What are the types of speech? Types of speech and their characteristics. Speech: classification of speech, types and styles of speech

  • 04.03.2021

Types of speech in Russian

Depending on the content of the statement, our speech can be divided into description, narration, reasoning. Each type of speech has distinctive features. According to the functional semantic features in the Russian language, the following types of speech are distinguished:

narration. Transfers the action in development in time sequence.description. Characterizes static paintings, conveys their details.reasoning. It conveys the development of thought regarding the subject of thought.You can read about speech styles in another article. Now let's look at each type separately.Description - this is an image of any phenomenon of reality, an object, a person by listing and disclosing its main features. For example, when describing a portrait, we will point to such features as height, posture, gait, hair color, eyes, age, smile, etc.; the description of the room will contain such features as size, wall decoration, furniture features, number of windows, etc.; when describing a landscape, these features will be trees, a river, grass, a sky or a lake, etc. Common to all types of description is the simultaneity of the manifestation of features. The purpose of the description is for the reader to see the subject of the description, to present it in his mind.The description can be used in any style of speech, but in the scientific description of the subject it should be as complete as possible, and in the artistic one the emphasis is only on the brightest details. Therefore, linguistic means in the scientific and artistic style are more diverse than in the scientific one: there are not only adjectives and nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, comparisons, various figurative uses of words are very common.

Examples of descriptions in scientific and artistic style.1. Apple tree - ranet purple - frost-resistant variety. The fruits are rounded, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight 17-23 g. Medium juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

2. Linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through an apple in the sun, it shone through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear, you could hear the seeds rattling.

Narration - this is a story, a message about an event in its temporal sequence. The peculiarity of the narrative is that it talks about actions following one after another. For all narrative texts, the beginning of the event (outset), the development of the event, the end of the event (denouement) are common. The story can be told in a third person.This is the author's story.It can also come from the first person: the narrator is named or indicated by the personal pronoun I.

In such texts, verbs in the form of the past tense of the perfect form are often used. But, in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used simultaneously with them: the verb in the form of the past tense of the imperfect form makes it possible to single out one of the actions, denoting its duration; present tense verbs make it possible to present actions as if taking place before the eyes of the reader or listener; forms of the future tense with a particle like (how to jump), as well as forms like clap, jump help to convey the swiftness, surprise of this or that action. Narration as a type of speech is very common in such genres as memoirs, letters.


I began to stroke Yashkin's paw and I think: just like a baby's. And tickled his hand. And the baby somehow pulls his paw - and me on the cheek. I did not even have time to blink, but he slapped me in the face and jumped under the table. Sat down and grins. reasoning - this is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought.

The composition of the reasoning is as follows: the first part is a thesis, that is, a thought that must be logically proved, substantiated or refuted; the second part is the rationale for the expressed thought, evidence, arguments, supported by examples; the third part is the conclusion, the conclusion.

The thesis must be clearly provable, clearly articulated, the arguments are convincing and in sufficient quantity to confirm the thesis put forward. Between the thesis and arguments (as well as between individual arguments) there must be a logical and grammatical connection. For a grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments, introductory words are often used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way. In the reasoning text, sentences with conjunctions however, although, despite the fact that, because, are widely used. Reasoning example:The development of the meanings of a word usually goes from the particular (concrete) to the general (abstract). Let's think about the literal meaning of such, for example, words as education, disgust, previous. Education literally means feeding, disgust - turning away (from an unpleasant person or object), the previous one - going ahead.

The words-terms denoting abstract mathematical concepts: “segment”, “tangent”, “point”, originated from very specific action verbs: cut, touch, stick (poke). In all these cases, the original concrete meaning acquires a more abstract meaning in the language.See also the article on description, narration and reasoning.

Speech: types and forms of speech

The human language exists in the form of separate languages ​​- Russian, English, Chinese and many others. Well, in what form does each separate language exist? Of course, not in the form of dictionaries and grammars compiled by scientists. After all, dictionaries and grammars are not compiled for all languages. Where they are compiled, even the best of them obviously give only a more or less approximate and far from complete reflection of what exists in the language objectively, i.e., independently of the scientists who describe it. We can say that the language exists in the minds of its speakers. But even such an answer cannot satisfy us. Let us consider how language arises in the mind of each individual. We have already said that it is not "innate", inherited. The term "native language" does not mean "innate", but only "acquired in early childhood". Language penetrates into the consciousness of each person, of course, “from outside”, penetrates because this language is used by other people around. Following their example, this person himself begins to use it from childhood. And, on the other hand, the language is gradually forgotten, and in the end completely disappears from memory (even the native language), if a person for some reason stops using it. From all this it is clear that one can speak of the true existence of a language only insofar as it is used. Language exists as a living language because it functions. And it functions in speech, in statements, in speech acts.

Speech is a historically established form of communication between people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules. The process of speech involves, on the one hand, the formation and formulation of thoughts by language (speech) means, and on the other hand, the perception of language structures and their understanding.

There are two forms of speech:

oral speech;

written speech.

The types of speech are:

    speaking - sending sound signals that carry information;

    listening - perception of sound signals and their understanding;

    writing - the use of visible graphic symbols to convey a message;

    reading - the perception of graphic symbols and their understanding.

Understanding the basics of speech, its structure and origins is very important. A grade 2 student who knows what types of speech exist in the Russian language, can correctly explain their features and understands why it takes certain forms, can rightfully consider that he has laid the foundation for competently expressing his thoughts. So, there are three main types of speech - oral, written and internal.

Types and functions of speech

Oral speech is the one that is spoken, said. People hear her. And its main function is communication, that is, the transfer of information from one person to another.

The word "oral" comes from the Old Russian "mouth" - this is how the lips used to be called. That is, from the name itself it is already clear what kind of speech it is.

The second type of speech is written. From its name it is also clear that this is what is written using letters and other signs. That is, everything that we read and write belongs to this species. It can also happen to communicate between people, but also performs other functions. So, it is necessary for fixing information and expressing thoughts.

Inner speech is speech “to oneself”, a very special speech variety. Its functional features lie in the fact that with its help a person only fixes the knowledge that he has received. It also helps organize thoughts. It is used when a person is not thinking or reading aloud.

Inner speech is always passages and fragments. It differs in that it is possible to move from it to oral or written, having previously formulated the thought more logically and coherently.

What forms of speech exist in Russian?

There are several basic forms of speech that are directly related to its types. And the first is speaking, that is, the form that oral speech takes. When a person speaks, he expresses his thoughts with the help of words spoken aloud. In this way, he conveys information to one or more people with whom he speaks. But speaking is not necessarily a dialogue - it can be a public speech, a speech by an announcer on television, and so on. In writing, it is expressed with the help of direct speech, but it only conveys what was said, not being speaking.

Written form is speech in writing. But if the written form of speech is not only a fixation, but also a reading of what is written, then in forms, reading is allocated to another category.

Thus, there are three forms in total, as well as types, but such a type as written speech includes two forms - writing and reading.

Examples of different types of speech

To better understand the topic, it is worth considering the varieties of speech with examples. So, oral speech is a conversation with mom, an answer in a lesson, a teacher’s story, replicas of characters in a film, and so on.

Written - this is a summary of the lesson, an essay, even a note on the refrigerator. By the way, when a person types on a typewriter or computer, this is also a written form of speech.

Previously, in order to write down their thoughts, people used pictograms - these are special symbols. Today, letters are mainly used for this, but in some countries (such as Japan, China, Korea and others), written speech is transmitted using hieroglyphs.

Inner speech is any thoughts a person has, whether he is thinking about his favorite cake or about how to retell a book in a literature class.

What have we learned?

In the Russian language, according to linguists, there are three types of speech - written, oral and internal (it is also “to itself”). They are needed in order to communicate with other people, record information on paper or in a special program, bring information from the system, think, as well as read and listen.

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Oral and written forms of speech

As already mentioned, the modern Russian literary language functions in two forms - oral and written. Oral speech is primary, written speech is secondary. For written speech, there are special graphic signs that convey elements of sounding speech. Any literary language has both forms, but not all national languages ​​have a written form, for some of them the oral form remains the only form of existence.

Written and oral forms of speech differ in a number of ways.

1. By the presence of the addressee. Written speech is addressed to everyone and everyone individually, in other words, to the absent, since the writer does not see a specific reader; oral speech implies the presence at the moment of speech realization of the interlocutor, the listener.

2. According to the form of implementation. Written speech is graphically designed, it obeys the norms of written speech (spelling, punctuation); oral speech sounding, subject to intonational norms and norms of orthoepy.

3. By the nature of generation. Written speech can be improved, edited repeatedly; oral speech is spontaneous, it is formulated in the presence of the addressee, at once, even if it is carefully thought out beforehand.

4. In relation to the addressee. Written speech is created in the absence of an addressee who cannot have any influence on the writer; oral speech is realized in the direct presence of the addressee, who can influence the speaker, correct him, prompting him to change the form or content of speech.

5. By the time of existence. Printed (written) sources have an almost unlimited "lifetime"; oral speech (even if it is preserved in a quality recording) tends to be corrupted and lost.

Traditionally, the close relationship and close interaction of oral and written forms of speech is recognized. In the 80s of the twentieth century, the state of the Russian literary language was characterized by the fact that the leading role remained with the written and literary variety. As for the situation at the beginning of the 21st century, it has changed significantly: there is a strong influence of the elements of oral speech on written speech. This is manifested in the widespread use of elements of oral speech in book and written sources (especially in the press and in fiction), for example, colloquial, colloquial and other layers of reduced vocabulary.

Despite the fact that in oral speech “all changes in the language are forged” (L.V. Shcherba), the priority of the written basis of the Russian literary language remains, since with the competition of forms, the form that is supported by writing, literary and book tradition has more chances to survive.

The form of speech (oral or written) affects the selection of language material (grammatical, lexical). Depending on what language material (words, grammatical structures) speech is built from, it acquires a bookish or colloquial character. Book and colloquial speech exists in oral and written forms.

Book speech serves the political, legislative, scientific spheres of communication, and colloquial speech is used in a semi-official setting, as well as in the everyday sphere of communication.

Book speech is built in accordance with the norms of the literary language, violation of the norms in book speech is considered unacceptable and is assessed as an error. Following the literary norm is manifested at different language levels. The most noticeable differences between book and colloquial speech are manifested at the level of vocabulary.

The main composition of book speech is neutral vocabulary. It is found in any kind of speech: in oral conversation, and in textbooks, and in scientific articles, and in various genres of fiction and newspapers. In dictionaries, such words are not provided with marks: man, table, clock, city, country, TV, lecture, theatre, work, walk, ride and others. Neutral vocabulary is represented by all grammatical categories of words (parts of speech). Neutral vocabulary is the basis of the vocabulary of the language and the background against which the words "written speech" and the words "oral speech" stand out.

The vocabulary of book speech includes words that are used in written varieties of the literary language: in scientific articles, textbooks, business papers, in official documents and are not used in casual conversations, in everyday speech.

The vocabulary of written speech is represented by 3 groups of words:

1) book vocabulary, 2) high vocabulary, 3) official vocabulary.

Book words give speech a general "bookish" sound. The “bookishness” is most pronounced in borrowed words denoting abstract concepts: indifferent, confidential, conjuncture, alternative and others. Words from the Old Slavonic language have a bookish sound: very, truly, during, in continuation, due to the fact that, since - insofar as as well as nouns with suffixes –ani(e), -eni(e): collection, emergence, penetration, disappearance and etc.

High vocabulary has a touch of elation, often solemnity: chosen one, creator, death, accomplishment, fatherland, associate, sovereign, unforgettable, transform, predestinate, erect etc. It is used when it comes to significant events.

Official vocabulary used in documents: accrual, due, location, competition (positions, positions) and etc.

Book vocabulary is used in all written varieties of speech: in textbooks, in journalism, in scientific articles, in newspaper materials, etc. It is necessary to use book words sparingly and only in cases where it is impossible to replace it with simpler neutral words. The abuse of bookish vocabulary can give a written text a dry or unnatural character.

The vocabulary of oral speech includes words that are characteristic primarily for casual conversation. However, the vocabulary of casual conversation is also based on neutral vocabulary.

Among the words of oral speech, colloquial vocabulary and colloquial vocabulary are distinguished. Colloquial vocabulary is divided into literary colloquial and colloquial everyday. Literary and colloquial words include such words that, compared with neutral, on the one hand, and bookish, on the other, have a certain shade of reducedness, but in general they are acceptable in all forms of speech. For example, words correspondent, evening party, pick up, celebrate housewarming, etc.

Colloquial everyday words are used in everyday communication. They do not violate the generally accepted language forms, but their use, for example, in official business and scientific styles would be inappropriate. Often they have additional coloring: disapproving, playfully familiar (for example, minion, anonymous, troublemaker and etc.). This also includes words with diminutive suffixes and suffixes of subjective evaluation, for example: cucumber, carrot, shoe, light, liar)

Colloquial words differ from the actual colloquial vocabulary, which are even more reduced in their expressive and stylistic coloring. Some of them are within the limits of literary use and come close to colloquial words (for example, joker, smack), others have a pronounced negative meaning and are outside the boundaries of literary use, for example: swindle, dunce, buzzer etc. This also includes vulgar and swear words. Compare: neutral . hand, unfold pen, simple. paw; neutral .skip, unfold . blink, simple . miss; neutral smart, unfold . smart, simple . brainy.

Characterizing the modern language situation, linguists note the increased use of elements of vernacular in unusual, previously uncharacteristic areas of communication - in the media, in official speech, in journalism, in the author's narrative of literary texts. Modern vernacular is “(and first of all) a special functional variety of the Russian language, a specific sphere of everyday, oral-colloquial, non-literary, mostly expressive and often vulgar communication, involving the deliberate use of non-normative units with certain communicative attitudes” (V.V. Chemist). In common speech, the non-literary speech of poorly educated urban residents, regional dialects, partly colloquial form of the literary language, and professional speech interact in a difficult way. With regard to syntax, vernacular cannot be clearly distinguished from the colloquial form of the literary language. Of course, vernacular are those linguistic means that are either colored by the expression of emphasized rudeness, or clearly contradict the literary norm, are perceived as definitely wrong (V.V. Khimik. Modern Russian vernacular as a dynamic system, St. Petersburg, 1998). Interestingly, researchers distinguish 2 types of vernacular: "old" and "young". The bearer of the first is older citizens who do not have education, the bearer of the second is the citizens of middle and young age, who have incomplete secondary education and do not know the norms of the literary language, their speech contains a lot of jargon. Currently, both varieties are called "urban vernacular".

Differences between oral and written speech manifest themselves not only at the level of vocabulary, but also in grammar. For example, differences at the level of syntax are manifested in the use of different syntactic constructions: in written speech, participial and participial phrases are widely used, complex sentences with complex conjunctions that have a book shade ( because, since, because, if ..., then; not only but; while, not only, but also), constructions with "bookish" prepositions (because of, as a result of, as a result of). At the same time, in oral speech, the above constructions are either not used at all (for example, participial and adverbial constructions), or are used in a limited amount, or are replaced by other structures (for example, subordinate clauses).

Summarizing the above, we note that when implementing each of the forms of speech, depending on what language material is used, you can get a variety of options. So, for example, if a scientist writes an article for a scientific journal, he uses book speech in writing. Speaking at the conference, the scientist uses book speech orally. When telling a colleague about the conference in a letter, the scientist uses the written form of colloquial speech, and at home, with his family, he resorts to the oral form of colloquial speech.

At the same time, one should not forget that book-written speech is built in accordance with the norms of the literary language, the violation of which is unacceptable. Oral speech is not so strict in compliance with the rules.

We can write, read, speak and listen. What are these skills and how do they differ? In psychology, there are two main types of speech and several forms of their manifestation. Read on to find out how it looks in practice and how they differ.

Human speech manifests itself in various forms, but all of them, from a psychological point of view, refer to external and internal forms.

External are oral and written forms of communication.

In the first version, the words can be heard and said, leaving the information in the head and space. The second option implies that the same information will be recorded using hieroglyphs, that is, alphabetic characters - each language has its own.

Oral speech.

Depending on the number of people taking part in the communicative act, there are two ways of exchanging information.

1. Dialogue.

A conversation is the most common form of oral speech, which is also called a dialogue (when there are two participants), or a polylogue (when many interlocutors take part).

Dialogue Features:

  • Conditional brevity, conciseness of remarks;
  • Syntactically correct sentences are rare;
  • Phrases have an unspoken character;
  • Actively used facial expressions, gestures;
  • Feedback, exchange of emotions;
  • Assessment of the situation "online";
  • The use of vocabulary characteristic of everyday style;
  • The possibility of an unexpected ending.

2. Monologue.

When a speech comes from only one person and is addressed to him or other silent listeners, it is called a monologue (from the Greek "mono" - one).

This term is used in dramaturgy, literature, linguistics, acquiring different semantic shades in each of them.

Most often, a monologue can be found while listening to a lecturer, speaker, politician, or actor on the theater stage.
Unlike dialogue, a monologue requires the communicator to:

  • Coherent presentation of thoughts;
  • Logical, intelligibly constructing speech;
  • Compliance with literary norms and rules of the language;
  • Accounting for the individual characteristics of the audience;
  • permanent;
  • Thoughtful facial expressions, gestures.

Active and passive perception of the oral form of speech.

Psycholinguists (researchers of the mutual influence of language, consciousness and thinking) found out that when we listen, we almost always repeat to ourselves the words spoken by someone. This can be called the “parrot effect”, in which the main types of speech are combined. We succumb to its influence unconsciously.

If the words of the interlocutor resonate in ours, we take an active position as a listener, spontaneously saying out loud what we want to say right now.

The passive form implies the repetition of the interlocutor's phrases to oneself.

An adult person equally owns both forms. And children first learn to perceive the words of others, and only after that they decide to repeat certain sounds after them. The level of development of these forms depends on individual characteristics, life experience, and other factors.

Written speech.

The main difference between written speech is the presence of a material carrier. His role was once played by blocks of stone, fixing the hieroglyphs of the first people. Then there was parchment, annals, books, and now information is mostly stored on flash drives or hard drives, and special programs recognize it.

The development of progress gave impetus to overcoming the barrier in communication. Social networks, Viber, Skype, Telegram and other applications make the exchange of information a continuous process. Recent studies have even shown that we spend three times less time on “live” communication than on virtual ones.

Despite the fact that it is psychologically easier to conduct a conversation with signs, it is still a more complex form, since it requires special concentration and the fulfillment of a number of conditions.

Let's do an experiment.

To do this, you need to ask friends to communicate with each other in letters on any common topic (weather, pies or bad roads). When the conversation reaches a climax, you should continue it orally, recording the remarks on the recorder.

In fact, our "lexical deficiencies" appear in both types of speech. But they can be clearly seen only in the external.

Psychological features of the written form of communication:

  • Constant concentration;
  • Compliance with the rules of spelling, style, and other norms;
  • Difficulty in conveying feelings or (in informal correspondence, you can use "smilies");
  • The ability to think over proposals or edit already written ones;
  • No instant feedback.

Inner speech.

The basis of our thinking, as well as any action, is inner speech. It is its presence that distinguishes us from animals, which can also think a little or be aware of something. We are all in fact in constant dialogue with our inner "I". Moreover, our consciousness is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to stop the uninterrupted flow of thoughts.

An internal monologue can upset us, cheer us up, convince us, or inspire something. It is characterized by fragmentation, dynamics, fragmentation, understatement.

In most cases, you don’t need to look for a topic for talking with yourself - it appears by itself.
For example, a person, returning from a store, heard someone say: “What a nightmare!”. Immediately, his associative array appears in his head: “What a nightmare! What a nightmare to go back to work tomorrow. They promised a test… We need to prepare well…”

Alternative types of speech: kinetic.

A person mastered the ability to transmit information by moving parts of the body even earlier than he learned to scratch out some signs. This is the most ancient way to understand each other. With the advent of words, we have ceased to use gestures as the main means of communication. Most turn to them as an auxiliary opportunity to express their emotions.

Kinetic speech remains the main form of communication for deaf and dumb people. Modern techniques have made the sign system as perfect as possible for conversation, reading special books, and the ability to write down thoughts.

Communication is a multifaceted phenomenon. One of its components is speech. The classification of speech is therefore quite complex and has many different bases. Let's consider the main ones.

What is she like

A classification of types of speech may exist according to the form in which information is exchanged. That is, speech can be oral (using sounds) or written (using special characters).

If we focus on the number of participants in communication, then it can be divided into monological, dialogic and polylogical. The style of speech depends on the area of ​​communication in which it functions, and can be scientific, journalistic, official business, artistic or colloquial.

The classification of speech forms according to compositional-structural features, as well as by content-semantic features, refers any of its types either to description, or to narration, or to reasoning. Let's take a closer look at each of these divisions.

Language and speech. Oral and written speech

Under oral speech (a form opposed to its written variety) is meant spoken speech, that is, sounding. It refers to the primary forms of existence of any language.

Written speech is understood as that speech that is depicted on a physical medium - paper, canvas, parchment, etc., using graphic signs of writing designed specifically for this. Historically, it appeared later than the oral one.

The form in which the Russian language mainly exists is called literary speech. Its main feature is the conscious use of means of communication with a focus on compliance with specific norms and rules. They are given in reference books, dictionaries and textbooks. Norms are taught in schools, cultural institutions and the media.

In the conditions of real communications, written and oral speech constantly intersect, interact and penetrate one another. Some of the genres related to written speech are subsequently voiced - these are public speaking (including speech lessons) or dramaturgy. A literary work very often contains such samples in the form of monologues and dialogues of characters.

What is good about speaking

The most important advantage of oral speech over written is the ability to instantly transfer information. The difference between these two forms also lies in the fact that oral dialogue most often allows participants to see each other and correct the content and form of what is said depending on the reaction of the interlocutor.

Designed to be perceived by the human ear, oral speech does not need an exact literal reproduction. In case of such a need, it is necessary to use certain technical means. At the same time, everything is pronounced "clean", without preliminary amendments.

Communicating in writing, the author of the speech does not have the opportunity to provide feedback with his addressee. Therefore, the reaction of the latter has little effect. The reader subsequently has the opportunity to return to individual postulates any number of times, and the writer has the time and means to correct and supplement what is written.

The advantage of written communication is a more accurate and fixed presentation of information, the possibility of transmitting it in future times. Written speech is the basis of scientific and any business activity.

Its other features...

Sound waves emitted by the human speech apparatus serve as a material form reproduced in writing using the letters of the alphabet in oral speech. Thanks to this, all the richness of intonation possibilities is inherent in it. The means of forming intonation are the intensity, pace of conversation, sound timbre, etc. Much in it depends on the clarity of pronunciation, the placement of logical stresses, and the duration of pauses.

Important characteristics of oral speech are spontaneity, multi-channel and irreversibility. The origin of thought and its expression in this case occurs almost simultaneously. Depending on the speaker's speech experience and other circumstances, oral speech may be characterized by smoothness or discontinuity, fragmentation.

...and views

Focusing on the reaction of the listeners, the speaker can highlight the most important points, use comments, clarifications and repetitions. These features most of all characterize unprepared oral speech. The classification of speech on this basis opposes it to another - prepared, existing in the form of lectures or reports.

This form is characterized by a clear structure, thoughtfulness. In a spontaneously pronounced text, characteristic of unprepared oral speech, there are many pauses, repetitions of individual words and sounds that do not carry any meaning (such as "uh", "here", "means"), the constructions intended for pronunciation sometimes break down. In such a speech, there are more speech errors, short, incomplete and not always correct sentences, fewer participial and participle turns.

According to functional varieties, the types of oral speech also differ. It can be scientific, journalistic, artistic, colloquial, as well as used in the official business sphere.

About writing

Written speech is not intended for a specific interlocutor and depends entirely on the writer. As already noted, it arose at a historically later stage in the development of mankind and exists in the form of an artificially created sign system designed to fix the pronounced sounds. That is, the signs for designating the emitted sounds serve as its material carriers.

Unlike oral, written speech not only serves for direct communication, but also allows you to assimilate and perceive the knowledge accumulated throughout the development of the entire human society. Such speech is a means of communication in cases where direct dialogue is impossible, when the interlocutors are separated by time or space.

Signs of written speech

The exchange of messages in writing began already in ancient times. Nowadays, the role of writing has been reduced with the development of modern technologies (for example, the telephone), but with the invention of the Internet, as well as facsimile messages, forms of such speech have again been in demand.

Its main property can be considered the ability of long-term storage of transmitted information. The main sign of use is a strictly regulated bookish language. The main units of written speech are sentences, the task of which is to express logical semantic connections of a rather complex level.

That is why in written speech there are always well-thought-out sentences, it is characterized by a fixed word order. Such speech is not inherent in inversion, that is, the use of words in the reverse order. In some cases, this is completely unacceptable. Written speech focuses on visual perception, and therefore it is clearly structured - the pages are numbered, the text is divided into paragraphs and chapters, different types of fonts are used, etc.

Monologue and dialogue. Examples and essence of concepts

Classification of speech by the number of participants was undertaken in ancient times. The division into dialogues and monologues was used in such areas as logic, rhetoric, and philosophy. The term "polylogue" originated at the end of the 20th century and denotes a conversation involving more than two persons.

Such a form as a dialogue is characterized by the alternating statement of both interlocutors in direct connection with a specific situation. The utterances themselves are called replicas. According to the semantic load, the dialogue is an exchange of opinions that depend on each other.

The entire dialogue and any of its parts can be perceived as a separate text act. The structure of the dialogue includes parts called the beginning, the basis and the ending. As the first of them, generally accepted forms of speech etiquette are used, a greeting or an introductory remark in the form of a question or judgment.

What is the dialogue

The main part can be from very short to very long. Any dialogue tends to be continued. As an ending, replicas of consent, an answer, or standard speech etiquette ("goodbye" or "all the best") are used.

In the sphere of colloquial speech, dialogue is considered everyday and is conducted using colloquial vocabulary. Not the most successful choice of words, repetitions, deviation from literary norms are allowed here. Such a dialogue is characterized by emotions and expression, unevenness, variety of topics, deviation from the main line of discussion.

Dialogue is also found in literary sources. Examples are the communication of heroes, a novel in letters, or a genuine correspondence of historical figures.

It may or may not be informative. In the latter case, it consists mainly of speech forms and does not contain useful information. An informative dialogue is characterized by the need for communication in order to obtain new data.

Let's talk about monologues

What is a monologue? Examples of it are not rare. This term refers to the statement of someone in an expanded form, intended for himself or others and having some organization in the sense of composition and completeness. In a work of art, a monologue can become an integral component or an independent unit - for example, in the form of a solo performance.

In public life, in the form of a monologue, the speeches of orators, lecturers, speeches of radio and television announcers are practiced. Monologues are most characteristic of book speech in oral form (speeches in courts, lectures, reports), but it may not have a specific listener as its addressee and not imply a response.

According to the purpose of the statement, this form of speech refers either to information, or to persuading, or to inciting. Information is a monologue that conveys knowledge. Examples - all the same lectures, reports, reports or speeches. Persuasive speech is focused on the emotions of those who will listen to it. These are congratulations, parting words, etc.

Motivating speech, as the name implies, is designed to move listeners to certain actions. Examples include appeals, protests and speeches by politicians.

Polylogue - what kind of animal?

The classification of speech styles has recently (the end of the last century) been supplemented by the concept of polylogue. Even among linguists, it has not yet become widespread. This is a conversation of several people at once. Situationally, it is closer to a dialogue, as it unites listeners and speakers. There is a polylogue in the form of discussions, conversations, games, meetings. There is an exchange of information contributed by everyone, and everyone is aware of what is at stake.

The rules by which the polylogue is built are as follows: the participants are required to speak convincingly and briefly enough, everyone who composes it is obliged to follow the plot of the discussion and be attentive, it is customary to ask questions and clarify incomprehensible points, as well as make the necessary objections. The polylogue should be conducted in a correct and friendly manner.

Different types of texts

According to the functions performed, there is also a different speech. The classification of speech on this basis divides it into texts reflecting the actual reality and those that contain thoughts and reasoning about it. Depending on the meaning, any of them can be classified as narrative, descriptive and pertaining to reasoning.

The descriptions depict any phenomenon with a list of the signs inherent in it. It can be portrait, landscape, interior, domestic, scientific, etc. It is inherent in static, and it is built on the main starting point contained in the subject itself or its separate part. Thought develops by adding new features to what has been said.

The type called narrative is a story about events and actions that take place over time. Its composition includes a plot with subsequent development, continuation, climax and ends with a denouement.

Reasoning is understood as confirmation and clarification of a certain thought or statement stated in words. The composition usually consists of the thesis, its proofs and final conclusions.

...and styles

Modern linguistics has streamlined the very concept of "speech". The classification of speech depending on the purpose of communication, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, is reduced to five different speech styles (everyday or colloquial, scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic). Thus, the conversational style is mainly involved in everyday life and in everyday communications. It is characterized by oral speech with a predominance of dialogues.

In the field of the scientific and technical sphere, with a description of various theories and technologies, the scientific style prevails - strictly verified and not allowing free speech. Official business is used in the legislative sphere and in any kind of formal communication. It is characterized by many fixed constructions, a significant predominance of written speech, a large number of monologues (reports, lectures, speeches, court speeches).

For the socio-political sphere, the journalistic style has always been and is being used, which often exists in the form of vivid emotionally colored monologues of an inciting nature.

Artistic style is subject to the sphere of art. Here the ball is ruled by a variety of expressions, a wealth of forms and linguistic means, strict official constructions are practically not found here.

The choice of genres and styles is dictated by the content of speech and the type of its communicative orientation, in other words, the purpose of communication. It is on them that the techniques that will be used in a dialogue or monologue, as well as the compositional structure of each specific speech, depend.