people and take vows of marital fidelity. The task of every Christian family is to cope with all the difficulties that life throws at us. A pious wife is the husband's crown and reward, of which he is justly proud.

What other qualities should a wife have?

A real ideal wife should have a set of qualities. Of course, being the keeper of the hearth, equipping the house, keeping order is a standard set of female virtues.

Wives become helpers and closest friends, they have the ability to comfort both the child and the upset spouse. But what do men value most in their loved ones.

So, 10 qualities of a good wife can be as follows:

  1. Reliable. For men, it is very important that their spouse is reliable, able to listen, support. The main thing is that she can be trusted.
  2. Permanent support. Men often hesitate if they want to start a new business or change their field of activity. It is important that the beloved is always on his side, then he will definitely cope.
  3. Purposeful. Desperate housewives who spend their free time in front of the TV or gossip with friends do not cause male delight.
  4. Sexuality. You should always strive for variety in bed. Such wives, who love to try everything new, are sure to be admired by men. After all, they are looking for their own sex goddess.
  5. Understanding. Women and men are arranged completely differently, they think differently. But the ability to understand and read each other's thoughts is highly valued.
  6. The ability to share the values ​​and preferences of the spouse. You need to learn how to find a compromise in all your disputes and misunderstandings.
  7. The ability to constantly surprise your lover. Everyone loves pleasant surprises.
  8. The ability to speak with her husband in the same language.
  9. Constant interest in the life of her husband.
  10. Wisdom, without which family life will never be complete.

What should be the wife of an officer

Being the wife of a military man is a real feat, which not every woman is capable of. The wife of an officer must be not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also devoted, faithful, modest, accurate, and correspond to her husband in mental development.

Her behavior in society should always correspond to the rank her husband occupies, she is always head and shoulders above the rest of the fair sex.

Everyone knows that ideals do not exist in nature.

But at the level of the unconscious, we strive for the ideal in many ways.

And in this matter marital relations are no exception.

In the candy-and-bouquet period, we automatically seem perfect, and a marriage proposal secures the status of an “ideal” partner for us.

Therefore, we expect a cloudless future and eternal harmony with our beloved.

However, in practice, turning from an ideal woman into an ideal wife is not as easy as it seems. This is due to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat an ideal wife should be.

The ideal wife in the male representation

Although everyone has their own ideals, sociological studies show that most men have a lot of the same opinion about what qualities are inherent in an ideal wife.

It remains to find out what the ideal wife means, what is she like, and how to become one?

The main qualities of an ideal wife:

  • A wife must be beautiful. At the same time, it is important to realize that we are not talking about canonical model beauty, but about personal preferences. You should also remember about inner beauty.
  • She must be a good hostess(a tired “hunter” wants to get to a house smelling of goodies in the evening and relax near a cozy family hearth) and caring mother.
  • Wife should be neat. This applies to both clothes and the house - men do not tend to clean the apartment, but the mess annoys them.
  • Regardless of position and character, the ideal wife should be feminine. It is difficult for men to treat with tenderness a stern and independent boss who is constantly trying to prove to a man, if not her superiority, then at least equality in everything, and lives under the motto "I'm all by myself." ( .
  • Wife's behavior in public should be natural. Men like relaxed women, but it's important not to confuse looseness with promiscuity.
  • The ideal wife should be practical. Even if a woman has devoted herself entirely to the household, one must also be able to properly manage money.
  • Love, respect and loyalty- Mandatory qualities of an ideal wife.
  • The ideal wife should be an interesting person. For good family relationships, it is important to have a desire to communicate with your spouse on a variety of (not only everyday) topics and have common interests.
  • The ideal spouse should have a "zest". What exactly will make a woman special is not so important (it can be both special skills and appearance features).
  • Self-mastery. Since men cannot stand tantrums and scandals, the ability to smooth sharp corners and discuss problems in a calm tone is a prerequisite for the status of “ideal wife”.
  • And, of course, shy in public, harlot in bed. A wife should be an ideal lover, but others do not need to know about it.

In addition, the ideal wife knows how to leave her husband alone for a while and does not limit his freedom.

This list allows you to imagine what an ideal wife should be in general terms, it remains to figure out how to become one.

How to be perfect

In the process of living together, people adapt to each other.

And if you doubt that you fully correspond to the male idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat an ideal wife should be, you can handle most of the points.

To do this, just instilling in yourself some habits and sorting out the complexes.

  1. In order to remain a beauty for her husband (and he considers you beautiful, otherwise he would not have married), you just need to take care of yourself.
    Face masks are useful, but it’s better not to show your husband your green or white face with cucumbers under the eyes.
    And be sure to get rid of bathrobes (except bathrobes) - home clothes should also be neat and beautiful, and not make a woman a grandmother of the Soviet era.
  2. In order for your husband to continue to see you as a person, and not a household combine, it is important not to forget your own interests and hobbies, and communicate with your half on various topics.
  3. If you want your husband to see you as a loving woman who can respect his interests and point of view, as well as provide support in a difficult situation, try:
  • do not make fun of your husband - this is very hurtful to pride and is remembered for a long time;
  • do not clarify disagreements in a raised tone - such attempts to resolve contradictions cause reciprocal aggression, irritation and a desire to avoid you;
  • do not try to insist on your point of view or change your spouse - violence breeds resistance and a negative attitude towards you.

Now you know what an ideal wife is, what she is and what we should strive for in order to achieve harmony in family life - because the closer we are to the ideal, the happier.

"What should a wife be like?" – this question interests many women. Most likely, the answer should have been asked from men, since they know best of all what kind of wife they would like to see next to them. An interesting fact is that the opinions of men, women, authors of books - differ.

If you believe the writers of what an ideal wife should be, then she should always be well-groomed, be able to cook delicious meals for her husband, be polite, not put things in order in his personal belongings, never criticize him in public, not discuss his first marriage with him.

Books on our question, as a rule, give a very dry answer. Most likely, this is the observance of any strict norms, but it cannot in any way relate to love between a wife and husband.

If you live only by the rules, life will be boring. Between people in a relationship there should always be some kind of innovation, men believe. It turns out that books can give good answers to the eternal question: “What should a wife be like?” However, they are not always applicable in life.

Very often it happens like this: a woman knows how to cook, is neat, tactful, takes care of herself, but her husband is still not happy with something. And the other girl does not know how to cook and is not always polite, while the man admires her and considers her an ideal wife. So what's the whole secret? Certainly not in the things that many girls think about.

Women's opinion

Many women answer our question: “What should a wife be like?” - as a rule, they answer: "A beauty, a smart girl, an athlete, a housewife, a business lady and just the same ideal woman."

Striving for the ideal is the main mistake of wives. After all, you can’t be the best in everything, since this is an extremely high bar, keeping you in suspense all the time. Therefore, one must give up the idea of ​​being perfect. And also, it is not necessary for a man that his wife has incredible abilities, because it is important for him to feel love for his wife and feel understanding from her.

What do men think a wife should be?

According to men, it is almost impossible to say unequivocally what a wife should be. After all, everyone has their own opinions on this matter. However, their opinions largely coincide: the wife must love the family, be always interesting, so that their beloved woman must be devoted to the family. She is obliged to love her husband, children, please her husband, and then she may well call herself an ideal wife.

You should never get hung up on certain rules, and even on the question of what a wife should be. After all, you should always feel with your heart what you need to be with your beloved man. Women are lucky here. They have such a gift. You just need to listen to your heart, because it will never let you down.

Poll of men - a portrait of an ideal wife

Men painted a portrait of an ideal woman, according to the FactNews portal. According to almost half of Russian men, ideal women should be smart, but at the same time be able to hide their mind. Such results were obtained in the course of a survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru portal among 1000 representatives of the stronger sex.

According to 46% of men, the ideal woman is supposed to be intelligent. But at the same time, men notice that a woman needs to “be able to hide her mind” so as not to offend her companion. For a lawful spouse, a sharp mind is also important, but this answer was indicated by a noticeably smaller number of respondents - 29%.

In second place, both for the ideal woman and for the ideal wife were external data. The importance of having a good appearance for a woman was noted by 38% of men. 21% of respondents are convinced that beauty is an important quality of a wife.

Such a quality of an ideal woman as kindness, indicated by 20% of respondents. It is interesting that, according to men, this quality is the third most important for an ideal woman, but for a spouse it is optional - kindness was not even included in the top five, receiving only 14% of the votes of the respondents.

For legal spouse loyalty much more important than kindness, according to Russian men (20%). From women who are not legal spouses, fidelity is expected by 16% of respondents.

Femininity 12% of men appreciate in their girlfriends. For wives, this characteristic is practically unimportant - she did not get enough votes to step over even the five percent barrier.

The unanimity of opinion in our survey was demonstrated by men only once: a tenth of the respondents expects from the fair sex in general and from wives, in particular, manifestations sensuality and sexuality.

As expected, thrift for a legitimate life partner is much more relevant than for a girlfriend. As the main quality of an ideal wife and an ideal woman, she was indicated by 20% and 9% of respondents, respectively.

An important quality of an ideal wife is ability to love. As a characteristic of a good wife, he was indicated by 17% of men. Only 5% of respondents chose this quality to describe the ideal girlfriend.

patience demand from their women 9% of men. This quality is more useful for wives: 12% of respondents indicate it as an important component of the character of an ideal wife.

Thinking about the perfect woman and wife, such a character trait as honesty, indicated by 9% and 6% of respondents, respectively.

receive from wife understanding important for 9% of men. In relations with friends, it is a little less relevant - the ability of a woman to show understanding was noted by 5% of respondents.

Gentle and affectionate 7% of men would like to see their companion. 5% of respondents dream of an affectionate wife.

On the need for a spouse maternal instinct mentioned by 7% of men. According to 5% of respondents, this quality should be present in any woman, regardless of her marital status.

For an ideal wife, it is more important to be attentive(8% of male votes), and for a friend - charming(5%). In a paired survey, these answer options did not pass the five percent threshold.

Other qualities of the ideal woman were indicated by 60% of men, and the ideal spouse - by 56%. Among the qualities necessary for an ideal woman and a perfect wife, there were wisdom, “taste and tact”, health, the absence of bad habits, diligence, a sense of humor, meekness, accuracy, cleanliness and even silence. A small part of the respondents dream of wealthy girlfriends, others appreciate unpretentiousness in ladies.

11% of respondents found it difficult to answer the question about the perfect woman. The question of the ideal wife confused 18% of men.
article author

Every woman always wants to be the perfect wife for her beloved husband. And if she wants to become that very unique life partner who will be appreciated, respected and loved by her husband, then she needs to think about what should be done for this.

An ideal is a combination of many factors that change over time. At different times, the ideals were radically different, but there are several qualities that will always be relevant. The ideal wife through the eyes of a man is not just a beautiful doll with a beautiful figure and makeup, it is a combination of external and internal beauty. She should be an interesting interlocutor, partner, assistant, a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

Most of the surveys conducted have shown that the ideal figure and beautiful appearance do not really have a defining and decisive significance for the male part of the population of our planet, as women mistakenly believe. The most basic for them will be the presence of inner calm and confidence, not associated with aggressiveness. Independence, understanding, sincerity and femininity - these are the qualities that almost all men appreciate in women.

The ideal wife is a person with a highly developed intuition, thanks to which she manages to guess the desires of her man from a half-word and fulfill them. At the same time, a modern woman from her youth is endowed with worldly wisdom and endurance, mythical for most ladies, which allow her to ignore the shortcomings of a man, as well as an unprecedented mind and cunning, thanks to which she turns the faithful as she wants, while maintaining the illusion that he is the head of the family. .

Many women want to be perfect wives. Everyone has something to strive for, because everyone has minuses. You should always strive for the ideal through self-improvement and rethinking some of your actions. To become ideal, it is not at all necessary to break your character, it is enough to deploy negative and positive traits in the right direction. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to become 100% perfect, but it is quite possible to get closer to this.


When getting married, every woman is sure that she will become the only one for her beloved man for life. But for some reason it does not work out - this is evidenced by the statistics of divorces.

There is a misconception that in order to become an ideal wife, you need to learn how to cook, clean and wash well. Some believe that you still need to go to work or earn more than your husband. However, not all so simple. Being husband and wife is not enough, you also need to become good lovers and best friends so as not to look for these people on the side.

In different eras, in different countries, the qualities of an ideal wife may not coincide or be completely different, everyone sees the ideal in their own way. Currently, there are several main qualities that an ideal wife should have.


A faithful wife always loves her man. He is especially pleased when he is loved not for achievements, car or status, but for human qualities. A man needs unconditional love, absolute acceptance and maternal care. Having married, he transfers all the worries about himself from the hands of his mother to the hands of his wife. Home for him is the womb, where he forgets about all worries. Love is an essential quality of an ideal wife.

External Data

Beauty is a relative concept, however, what man does not want to go hand in hand with a luxurious woman? At the very least, a wife should never forget that she is, first of all, a woman, and taking care of herself is her direct responsibility.

Unfortunately people don't get younger. As soon as a woman just relaxes, stops looking after herself, and - her husband is carried away by another. Therefore, it is simply necessary to listen to the advice of stylists and cosmetologists, to change your image at least once a year. Both beauty and irresistibility of a woman will always be on top, because at any age you can be beautiful, especially in the eyes of a beloved and loving man. You just need to want it, apply your strength and knowledge to it.

No matter what they say, no man can fall in love at first sight with the inner world of a woman. They are attracted by a beautiful, full of energy and femininity, self-confident representative of the opposite sex. Skirts, dresses, jewelry, clean hair, well-groomed skin add femininity.


Every ideal wife should take care not only about the comfort and cleanliness of her home, but also about her appearance. If she does not go to work, this is not a reason to walk in a nightgown or dressing gown from morning to evening. Getting up in the morning, first of all, you need to put yourself in order, do makeup, manicure, and only then proceed to household chores. Even if you rarely dine in restaurants, you should from time to time do your hair and put on an evening dress just like that. Until a woman can love herself, she will not be loved by her man.

All ways to take care of yourself: manicures, hairstyles, massages, saunas, and so on greatly enhance female energy, which is transmitted to a man in an unknown way in the form of a good mood and increased efficiency.

The ideal spouse should be a "pleasant" woman. A happy smile on the face, a pleasant tone, a neat clean look, a beautiful hairstyle - this attracts a man. Therefore, she tries every day to look attractive. He does not allow himself the thought: "being married, you can no longer think about how I look." She always wants a man to be pleased to see his half as an attractive woman. Therefore, he finds time among all worries to take care of himself, working on his appearance and attractiveness.


An ideal wife should be not only an excellent hostess, but also a good lover. The ability to captivate, seduce, excite, give pleasure to himself and he should not atrophy after the wedding. Of course, the nights in a marriage become calmer as the years go by, but a woman needs to make an effort to be as sexually attractive to her husband as possible.

A man needs a woman who can not only give, but also receive unforgettable pleasure. Therefore, it is important for a woman to develop sensitivity and know massage techniques, manual caresses that will bring untold pleasure to her partner.

Sexuality is one of the main components of marriage. The love of a real woman is meant for only one - a single man. A wife who completely satisfies her husband in bed may not worry about his mistresses. Regular sexual relations and love are the key to fidelity and devotion in marriage. None of the parties, neither the husband nor the wife, then there will be no desire to look for someone on the side and change. Therefore, the ideal wife knows how to make her husband happy sexually, because her happiness depends on it.

Cooking skills

The ideal wife is the one to whom you want to return constantly. And the one that creates the place and the space in which you want to be, that is, a house. Coming home from work, a man wants to relax and unwind near the family hearth. Accordingly, this hearth should be clean, comfortable, smell of buns and pies.

A skilled housewife in the kitchen will always please a man with delicious and delicious dishes, and he will appreciate her for this, love her even more. A wife should be diversified, have time for a lot.

No man will agree that it is his duty to take care of the house, so it is useless to argue. Even if the wife agreed with her husband to clean the house and cook in turn, controlling everything is her sacred duty. And if she sometimes pleases him with delicious pastries, this will completely melt his heart: the aromas of vanilla and cinnamon are aphrodisiacs, although weak.

Culinary skills are a wonderful quality of a wife. The smell of a baked pie, cleanliness in the house, comfort and coziness can only be created by a woman, so in order to get one step closer to ideality, do not be lazy to take care of the house, your husband. It is important that he is always full, even if breakfast falls at 6 in the morning, therefore, in order not to torment herself with constant cooking, the ideal wife makes preparations in the evening, and in the morning it remains only to warm up.

Successful interesting personality

The ideal wife should be an interesting person. For good family relationships, it is important to have a desire to communicate with your spouse on a variety of (not only everyday) topics and have common interests. Hobby is a mandatory quality of an ideal wife.

A faceless, emotionless, agreeing woman in everything is also not interesting for a man, like an inveterate housewife. A wife should be able to interest her husband not only with her body, but also with her intellect.

A man wants to see a realized, creative, holistic personality nearby, so his wife must be successful in a professional or any other field. The ideal spouse has a broad outlook, can give good advice. With it, you can appear everywhere without fear of stupid phrases and inappropriate behavior.

Wisdom and mind

Only those who do not know that the Earth is round want a foolish wife. It’s good to talk with a smart wife on “smart” topics, she will always support the conversation, not embarrassed to insert a remark into a conversation about serious matters. A smart wife is an adviser and ally, this is the marina where you can always go for repairs, and at the same time take on board the necessary reserves of wisdom. However, this important quality should be accepted with a slight reservation. The wife must be smart. But the husband, after all, should be a little smarter.

A wise wife never shouts about her experience, never boasts to her man.

The ability to listen and hear are the qualities of an ideal wife. Wisdom is to learn from others, to constantly develop, and for this you need to hear someone other than yourself.

There is a saying: “There is no perfect relationship. There is female wisdom not to notice male stupidity. Perhaps this is true, because a wise wife is not only experience gained over the years, but also constant work on herself.

Enthusiasm and optimism

Men love positive women who know how to laugh, have fun and sometimes be reckless. Depression, bad mood, lack of sense of humor - these qualities have never adorned any woman. An ideal wife should be cheerful, positive, understand jokes and not be offended over trifles. Sometimes you have to play along with your husband, even if you don't quite understand his humor.

The ideal wife is a true friend and support of her husband

Men, although they are called the stronger sex, are by no means so. They also want female warmth, attention and support, so you need to be able to cheer them up in time, give them strength, and push them to new achievements.

The qualities of an ideal wife are also faith in her beloved man, support in difficult situations. The hugs of a beloved wife will warm and cheer up any man. To become an ideal wife, you need to understand your soulmate, be there, give compliments. Ridicule, humiliation is the lot of weak women, and the wise act in a completely different way, finding a reason for praise in any event.

Good health

A well-known saying says that the wife should be healthy, and the sister should be rich. We will not discuss the latter, but the presence of good health in a wife is a significant point. What husband wants to have a wife who constantly complains about something.

Respect his relatives

If at the initial stage of the relationship this point can be smoothed out with a fire-breathing passion for each other, then after a while the wife’s unwillingness to get along with her husband’s family can become the reason for constant showdowns. Every man wants his closest people not only to maintain relationships, but sincerely enjoy communication.

The ideal wife has a goal - to help her husband achieve his goals. Of course, at the same time she herself can, like any other person, realize herself. But a husband without the support of his wife will not be able to become truly successful. A few tips that will help strengthen the family and its further development.
1. If a wife treats her husband like a king, he will treat her like a queen!
2. Don't argue with him or tell him that your advice is better than his.
3. Don't say anything that would offend him.
4. Be careful when your husband gets angry. At this moment, be neither cheerful nor grumpy - smile and speak softly.
5. Don't expect the impossible from him. Take him the way he is.
6. Keep his secrets. If he boasts, keep it a secret.
7. If you are attentive to his requests, he will become your slave.
8. Do not approve of his enemies and do not hate his friends.
9. Be careful with his money. Don't hide your money matters from him.
10. Don't make your husband wait for food. Hunger is the father of anger.
11. Don't cheat. Always tell your husband the truth and try to be honest.


Becoming the perfect wife for your husband is not so difficult. The main thing is to be yourself, understand your soul mate, love yourself, live and enjoy every day. The ideal woman must be natural, beautiful, cheerful and unpredictable. There are only a few steps on the way to becoming a perfect wife, attracting love, making a perfect marriage. Follow the main rules, develop, do not be afraid to change, improve - and you will not notice how you become an ideal wife!

Most men dream of an ideal woman or an ideal wife, and the majority of girls want to live up to this status in relation to their man.

The wish that most often sounds to the bride is to be an ideal wife. But what does this mean? What are the qualities of an ideal wife or girlfriend?

Most of the signs of “ideality” are already present in every woman, and the missing ones can be developed with the desire and energy reserve.

Married life is not the easiest process in which a woman is literally the soul of a marriage, because without her, home life turns into chaos.

And it doesn't matter that no two girls are the same, some of the most important qualities are inherent in all women.

The perfect wife, the perfect woman, the perfect girl. 32 qualities

1. Appearance and sex appeal

The ideal wife is always attractive and, of course, you should really like her appearance. She has a good figure, and you, in turn, should be constantly sexually attracted to her.

In general, it is worth noting that appearance is a rather subjective phenomenon. If we recall the favorite 10-point scale invented by men to assess the level of female attractiveness, then the winner of the “10 points” nomination for one man may well be rated at 6 points by another cheerful guy.

The fact is that every man has his own type of woman. But if something confuses you in the appearance of your chosen one, you should think about it - huh?

Women need warmth, tenderness, receiving in their address. How can you give her all this if she does not physically attract you? Do you want to create a reason for?

In addition, the ideal girl does not treat her appearance as something invariable, so she constantly looks after herself, bothering with the obligatory work of keeping herself in shape.

2. Sexual Compatibility

A woman who claims to be the ideal wife must necessarily have sexual compatibility with her man.

Significant differences in sexual temperament will cause serious problems in life together that can lead to their collapse or.

3. Femininity

A long time ago, such a trait of an ideal wife did not need to be discussed. Saying that a woman should be feminine seemed as absurd as saying when buying a car that you need a steering wheel as an option.

However, at present, the firmware of some part of the female stratum of society periodically fails, endowing women with certain masculine traits or some bad qualities, forcing men to figure out, for example, how to recognize it.

4. Intelligence

Undoubtedly, initially guys are attracted to girls by their appearance. But the presence of female intelligence makes a man not only feel a rapid heartbeat, but also open his mouth.

She does not need to have a PhD in philosophy or be a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, but sufficient erudition and understanding of the important foundations of the essence of being is an important quality.

Smart men appreciate smart women. And how can you call an ideal girl, whose circle of knowledge and interests is limited to monitoring new posts of friends on social networks.

Do not forget that, among other things, you will also have to communicate with the chosen one, and for this the girl must be able to keep up the conversation.

5. Confidence and self-esteem

Combine female beauty with confidence, and you will get an unsurpassed fighting girlfriend who will help you conquer the whole world and achieve your most cherished goals.

- one of the best qualities of any person. A confident woman has her own plans and ambitions, knows her worth, knows who she is, what she wants, where she is going, and how to promote the development of relations with a man.

Yet confidence in this case is not the most important quality, especially if it goes to the detriment of the manifestation of femininity.

6. Mental maturity

There is an expression that girls are born adults, while boys mature throughout their lives.

But over the past few decades, there has been a downward trend in female maturity. It is not so rare to meet female representatives at the age of about 30 who are not accustomed to bearing responsibility in life or behave infantile.

Maturity is a trait that only comes with experience. This is the reward that a person receives as a result of overcoming life's obstacles that arise on the way to his dreams and ambitions.

An immature girl never tried to achieve something by her own efforts, never suffered, and, as a result, remained under the influence of childish thinking.

In addition, a mentally mature woman has no desire to dissolve in a noisy company, and she is not interested in evening meetings with her girlfriends. She is ready for a serious relationship.

No experience, no suffering, no growth, no maturity. She may be a stunningly beautiful girl, but she will never be the perfect wife.

7. Self-sufficiency

Successful self-sufficient people are extremely independent by nature. They are very focused, being in a constant struggle to change their future and the world around them.

And it is not surprising that such a person treats with some contempt for people who are excessively attached to anything in their life, even when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex.

A relationship-clinging woman may be a nice gift for some type of male part of society, but she will not be a suitable option for a man who lives at full speed.

Something is wrong if the girl is completely dependent on her man.

Perhaps she does not have her inner circle, or she does not know, and build relationships with them.

It is possible that she is a born housewife, and she does not need to go to work or have her own hobby, except for her passion for family and household affairs.

But the ideal wife should have a healthy level of self-sufficiency. She must have her friends, goals and ambitions.

The only thing that limits her independence is loyalty to her beloved man and devotion to relationships.

8. Loyalty

Loyalty is one of the most important qualities of an ideal woman. This means that she has values ​​​​and principles that will not allow her to blindly go on about her emotions for any other man.

Modern culture often depicts women who are free from any obligations.

But men with mature views on life, with rare exceptions, will perceive such behavior as sexual. No normal man will ever take such women seriously.

After all, if a girl cannot be called faithful, then there is no reason to invest in a relationship with her, because at any moment she can safely leave for another, leaving you alone with the realization of your own stupidity.

Easy come, easy go.

9. Modesty

She knows that pride and an inflated ego are the root of many disasters and disappointments.

Therefore, the ideal girl allows other people to sing songs of praise in her address, but at the same time does not consider it necessary to brag about herself and her merits.

10. Respect

Mutual respect is important in any relationship, so the ideal wife is sure to show respect for her husband.

She will not belittle your dignity, try to insult or humiliate you, both alone and in society.

11. Honesty

Few people want to tie the knot with a person who can deceive without a twinge of conscience.

In addition, most men do not know how to guess what is on a woman’s mind, so it will be better if a girl is able to speak out directly, no matter what she thinks or feels, because this is the only way to effectively deal with the problems that arise in a relationship.

12. Kindness

The ideal woman is a balm for the soul, made from joy and kindness.

People are overwhelmed with positive emotions when she is around, and her smile can melt the ice of a bad mood and put out the fire of raging anger.

13. A pinch of determination

It is hardly possible to call an ideal woman who cannot make the most trifling decision, such as choosing cheese in a grocery store.

Most often, it is men who take responsibility for making the most serious decisions: where to build a new nuclear power plant, whether to acquire a controlling stake in a large enterprise, whether to send troops to restore order in the region.

But any man has the right to return home without thinking about what color kitchen towels should be bought, or what meat should be cooked for dinner.

14. Understanding and support

The life path of any person will not always be strewn with roses. There will definitely come a time when everything goes badly.

Despite the fact that men are better prepared to act in unpredictable situations, they still need the support and warmth of the woman they love.

One of the attributes of an ideal wife is her willingness to listen to men's issues because she is your biggest supporter.

And even if a woman is not able to change the situation for the better by her own volitional actions, she can provide invaluable help with her attention and understanding alone.

The perfect girl is willing to let her boyfriend be vulnerable. When, for one reason or another, he was thrown to the side of life, the chosen one will calm him down and help him get back on his feet.

15. Trust, reliability and responsibility

You, her friends, and her family members do not lack confidence in her. The ideal girl keeps her word, making a commitment, whatever it may be.

If you have good reason not to trust your girlfriend, you are at a dead end. Failure to fulfill a promise is the position of a fraudster whose misbehavior will be repeated over and over again.

16. Caring

She is accustomed to taking care of others, which at the very beginning of the development of your acquaintance is clearly manifested in her attitude towards her family and friends.

If she does not provide support to her family members and does not have close friends, this is a bad sign, because the importance of not having the habit and desire to take care of other people will subsequently be reflected in the attitude towards you.

17. Flexibility and wisdom

Compromise is the key that opens the door to happiness in any relationship.

She is ready to watch your favorite football team match with you, although you know that sports competitions are not her element?

This is great, because flexibility and the ability to take a step forward is a very important quality of an ideal woman.

In addition, she does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, not allowing conflicts to undermine your life together.

She knows how to control her emotions, and also has no cravings for alcohol, smoking and is free from other harmful types of addiction.

She always thinks before she speaks and looks ahead before taking a step.

19. She loves you unconditionally

Every person has flaws. The ideal wife cannot stand the brain about the imperfection of her husband and loves him for who he is.

She doesn't criticize your sense of style or some of the bad habits you have. She does not compare you, pointing out your flaws, with the heroes of books, novels, or the husbands of her friends. She doesn't delve into your past or be negative about your plans for the future.

Minor attempts to positively correct you by the girl should not be a cause for doubt, but if she is trying to organize an overhaul of the device of your personality, intending to make a different person out of you, you should seriously think about it.

20. She is your best friend

The strongest marital union is the one in which a man and a woman are best friends.

The ideal girl is able to share with you all the unpleasant experiences and sincere dreams. The absence of secrets between you gives positive results, making yours only stronger.

21. She shares your interests

Having common interests is a great way to spend time together, enjoying activities together, after which you have to discuss with enthusiasm for a long time how it was.

22. She appreciates you and expresses gratitude

The ideal wife is able to appreciate everything you do for her and your family, because even a simple “thank you” can have an impact on your relationship.

She will definitely thank you and praise you for your hard work. that your woman appreciates you, you are energized and filled with the desire to make your family even happier.

23. You get better around her.

And this is not because your chosen one drives you in the neck, but simply next to her you absolutely involuntarily become the best version of yourself.

She is your muse, to action, doping for new victories and achievements. Together with her, you feel very good and easy, and communication goes on as if by itself, without any effort.

24. She is good with other people

Respect for other people is a valuable trait of an ideal woman, because she is able to bring joy wherever she goes with you, whether it be your friends or family members.

In addition, she has an excellent relationship with her family, which is based on respect, trust and love.

25. She doesn't try to manipulate

Manipulation is a favorite tactic of any woman's behavior.

Whenever girls argue with their boyfriends, they tend to press on feelings of guilt and duty, bring up already forgotten problems that were solved many years ago, suddenly cry or use another technique from their own manipulative arsenal of blanks.

And here we are not talking about the eradication of this habitual feature of the female essence, but so that its manifestation is not too harsh, out of place and having a destructive orientation.

A woman should not have as her goal the desire to fuck her man, who, in turn, should keep his ears on top, and either radically change the current situation, preventing such impudent behavior from now on, or simply find a worthy replacement for the unbridled savage.

26. She is a good housewife

For an ideal wife, keeping her house clean and tidy is no problem, because she is sure that a healthy environment is the key to a cheerful spirit and good mood.

An economic woman is the most important factor in a happy joint life and family well-being.

A lazy young lady, who is alien to the desire to arrange a family hearth and maintain it in proper order, should not have a place next to you.

27. She knows how and loves to cook delicious food

The way to a man's heart is through the culinary skills of the perfect woman.

There is no denying the fact that all guys love good food, and girls love to be praised for their skillful cooking skills.

A woman who hates the kitchen and does not know how to cook is not the most necessary attribute of any man's life.

28. Personal space

Even while in a relationship or marriage, each partner should have personal space, and even more so for someone who dares to call himself a man.

You have every right to spend some time alone, as well as freedom from interference with personal belongings, books, notebooks, laptop or phone.

The ideal wife does not stick her nose into your affairs exclusively, does not drip on the brain for no particular reason, and is not jealous of you over trifles.

29. She doesn't make you accountable.

Questions about who you dated, why you did it, or didn't do it, can really irritate a person.

Happy relationships are built on trust and understanding, and turning them into constant interrogation causes doubt and anger.

If communication has slowly degraded to the level of the Inquisition, a man will have three options: start lying, stop such behavior once and for all, or continue searching for the perfect woman.

30. She knows how to have fun

All severely serious people have a repulsive energy, and living without the ability to be ironic and have fun is very burdensome.

But the ideal girl, having a sense of humor and a willingness to have fun in your company, burns not only with the desire to visit a nightclub together, but also to play video games with you, ride bicycles, go on a joint hike, skydive or in another interesting way.

31. emotional stability

With girls who have a tough and unbridled disposition, it can be a lot of fun in the short term, but you are unlikely to want to exchange your life for a person who is able to light up out of the blue like a torch without obvious prerequisites.

On the other hand, those who like to fall into, despair, or simply cry for no reason should also cause you some wariness.

32. Common goals and values

No matter what anyone says, but for a life together, you should choose a congenial person who matches your level of development, upbringing, education and outlook on life.

The lack of commonality of goals and values, as well as the termination of any of the parties to the relationship, may well become the cause of their collapse in the future.