Signs of wealth on the face. Our faces show whether we are rich or poor Physical signs of wealth on the body

  • 02.07.2020

In China, they believe in happy and unhappy faces. Few Europeans know that the appearance of a person can have "mountains" and "rivers", indicating a natural predisposition to wealth and good luck. As in home feng shui, when determining how auspicious the "home" of his soul is, a scheme of nine zones called "bagua" is superimposed on the face and torso of a person.

"Bagua" - nine zones on the face

First point

The most important "mountain" of the face, according to Chinese physiognomy, is the forehead. It is considered a symbolic habitat of the heavenly Dragon, the embodiment of the male, active beginning of "yang". A high, bulging and rounded forehead indicates that its owner has a high potential for good luck, power and wealth and enjoys the patronage of supernatural forces.

If nature has rewarded you with such a forehead, treat it as your most important talisman. Keep it clean from blemishes, blackheads and pimples, don't let it burn from the sun. Any defect on such a forehead will mean a deduction from the amount of well-being predetermined by your fate. Sharp, deep wrinkles also reduce the chances of a prosperous maturity and old age in all respects, so try to frown less.

But moles on the forehead are quite acceptable, unless they are located exactly in the middle - then they really need to be removed. Black moles are considered the most unfavorable.

Second point

The point called "jen" (human) is located on the bridge of the nose, between the corners of the eyes. It is also called the "Palace of Life". This area should be clean - free of hair, blemishes, pimples or moles, as these indicate life's obstacles. If the jen point is smooth and noticeably lower than the forehead, then it symbolizes life in abundance and a call to power.

Third point

The nose is the third wealth point. He embodies the feminine, calm beginning of "yin" and, according to Chinese physiognomy, is one of the "rivers" of the face that brings wealth. Spots, pimples, black dots on the nose are considered an expression of life's obstacles, and the most worst sign- a mole at the very tip. The person who has it is doomed to endless failures.

In general, it is desirable that the nose be proportional, but the main thing is that it should not be too small and snub-nosed. A big nose in China has always been treated with a fair amount of condescension, because it is considered a sign of wealth and indicates the acquisition of wealth from various sources.

fourth point

The next sign of wealth is a recess in the form of a path between the nose and lips. This path is called the "Jewel of the Phoenix". Like a split chin or a dimple on it, it is considered a sign of beauty in China: the more noticeable the path, the better. The "specialty" of this point is eloquence both in oral and in writing. In other words: a person marked with this trait will achieve prosperity through the ability to speak or write persuasively and well.

Fifth point

The fifth point, indicating the likelihood of financial prosperity, is the mouth, which is considered the second "river" of the person. The shape of the mouth is considered favorable if the lips are soft and full. Regardless of size, the mouth should never look dry, as this indicates a loss of luck. Constantly wet lips are a sign of monetary luck.

In Chinese physiognomy, correcting imperfections in appearance with the help of cosmetics is considered quite effective way influence fate (just like in interior feng shui, you can use various objects to strengthen one or another sector of the home and neutralize "harmful arrows" flying through the window). Therefore, women are in an advantageous position - lipstick and balm will easily give their lips a wet shine and make them more plump, that is, "money".

sixth point

The next point is the second "mountain" of the face - the chin. Favorable is the eye-catching shape of the chin. It is very good if it is bifurcated or if it has a dimple. A strong, large chin also speaks of a long life, and a sloping or limp chin is, according to the Chinese, a sign of misfortune in old age. It can also be a sign of premature death.

seventh point

The eyes are the seventh wealth point. It indicates great material luck if they are shiny and slightly wet, but what shape or size they have does not really matter. It is also important that the eyebrows must be thick and preferably arched. Whatever the fashion, eyebrows should never be plucked. When there are no eyebrows on the face, a person cannot climb the ladder of success.

If one eye is smaller than the other, it's a good idea to use cosmetics such as eyeliner to correct this deficiency.

eighth point

The eighth point of wealth on the face is the cheekbones. When they protrude and seem smooth and ruddy, this is one of the surest signs that great luck in financial affairs should soon appear. The cheekbones should always have flesh, they should not be bony, as this will indicate excessive aggressiveness and inability to get along with people. Cheekbones are considered to be well shaped if they can be pinched.

Ninth point

The last point is the ears. They shouldn't be bulging. A favorable sign is a plump, well-formed lobe, the cut of which reaches the cartilage itself. Such ears, in addition to material prosperity, also promise the acquisition of wisdom. published

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The fact that a person's appearance can tell a lot about him - about his character, habits, mood - has long been an established fact. Is it possible to discern a predisposition to wealth by individual external signs? It turns out you can.

Centuries-old observations have allowed people to identify several "marks of wealth" on the body, indicating the special luck of their owners.

1. Moles
An indispensable sign of wealth is the presence a large number moles on the body. True sign counts mole on the top of the ear . Also, possible wealth and generosity are indicated by moles located on right eyebrow, on the armpits and on one of the hands, but not on the fingers. Mole on the chin some people also interpret it as a sign of wealth. Mole on upper lip , as well as on the upper lip are interpreted by many as an omen of wealth acquired through inheritance or happy marriage. Mole with right side groin predicts wealth and success, but they are likely to be accompanied by illness.

2. Ears
To some extent, people whose ears are close to the head, above the level of the eyebrows, having a long lobe and a hard outer rim, have more luck in getting money.

3. Nose
Since ancient times, the Chinese have paid special attention to the nose, considering it the most informative part of the face in terms of future wealth. According to them, not every nose is able to bring money to its owner. The most favorable in terms of acquiring wealth is considered large, straight nose with a full, round tip, fleshy wings and non-protruding nostrils . The tip of the nose, intensely covered with yellow spots, promises a person unexpected wealth.

4. Teeth
The most likely sign of good luck, health, fame and rich life are the so-called "horse teeth" - large, white color, approximately the same in size, well adjacent to each other, without gaps and curvature.

5. Hand lines
Palmists are unanimous in their opinion that the hallmark of material well-being on a person’s hand is a triangle formed by the lines of Mind, Fate and Health. He is even called "triangle of money" . The larger and clearly defined it is, the better for a person. If there are other small lines and triangles inside such a triangle, then this clearly indicates different sources income. Thin lines-twigs extending from the line of the Head towards the hill of Mercury characterize a person who knows and knows how to make money. A sign of easy incoming money are small triangles directed at an acute angle towards the thumb. The possibility of receiving an inheritance can be determined by the line running from the gap between the ring finger and little finger to the middle of the palm.

Of course, the given instructions are not an absolute given. "Marks of wealth" rather indicate special opportunities, hidden potential. You should not think that if this or that sign of wealth was found on the body, then this will certainly lead you to it. As well as the absence of such signs should not be considered as a symbol of total bad luck. In general, with any diagnosis, including visual, all signs should be taken into account. And in this case, for sure, among them there will be those who will have the exact opposite meaning.

Everything depends only on the person himself - on his thinking, worldview, strength of desires and will, actions and faith in his own strength. And the “marks of wealth” on the body are just small hints of fate.

The subtle signals on your face let other people know at a glance how rich or poor you are.

A new study has shown that neutral facial expressions are a fairly reliable indicator of a person's economic status and may even act as a "self-fulfilling prophecy" that affects social interactions and success in the job market.

At the same time, according to scientists, a smile and other emotionally charged expressions mask social status, making less noticeable the “remnants” of emotions and life experiences that have been “imprinted” on the face over the years.

The best sketches of the "rich" (C) and "poor" (D). Image: Daily Mail

According to scientists from the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto, this first sight phenomenon can make people biased. After all, richer faces are considered more likely job candidates than people with poorer faces, the researchers explain.

“This indicates that something as subtle as signals of your social status on your face can actually perpetuate it,” says Tora Bjornsdottir. “These first impressions can be a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Which will affect your interactions and opportunities.”

During the study, the researchers asked volunteers to pose for photographs with neutral facial expressions. At the same time, volunteers were sorted into groups, depending on the total annual family income: less than 60 thousand dollars or more than 100 thousand dollars, with 75 thousand dollars considered an intermediate option.

The other participants in the experiment were then asked to look at the pictures and indicate which ones were "rich or poor" based on intuition alone.


The scientists found that participants were able to sort faces with about 53 percent accuracy. This, they argue, is above random selection.

The study also showed that this ability only applies to neutral facial expressions, and not to emotionally charged ones, such as smiling.

As a result, they suggest that emotions are able to hide expressions that are "imprinted" on the face throughout life. Scientists believe that such a "mask" is visible already in late adolescence or early adulthood.

After all, the "leftovers" of certain emotions, such as frequent happiness, are usually associated with wealth and satisfaction.

“Over time, your face has to constantly reflect and reveal your experiences,” says Associate Professor Nicholas Rule. “Even when we think we are not expressing anything, remnants of those emotions still exist.”

“We see that students who are only 18-22 years old have already accumulated enough life experience to visibly change and shape their faces to the point where you can tell what their socioeconomic position or social status is,” Roulet says.


Moreover, scientists say that this phenomenon does not depend on race and gender, or even on how long the participants looked at the photos. And these findings are related to the expectations of non-verbal behavior.

“There are neurons in the brain that are specialized for face recognition,” Rule says. The face is the first thing you notice when you look at someone. We see faces in the clouds, we see faces on toast."

“We kind of try to look for fake stimuli everywhere. And that's what people find very quickly... And they're consistent, which makes them statistically significant."

According to the scientists, judgments based on facial "residues" may play a role in perpetuating class bias and, in turn, reproducing the socioeconomic cycle.

“People don’t know what signals they use when they make these judgments,” Bjornsdottir said. If you ask them why, they don't know. They don't know how they do it."

“People are talking about the cycle of poverty and this could potentially contribute to this phenomenon,” Rule says.

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Sometimes we don’t even realize that little things can give out our true essence. But in fact, not all people in Everyday life notice them.

We are in site collected habits that can tell a lot about our character. And at the end we have prepared an unexpected bonus for you.

1. Shopping

Most buyers can be divided into two types. The former actively study labels and demand as much as possible more details before buying something. These are curious people who want to get to the bottom of everything.

The second prefer not to waste time in vain and are limited to superficial information. They can be called frivolous.

These types act similarly in other life situations. Rest assured that the inquisitive will know your entire life story before they get to know you better. Serious, most likely, even important nuances will pass by the ears.

2. Desire to wear a watch

People who wear at least a year Wrist Watch, are usually more punctual and conscientious than those who prefer to refuse this accessory.

In addition, the watch may indicate your low openness and introversion, but more stable emotional stability, unlike people who do not wear a watch.

3. Eating habits

Eating habits can tell a lot about a person's character. So, impulsive, less open and less conscientious people prefer sweet wine and very rarely eat fruit.

At the same time open, calmer and more conscientious drink dry wine more often and happy to include fruits in their diet.

4. Words

The words we use in everyday life characterize our personality. And it doesn't matter if we say them out loud or write them in a text message.

Anxious and emotionally unstable people tend to use words associated with negative emotions. Extroverts prefer words that describe positive emotions. Conscientious people are more likely to use words from the realm of achievement. And open people usually speak in long words and phrases where a more concise synonym can be found.

5. Musical preferences

What kind of music you like to listen to can tell others about the peculiarities of your psyche, since music has a long-term effect on the brain.

People who prefer sad or aggressive music to express their emotions are usually restless and nervous.

People who prefer upbeat or calm music are happier. This is due to the fact that the very process of listening to such music is uplifting and has a long-term effect.

6. Household chores

People who enjoy ironing, washing dishes and playing with children are more pleasant to talk to. than those who don't like doing it. For them, the happiness of others is important. Therefore, they prefer household chores to internal irritation from household trifles. They can also be called more introverted.

Extroverts, on the other hand, usually do not like to do household chores and prefer to relax or meet with friends.